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Although several investigations have been made from different viewpoints, the classification or interspecific relationships ofSaguinus still remain uncertain. In the present study, we applied multivariate analysis methods to dental measurements of part ofSaguinus populations of sufficient sample size and obtained the following conclusions.Saguinus can be classified into two main groups: one consists ofS. oedipus andS. leucopus, and the other ofS. fuscicollis, S. nigricollis, S. labiatus, andS. mystax. Concerning the former group, the two subspecies ofS. oedipus, S. o. oedipus, andS. o. geoffroyi, show a close affinity with each other and also a close relationship toS. leucopus, while the latter group consists of two subgroups of species, one includingS. fuscicollis andS. nigricollis, and the other includingS. labiatus andS. mystax. The biological distance betweenS. oedipus oedipus andS. o. geoffroyi is slightly larger than that between the pairs ofS. fuscicollis andS. nigricollis and ofS. labiatus andS. mystax. Factor analysis revealed significant factors which could explain the differences among the seven maleSaguinus populations. Taking all the results into account, it seems necessary to reconsider the phylogenetic relationships within the genusSaguinus.  相似文献   

The interspecific relationships of the following nine forms ofSaguinus were analyzed applying the multivariate analysis to the cranial measurements;S. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, S. leucopus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. midas midas, andS. midas niger. Penrose's size distance was used to express the size factor among the nine forms; and for the shape factor, Q-mode correlation coefficients were utilized. The shape distance betweenS. oedipus andS. geoffroyi was almost equal to that betweenS. nigricollis andS. fuscicollis which are recognized as different species based on biogeographical evidence. Furthermore, the Penrose's size distance betweenS. oedipus andS. geoffroyi was quite large. Therefore, the results of this study support the hypothesis thatS. oedipus andS. geoffroyi are valid species. The analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among the nine forms was based on the shape factor only. The forms were divided into two main clusters: (1)S. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, andS. leucopus; (2)S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. midas midas, andS. midas niger. In the former cluster,S. oedipus was more closely related toS. geoffroyi than either was toS. leucopus. The latter cluster was subdivided in two subclusters based on the degree of their affinity: (2a)S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, andS. mystax; and (2b)S. midas midas andS. midas niger. In the former subcluster, [S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis] and [S. labiatus, S. mystax] were classified into clusters, respectively. The ancestor of theS. nigricollis group differentiated intoS. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, andS. leucopus with the narrowing of the maxilla in the facial region, andS. midas midas andS. midas niger with the downward movement of rhinion.  相似文献   

Passage through tamarin guts may have an effect on seed germination potential. To examine these effects, and the variation between 2 sympatric tamarin species, we studied Saguinus mystax and S. fuscicollis in northeastern Peruvian Amazonia. For most of 39 plant species, neither germination success nor latency was modified by gut passage. Neutral effects on seed germination potential suggest that tamarins may fulfill criteria for effective seed dispersal.  相似文献   

From field data collected in the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru, I present evidence that moustached (Saguinus mystax) and saddle-back (Saguinus fuscicollis) tamarins maintain detailed knowledge of the distribution and location of many tree species in their home range. During the wet season months of October through December 1984, fruits and exudates from 20 tree species and over 150 individual trees accounted for 75% of plant feeding time. These trees exhibited a patchy distribution; mean nearest-neighbor distances between trees of the same species averaged 148 meters. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins visited an average of 13 trees per day, concentrating their feeding efforts on 4–11 individual trees from a small number of target species. In 70% of all cases the nearest tree of a given species was selected as the next feeding site. Movement between these sites was characterized by relatively straight-line travel. It is argued that S. mystax and S. fuscicollis offset the patchiness component of the fruit and exudate part of their diet through goal-directed foraging and an ability to compare accurately the distances and directions from their present location to a large number of potential feeding trees.  相似文献   

