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The avian beak is a multipurpose organ playing a vital role in a variety of functions, including feeding, drinking, playing, grasping objects, mating, nesting, preening and defence against predators and parasites. With regards to poultry production, the beak is the first point of contact between the bird and feed. The beak is also manipulated to prevent unwanted behaviour such as feather pecking, toe pecking and cannibalism in poultry as well as head/neck injuries to breeder hens during mating. Thus, investigating the beak morphometry of poultry in relation to feeding and other behaviours may lead to novel insights for poultry breeding, management and feeding strategies. Beak morphometry data may be captured by advanced imaging techniques coupled with the use of geometric morphometric techniques. This emerging technology may be utilized to study the effects of beak shape on many critical management issues including heat stress, parasite management, pecking and feeding behaviour. In addition, existing literature identifies several genes related to beak development in chickens and other avian species. Use of morphometric assessments to develop phenotypic data on beak shape and detailed studies on beak-related behaviours in chickens may help in improving management and welfare of commercial poultry.  相似文献   

Injuries from marine life encompass a wide spectrum, from mild stings to severe bites. Fortunately most of the injuries are mild, although some may be significant, resulting in death. Most of these injuries can be treated by family physicians with a knowledge of the cause of the pathology. Over the years, there have been many treatment options. Some have actually caused an increase in severity. An important rule in treating these injuries is to inactivate the venom, treat the local reaction or injury, and treat the systemic sequelae. Jellyfish stings are the most common type of marine injury. The tentacles possess nematocysts, which are stinging units that are inactivated by the application of vinegar. Sea urchin and stingray injuries require the removal of the imbedded spines after the wound is soaked in hot water. Coral, sea bathers eruption, and swimmer's itch require thorough scrubbing and irrigation. Sea snakes, cone shells, and venomous fish possess a neurotoxin that requires close monitoring in the event of cardiopulmonary collapse. All of these injuries require tetanus status monitoring and consideration of coverage for infectious sequelae.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the effects of high CO2 exposure on wound healing rates in an elasmobranch fish (Urobatis jamaicensis). Small dermal injuries (8 mm biopsy) closed by 22 days post wounding with a decrease in haematocrit. High CO2 exposure (ΔpH = 1.4) did not influence healing rate or haematocrit. Combined, these data provide evidence that minimally invasive scientific procedures have short-term impacts on elasmobranch fishes even during exposure to a chronic stressor. Therefore, wound healing rates may not be strongly impacted by ocean acidification (ΔpH = 0.4).  相似文献   

Dozens of morphologically differentiated populations, subspecies and species of crossbills (genus Loxia) exist. It has been suggested that this divergence is due to variation in the conifer cones that each population specialises upon, requiring a specific beak size to efficiently separate the cone scales. If so, apparent survival should depend on beak size. To test this hypothesis, we undertook multievent capture–recapture modelling for 6844 individuals monitored during 27 years in a Pyrenean common crossbill L. curvirostra population in a forest of mountain pine Pinus uncinata. Apparent survival was indeed related to beak width, resulting in stabilizing selection around an optimum that was close to the observed mean beak width, indicating that local crossbill beak morphology is adapted to the conifer they feed upon. Both natural selection (selective mortality) and selective emigration of maladapted individuals may explain our findings. As is often the case in capture–recapture analyses but rarely recognised, we could not formally decompose apparent survival into selective mortality versus selective permanent emigration. Nonetheless, there are several indications that selective permanent emigration should not be fully excluded. First, natural selection by itself would have to be unusually strong compared to other empirical estimates to create the observed pattern of apparent survival. Second, the observed mean beak width was a bit lower than the estimated optimum beak width. This can be explained by immigration of crossbills with smaller beaks originating from southern populations, which may subsequently have left the study area permanently in response to low food intake. This is in line with a detected transient effect in the data, yet apparently little influx from crossbills from northern Europe. When permanent emigration is phenotypically selective this will have ecological and evolutionary consequences, so this possibility deserves more attention in general.  相似文献   

