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Investigations on enamel microstructure provided new data for the debate on hippopotamid origin. Observations indicated a diversity of patterns relevant to phylogenetic inferences. Within Hippopotamoidea, the distribution of these patterns seems to be in favour of a hippopotamid origin within the Palaeogene African anthracotheres. Enamel microcharacters therefore prove to be particularly relevant for future phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily, and have implications for our understanding of ecological transitions within hippopotamoids at the end of the Miocene. Indeed, unlike equids or bovids, which developed grass feeding thanks to their hypsodont molars, hippopotamoids may have had another way to exploit this resource. The combination of inter‐row sheets, which appeared early in the evolutionary history of the group, and the increased thickness of radial enamel could have eased the consumption of highly abrasive graminoids. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Origins of Hippopotamidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla): towards resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The old debate on hippopotamid origins is still unresolved, balancing between two main phylogenetic hypotheses: origins within the Anthracotheriidae vs. origins within the Tayassuidae. The characters used in the literature to support one, the other, or both hypotheses were re-examined in light of a better known primitive hippopotamid morphology. A cladistic analysis was performed on the basis of these characters. On the one hand, although many features similar in hippopotamuses and anthracotheres appear to have evolved in parallel, the family Anthracotheriidae remains the best putative hippopotamus stem group on the basis of the reviewed characters. However, the precise identification of a stem group within this family is still uncertain. On the other hand, the lineage proposed in the tayassuid hypothesis should not be retained, being mostly based on some incorrect observations and without taking into account the derived or primitive nature of the features. The anatomic similarities seen between modern peccaries and Hippopotamus amphibius are the results of convergences between advanced species of both families.  相似文献   

