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Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) spectra have been used as the experimental basis for determining the solution structure of the duplex [d(GTATATAC)]2 employing restrained molecular dynamics (rMD) simulations. The MARDIGRAS algorithm has been employed to construct a set of 233 interproton distance constraints via iterative complete relaxation matrix analysis utilizing the peak intensities from the 2D NOE spectra obtained for different mixing times and model structures. The upper and lower bounds for each of the constraints, defining size of a flat-well potential function term used in the rMD simulations, were conservatively chosen as the largest or smallest value calculated by MARDIGRAS. Three different starting models were utilized in several rMD calculations: energy-minimized A-DNA, B-DNA, and a structure containing wrinkled D-DNA in the interior. Considerable effort was made to define the appropriate force constants to be employed with the NOE terms in the AMBER force field, using as criteria the average constraints deviation, the constraints violation energy and the total energy. Of the 233 constraints, one was generated indirectly, but proved to be crucial in defining the structure: the cross-strand A5-H2 A5-H2 distance. As those two protons resonate isochronously for the self-complementary duplex, the distance cannot be determined directly. However, the general pattern of 2D NOE peak intensities, spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) values, and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectra lead to use of the A3-H2 A7-H2 distance for A5-H2 A5-H2 as well. Five rMD runs, with different random number seeds, were made for each of the three starting structures with the full distance constraint set. The average structure from all 15 runs and the five-structure averages from each starting structure were all quite similar. Two rMD runs for each starting structure were made with the A5-H2 A5-H2 constraint missing. The average of these six rMD runs revealed differences in structure, compared to that with the full set of constraints, primarily for the middle two base-pairs involving the missing cross-strand constraint but global deviations also were found. Conformational analysis of the resulting structures revealed that the inner four to six base-pairs differed in structure from the termini. Furthermore, an alternating structure was suggested with features alternating for the A-T and T-A steps.  相似文献   

Adler M 《Proteins》2000,39(4):385-392
In an ideal world, every NOE cross peak would have a unique assignment. However, the interpretation of NOE peaks is frequently complicated by overlapping resonances. In theory, ambiguous assignments could be resolved by performing separate structure calculations with each possible interpretation. Unfortunately, this would require an astronomical amount of computing time. A modified genetic algorithm has been developed that efficiently resolves hundreds of ambiguous restraints in parallel. Each NOE assignment becomes a gene that can be passed on to a new generation. New individuals are constructed by making a constraint lists from a subset of the genes. The constraint lists are then tested for self-consistency by using molecular dynamics to generate new structures for each list. To a first-degree approximation, there is enough information retained in each list to determine the global fold of the protein. Self-consistent constraint lists receive higher scores and their genes (or NOEs) stand a better chance of surviving into the next generation. The process selects NOEs that are consistent with the global fold. Under normal conditions, the program converges in 3 to 8 generations using 70 structures per generation. The final constraints are self-consistent and contain almost no residual NOE violations.  相似文献   

A series of three-dimensional structures of the 1-29 fragment of human growth hormone releasing factor in trifluoroethanol have been determined by molecular dynamics and distance geometry methods. The resulting structures satisfy information from nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) distance data and an empirical potential energy function. Although the polypeptide was found to have an ordered structure in all simulations, the NOE data were not sufficient for global convergence to a unique three-dimensional geometry. Several satisfactory structures have been determined, all of which are extended conformations consisting of a short beta-strand and two alpha-helices (residues 6-13 and residues 16-29) connected by short segments of less well defined secondary structure. Because of the lack of NOE data connecting the helix segments, their relative orientation is not uniquely determined.  相似文献   

