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It is unclear whether roots of acid-soil resistant plants have significant advantages, compared with acid-soil sensitive genotypes, when growing in high-strength, acid soils or in acid soils where macropores may allow the effects of soil acidity and strength to be avoided. The responses of root growth and morphology to soil acidity, soil strength and macropores by seedlings of five perennial grass genotypes differing in acid-soil resistance were determined, and the interaction of soil acidity and strength for growth and morphology of roots was investigated. Soil acidity and strength altered root length and architecture, root hair development, and deformed the root tip, especially in acid-soil sensitive genotypes. Root length was restricted to some extent by soil acidity in all genotypes, but the adverse impact of soil acidity on root growth by acid-soil resistant genotypes was greater at high levels of soil strength. Roots reacted to soil acidity when growing in macropores, but elongation through high-strength soil was improved. Soil strength can confound the effect of acidity on root growth, with the sensitivity of acid-resistant genotypes being greater in high-strength soils. This highlights the need to select for genotypes that resist both acidity and high soil strength.  相似文献   

Here, we tested whether root traits associated with resource acquisition and conservation differed between life histories (annuals, perennials) and families (Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae). Root topology, morphology, chemistry and mycorrhizal colonization were measured on whole root systems of 18 field-grown herbaceous species grown and harvested in central Argentina. Annuals differed from perennials in several root traits important in resource uptake and conservation. They exhibited higher specific root length (SRL), root nitrogen concentration (RNC) and mycorrhizal colonization but had lower root tissue density (RTD) than perennials. They did not differ in topology or construction cost. These differences were consistent among families. Families differed only in a few root traits known to be strongly associated with certain lineages such as topology and nitrogen concentration. There was a strong parallel between root traits and analogous leaf traits described in the literature for annuals and perennials. Our results suggest the existence at the root level of an acquisitive vs conservative syndrome consistent among families similar to that previously reported for above-ground traits.  相似文献   

根据多年生草本根部导管解剖结构特征,分析了黄土高原两个气候区草本物种导水结构特征及导水策略对干旱气候条件的适应性特征。结果表明,黄土高原半干旱区(年降雨量小于400 mm)草本物种平均年龄较大(7年),理论导管直径(33μm)、导管面积(680μm2)和导水效率(1.56 kg m-1 MPa-1 s-1)数值较高,而导管数量(65个)和导管分量(6.2%)数值较低;黄土高原半湿润区(年降雨量大于400 mm)草本物种平均年龄较小(5年),理论导管直径(27μm)、导管面积(550μm2)和导水效率(1.12 kg m-1 MPa-1 s-1)数值较低,而导管数量(85个)和导管分量(7.5%)数值较高。黄土高原半干旱区草本物种的导管直径较大、单位面积内的导管数量较少,因而导水效率较高,在干旱胁迫条件下趋向于采取效率优先的导水策略;黄土高原半湿润区草本物种的导管直径较小、单位面积内的导管数量较多,因而导水效率较低...  相似文献   

Studying relationships of plant traits to ecosystem properties is an emerging approach aiming to understand plant's potential effect on ecosystem functioning. In the current study, we explored links between morphological and nutritional leaf traits of two Mediterranean perennial grass species Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum spartum, widely used to prevent desertification process by stabilizing sand dunes. We evaluated also relationships in terms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability between leaves of the investigated species and the corresponding soil. Our results showed that leaf P was very low in comparison with leaf N for the two investigated species. In fact, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis capacity and water conservation during photosynthesis are mainly linked to leaf nitrogen content. Our findings support previous studies showing that at the species levels, morphological and nutritional leaf traits were not related. On the other hand, significant relationships were obtained between soil N and leaf N for S. tenacissima (= 0.011) and L. spartum (= 0.033). However, leaf P was not significantly related to soil P availability for both species. We suggest that any decrease in soil N with the predicted increasing aridity may result in reduction in leaf N and thus in worst dysfunction of some biological processes levels.  相似文献   



The mechanisms of belowground competition are not well understood. Addressing literature reports on competition-induced changes in tree fine root morphology, we conducted a growth experiment with tree saplings to investigate competition effects on important root morphological and functional traits in a root order-focused analysis.


