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Lupine seeds have the potential to be an alternative to imported dietary proteins. In rabbits, it has been indicated that White lupine seed (WLS) is a suitable protein source. Other lupine species, for example, narrow-leaved lupine seed (NLS), have not yet been tested in rabbit diets. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of the dietary inclusion of NLS on growth performance, sanitary risk index (SRI), coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) and nitrogen output in fattening rabbits. Narrow-leaved lupine was compared with WLS as a main protein source. For Experiment I, a total of 198 Hyplus rabbits (37 days of age) were allocated into two groups (99 rabbits per group), fed the WLS I diet (120 g/kg of WLS cv. Amiga) or the NLS I diet (150 g/kg of NLS cv. Probor), and used for performance and carcass trait evaluations. In addition, the CTTAD of the diets and the nitrogen output were determined in 10 Hyplus rabbits per treatment (37 days of age). For Experiment II, a total of 180 Hyplus rabbits (32 days of age) were allocated into two groups (90 rabbits per group), fed the WLS II diet (120 g/kg of WLS cv. Amiga) or the NLS II diet (130 g/kg of NLS cv. Primadona), and used for performance and carcass trait evaluations. In addition, the CTTAD of the diets was determined in 10 Hyplus rabbits per treatment (32 days of age). Regardless of the treatment, the dietary inclusion of NLS had a negative effect on growth of the rabbits. The nitrogen excretion and coefficients of nitrogen retention of rabbits were not affected by the treatments. In Experiment I, SRI (37 to 80 days of age) was higher in rabbits fed the NLS I diet than in those fed the WLS I diet (38.4% v. 23.2%, respectively; P = 0.031). Similarly, in Experiment II (32 to 74 days of age), SRI was higher in rabbits fed the NLS II diet than in rabbits fed the WLS II diet (37.8% v. 23.3%, respectively; P = 0.052). In conclusion, regardless of the variety, the dietary inclusion of NLS had no negative effect on the nitrogen output or dressing-out percentage of rabbits when compared to those of rabbits fed the WLS diets. With respect to the SRI and performance, however, NLS did not provide a satisfactory outcome.  相似文献   

Seedlings of lupine (Lupinus luteus L. cv. Juno) were exposed for up to 96 hours to 1 to 2 kPa partial pressure oxygen (hypoxic treatment) and activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and their isoform profiles were determined. Roots of lupine seedlings were grown in a nitrogen flushed nutrient solution while their shoots were in air. Prolonged hypoxia led to a reduction of root elongation. This was accompanied by reduced increase in dry weight suggesting that insufficient carbohydrate supply was the cause of retarded growth of lupine roots. Hypoxically treated roots showed induction of ADH and LDH acivities. The maximum increase in LDH activity was low (2-fold) in contrast to ADH activity, which increased up to 7-fold. Hypoxic treatment of roots did not affect the activities of ADH and LDH in hypocotyls and cotyledons. Analysis of ADH and LDH activity gels indicated in roots 1 and 2 isoforms, respectively. The level of isozymes of both enzymes increased in roots upon exposure to hypoxic stress. Differences in isoenzymatic spectrum of ADH and LDH between roots, hypocotyls and cotyledons indicate organ specificity of isozymes of both enzymes. The importance of alcohol and lactate fermentation in roots to cope with hypoxic stress is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of present study was to determine the changes of some biochemical and physiological processes, which occurred in seeds and seedlings of white lupine and faba bean after pre-sowing treatment with laser beams. It was found this treatment of seeds considerably increased the activity of amylolytic enzymes in seeds of both plants. The greatest differentiation of the enzymatic activity was noticed after 120?h from the time of sowing but the activity of these enzymes in the seeds of both tested plants was similar and it had the same course in time. The irradiated seeds of white lupine and faba bean had higher fresh weight at the time of imbibition than the seeds which were not treated with laser beams. It resulted in earlier and more uniform germination. The concentration of free radicals increased considerably in the seeds pre-treated with laser beams and the largest increase in seeds of both plant species was noticed after five exposures to laser beams. Treating seeds with laser beams considerably increased the amount of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the germinating seeds. Three exposures of seeds caused the largest increase of this plant hormone content in the seeds. The activity of IAA in faba bean was slightly higher than in white lupine seeds. Pre-sowing stimulation with laser had a positive influence on the growth and development of seedlings, which had longer hypocotyl and roots in comparison to seedlings which grew from non irradiated seeds.  相似文献   

