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问:卵胎生就是假胎生吗?答:生物在长期的进化过程中,形成了各式各样的发育繁殖方式,其中卵生、胎生是大家非常熟悉的发育繁殖方式,但除了这两种方式以外,有的书中还经常提到卵胎生和假胎生,那么卵胎生是否就是假胎生呢?卵生是指胚胎在体外完成发育,由卵黄提供胚胎营养物质,如鸟类、大多数昆虫等。胎生是指胚胎在母体内完成发育,并通过胎盘由母体提供全部营养物质,如除单孔类外的所有哺乳动物。而卵胎生既具有卵生的特点,又具有胎生的特点,即胚胎在母体内完成发育,但在发育过程中营养物质全部依靠本身的卵黄供给,而不与母体…  相似文献   

截至2023年1月,中国共记录312种蛇类,是世界上蛇类多样性最丰富的国家之一。物种特征决定其在环境中的生存能力,在进化生物学、生态学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。但是,目前还没有关于我国蛇类形态学、生活史和生态学等特征的完整数据库。本文通过系统查阅已出版的蛇类专业书籍、已发表的文献和爬行动物数据库,共收集整理了中国现有312种蛇类的41个特征数据。这些特征包括以下3个方面:形态特征(包括鳞片、牙齿等25个特征)、生活史特征(包括体长、食性、捕食方式、繁殖方式、活动时间、有无毒性等11个特征)和生态学特征(包括是否中国/岛屿特有种、成体生境、地理分布范围和海拔分布等5个特征)。在收集的41个特征中,除颏鳞、吻鳞和地理分布范围数据完整外(100%),其余特征数据都有不同程度的缺失(完整度为7.72%–99.70%)。本数据集是目前中国最新和最完整的蛇类特征数据集,可为我国蛇类的生态学、生物地理学和保护生物学等方面的研究提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   

李宏  周宗师  吴延庆  林隆慧  林炽贤 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7255-7263
卵胎生是由卵生繁殖模式通过逐渐增加卵滞留和胚胎在母体子宫内发育的时间进化而来的繁殖模式。有鳞类爬行动物(蜥蜴和蛇)有着较高的繁殖模式多样性,因而是研究卵胎生繁殖模式进化及其适应意义的理想动物模型。至今对于卵胎生进化的选择压力尚无定论,目前有3种关于卵胎生进化的假说受到学者的关注,其中母体操纵假说最受关注但尚未得到充分的检测。研究继1995年母体操纵假说提出之后,以栖息于温带气候环境下的卵生中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)为模型动物检测该假说。37条中国石龙子怀卵母体采自浙江丽水市郊。将怀卵母体分置于3个热处理中,其中12条母体提供每日14 h光照时间,13条母体提供10 h光照,其余12条母体没有任何调温机会(体温随室内环境温度而改变)。结果显示:怀卵母体选择体温向下漂移。3种处理下的雌体繁殖特征没有显著差异。长、短调温组下母体产卵时间要早于非调温组母体,但新生卵的胚胎历期没有显著差异。用5种热处理孵化卵,孵化温度分别为:1=室内波动温度孵化;2=27℃;3=24—30℃;4=22—32℃(3和4孵化处理中,孵化箱内的温度每隔1d改变1次,即卵分别在22和24℃孵化24 h,随后在32和30℃孵化24 h,每2d循环1次直至孵出);5=在实验室后院内模拟石龙子野外巢址孵化。结果显示:孵出幼体的体长、腹长和头部大小(头长和头宽)在3个母体热处理间存在显著差异,其他形态学特征不存在母体热处理间的显著差异;孵化温度以及孵化温度和母体热处理的交互作用对所有的幼体形态学特征均无显著影响。孵化温度以及孵化温度和母体热处理的交互作用对幼体疾跑速和最大持续运动距离无显著影响;但不同的母体热处理显著影响幼体疾跑速和最大持续运动距离。研究结果不仅为"热变异对在一定孵化温度范围内表型无显著变化的物种的幼体表型没有重要的修饰作用"这一假说提供了有力证据,并且支持母体操纵假说的两个主要预测:雌体在孕期通过体温漂变行为提供体内胚胎发育的最适热环境,而由母体调温行为诱导的后代表型的变异将增强后代的适合度。  相似文献   

桂西南中越边境地区的蛇类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周放  余丽江 《四川动物》2002,21(4):236-238
广西西南部中越边境地区现已知有蛇类5科66种,其中黑头海蛇(Hydrophis melanocephalus)为广西蛇类新纪录。腹斑水蛇(Enhydris bocourti)在该地区的分布纪录应为可疑记录,需作进一步调查。  相似文献   

