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New rapid point-of-care (POC) tests are being developed that would offer the opportunity to increase screening and treatment of several infections, including syphilis. This study evaluated three of these new rapid POC tests at a site in Southern California.


Participants were recruited from a testing center in Long Beach, California. A whole blood specimen was used to evaluate the performance of the Dual Path Platform (DPP) Syphilis Screen & Confirm, DPP HIV-Syphilis, and DPP HIV-HCV-Syphilis rapid tests. The gold-standard comparisons were Treponema pallidum passive particle agglutination (TPPA), rapid plasma reagin (RPR), HCV enzyme immunoassay (EIA), and HIV-1/2 EIA.


A total of 948 whole blood specimens were analyzed in this study. The sensitivity of the HIV tests ranged from 95.7–100% and the specificity was 99.7–100%. The sensitivity and specificity of the HCV test were 91.8% and 99.3%, respectively. The treponemal-test sensitivity when compared to TPPA ranged from 44.0–52.7% and specificity was 98.7–99.6%. The non-treponemal test sensitivity and specificity when compared to RPR was 47.8% and 98.9%, respectively. The sensitivity of the Screen & Confirm test improved to 90.0% when cases who were both treponemal and nontreponemal positive were compared to TPPA+/RPR ≥1∶8.


The HIV and HCV on the multi-infection tests showed good performance, but the treponemal and nontreponemal tests had low sensitivity. These results could be due to a low prevalence of active syphilis in the sample population because the sensitivity improved when the gold standard was limited to those more likely to be active cases. Further evaluation of the new syphilis POC tests is required before implementation into testing programs.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test kit, AMPLICOR Chlamydia trachomatis, were examined by the use of purified elementary bodies (EBs), cells having inclusions containing reticulate bodies alone and 20 clinical isolates. The numbers of EB and inclusion of C. trachomatis at the detection limit were determined to be approximately 2 to 4 EBs and one inclusion per assay, respectively. No reaction occurred for C. psittaci and C. pneumoniae. All clinical isolates were positively reacted in the PCR assay.  相似文献   

The performance of diagnostic tests is often evaluated by estimating their sensitivity and specificity with respect to a traditionally accepted standard test regarded as a “gold standard” in making the diagnosis. Correlated samples of binary data arise in many fields of application. The fundamental unit for analysis is occasionally the site rather than the subject in site-specific studies. Statistical methods that take into account the within-subject corelation should be employed to estimate the sensitivity and the specificity of diagnostic tests since site-specific results within a subject can be highly correlated. I introduce several statistical methods for the estimation of the sensitivity and the specificity of sitespecific diagnostic tests. I apply these techniques to the data from a study involving an enzymatic diagnostic test to motivate and illustrate the estimation of the sensitivity and the specificity of periodontal diagnostic tests. I present results from a simulation study for the estimation of diagnostic sensitivity when the data are correlated within subjects. Through a simulation study, I compare the performance of the binomial estimator pCBE, the ratio estimator pCBE, the weighted estimator pCWE, the intracluster correlation estimator pCIC, and the generalized estimating equation (GEE) estimator PCGEE in terms of biases, observed variances, mean squared errors (MSE), relative efficiencies of their variances and 95 per cent coverage proportions. I recommend using PCBE when σ == 0. I recommend use of the weighted estimator PCWE when σ = 0.6. When σ == 0.2 or σ == 0.4, and the number of subjects is at least 30, PCGEE performs well.  相似文献   

Background: Leptospirosis is a growing public health concern in many tropical and subtropical countries. However, its diagnosis is difficult because of non-specific symptoms and concurrent other endemic febrile diseases. In many regions, the laboratory diagnosis is not available due to a lack of preparedness and simple diagnostic assay or difficult access to reference laboratories. Yet, an early antibiotic treatment is decisive to the outcome. The need for Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for bedside diagnosis of leptospirosis has been recognized. We developed a vertical flow immunochromatography strip RDT detecting anti-Leptospira human IgM and evaluated it in patients from New Caledonia, France, and French West Indies. Methodology/Principal Findings: Whole killed Leptospira fainei cells were used as antigen for the test line and purified human IgM as the control line. The mobile phase was made of gold particles conjugated with goat anti-human IgM. Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy criteria were used to assess the performance of this RDT. The Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) was used as the gold standard with a cut-off titer of ≥400. The sensitivity was 89.8% and the specificity 93.7%. Positive and negative Likelihood Ratios of 14.18 and 0.108 respectively, and a Diagnostic Odds Ratio of 130.737 confirmed its usefulness. This RDT had satisfactory reproducibility, repeatability, thermal tolerance and shelf-life. The comparison with MAT evidenced the earliness of the RDT to detect seroconversion. When compared with other RDT, the Vertical Flow RDT developed displayed good diagnostic performances.


