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我本人早期是从事植物采集调查工作,也是中国植物志的编者,跑遍了云南的山山水水。后来到西双版纳工作期间跟随植物学老前辈蔡希陶教授,这是我人生的一大转折。我们在植物采集调查中,即使是做纯粹的科学研究,其实也要依靠当地群众来完成,比如带  相似文献   

1980年,《哈佛杂志》(Harvard Magazine)的编辑邀请了7位哈佛大学教授,请他们提出未来10年全球即将面对的最大难题。其中4人提出贫穷问题,理由分别是人口过度膨胀、乡村人潮大举涌入城市,以及资本主义盛行带来的贫富差距加剧。第5位教授把焦点放在美国自身,提出福利国家和政府管控过度的议题。  相似文献   

城市生态园林与生物多样性保护   总被引:65,自引:1,他引:65  
城市生态园林与生物多样性保护袁兴中,刘红(曲阜师范大学,273165)UrbanEcologicalgardeningandBiodiversityConservation.¥YuanXingzhong;LiuHong(De-partmentofBi...  相似文献   

Memory.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The key interrelated issues in the neurobiology of memory are to identify the neural circuitries essential for memory formation, localize sites of memory storage and analyze mechanisms of memory formation, storage and retrieval. Several circuits have now been identified in vertebrates and researchers are investigating their properties, in particular the role of glutamate receptors and long-term potentiation, in memory formation. Invertebrate preparations continue to be of value and recent studies suggest that changes in gene expression and protein synthesis may be important in long-term sensitization.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that ideas which violate our expectations, such as schema-inconsistent concepts, enjoy privileged status in terms of memorability. In our study, memory for concepts that violate cultural (cultural schema-level) expectations (e.g., “illiterate teacher”, “wooden bottle”, or “thorny grass”) versus domain-level (ontological) expectations (e.g., “speaking cat”, “jumping maple”, or “melting teacher”) was examined. Concepts that violate cultural expectations, or counter-schematic, were remembered to a greater extent compared with concepts that violate ontological expectations and with intuitive concepts (e.g., “galloping pony”, “drying orchid”, or “convertible car”), in both immediate recall, and delayed recognition tests. Importantly, concepts related to agents showed a memory advantage over concepts not pertaining to agents, but this was true only for expectation-violating concepts. Our results imply that intuitive, everyday concepts are equally attractive and memorable regardless of the presence or absence of agents. However, concepts that violate our expectations (cultural-schema or domain-level) are more memorable when pertaining to agents (humans and animals) than to non-agents (plants or objects/artifacts). We conclude that due to their evolutionary salience, cultural ideas which combine expectancy violations and the involvement of an agent are especially memorable and thus have an enhanced probability of being successfully propagated.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and wetlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The implications of the Biodiversity Convention of the UNCED Conference in Rio are discussed in terms of the obligations of participating states. The importance of biodiversity is outlined with special reference to wetland ecosystems. The values of wetlands and wetland biodiversity are discussed and a possible classification strategy for their conservation and wise use is suggested.Corresponding Editor: R.E. Turner  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Experimental psychopathologists have identified varying patterns in memory bias in people with depressive and anxiety disorders. Individuals suffering from depression tend to exhibit explicit memory deficits for positively-valanced material, and sometimes exhibit biases for retrieving negative self-relevant information as well. Most studies, however, provide scant evidence for implicit memory biases in depression. In contrast to depression, anxiety disorders are rarely associated with enhanced explicit memory for threat-related information (with the exception of panic disorder). Evidence for implicit memory biases for threat in these syndromes is mixed. After providing an overview of findings on memory abnormalities in depressive and anxiety disorders, data from several new studies bearing on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam combat veterans and in women with histories of childhood sexual abuse are presented. Involving directed forgetting, implicit memory and autobiographical cueing paradigms, these experiments point to a pattern of abnormalities linked to PTSD rather than to trauma per se.  相似文献   

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