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ABSTRACT. The sequence of formation and ciliation of basal bodies and the subsequent organization of compound ciliary structures of the oral apparatus of Tetrahymena thermophila was reanalyzed with the aid of scanning electron microscopy of cells in which the epiplasmic layer was exposed, as well as by light microscopy of protargol-impregnated specimens. This combination of methods allowed the delineation of numerous steps in the patterning of the oral ciliature, some of which have received little or no previous attention. Highlights include: the initial formation of “strings” of nonciliated new basal bodies in juxtaposition to relatively few basal bodies of the stomatogenic kinety; generation of basal body pairs, roughly oriented along the anteroposterior axis of the cell, that later align side-by-side to assemble promembranelles; condensation and reorientation of promembranelles simultaneous with addition of a third row of basal bodies anterior to the original two rows; production of a very short fourth row of basal bodies at the anterior right end of each developing membranelle; generation of the outer basal body row of the undulating membrane (UM) after alignment of the inner row, with transient ciliation of the inner row preceding permanent ciliation of the outer row; limited basal body resorption at the ends of membranelles; and sculpturing of the right ends of membranelles by a movement of basal bodies associated with formation of the ribbed wall adjacent to the UM. In the old anterior oral apparatus a repetition of the processes of generation of a new outer UM row and sculpturing of right ends of membranelles takes place in synchrony with the corresponding events in the oral primordium, following prior shedding of the old outer UM row and loss of the sculptured pattern in association with temporary regression of the ribbed wall micro-tubules. Oral development is complex, with different processes involved in the assembly of the membranelles and the UM, and with a sequence of distinct events involved in the generation of each of these structures. Speaking comparatively, membranelle development follows the same pathway in many, perhaps all, ciliates in which these structures or their homologues develop from a common stomatogenic field.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mirror-image symmetry doublets of the ciliate Stylonychia pustulata were obtained from the progenies of dividing cells in which cell division was inhibited by heat-shocks. In two components consisting of the doublet, the left (cell's) component possessed ciliary organelles arranged in almost the same pattern as in normal singlets, while the right one had surface organelles located in a mirror-image symmetry of those of the left component. In cell division of the doublet, two sets of ciliary primordia that were arranged in a mirror-image symmetry developed synchronously in both components. In about 80% of oral primordia (OP) of the right components, the arrangement of the membranellar bands became abnormal. In some cases, OP of the right component were occasionally separated into two longitudinal halves, each consisting of normal membranelles and inverted membranelles. A set of primordia of the paroral membranelles and fronto-ventro-transverse cirri was rarely derived from the basal bodies of the right half with a band of normal membranelles. As a result, a third component with the ciliary organelles normally arranged emerged on the right side of the original right component. The differentiation of membranelles and segmentation of the primordial streaks into cim proceeded from anterior to posterior. A cytoplasmic bulge with multiple right marginal cirral rows was frequently formed at the right margin of the doublet. The behavior in the separation of third and fourth streaks from a primordial streak of dorsal cirri was not mirror-image symmetrical in each component.  相似文献   

Summary The unique monoclonal antibody FXXXIX 12G9 obtained againstTetrahymena cortices was used to label cytoskeletal structures related to basal body proliferation inParaurostyla weissei. The antibody binds to an amorphous material interconnecting basal bodies in compound ciliary structures: dorsal units, cirri and membranelles in interfission cells, and filamentous structures supporting the primordia of ciliary structures and fission line in dividing cells. The antibody visualized meridional filaments preceding proliferation of new basal bodies in the oral primordium and structures accompanying all developing ciliary primordia. It congregated in differentiating new procirri and membranelles, whereas another population of transient meridional structures accompanied the final distribution of new structures. A meridional filament connecting transverse cirri with the oral apparatus, marking the future stomatogenic meridian, persisted in both division products until completion of cell elongation. The fission line was found to originate from an anterior extension of the pre-oral filament toward the parental oral structures. It then encircled the cell's midbody demarcating the boundary between daughter cells; two additional circumferential structures bordering the anterior and posterior ends of differentiating division products participate in formation of the new poles. They disappear after separation of daughter cells and completion of resorption of parental ciliature. In the enhanced multi-left-marginal mutant expressing gross hyperduplication of basal bodies, the location of the 12G9 antigen corresponded to that in wild-type cells. The sequence of formation of meridional filaments in the mutant was found to be altered. The filaments in the left lateral domain preceded the formation of the preoral filament, yet the temporal pattern of basal body assembly was not modified. The fission line, as in wild-type cells, originated in connection with the oral primordium. We conclude that the nucleation of the filamentous structures bearing the 12G9 antigen and the basal body assembly occur by independent mechanisms reading the same cell cycle signals. We suggest that the 12G9-antigen-bearing protein might be similar to septins: involved in signaling the position of the oral primordium and the fission line and functioning in establishing and maintaining the asymmetric cortical domain characteristics.Abbrevations AZM zone of adorai membranelles - bb basal bodies - CC caudal cirri - FC frontal cirri - Fmf frontal meridional filament - FTV the primordia of fronto-ventro-transverse cirri - LD, RD dorsal rows of bristle units - LM, RM left or right marginal cirral row - OA oral apparatus - OP primordium of the adoral membranelles - pLM, pRM primordium of the left or right marginal cirri - pLD, pRD primordia of the left or right dorsal bristle rows - pUM primordium of the undulating membranes - TC transverse cirri - UM undulating membranes - VC ventral cirral rows  相似文献   

