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Abstract. Data from three forest stands for the past 2000 yr show how the shade-intolerant species Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens maintain significant populations in the Swedish boreal landscape. Age structure data from a northern stand close to the range limits of Picea abies and Pinus complement a local pollen diagram, and reveal cyclic population fluctuations which can be related to periods of climatic stress and fire. Pollen data from two southern stands show that high fire frequencies in the past prevented the expansion of Picea populations. Reduction of the fire frequency during the last 200 yr has favoured Picea. A long time perspective reveals the population dynamics of long-lived species and indicates the controlling factors. Such knowledge permits assessment of the current status and likely future of forest stands.  相似文献   

Abstract. We reconstructed forest development and disturbance events (fire and logging) during the last 1000 yr with tree‐ring data, pollen and charcoal analysis from a semi‐natural Fagus sylvatica‐Picea abies forest (ca. 1 km2) in the hemiboreal zone. According to pollen analysis, Quercus robur together with Pinus sylvestris was abundant in the forest until the turn of the 18th/19th centuries when these species disappeared completely (Quercus) or nearly completely (Pinus) and were replaced by Fagus and Picea. The disappearance of Quercus was corroborated by the remarkable discovery of a single Quercus stump that had been cut in the 18th century and had become overgrown and preserved by a very old Picea. In total 11 fires were dated from 1555 to 1748 from fire scars in several Pinus stumps cut 100 ‐ 200 yr ago. Since the last fire in 1748, no Quercus or Pinus have regenerated in the core of the reserve apart from single pines in neighbouring managed forest (80 yr ago). During the period of documented fires Fagus was protected from fires in a refuge made up of large boulders. Picea colonized the region at the time when the fires ceased 250 yr ago. We hypothesize that most of the fires were probably of human origin because of their patchiness and high frequency compared to the natural background levels of lightning ignitions in the region. On a 300‐yr time scale, logging and fire suppression seem to strongly overshadow the effect of climate change on forest composition and dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract. We present results from repeated analyses (1962, 1993) of a permanent plot established in 1947, combined with retrospective stand age structure data, in an old Pinus sylvestris stand in Muddus National Park, northern Sweden. The study points towards a successional pathway governed by concurrent disturbance effects of climate variability, reindeer grazing and fire. This is intermediate to the two often advocated ideas on dynamics in boreal forests, that is, one of disturbance-related tree regeneration/mortality and one of continuous regeneration. When the plot was established in 1947 the tree layer (> 1.3 m) consisted of 300 individuals/ha of P. sylvestris and 62/ha of Betula pubescens. Subsequently the stand has become more dense and the species dominance has shifted. In 1993, 362 P. sylvestris and 62 Picea abies individuals were present per ha, while no Betula individuals were found. The number of dead trees increased from zero in 1947 to 200/ha (Pinus) in 1993. Pinus was also the most common species in the sapling layer (< 1.3 m) throughout the study period, though the number dropped from 8912/ha in 1947 to 51% in 1993. Dead saplings decreased from 2650/ha in 1947 to ca. 50% in 1962, and only 9% in 1993. Temporal variations in mortality and sapling mean height coincided with variations in snow depth, indicating a critical period in sapling development when saplings are exposed at the snow/atmosphere interface. The number of living Picea saplings increased slowly until 1993; no dead saplings were found. Most Pinus recruited shortly after the 1774-fire, and during the second half of the 1900s. The major part of the spruce regeneration took place during the later half of the 1900s. No successful Betula recruitment has occurred after the 1930s, and no live Betula were present in 1993, which might be explained as an effect of increased reindeer browsing – the reindeer stock has grown by 50% since 1961. Although subjected to high mortality, Pinus regenerated and maintained a seedling/sapling bank. In this way Pinus remained dominant in the tree layer after more than 200 post-fire years. The importance of the shade-tolerant Picea has slowly increased, while Betula has died off. Thus, even after 219 yr since fire there is an early successional trend in the stand. This suggests that an increased chronic disturbance (grazing/browsing by reindeer) has partly succeeded earlier discrete fire-disturbance events, and maintained a continuous seedbed favouring the shade-intolerant pine recruitment.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of cold soil and snowcover on photosynthesis and conductance of Picea engelmannii and Pinus contorta was investigated early in the growing season in the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, USA. Trees of both species growing in cold soil (<1°C) associated with snowpack had 25–40% lower leaf photosynthesis than trees in warm soils (>10°C). In cold soils leaf conductance of both species was lower, but more so in Pinus, leading to lower intercellular CO2 concentrations and greater stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. Soil temperature had no effect on predawn and midday shoot water potentials of Pinus and Picea and lower photosynthesis and conductance did not appear to be a result of lower bulk shoot water potential. Predawn, as well as midday, water potentials of Pinus were consistently higher than Picea suggesting that Pinus may have deeper roots, although trenching experiments indicated young Picea trees have more extensive lateral root systems than similar sized Pinus trees. Young Picea trees (<2 m in height) in snowbanks were capable of utilizing warmer soil 4 m from their base. Under similar conditions Pinus in snowbanks had lower photosynthesis and conductance than controls and Pinus did not appear capable of utilizing warmer soils nearby. Under full sunlight, PPFD reflected from the snow surface was 400–1400 mol m-2 s-1 higher than from snow-free surfaces. This reflected light resulted in a 10%–20% increase in photosynthesis of Picea. The beneficial effect of reflected light was apparent whether or not photosynthesis was reduced by low soil temperatures.  相似文献   