Lupine seedlings were exposed to 4 kPa partial pressure oxygen (hypoxically pretreated) for 18 hours before treatment with strictly anaerobic conditions (anoxia). Seedlings previously exposed to hypoxia were more tolerant than the controls (not hypoxically pretreated) to anoxic stress in both roots and shoots. Hypoxic pretreatment induced roots and shoots survival in anoxia. Improved viability of roots, following hypoxic pretreatment, was associated with increased activity of ADH. In nonacclimated roots and shots significant increase in LDH activity occurd during the first hours under anoxia but the in vitro activity of LDH was two orders of magnitude lower than that of ADH. The results are discussed in relation to the ability of lupine seedlings to survive anoxia.  相似文献   

Abstract A range of aliphatic, aromatic and amino acids at a concentration of 5 mol m-3 inhibited the extension of roots of barley seedlings. Acetic acid is one of the least toxic but its action has the greatest ecological significance because it can be formed in phytotoxic concentrations by micro-organisms in soil. Its uptake and toxicity were greatest at low pH. Of the plant species which were examined, those most affected were barley, wheat and maize, followed by rape and clover. In aerobic conditions, microbial breakdown of the acid decreased its activity, but in atmospheres containing small concentrations of oxygen the acid prevented the germination of seeds. The toxicity could be partially alleviated by calcium carbonate applied as ground chalk to seeds.  相似文献   

范黎 《微生物学通报》2013,40(2):380-380
农作物秸秆是农作物生产中一种富含氮、磷、钾、钙、镁和有机质等有效成分的可再生资源,我国每年的农作物秸秆废弃物产量巨大,因此,如何有效地"转废为宝",实现对农作物秸秆废弃物的再利用一直是我国学者关注的问题.秸秆堆腐还田技术是有机废弃物再利用的理想途径之一,其作用原理是利用微生物的分解作用,促使农作物秸秆发酵腐熟后成为优良的绿色有机肥.农作物秸秆属于高纤维素含量废弃物,且纤维素的结构复杂、降解困难,如何加速纤维素的分解是实现农作物秸秆堆肥物料快速分解、达到腐熟的关键问题.已有研究表明,在堆肥中接种高温或耐高温降解菌可促进有机物降解,提高堆肥高温期温度,延长高温期,加快堆肥腐熟.  相似文献   

Seeds of yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus L. cv. Juno) were collected throughout their development on the mother plant to determine whether the ability to germinate and to tolerate desiccation is related to the level of free radicals and the changes in the redox state of ascorbate and glutathione as well as the activities of antioxidative enzymes. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-based analyses showed that development of lupine seed was accompanied by generation of free radicals with g1 and g2 values of 2.0049 ± 0.0004 and 2.0029 ± 0.0003, respectively. Free radical level increased significantly 25 DAF and decreased thereafter. The amount of hydrogen peroxide was high in fresh immature seeds and decreased during maturation drying. Ascorbate accumulated in lupine embryos during early seed filling stage whereas glutathione content increased during late seed filling phase. During maturation drying the redox state of both ascorbate and glutathione pools shifted towards the oxidized forms. While superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, and ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC activities remained high at the early seed filling stage the activities of both dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC and that of catalase (CAT, EC increased before seeds reached physiological maturity and decreased thereafter. The changes of isoform patterns of antioxidative enzymes were observed during seed maturation. Immature lupine seeds tested immediately after harvest acquired the ability to germinate when less than half-filled and reached high tolerance to desiccation just after physiological maturity. The physiological implications of the changes in antioxidative machinery for the acquisition of desiccation tolerance and seeds germinability are discussed.  相似文献   

Emery RJ  Ma Q  Atkins CA 《Plant physiology》2000,123(4):1593-1604
A comprehensive range of cytokinins (CK) was identified and quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in tissues of and in xylem and phloem serving developing white lupine (Lupinus albus) fruits. Analyses were initiated at anthesis and included stages of podset, embryogenesis, and seed filling up to physiological maturation 77 d post anthesis (DPA). In the first 10 DPA, fertilized ovaries destined to set pods accumulated CK. The proportion of cis-CK:trans-CK isomers was initially 10:1 but declined to less than 1:1. In ovaries destined to abort, the ratio of cis-isomers to trans-isomers remained high. During early podset, accumulation of CK (30-40 pmol ovary(-1)) was accounted for by xylem and phloem translocation, both containing more than 90% cis-isomers. During embryogenesis and early seed filling (40-46 DPA), translocation accounted for 1% to 14% of the increases of CK in endosperm (20 nmol fruit(-1)) and seed coat (15 nmol fruit(-1)), indicating synthesis in situ. High CK concentrations in seeds (0.6 micromol g(-1) fresh weight) were transient, declining rapidly to less than 1% of maximum levels by physiological maturity. These data pose new questions about the localization and timing of CK synthesis, the significance of translocation, and the role(s) of CK forms in reproductive development.  相似文献   