The pattern of proliferation of new basal bodies in ciliary rows (somatic proliferation) in Tetrahymena was observed. Starved and refed cells were used, because proliferation in these cells is more pronounced than that under other circumstances. The formation of new basal bodies is locally determined by the position of "old" pre-existing basal body (short range determination). However, the probability of proliferation associated with any given "old" basal body differs very much. This probability is determined by the spatial coordinates of the particular region of the cell (long range determination); however some randomness in this process was also observed. Two different gradients of proliferation were found. The first gradient is circumferential with a maximum number of new basal bodies added in ciliary rows n, 1, 2 and 3 and the minimum number added in ciliary rows 7, 8 and 9. The second is an antero-posterior gradient with the highest number of new basal bodies added in the midbody region. Moreover, at least in some cases, new oral primordia first appear, as a random proliferation of new basal bodies adjacent to a few old cilia of ciliary row No. 1, resembling somatic proliferation. Then 2,3 or even more clumps of basal bodies appear, each having one old cilium posteriorly. These clumps, however, are not linear groups within the ciliary row but instead they form small fields of basal bodies. These findings suggest, that the same two-gradient system for new basal body addition operates during somatic proliferation and also determines the position of the new oral primordium as the site of the highest gradient value at the intersection of two gradients.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Described herein are the morphology and certain morphogenetic stages of a new freshwater ciliate species, Deviata polycirrata n. sp., and of Deviata bacilliformis recorded in the soil of a dried temporary pond from Argentina. Ciliates were studied alive and after silver impregnation with Protargol. Deviata polycirrata n. sp. measures 130–180 × 45–70 μm in vivo. The species possesses 8–9 long cirral rows on the right and 9–13 on the left of the oral zone, and 3 dorsal rows of dikinetids. The adoral zone is composed of 39–48 membranelles. There are four macronuclear nodules and usually two micronuclei. A single contractile vacuole is located equatorially on the left body margin. This new species mainly differs from its congeners in having a higher number of cirral rows, the three long dorsal rows of dikinetids (vs. usually one to two dorsal rows of dikinetids), and a higher number of adoral membranelles. The other species reported here, D. bacilliformis, is recorded for the first time in Argentina. Unlike previous observations on this species, on the dorsal surface there are cirral rows that are preceded by cilia (combined cirral rows), and stomatogenesis begins with the proliferation of non‐ciliferous basal bodies some distance posterior to the buccal vertex.  相似文献   

In Pleurotricha lanceolata, the ventral somatic infraciliature presents 13 frontoventral cirri, 5 transverse cirri, one row with 18–19 left marginal cirri and two rows of right marginal cirri of different length. On the dorsal side there are six longitudinal rows of dorsal bristles, four of them bipolar and the other two less than half body length. The oral infraciliature includes the adoral zone of membranelles, with 45–55 membranelles of three or four rows of kinetosomes each, and two undulating membranes (paroral and endoral membranes), each with two rows of kinetosomes. Some structures of the oral and somatic fibrillar systems have also been examined and are similar to those described in other species of hypotrichous ciliates.  相似文献   

