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西瓜小孢子发育过程中几种细胞器的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用透射电子显微镜观察了西瓜(Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.)小孢子发育过程中核糖体、线粒体、质体、内质网、高尔基体等细胞器的变化。核糖体和线粒体变化都有明显的规律性:核糖体密度在四分体时期高,液泡化时期降低,液泡化结束后再回升;线粒体经历一个脱分化与再分化周期,液泡化时期该细胞器数量及其内嵴数目减少而脱分化,液泡化结束后形状多样化、内嵴重新增多而再分化;质体结构不变,但体积变  相似文献   

被子植物胚囊的“雌性生殖单位”,已在多种植物上进行了超微结构的观察,但大多都以卵细胞受精前后的结构变化为主要研究内容。对于“雌性生殖单位”中的另一重要成员——助细胞,在不同发育状态下其结构变化的详细资料不多,尤其是助细胞退化后的物质去向,少见报道。本研究主要观察了西瓜不同发育时期(受精前后)、不同发育状态(柱头授粉和未授粉)的助细胞超微结构,以期为研究助细胞在双受精中所起作用提供新的资  相似文献   

牵牛属生殖细胞和精细胞中细胞器DNA的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用DAPI荧光技术观察了大花牵牛( Pharbitis lim bata Lindl.)和圆叶牵牛(P. purpurea(L.) Voight)生殖细胞的细胞质DNA及其在精细胞形成过程中的动态。牵牛属这两个种的生殖细胞均为细长形,具有大量细胞器DNA。刚形成的一对精细胞大多数一端钝,另一端呈尾状。较后期的精细胞多呈凸透镜状。生殖细胞分裂形成的一对精细胞多是同型的,也有的表现为异型。精细胞的核多偏于细胞的一端。在细胞质中有大量细胞器DNA分布。精细胞中的细胞器DNA 荧光点在大小及荧光强度上有所不同,可能代表线粒体和质体这两种不同的细胞器DNA。大花牵牛与圆叶牵牛之间,无论是生殖细胞或精细胞在细胞形状和细胞质DNA 分布状况上基本相似。一个明显的差异是,后者的细胞质DNA 荧光点体积较小和荧光弱。研究表明,精细胞存在具有DNA 的细胞器,为牵牛花细胞质具有双亲遗传或父系遗传的潜能提供了细胞学证据。本文还对研究的两个种的精细胞存在同型和异型的现象,以及精细胞在核质比率上的特点与质体双亲遗传的关系进行了讨论  相似文献   

从原始生殖细胞分离克隆鸡胚胎生殖细胞的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从孵化 5 5天的鸡胚生殖腺中分离得到大量原始生殖细胞 (PGCs)集落 ,这些集落的细胞经多次克隆传代具有胚胎生殖细胞 (EG)的诸多特征 ,如有连续传代的能力 (传至第 9代 ) ,细胞集落有典型鸟巢状结构 ,PAS染色阳性 ,AKP染色阳性 ,在无饲养层无分化抑制因子LIF时可以自发分化成几种细胞类型 ,包括成纤维细胞、神经细胞、自律细胞等 ,悬浮培养时具有形成类胚体的能力。上述发现表明该细胞具EG细胞的诸多特性 ,为类EG细胞  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎干细胞(ESC)在体外可以分化为多种细胞类型,其中包括各阶段的生殖细胞,甚至精细胞和成熟卵母细胞。ESC向生殖细胞分化的效率受到包括生长因子、激素和体细胞等多种因素的影响,在体外形成的是雌性配子还是雄性配子与ESC是XX型还是XY型没有必然联系。简要综述了小鼠生殖细胞在体内外的分化发育、性别决定和增殖等,并总结和展望了ESC向生殖细胞分化研究面临的问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

用透射电子显微技术研究了西瓜叶片小叶脉,结果表明,小叶脉是由大型维管束鞘细胞包围的维管束,维管束呈现大的头部和线形的柄部,柄部是单列细胞的木质部,由维管薄壁细胞和导管分子组成;头部是韧皮部,由维管薄壁细胞、伴胞和筛管分子组成。同一小叶脉内常见有超微结构特征显著不同的两种伴胞:一种伴胞体积小,与维管束鞘细胞接触面较小或不接触,细胞内有大液泡,细胞壁上没有胞间连丝或只有少数不分枝的胞间连丝,这种伴胞为2a型;另一种伴胞体积大,通常位于韧皮部两翼,不含大液泡而含大量小泡,与维管束鞘细胞接触面较大,接触面上有大量具分枝的胞间连丝,分枝部分比未分枝部分直径小,这种伴胞为中间细胞类型。显然,西瓜是小叶脉内兼具两种类型伴胞的植物。  相似文献   

