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Abstract. Brackish riverbank marshes have been little studied. Therefore, a plant community sequence was sampled from saltmarsh to near-freshwater riverbank marsh on a number of disjunct marshes along the Taieri River, Otago, New Zealand, from near the mouth to 9 km inland. Salinity decreased steadily upstream, though the actual values were very different on two days sampled. Ten communities are recognised. The major vegetation zonation was upshore more than upstream, though there were several interactions between the upshore and upstream gradients. Few species, if any, were restricted to the mid reaches of the length of river sampled. There was only a very slight upshore increase in species richness, and no trend upstream. Sequences of communities occurred upshore on all marshes, but the sequence differed, even within a marsh. Species were assorted into communities in different ways from those of marine marshes in the area. Some species, native and exotic, occupied different beta-niches from those they occupied in other countries. Individualistic community structure is inferred.  相似文献   

Corre  J. J. 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):15-22
On the French Mediterranean seashore, the essential environmental factors are: salinity, humidity, human activity, instability, and nature of the soil. Each of these factors presents a large range of variation. According to the values and the rhythm of changes presented by each of them a hierarchy of impacts has been established. As a consequence one ecological impact or another may be the result of the occurrence of mosaìcs in the plant cover. Thus, to explain the structures observed, it is necessary to distinguish between homogeneous systems in the landscape characterized by a similar hierarchy of impacts of the master factors. Analyses prove that vegetation units are either independent of each other (they are the reflection of a geomorphological structure, of climatic differences or of human influences), or organized into more or less complex phytoecological systems in which the mosaic of plant associations is governed by the activity of plant interactions. Some examples from salt ponds and sand dune systems explain these conclusions.  相似文献   

The introduction of vigorous exotic species has destroyed much of the native sand dune vegetation along the coasts of South Island, New Zealand. However, some dunes built by the native cyperad Desmoschoenus spiralis still remain in the southwest. The dunes at Cole Creek, on the West coast of South Island, were chosen as a relatively pristine study area. 15 transects were laid through semi-fixed dunes into dwarf forest. Environmental measurements were taken at regular intervals through the dunes: pH, soil moisture, organic matter, conductivity, nutrient status and elevation. Classification and ordination of these data demonstrated that two major environmental areas were present - open dune and dwarf forest - with an abrupt ecotone between them. Vegetation analyses revealed a loosely-banded pattern, parallel to the sea. Vegetation types with few but constant species such as Desmoschoenus spiralis and Calystegia soldanella, predominated in the open dune. Forest species were rarely found seaward of the dune/forest boundary, though there was evidence the Spatial Mass Effect was operating. Multiple regression and canonical correlation of the vegetation and environmental factors showed that the main factors affecting vegetation patterns were the environmental complex related to distance from the sea, elevation above mean tide, soil alkalinity and moisture.  相似文献   

Carr vegetation was once extensive in New Zealand. It can be divided into Cordyline australis I Carex secta carr, comprising an open wood with scattered large herbs and an abundance of Carex species, and podocarp carr, dominated by tall conifers. Both have been almost eliminated by agricultural development. We studied a remnant of Cordyline australis I Carex secta carr in South Island, which graded at one end into salt marsh. Eight communities were recognized, including one pure salt marsh and two more with saline influence. Near the stream that provided moisture and alluvium for the area were herbaceous communities. In the poorly-drained area away from the stream were communities dominated by shrubs and small trees. The soil environment is similar to that of many European carrs, though generally less organic. A number of the exotic species are also found in European carrs.  相似文献   

