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哺乳动物体细胞核移植及其与转基因技术的结合为转基因动物的研究提供了新的思路和方法.然而,单个转基因细胞克隆的分离培养一直比较困难,很大程度上限制了转基因动物的研制.将pRNAT-U6.1/Neo质粒转染成体兔成纤维细胞,通过24孔细胞培养板分离培养法获得来源于单个转基因成纤维细胞克隆.由于单个成纤维细胞克隆在新鲜DMEM培养液中生长比较困难或缓慢,采用由DMEM/F12制备的条件性培养液进行筛选.以转基因成纤维细胞为供体细胞进行核移植,囊胚率为23.5%,与来源于成体兔正常成纤维细胞相比较差异不显著.并且利用PCR或多重PCR方法鉴定筛选的转基因细胞克隆及其核移植胚胎中整合的NeoR基因和常染色体β-actin DNA.为转基因哺乳动物细胞的分离培养和核移植胚胎的鉴定提供可靠的方法,缩短了转基因动物的研制周期,降低生产成本,同时为进一步通过核移植技术获得转基因克隆兔提供了条件  相似文献   

近年来,已成功地将外源基因导入许多动物体内,在提高动物生产率和在免疫学、肿瘤学研究方面做出了巨大贡献,第一个转基因动物是由Gordon等于1980年培育出的转基因小鼠,转基因动物一词是由Gordon和Ruddle在1983年提出的。转基因动物就是指被通过添加或删除一个特殊的DNA序列,其遗传结构得到了修饰的动物,其改变了的染色体DNA可遗传给后代,通过转基因操作所产生的动物叫做建造动物(FounderAni-mal),只有部分建造动物的性细胞整合有外源基因[1]。目前为止,转基因动物多数是采取向受精卵原核中注入DNA而获得的。自从Shuman和Shoffner[2]在1982年第一次将转基因技术应用于家禽之后,许多学者正致力于这方面的工作。家禽的世代周期短,生产性能高,最适合于转基因技术的应用。但家禽繁殖系统的特殊性导致转基因家禽研究,始终落后于其他动物。  相似文献   

将猪生长激素基因(PGH)克隆到质粒pUC19上,经酶切分析,确定其酶切图谱.把PGH转录起始位点以前的序列切掉,换上羊MT-1a基因的启动子,构建成可以调控的表达载体pSMTPGH,用于转基因动物的研究.采用微注射法将线状pSMTPGH导入猪、鼠和金鱼的受精卵中,得到了相应的转基因动物.对这些动物鉴定分析表明,外源基因整合率因动物不同而异,但该基因在这3种动物中的整合率均在9%以上,其生长速度都高于对照组.  相似文献   

世界转基因棉推广种植情况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 转基因棉的主要手段1.1 农杆菌携带Bt基因80年代初,棉花外源基因的转育主要是农杆菌携带法,这种方法主要受限于遗传特殊性。比如,利用这种方法的成功率主要限于美国的Coker棉和澳大利亚的Siokra品种类型。在这两个类型的品种中,Siokra更容易长出愈伤组织。通过回交,再转入其它品种中,一般是回交3~4次,即可获得理想的商用转基因品种。目前生产上推广的转基因品种的表现证明,回交到第三代时,基因转育的成功率在94%。1.2 质粒加速转育80年代应用。这种直接将分生组织转育的转育法可以避免先…  相似文献   

继1989年首次报道成功地利用精细胞作为载体把DNA转入小鼠胚胎及随后DNA整合入小鼠基因组后,现又取得了一些进展和新的发现。据报道,DNA可结合或掺入不同种类的动物和昆虫的精子中,包括小鼠、猪、山羊、绵羊、牛、鸡、鲤鱼、海胆、蜜蜂和丽蝇类等。通常,人们用脂质体或电激法来促进DNA进入精细胞。这些研究出现的一个意外结果是质粒转基因作为染色体外遗传因子的持久性。1995年,澳大利亚研究人员在《动物生物技术》杂志上曾发表了一篇用DNA处理的精子人工授精生产转基因牛的报道。经Southem印迹分析表明…  相似文献   

