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Tendons are collagen-based fibrous tissues that connect and transmit forces from muscle to bone. These tissues, which are high in collagen type I content, have been studied extensively to understand collagen fibrillogenesis. Although the mechanisms have not been fully elucidated, our understanding has continued to progress. Here, we review two prevailing models of collagen fibrillogenesis and discuss the regulation of the process by candidate cellular and extracellular matrix molecules. Although numerous molecules have been implicated in the regulation of collagen fibrillogenesis, we focus on those that have been suggested to be particularly relevant to collagen type I fibril formation during tendon development, including members of the collagen and small leucine-rich proteoglycan families, as well as other molecules, including scleraxis, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, and cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

We studied the expression of the fibril-associated collagen XII by fibroblasts cultured on attached (stretched) or floating (relaxed) collagen I gels. Accumulation of collagen XII in the medium as determined by semiquantitative immunoblotting was 8-16 times higher under stretched compared to relaxed conditions. Northern blot experiments showed that tensile stress controls collagen XII expression at the mRNA level. Tenascin-C mRNA levels were also influenced, whereas relative amounts of fibronectin and matrix metalloproteinase-2 mRNA were barely affected. The response to a change in tensile stress is rapid, since de novo biosynthesis of collagen XII was fully down-regulated 12 h after relaxation of a stretched culture. To demonstrate that the effect is also reversible, we mounted collagen gels with attached cells to movable polyethylene plugs. The cultures were relaxed or stretched at intervals of 24 and 48 h, and media samples were analyzed every 24 h. By ELISA, the amount of collagen XII secreted into the medium was found to increase or decrease in accordance with the tensile stress applied. This is evidence that the mechanical stimulus per se, rather than an indirect secondary effect, was responsible for the observed changes in collagen XII production.  相似文献   

Tendon and corneal decorins are differently iduronated dermatan sulphate/proteoglycan (DS/PG) and the biochemical parameter that differentiates type I collagens is the hydroxylysine glycoside content. We have examined the effect of tendon and corneal decorins on the individual phases (tlag, dA/dt) of differently glycosylated type I collagens fibril formation, at molar ratios PG:collagen monomer ranging from 0.15 : 1 to 0.45 : 1. The results obtained indicate that decorins exert a different effect on the individual phases of fibril formation, correlated to the degree of glycosylation of collagen: at the same PG:collagen ratio the fibril formation of highly glycosylated corneal collagen is more efficiently inhibited than that of the poorly glycosylated one (tendon). Moreover tendon and corneal decorins exert a higher control on the fibrillogenesis of homologous collagen with respect to the heterologous one. These data suggest a possible tissue-specificity of the interaction decorin/type I collagen correlated to the structure of the PG and collagen present in extracellular matrices. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nothing in biology stimulates the imagination like the development of a single fertilized egg into a newborn child. Consequently, a major focus of biomedical research is aimed at understanding cell differentiation, proliferation, and specialization during child health and human development. However, the fact that the increase in size and shape of the growing embryo has as much to do with the extracellular matrix (ECM) as with the cells themselves, is largely overlooked. Cells in developing tissues are surrounded by a fiber-composite ECM that transmits mechanical stimuli, maintains the shape of developing tissues, and functions as a scaffold for cell migration and attachment. The major structural element of the ECM is the collagen fibril. The fibrils, which are indeterminate in length, are arranged in different tissues in exquisite supramolecular architectures, including parallel bundles, orthogonal lamellae, and concentric weaves. This article reviews our current understanding of the synthesis and assembly of collagen fibrils, and discusses challenging questions about how cells assemble an organized ECM during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Deposition of type X collagen in the cartilage extracellular matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In cultured chick embryo chondrocytes, type X collagen is preferentially deposited in the extracellular matrix, the ratio between type II and type X collagen being about 5 times higher in the culture medium than in the cell layer. When the newly synthesized collagens deposited in slices from the epiphyseal cartilage of 17-day-old embryo tibiae were isolated, type X collagen was always the major species. In agreement with this result the mRNA for type X collagen was the predominant mRNA species purified from the same tissue. When the total collagen (unlabeled) deposited in the epiphyseal cartilage was analyzed, it was observed that type X collagen represented only 1/15 of the type II collagen recovered in the same preparation. The possible explanations for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Tendon function involves the development of an organized hierarchy of collagen fibrils. Small leucine-rich proteoglycans have been implicated in the regulation of fibrillogenesis and decorin is the prototypic member of this family. Decorin-deficient mice demonstrate altered fibril structure and mechanical function in mature skin and tail tendons. However, the developmental role(s) of decorin needs to be elucidated. To define these role(s) during tendon development, tendons (flexor digitorum longus) were analyzed ultrastructurally from postnatal day 10 to 90. Decorin-deficient tendons developed abnormal, irregularly contoured fibrils. Finite mixture modeling estimated that the mature tendon was a three-subpopulation mixture of fibrils with characteristic diameter ranges. During development, in each subpopulation the mean diameter was consistently larger in mutant mice. Also, diameter distributions and the percentage of fibrils in each subpopulation were altered. Biomechanical analyses demonstrated that mature decorin-deficient tendons had significantly reduced strength and stiffness; however, there was no reduction in immature tendons. Expression of decorin and biglycan, a closely related family member, was analyzed during development. Decorin increased with development while biglycan decreased. Spatially, both had a comparable localization throughout the tendon. Biglycan expression increased substantially in decorin-deficient tendons suggesting a potential functional compensation. The accumulation of structural defects during fibril growth, a period associated with decorin expression and low biglycan expression, may be the cause of compromised mechanical function in the absence of decorin. Our findings indicate that decorin is a key regulatory molecule and that the temporal switch from biglycan to decorin is an important event in the coordinate regulation of fibrillogenesis and tendon development.  相似文献   