Patterns of morphological variation play an important role in evolutionary diversification and are critical to an informed interpretation of interspecific differences. When patterns of genetic variation have not diverged substantially, it is possible to reconstruct the differences in selection which gave rise to morphological differences among extant species. Morphological variation patterns are compared between two tamarin species, the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) and the saddle-back tamarin (S. fuscicollis illigeri). Genetic, phenotypic, and environmental variance/covariance and correlation matrices were obtained for a series of 39 cranial characters in each species (cotton-top tamarin, N = 328; saddle-back tamarin, N = 209) and for the species combined using crania from individuals of known genealogical relationship. After accounting for the effects of estimation error on measures of matrix similarity, patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental variation and correlation were found to be very similar across species and among the types of variance within species. Taking the saddle-back tamarins as the standard, cotton-top tamarins have been selected for an enlarged anterior temporalis attachment area and increased facial prognathism. In primates, an enlarged anterior temporalis muscle is associated with incisive food preparation, especially at wide gape.  相似文献   

Saguinus fuscicollisproduces scent marks which consist mainly of a mixture of urine and the secretions of circumgenital scent glands. The present study investigates the ability of saddle-back tamarins to discriminate between scent material from conspecifics and corresponding material from other species and to differentiate material from two subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis.When choices between urine samples from conspecifics and from guinea pigs and choices between urine samples from conspecifics and from common marmosets were offered, the tamarins investigated samples from conspecifics more frequently. Similar responses were obtained when choices between scent marks from saddle-back tamarins and from common marmosets and between scent marks from saddle-back and red-chested moustached tamarins were offered. The tamarins also discriminated between scent marks and between extracts of scent marks from Saguinus f. fuscicollisand Saguinus f. illigeri.In these choice tests, subjects of both subspecies tended preferentially to investigate material from Saguinus f. fuscicollis.The results of these studies show that urine and scent marks contain chemical cues on which recognition of conspecifics can be based. Moreover, the scent marks of closely related subspecies also offer cues which could enable the tamarins to discriminate between them.  相似文献   

Data collected on the feeding behavior of Saguinus oedipus geoffroyi(Panamanian tamarin) in Panama show that plant exudates, as well as insects and fruits, are a major component of the diet. During the months of May, June, and July, tamarins were observed clinging to the trunks of Anacardium excelsum(Anacardiaceae) while feeding on exudates. These observations accounted for greater than 14% of the total feeding time of this primate. Nutritional analyses indicate that Anacardiumexudates provide these tamarins with a rich source of the mineral calcium as well as protein, carbohydrates, and water. The seasonal pattern of exudate feeding observed in S. oedipusappears to coincide with certain nutritionally sensitive periods of the reproductive cycle and may serve to offset a potential mineral imbalance incurred during the terminal phase of gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

Saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis, S. melanoleucus, and S. tripartitus) occur in the upper Amazon, west of the rios Madeira and Mamoré–Guaporé to the Andes. They currently comprise 13 species and subspecies in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Here we report on a previously undescribed subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis from the interfluvium of the lower rios Madeira and Purus in the central Amazon of Brazil. It is a distinct form with a very pronounced mottling on the back giving the appearance of a saddle, a characteristic shared by the 3 species, and the reason for their collective common name. The lack of a white superciliary chevron and its highly mottled ochraceous-dark brown to black saddle that extends from the scapular region to the base of the tail distinguish the new taxon from Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli. The latter characteristic also distinguishes it from another saddleback tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis ssp.) that has been reported immediately to the south of its range in the same interfluvium. We compare pelage coloration, external characters and craniometric measurements with its geographically closest relatives, Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli and S. f. avilapiresi, and indicate its probable geographic distribution in a small area between the rios Madeira and Purus, just south of the Rio Amazonas.  相似文献   

A comparative study of 20 blood genetic systems was performed on three populations of genusSaguinus: S. fuscicollis weddelli, S. midas niger, andS. midas midas. Some markers are useful for the characterization of the two species.ADA 5, ADA6, CA23, CA24, andES2 2 occur only inS. fuscicollis whileADA 4is fixed inS. midas. S. midas midas showed heterozygosity value comparable to those previously obtained for the genusAlouatta. Estimates of genetic distance betweenS. fuscicollis andS. midas species of about 14% are in accordance with those referred to in the literature for interspecific differences. Genetic distances between subspecies ofSaguinus midas were nearly 3%, which is within the range for subspecies.  相似文献   