自Palmiter于1982年首次将大鼠生长激素基因导入小鼠受精卵,培育出“超级鼠”以来,转基因动物技术获得迅速发展。本文以低等脊锥动物为实验动物,探讨猪生长激素基因导入金鱼受精卵后的整合与表达、生物学效应及后代遗传等问题,为进一步研究外源基因在高等脊椎动物(包括猪)内整合与表达的调控机理提供方法上的参考。实验结果表明:采用显微注射方法,将羊金属硫蛋白基因启动子与猪生长激素基因重组的线型DNA(Fig.1)片段导入金鱼受精卵中,获得成活实验鱼,经斑点(Fig.2),Southern杂交(Fig.3),筛选PGH阳性的转基因鱼作为亲本交配,分别得到F1代和F2代。经斑点、PCR-Southern分析(Figs.4,5&6)及放射免疫检测(Tab.1),表明外源基因在部分受体鱼中得到整合和表达,并能通过有性繁殖传递给后代,且仍具生长效应(Fig.7;Tab.2)。本实验获得的转基因阳性金鱼数量有限,且只传了两代,似乎不足以说明转基因金鱼后代表观特征的遗传稳定,但转基因金鱼F1代中存在外源基因整合位点纯合的个体是可能的。这为建立转基因动物纯系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

转基因动物的鉴定工作是决定转基因动物能否建立的关键一步.本文提出在PCR扩增初步筛选的基础上,对其产物进行限制性内切酶酶切以确定外源基因的整合的方法,并结合Southern杂交进一步验证,结果快速、明确、可靠.  相似文献   

动物转基因技术的新进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
到目前为止,原核注射是最可靠,也是使用最广泛的动物转基因方法.但该方法存在整合效率太低及不能定点整合的问题.在过去的20年里,出现了一些新的转基因方法,包括精子介导、反转录病毒介导、携带外源基因体细胞的核移植、ES细胞基因打靶技术等.但这些方法都未能根本地解决存在的问题.最近的一些文献中报道转基因技术在原有方法的基础上做出了改进后,取得了突破性进展.  相似文献   

利用人粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)基因组基因作为目的片段,将其受控于2.6kb的小鼠乳清酸蛋白(WAP)基因的调控区下,通过显微注射法获得了两只整合有人G-CSF转基因小鼠,通过繁殖建立了稳定的转基因系.一些表型参数测定表明转基因鼠与正常鼠无明显差别.通过RT-PCR及Southernblot检测,在乳腺表达出人G-CSF,为乳腺表达外源蛋白质及今后大动物研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

由于鼠单克隆抗体的免疫原性而需将它人源化。抗体人源化的过程已由人鼠嵌合抗体发展到了转基因动物表达完全人抗体阶段,建立表达完全人抗体的技术有两种:转基因和转染色体。该介绍了建立转染色体动物的原因、构建技术特点、动物种类及人单克隆抗体和人多克隆抗体的应用意义。  相似文献   

随着转基因相关技术的发展,转基因动物技术在许多方面得到了成功应用.但外源基因在体内的表达仍然难以预测,特别是大动物的转基因,由于制备效率低下,因而难以筛选出足够的高表达的阳性动物数.基因表达调控研究对提高外源基因在动物体内的表达水平提供了一些新手段,本就避免转基因的位置效应、控制外源基因在动物宿主基因组中的整合、提高转基因的表达效率、构建转基因载体和使用外源基因需要注意的问题等进行综述.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice are widely used in biomedical research to study gene expression, developmental biology, and gene therapy models. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenes direct gene expression at physiological levels with the same developmental timing and expression patterns as endogenous genes in transgenic animal models. We generated 707 transgenic founders from 86 BAC transgenes purified by three different methods. Transgenesis efficiency was the same for all BAC DNA purification methods. Polyamine microinjection buffer was essential for successful integration of intact BAC transgenes. There was no correlation between BAC size and transgenic rate, birth rate, or transgenic efficiency. A narrow DNA concentration range generated the best transgenic efficiency. High DNA concentrations reduced birth rates while very low concentrations resulted in higher birth rates and lower transgenic efficiency. Founders with complete BAC integrations were observed in all 47 BACs for which multiple markers were tested. Additional founders with BAC fragment integrations were observed for 65% of these BACs. Expression data was available for 79 BAC transgenes and expression was observed in transgenic founders from 63 BACs (80%). Consistent and reproducible success in BAC transgenesis required the combination of careful DNA purification, the use of polyamine buffer, and sensitive genotyping assays.  相似文献   

转基因动物的发展前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着新技术的发展和对基因功能的了解,转基因技术获得了更加广泛的应用。基因治疗载体慢病毒载体、精子介导基因转移(SMGT)和睾丸介导基因转移(TMGT)等方法的发展和完善,可能会取代传统的显微注射技术。用于细胞基因调控研究的RNA干涉技术和基因诱导表达方法,现在移植到了转基因动物中,并获得了理想结果。本展望了转基因技术在基因调控、制备生物反应器和改良畜牧动物等方面的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