Orliac, M. J., Antoine, P. ‐O., Ducrocq, S. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Suidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla): new insights on the relationships within Suoidea. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 315–330. In most analyses, both molecular and morphological phylogenies of the Cetartiodactyla support the monophyly of Suoidea. However, the evolutionary history of this superfamily remains poorly known primarily due to long‐lasting debates about the taxonomic content and relationships of the suoid families and subfamilies. Despite their crucial position in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla, Suoidea themselves have received little attention in those phylogenies, and no extensive analysis of the group has been performed so far. We therefore examine the phylogeny of the Suidae through the first phylogenetic analysis of Suoidea, including recent and fossil representatives of all four putative families. The results support the monophyly of the traditional suid subfamilies and indicate the Sanitheriidae as sister taxon to the Suidae clade. The evolutionary history within Suidae reveals its complexity, with major convergences involving important morphological structures such as the auditory region or the upper male canine. Divergent signals gathered from either dental or cranio‐mandibular features are responsible for two long‐lasting unresolved issues within Suoidea: the question of the relationships between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ peccaries remaining unsolved, as well as the position and familial status of the mid‐Tertiary tayassuid Perchoerus.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 76 species of Carnivora using a concatenated sequence of 6243 bp from six genes (nuclear TR-i-I, TBG, and IRBP; mitochondrial ND2, CYTB, and 12S rRNA), representing the most comprehensive sampling yet undertaken for reconstructing the phylogeny of this clade. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods were remarkably congruent in topologies observed and in nodal support measures. We recovered all of the higher level carnivoran clades that had been robustly supported in previous analyses (by analyses of morphological and molecular data), including the monophyly of Caniformia, Feliformia, Arctoidea, Pinnipedia, Musteloidea, Procyonidae + Mustelidae sensu stricto, and a clade of (Hyaenidae + (Herpestidae + Malagasy carnivorans)). All of the traditional "families," with the exception of Viverridae and Mustelidae, were robustly supported as monophyletic groups. We further have determined the relative positions of the major lineages within the Caniformia, which previous studies could not resolve, including the first robust support for the phylogenetic position of marine carnivorans (Pinnipedia) within the Arctoidea (as the sister-group to musteloids [sensu lato], with ursids as their sister group). Within the pinnipeds, Odobenidae (walrus) was more closely allied with otariids (sea lions/fur seals) than with phocids ("true" seals). In addition, we recovered a monophyletic clade of skunks and stink badgers (Mephitidae) and resolved the topology of musteloid interrelationships as: Ailurus (Mephitidae (Procyonidae, Mustelidae [sensu stricto])). This pattern of interrelationships of living caniforms suggests a novel inference that large body size may have been the primitive condition for Arctoidea, with secondary size reduction evolving later in some musteloids. Within Mustelidae, Bayesian analyses are unambiguous in supporting otter monophyly (Lutrinae), and in both MP and Bayesian analyses Martes is paraphyletic with respect to Gulo and Eira, as has been observed in some previous molecular studies. Within Feliformia, we have confirmed that Nandinia is the outgroup to all other extant feliforms, and that the Malagasy Carnivora are a monophyletic clade closely allied with the mongooses (Herpestidae [sensu stricto]). Although the monophyly of each of the three major feliform clades (Viverridae sensu stricto, Felidae, and the clade of Hyaenidae + (Herpestidae + Malagasy carnivorans)) is robust in all of our analyses, the relative phylogenetic positions of these three lineages is not resolvable at present. Our analyses document the monophyly of the "social mongooses," strengthening evidence for a single origin of eusociality within the Herpestidae. For a single caniform node, the position of pinnipeds relative to Ursidae and Musteloidea, parsimony analyses of data for the entire Carnivora did not replicate the robust support observed for both parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the caniform ingroup alone. More detailed analyses and these results demonstrate that outgroup choice can have a considerable effect on the strength of support for a particular topology. Therefore, the use of exemplar taxa as proxies for entire clades with diverse evolutionary histories should be approached with caution.The Bayesian analysis likelihood functions generally were better able to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships (increased resolution and more robust support for various nodes) than parsimony analyses when incompletely sampled taxa were included. Bayesian analyses were not immune, however, to the effects of missing data; lower resolution and support in those analyses likely arise from non-overlap of gene sequence data among less well-sampled taxa. These issues are a concern for similar studies, in which different gene sequences are concatenated in an effort to increase resolving power.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Rhinocerotoidea (Mammalia, Perissodactyla)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new phylogeny of the Superfamily Rhinocerotoidea is proposed, based upon an analysis of shared derived characters of the skull, teeth and skeleton. Hyrachyus is considered the primitive sister-taxon of the three rhinocerotoid families (Amynodontidae, Hyracodontidae, Rhinocerotidae), and the amynodonts appear to be the sister-group of hyracodonts and rhinocerotids. The relationships of primitive hyracodonts and rhinocerotids are clarified. Menoceras and Pleuroceras (new Subfamily Menoceratinae) are removed from the Diceratheriinae, since they appear to be more closely related to higher rhinoceroses than they are to Diceratherium. Of the three major monophyletic groups of higher rhinocerotids (aceratherines, teleoceratines and rhinocerotines), the last two groups are more closely related to each other than either is to aceratherines. Toxotherium and Schizotheroides are tentatively removed from the Rhinocerotoidea and placed in the Lophiodontidae.  相似文献   