用透射电子显微技术研究了西瓜叶片小叶脉,结果表明,小叶脉是由大型维管束鞘细胞包围的维管束,维管束呈现大的头部和线形的柄部,柄部是单列细胞的木质部,由维管薄壁细胞和导管分子组成;头部是韧皮部,由维管薄壁细胞、伴胞和筛管分子组成。同一小叶脉内常见有超微结构特征显著不同的两种伴胞:一种伴胞体积小,与维管束鞘细胞接触面较小或不接触,细胞内有大液泡,细胞壁上没有胞间连丝或只有少数不分枝的胞间连丝,这种伴胞为2a型;另一种伴胞体积大,通常位于韧皮部两翼,不含大液泡而含大量小泡,与维管束鞘细胞接触面较大,接触面上有大量具分枝的胞间连丝,分枝部分比未分枝部分直径小,这种伴胞为中间细胞类型。显然,西瓜是小叶脉内兼具两种类型伴胞的植物。  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞向生殖细胞分化的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小鼠胚胎干细胞体外已成功诱导分化为配子细胞,人胚胎干细胞理论上也具备分化为生殖细胞的潜能。本文从影响人胚胎干细胞体外向生殖系分化的基因调控和干细胞小生境(niche)方面进行综述,并指出胚胎干细胞在生殖医学及不孕治疗中的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of synergids of watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus L.) was investigated using transmission electron microscopy at following stages of embryo sacs: 1. Unpollination, on the first flowering day. 2. Unpollination, on 2nd day after anthesis (DAA). 3. Fertilization, on DAA 2. The synergids with distinct filiform apparatus at the micropylar end have abundant organelle, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and plastids in cytoplasm, which indicate that they are active on the first flowering day. No wall is present at the chalazal part of synergid, and there are some flocculent materials and vesicles in the spaces of cytoplasma membranes among synergid, egg cell and central cell in embryo sacs at the first and the second stages. On DAA 2, in unpollinated embryo sacs, the central large vacuole of synergid is divided into several smaller ones and the starch grains decrease in cytoplasm. There is no newly synthesized wall at the chalazal end of persistent synergid in fertilized embryo sacs. The contents of degenerated synergid, in the form of electron dense granules, are located in the wide space among central cell, zygote and persistent synergid, and some of them migrate into central cell through cytoplasma membrane. Therefore, it is deduced that the contents of synergid might serve as a nutrient supplement to the development of endosperm, but not embryo.  相似文献   

胚胎生殖细胞(embryonic germ cell,EGC)是由胎儿原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cell,PGC)经体外驯化培养获得的一种多潜能干细胞。研究猪PGC生物学特性对于建立猪EGC及了解猪生殖细胞发育机制具有重要意义。该研究以原代培养的猪PGC为对象,探讨了其生长行为特征及其重编程过程中多能性、生殖系标志基因的表达模式。结果显示,26 d胚胎生殖嵴分离的PGC呈碱性磷酸酶阳性,细胞体积及核质比较大;体外培养初期呈现出较强的增殖及迁移能力,培养第5 d细胞增殖达到平台期,此时克隆高表达Oct4、Sox2、Nanog、c-Myc、Klf4和Ifi tm3(P〈0.05),低表达Blimp1(P〈0.05),Nanos1和Stella的表达水平与猪胎儿成纤维细胞无差异;猪PGC形成的原代克隆已经具有多向分化潜能。  相似文献   

物种间亲缘关系的研究是杂交育种的理论基础,野生西瓜在西瓜育种中具有重要作用,然而目前对西瓜属物种间亲缘关系的研究十分有限,而且对西瓜属物种的分类问题还存在分歧.比较基因组原位杂交是分析物种间亲缘关系的有效手段,本研究以西瓜基因组DNA作探针,分别对缺须西瓜、热迷西瓜、药西瓜和诺丹西瓜有丝分裂中期染色体进行了比较基因组原位杂交分析,揭示了西瓜属物种间的亲缘关系,同时对分类地位尚存在争议的诺丹西瓜的归属问题进行了分析,发现诺丹西瓜和甜瓜之间具有非常近的亲缘关系,本研究结果为西瓜与近缘种间的远缘杂交提供了重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

刘林 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):588-594
研究了西瓜花粉壁超微结构以及单核花粉液泡化时期ATP酶活性超微细胞化学定位。花粉壁的外壁分为外层和内层 ,外层包括覆盖层、基粒棒和基足层等三层 ,内层只包含一层。外层电子密度相对较小 ,内层电子密度相对较大 ;外层与内层之间有缝隙。ATP酶活性反应产物主要分布在细胞质基质、质体、内质网和花粉内壁中  相似文献   