Plunge‐diving is a highly successful strategy for dealing with the challenges confronting birds feeding on pelagic prey. We tested for evidence of fatal injuries due to collision between conspecifics in plunge‐diving Australasian Gannets Morus serrator and Cape Gannets Morus capensis, respectively, by performing post‐mortem examinations of carcasses recovered from New Zealand waters and analysing video footage of Cape Gannet foraging events from South Africa. We found evidence of accidental collisions between Gannets and also observed a case of attempted kleptoparasitism, in which a diving Cape Gannet targeted a previously captured fish in the beak of a conspecific.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that variability in size and the shape of a morphological trait should often be stable both at the intra- and interspecific level. We studied variation in beak integration among several populations of two species of the genus Passer, a hybrid species, the Italian sparrow (Passer italiae) and one of its parents, the Spanish sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis). We show that the general shape of the beak has been conserved in these two species and that hybrid speciation has had no major effects on beak integration. However, in young, sympatric populations, phenotypic integration between beak height and length decreased significantly, to the extent that these two dimensions apparently became independent. This displacement in phenotypic integration seems to be accompanied with changes in the distribution of phenotypic variation at the univariate level. This suggests that while beak shape may have been constrained over evolutionary time-scales and major hybridization events (i.e. the formation of the hybrid Italian sparrow), under specific selection regimes linked to secondary contact, it can evolve rapidly.  相似文献   

The nucellar beak is a proboscis-like outgrowth of the nucellus at the micropylar end, being the obligatory path for the pollen tube entering the ovule. Among the few angiosperm families with nucellar beak, Cucurbitaceae is remarkable because the pollen tube may develop at least two types of growth within the nucellar beak: tubular and ampulliform. Wondering about the possibility that Cucurbitaceae ovules may express some histological variation that could be related to pollen tube growth within the nucellar beak, we performed a compared anatomical and histochemical study of the nucellar beak and the pollen tube growth of ten species of Cucurbitaceae. Results show that Cucurbitaceae ovules are diverse in size and proportions (of integuments, nucellar body, and nucellar beak), and they have at least four types of nucellar beak histology: pectic-tracked, secretory-like, amylaceous, and mixed. Amylaceous and mixed nucellar beaks are related to the ampulliform growth of the pollen tube, which could have appeared independently in most derived tribes of Cucurbitaceae, although information about nucellar beak structure in the basal tribes is still needed. In addition, the understanding of the relation between amylaceous nucellar beaks and the ampulliform growth of the pollen tube, whose function is still to be discovered, might open the possibility of a unique model of pollen tube-ovule co-evolution in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Hemostasis is a defense mechanism which protects the organism in the event of injury to stop bleeding. Recently, we established that all the known major mammalian hemostatic factors are conserved in early vertebrates. However, since their highly vascularized gills experience high blood pressure and are exposed to the environment, even very small injuries could be fatal to fish. Since trypsins are forerunners for coagulation proteases and are expressed by many extrapancreatic cells such as endothelial cells and epithelial cells, we hypothesized that trypsin or trypsin-like proteases from gill epithelial cells may protect these animals from gill bleeding following injuries. In this paper we identified the release of three different trypsins from fish gills into water under stress or injury, which have tenfold greater serine protease activity compared to bovine trypsin. We found that these trypsins activate the thrombocytes and protect the fish from gill bleeding. We found 27 protease-activated receptors (PARs) by analyzing zebrafish genome and classified them into five groups, based on tethering peptides, and two families, PAR1 and PAR2, based on homologies. We also found a canonical member of PAR2 family, PAR2-21A which is activated more readily by trypsin, and PAR2-21A tethering peptide stops gill bleeding just as trypsin. This finding provides evidence that trypsin cleaves a PAR2 member on thrombocyte surface. In conclusion, we believe that the gills are evolutionarily selected to produce trypsin to activate PAR2 on thrombocyte surface and protect the gills from bleeding. We also speculate that trypsin may also protect the fish from bleeding from other body injuries due to quick contact with the thrombocytes. Thus, this finding provides evidence for the role of trypsins in primary hemostasis in early vertebrates.  相似文献   

Mate choice is expected to be important for the fitness of both sexes for species in which successful reproduction relies strongly on shared and substantial parental investment by males and females. Reciprocal selection may then favour the evolution of morphological signals providing mutual information on the condition/quality of tentative partners. However, because males and females often have differing physiological constraints, it is unclear which proximate physiological pathways guarantee the honesty of male and female signals in similarly ornamented species. We used the monomorphic king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) as a model to investigate the physiological qualities signalled by colour and morphological ornaments known to be under sexual selection (coloration of the beak spots and size of auricular feather patches). In both sexes of this slow‐breeding seabird, we investigated the links between ornaments and multiple indices of individual quality; including body condition, immunity, stress and energy status. In both sexes, individual innate immunity, resting metabolic rate, and the ability to mount a stress response in answer to an acute disturbance (capture) were similarly signalled by various aspects of beak coloration or auricular patch size. However, we also reveal interesting and contrasting relationships between males and females in how ornaments may signal individual quality. Body condition and oxidative stress status were signalled by beak coloration, although in opposite directions for the sexes. Over an exhaustive set of physiological variables, several suggestive patterns indicated the conveyance of honest information about mate quality in this monomorphic species. However, sex‐specific patterns suggested that monomorphic ornaments may signal different information concerning body mass and oxidative balance of males and females, at least in king penguins.  相似文献   

Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) have conspicuous red beak spots, the function of which is currently unknown. We hypothesized that beak spots might be sexual ornaments and investigated sexual dichromatism, assortative mating and the possible relationship between beak spot colouration and body condition. Beak colouration was measured with a portable spectroradiometer in 19 breeding pairs of gentoo penguin. Body mass and body mass relative to structural body size were used as estimates of body condition. We found that beak spots were sexually dichromatic, as they were more UV in males and more violet in females, but males and females did not mate assortatively in relation to beak spot colouration. Body condition was strongly related to red colouration in males, with individuals in good condition having redder beaks and individuals in poor condition more orange beaks. The beaks of males in good condition were also brighter. Body condition was not significantly related to beak spot colouration in females, so females might show red beak spots because of genetic correlation with the male trait. These results suggest that the red colour of the beak spot has the potential to be a secondary sexual character in males. Interpretation of the sexual dichromatism in the UV colour will require further knowledge of the capability of gentoo penguins to discriminate small differences in UV wavelengths. In any case, experimental manipulation of beak colouration will be needed to ascertain the role of this trait.  相似文献   

At a time when environmental pollution is a major issue the need for suitable monitoring systems has become paramount. There are in existence a number of methods for determining pollution levels in surface waters, however they often lack in specificity. Biological systems, therefore, are often deemed most suitable. Many organisms may be used as biosensors but studies incorporating fish have been most prevalent to monitor ventilatory response, activity levels, avoidance or rheotactic behaviour. More recently, work has concentrated on the use of the weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus , (family Mormyridae), which is characterised by the possession of electric organs near the tail. The fish use these electric organs to generate and transmit small electrical impulses, less than IV, into the surrounding water to communicate and navigate. Changes in the rate of pulsing can be used to identify the presence of certain chemicals in the water source.  相似文献   

Management of open tibial fractures   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A prospective study was undertaken to accurately classify open tibial fractures and to evaluate the benefit of muscle flaps in the management of these injuries. From 191 open tibial fractures, 59 type III and 14 type IV open fractures were identified and managed prospectively. Fractures managed with open-wound techniques have a much higher complication rate than those closed with flaps. Results with flap coverage are affected by the biologic phase of the wound. The best results are seen in the acute flap coverage group and are thought to be secondary to removal of devitalized tissue with provision of a vascularized soft-tissue envelope prior to wound colonization. Flap coverage of the colonized subacute wound is subject to invasive infection with additional tissue loss. The subacute wound should be managed with open-wound technique until the parameters of a chronic localized wound are established, at which time flap coverage is again indicated. Microvascular free flaps are the preferred cover for type IV wounds because the local tissues are too ischemic and devitalized for transfer. With meticulous wound care and adherence to the enumerated surgical procedures, limb salvage may be achieved in most injuries.  相似文献   

The capacity to learn and reproduce vocal sounds has evolved in phylogenetically distant tetrapod lineages. Vocal learners in all these lineages express similar neural circuitry and genetic factors when perceiving, processing, and reproducing vocalization, suggesting that brain pathways for vocal learning evolved within strong constraints from a common ancestor, potentially fish. We hypothesize that the auditory-motor circuits and genes involved in entrainment have their origins in fish schooling behavior and respiratory-motor coupling. In this acoustic advantages hypothesis, aural costs and benefits played a key role in shaping a wide variety of traits, which could readily be exapted for entrainment and vocal learning, including social grouping, group movement, and respiratory-motor coupling. Specifically, incidental sounds of locomotion and respiration (ISLR) may have reinforced synchronization by communicating important spatial and temporal information between school-members and extending windows of silence to improve situational awareness. This process would be mutually reinforcing. Neurons in the telencephalon, which were initially involved in linking ISLR with forelimbs, could have switched functions to serve vocal machinery (e.g. mouth, beak, tongue, larynx, syrinx). While previous vocal learning hypotheses invoke transmission of neurons from visual tasks (gestures) to the auditory channel, this hypothesis involves the auditory channel from the onset. Acoustic benefits of locomotor-respiratory coordination in fish may have selected for genetic factors and brain circuitry capable of synchronizing respiratory and limb movements, predisposing tetrapod lines to synchronized movement, vocalization, and vocal learning. We discuss how the capacity to entrain is manifest in fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals, and propose predictions to test our acoustic advantages hypothesis.  相似文献   