Despite the biological and economic importance of the Cetartiodactyla, the phylogeny of this clade remains controversial. Using the supertree approach of matrix representation with parsimony, we present the first phylogeny to include all 290 extant species of the Cetacea (whales and dolphins) and Artiodactyla (even-toed hoofed mammals). At the family-level, the supertree is fully resolved. For example, the relationships among the Ruminantia appear as (((Cervidae, Moschidae) Bovidae) (Giraffidae, Antilocapridae) Tragulidae). However, due to either lack of phylogenetic study or contradictory information, polytomies occur within the clades Sus, Muntiacus, Cervus, Delphinidae, Ziphiidae and Bovidae. Complete species-level phylogenies are necessary for both illustrating and analysing biological, geographical and ecological patterns in an evolutionary framework. The present species-level tree of the Cetartiodactyla provides the first opportunity to examine comparative hypotheses across entirely aquatic and terrestrial species within a single mammalian order.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of Praesiricidae (Pamphilioidea), Decorisiricinae subfam.n. , is erected based on three new genera: Decorisiricius gen.n. , Limbisiricius gen.n. and Brevisiricius gen.n. Two new species – Decorisiricius patulus gen. et sp.n. and D. longus sp.n. – from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation and three species –Limbisiricius aequalis gen. et sp.n. , Limbisiricius complanatus sp.n. and Brevisiricius partialis gen. et sp.n. – from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation, are described. Based on these well‐preserved new fossil specimens and previously published data, the nonmonophyly of Praesiricidae is confirmed and the phylogenetic relationships of species of Praesiricidae are analysed for the first time. Two main clades within Praesiricidae are recognized from the cladistic analysis: Decorisiricinae subfam.n. forms a monophyletic lineage, with the remaining members of Praesiricidae plus Megalodontes (Megalodontesidae) forming its sister group. The two subfamilies Archoxyelydinae and Praesiricinae are discarded with no strong supported synapomorphic characters based on phylogenetic research. A key to all genera of Praesiricidae is provided. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:38D703ED‐127A‐4DB0‐8153‐8D78AF4AC212 .  相似文献   

The phylogeny and taxonomy of the whole family Hippopotamidae is in need of reconsideration, the present confusion obstructing palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography studies of these Neogene mammals. The revision of the Hippopotamidae initiated here deals with the last 8 Myr of African and Asian species. The first thorough cladistic analysis of the family is presented here. The outcome of this analysis, including 37 morphological characters coded for 15 extant and fossil taxa, as well as non-coded features of mandibular morphology, was used to reconstruct broad outlines of hippo phylogeny. Distinct lineages within the paraphyletic genus Hexaprotodon are recognized and characterized. In order to harmonize taxonomy and phylogeny, two new genera are created. The genus name Choeropsis is re-validated for the extant Liberian hippo. The nomen Hexaprotodon is restricted to the fossil lineage mostly known in Asia, but also including at least one African species. The genus Hippopotamus is confirmed. These changes represent substantial advances for understanding the evolutionary history of the Hippopotamidae, and provide a new framework for future studies.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 1–26.  相似文献   

The Paucituberculata is an endemic group of South American marsupials, recorded from the early Cenozoic up to the present. In this report, the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Paucituberculata to date is presented. Fifty‐seven terminal species were scored for 74 new and re‐examined characters. Homologies of dental characters used in previous systematic studies were critically reviewed to evaluate their inclusion in the analysis. Phylogenetic results corroborated two major paucituberculatan clades, Palaeothentoidea and Caenolestoidea, and the main palaeothentoid groupings: Pichipilidae, Palaeothentidae, and Abderitidae. Taxon sampling and reinterpretations of molar cusp and crest homologies played an important role in the generation of new phylogenetic hypotheses. The main differences with respect to previous phylogenies were focused on palaeothentoid relationships: Palaeothentes boliviensis and Pilchenia lucina are not members of Palaeothentidae but instead clustered with Pilchenia intermedia and P. antiqua, forming the sister‐group of a Palaeothentidae + Abderitidae clade, and Titanothentes simpsoni, previously considered a palaeothentine, is nested within the Acdestinae clade. Based on the time‐calibrated phylogeny, the following stages in the paucituberculatan evolutionary history are suggested: origin of the group, in the Paleocene to early Eocene at the latest, split of Caenolestoidea and Palaeothentoidea clades during the late early to middle Eocene, evolutionary radiation of palaeothentid and abderitid lineages near the Oligocene–Eocene boundary, and decreased diversity and extinction of palaeothentoids during the middle Miocene. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 441–465.  相似文献   