In an analysis of allozyme genes in three pine and one spruce species distributed in Eurasia, 45 of 87 loci were mapped. Four linkage groups inPinus sylvestris andPicea abies, three inPinus pallasiana, and two inPinus pumila were determined. The order and the locations of homologous genes in the linkage groups in the different species were similar. The data suggest that during the separate development of thePinus andPicea genera that has lasted for millions of years, there was not any large inversion, translocation, or other significant chromosomal change, at least in the gene blocks analyzed.  相似文献   

The influence of pre-industrial animal husbandry on the boreal forest in south-central Sweden has been studied by pollen and charcoal analyses of peat profiles from two mires in the vicinity of a shieling site. The impact of farming on the local vegetation development is demonstrated from cal. A. D. 1300–1500 in three ways: forest clearance and cultivation of cereals at the local shieling site; alterations of hydrology and vegetation, such as an increase in Cyperaceae, at mires used for hay production; changes in the composition in the surrounding forest, with decreasing proportions of Betula, Picea and boreo-nemoral broadleaved trees and a consequent increase in Pinus, due to grazing and a change of fire regime. Similar alterations to the forest vegetation are noted at other sites in central and northern Sweden during the last thousand years, when the system of using shielings became more widespread. Hence, early animal husbandry is demonstrated to have had a regional impact on the long-term boreal forest development, replacing the original mixed deciduous-coniferous forest with Pinus dominated forest. Received November 27, 2001 / Accepted June 20, 2002 Correspondence to: Marie Emanuelsson  相似文献   