胎仔数是影响哺乳动物繁殖率的基本参数 ,与动物的生活史变量密切相关。胎仔数及其相关的生活史变量 ,包括后代的质量、幼体的生存、母体的体重及母体的生存等 ,共同影响繁殖适合度。简述了胎仔数与生活史变量关系的研究方法及研究对象的选择 ,着重介绍了胎仔数与幼体和母体生活史变量的关系 :胎仔数与后代的质量呈负相关 ,后代的质量又决定了幼体的生存 ;胎仔数与母体体重相关不显著 ,而且可能对母体的生存产生负面影响。有关胎仔数与其生活史变量的关系还有待于进一步的探索 ,更多先进技术手段与方法的交叉运用将补充和完善胎仔数研究的内容  相似文献   

边疆晖  吴雁  刘季科 《动物学报》2004,50(4):675-680
母体应激效应是母体在妊娠期经历的环境变化对子代发育、繁殖及存活等特征的影响(MousseauandFox ,1 998;Bernado ,1 996 )。该效应不仅能使子代生活史特征产生迟滞性效应(Beckermanetal.,2 0 0 2 ) ,而且在密度制约过程中,导致对种群的迟滞性密度制约(Delayeddensitydependenc  相似文献   

胎仔数是影响哺乳动物繁殖率的基本参数,与动物的生活史变量密切相关,胎仔数及其相关的生活史变量,包括后代的质量、幼体的生存、母体的体重及母体的生存等,共同影响繁殖适合度。简述了胎仔数与生活史变量关系的研究方法及研究对象的选择,着重介绍了胎仔数与幼体和母体生活史变量的关系:胎仔数与后代的质量呈负相关,后代的质量又决定了幼体的生存;胎仔数与母体体重相关不显著,而且可能对母体的生存产生负面影响。有关胎仔数与其生活史变量的关系还有待于正派 探索,更多先进技术手段与方法的交叉运用将补充和完善胎仔数与其生活史变量的关系有待于进一步的探索,更多先进技术手段与方法的交叉运用将补充和完善胎仔数与其生活史变量的关系还有待于进一步的探索,更多先进技术手段与方法的交叉运用将补充和完善胎仔数研究的内容。  相似文献   

朱灵君  杜卫国  孙波  张永普 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4848-4854
在围栏条件下,比较升温和对照处理北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)繁殖、卵孵化及幼体特征的差异,以揭示升温对其繁殖生活史特征的作用。升温处理对北草蜥母体体温有显著影响,但并不影响其繁殖输出。升温显著影响卵孵化期和幼体的运动能力,但不影响幼体大小等形态特征。升温条件下孵出的幼体运动能力较弱。结果表明,北草蜥母体能耐受短期的环境增温,维持相对恒定的繁殖输出;升温能影响幼体的功能表现,进而可能改变后代适合度。  相似文献   

沙蟒是爬行纲蟒科的代表物种之一,分布于温带沙漠绿洲的边缘地带。在我国分布于新疆、内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏地区,是营穴居、卵胎生的特殊小型无毒蛇类。主要以啮齿动物和蜥蜴为食,具有特殊生态习性,应加以很好地保护利用。  相似文献   

作者利用致乏库蚊(Culex fatigans)作为实验媒介,把寄生在灰鼠蛇(Ptyas korros)的广东肝血簇虫(Hepatozoon guangdongensis)感染到无虫的灰鼠蛇(渔游蛇(Natrix piscator)、三索锦蛇(Elaphe radita)和中国水蛇(Enhydris chinesis);观察其生活史。首次描述了由x裂殖体产生的小裂殖子,进入红细胞,经滋养体和幼小配子母体阶段发育成配子母体的过程,以及由y裂殖体产生的大裂殖子继续在内脏进行无性生殖的细节;在对广东肝血簇虫生活史进行研究的基础上,提出一种新的肝血簇虫在脊椎动物体内发育的模式和血液时期各期虫体划分的形态学标准。  相似文献   

There is a large research literature on the variation of human sex ratio (proportion of males at birth) with (1) time of insemination within the mother's fruitful cycle (TWC), (2) duration of gestation (DOG), (3) coital frequency, here called ‘coital rate’ (CR) and (4) duration of time taken to achieve conception in a period of risk (viz. in the absence of birth limitation methods) (TTC). The variation of sex ratio with each of these four variables has usually been treated as a discrete topic. Consider the four propositions that each of these sorts of variation exists. Here it is argued that these propositions entail one another to varying degrees, and that, for that reason, empirical failures to detect (at conventional levels of significance) one such form of variation (as e.g. with time to conception) should not justify rejecting the hypothesis that such variation exists until the whole network of propositions has been considered. Evidence that offspring sex ratio varies with time of conception within the cycle is strong. It is argued here that, as a consequence, the available data constitute evidence that sex ratio varies with CR and with time to achieve conception, although this variation is small, difficult to detect and of no clinical significance. Lastly, sex ratio varies substantially with DOG, though the explanation for this is not established: it is suggested that the present treatment provides a testable framework for such an explanation.  相似文献   