This RDT might be used as a point of care diagnostic tool in limited resources countries. An evaluation in field conditions and in other epidemiological contexts should be considered to assess its validity over a wider range of serogroups or when facing different endemic pathogens. It might prove useful in endemic contexts or outbreak situations.  相似文献   



To obtain robust epidemiological information regarding tuberculosis (TB) in wildlife species, appropriate diagnostic methods need to be used. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) recently emerged as a major maintenance host for TB in some European countries. Nevertheless, no data is available to evaluate TB post-mortem diagnostic methods in hunter-harvested wild boar.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Six different diagnostic methods for TB were evaluated in parallel in 167 hunter-harvested wild boar. Compared to bacteriological culture, estimates of sensitivity of histopathology was 77.8%, gross pathology 72.2%, PCR for the MPB70 gene 66.7%, detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in tissue contact smears 55.6% and in histopathology slides 16.7% (estimated specificity was 96.7%, 100%, 100%, 94.4% and 100%, respectively). Combining gross pathology with stained smears in parallel increased estimated sensitivity to 94.4% (94.4% specificity). Four probable bacteriological culture false-negative animals were identified by Discriminant Function Analysis. Recalculating the parameters considering these animals as infected generated estimated values for sensitivity of bacteriology and histopathology of 81.8%, gross pathology 72.7%, PCR for the MPB70 gene 63.6%, detection of AFB in tissue contact smears 54.5% and in histopathology slides 13.6% (estimated specificity was 100% for gross pathology, PCR, bacteriology and detection of AFB in histopathology slides, 96.7% for histopathology and 94.4% for stained smears).


These results show that surveys for TB in wild boar based exclusively on gross pathology considerably underestimate prevalence, while combination of tests in parallel much improves sensitivity and negative predictive values. This finding should thus be considered when planning future surveys and game meat inspection schemes. Although bacteriological culture is the reference test for TB diagnosis, it can generate false-negative results and this should be considered when interpreting data.  相似文献   



A major challenge in the control of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is lack of reliable diagnostic tests that are rapid and easy to use in remote areas where the disease occurs. In Trypanosoma brucei gambiense HAT, the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) has been the reference screening test since 1978, usually on whole blood, but also in a 1/8 dilution (CATT 1/8) to enhance specificity. However, the CATT is not available in a single format, requires a cold chain for storage, and uses equipment that requires electricity. A solution to these challenges has been provided by rapid diagnostic tests (RDT), which have recently become available. A prototype immunochromatographic test, the SD BIOLINE HAT, based on two native trypanosomal antigens (VSG LiTat 1.3 and VSG LiTat 1.5) has been developed. We carried out a non-inferiority study comparing this prototype to the CATT 1/8 in field settings.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The prototype SD BIOLINE HAT, the CATT Whole Blood and CATT 1/8 were systematically applied on fresh blood samples obtained from 14,818 subjects, who were prospectively enrolled through active and passive screening in clinical studies in three endemic countries of central Africa: Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic. One hundred and forty nine HAT cases were confirmed by parasitology. The sensitivity and specificity of the prototype SD BIOLINE HAT was 89.26% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 83.27–93.28) and 94.58% (95% CI = 94.20–94.94) respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the CATT on whole blood were 93.96% (95% CI = 88.92–96.79) and 95.91% (95% CI = 95.58–96.22), and of the CATT 1/8 were 89.26% (95% CI = 83.27–93.28) and 98.88% (95% CI = 98.70–99.04) respectively.