Abstract. Species composition, detritus, and soil data from 97 boreal forest stands along a transect in central Canada were analysed using Correspondence Analysis to determine the dominant environmental/site variables that differentiate these forest stands. Picea mariana stands were densely clustered together on the understorey DCA plot, suggesting a consistent understorey species composition (feather mosses and Ericaceae), whereas Populus tremuloides stands had the most diverse understorey species composition (ca. 30 species, mostly shrubs and herbs). Pinus banksiana stands had several characteristic species of reindeer lichens (Cladina spp.), but saplings and Pinus seedlings were rare. Although climatic variables showed large variation along the transect, the CCA results indicated that site conditions are more important in determining species composition and differentiating the stand types. Forest floor characteristics (litter and humus layer, woody debris, and drainage) appear to be among the most important site variables. Stands of Picea had significantly higher average carbon (C) densities in the combined litter and humus layer (43530 kg‐C.ha‐1) than either Populus (25 500 kg‐C.ha‐1) or Pinus (19 400 kg‐C.ha‐1). The thick surface organic layer in lowland Picea stands plays an important role in regulating soil temperature and moisture, and organic‐matter decomposition, which in turn affect the ecosystem C‐dynamics. During forest succession after a stand‐replacing disturbance (e.g. fires), tree biomass and surface organic layer thickness increase in all stand types as forests recover; however, woody biomass detritus first decreases and then increases after ca. 80 yr. Soil C densities show slight decrease with ages in Populus stands, but increase in other stand types. These results indicate the complex C‐transfer processes among different components (tree biomass, detritus, forest floor, and soil) of boreal ecosystems at various stages of succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. 14 old, unlogged, Picea-dominated stands in the moist cool Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic subzone of central British Columbia, Canada, were sampled to describe canopy heterogeneity, regeneration patterns and tree population age structures. These stands are composed of Picea engelmannii × glauca hybrids, Abies lasiocarpa and lesser amounts of Pinus contorta and Populus tremuloides, and had survived 124–343 yr since the last stand-destroying wildfire. Canopy cover was patchy and highly variable (ranging from 30.5 % to 86.4 %) but was not significantly related to stand age. Vertical canopy structure was less variable, reflecting the shade-tolerance and live crown ratios (length of live canopy expressed relative to tree height) of component species: 18.8 % for Populus, 20.2 % for Pinus, 46.7 % for Picea and 51.4 % for Abies. Individual stands varied considerably in their population structures and in their stand development trajectories, yet some patterns are evident. Survivors of the initial post-disturbance cohort of trees took 51 to 118 yr (mean = 80, s.d. = 20) to establish. Some stands had all tree species present during stand initiation, while other stands indicated early successional roles for Populus and Pinus, or a late successional role for Abies. Abies recruitment, while often slow in the beginning, occurs uniformly throughout the history of most stands, reflecting the high shade-tolerance of this species. Picea is often recruited in high densities early in stand development, and then (after long periods of exclusion) may be displaced by Abies in some stands but maintains itself in others. Minor, single-tree disturbances (due to bark beetles, root rot, and windthrow) were important in accelerating the reinitiation of Picea in the understory. Results thus suggest that stands from this region can be self-perpetuating in the absence of fire. Yet, post-fire tree populations still clearly dominate these spruce-fir forests, for only the oldest stand had greater basal area in the replacement cohort than in the initial cohort.  相似文献   