Fibrillar collagen–integrin interactions in the extracellular matrix (ECM) regulate a multitude of cellular processes and cell signalling. Collagen I fibrils serve as the molecular scaffolding for connective tissues throughout the human body and are the most abundant protein building blocks in the ECM. The ECM environment is diverse, made up of several ECM proteins, enzymes, and proteoglycans. In particular, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), anionic polysaccharides that decorate proteoglycans, become depleted in the ECM with natural aging and their mis-regulation has been linked to cancers and other diseases. The impact of GAG depletion in the ECM environment on collagen I protein interactions and on mechanical properties is not well understood. Here, we integrate ELISA protein binding assays with liquid high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) to assess the effects of GAG depletion on the interaction of collagen I fibrils with the integrin α2I domain using separate rat tails. ELISA binding assays demonstrate that α2I preferentially binds to GAG-depleted collagen I fibrils in comparison to native fibrils. By amplitude modulated AFM in air and in solution, we find that GAG-depleted collagen I fibrils retain structural features of the native fibrils, including their characteristic D-banding pattern, a key structural motif. AFM fast force mapping in solution shows that GAG depletion reduces the stiffness of individual fibrils, lowering the indentation modulus by half compared to native fibrils. Together these results shed new light on how GAGs influence collagen I fibril–integrin interactions and may aid in strategies to treat diseases that result from GAG mis-regulation.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils type I display a typical banding pattern, so-called D-periodicity, of about 67 nm, when visualized by atomic force or electron microscopy imaging. Herein we report on a significant shortening of the D-period for human corneal collagen fibrils type I (21 ± 4 nm) upon air-drying, whereas no changes in the D-period were observed for human scleral collagen fibrils type I (64 ± 4 nm) measured under the same experimental conditions as the cornea. It was also found that for the corneal stroma fixed with glutaraldehyde and air-dried, the collagen fibrils show the commonly accepted D-period of 61 ± 8 nm. We used the atomic force microscopy method to image collagen fibrils type I present in the middle layers of human cornea and sclera. The water content in the cornea and sclera samples was varying in the range of .066–.085. Calculations of the D-period using the theoretical model of the fibril and the FFT approach allowed to reveal the possible molecular mechanism of the D-period shortening in the corneal collagen fibrils upon drying. It was found that both the decrease in the shift and the simultaneous reduction in the distance between tropocollagen molecules can be responsible for the experimentally observed effect. We also hypothesize that collagen type V, which co-assembles with collagen type I into heterotypic fibrils in cornea, could be involved in the observed shortening of the corneal D-period.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils in the corneal stroma have been recognised to have a high degree of uniformity of diameter and spatial arrangement compared with those in other mature connective tissues. The precision of this lateral size control has been determined in this study by mass per unit length measurements on fibrils isolated from adult bovine corneal stroma. At the molecular level, however, there are substantial variations in lateral size, both between fibrils and along individual fibrils. The mean mass per unit length was measured to be 304 kDa nm(-1), equivalent to 347 collagen molecules in transverse section and had a