The graphical technique devised bySmith andFretwell (1974) to construct a model of the optimal offspring size was applied to the case where disruptive selection might work on offspring size. On this basis, a possible case of speciation in freshwater gobies characterized by egg-size difference was discussed.  相似文献   

Dziminski MA  Alford RA 《Oecologia》2005,146(1):98-109
Intraclutch variation in offspring size should evolve when offspring encounter unpredictable environmental conditions. This form of bet-hedging should maximise the lifetime reproductive success of individuals that engage it. We documented the numbers of eggs and means and variances of yolk volume in 15 frog species that occur in tropical savanna woodland. We experimentally determined the effects of initial yolk volume on larval growth patterns in four species. Intraclutch variation in yolk volume occurred to some degree in all species surveyed. Some species had very low, others had very high, intraclutch variation in yolk volume, but all species in which some clutches were highly variable also produced clutches with low variability. Species that occur in areas where the offspring environment is likely to be unpredictable had elevated levels of intraclutch variation in egg provisioning. There was no trade-off between egg size and number in any species surveyed. Under benign laboratory conditions, tadpoles from eggs with larger yolk volumes hatched at larger sizes, and these size differences persisted through a substantial proportion of the larval stage. This indicates that intraclutch variation in egg size has major offspring and thus parental fitness consequences, and is therefore a functional selection variable. This study provides evidence in support of models which predict that intraclutch variation in offspring provisioning can evolve in organisms that reproduce in unpredictable habitats.  相似文献   

A number of invertebrates show predator-induced plasticity in life-history and morphological traits that are considered adaptive. Evidence is accumulating that vertebrates may also adjust their life-history traits in response to predators; however, some of the patterns of plasticity, which appear to be an adaptive response specifically to the risk of size-selective predation, may instead result from reduced foraging in response to predator presence. Here, we describe a study of predator-induced plasticity in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We have predicted that the plastic response to cues from a small, gape-limited, natural predator of guppies, the killlifish (Rivulus hartii), would be the opposite of that caused by reduced food intake. We have found that male guppies increased their size at maturity, both length and mass, in response to the non-lethal presence of this predator. This pattern of plasticity is the opposite of that observed in response to reduced food intake, where male guppies reduce size at maturity. The increase in size at maturity that we observed would likely reduce predation on adult male guppies by this native predator because it is gape-limited and can only eat juvenile and small adult guppies. This size advantage would be important especially because male guppies grow very little after maturity. Therefore, the pattern of plasticity that we observed is likely adaptive. In contrast, female guppies showed no significant response in size at first parturition to the experimental manipulation; however, we did find evidence suggesting that females may produce more, smaller offspring in response to cues from this predator.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) are more likely to have malformed offspring when they mate with siblings. Offspring with malformations, such as deformed limbs and heads, have zero survival in a natural population. Normal-looking siblings of malformed hatchlings also had a reduced survival in the wild, compared to offspring from clutches in which all siblings appeared normal. The proportion of malformed hatchlings in the natural population was ca. 10%, in spite of differences in juvenile dispersal between males and females. Male juveniles disperse significantly further from their natal sites than do female juveniles.  相似文献   

Interactions betweenTomicus piniperda (L.) (Col.: Scolytidae),Acanthocinus aedilis (L.) (Col.: Cerambycidae) andThanasimus formicarius (L.) (Col.: Cleridae) were investigated in caged pine bolts. The treatments wereT. piniperda alone,A. aedilis alone,T. piniperda together withA. aedilis, T. piniperda together withT. formicarius and all three species together. T. piniperda offspring production per m2 was reduced by 92% when reared withT. formicarius, by 78% when reared withA. aedilis, and by 94% when all three species were reared together, compared withT. piniperda reared alone.A. aedilis had a negative influence on the offspring production ofT. formicarius and vice versa. When both species were present in the same bolt (together withT. piniperda) offspring production was reduced by 74% forA. aedilis and by 42% forT. formicarius compared with their respective production values when each species was present alone with the bark beetle. The new generation ofT. formicarius emerged as larvae from June to August while most of theA. aedilis offspring emerged as adults from September to October, leaving only a few larvae in the bolts to hibernate.A. aedilis only reproduced in a small part of one of the bolts without bark beetles.  相似文献   