The dark taiga of Siberia is a boreal vegetation dominated by Picea obovata, Abies sibirica, and Pinus sibirica during the late succession. This paper investigates the population and age structure of 18 stands representing different stages after fire, wind throw, and insect damage. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the forest dynamics of the Siberian dark taiga is described quantitatively in terms of succession, and age after disturbance, stand density, and basal area. The basis for the curve–linear age/diameter relation of trees is being analyzed. (1) After a stand-replacing fire Betula dominates (4,000 trees) for about 70 years. Although tree density of Betula decreases rapidly, basal area (BA) reached >30 m2/ha after 40 years. (2) After fire, Abies, Picea, and Pinus establish at the same time as Betula, but grow slower, continue to gain height and eventually replace Betula. Abies has the highest seedling number (about 1,000 trees/ha) and the highest mortality. Picea establishes with 100–400 trees/ha, it has less mortality, but reached the highest age (>350 years, DBH 51 cm). Picea is the most important indicator for successional age after disturbance. Pinus sibirica is an accompanying species. The widely distributed “mixed boreal forest” is a stage about 120 years after fire reaching a BA of >40 m2/ha. (3) Wind throw and insect damage occur in old conifer stands. Betula does not establish. Abies initially dominates (2,000–6,000 trees/ha), but Picea becomes dominant after 150–200 years since Abies is shorter lived. (4) Without disturbance the forest develops into a pure coniferous canopy (BA 40–50 m2/ha) with a self-regenerating density of 1,000 coniferous canopy trees/ha. There is no collapse of old-growth stands. The dark taiga may serve as an example in which a limited set to tree species may gain dominance under certain disturbance conditions without ever getting monotypic.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal occurrence of protein-storage vacuoles in parenchyma cells of the inner bark and leaf tissues of seven softwood species was examined. Previously published results showed that these organelles often fill the phloem parenchyma cells of the inner bark tissues in overwintering hardwoods, whereas they are absent from this tissue during the summer. We hypothesize that the organelles are involved in the storage of reduced nitrogen during wintering, in a manner analogous to protein bodies of seeds. A survey of the phloem and cambial parenchyma tissues in six evergreen softwood species (Pinus strobus, P. sylvestris, Picea abies, P. glauca, Abies balsamea, and Thuja occidentalis) and in one deciduous softwood species (Larix decidua) was conducted. There was a large variation in the degree and timing of protein-storage vacuole formation between the individual genera and species. The organelles were not seen in summer samples of inner bark tissues of any of the genera or species examined. Protein-storage vacuoles were common in the bark tissues of Pinus, Abies and Thuja, occasionally seen in Picea, and rarely found in Larix during the winter. One-year-old leaves were also examined, since in all but Larix they are overwintering structures and can act as potential sites of nitrogen storage. Protein-storage vacuoles were present in Pinus and Thuja leaf tissue in both summer and winter, in Abies during winter only, and were absent from Picea leaf tissue at all times. These results indicate that the formation of protein-storage vacuoles prior to overwintering is not a ubiquitous phenomenon in softwoods.  相似文献   

The size structure transition matrices ofPicea jezoensis, Picea glehnii andAbies sachalinensis of a sub-boreal forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan were constructed based on the demography of each species (Picea jezoensis andPicea glehnii were dealt with together asPicea) during a 4-year period. Two types of matrices, density-independent and density-dependent population dynamics models, were investigated for evaluating the ‘waiting pattern’ betweenPicea spp. andA. sachalinensis. For the density-dependent model, it was assumed that the demographic traits of understory trees, the recruitment rate, the understory mortality rate and the transition probability from the understory to canopy stages, were regulated by the one-sided competitive effect of canopy trees. The observed size structure ofPicea was almost consistent with the stationary size structure obtained in both the density-independent and the density-dependent models, whereas the observed size structure ofA. sachalinensis was not realized in the two models. The effects of both the transition probability from the understory to canopy stages and the recruitment rate on the dynamics of canopy trees were investigated. ForPicea, two parameters—recruitment rate (e i ) and transition probability from the understory to canopy stages-exponentially affected the dynamics of canopy trees. In contrast, forAbies sachalinensis, the two parameters affected linearly the dynamics of canopy trees. In conclusion, the population dynamics ofPicea andA. sachalinensis was determined by the parameters of the recruitment rate and the transition probability from the understory to canopy stages, relating to waiting patterns of understory trees for future gap formation. InPicea, the demographic parameters of understory trees intensively regulated the dynamics of canopy trees if compared withA. sachalinensis, suggesting that the performance of understory trees plays a key role in the population dynamics ofPicea. This reflects the growth pattern of understory trees in the regeneration of the two species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Analysis of pollen, charcoal and loss-on-ignition in peat cores from a Picea aèies-dominated swamp forest in central Sweden show the vegetation changes and disturbance patterns over 9500 yr. Six major sequences of local vegetation development are identified: (A) Pinus period, ca. 9500–7000 cal. BP; (B) Open mire period (ca. 7000–4500 cal. BP; (C) Betula period, ca. 4500–2300 cal. BP; (D) Picea period (ca. 2300–1000 cal. BP; (E) Human impact period (ca. 1000–100 cal. BP); and (F) Period of human abandonment during the last ca. 100 yr. The swamp forest has been highly dynamic in response to various natural and anthropogenic disturbance agencies. Several fires have heavily influenced the vegetation development. During the last ca. 900 yr human influence has been important, initially from grazing and trampling by domesticated animals (ca. 1000–500 cal. BP), and subsequently small-scale cereal growing (ca. 400–100 BP). Cutting, burning and animal browsing influenced the structure and dynamics of the swamp forest by creating a more open stand and suppressing tree regeneration. Recent cessation of human impact has led to increased tree regeneration and a denser swamp forest stand. The present high biodiversity, and subsequent conservation interest does not result from long-term stability or absence of fire and human impact. However, in spite of repeated disturbances, a continuity of old and senescent trees produced a forest type with abundant dead wood. With the relatively minor importance of fire over long periods of time, the swamp forest developed a structure maintaining a high biological diversity. An important issue for maintaining long-term biodiversity in the boreal landscape must be to create a mosaic where different forest types are present, with a variety of structures, substrates and processes, to provide a certain degree of freedom for species to move around in the landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract. The demography of Picea mariana (black spruce) and Pinus banksiana (jack pine) seedlings was monitored through five censuses over 13 months in four different seed bed types after fire of four severity levels in lichen woodland. Most seeds germinated just before early frost in late summer 1990 or immediately after snow thaw in early spring 1991; the germination rate subsequently decreased. For both species, germination rate decreased along a gradient of fire severity. The proportion of Pinus seeds that produced a seedling surviving 13 months after sowing was 4.3 % and 0.4 % respectively in the intact lichen mat and in the mineral soil seed bed type. For Picea these values are 3.2 % and 0.2 % respectively. The low germination rate in a severely burned seed bed type appeared to be associated with the formation of a water-repellent crust at the soil surface following the fire. Seedlings were contagiously distributed and were more frequent in flat and hollow microsites, where there is probably more water available than on bumps or among pebbles. Properties of experimentally burned seed bed types may differ from those under natural fires where regeneration by seed generally occurs following dispersal. However, the high germination rate observed in the intact lichen mat suggests that scattered lichen woodland patches may respond to increased seed input by a higher frequency of seedling establishment.  相似文献   