Cilia on the ventral surface of the hypotrich ciliate Euplotes are clustered into polykinetids or compound ciliary organelles, such as cirri or oral membranelles, used in locomotion and prey capture. A single polykinetid may contain more than 150 individual cilia; these emerge from basal bodies held in a closely spaced array within a scaffold or framework structure that has been referred to as a basal‐body “cage”. Cage structures were isolated free of cilia and basal bodies; the predominant component of such cages was found on polyacrylamide gels to be a 45‐kDa polypeptide. Antisera were raised against this protein band and used for immunolocalizations at the light and electron microscope levels. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed the 45‐kDa polypeptide to be localized exclusively to the bases of the ventral polykinetids. Immunogold staining of thin sections of intact cells further localized this reactivity to filaments of a double‐layered dense lattice that appears to link adjoining basal bodies into ordered arrays within each polykinetid. Scanning electron microscopy of isolated cages reveals the lower or “basal” cage layer to be a fine lacey meshwork supporting the basal bodies at their proximal ends; adjoining basal bodies are held at their characteristic spacing by filaments of an upper or “medial” cage layer. The isolated cage thus resembles a miniature test‐tube rack, able to accommodate varying arrangements of basal‐body rows, depending on the particular type of polykinetid. Because of its clear and specific localization to the basal‐body cages in Euplotes, we have termed this novel 45‐kDa protein “cagein”.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Kiitricha minuta n. sp., isolated from the Yellow Sea, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Kiitricha minuta represents a third member of the rarely known order Kiitrichida. It is unique in the subclass Hypotrichia in having many rows of small uniform cirri along the right side of the body and the dorsal kineties composed of dikinetids, most of which bear two cilia. Kiitricha minuta n. sp. is ovoid and measures about 60 x 45 microm in vivo. It has a huge buccal cavity occupying about 80% of the body length, numerous body extrusomes, one macronucleus and two micronuclei, 27-27 adoral membranelles, 9-12 frontoventral cirral rows, a submarginal row of 7-9 cirri, 6 or 7 transverse cirri, and roughly 7-9 dorsal kineties. This new species differs distinctly from its only congener Kiitricha marina by its smaller size (60 microm vs. 80-150 microm), the presence of body extrusomes (vs. absent), the different macronuclear pattern (one vs. two nodules), and the lower number of frontoventral cirral rows (9-12 vs. 21-26), which terminate at the anterior two-thirds of body (vs. extend to the posterior). The new term "submarginal cirral row" is introduced to distinguish from the marginal cirral row in typical hypotrichs sensu lato. Based on our new observations and the literature, an improved diagnosis for the genus Kiitricha is provided and its phylogenetic importance is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary— In ciliates, the basic pattern of ciliature consists of longitudinal polarized ciliary rows. This basic pattern is expected to be retained through successive binary fissions by means of the so-called cytotactic mechanisms, as a consequence of autogenetic proliferation of basal bodies within each row. This idea is supported by the hereditary transmission of 180° rotated rows in Tetrahymena and Paramecium. These mechanisms should theoretically ensure intraclonal homogeneity for ciliary row number. In fact, some alterations are responsible for either loss or addition of rows. Such alterations are not strictly random processes, since they have been shown to be controlled by nuclear genes. Cytotaxis does not account for exact positioning of primordia for complex structures (buccal ciliature, for instance): the sites of basal body proliferation are determined by certain “positional information” which, in turn, is controlled by chromosomal genetic material more or less independently of pre-existing structures, as illustrated by many spontaneous or induced mutations. All deviations from the wild-type phenotype seem to be associated with very reduced fitness, at least in laboratory conditions. On the other hand, the currently known variants cannot account for intraspecific diversity. Thus, the evolutionary significance of these phenomena remains somewhat obscure.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The adult Tokophrya infusionum does not possess cilia, but has 20–30 barren basal bodies arranged in 6 short rows adjacent to the contractile vacuole pore. During reproduction, which is by internal budding, the contractile vacuole sinks into the parent along with the invaginating membranes that form the embryo and the wall of the brood pouch. The 6 rows of basal bodies radiate away from the pore and elongate to form 5 long ciliary rows, that encircle the anterior half of the embryo, and 1 short row at the posterior end. The contractile vacuole pore, along with several barren basal bodies, remains in the parent when the embryo is completed. The pore rises to the surface when the embryo is born. New basal bodies are then formed in the parent to replace those which were incorporated into the embryo, and formation of another embryo may begin. The cilia of the embryo are partially resorbed 10 min after the start of metamorphosis, with depolymerization of the ciliary microtubules. Later, the cilia and most of the basal bodies disappear completely, except for a group of barren basal bodies near the embryo's contractile vacuole pore, which form 6 rows and serve as an anlage for the basal bodies and cilia that arise during embryogenesis. There is, therefore, an organized infraciliature in Suctoria throughout their life cycle, and a distinct continuity of basal bodies across the generations.  相似文献   