Question: Is there a critical depth of burial by sand beyond which species and communities fail to recover, and does repeated incremental burial have a greater impact than a single large deposition? Location: The machair on the calcareous sand dunes on South Uist, in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, UK. Methods: Eight turves were collected from each of four machair sub‐community types. After acclimatization in an unheated polythene tunnel, they were buried with sterilized machair shell sand, either by one single burial to 5 cm or by five applications of 1 cm of sand at approximately seven‐week intervals. Species response was recorded on five occasions. Results: Within machair sub‐communities, burial by sand reduced the abundance (local rooted frequency) of plants more than it reduced species richness. Intermittent burial was more damaging than a single burial event. Those species with the highest pre‐burial frequencies tended to dominate recovery in the sub‐community as a whole. Species occurring across all four sub‐community types exhibited varying responses to community burial between the differing types. Samples from slack sub‐communities had distinctly different response characteristics from those of foredunes and unploughed and three‐year fallow dune grassland. Conclusions: The perennial life‐form of many machair species has been evolutionarily selected for and dominates throughout the machair habitat. Account needs to be taken of competitive interaction between species in relation to burial response. The results of the investigation show that the hypotheses of Gilbertson et al. and Kent et al. on ‘machair stratification’ require refinement in that frequency of shallow burial can be as important as overall burial depth.  相似文献   

Abstract. A survey of the vegetation of roadside verges was made across the southern part of the South Island of New Zealand. Samples were taken at 10-km intervals along selected roads providing a climatic range from the suboceanic conditions of the east coast into semi-arid Central Otago, and from Central Otago through the Southern Alps to the hyper-oceanic areas of high rainfall on the west Coast. The variation in the floristic composition is associated mainly with variation in rainfall, continentality, altitude, soil acidity, soil organic matter, and presence of forest. Sites in the arable and pastoral regions on the eastern side of the Southern Alps support a herbaceous vegetation consisting mostly of exotic species of European origin, with a few native grasses scattered through the drier and less fertile sites. A greater proportion of native species is found at higher altitudes. Roadside vegetation in the area of high rainfall to the west is characterized by indigenous ferns and woody species, although vegetation adjacent to cleared areas is more similar to that on roadsides adjacent to farmland on the east coast. The pattern of distribution of both native and exotic species is strongly related to altitudinal and climatic gradients, and the environmental responses of the exotic species are similar to those recorded in Europe. This suggests a colonization of all available sites by the exotic species, despite the relatively short time since their introduction to New Zealand, rather than an incomplete invasion.  相似文献   

Summary Many plant species prominent in the native vegetation of the dry shingle banks at Dungeness (Britain) are also prominent as exotics in the dry Upper Clutha catchment (New Zealand). To examine the realised niche relations of these species, vegetation was sampled in the two areas. Inverse classification and ordination were used to determine the relative beta niches of the species in the two areas. There was little agreement; it seems that the exotic species in the Upper Clutha were pre-adapted to different niches from those in their native range.  相似文献   

The vegetation of a dune slack at Mason Bay, Stewart Island, New Zealand was found to comprise a mosaic of communities. Although the broad vegetational patterns could be correlated with the depth of the water table, the patterns were far from simple. Species diversity over the whole slack was lower than values reported from European dune slacks; even the most diverse communities did not reach European mean values.For nomenclature see Wilson in press. Vascular plants of Stewart Island. D.S.I.R., Wellington, New Zealand; Sainsbury (1955). A handbook of the New Zealand mosses. N.Z. R. Soc. 5: 1–490 & Hamlin (1972). Hepaticae of New Zealand, Dominion Museum, Wellington.  相似文献   

An area of New Zealand alpine herbfield, 22×22 m, was sampled on a 3×3 m grid.Two community types could be distinguished, dominated respectively by the cushion epacrid Dracophyllum muscoides and the subshrub asterad Celmisia viscosa. Each type was subdivided into three communities. The distribution of these communities was correlated with the environmental factors measured, with a predictability of up to 81%. Some of the factors, such as soil organic matter, could have been influenced by the vegetation, but others were microtopographic ones, unlikely to have been so influenced. There was no evidence of cyclic succession. Possibly the distribution of the two major types reflects previous patch burns, but distributions of individual communities are related to the current environment.Association between the more common species revealed two very clear groups, which characterise, but are not exclusive to, the two community types.  相似文献   

There are stringent requirements for the importation of all exotic organisms into Australia and New Zealand but since both countries have already permitted the importation and release of some species of both Heterorhabditis and Steinernema , the difficulties of the importation of entomopathogenic nematodes are reduced. In both countries, a series of authorities must be consulted before importation is permitted but only in New Zealand must entomopathogenic nematodes be registered before commercial trials and sales are allowed. Registration not only entails a thorough evaluation of the nematode species and its formulation for a wide range of possible harmful effects to humans, crops and the environment, but efficacy must be demonstrated for each species of nematode in each type of formulation against each pest.  相似文献   