European beech and European ash saplings were grown for 34 months in containers under greenhouse conditions in monoculture (2 conspecific plants), in mixture (1 beech and 1 ash) or as single plants. The root system was fractionated according to root orders and eight morphological and functional properties were determined.


Root order was the most influential factor affecting the fine root traits (except for root diameter and δ13C); a significant species identity effect was found for root diameter, tissue density, N concentration and δ13C. Ash fine roots were thicker, but had lower tissue densities, contained more N and had systematically higher δ13C values than beech roots. The competition treatments had no significant effect on morphological root traits but altered δ13C in the 2nd root order.


Neither intra- nor interspecific root competition affected fine root morphology significantly suggesting that competition-induced root modification may not be a universal phenomenon in temperate trees.  相似文献   

Fine root is of importance in biogeochemical cycles especially in terrestrial ecosystems. The lack of understanding of the factors controlling root lifespan has made accurate prediction of carbon flow and nutrient cycling difficult. A controlled warming experiment was performed in an alpine meadow on the northern Tibetan Plateau (near Nagchu Town). We used a minirhizotron technique to measure root dynamics in situ during the growing season of 2013 and 2014 and survival analyses to assess root lifespan and the effects of root diameter, branch order, birth season, root depth and warming on root lifespan. Root diameter, branch order and root depth were all positively correlated with root lifespan. With an increase in diameter of 0.1 mm, mortality hazard ratio of roots declined by 19.3 %. An increase in one level in branch order was associated with a decrease of 43.8 % in root death ratio. Compared with roots born in May–mid-July, the mortality hazard ratio of roots born in late July–August and September–October reduced by 26.8 and 56.5 %, respectively. In warming treatments, roots tended to be thinner, less branched and deeper, and there was a higher proportion of roots born in spring compared to ambient conditions. Warming shortened the median root lifespan 44 days. However, in single warming condition, root diameter had no significant influence on root lifespan. Root diameter, branch order, root depth and season of birth were all factors affecting root lifespan in the alpine meadow; however, root branch order was dominant.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of clipping frequency on competition between Lolium perenne and Agrostis tenuis was investigated. The yield of clippings of both species increased and then declined during the 12-week period of the experiment, but the clip yield of Lolium was always significantly greater than that of Agrostis. Lolium was clearly the better competitor in unclipped controls. The proportion of the biomass contributed to the mixture by Agrostis increased as the interval between clips decreased. Tiller production was unaffected by increased clipping frequency in Lolium but was increased in Agrostis. Total yield was much more drastically reduced by frequent clipping in Lolium than in Agrostis, where yield was practically unaffected by wide variations in clipping frequency.These results are in agreement with the field distributions of the two species. They also suggest that differences in height and response to clipping are likely to confound any attempt to monitor the progress of competition experiments by measuring the yield of clippings.  相似文献   

The aerodynamics of wind pollination selects for an intimate relation between form and function in anemophilous plants. Inflorescence architecture and floral morphology vary extensively within the Poaceae, but the functional implication of this variation remains largely unknown. Here we quantify associations between floret, culm, and inflorescence characteristics for 25 grass species in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, and consider whether different architectures may implement unique mechanisms to aid pollination. The species cluster into four categories defined by all combinations of floret size (small vs. large) and inflorescence architecture (compact vs. diffuse). Species differed significantly for all 18 traits that we measured, with 12 traits differing only between floret-size classes, three differing only between inflorescence types, and three differing among both (independently or by an interaction). Based on these morphological associations, we discuss the aerodynamic and functional consequences of each category for wind pollination. The independence of inflorescence and floral traits has probably allowed exploration of all possible combinations of inflorescence architecture and floret size during the evolution of the Poaceae.  相似文献   