After further optimization, the prototype SD BIOLINE HAT could become an alternative to current screening methods in primary healthcare settings in remote, resource-limited regions where HAT typically occurs.  相似文献   

Sperm preservation is a useful technique for the maintenance of biological resources in experimental and domestic animals, and in wild animals. A new preservation method has been developed that enables sperm to be stored for a long time in a refrigerator at 4°C. Sperm are freeze-dried in a solution containing 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA. Using this method, liquid nitrogen is not required for the storage and transportation of sperm. We demonstrate that chimpanzee, giraffe, jaguar, weasel and the long-haired rat sperm remain viable after freeze-drying. In all species, pronuclei were formed after the injection of freeze-dried sperm into the mouse oocytes. Although preliminary, these results may be useful for the future establishment of “freeze-drying zoo” to conserve wild animals.  相似文献   

Sera from a survey of 6,026 people were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen by using radioimmunoassay and counterelectrophoresis. Forty-eight sera (0.79%) were positive by counterelectrophoresis and 152 sera (2.52%) were positive by radioimmunoassay, using the most liberal of the recommended criteria for positivity (i.e., counts 3 standard deviations above the mean). Absorption tests performed on the 152 radioimmunoassay-positive sera showed that 10 (6.6%) were false-positive reactions to guinea pig protein, 74 (48.6%) were due to false-positive reaction(s) with other protein(s) in the test system, and 68 (44.8%) were true positives. There was a strong correlation between the degree of elevation of radioactive counts and the proportions of sera that were true positives; all 49 sera with counts >50 standard deviation units above the mean were true positives, but only 19 (18.4%) of the 103 sera with counts <50 standard deviation units were true positives. A few sera with high counts required absorption with type-specific (type D) antisera. The following conclusions were reached from this study: (i) absorption tests should be run on all radioimmunoassay-positive, counterelectrophoresis-negative sera; (ii) most (about 90%) false positives are not due to anti-guinea-pig protein reactions; and (iii) radioimmunoassay, in combination with absorption tests, yields a modest increase (about 35%) in detection of true positives over use of counterelectrophoresis alone.  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity have traditionally been used to assess the performance of a diagnostic procedure. Diagnostic procedures with both high sensitivity and high specificity are desirable, but these procedures are frequently too expensive, hazardous, and/or difficult to operate. A less sophisticated procedure may be preferred, if the loss of the sensitivity or specificity is determined to be clinically acceptable. This paper addresses the problem of simultaneous testing of sensitivity and specificity for an alternative test procedure with a reference test procedure when a gold standard is present. The hypothesis is formulated as a compound hypothesis of two non‐inferiority (one‐sided equivalence) tests. We present an asymptotic test statistic based on the restricted maximum likelihood estimate in the framework of comparing two correlated proportions under the prospective and retrospective sampling designs. The sample size and power of an asymptotic test statistic are derived. The actual type I error and power are calculated by enumerating the exact probabilities in the rejection region. For applications that require high sensitivity as well as high specificity, a large number of positive subjects and a large number of negative subjects are needed. We also propose a weighted sum statistic as an alternative test by comparing a combined measure of sensitivity and specificity of the two procedures. The sample size determination is independent of the sampling plan for the two tests.  相似文献   


Endangered species recovery requires a rapid, concerted effort on several fronts, including an understanding of sociological considerations such as the values and attitudes of local people. We examined the values and attitudes of residents living in and around the City of Hamilton, Victoria, toward the endangered, mainland Australia population of eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii) and bandicoot conservation efforts using a sample telephone survey. Over 90% of those surveyed indicated that they favored efforts to save the bandicoot and nearly 100% believed that bandicoots have a right to exist. Support was broad and varied little with respect to gender, age, level of education, or income. Attitude scale scores supported these results, with most people scoring relatively high on moralistic and naturalistic/ecologistic scales and relatively low on utilitarian and negativistic scales. Of people surveyed, 45.5% owned cats. Cats pose a major threat to bandicoot survival because of predation and disease transmission. Although cat owners and nonowners displayed similar levels of support for bandicoot conservation, 70% of cat owners allowed their cats out at night, when bandicoots are most active. The results suggest that the local public would support new conservation measures invoked to enhance bandicoot survival and represents a potentially valuable source of volunteer labor. A public affairs program should educate the public about the role of domestic cats in bandicoot decline and explicitly point out the contradiction between strong support for bandicoot conservation and the behavior of permitting cats to roam free at night. To increase chances of success, managers and conservationists should recognize the importance of nonbiological aspects, such as values and attitudes of local people, to endangered species restoration efforts.  相似文献   