马闯  杨竟艺  高云昌  龙鸿  于玮玮 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1306-1314
为探究八仙山保护区不同类型森林群落的更新潜力、多样性程度以及稳定性水平,阐明三者间的关系,该文以保护区内油松林、蒙古栎林和油松-栓皮栎混交林(松栎混交林) 3种不同类型天然次生林为对象,调查建群种径级结构和更新潜力,计算不同层次群落多样性,测定M. Godron稳定性,并采用主成分法建立评价模型。结果表明:(1)油松种群径级结构近似正态分布,处于成熟期,但幼苗较少;栓皮栎、蒙古栎以及阔叶杂木的幼苗、幼树较多,更新潜力较大。(2)松栎混交林的乔木层多样性较高,而灌木层多样性最低,油松林的草本层多样性最低;松栎混交林群落总体物种丰富度最低而均匀度最高。(3) M. Godron稳定性表明,蒙古栎林距离稳定点较近,而油松林偏离较远。(4) PCA双序图表明,M. Godron稳定性与种群更新潜力、Alatalo均匀度呈较强正相关,综合排序依次为松栎混交林、蒙古栎林和油松林。综上结果表明,建群种更新潜力和物种均匀度对群落稳定性影响较大,林地管理应注重对幼苗幼树的保护。  相似文献   