A restudy of the skull and mandible ofLeptarctus neimenguensis Zhai from the Middle Miocene of China and the preparation of its auditory region led to the recognition of new features. The most important among them is the presence of a small suprameatal fossa partly hidden in the bony mastoid process corresponding to the structure described inPlesiogale andParagale (Schmidt-Kittler 1981) and representing the most primitive type of the mustelid middle ear. A detailed comparison of the dentition revealed thatTrocharion albanense Major from the European Miocene is closely related toLeptarctus so that is has to be included in the leptarctines. On the basis of special synapomorphies, the Mustelidae can be devided in two (holo-) monophyletic subunits of the next lower level: The first group is represented by the leptarctines (includingTrocharion), whereas the second group comprises all Recent mustelids and its forerunners. The splitting of these groups must have taken place still before the end of the Oligocene. On various grounds it is argued the leptarctines are of Eurasian origin.  相似文献   

Noncoding regions from the genes encoding aromatase cytochrome P450 and lactoferrin have been sequenced in ten bovine and one cervid species for an investigation of the evolutionary relationships within the tribe Bovini. The evolutionary rate of DNA-nucleotide alterations along the ancestral bovine lineage amounts to 0.38% per million years, as estimated from this combined 0.478-kb-single copy nuclear (scn) DNA sequence data set. Whereas rate homogenity is apparent within the Bovini, the relative rate test suggests that the boselaphine lineage (as represented by Boselaphus) has evolved at only about one third of the rate found within the Bovini. Consistent with other results, the scnDNA data provide evidence for (i) a monophyletic origin of the Bovini, (ii) a sister group position of the Boselaphini, and (iii) two different clades within the Bovini, the buffaloes (Bubalus and Syncerus) and the cattle (Bos/Bibos and Bison). Surprisingly, the results indicate very clearly that the enigmatic dwarf buffalo of Sulawesi Island (Anoa depressicornis) is most closely related to Boselaphus and that the divergence from the true Bovini occurred close to the base of bovine cladogenesis in the Middle Miocene (≈ 14—12 million years ago).  相似文献   

Tayassu pecari is widely distributed across the Neotropical region, from northern Argentina to south-eastern Mexico. However, its fossil record is scarce; it is recorded since the middle Pleistocene to Holocene in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This paper aims to: (1) update the systematic synonymy of this species; (2) review and update its geographic chronologic distribution and provide a new Lujanian record of Tayassu pecari in Buenos Aires Province and (3) discuss the paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical implications of this record. Considering the quantitative analysis performed, the fossil here recorded clearly integrates the group of Tayassu pecari. This specimen corresponds to the first record of Tayassu pecari in the central-northern region of the Buenos Aires Province. During Late Pleistocene, Tayassu pecari was distributed southern to its recent range, probably evidencing different paleoenvironment conditions. This species is the better adapted peccary to tropical and subtropical rainforests, but may also be present in arid environments. Consequently, Tayassu by itself is insufficient to infer the prevailing environmental conditions. However, according to the fauna associated with the specimen described here, it is possible to infer an open or semi-open and arid or semi-arid environment for the central-northern Buenos Aires region by Late Pleistocene times.  相似文献   