  • Seeds may differ in terms of dormancy, longevity, sensitivity to desiccation and dry mass, according to the timing (dry season/rainy season) of diaspore dispersal. In addition, seasonal variations in temperature and water availability can act as signals of the season during seed development, influencing germination responses and root growth. We evaluated the effects of temperature variations and water availability on germination parameters, root growth and seed traits of four coexisting Piper species in seasonal vegetation that differed in diaspore dispersal timing.
  • Eight temperature treatments (15, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35 °C, and alternate 30 °C–20 °C) and four induced water potentials (0, −0.3, −0.6 and −1.2 MPa) were used. The parameters germination onset, germination percentage (G%), mean germination time (MGT), root elongation, seed longevity during ex situ storage and dry mass of seeds were evaluated.
  • Germination responses observed were independent of the diaspore dispersal timing, such as variations in germination onset, G% and MGT, both in temperature and water availability treatments. In contrast, root elongation, longevity and dry mass of seeds varied according to the time of diaspore dispersal.
  • Our results corroborate the hypothesis that the timing of diaspore dispersal is an important factor in controlling the initial development of seedlings in seasonal vegetation, but not in germination responses. The predominance of negative effects of temperature increases and water deficit on root growth shows that the initial stages of plant development can be strongly impacted by these environmental factors.

Gorissen  A.  Cotrufo  M.F. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(1):75-84
Leaf and root tissue of Lolium perenne L., Agrostis capillaris L. and Festuca ovina L. grown under ambient (350 μl l-1 CO2) and elevated (700 μl l-1) CO2 in a continuously 14C-labelled atmosphere and at two soil N levels, were incubated at 14°C for 222 days. Decomposition of leaf and root tissue grown in the low N treatment was not affected by elevated [CO2], whereas decomposition in the high N treatment was significantly reduced by 7% after 222 days. Despite the increased C/N ratio (g g-1) of tissue cultivated at elevated [CO2] when compared with the corresponding ambient tissue, there was no significant correlation between initial C/N ratio and 14C respired. This finding suggests that the CO2-induced changes in decomposition rates do not occur via CO2-induced changes in C/N ratios of plant materials. We combined the decomposition data with data on 14C uptake and allocation for the same plants, and give evidence that elevated [CO2] has the potential to increase soil C stores in grassland via increasing C uptake and shifting C allocation towards the roots, with an inherent slower decomposition rate than the leaves. An overall increase of 15% in 14C remaining after 222 days was estimated for the combined tissues, i.e., the whole plants; the leaves made a much smaller contribution to the C remaining (+6%) than the roots (+26%). This shows the importance of clarifying the contribution of roots and leaves with respect to the question whether grassland soils act as a sink or source for atmospheric CO2. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Changes in sward growth above ground by shade is a controversialsubject for field experimentation because the differential allocationof carbon (C) to shoots and roots is difficult to measure. Inthis experiment the effect of three levels of irradiance (100%,56% and 33% of full sunlight) on C and nitrogen (N) allocationin Dichanthium aristatum were studied under well-watered andwell-fertilized conditions. Dry matter accumulation, weightratio per organ and N allocation indices were studied duringtwo cycles of growth, after planting and after cutting. Shadehad no effect on the C and N influxes into the whole plant,showing that the N absorption is regulated by the C assimilation.However, C, and principally N, were preferentially allocatedto the laminae under reduced irradiance. Under 100% and 56%of full sunlight, more N was allocated to the stubble component.This situation was reversed in the lowest radiation level, indicatingthat N reserves, and not exclusively C reserves, may limit theregrowth of this perennial grass when growing under high levelsof shade. The higher shoot:root ratio under shade shows thedisadvantage in the use of radiation use efficiency calculatedfrom aerial biomass data when comparing differents levels ofshade. Key words: Growth, shading, reserves, C4 species  相似文献   