Introducing experimental values as restraints into molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to bias the values of particular molecular properties, such as nuclear Overhauser effect intensities or distances, dipolar couplings, 3 J-coupling constants, chemical shifts or crystallographic structure factors, towards experimental values is a widely used structure refinement method. Because multiple torsion angle values ϕ correspond to the same 3 J-coupling constant and high-energy barriers are separating those, restraining 3 J-coupling constants remains difficult. A method to adaptively enforce restraints using a local elevation (LE) potential energy function is presented and applied to 3 J-coupling constant restraining in an MD simulation of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL). The method succesfully enhances sampling of the restrained torsion angles until the 37 experimental 3 J-coupling constant values are reached, thereby also improving the agreement with the 1,630 experimental NOE atom–atom distance upper bounds. Afterwards the torsional angles ϕ are kept restrained by the built-up local-elevation potential energies.  相似文献   

Summary A new method, a restrained Monte Carlo (rMC) calculation, is demonstrated for generating high-resolution structures of DNA oligonucleotides in solution from interproton distance restraints and bounds derived from complete relaxation matrix analysis of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectral peak intensities. As in the case of restrained molecular dynamics (rMD) refinement of structures, the experimental distance restraints and bounds are incorporated as a pseudo-energy term (or penalty function) into the mathematical expression for the molecular energy. However, the use of generalized helical parameters, rather than Cartesian coordinates, to define DNA conformation increases efficiency by decreasing by an order of magnitude the number of parameters needed to describe a conformation and by simplifying the potential energy profile. The Metropolis Monte Carlo method is employed to simulate an annealing process. The rMC method was applied to experimental 2D NOE data from the octamer duplex d(GTA-TAATG)·d(CATTATAC). Using starting structures from different locations in conformational space (e.g. A-DNA and B-DNA), the rMC calculations readily converged, with a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of <0.3 Å between structures generated using different protocols and starting structures. Theoretical 2D NOE peak intensities were calculated for the rMC-generated structures using the complete relaxation matrix program CORMA, enabling a comparison with experimental intensities via residual indices. Simulation of the vicinal proton coupling constants was carried out for the structures generated, enabling a comparison with the experimental deoxyribose ring coupling constants, which were not utilized in the structure determination in the case of the rMC simulations. Agreement with experimental 2D NOE and scalar coupling data was good in all cases. The rMC structures are quite similar to that refined by a traditional restrained MD approach (RMSD<0.5 Å) despite the different force fields used and despite the fact that MD refinement was conducted with additional restraints imposed on the endocyclic torsion angles of deoxyriboses. The computational time required for the rMC and rMD calculations is about the same. A comparison of structural parameters is made and some limitations of both methods are discussed with regard to the average nature of the experimental restraints used in the refinement.Abbreviations MC Monte Carlo - rMC restrained Monte Carlo - MD molecular dynamics - rMD restrained molecular dynamics - DG distance geometry - EM energy minimization - 2D NOE two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect - DQF-COSY double-quantum-filtered correlation spectroscopy - RMSD root-mean-square deviation To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

We have performed a conformational analysis of the carbocyclic muramyl dipeptide analogues (1′R, 2′R)- and (1′S, 2′S)-N-[2-(2′-acetamidocyclohexyIoxy)acetyl]-L Ala-D -iGln (-D -Glu) utilizing 1H-nmr spectroscopy and nuclear Overhauser effect restrained molecular dynamics. Intramolecular H bonding for all four diastereoisomers is suggested by the Ala-NH temperature coefficients. Distance restraints were obtained by NOE spectroscopy and rotating frame NOE spectroscopy experiments. Structures with low potential energy and high agreement with NOE data were sought by restrained molecular dynamics. The ring configuration was found to induce conformational preferences. The β-like turn characterized by the intramolecular C10 H-bond Ala-NH-acetamido-CO is preferred with the (1′S, 2′S), but appears to be less stable with (1′R, 2′R), diastereoisomers. Calculations show the double β-turn proposed for muramyl dipeptide [S. Fermandjian, B. Perly, M. Level, and P. Lefrancier (1987) Carbohydrate Research, Vol. 162, pp. 23–32] to have higher potential energy. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe a method for generating moderate to high-resolution protein structures using limited NMR data combined with the ab initio protein structure prediction method Rosetta. Peptide fragments are selected from proteins of known structure based on sequence similarity and consistency with chemical shift and NOE data. Models are built from these fragments by minimizing an energy function that favors hydrophobic burial, strand pairing, and satisfaction of NOE constraints. Models generated using this procedure with 1 NOE constraint per residue are in some cases closer to the corresponding X-ray structures than the published NMR solution structures. The method requires only the sparse constraints available during initial stages of NMR structure determination, and thus holds promise for increasing the speed with which protein solution structures can be determined.  相似文献   