This study analyses the morphological characters of Strombidium paracalkinsi, a species bearing thigmotactic membranelles, collected from Jangmok Bay at the southern coast of Korea. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of S. paracalkinsi was sequenced for the first time. By a combination of characters, the thigmotactic membranelles of S. paracalkinsi differ from the thigmotactic membranelles of other strombidiids. They are (1) positioned on dorsal side, (2) contiguous with three membranelles of the adoral zone, but separated by nonciliated portions of the polykinetids, and (3) composed of two rows of kinetids. Except for the thigmotactic membranelles, the morphology of S. paracalkinsi conforms to the diagnosis of the genus Strombidium. Our phylogenetic tree confirms the nonmonophyly of the genus Strombidium. The thigmotactic membranelles are a promising feature for a future split of the genus Strombidium, but require further studies, especially on Strombidium calkinsi Fauré‐Fremiet 1932.  相似文献   

The present work describes the morphology and infraciliature of a new hypotrichous ciliate, Clapsiella magnifica gen. n., sp. n., found in rewetted soil from a temporal pond in Argentina. It was studied by means of live observation and protargol impregnation. Its main diagnostic features are: Flexible hypotrich measuring 250–320 μm × 70–140 μm in vivo; two macronuclear nodules and 4–6 micronuclei. Single contractile vacuole. Cytoplasm transparent, cortical granules absent. Somatic ciliature composed of a tricorona of cirri, three buccal(?) cirri, 6–9 ventral rows, 3–5 right marginal(?) rows, one left marginal row, and 12–17 transverse cirri. Dorsal pattern rather complicated, with about 14 kineties and kinety fragments, with scattered kinetids among them; 17–28 caudal cirri arranged in three rows on dorsal kineties 1, 3, and 7. Remarkably, dorsal kinetids have two or four basal bodies, bearing a stiff bristle arising from left anterior basal body. Adoral zone composed of 70–92 membranelles, occupying about 40% of body length in protargol preparations; paroral and endoral curved, resembling a cyrtohymenid pattern. The peculiar dorsal ciliary arrangement and the unique combination of other characters require the establishment of a new genus for this new species, which is considered incertae sedis in the Hypotricha but possibly related to the oxytrichids.  相似文献   

The present study reveals a deficiency in the number of ciliated basal bodies along 180° rotated ciliary rows (IRs) in Tetrahymena. This feature is common to IRs recently generated in young clones with stable corticotypes (total number of ciliary rows per cell), irrespective of the number of IRs present per cell or their cellular location, and is found before the cell loses any of the IRs. In cells bearing three IRs, the IRs on the two sides of the inversion immediately next to normal ciliary rows (junctures) exhibit an even greater deficiency in ciliated basal bodies, compared to the IR located internally between two other IRs; the normal ciliary rows flanking the inversion are also somewhat deficient. These observations show that the IRs of Tetrahymena are structurally deficient, hence developmentally defective, and suggest that they are intrinsically unstable. We propose that basal body development along IRs tends to be truncated before the stage of ciliation; such basal bodies would fail to acquire the potential to serve as nucleating centers for new basal body development in the next round of basal body proliferation, leading to the eventual loss of the IRs. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Soil samples were taken from a temporary pond located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, during the dry phase in the summer of 2005. The ciliates were studied alive and after staining with protargol. Deviata rositae n. sp. measures 112-154 microm in length and 21-28 microm in width in vivo and has a vermiform body. The contractile vacuole is located in the mid-body on the left. The macronucleus is moniliform and there are 1-3 micronuclei. The oral apparatus is composed of 14-18 adoral membranelles and straight paroral and endoral membranes that never intersect each other. The somatic ciliature is arranged in four frontal cirri, one buccal cirrus, six long and slightly spiraled rows of cirri with the first right row extending up to the equatorial or sub-equatorial region, and two dorsal rows of dikinetids. This new species of Deviata primarily differs from its congeners by the number of macronuclear nodules and the number and disposition of the dorsal rows of dikinetids.  相似文献   