The organelle DNA in generative cell and its behavior during spermatogenesis in Pharbitis limbata and P. purpurea were observed by epifluorescence microscopy stained with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In these two species, the generative cell is long and thin in which a great amount of cytoplasmic DNA is present. Most pairs of sperm cells are isomorphic, in which one end is obtuse and the other is elongate, but in a few pairs dimorphi sperms are present. The nucleus is located at one end of the cell. A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm. The size of organelle nucleoids and their fluorescence intensity are different in a sperm cell. The features of generative cell and sperm cell, and behavior of cytoplasmic DNA are similar in P. limbata and P. purpurea. The obvious differences between them are that the size and fluorescence intensity of organelle nucleoids in P. purpurea are respectively smaller and weaker than in P. limbata. The results showed that morning glory has potential of biparental or paternal cytoplasmic in heritance. Isomorphism and dimorphism of sperms, and the relationship between the ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm in sperm cell and the plastid biparental inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

西瓜柱头乳突细胞分泌活动期间ATP酶活性超微结构定位   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了西瓜柱头乳突细胞ATP酶活性的超微结构定位。分泌活动旺盛的细胞中,质膜、内质网、质体的内部片层、胞间连丝以及多数大液泡的膜上面都有大量ATP酶活性反应产物,线粒体和小泡上只有少量酶活性反应产物。分泌活动停止后处于解体状态的细胞内,反应产物主要定位于液泡膜上。分泌旺盛的乳突细胞质膜具有高的ATP酶活性表明分泌物运出需要大量能量,内质网ATP酶活性强可能意味着该细胞参与分泌物合成。  相似文献   

西瓜抗枯萎病育种分子标辅助选择的研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
将西瓜野生种质PI296341抗枯萎病生理小种1的抗性基因连锁的RAPD标记OPP01.700进行克隆、测序,Southern杂交证明此标记为1个单拷贝,并转化为SCAR标记,简化了SCAR扩增产物的检测技术。上述技术在抗病转育后代造反中得到了很好的应用,初步建立了西瓜抗枯萎病育种分子标记辅助选择技术系统。  相似文献   

利用生物信息学方法,对西瓜(Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum.&Nakai)JmjC基因家族的成员进行鉴定,对该基因家族的染色体定位、基因结构、蛋白结构域、选择压力和酶活位点进行分析,并对该基因家族与其它物种的系统进化及共线性关系进行研究。结果显示:西瓜全基因组含有17个JmjC候选基因,核苷酸序列长度为1209~5541 bp;这些基因均含有JmjC结构域,分别位于9条染色体上,归属8个亚族。系统进化、选择压力以及共线性分析结果表明,西瓜与黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)亲缘关系较近,JmjC家族基因数量相同,其中14个成员呈现一对一的共线性关系;而西瓜与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.)Heynh)亲缘关系较远,但西瓜和拟南芥同一亚族中JmjC基因间Ka/Ks的比值均小于1,推测西瓜各个亚族成员的编码蛋白功能与同一亚族的拟南芥成员功能极为相似。酶活位点分析结果表明西瓜JmjC基因家族中有10个成员具有潜在的组蛋白去甲基化酶活性。  相似文献   

Structural changes of microtubules (MTs) in the generative cell (GC) of Amaryllis vittara Alt. during mitosis in pollen tube have been investigated with electron microscopy. The division cycle was completed approximately within 12 h. During prophase, the MTs bundles distributed in the cortex of the GC, they were less and shorter than that before mitosis, some of which beginning to be near the nucleus. When the chromatin condensed and the GC entered metaphase, the MTs increased in number and distributed among the chromosomes (CHs) in the original nuclear zone, but they were not arranged in distinct bundlesed. Some of them connected with the CHs to form kinetochore MTs (KMTs), where as the cortical MTs in prophase still remained there. During metaphase, the CHs were arranged on the equartor forming a metaphase plate, and all the MTs formed a diffuse spindle. When the GC entered anaphase, the KMTs were shortened and they were involved in the segregation of the CHs into two groups. The MTs were much more and focused in the two polar regions. In late anaphase, while the MTs still existed at the poles, rich phragmoplast MTs appeared in the equator zone and the precusors of cell plate (CP) aggregated in the middle of the phragmoplast. When the GC entered telophase, the CHs diffused as chromatin, and phragmoplast MTs extended between the two newly formed nuclear envelops and even through the CP While the polar MTs and KMTs disappeared, the MTs in the newly formed sperm cells were different from that of the GC.  相似文献   