The expression of HSP70 in embryonic cells of mammals and its role for their normal development and protection is an important aspect to be investigated in pregnancy and/or mild diabetes. In this sense, the present study evaluated the effects of mild diabetes on maternal reproductive parameters and HSP70 levels in Wistar rats at different stages of life and in their offspring. Mild diabetes was induced by a beta-cytotoxic drug (streptozotocin) at birth. Four experimental groups were evaluated: at 90 days of age: nonpregnant nondiabetic (ND90) and nonpregnant mild diabetic (D90) female rats, and at term pregnancy: pregnant female rats of both glycemic status were examined (NDP and DP, respectively). The rats were submitted to oral glucose tolerance test, and blood samples were collected for determination of HSP70 levels. In addition, the reproductive performance of pregnant rats was assessed and HSP70 levels determined in their offspring blood samples. The HSP70 levels and maternal reproductive performance presented no difference between ND and D rats, regardless of the life stage. The HSP70 levels were increased in D90 rats and lower in offspring from D rats. Maternal HSP70 levels were positively correlated to the number of dead embryos. In conclusion, mild diabetes did not affect maternal reproductive performance, but high maternal HSP70 levels compromised embryo development. In addition, offspring from D rats exhibited lower HSP70 levels, showing that this protein can be used as an indicator of metabolic consequences of diabetes and predictor of related disorders in adulthood.  相似文献   



Epidemiological studies have shown that the offspring of mothers who experience diabetes mellitus during pregnancy are seven times more likely to develop health complications later in life compared to offspring born to nondiabetic mothers.

Aim of the study

We investigated whether supplementation with a natural antioxidant (thymoquinone; TQ) in female rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced gestational diabetes (GD) improved diabetic complications and T cell immune responses in their offspring.


Three groups of female rats were tested: nondiabetics, diabetics treated with TQ during pregnancy and lactation periods and diabetics that were not treated with TQ (n = 10 female rats in each group).


Our data demonstrated a significant decrease in the numbers of neonates born to diabetic rats compared with those born to control rats. GD led to macrosomic pups with several postpartum complications, such as a significant increase in plasma levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α (but not of IL-10); a marked decrease in the plasma level of IL-2; a marked reduction in the proliferative capacity of superantigen (SEB)-stimulated T-lymphocytes; and an obvious reduction in the number of circulating and thymus homing T cells. TQ supplementation of diabetic mothers during pregnancy and lactation periods had an obvious and significant effect on the number and mean body weight of neonates. Furthermore, TQ significantly restored the IL-2 level and T cell proliferation and subsequently rescued both circulating and thymus homing T cells in the offspring.


Our data suggest that nutritional supplementation of GD mothers with the natural antioxidant TQ during pregnancy and lactation periods improves diabetic complications and maintains an efficient T cell immune response in their offspring, providing a protective effect in later life.  相似文献   

Since cacti have very small surface/volume ratios, the amount of light they intercept is limited, and so is photosynthesis. However, many cacti shade themselves by means of dense hairy mats, called cephalia, which protect the floral buds. There is a trade-off between allocating a surface to photosynthesis or to the protection of reproductive structures. We found that proportion of the stem covered by cephalium affected fitness in the columnar cactus Lophocereus schottii. Too little cephalium holds few floral buds while too much reduces fecundity – probably through diminished photosynthesis – with an intermediate amount maximising reproduction. The optimal proportion of cephalium becomes smaller as the plant grows, probably because self-shading by new branches causes a further reduction in light interception. Smaller plants had significantly less cephalium than the optimal amount to maximise current reproduction. Since the largest individuals produced more reproductive structures, small cacti may find it more profitable to grow fast to achieve a large fecundity, than to assign resources to immediate reproduction via cephalium development.  相似文献   

Regular exercise during pregnancy can prevent offspring from several diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and type II diabetes during adulthood. However, little information is available about whether maternal exercises during pregnancy protect the offspring from infectious diseases, such as sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). This study aimed to investigate whether maternal exercise training protects the offspring from endotoxin-induced septic shock in mice. Female C57BL/6 mice performed voluntary wheel exercises during pregnancy. All dams and offspring were fed normal chow with sedentary activity during lactation and after weaning. At 10-week-old, mice were intraperitoneally injected a lethal (30 mg/kg) or nonlethal (15 mg/kg) dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), following which the survival of mice that were administered a lethal dose was monitored for 60 h. Plasma, lung, and liver samples were collected 18 h after the injection to evaluate the cytokine concentration or mRNA expression from those administered a nonlethal dose. Although maternal exercise training could not prevent lethality during an LPS-induced septic shock, it significantly inhibited the LPS-induced loss of body weight in female offspring. Regular maternal exercise significantly inhibited the mRNA expression of the LPS-induced inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ), in the plasma and liver. Thus, maternal exercise inhibited the LPS-induced inflammatory response in female offspring, suggesting that regular exercise during pregnancy could be a potential candidate of the onset of sepsis and MODS in offspring.  相似文献   

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