Homoplasy among morphological characters has hindered inference of higher level rodent phylogeny for over 100 years. Initial molecular studies, based primarily on single genes, likewise produced little resolution of the deep relationships among rodent families. Two recent molecular studies (Huchon et al., 2002, Mol. Biol. Evol. 19:1053-1065; Adkins et al., 2003, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 26:409-420), using larger samples from the nuclear genome, have produced phylogenies that are generally concordant with each other, but many of the deep superfamilial nodes were still lacking substantial statistical support. Data are presented here for a total of approximately 3,600 base pairs from portions of three different nuclear protein-coding genes, CB1, IRBP, and RAG2, from 19 rodents and three outgroups. Separate analyses, with data partitioned according to both genes and codon position, produced conflicting results. Trees obtained from all partitions of CB1 and RAG2 and those obtained from the first- plus second-position sites of IRBP were generally concordant with each other and the trees from the two recent studies, whereas trees obtained from the third-position sites of IRBP were not. Although the IRBP third-position sites represent only 1/9 of the total data set, combined analyses using either parsimony or likelihood resulted in trees in agreement with the IRBP third-position sites and in disagreement with the remaining 8/9 of the sites from this data set and the two recent multigene studies. In contrast, maximum-likelihood analysis using a site-specific rates model did recover a tree that is highly congruent with the trees in the two recent studies. If the IRBP third-position sites are removed from the current data set, then combined likelihood analyses obtain a tree that is highly congruent with those of the two recent studies. This analysis also provides, for the first time in a study of rodent phylogeny, robust statistical support for every bipartition, with just one exception. This tree divides rodents into two major clades. The first contains Myodonta (Muroidea plus Dipodidae) and the only unresolved trichotomy, from which descend Geomyoidea, Pedetidae, and Castoridae. On the other side of the root is a clade containing Sciuroidea plus Gliridae, and Hystricognathi. Some uncertainty remains on the placement of the root. Trees on which the Hystricognathi are the basal sister group to Myodonta, Geomyoidea, Pedetidae, and Castoridae are also found within a Bayesian 95% credible set, as estimated by Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling.  相似文献   

The first MRP (matrix representation with parsimony) supertree phylogeny of the Lipotyphla is presented, covering all the families that were considered to make up the traditional mammalian order Insectivora. The phylogeny does not examine relationships within the shrew subfamily Crocidurinae, but all other taxa are considered at the species level, drawing upon 41 years of systematic literature and combining information from 47 published sources. The MRP technique is also critically discussed. This study will be of use to comparative biology studies of the Lipotyphla (or of mammals as a whole) and is a rigorous review of past systematic work, as well as clearly demonstrating our current level of knowledge. The supertree clearly details a strong imbalance in phylogenetic understanding across the taxon: a great deal is known about the hedgehogs and gymnures (Erinaceidae), the New World moles (Talpidae), Palaearctic species of Sorex (subgenus Sorex ) and the relationships between genera of red-toothed shrews (Soricinae). The supertree, however, clearly shows areas where our knowledge is conflicting or non-existent, and these gaps do not always correspond to obscure species: nothing is known about the systematics of Old World mole genera. Also very little is known about golden moles (Chrysochloridae) and the shrew-tenrec genus Microgale , some of the most threatened mammals on Earth.  相似文献   

Blue sheep, Pseudois nayaur, is endemic to the Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding mountains, which are the highest‐elevation areas in the world. Classical morphological taxonomy suggests that there are two subspecies in genus Pseudois (Bovidae, Artiodactyla), namely Pseudois nayaur nayaur and Pseudois nayaur szechuanensis. However, the validity and geographic characteristics of these subspecies have never been carefully discussed and analyzed. This may be partially because previous studies have mainly focused on the vague taxonomic status of Pseudois schaeferi (dwarf blue sheep). Thus, there is an urgent need to investigate the evolutionary relationship and taxonomy system of this genus. This study enriches a previous dataset by providing a large number of new samples, based on a total of 225 samples covering almost the entire distribution of blue sheep. Molecular data from cytochrome b and the mitochondrial control region sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of this species. The phylogenetic inferences show that vicariance plays an important role in diversification within this genus. In terms of molecular dating results and biogeographic analyses, the striking biogeographic pattern coincides significantly with major geophysical events. Although the results raise doubt about the present recognized distribution range of blue sheep, they have corroborated the validity of the identified subspecies in genus Pseudois. Meanwhile, these results demonstrate that the two geographically distinct populations, the Helan Mountains and Pamir Plateau populations, have been significantly differentiated from the identified subspecies, a finding that challenges the conventional taxonomy of blue sheep.  相似文献   