  • Members of the GAPDH family play important roles in plant growth and development, as well as in stress responses. Our aim was to identify stress resistance genes through systematic analysis of the GAPDH family in watermelon. This could not only provide genetic resources for stress resistance breeding, but also form a basis for the study of plant stress resistance mechanisms.
  • Eight GAPDHs representing four types of plant GAPDH in watermelon were identified (ClGAPA/B, ClGAPC1-3, ClGAPCp1-2 and ClGAPN). A comprehensive analysis of physicochemical properties, chromosome distribution, evolutionary relationships, exon-intron structure and conserved motifs of watermelon GAPDHs was performed using bioinformatics. Expression characteristics were assessed by RT-qPCR. Based on RT-qPCR results, ClGAPC2 was screened as a candidate for subcellular localization analysis and functional verification in Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • Eight GAPDHs were classified into four subfamilies. GAPDHs in each subgroup were generally conserved and shared similarities in structure and conserved motifs. ClGAPDHs had notable tissue specificity and different expression patterns in response to H2O2, chilling, salt, osmotic stress, heat, salicylic acid, gibberellin, brassinosterol, ethylene and abscisic acid treatments. Three ClGAPC genes, especially ClGAPC2, were markedly induced by several treatments. ClGAPC2 was located in the nucleus and cytoplasm of tabacum epidermal cells. The ClGAPC2 transgenic Arabidopsis showed enhanced tolerance to salinity at the germination stage.
  • We suggest that ClGAPC2 plays important roles in the adaptation of watermelon to salinity. Our findings provided candidate genes for further improving the salt tolerance of watermelon.

The organization of microtubules (MTs) in the generative cell (GC) of germinated pollen and pollen tube in Amaryllis vittata Ait. has been studied with electron microscopy. At the beginning of pollen germination, the GC is long elliptic in shape, and is surrounded by its own membrane and also by that of the vegetative cell (VC) ,both of which appear undulated. In cross section, the GC appears roundish and has many lobes. The MT system of GC is mainly organized in bundles, but single MTs can also be observed. The MT bundles are generally located in the lobes, directly beneath the plasma membrane of the cell. These MT bundles orientate along the longitudinal axis of the cell. They are formed by aggregation of 5–6 MTs at least,more often about 30 MTs. In the bundles the MTs are often linked to each other by "cross-bridge". The single tubules in the eytopiasm distribute randomly in different orientations. When the GC has migrated into the pollen tube after germination ,it becomes elongated and has cytoplasmic extensions both in the anterior and posterior end of the cell. The organization of MTs of the GC in pollen tube is similar to that in the germinated pollen grain,but the number of MTs in a bundle often increases to 50–60. In the bundle the "cross-bridges" between the MTs which always link 3–5 MTs, are still seen clearly. Positional shift between the GC and Vegetative nucleus (VN) may take place during the growth of pollen tube. The physical association between GC and VN may be demonstrated some ultrastructural figures. It may be seen that irregular cytoplasmic extensions in the anterior end of the GC is always enclosed by the VN and the projections of the cytoplasmic extensions lie within enclaves of the VN. There are many MTs sheets in the lobes or extensions in the cytoplasm of the GC. Thus the present study demonstrates that MTs have an important role in maintaining the peculiar shape of the GC and the close association between GC and VN. However, it seems that the MTs are probably also engaged in the movement of the GC during pollen growth.  相似文献   

Previous observations indicated that division of the generative cell (GC) in some plant genura such as Lilium and Tradescantia is characterized by several unusual features, including persistence of surrounding microtubule (MT) bundles during mitosis, lacking a matephase plate, the cytokinesis is completed with furrow. The authors have further studied the changes of MT organizations and the chromosome (CHs) behavior in the GC during mitosis using electron microscopy and method of tubulin localizations. No MTs in the GC before GC division and during prophase was seen under electron microscopy. However, there was tubulin in the GC with antitubulin staining. During promatephase to matephase, the CHs appeared and arranged in a complexed tangled pattern lengthwise along the cell. Correspond- ingly, transverse pairs of kinetochores were located along the length and depth of the cell. They stacked successively like the rungs of a ladder. In this phase, a large mount of MTs appeared in the GC, which distributed in the cortex of the cell and among the CHs and along the whole length of the CHs. In the beginning, one or two kinetochore pairs changed from transversely to longitudinally situated in each cell. MTs ended on the kinetochore to form kinetochore MTs (KMTs). With the electron microscopy, authors did not find the image of lateral connection between the MTs and the kinetochores as previous reported with immunofluorescent method. As karyokinesis proceeded, more transverse kinetochore pairs gradually became longitudinal, and KMTs gradually increased in number. However, a distinct spindle was not evidenced. During anaphase, CHs seperation started at various positions along the length of the cell. The distribution of MTs in the GC was similar to that of promatephase to matephase. In late anaphase, the CHs segregated as two groups. Most MTs disappeared but only some remained in the polar regions and the interzone. Authors also measured and compared the lengths of the CHs and indirectly identified the existing anaphase B. During late tolephase, the MTs increased in number gradually in the region between the two newly formed sperm nuclei. The region might be the MT interdigitating zone visualized with antitubulin localization. The MTs disappeared after the cell plate (CP) appeared.  相似文献   

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