In birds, the ability to move the upper beak relative to the braincase has been the subject of many functional morphological investigations, but in many instances the adaptive significance of cranial kinesis remains unclear. Alternatively, cranial kinesis may be considered a consequence of the general design of the skull, rather than an adaptive trait as such. The present study reviews some results related to the mechanism and functional significance of cranial kinesis in birds. Quantitative three-dimensional X-ray has shown that in skulls morphologically as divers as paleognaths and neognaths the mechanism for elevation of the upper beak is very similar. One of the mechanisms proposed for avian jaw movement is a mechanical coupling of the upper and the lower jaw movement by the postorbital ligament. Such a mechanical coupling would necessitate upper beak elevation. However, independent control of upper and lower jaw has been shown to occur during beak movements in birds. Moreover, kinematic modeling and force measurements suggests that the maximum extensibility of collagen, in combination with the short distance of the insertion of the postorbital ligament to the quadrato-mandibular articulation do not constitute a block to lower jaw depression. The lower jaw ligaments serve to limit the maximal extension of the mandibula. It is suggested here that cranial kinesis in avian feeding may have evolved as a consequence of an increase in eye size. This increase in size led to a reduction of bony bars in the lateral aspect of the skull enabling the transfer of quadrate movement to the upper jaw. The selective forces favoring the development of a kinetic upper beak in birds may be subtle and act in different ecological contexts. Simultaneous movement of the upper and lower jaw not only increases the velocity of beak movements, but with elevated upper beak also less force is required to open the lower jaw. However, the penalty of increased mobility of elements in a lightweight skull and a large eye is potential instability of skull elements during biting, smaller bite forces and limitations on joint reaction forces. Such a lightly built, kinetic skull may have evolved in animals that feed on small plant material or insects. This type of food does not require the resistance of large external forces on the jaws as in carnivores eating large prey.  相似文献   

Closed degloving injuries: results following conservative surgery.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Closed degloving wounds are uncommon but important injuries because they may be overlooked in the multiply injured patient and, if not treated correctly, may give rise to significant morbidity. This prospective study reports the results of a conservative surgical management policy in 16 patients with closed degloving wounds treated during a 1-year period in a tertiary referral center. Motor vehicle accidents caused most of the injuries, 69 percent of which occurred on the lower limb. The extent of injury ranged from 2 to 12 percent (mean 4.9 percent) of the total body surface area. The diagnosis of closed degloving wound was missed at initial assessment in one-third of patients. A uniform management policy with drainage of the degloved area through a small incision followed by compression bandaging was applied. The volume of blood and necrotic fat evacuated ranged from 15 to 800 ml (mean 120 ml). One patient with necrotic skin initially had excision and primary wound closure performed. Delayed necrosis occurred in one patient in whom extensive degloving occurred and effective compression could not be applied. Ultimate flap viability using this technique was excellent, since only 1 of 16 patents required skin grafting.  相似文献   

Bird song is a complex communication behavior that requires the coordination of several motor systems. Sound is produced in the syrinx and then modified by the upper vocal tract, but the specific nature and dynamics of this modification are not well understood. To determine the contribution of beak movements to sound modification, we studied the beak gape patterns in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Subsyringeal air sac pressure and song were recorded together with changes in beak gape, which were monitored with a magneto-sensitive transducer. Beak gape was positively correlated with fundamental frequency, peak frequency, and subsyringeal air sac pressure in all but one bird. For harmonic stacks, peak frequency increased with increasing beak gape, and the relationship between fundamental frequency and beak gape was no longer significant. Experimentally holding the beak open or closed had acoustic consequences consistent with the model in which beak movements change upper vocal tract length and, thus, the filter properties. Beak gape was positively correlated with sound amplitude in all but two birds. The relationship between beak aperture and amplitude may, however, be indirect because air sac pressure is correlated with amplitude and beak gape. The beak is opened quickly and to its widest aperture immediately prior to the onset of sound and at rapid transitions in sound, suggesting that beak movements may affect vibratory behavior of the labia.  相似文献   