利用转基因克隆技术实现外源基因的导入宿主染色体基因组内稳定整合,并能遗传给后代,已在基因表达与调控的理论研究、人类遗传病动物模型的建立、药用蛋白的生产、抗病育种、人类移植用的器官的研究等方面得到广泛应用。转基因动物的研究与应用也已经成为21世纪生命科学领域最活跃、最具有实际应用价值的方向之一,尤其是作为生物反应器和医学上为人类提供所用器官方面,其经济价值和社会效益将是不可估量。在查阅大量近年来国内外相关资料的基础上,本文以转基因动物克隆为中心,对转基因动物克隆所采用显微注射技术、核移植技术、基因打靶与真核BAC表达载体制备等主要研究技术,以及转基因动物克隆在异种器官移植、构建生物反应器等方面的应用进行了综合性论述与分析,同时阐述了各种转基因技术的优点与缺点,以其为转基因动物克隆研究提供理论基础与技术支撑。  相似文献   

To assess alternative methods for introducing expressing transgenes into the germ line of zebrafish, transgenic fish that express a nuclear-targeted, enhanced, green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene were produced using both pseudotyped retroviral vector infection and DNA microinjection of embryos. Germ-line transgenic founders were identified and the embryonic progeny of these founders were evaluated for the extent and pattern of eGFP expression. To compare the two modes of transgenesis, both vectors used the Xenopus translational elongation factor 1-alpha enhancer/promoter regulatory cassette. Several transgenic founder fish which transferred eGFP expression to their progeny were identified. The gene expression patterns are described and compared for the two modes of gene transfer. Transient expression of eGFP was detected 1 day after introducing the transgenes via either DNA microinjection or retroviral vector infection. In both cases of gene transfer, transgenic females produced eGFP-positive progeny even before the zygotic genome was turned on. Therefore, GFP was being provided by the oocyte before fertilization. A transgenic female revealed eGFP expression in her ovarian follicles. The qualitative patterns of gene expression in the transgenic progeny embryos after zygotic induction of gene expression were similar and independent of the mode of transgenesis. The appearance of newly synthesized GFP is detectable within 5-7 h after fertilization. The variability of the extent of eGFP expression from transgenic founder to transgenic founder was wider for the DNA-injection transgenics than for the retroviral vector-produced transgenics. The ability to provide expressing germ-line transgenic progeny via retroviral vector infection provides both an alternative mode of transgenesis for zebrafish work and a possible means of easily assessing the insertional mutagenesis frequency of retroviral vector infection of zebrafish embryos. However, because of the transfer of GFP from oocyte to embryo, the stability of GFP may create problems of analysis in embryos which develop as quickly as those of zebrafish.  相似文献   

动物转基因新技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孙振红  苗向阳  朱瑞良 《遗传》2010,32(6):539-547
动物转基因技术是21世纪发展最为迅速的生物高新技术之一, 它是指通过基因工程技术将外源基因整合到受体动物基因组中, 从而使其得以表达和遗传的生物技术。动物转基因的关键限制因素是转基因效率和基因表达的精确调控。目前有多种转基因技术, 每一种技术各有其优缺点, 仍然需要进一步研究。随着研究的深入, 转基因技术必将在探讨基因功能、动物遗传改良、生物反应器、动物疾病模型、器官移植等领域有广阔的应用前景。文章综述了近年发展的提高转基因效率的生殖干细胞法、提高转基因精确性的基因打靶法、RNA干扰(RNAi)介导的基因沉默技术和诱导多能干细胞(iPS)转基因技术。新的转基因技术为转基因动物的研究提供了更好的平台, 可以加快促进人类医药卫生、畜牧生产等领域的发展。  相似文献   

Transgenic fish     
Transgenic fish are produced by the artificial transfer of rearranged genes into newly fertilized eggs. Currently microinjection is the preferred method, although the integration rates of transgenes are generally low. A number of fusion genes, containing retrovirus sequences which direct integration, have been developed to enhance integration of transgenes. Mass gene transfer methods are also being developed. These include lipofection, particle bombardment, and electroporation of embryos and sperm cells. These methods are potentially useful for marine organisms such as crustaceans and molluscs as well as fish. In contrast to microinjection, which treats single cells individually, these methods can transfer genes into a large number of eggs at once. There is some evidence to indicate successful integration and expression of transgenes transferred by the electroporation of embryos and sperm cells. Germline transmission of transgenes has been observed through mating studies, and in some cases the progeny express the new phenotype consistently. However, germline transmission does not necessarily confirm stable integration of the transgene. There is evidence that transgenes may exist extrachromosomally. Transgenic fish are viewed as a useful model for the study of complex biological phenomena such as growth and differentiation, and as a fast track to the production of broodstock for the aquaculture industry. Current research focuses on the elucidation of the mechanisms controlling the regulation of gene expression. The use of transgenic fish for the isolation of developmental genes has just begun. Applications of transgenesis to broodstock development have been focused on the development of fish with accelerated growth, tolerance to low temperature, and disease resistance. However, before the release of transgenic fish into the environment, the possible impact on the environment must be assessed. There must be safeguards to protect the genetic diversities of the natural populations, and to conserve the natural habitats  相似文献   