standard deviation of 8.3%. The variation of lateral size along individual fibrils was measured as a mass slope over approximately 7 microm lengths (100 D-periods) and had a mean mass slope equivalent to 0.56 molecules per D-period. Smoothly tapered tips of length approximately 7 microm were also observed with a mass slope of about approximately three molecules per D-period. The frequency of these tips was used to estimate a mean fibril length of approximately 940 microm in the sample tissue. Observations of molecular polarity within the fibril shafts and tips were used to consider possible models of fibril assembly.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrillogenesis is finely regulated during development of tissue-specific extracellular matrices. The role(s) of a leucine-rich repeat protein subfamily in the regulation of fibrillogenesis during tendon development were defined. Lumican-, fibromodulin-, and double-deficient mice demonstrated disruptions in fibrillogenesis. With development, the amount of lumican decreases to barely detectable levels while fibromodulin increases significantly, and these changing patterns may regulate this process. Electron microscopic analysis demonstrated structural abnormalities in the fibrils and alterations in the progression through different assembly steps. In lumican-deficient tendons, alterations were observed early and the mature tendon was nearly normal. Fibromodulin-deficient tendons were comparable with the lumican-null in early developmental periods and acquired a severe phenotype by maturation. The double-deficient mice had a phenotype that was additive early and comparable with the fibromodulin-deficient mice at maturation. Therefore, lumican and fibromodulin both influence initial assembly of intermediates and the entry into fibril growth, while fibromodulin facilitates the progression through growth steps leading to mature fibrils. The observed increased ratio of fibromodulin to lumican and a competition for the same binding site could mediate these transitions. These studies indicate that lumican and fibromodulin have different developmental stage and leucine-rich repeat protein specific functions in the regulation of fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Corneal fibroblasts, also known as keratocytes are surrounded by an extracellular matrix of collagen in vivo. To understand the physiology and pathology of these corneal fibroblasts, it is important to study their interactions with this extracellular matrix. We cultured rabbit corneal fibroblasts on tissue culture plastic dishes or in a hydrated collagen gel and compared the changes in morphology and mitotic activity. Corneal fibroblasts on plastic dishes were flattened and widely spread, whereas those in collagen gel became spindle-shaped with long processes. Examination with an electron microscope revealed that the corneal fibroblasts in collagen gel formed gap junctions with neighboring cells. Gap junctions were hardly ever observed between corneal fibroblasts cultured on plastic dishes. Corneal fibroblasts cultured in a collagen matrix showed much less incorporation of [3H]thymidine than did corneal fibroblasts cultured on plastic, and this incorporation decreased with increasing concentration of collagen. Our present results suggest that the morphologic and biochemical characteristics of corneal fibroblasts cultured in collagen gel are different from those cultured on plastic. This research was supported in part by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, by a grant from Osaka Eye Bank, Osaka, Japan, and by an intramural research fund of Kinki University. Part of this research was presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (May 1985) at Kyoto, Japan, and at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (May 1987) at Sarasota, FL.  相似文献   