The structure in solution of crambin, a small protein of 46 residues, has been determined from 2D NMR data using an iterative relaxation matrix approach (IRMA) together with distance geometry, distance bound driven dynamics, molecular dynamics, and energy minimization. A new protocol based on an “ensemble” approach is proposed and compared to the more standard initial rate analysis approach and a “single structure” relaxation matrix approach. The effects of fast local motions are included and R-factor calculations are performed on NOE build-ups to describe the quality of agreement between theory and experiment. A new method for stereospecific assignment of prochiral groups, based on a comparison of theoretical and experimental NOE intensities, has been applied. The solution structure of crambin could be determined with a precision (rmsd from the average structure) of 0.7 Å on backbone atoms and 1.1 Å on all heavy atoms and is largely similar to the crystal structure with a small difference observed in the position of the side chain of Tyr-29 which is determined in solution by both J-coupling and NOE data. Regions of higher structural variability (suggesting higher mobility) are found hi the solution structure, in particular for the loop between the two helices (Gly-20 to Pro-22). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The DNA octamer [d(GTATAATG].[(CATATTAC)], containing the prokaryotic upstream consensus recognition sequence, has been examined via proton homonuclear two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) and double-quantum-filtered correlation (2QF-COSY) spectra. All proton resonances, except those of H5' and H5" protons, were assigned. A temperature dependence study of one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, rotating frame 2D NOE spectroscopy (ROESY), and T1 rho measurements revealed an exchange process that apparently is global in scope. Work at lower temperatures enabled a determination of structural constraints that could be employed in determination of a time-averaged structure. Simulations of the 2QF-COSY cross-peaks were compared with experimental data, establishing scalar coupling constant ranges of the individual sugar ring protons and hence pucker parameters for individual deoxyribose rings. The rings exhibit a dynamic equilibrium of N and S-type conformers with 80 to 100% populations of the latter. A program for iterative complete relaxation matrix analysis of 2D NOE spectral intensities, MARDIGRAS, was employed to give interproton distances for each mixing time. According to the accuracy of the distance determination, upper and lower distance bounds were chosen. The distance bounds define the size of a flat-well potential function term, incorporated into the AMBER force-field, which was employed for restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Torsion angle constraints in the form of a flat-well potential were also constructed from the analysis of the sugar pucker data. Several restrained molecular dynamics runs of 25 picoseconds were performed, utilizing 184 experimental distance constraints and 80 torsion angle constraints; three different starting structures were used: energy minimized A-DNA, B-DNA, and wrinkled D-DNA, another member of the B-DNA family. Convergence to similar structures obtained with root-mean-square deviations between resulting structures of 0.37 to 0.92 A for the central hexamer of the octamer. The average structure from the nine different molecular dynamics runs was subjected to final restrained energy minimization. The resulting final structure was in good agreement with the structures derived from different molecular dynamics runs and exhibited a substantial improvement in the 2D NOE sixth-root residual index in comparison with the starting structures. An approximation of the structure in the terminal base-pairs, which displayed experimental evidence of fraying, was made by maintaining the structure of the inner four base-pairs and performing molecular dynamics simulations with the experimental structural constraints observed for the termini.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   


Conformation of a tetradecapeptide with a RXVRG consensus sequence, Args-Asp-Val-Arg-Gly9, found in several precursors of antibacterian peptides, was investigated in dimethylsulfoxide solution by proton NMR spectroscopy. Complete resonance assignments and conformational parameters were obtained through correlated (COSY) and nuclear Overhauser (NOESY) techniques. The 3J(αH, βH) coupling constants and the intramolecular NOE, NH…βH, were used to analyse the conformers around the Cα-Cβ bond and, in four cases, to obtain stereospecific assignments.