Size Matters: Use of YACs,BACs and PACs in Transgenic Animals   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In 1993, several groups, working independently, reported the successful generation of transgenic mice with yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) using standard techniques. The transfer of these large fragments of cloned genomic DNA correlated with optimal expression levels of the transgenes, irrespective of their location in the host genome. Thereafter, other groups confirmed the advantages of YAC transgenesis and position-independent and copy number-dependent transgene expression were demonstrated in most cases. The transfer of YACs to the germ line of mice has become popular in many transgenic facilities to guarantee faithful expression of transgenes. This technique was rapidly exported to livestock and soon transgenic rabbits, pigs and other mammals were produced with YACs. Transgenic animals were also produced with bacterial or P1-derived artificial chromosomes (BACs/PACs) with similar success. The use of YACs, BACs and PACs in transgenesis has allowed the discovery of new genes by complementation of mutations, the identification of key regulatory sequences within genomic loci that are crucial for the proper expression of genes and the design of improved animal models of human genetic diseases. Transgenesis with artificial chromosomes has proven useful in a variety of biological, medical and biotechnological applications and is considered a major breakthrough in the generation of transgenic animals. In this report, we will review the recent history of YAC/BAC/PAC-transgenic animals indicating their benefits and the potential problems associated with them. In this new era of genomics, the generation and analysis of transgenic animals carrying artificial chromosome-type transgenes will be fundamental to functionally identify and understand the role of new genes, included within large pieces of genomes, by direct complementation of mutations or by observation of their phenotypic consequences.  相似文献   

The ability to produce targeted deletions in the mouse genome via homologous recombination has been a hallmark of mouse genetics, and has lead to the production of thousands of gene knockouts. New technologies are making it possible to disrupt gene function in many other species. This article reviews some of these methods, highlighting the powerful combination of lentiviral vectors with RNA interference (RNAi), which allows one to produce transgenic animals expressing short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to “knock down” specific gene expression. Lentiviral transduction of embryos has been shown to be a highly efficient means of transgenesis, and is particularly promising for animals that are considered difficult to genetically modify by DNA pronuclear injection. This technique has been popular for introducing transgenes for shRNA expression into rodents and its utility for creating new genetic models has already been demonstrated. One of the purported advantages of in vivo RNAi is that shRNA expressing transgenes would be expected to act in a dominant nature, resulting in a phenotype in founder animals. However, one possible concern with lentiviral-mediated transgenesis is the potential for mosaicism in founders, and the data for this phenomenon and the potential causes and solutions are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the application of in vivo RNAi, and other reverse genetic methods, for creating new genetic models in the rat.  相似文献   

At the time of the first Transgenic Animal Research Conference, the lack of knowledge about promoter, enhancer and coding regions of genes of interest greatly hampered our efforts to create transgenes that would express appropriately in livestock. Additionally, we were limited to gene insertion by pronuclear microinjection. As predicted then, widespread genome sequencing efforts and technological advancements have profoundly altered what we can do. There have been many developments in technology to create transgenic animals since we first met at Granlibakken in 1997, including the advent of somatic cell nuclear transfer-based cloning and gene editing. We can now create new transgenes that will express when and where we want and can target precisely in the genome where we want to make a change or insert a transgene. With the large number of sequenced genomes, we have unprecedented access to sequence information including, control regions, coding regions, and known allelic variants. These technological developments have ushered in new and renewed enthusiasm for the production of transgenic animals among scientists and animal agriculturalists around the world, both for the production of more relevant biomedical research models as well as for agricultural applications. However, even though great advancements have been made in our ability to control gene expression and target genetic changes in our animals, there still are no genetically engineered animal products on the market for food. World-wide there has been a failure of the regulatory processes to effectively move forward. Estimates suggest the world will need to increase our current food production 70 % by 2050; that is we will have to produce the total amount of food each year that has been consumed by mankind over the past 500 years. The combination of transgenic animal technology and gene editing will become increasingly more important tools to help feed the world. However, to date the practical benefits of these technologies have not yet reached consumers in any country and in the absence of predictable, science-based regulatory programs it is unlikely that the benefits will be realized in the short to medium term.  相似文献   

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