The study of proportional relationships between size, shape, and function of part of or the whole organism is traditionally known as allometry. Examination of correlative changes in the size of interbranch distances (IBDs) at different root orders may help to identify root branching rules. Root morphological and functional characteristics in three range grasses {bluebunch wheatgrass [Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) L?ve], crested wheatgrass [Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult.×A. cristatum (L.) Gaert.], and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.)} were examined in response to a soil nutrient gradient. Interbranch distances along the main root axis and the first-order laterals as well as other morphological and allocation root traits were determined. A model of nutrient diffusivity parameterized with root length and root diameter for the three grasses was used to estimate root functional properties (exploitation efficiency and exploitation potential). The results showed a significant negative allometric relationship between the main root axis and first-order lateral IBD (P ≤ 0.05), but only for bluebunch wheatgrass. The main root axis IBD was positively related to the number and length of roots, estimated exploitation efficiency of second-order roots, and specific root length, and was negatively related to estimated exploitation potential of first-order roots. Conversely, crested wheatgrass and cheatgrass, which rely mainly on root proliferation responses, exhibited fewer allometric relationships. Thus, the results suggested that species such as bluebunch wheatgrass, which display slow root growth and architectural root plasticity rather than opportunistic root proliferation and rapid growth, exhibit correlative allometry between the main axis IBD and morphological, allocation, and functional traits of roots.  相似文献   

Observations of experimental dunes made over a period of nine years indicate differences in utilizing three different dune species along the North Carolina coast and in the type of dunes produced by them.Ammophila is superior in ease of establishment and rate of sand accumulation but is shortlived. It produces a gently sloping dune.Uniola is difficult to propagate but is an excellent dune builder and eventually dominates the foredune. Grown alone, it produces a steep dune front.Panicum is an excellent companion plant to bothAmmophila andUniola. It is easy to propagate, relatively free of pests and produces dunes intermediate in shape, betweenAmmophila andUniola. Plantings of mixtures of two or more of these species should greatly improve long-term dune stability compared with either planted alone.Presented at the Seventh International Biometeorological Congress, 17–23 August 1975, College Park, Maryland, USA  相似文献   

Shoot and reproductive biomass of genotypes of Bromus erectus and Dactylis glomerata grown in competition at ambient and elevated CO2 were examined for 2 consecutive years in order to test whether genetic variation in those traits exists and whether it is maintained over time. At the species level, a positive CO2 response of shoot biomass of both species was only found in the first year of treatment. At the genotype level, no significant CO22genotype interaction was found at any single harvest either for vegetative or reproductive biomass of either species. Analysis over time, however, indicated that there is a potential for evolutionary adaptation only for D. glomerata: (1) repeated measures ANOVA detected a marginally significant CO22genotype2time interaction for shoot biomass, because the range of the genotypes CO2 response increased over time; (2) genotypes that displayed the highest response during the first year under elevated CO2 also showed the highest response the second year. Null (B. erectus) or weak (D. glomerata) selective potentials of elevated CO2 were detected in this experiment, but short time series could underestimate this potential with perennial species.  相似文献   

M. Vil  F. Lloret 《植被学杂志》2000,11(4):597-606
Abstract. In Mediterranean shrublands, post‐fire accumulation of above‐ground biomass of resprouters is faster than that of seeders. This suggests that resprouters may have a competitive advantage. To test this hypothesis, we used a removal experiment to study the effect of the presence of the dominant tussock‐grass Ampelodesmos mauritanica on the resprouting shrubs Erica multiflora and Globularia alypum and on the seeders Rosmarinus officinalis and Pinus halepensis three and four years after a wildfire. Water potential of target plants was also measured to see if Ampelodesmos removal increased water availability. Ampelodesmos marginally reduced growth of all target species but did not influence survival or water potential of any target species. Our results suggest that the effect of climatically influenced water stress was stronger than the effect of Ampelodesmos neighbours. Plant‐plant interactions in this Mediterranean community are weak after fire and the magnitude of the Ampelodesmos effect does not differ between seeders and resprouters.  相似文献   

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