Mimicking the extracellular matrix (ECM) continues to be a goal in the field of regenerative medicine. Herein, we report a modified trimeric GCN4 coiled-coil sequence containing three ligands for metal ions specifically positioned for crosslinked assembly ( TriCross ). In the presence of metal ions, TriCross assembles into a three-dimensional (3D) matrix with significant cavities to accommodate cells. The matrix was found to be stable in media with serum, and mild removal of the metal leads to disassembly. By assembling TriCross with a suspension of cells in media, the matrix encapsulates cells during the assembly process leading to high cell viability. Further disassembly under mild conditions allows for the release of cells from the scaffold. As such, this peptide-based material displays many of the characteristics necessary for successful 3D cell culture.  相似文献   

Fibronectin matrix assembly is a multistep, integrin-dependent process. To investigate the role of integrin dynamics in fibronectin fibrillogenesis, we developed an antibody-chasing technique for simultaneous tracking of two integrin populations by different antibodies. We established that whereas the vitronectin receptor alpha(v)beta(3) remains within focal contacts, the fibronectin receptor alpha(5)beta(1) translocates from focal contacts into and along extracellular matrix (ECM) contacts. This escalator-like translocation occurs relative to the focal contacts at 6.5 +/- 0.7 microm/h and is independent of cell migration. It is induced by ligation of alpha(5)beta(1) integrins and depends on interactions with a functional actin cytoskeleton and vitronectin receptor ligation. During cell spreading, translocation of ligand-occupied alpha(5)beta(1) integrins away from focal contacts and along bundles of actin filaments generates ECM contacts. Tensin is a primary cytoskeletal component of these ECM contacts, and a novel dominant-negative inhibitor of tensin blocked ECM contact formation, integrin translocation, and fibronectin fibrillogenesis without affecting focal contacts. We propose that translocating alpha(5)beta(1) integrins induce initial fibronectin fibrillogenesis by transmitting cytoskeleton-generated tension to extracellular fibronectin molecules. Blocking this integrin translocation by a variety of treatments prevents the formation of ECM contacts and fibronectin fibrillogenesis. These studies identify a localized, directional, integrin translocation mechanism for matrix assembly.  相似文献   

The collagen model peptide with sequence (Pro-Hyp-Gly)4-Pro-Gly-(Pro-Hyp-Gly)5 contains a central Gly-Pro-Gly interruption in the consensus collagen sequence. Its high-resolution crystal structure defines the molecular consequences of such an interruption for the collagen triple-helical conformation, and provides insight into possible structural and biological roles of similar interruptions in the -Gly-X-Y- repeating pattern found in non-fibrillar collagens. The peptide (denoted as the Hyp minus peptide or Hyp-) forms a rod-like triple helix structure without any bend or kink, and crystallizes in a quasi-hexagonal lattice. The two Pro-Hyp-Gly zones adopt the typical triple-helical collagen conformation with standard Rich and Crick II hydrogen bonding topology. Notably, the central zone containing the Gly-Pro-Gly interruption deviates from the standard structure in terms of hydrogen bonding topology, torsion angles, helical, and superhelical parameters. These deviations are highly localized, such that the standard features are regained within one to two residues on either side. Conformational variations and high temperature factors seen for the six chains of the asymmetric unit in the zone around the interruption point to the presence of a local region of considerable plasticity and flexibility embedded within two highly rigid and ordered standard triple-helical segments. The structure suggests a role for Gly-X-Gly interruptions as defining regions of flexibility and molecular recognition in the otherwise relatively uniform repeating collagen conformation.  相似文献   