African animal trypanosomiasis is caused by a range of tsetse transmitted protozoan parasites includingTrypanosoma vivax, Trypanosoma congolense and Trypansoma brucei. In Western Kenya and other parts of East Africa two subspecies of T. brucei, T.b. brucei and the zoonoticT.b. rhodesiense, co-circulate in livestock. A range of polymerase chain reactions (PCR) have been developed as important molecular diagnostic tools for epidemiological investigations of T. brucei s.l. in the animal reservoir and of its zoonotic potential. Quantification of the relative performance of different diagnostic PCRs is essential to ensure comparability of studies. This paper describes an evaluation of two diagnostic test systems for T. brucei using a T. brucei s.l. specific PCR [1] and a single nested PCR targeting the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions of trypanosome ribosomal DNA [2]. A Bayesian formulation of the Hui-Walter latent class model was employed to estimate their test performance in the absence of a gold standard test for detecting T.brucei s.l. infections in ear-vein blood samples from cattle, pig, sheep and goat populations in Western Kenya, stored on Whatman FTA cards. The results indicate that the system employing the T. brucei s.l. specific PCR (Se1 = 0.760) had a higher sensitivity than the ITS-PCR (Se2 = 0.640); both have high specificity (Sp1 = 0.998; Sp2 = 0.997). The true prevalences for livestock populations were estimated (pcattle = 0.091, ppigs = 0.066, pgoats = 0.005, psheep = 0.006), taking into account the uncertainties in the specificity and sensitivity of the two test systems. Implications of test performance include the required survey sample size; due to its higher sensitivity and specificity, the T. brucei s.l. specific PCR requires a consistently smaller sample size than the ITS-PCR for the detection of T. brucei s.l. However the ITS-PCR is able to simultaneously screen samples for other pathogenic trypanosomes and may thus be, overall, a better choice of test in multi-organism studies.  相似文献   

A comparison between the results of the streptozyme hemagglutination test and serological titers for anti-streptolysin O (ASO), anti-hyaluronidase (AH), anti-deoxyribonuclease B (ADN-B), and anti-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidase (ANAD) was made in two groups of human sera. In one group, serological titers for all the four antibodies were lower than the threshold of sensitization reported by the producing firm. In the second group, the titer of at least one of the four antibodies was equal to or higher than the threshold. False-positive and false-negative reactions occur with those sera when one or more antibody titer is at or near the threshold of the test as described by the manufacturer. The test was positive for all sera where either the ASO was greater than 166 or the ANAD was greater than 270, and for 98% of the sera with ADN-B greater than 360. It is, therefore, concluded that the streptozyme test can be used as an adjunct to the clinical diagnosis of streptococcal infections and their nonsuppurative sequelae. It is less useful to assess the levels of antibodies in sera from general population surveys. For such sera, the relative specificity and sensitivity of the test might yield misleading results. Until more experience is gained with the test, caution should be used in its application to infant and older adult age groups, where significant streptococcal antibody titers are frequently near the threshold of the test.  相似文献   

Rats fed a low protein diet containing 3% or more of tyrosine developed external pathological lesions, accompanied by marked depression in growth and food intake. Their liver tyrosine (Tyr) transaminase activity increased in proportion to dietary tyrosine level, but p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (pHPP) hydroxylase activity was not elevated. The excreted amounts of tyrosine and pHPP in urine were increased markedly, and the tyrosine concentration in plasma and tissues was markedly elevated. There was a correlation between free tyrosine concentration in body fluid and the development of pathological lesions.