Predictions from three conceptual models of the dynamics of semi-arid vegetation (Clementsian succession, alternative stable states and annuation/pulse phenomena) are used to review the available evidence on changes in the vegetation of semi- arid lowland Central Otago, New Zealand. Evidence is presented from Central Otago that corresponds with Clementsian succession and with annuation/pulse phenomena, although there is so far no formal evidence of alternative stable states. A declining- productivity model, which combines aspects of the other models, is also shown to fit the process of vegetation change in vegetation dynamics in Central Otago are insufficient for the employment of management frameworks such as degradation gradient assessment and the state-and-transition model.  相似文献   

Species composition patterns and vegetation?environment relationships were quantified for montane volcanic outcrops on Banks Peninsula. The flora of these habitat islands comprises 346 vascular plant species including 82 exotic species and 52 species that are nationally rare, regionally rare, or regional endemics. Both MDS ordination analysis and TWINSPAN results illustrated the high compositional and environmental heterogeneity across the outcrops. Multi-dimensional scaling revealed that primary environmental factors related to community composition comprise both regional-scale gradients of altitude and outcrop-scale gradients of slope steepness, soil pH, area available to plants, maximum vegetation height, and the percentage of the surrounding vegetation that is forest. Accordingly, TWINSPAN separated four outcrop communities that occur on steeper slopes, have less fertile soils and tend not to face north from three outcrop communities that have shallower slopes, more fertile soils and tend to face north. Types in the first group are more likely to be bordered by forest or taller shrublands, whereas those in the second group occur on outcrops primarily bordered by grasslands and support more exotic species. Within these broader groups, communities differ in their altitude and the size, soil depth and shading of the outcrops on which they occur. We describe the vegetation of the seven communities; this ranges from predominance of stunted trees and taller statured species such as Podocarpus hallii and Phormium cookianum to vegetation of shrubby species such as Heliohebe lavaudiana and Hebe strictissima, to short vegetation of native woodland and grassland species such as Polystichum vestitum and Rytidosperma corinum, to exotic pasture of clovers and exotic grasses. The percentage of species on an outcrop face that are exotic is well modelled by site factors, with exotics increasing as the surrounding matrix becomes more disturbed, slopes become more gentle, the percentage of shade on the outcrop decreases, and soil fertility increases. In contrast, nearby disturbance has little influence on the percentage or number of species that are rare on an outcrop face; rather rare species richness is more strongly related to outcrop area and lack of shade, echoing patterns observed for rare outcrop species elsewhere in the world. These results highlight the importance of considering the high compositional heterogeneity among outcrops and the influence of disturbance to surrounding ecosystems in guiding conservation planning.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dune system at Tentsmuir Point National Nature Reserve, Scotland, using transects crossing the vegetation zonation. Principal Components Analysis and tabular ordination are used to analyse the data, and an attempt is made to relate the results obtained to the dynamics of the system. The effects of different management regimes are considered, and it is concluded that the establishment of pine on the area has the largest effect on the development of the vegetation. Reduction in grazing pressure by rabbits is found to increase species diversity slightly, but has no major influence as yet on vegetation development. While some information on the dynamics of the vegetation can be inferred, the problems involved in this are considered to be large, and the study raises a number of questions to be studied in greater detail. It is concluded that permanent plots would be the most effective method to employ.Nomenclature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962) for vascular plants, Watson (1968) for bryophytes, and Duncan (1970) for lichens.We should like to thank Dr. R. A. H. Smith of the Nature Conservancy Council for her assistance and permission to work on Tentsmuir Point N. N. R., and Mr. J. G. Young, then warden at Tentsmuir for his help at the start of the project. We are grateful to Dr. R. Meutzelfeldt for computational advice. In addition, one of us (R.J.H.) would like to thank Dr. E. van der Maarel and Dr. R. S. Clymo for their tuition during the Nordic Council for Ecology course Numerical Methods in Vegetation Analysis' in Lund, September, 1979.  相似文献   

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