Use of restraints derived from NOE connectivities and 3J(NH, αH) coupling constants allows the determination of a range of φ and ψ dihedral angles for all the residues in the sequence. The present NMR results provide favourable evidence for the formation of two bends in the consensus sequence of the tetradecapeptide. The first one has most of the features of a Glu4- Val7 β–turn (low temperature coefficient of the Val7NH chemical shift, Arg5αH…Val7NH and Asp6NH.-.Val7NH NOE correlations). The second one exhibits only the Asp6αH…Arg7NH and Val7NH…Arg8NH NOE interactions. These consensus sequence organizations proposed were confirmed by molecular modeling based on low potential energy structure on the [4–9] fragment with high agreement of NOE data.

Overall, the substitution of Ser12 by Ala12 shifts the conformation of the hydrophobic moiety [10–14] towards a quite random coil structure in this fragment and strongly destabilizes the folded structures of the consensus domain where only one NH (Val7) is solvent-shielded opposed to three (Asp6 to Arg8) in the [Ser12] tetradecapeptide. These conformational changes could be related to the processing enzyme activities on these model oligopeptides.  相似文献   

The solution structures of two proteins (CMTI-I, a trypsin inhibitor from Cucurbita maxima, and hisactophilin, an actin binding protein of 118 amino acids) have been determined based on the NOE data derived solely from the homonuclear 3D NOE-NOE magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Two different approaches for extraction of the structural information from the 3D NOE-NOE experiment were tested. One approach was based on the transformation of the 3D intensities into distance constraints. In the second, and more robust approach, the 3D NOE intensities were used directly in structure calculations, without the need to transform them into distance constraints. A new 2D potential function representing the 3D NOE-NOE intensity was developed and used in the simulated annealing protocol. For CMTI-I, a comparison between structures determined with the 3D NOE-NOE method and various 2D NOE approaches was carried out. The 3D data set allowed better definition of the structures than was previously possible with the 2D NOE procedures that used the isolated two-spin approximation to derive distance information.  相似文献   

The conformational preference of the disaccharide alpha-L-Rhap-(1----2)-alpha-L-Rhap-(1----OMe) (1) about the glycosidic torsion angles, phi and psi, was studied by NMR NOESY spectroscopy and molecular mechanics calculations. The NOE data were consistent with either of two distinct conformations close to minima on a calculated phi/psi potential energy surface. Starting from the lowest energy conformation, a 1-ns molecular dynamics (MD) trajectory was computed in vacuo, from which the NOE curves were simulated and compared to the experimentally observed NOESY data.  相似文献   