Population age structure and succession were investigated in subalpine forests in the Colorado Front Range dominated by Pinus flexilis (limber pine). Age, size, and spatial data were collected from three recent burns (<100 yr old), six ca. 240 year-old post-fire stands, and two old-growth stands (individuals > 400 yr old). The sequence of colonization of now extant trees on these post-fire sites appeared to be consistent: first Pinus flexilis, then Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce), and later Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) with a delay between the first Pinus flexilis and Abies of as long as 140 yr. The advantage of Pinus flexilis on post-burn sites can be attributed to avian seed dispersal and the exceptional drought tolerance of its seedlings. The three recent burns were not extensive, and the delay in establishment of Picea and Abies appeared to be limited by harsh site conditions rather than lack of seed dispersal. Spatial analysis indicated a consistent, although sometimes weak, attraction between Pinus flexilis and Picea and Pinus flexilis and Abies at a scale of 1–4 m, suggesting that Pinus flexilis may facilitate establishment of Picea and Abies seedlings by providing shade or protection from wind. On xeric to slightly xeric sites, Pinus flexilis appeared to form broadly even-aged, non-regenerating populations that were gradually being replaced by Picea and Abies. Replacement is proceeding at a faster rate on the least xeric sites (north aspects, valley bottoms) compared to the most xeric sites (south aspects). On the most extreme sites, Pinus flexilis formed all-aged, self-maintaining populations with no evidence of replacement by Picea and Abies. In these old-growth forests with occasional trees aged at > 1300 yr, recruitment is continuous or episodic.  相似文献   

Stand structure and regeneration in a Kamchatka mixed boreal forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A 1‐ha plot was established in a Betula platyphylla‐Picea ajanensis mixed boreal forest in the central Kamchatka peninsula in Russia to investigate stand structure and regeneration. This forest was relatively sparse; total density and stand basal area were 1071/ha and 25.8 m2/ha, respectively, for trees > 2.0 cm in trunk diameter at breast height (DBH). 25% of Betula regenerated by sprouting, and its frequency distribution of DBH had a reverse J‐shaped pattern. In contrast, Picea had a bimodal distribution. The growth rates of both species were high, reaching 20 m in ca. 120 yr. The two species had clumped distributions, especially for saplings. Betula saplings were not distributed in canopy gaps. Small Picea saplings were distributed irrespective of the presence/absence of gaps, while larger saplings aggregated in gaps. At the examined spatial scales (6.25–400 m2) the spatial distribution of Betula saplings was positively correlated with living Betula canopy trees and negatively with dead Picea canopy trees. This suggests that Betula saplings regenerated under the crowns of Betula canopy trees and did not invade the gaps created by Picea canopy trees. The spatial distribution of Picea saplings was negatively correlated with living and dead Betula canopy trees and positively with dead Picea canopy trees. Most small Picea seedlings were distributed under the crowns of Picea trees but not under the crowns of Betula trees or in gaps. This suggests that Picea seedlings establish under the crowns of Picea canopy trees and can grow to large sizes after the death of overhead Picea canopy trees. Evidence of competitive exclusion between the two species was not found. At a 20 m × 20 m scale both skewness and the coefficient of variation of DBH frequency distribution of Picea decreased with an increase in total basal area of Picea while those of Betula were unchanged irrespective of the increase in total basal area of Betula. This indicates that the size structure of Picea is more variable with stand development than that of Betula on a small scale. This study suggests that Betula regenerates continuously by sprouting and Picea regenerates discontinuously after gap formation and that the species do not exclude each other.  相似文献   

Picea is one of the most dominant conifer genera in the Northern Hemisphere and includes species which require coarse woody debris (CWD) as a seedbed for regeneration. To understand the future of forest distribution under global climate change, it is important to investigate regeneration mechanisms in Picea forests on the borders of its distribution. In the present study, we evaluated the biotic factors affecting the establishment of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on CWD in one of its southernmost populations in central Japan, where there is dieback of Picea forest. Amplicon sequencing of the fungal ITS1 region of rDNA obtained from wood samples showed that forest dieback increased the frequency of brown rot fungi in CWD. The frequency of brown-rotted wood, in which wood holocellulose is decayed, increased with dieback intensity. The domination of brown-rotted wood in dieback forests was negatively associated with bryophyte cover which was positively associated with Picea seedling density. Forest dieback itself also had other strong negative effects on bryophytes. Thus, linkages between dead wood and spruce seedlings via bryophytes had collapsed after the dieback event, which may partly be a reason that the spruce forest shifted to and is staying as open grassland.  相似文献   