Niche separation is likely to play a key role in the formation of mixed-species groups. Saddle-backed tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) were studied at three sites with different primate communities in northern Bolivia: (1) with red-bellied tamarins,S. labiatus; (2) with emperor tamarins,S. imperator; and (3) without a congeneric species. The degree of association is higher betweenS. labiatus andS. fuscicollis than betweenS. imperator andS. fuscicollis and is related to differences in forest utilization between associating pairs. Niche separation is found to be greater betweenS. labiatus andS. fuscicollis than betweenS. fuscicollis andS. imperator. The mean height and habitat utilization ofS. fuscicollis does not differ greatly across the three sites, nor does the height of tamarins in and out of association. It is concluded that combined with differences in body size and dietary overlap, vertical segregation plays an important role in tamarin polyspecific associations (increasing the potential of both foraging and anti-predatory benefits) and that this is not a consequence of vertical displacement ofS. fuscicollis by its dominant congeners.  相似文献   

The dental and cranial morphologies of all species ofSaguinus, S. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, S. leucopus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. imperator, S. bicolor, andS. midas are examined. The following hypotheses are developed by cladistic methodology, using only synapomorphic characters to assess the interspecific relationships ofSaguinus.Saguinus are divided into two main groups; one consists ofS. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, andS. leucopus, and the other includesS. inustus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. imperator, S. bicolor, andS. midas. In the former group,S. oedipus is more closely related toS. geoffroyi than either is toS. leucopus. In the latter group,S. labiatus, S. mystax, andS. imperator are classified into one group, andS. bicolor andS. midas form one monophyletic group.  相似文献   

In terms of craniometry, we examinedHershkovitz's hypotheses that, inSaguinus geoffroyi, populations on the western shore of the Rio Atrato were closely related toS. leucopus, and that a morphocline could be traced from the easternS. geoffroyi population to the western one. We detected a morphological sequence from east to west (or east to west) but did not find any evidence supporting the former hypothesis.  相似文献   

A review of specimens and field notes of Carlos Olalla and his sons showed that they collected Saguinus tripartitus and Saguinus fuscicollis lagonotus at the same place on the right bank of the lower Rio Napo in Peru. Thus, these two forms are sympatric, although they probably occur in different habitats. Therefore, Saguinus tripartitus should be treated as a distinct species, not as a subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis.  相似文献   

A transect census technique was used to estimate the population densities of Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis at two sites in Peru. Cropping of these two species had occurred five years before the census at one site and two years before at the other. The populations of S. mystax at both sites had recovered completely from cropping, and the relationship between S. mystax and S. fuscicollis had not been altered at one site and had been reversed in favor of S. mystax at the other.  相似文献   

The author made comparative studies on the ecology of saddle-backed tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) and red-chested moustached tamarins (S. labiatus) on the upper Amazon in northern Bolivia. The unit group of both species of monkeys was a family group composed of two to seven individuals, but they often formed polyspecific associations comprising one such family group each. However, both species preferred different layers of forest for foraging insects and traveling.S. fuscicollis mainly utilized the lower layer of the forest and foraged large-sized insects lurking in tree hollows, whereasS. labiatus mainly utilized the middle layer of the forest and foraged small-sized animals on branches. These differences were more clearly noticeable in secondary forest than in primary forest.  相似文献   

Data collected during a 12-month field investigation of mixed species troops of Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis in the Amazon Basin of north-eastern Peru indicate that callitrichid primates play an important role in tropical forest seed dispersal. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins were observed to ingest seeds from a variety of tree and liana species and pass them unharmed. These seeds tended to be large and heavy, and passed through the tamarin digestive tract in one to three hours. Experimental plantings of defecated seeds yielded a germination success rate of 70%. The specific gravity of these seeds (weight/volume) was inversely correlated with passage time and apparently had an indirect influence on the distance that seeds were dispersed from the parent tree. In the case of three preferred fruiting species, Leonia glycycarpa, Pourouma sp., and Hippocrateaceae #283, the present distribution of adult trees closely resembled the pattern of the seed shadow created by Saguinus. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins appeared to be reliable and high-quality dispersal agents for a number of tree and liana species. In this role, they are likely to exert an important influence on the composition, distribution, and regeneration patterns of Amazonian rain forest.  相似文献   