With length of sporangia as a developmental index, the growth relationships of sporangia during differentiation were studied in strobili of Selaginella bigelovii. The strobili usually contain two rows of megasporangia and two rows of microsporangia with a mega- opposite a microsporangium at each node. Prior to the sporocyte stage a sporangium in a megasporangiate row is larger and elongates more rapidly than a sporangium opposite it at the same node in a microsporangiate row. The number of sporogenous cells is similar in sporangia of the same length from both rows until cell multiplication ceases in sporangia of the megasporangiate row, while it continues in sporangia of the same size in the microsporangiate row. The observed growth differences between sporangia of the micro- and megasporangiate rows are interpreted as events in the differentiation of two sporangial types.  相似文献   

The life-cycle of the amoeboflagellate Tetramitus rostratus includes amoeboid, cyst, and flagellate stages. The ultrastructure of these three stages is illustrated, with particular emphasis on flagellate morphology. Amoeba morphology is typical of that of limax amoebas. Cysts, forming from trophic amoebas, are enclosed by a wall made up of two layers: ectocyst (ca. 70 nm), and endocyst (200 nm). The wall apparently forms from precursor material present in vesicles in the pre-cyst stage cytoplasm. Flagellate morphology is characterized by a well-defined top-shaped profile, maintained by microtubules under the plasma membrane. The flagellar apparatus or mastigont consists of four flagella, their basal bodies, sheaves of microtubules associated with two of the basal bodies, and several rhizoplasts (periodicity 20 nm). A deep, microtubule-supported, ventral invagination appears to function as a gullet. A small number of mitotic stages observed in amoeboid and flagellate individuals suggests similarity in the division process in both stages: intranuclear mitotic apparatus, nucleolus persisting through mitosis, no centrioles or basal bodies functioning as centrioles, difficulty in resolving chromosomes. The text compares ultrastructures of several amoeboflagellate organisms and evaluates the phylogenetic significance of those features common to different species. On the basis of this study, Tetramitus most closely resembles Naegleria spp.  相似文献   

The structure of the oral apparatus in the carnivorous macrostomal form of Tetrahymena vorax has been investigated using serial thin sections and preparations of isolated oral apparatuses. The cilia of the oral apparatus are organized into an undulating membrane that borders the right and part of the posterior margin of the buccal cavity and three membranelles that project from plateaus on the anterior surface. Each membranelle consists of one short row and two longer rows of hexagonally packed kinetosomes. The organization of the microtubules of the oral ribs is identical to that in the T. vorax microstomal cell type. However, the first oral rib originates near the first kinetosome at the anterior end of the undulating membrane. The fine filamentous reticulum that underlies part of the oral ribs in the macrostomal cell type is not striated, unlike the reticulum in the microstomal form. A band of filaments similar to the fine filamentous reticulum extends around the anterior margin of the large cytostomal opening that occupies most of the posterior part of the oral cavity. The single row of microtubules along the left side of the oral cavity and cytostome also has filaments associated with it. A major difference between the microstomal and macrostomal forms in the structure of the oral apparatus is in the oral connectives. The macrostomal cell type contains only a single cross-connective that joins the three membranelles and the anterior portion of the undulating membrane. The posterior or peripheral connective between the posterior ends of membranelles one and two and the posterior end of the undulating membrane is absent.  相似文献   

The small bristles (microchaetes) on the thorax of adult Drosophila are evenly spaced. We have analysed the development of this pattern using the enhancer trap line A101 where bacterial lacZ is expressed in the microchaete sensory mother cells (SMCs) and their progeny. We observed that the precursor cells appear in a stereotyped pattern of rows. Within each row, however, SMCs appear neither at a time nor in a restricted sequence: new SMCs are continuously intercalated between pre-existing SMCs until the distance between consecutive SMCs does not exceed a few cell diameters. In large individuals, additional SMCs may occasionally appear after the completion of the rows, in the largest empty spaces between the preexisting SMCs. Correspondence to: K. Kimura  相似文献   

Bristle positions in two rows of bristles on the basitarsus of the second leg of the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed in order to determine the accuracy of bristle placement within these rows. Within each row the positions of the two terminal bristles were found to be approximately equally variable, and positional variability was found to increase toward the middle of each row. Rows having fewer bristles manifested more positional variability in their midsection. These results are interpreted in terms of a possible bristle spacing mechanism involving repulsive forces between mobile bristle cells.  相似文献   

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