Studies of Darwin's finches of the Galapagos Islands have provided pivotal insights into the interplay of ecological variation, natural selection, and morphological evolution. Here we document, across nine Darwin's finch species, correlations between morphological variation and bite force capacity. We find that bite force correlates strongly with beak depth and width but only weakly or not at all with beak length, a result that is consistent with prior demonstrations of natural selection on finch beak morphology. We also find that bite force is predicted even more strongly by head width, which exceeds all beak dimensions in predictive strength. To explain this result we suggest that head width determines the maximum size, and thus maximum force generation capacity of finch jaw adductor muscles. We suggest that head width is functionally relevant and may be a previously unrecognized locus of natural selection in these birds, because of its close relationship to bite force capacity.  相似文献   

These conclusions are extracted from a published review and synthesis of literature on electrofishing and its harmful effects on fish. Although a valuable sampling technique for over half a century, electrofishing, which involves a very dynamic and complex mix of physics, physiology, and behavior, remains poorly understood. New hypotheses have been advanced regarding power transfer to fish and the epileptic nature of their responses to electric fields, but these too need to be more fully explored and validated. Fishery researchers and managers are particularly concerned about the harmful effects of electrofishing on fish, especially endangered species. Although often not externally obvious or fatal, spinal injuries and associated hemorrhages sometimes have been documented in over 50% of fish examined internally. Such injuries can occur anywhere in the electrofishing field at or above the intensity threshold for the twitch response. These injuries are believed to result from powerful convulsions of body musculature (possibly epileptic seizures) caused mostly by sudden changes in voltage as when electricity is pulsed or switched on or off. Significantly fewer spinal injuries are reported when direct current, low-frequency pulsed direct current ( 30 Hz), or specially designed pulse trains are used. Salmoninae are especially susceptible. Other harmful effects, such as bleeding at gills or vent and excessive physiological stress, are also of concern. Mortality, usually by asphyxiation, is a common result of excessive exposure to tetanizing intensities near electrodes or poor handling of captured specimens. Reported effects on reproduction are contradictory, but electrofishing over spawning grounds can harm embryos. Electrofishing is often considered the most effective and benign technique for capturing moderate to large-size fish, but when adverse effects are problematic and cannot be sufficiently reduced, its use should be severely restricted.  相似文献   

Peripheral neuropathic pain typically results from trauma-induced nociceptive neuron hyperexcitability and their spontaneous ectopic activity. This pain persists until the trauma-induced cascade of events runs its full course, which results in complete tissue repair, including the nociceptive neurons recovering their normal biophysical properties, ceasing to be hyperexcitable, and stopping having spontaneous electrical activity. However, if a wound undergoes no, insufficient, or too much inflammation, or if a wound becomes stuck in an inflammatory state, chronic neuropathic pain persists. Although various drugs and techniques provide temporary relief from chronic neuropathic pain, many have serious side effects, are not effective, none promotes the completion of the wound healing process, and none provides permanent pain relief. This paper examines the hypothesis that chronic neuropathic pain can be permanently eliminated by applying platelet-rich plasma to the site at which the pain originates, thereby triggering the complete cascade of events involved in normal wound repair. Many published papers claim that the clinical application of platelet-rich plasma to painful sites, such as muscle injuries and joints, or to the ends of nerves evoking chronic neuropathic pain, a process often referred to as prolotherapy, eliminates pain initiated at such sites. However, there is no published explanation of a possible mechanism/s by which platelet-rich plasma may accomplish this effect. This paper discusses the normal physiological cascade of trauma-induced events that lead to chronic neuropathic pain and its eventual elimination, techniques being studied to reduce or eliminate neuropathic pain, and how the application of platelet-rich plasma may lead to the permanent elimination of neuropathic pain. It concludes that platelet-rich plasma eliminates neuropathic pain primarily by platelet- and stem cell-released factors initiating the complex cascade of wound healing events, starting with the induction of enhanced inflammation and its complete resolution, followed by all the subsequent steps of tissue remodeling, wound repair and axon regeneration that result in the elimination of neuropathic pain, and also by some of these same factors acting directly on neurons to promote axon regeneration thereby eliminating neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

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