R Stolarski  W Egan  T L James 《Biochemistry》1992,31(31):7027-7042
The self-complementary DNA octamer [d(GGAATUFCC)]2, containing the EcoRI recognition sequence with one of the thymines replaced by 5-fluorouracil (UF), was synthesized. Proton homonuclear two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) and double-quantum-filtered correlation (2QF-COSY) spectra, as well as one-dimensional spectra at different temperatures, were recorded for the octamer. Consequently, all proton resonances were assigned. The thermally induced transition from the duplex to single strands has been followed, demonstrating the stability of the duplex containing 5-fluorouracil. Simulations of the 2QF-COSY cross-peaks by means of the programs SPHINX and LINSHA were compared with experimental data, establishing scalar coupling constants for the sugar ring protons and hence sugar pucker parameters. The deoxyribose rings exhibit a dynamic equilibrium of N- and S-type conformers with 75-95% populations of the latter. Two programs used for complete relaxation matrix analysis 2D NOE spectra, CORMA and MARDIGRAS, were modified to account for the influence of the fluorines on dipolar interactions in the proton system. Quantitative assessment of the 2D NOE cross-peak intensities for different mixing times, in conjunction with the program MARDIGRAS, gave a set of interproton distances for each mixing time. The largest and smallest values of each of the interproton distances were chosen as the upper and lower bounds for each distance constraint. The distance bounds define the size of a flat-well potential function term, incorporated into the AMBER force field, which was employed for restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Torsion angle constraints in the form of a flat-well potential were also constructed from the analysis of the sugar pucker data. Several restrained molecular dynamics runs of 35 ps were performed, utilizing 284 experimental distance and torsion angle constraints and two different starting structures, energy-minimized A- and B-DNA. Convergence to similar structures with a root-mean-square deviation of 1.2 A was achieved for the central hexamer of the octamer, starting from A- and B-DNA. The average structure from six different molecular dynamics runs was subjected to final restrained energy minimization. The resulting final structure was in good agreement with the structures derived from different molecular dynamics runs and showed a substantial improvement of the 2D NOE sixth-root residual index in comparison with classical and energy-minimized B-DNA. A detailed analysis of the conformation of the final structure and comparison with structures of similar sequences, obtained by different methods, were performed.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed to generate initial structures in cases where the distance geometry method may fail, such as when the set of1H NMR NOE-based distance constraints is small in relation to the size of the protein. The method introduces an initial correlation between the and backbone angles (based on empirical observations) which is relaxed in later stages of the calculation. The obtained initial structures are refined by well-established methods of energy minimization and restrained molecular dynamics. The method is applied to determine the solution structure of Ribonuclease A (124 residues) from a NOE basis consisting of 467 NOE cross-correlations (97 intra-residue, 206 sequential, 23 medium-range and 141 long-range) obtained at 360 MHz. The global shape and backbone overall fold of the eight final refined structures are close to those shown by the crystal structure. A meaningful difference in the positioning of the catalytically important His119 side chain in the solution and crystal structures has been detected.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic proteins with important biological function can be partially unstructured, conformational flexible, or heterogenic. Crystallization trials often fail for such proteins. In NMR spectroscopy, parts of the polypeptide chain undergoing dynamics in unfavorable time regimes cannot be observed. De novo NMR structure determination is seriously hampered when missing signals lead to an incomplete chemical shift assignment resulting in an information content of the NOE data insufficient to determine the structure ab initio. We developed a new protein structure determination strategy for such cases based on a novel NOE assignment strategy utilizing a number of model structures but no explicit reference structure as it is used for bootstrapping like algorithms. The software distinguishes in detail between consistent and mutually exclusive pairs of possible NOE assignments on the basis of different precision levels of measured chemical shifts searching for a set of maximum number of consistent NOE assignments in agreement with 3D space. Validation of the method using the structure of the low molecular‐weight‐protein tyrosine phosphatase A (MptpA) showed robust results utilizing protein structures with 30–45% sequence identity and 70% of the chemical shift assignments. About 60% of the resonance assignments are sufficient to identify those structural models with highest conformational similarity to the real structure. The software was benchmarked by de novo solution structures of fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and the extracellular fibroblast growth factor receptor domain FGFR4 D2, which both failed in crystallization trials and in classical NMR structure determination. Proteins 2013; 81:2007–2022. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure of the small squash trypsin inhibitor CMTI-I is refined by directly minimizing the difference between the observed two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) intensities and those calculated by the full relaxation matrix approach. To achieve this, a term proportional to this difference was added to the potential energy function of the molecular dynamics program X-PLOR. Derivatives with respect to atomic co-ordinates are calculated analytically. Spin diffusion effects are thus accounted for fully during the refinement. Initial structures for the refinement were those determined recently by solution nuclear magnetic resonance using the isolated two-spin approximation to derive distance range estimates. The fits to the nuclear magnetic resonance data improve significantly with only small shifts in the refined structures during a few cycles of conjugate gradient minimization. However, larger changes (approximately 1 A) in the conformation occur during simulated annealing, which is accompanied by a further reduction of the difference between experimental and calculated two-dimensional NOE intensities. The refined structures are closer to the X-ray structure of the inhibitor complexed with trypsin than the initial structures. The root-mean-square difference for backbone atoms between the initial structures and the X-ray structure is 0.96 A, and that between the refined structures and the X-ray structure 0.61 A.  相似文献   