Although roots of species in the Pinaceae are usually colonized by ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, there are increasing reports of the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi in these species. The objective of this study was to determine the colonization patterns in seedlings of three Pinus (pine) species (Pinus banksiana, Pinus strobus, Pinus contorta) and Picea glauca x Picea engelmannii (hybrid spruce) grown in soil collected from a disturbed forest site. Seedlings of all three pine species and hybrid spruce became colonized by EM, AM, and DSE fungi. The dominant EM morphotype belonged to the E-strain category; limited colonization by a Tuber sp. was found on roots of Pinus strobus and an unknown morphotype (cf. SuillusRhizopogon group) with thick, cottony white mycelium was present on short roots of all species. The three fungal categories tended to occupy different niches in a single root system. No correlation was found between the percent root colonized by EM and percent colonization by either AM or DSE, although there was a positive correlation between percent root length colonized by AM and DSE. Hyphae and vesicles were the only AM intracellular structures found in roots of all species; arbuscules were not observed in any roots.  相似文献   

Abstract. The characteristics of microhabitats of established Pinus sylvestris and Betula seedlings were studied in a small windthrow gap in a mature P. sylvestris-dominated forest in the Petkeljärvi National Park in eastern Finland. Seedlings were strongly clustered in disturbed microhabitats, particularly uprooting pits and mounds, formed by tree falls. They covered 3% of the 0.3.ha study area consisting of the gap and some of the forest edge. Although Betula occurred only as scattered individuals in the dominant canopy layer of the forest, it accounted for 30% of the seedlings found in the study area. Betula regeneration was almost completely restricted to pits and mounds, where 91% of the seedlings were found. Uprooting spots were also the most important regeneration microhabitats for Pinus, where 60% of the seedlings grew, even though the seedlings were found in other substrates as well, particularly on sufficiently decomposed coarse wood. Undisturbed field- and bottom-layer vegetation had effectively hindered tree seedling establishment, which emphasises the role of soil disturbance for regeneration. While the establishment of seedlings was found to be clearly determined by the availability of favourable regeneration microhabitats, the early growth of seedlings was affected by a complex interaction of environmental variables, including the type of microhabitat, radiation environment and interferences caused by competing seedlings and adjacent trees. In the most important regeneration microhabitats, i.e. in uprooting pits and on mounds, the distributions of the local elevations of Pinus and Betula seedlings were different. Pinus seedlings occurred closer to ground level, i.e. on the fringes of pits and lower on mounds, while Betula seedlings grew deeper in pits and higher on mounds. The position of the Betula seedlings indicate that they may have a competitive advantage over Pinus seedlings in the dense seedling groups occurring in uprooting spots. We suggest that this initial difference in Pinus and Betula establishment may affect the subsequent within-gap tree species succession and can, in part, explain the general occurrence of Betula in conifer-dominated boreal forests.  相似文献   

The regeneration process of a subalpine coniferous forest, a mixed forest ofTsuga diversifolia (dominant species),Abies veitchii, Abies mariessi, andPicea jezoensis var.hondoensis, was studied on the basis of annual ring data. The age class distribution was discontinuous and four age groups occurred in the study plot (30m×30m). The canopy layer was a mosaic of patches (83.8–133.7 m2 patch area), which had different mean ages. The recruitment of canopy trees was carried out only by advance regeneration in the plot. The diameter growth ofAbies andPicea exceeded diameter growth ofTsuga in the gap.Abies lived for 200–300 years and their trunks were susceptible to heart rot.Picea lived for 300–400 years andTsuga for more than 400 years. The regeneration process derived from the analysis of the plot consisted of three phases leading to the development of a even-aged patch; (1) the establishment of saplings before a gap opening, (2) the opening of a gap in the canopy and repair of the canopy by advance regenerated saplings dominated by rapid growth species,Abies andPicea, and (3) the dying off of canopy trees as each species reached the end of its life-span, resulting in pure patches of long-livedTsuga.  相似文献   

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