Oriental voles of the genus Eothenomys are predominantly distributed along the Southeastern shoulder of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Based on phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1143 bp) obtained from 23 specimens (eight species) of Oriental voles collected from this area, together with nucleotide sequences from six specimens (two species) of Japanese red-backed voles (Eothenomys andersoni and Eothenomys smithii) and five species of the closely related genus Clethrionomys, we revised the systematic status of Eothenomys. We also tested if vicariance could explain the observed high species diversity in this area by correlating estimated divergence times to species distribution patterns and corresponding paleo-geographic events. Our results suggest that: (1) the eight species of Oriental voles form a monophyletic group with two distinct clades, and that these two clades should be considered as valid subgenera--Eothenomys and Anteliomys; (2) Eothenomys eleusis and Eothenomys miletus are not independent species; (3) Japanese red-backed voles are more closely related to the genus Clethrionomys than to continental Asian Eothenomys taxa; and (4) the genus Clethrionomys, as presently defined, is paraphyletic. In addition, the process of speciation of Oriental voles appears to be related to the Trans-Himalayan formation via three recent uplift events of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau within the last 3.6 million years, as well as to the effects of the mid-Quaternary ice age.  相似文献   

The Chthamaloidea (Balanomorpha) present the most plesiomorphic characters in shell plates and cirri, mouthparts, and oral cone within the acorn barnacles (Thoracica: Sessilia). Due to their importance in understanding both the origin and diversification of the Balanomorpha, the evolution of the Chthamaloidea has been debated since Darwin's seminal monographs. Theories of morphological and ontogenetic evolution suggest that the group could have evolved multiple times from pedunculated relatives and that shell plate number diminished gradually (8→6→4) from an ancestral state with eight wall plates surrounded by whorls of small imbricating plates; but this hypothesis has never been subjected to a rigorous phylogenetic test. Here we used multilocus sequence data and extensive taxon sampling to build a comprehensive phylogeny of the Chthamaloidea as a basis for understanding their morphological evolution. Our maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses separate the Catophragmidae (eight shell plates and imbricating plates) from the Chthamalidae (8-4 shell plates and no imbricating plates), but do no support a gradual reduction in shell plates (8→6→4). This suggests that evolution at the base of the Balanomorpha involved a considerable amount of homoplasy.  相似文献   

The resource-use hypothesis proposed by E.S. Vrba predicts that specialist species have higher speciation and extinction rates than generalists because they are more susceptible to environmental changes and vicariance. In this work, we test some of the predictions derived from this hypothesis on the 197 extant and recently extinct species of Ruminantia (Cetartiodactyla, Mammalia) using the biomic specialization index (BSI) of each species, which is based on its distribution within different biomes. We ran 10000 Monte Carlo simulations of our data in order to get a null distribution of BSI values against which to contrast the observed data. Additionally, we drew on a supertree of the ruminants and a phylogenetic likelihood-based method (QuaSSE) for testing whether the degree of biomic specialization affects speciation rates in ruminant lineages. Our results are consistent with the predictions of the resource-use hypothesis, which foretells a higher speciation rate of lineages restricted to a single biome (BSI = 1) and higher frequency of specialist species in biomes that underwent high degree of contraction and fragmentation during climatic cycles. Bovids and deer present differential specialization across biomes; cervids show higher specialization in biomes with a marked hydric seasonality (tropical deciduous woodlands and schlerophyllous woodlands), while bovids present higher specialization in a greater variety of biomes. This might be the result of divergent physiological constraints as well as a different biogeographic and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The thecostracans include the Facetotecta, Ascothoracida, and Cirripedia and show great diversity in both morphology and biology. This makes them ideal models for studying evolutionary adaptations of the larval and adult body-plan, lifestyle, and reproduction. Surprisingly, despite all the work published since Darwin's seminal monographs, few studies have tested evolutionary hypotheses about Thecostraca within a phylogenetic context. In this review, we combine a Bayesian phylogenetic method and multilocus sequence data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of 12 key thecostracan phenotypic traits associated with their lifecycle, larval biology, reproduction, and adult morphology. Our analyses show that thecostracan biological diversity resulted both from unique innovations and from events of convergence. This provides an opportunity to reevaluate previous classifications of the Thecostraca and the theories relating to the origin and diversification of this taxon.  相似文献   

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