When rats were fed a low protein diet containing graded levels of pHPP up to 5%, they did not develop external lesions, but their growth and food intake were depressed more severely than in rats fed the same levels of tyrosine. Neither Tyr transaminase nor pHPP hydroxylase activity in liver was increased, and tyrosine and pHPP concentrations in plasma and tissues were not elevated by excessive intake of pHPP. From these results, it is concluded that pHPP was not responsible for the development of eye and paw lesions characteristic of tyrosine toxicity.  相似文献   

Three different selective enrichment media, Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth (RV), selenite broth (SB) and Müller-Kauffmann tetrathionate broth (MKTB), in combination with plating on modified brilliant green agar (BGA), were compared for the isolation of Salmonella from samples of pig feces. These conventional methods were also compared with a new ELISA kit in conjunction with RV and SB enrichment. Of the conventional methods, enrichment in RV had a higher sensitivity and selectivity than SB and MKTB. Recovery of S. typhimurium from MKTB was significantly poorer than recovery of other serotypes. The combination of RV enrichment and ELISA was as good as the conventional method involving RV enrichment, with a similar high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   



Dengue is the commonest arboviral disease of humans. An early and accurate diagnosis of dengue can support clinical management, surveillance and disease control and is central to achieving the World Health Organisation target of a 50% reduction in dengue case mortality by 2020.


5729 children with fever of <72hrs duration were enrolled into this multicenter prospective study in southern Vietnam between 2010-2012. A composite of gold standard diagnostic tests identified 1692 dengue cases. Using statistical methods, a novel Early Dengue Classifier (EDC) was developed that used patient age, white blood cell count and platelet count to discriminate dengue cases from non-dengue cases.


The EDC had a sensitivity of 74.8% (95%CI: 73.0-76.8%) and specificity of 76.3% (95%CI: 75.2-77.6%) for the diagnosis of dengue. As an adjunctive test alongside NS1 rapid testing, sensitivity of the composite test was 91.6% (95%CI: 90.4-92.9%).


We demonstrate that the early diagnosis of dengue can be enhanced beyond the current standard of care using a simple evidence-based algorithm. The results should support patient management and clinical trials of specific therapies.  相似文献   

A method for determining N-acetyl isoniazid in urine was found to be specific in a double-blind experiment on 1673 urine specimens of which 328 were positive and 1345 were negative. The urine specimens were obtained from patients in a sanatorium ((a) Tuberculosis Division, (b) Mental Health Division) and a general hospital. The patients in the Tuberculosis Division were receiving isoniazid and other antituberculosis drugs alone or in combination. The patients in the Mental Health Division and in the general hospital were receiving a wide variety of other drugs. After a single dose of 300 mg. of isoniazid, N-acetyl isoniazid could be detected in urines of 36 patients for at least 12 hours. In three 24-hour urine specimens trace amounts could still be demonstrated.This test provides evidence that isoniazid is being ingested by home-treated tuberculous patients, and it can be performed by a doctor or nurse during routine visits to the home or clinic.  相似文献   



Dengue is a public health problem in many countries. Rapid diagnosis of dengue can assist patient triage and management. Detection of the dengue viral protein, NS1, represents a new approach to dengue diagnosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The sensitivity and specificity of the Platelia NS1 ELISA assay and an NS1 lateral flow rapid test (LFRT) were compared against a gold standard reference diagnostic algorithm in 138 Vietnamese children and adults. Overall, the Platelia NS1 ELISA was modestly more sensitive (82%) than the NS1 LFRT (72%) in confirmed dengue cases. Both ELISA and LFRT assays were more sensitive for primary than secondary dengue, and for specimens collected within 3 days of illness onset relative to later time points. The presence of measurable DENV-reactive IgG and to a lesser extent IgM in the test sample was associated with a significantly lower rate of NS1 detection in both assays. NS1 positivity was associated with the underlying viraemia, as NS1-positive samples had a significantly higher viraemia than NS1-negative samples matched for duration of illness. The Platelia and NS1 LFRT were 100% specific, being negative in all febrile patients without evidence of recent dengue, as well as in patients with enteric fever, malaria, Japanese encephalitis and leptospirosis.


Collectively, these data suggest NS1 assays deserve inclusion in the diagnostic evaluation of dengue patients, but with due consideration for the limitations in patients who present late in their illness or have a concomitant humoral immune response.  相似文献   

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