During a field study in northeastern Peru, the reactions of a group ofSaguinus mystax on Padre Isla and of a mixed-species troop ofS. mystax andSaguinus fuscicollis at the Río Blanco to raptorial and other birds were observed. Alarms that are specific to flying stimuli were elicited by birds of prey, but other birds that do not represent a threat to the tamarins also caused alarm calls. Alarm events (i.e., instances when one or more alarm calls were given) were observed at rates of 0.3/hr (Padre Isla) and 0.5/hr (Río Blanco). Rates of alarm events significantly increased after the birth of an infant in the Padre Isla group and after the attack of an ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) on the Río Blanco group. Reactions to alarming stimuli/alarm calls ranged from looking up to falling down from trees. The modification of the tamarins' behavior by the potential presence of aerial predators indicates that raptors represent an important predatory threat to tamarins.  相似文献   

Estimates of the chronological age for animals of unknown age provide useful information for medical, demographic, and evolutionary studies. Skeletal development, as indicated by epiphyseal closure, can be used to estimate an animal's chronological age or specify its stage of development. Many studies of Primate skeletal development have used animals of unknown age, with the order of epiphyseal closure providing a relative age for each animal. This study examines the age of epiphyseal closure at 22 epiphyseal sites using animals of known age at death in three calitrichid species (Saguinus fuscicollis, Saguinus oedipus, and Callithrix jacchus). The observed average age of epiphyseal closure is similar in these tamarins and marmosets. There is a significant difference in rate of development between the species. Regression equations can predict the age of unknown animals to within 4.8 months for S. fuscicollis, 8.6 months for S. oedipus, and 7.6 months for C. jacchus (twice the standard error of the estimate). These age estimates allow us to determine if an animal is relatively mature or immature, but are largely unacceptable for studies in which precise age estimates are necessary. The order of epiphyseal closure is similar across 11 monkey species (using additional data from published literature) and supports the suggestion of a general pattern in Primate skeletal development. Am. J. Primatol. 41:129–139, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In 1978, 66% of the individuals of Saguinus mystax and 9.5% of Saguinus fuscicollis were cropped from a population at the Yarapa river, Peru. The effects of cropping on the remaining tamarin population were evaluated by conducting censuses in 1981 and 1982 and by trapping and release of Saguinus mystax in 1981. Three hundred kilometers of trail were covered in the censuses, and all the groups within the 1.9-km2 study area were located. Within three years after cropping, the population of S. mystax had increased by 124%, more than double the size left in 1978. Increased reproductive rate, early breeding, and reduced infant mortality contributed to the recovery. On the other hand, S. fuscicollis had decreased by 12% in the three years following the cropping but had increased in the fourth year to a level slightly below the precropping density. The cropping of more S. mystax than S. fuscicollis might have contributed to the decline of the latter. The cropping of a sizable percentage of S. mystax from a natural population does not seem to impair its recuperative powers. It may take longer than four years for a population exhibiting high density, such as that at the Yarapa site, to recover completely.  相似文献   

Incomplete reproductive isolation and hybridization is relatively frequent in primates. However, no cases of hybridization between formally recognized species have been reported in tamarins (genus Saguinus), a highly specious group of Neotropical primates. Here, we provide evidence from different sources to demonstrate three cases of hybridization in captivity between species of Saguinus distributed west of the Andes (trans-Andean). To do this, we described fur color patterns, genotyped 12 microsatellite loci, sequenced the mitochondrial hypervariable region I, and generated chromosomal R bands for the three formally recognized species and the new hybrids of trans-Andean tamarins. We identified one case of interbreeding between the white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus) and the cotton-top tamarin (S. ?dipus) and two independent reciprocal crosses of S. leucopus and the Geoffroy’s tamarin (S. geoffroyi). All these hybrids exhibit intermediate phenotypes between parental species, and genetic data are consistent with first-generation hybridization. Cytogenetic data suggest that the S. leucopus × S. ?dipus hybrid is sterile, as it is a female with XY karyotype apparently affected by a condition known as gonadal dysgenesis. Trans-Andean tamarin species occur in northwest Colombia with parapatric distributions bounded by major rivers. Potential contact zones, either natural or anthropogenic, might facilitate hybridization in the wild, but this scenario remains to be assessed. Our findings warrant future studies focused on the evolutionary mechanisms of reproductive isolation in tamarins. Given the risk of hybridization, caution should be taken in management and conservation of tamarins.  相似文献   

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