The refinement of low-quality structures is an important challenge in protein structure prediction. Many studies have been conducted on protein structure refinement; the refinement of structures derived from NMR spectroscopy has been especially intensively studied. In this study, we generated flat-bottom distance potential instead of NOE data because NOE data have ambiguity and uncertainty. The potential was derived from distance information from given structures and prevented structural dislocation during the refinement process. A simulated annealing protocol was used to minimize the potential energy of the structure. The protocol was tested on 134 NMR structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) that also have X-ray structures. Among them, 50 structures were used as a training set to find the optimal “width” parameter in the flat-bottom distance potential functions. In the validation set (the other 84 structures), most of the 12 quality assessment scores of the refined structures were significantly improved (total score increased from 1.215 to 2.044). Moreover, the secondary structure similarity of the refined structure was improved over that of the original structure. Finally, we demonstrate that the combination of two energy potentials, statistical torsion angle potential (STAP) and the flat-bottom distance potential, can drive the refinement of NMR structures.  相似文献   

Summary To generate structures efficiently, a version of the distance geometry program DIANA for a parallel computer was developed, new objective criteria for the selection of NMR solution structures are presented, and the influence of using different calibrations of NOE intensities on the final structures are described. The methods are applied to the structure determination of Sandostatin, a disulfide-bridge octapeptide, and to model calculations of BPTI. On an Alliant FX2800 computer using 10 processors in parallel, the calculations were done 9.2 times faster than with a single processor. Up to 7000 Sandostatin structures were calculated with distance and angular constraints. The procedure for selecting acceptable structures is based on the maximum values of pairwise RMSDs between structures. Suitable target function cut-offs are defined independent of the number of starting structures. The method allowed for an objective comparison of three groups of Sandostatin structures that were calculated from different sets of upper distance constraints which were derived from the same NOE intensity data using three empirical calibration curves. The number of converged structures and the target function values differed significantly among the three groups, but the structures were qualitatively and quantitatively very similar. The conformation is well determined in the cyclic region Cys2–Cys7 and adopts a -turn centered at d-Trp4–Lys5. The criteria for structure selection were further tested with BPTI. Results obtained from sets of structures calculated with and without using the REDAC strategy are consistent and suggest that the structure selection method is objective and generally applicable.  相似文献   

A cyclic peptide analogue of somatostatin, including the o-aminomethylphenylacetic acid spacer, was studied by the combined use of two-dimensional nmr spectroscopy, distance geometry, and restrained molecular dynamics. Analysis of distances determined from nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) buildup rates revealed that these were inconsistent with a unique backbone conformation near the spacer. Assuming that the conformational heterogeneity is localized to the spacer, the NOE distances measured for the remaining part of the molecule were used to generate a large number of structures with the distance geometry algorithm, which were then refined by restrained energy minimization. Four classes of structures emerged, which together account for all observed NOEs. A representative structure of each class was further refined with the restrained molecular dynamics technique, and shown to be stable on a 20-ps time scale. The flexibility of the spacer was examined by simulating interconversions induced by an appropriate restraining potential. As a result, the explanation for the lack of somatostatin activity of the analogue studied was reconsidered.  相似文献   

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