有机物料中有机碳和有机氮的分解进程及分解残留率   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
柳敏  张璐  宇万太  沈善敏 《应用生态学报》2007,18(11):2503-2506
在中国科学院沈阳生态站(埋袋法)和海伦站(砂滤管法)研究了不同有机物料中有机碳和有机氮的矿化进程、分解残留率和C/N的动态变化.结果表明:有机物料中有机碳和有机氮的分解进程可分为快、慢2个阶段;各有机物料中有机氮的矿化速率均明显低于有机碳,因而其残留率高于有机碳;有机物料C/N的下降速率也可分为快、慢2个阶段.经3~5年分解后,各种有机物料残留物的C/N趋于稳定:低C/N有机物料(猪粪)残留物的C/N值接近土壤腐殖质的C/N,约为10,已完成其腐殖化过程;高C/N有机物料残留物的C/N值处于适宜微生物活动的25左右,利于增加土壤有机质、培肥土壤.  相似文献   

Changes in ascorbate and glutathione contents and the activities and isoenzyme patterns of enzymes of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle were investigated in embryo axes and cotyledons of germinating lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) seeds. Ascorbate content was not significantly affected over the initial 12 h of imbibition in embryo axes, but afterwards increased, with the most rapid accumulation coinciding with radicle emergence. A somewhat similar trend was observed for glutathione with significant increase in embryo axes shortly before radicle protrusion followed by decline in the next hours. In cotyledons the ascorbate pool rose gradually during germination but the amount of glutathione showed fluctuations during a whole germination period. The activity of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) rose progressively in embryo axes, while activities of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and glutathione reductase (GR) showed transient increase during germination. New isoforms of APX and GR were synthesized, suggesting that they play a relevant role during germination. All analyzed enzymes were already present in dry seeds which allowed them to be active immediately after imbibition.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of organic amendment application on the fate of inorganic-N accumulated in a vegetable field soil during conversion from inorganic to organic input, a pot experiment using 15N-labeled soil was conducted. The soil was labeled with 15N through addition of urea-15N (98 atom % 15N) and was then incubated for 1 year resulting in inorganic soil-N concentration and 15N abundance of 211 mg kg–1 soil and 4.950 atom %, respectively. Chinese cabbage [Brassica campestris (L.) Samjin] plants were grown in the labeled soil for 30 and 60 days after application of organic amendment at the rates of 0 (control), 200, 400, and 600 mg N kg–1 soil. Although organic amendment application did not show any significant effect on the uptake efficiency of inorganic-N by Chinese cabbage during the first 30 days, it significantly (P<0.05) increased inorganic-N uptake efficiency as well as total-N uptake and dry matter yield at the end of the 60-day growth period. Application of the organic amendment also increased microbial immobilization of inorganic-N in both growth periods. Between 30 and 60 days of growth, however, the amount of immobilized N from the inorganic-15N pool decreased, indicating re-mineralization of previously immobilized N. Although the amount of inorganic-15N lost was virtually the same among treatments at day 30, increased immobilization of inorganic-15N caused by organic amendment application led to the higher retention of inorganic-N in the soil and less loss of N at day 60 as compared to the control. These results indicate that increased immobilization by organic amendment application in the early growth season and the subsequent gradual re-mineralization may play an important role in increasing plant uptake of inorganic-15N, while minimizing N loss.  相似文献   

In most higher plants, mature dry seeds have no chloroplasts but etioplasts. Here we show that in a hydrophyte, lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), young chloroplasts already exist in shoots of mature dry seeds and that they give rise to mature chloroplasts during germination, even in darkness. These shoots contain chlorophyll and chlorophyll-binding proteins CP1 and LHCP. The unique features of chloroplast formation in N. nucifera suggest a unique adaptive strategy for seedling development correlated with the plant's habitat.  相似文献   

Storage lipid and protein breakdown in germinating seeds of yellow (Lupinus luteus L.), white (L. albus L.), and Andean lupine (L. mutabilis Sweet) and regulatory function of sucrose were investigated. Less oil bodies were detected in organs of yellow lupine seeds, whereas the highest content of oil bodies was noticed in the Andean lupine seeds. Mature, air-dried yellow, white and Andean lupine seeds do not contain starch. Starch grains appear the earliest in white lupine seeds during imbibition. Sucrose deficiency in tissues enhances breakdown of storage lipid, protein and temporary starch in cotyledons. In sucrose starved embryo axes of all investigated lupine species, an increased level of vacuolization was noted. Interconnections between catabolism of storage protein and storage lipid in germinating lupine seeds were identified by applying 14C-acetate. To assess the importance of key processes in storage lipid breakdown NaF (inhibitor of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis), KCN, NaN3 and SHAM (inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport chain) and MSO (inhibitor of glutamine synthetase) were used. Radioactivity coming from 14C-acetate was released as 14CO2 but mostly was incorporated into ethanol-soluble fraction of embryo axes and cotyledons. Respiratory inhibitors caused a significant decrease in 14CO2 and ethanol fractions in all three lupine species studied. MSO stimulated release of 14CO2 and radioactivity of ethanol fractions in yellow lupine organs fed with sucrose, but in Andean lupine MSO enhanced the production of 14CO2 and radioactivity of ethanol fractions both in organs fed and not fed with sucrose. Different strategies of storage compound breakdown are proposed, depending on relative proportion in storage protein and lipid content in lupine seeds.  相似文献   