The role of decorin in collagen fibrillogenesis and skin homeostasis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Decorin, a prototype member of the growing family of the small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRP's), plays significant roles in tissue development and assembly, as well as playing both direct and indirect signaling roles. This review will concentrate on decorin's function in collagen fibrillogenesis as determined through the study of mice with a disrupted decorin gene. The fragile skin and abnormal tendon phenotypes initially observed were found to be due to fundamental alterations in collagen fibers, highlighting the crucial role of proteoglycans in general and SLRP's in particular in collagen fibrillogenesis. The altered fibril formation within tissues in turn leads to observable and quantifiable changes at the organismal level. Research into certain fibrotic processes with concomitant upregulation or reduction of decorin makes interesting comparisons with the collagen malformations seen in Dcn –/– mice. Overall, decorin is shown to be a vital player in maintaining skin and tendon integrity at the molecular level, among other functions. Published in 2003.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the proteins composing the extracellular matrix in the human prostate. The normal expression as well as the changes which occur in PIN and carcinoma are described for the lamins, collagens, and glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

The hydroskeleton plays a central role in the architecture of the trunk of the Chaetognath. Its fibrous part is composed by a ‘basement membrane’ which separates the epithelial and nervous level from the locomotory muscle and other tissues which surround the general cavity. This structure corresponds to a dense connective tissue sheath; together with the aqueous phase of the general cavity it constitutes the main part of the hydroskeleton. The axes of the lateral and caudal fins are extensions of this connective tissue; they are rich in ground substance and contain several kinds of fibrils and granules.The ‘basement membrane’ is made of a network of densely packed parallel layers of collagen fibrils which form helices which wrap around the trunk. The collagen fibrils of this connective stratum are sandwiched between two basal lamina; they are embedded in a reduced extracellular matrix whose components are closely related to the architecture of the collagen fibrils. In the core of the fin, the ground substance is very abundant and classical cross-striated collagen fibrils are not to be found. A compact fibrillar transition zone is to be noted between the dense connective stratum surrounding the body and the hyaline axis of the fins. In this zone, no crossbanded collagen fibrils are to be seen.The hydroskeleton and the fins show variations within the phylum. They could be related to speciation, and the ancestral pathway of the phylum. Furthermore these variations are related to the general problem of the evolution of the extracellular matrices and collagen molecule itself.  相似文献   

Chick embryo sternal chondrocytes from the caudal and cephalic regions were cultured within type I collagen gels and type I collagen/proteoglycan aggregate composite gels in normal serum. Caudal region chondrocytes were also cultured within type I collagen gels in the presence of fibronectindepleted serum. There was a marked stimulation of type X collagen synthesis by the caudal region chondrocytes after 9 days in the presence of fibronectin-depleted serum and after 14 days in the presence of proteoglycan aggregate. These results provide evidence for the ability of chondrocytes from a zone of permanent cartilage to synthesise type X collagen and for the involvement of extracellular matrix components in the control of type X collagen gene expression.  相似文献   

Weber C  Schmid V 《Tissue & cell》1985,17(6):811-822
The ultrastructure and the histochemistry of the fibrous system in the mesogloeal extracellular matrix (ECM) of two hydromedusae (Polyorchis penicillatus and Aglanlha digitale) has been examined. There is a fundamental difference in the architecture of the fibrous system between the two species. In Polyorchis, 60-150 A thick, striated fibrils with periodicities of 60-65 A form a three-dimensional network which fills in the entire ECM of outer and inner mesogloea. In the outer mesogloea vertical fibres (up to 1.8 mum in diameter) penetrate the threedimensional network and branch near the exumbrellar and subumbrellar side. These branches impinge on a dense matrix covering the exumbrellar and subumbrellar surface. In Aglantha the branches of thick vertical fibres anchor at the subumbrellar side in a dense plexus (0.2-0.3 mum in thickness) which consists of two types of fibrils (35-40 and 80-100 nm in diameter). Towards the exumbrellar side the vertical fibres branch and intermingle with a meshwork of non-striated fibrils with uniform diameter (35-40 nm). These fibrils form a laminated structure (about 1 mum in thickness) so that fibrils of each layer course in the same direction but fibrils of adjacent layers run perpendicularly to each other. The banded pattern with periodicities of 600-640 A observed in the electron microscope and by histochemical methods confirm the thick vertical fibres and their branches to be a collagen. There is also strong evidence that the laminated structure in Aglantha represents layers of collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

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