施用有机肥环境下盐胁迫小麦幼苗长势和内源激素的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在盆栽条件下,研究了不同浓度NaCl处理下,底施不同施用量有机肥小麦品种豫麦49-198幼苗的生长变化,在此基础上,选择出合适的NaCl处理浓度和有机肥施用量区间,并对此情况下小麦幼苗苗和根中内源激素含量和比例的变化进行了测定,以揭示其耐盐差异机制。结果表明,15000-35000 kg/hm2施用量有机肥处理明显减轻NaCl浓度为150 mmol/L的盐胁迫,其中25000 kg/hm2有机肥处理效果最明显;45000 kg/hm2以上的有机肥处理对幼苗生长抑制无明显缓解作用;当NaCl浓度为450 mmol/L时,各种施用量的有机肥处理均不能减轻盐胁迫对幼苗生长的抑制。150 mmol/L NaCl胁迫下,不同施用量有机肥处理,分别为对照(不施肥)、低施用量(15000 kg/hm2)、中施用量(25000 kg/hm2)和高施用量(35000 kg/hm2)的有机肥,土壤盐度的增加量随有机肥用量增加而上升,对小麦幼苗生长的抑制作用得到缓解,以25000 kg/hm2有机肥处理缓解作用最强。有机肥处理下盐胁迫小麦幼苗苗和根中ABA含量的增加得到显著缓解,IAA和GAs的含量比不施有机肥的对照有不同程度的提高, 说明盐胁迫下有机肥处理小麦幼苗具有较高IAA和GAs合成量。盐胁迫下有机肥处理使苗中ZR的含量较高而根中则较低,说明抗盐性较强的有机肥处理可迅速将根部合成的ZR向苗中转移,促进苗的生长。盐胁迫下有机肥处理的IAA/ABA、GAs/ABA、ZR/ABA的比值也有不同程度提高。在盐胁迫下,有机肥处理尤其是在25000 kg/hm2施用量时,小麦幼苗协调自身激素平衡的能力较强可能是其生长受抑制较小的重要原因。  相似文献   

Germination of lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) seeds was accompanied by an increase in concentration of free radicals with g 1 and g 2 values of 2.0056 ± 0.0003 and 2.0033 ± 0.0005, respectively. The highest intensity of free radical signal was observed in embryo axes immediately after radicle protruded through the seed coat. Hydrogen peroxide accumulated in embryonic axes and cotyledons during imbibition before the onset of germination in the seed population. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and catalase (CAT, EC rose progressively in embryo axes. In cotyledons SOD activity did not change significantly, while that of CAT increased during germination. The enhancement of Cu, Zn-SODs and Mn-SOD isoforms in embryonic axes was observed. A new isoform of catalase was synthesized, suggesting that it plays a relevant role during germination. SOD and CAT activities were detected in dry seeds. Free radical generation and response of antioxidative enzymes differed between embryo axes and cotyledons during the germination timecourse.  相似文献   

缓释肥和有机肥对长白落叶松容器苗养分库构建的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wei HX  Xu CY  Ma LY  Jiang LN 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1731-1736
采用每株施入供氮(N)量为36.36或18.18 mg的缓释肥,并增施0或1.82 g FM有机肥的2×2析因设计,对长白落叶松容器幼苗施肥效果进行研究.结果表明:施肥处理对苗高、地径、生物量和钾(K)的吸收均无显著影响.增施有机肥显著提高了长度>1 cm的一级侧根数量(P=0.040)、主根长(TRL,P=0.012)和主根长与苗高比(P=0.008).高量缓释肥处理下,苗木根N浓度(P=0.035)以及苗干(P=0.005)、根(P=0.037)和苗干+根(P=0.030)中N含量以及苗干中磷(P)含量(P=0.047)均高于低量缓释肥处理;高量缓释肥处理下,增施有机肥使叶片和苗干+根中N浓度提高了137%(P=0.040)和21%(P=0.013);增施有机肥提高了苗干(P=0.020)、根(P=0.017)和苗干+根(P=0.013)中N浓度.经矢量养分分析,高量缓释肥供给可引起苗体N、P的过量,增施有机肥能明显克服N、P的缺乏,但导致K的损耗.对长白落叶松播种苗的培育,建议采用每株供氮18 mg的缓释肥并配施1.82g FM有机肥的施肥方法.  相似文献   

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