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The stable isotope ratios of nitrogen were measured in the mysid,Neomysis intermedia, together with various biogenic materials in a eutrophic lake, Lake Kasumigaura, in Japan throughout a year of 1984/85. The mysid, particulate organic matter (POM, mostly phytoplankton), and zooplankton showed a clear seasonal change in 15N with high values in spring and fall, but the surface bottom mud did not. A year to year variation as well as seasonal change in 15N was found in the mysid. The annual averages of 15N of each material collected in 1984/85 are as follows: surface bottom mud, 6.3 (range: 5.7–6.9); POM, 7.9 (5.8–11.8); large sized mysid, 11.6 (7.7–14.3); zooplankton, 12.5 (10.0–16.4); prawn, 13.2 (9.9–15.4); goby, 15.1 (13.8–16.7). The degree of15N enrichment by the mysid was determined as 3.2 by the laboratory rearing experiments. The apparent parallel relationship between the POM and the mysid in the temporal patterns of 15N with about 3 difference suggests the POM (mostly phytoplankton) as a possible food source ofN. intermedia in this lake through the year.  相似文献   

The littoral benthos of 18 lakes in Alberta and Saskatchewan ranging in salinity from 3 to 126 (g1–1 TDS) were investigated twice, in the spring and in the summer of 1986. Multiple Ekman dredge samples were taken at water depths of about 0.5, 1.0 and 2 metres in each transect. Two to three transects were used in each lake according to its estimated limnological diversity for a total of 114 stations. A total of 76 species was present varying from 29–31 species in the three lakes of lowest salinity (means of 3.1–5.55) to only 2 species in lakes exceeding 100. Species richness decreased rapidly in salinities greater than 15.Biomass maximum mean of 10.91 g m–2 dry weight (maximum 63.0 g m–2) occurred in culturally eutrophic Humboldt Lake (3.1) but one third as great in other low salinity lakes. However, biomass again increased to about 4.5 gm–2 in two lakes of 15 As the salinity increased still further biomass declined steadily until a minimum of 0.0212 g m–2 was recorded in most saline Aroma Lake (mean 119). Summer biomass (11 lakes) was greater than spring biomass (4 lakes) because some groups such as amphipods, corixids and ostracods became more abundant in summer. Wet weight biomass averaged 15.8 of dry weight biomass.Seasonality (spring or summer), sediment texture and organic matter content, water depth, pH, salinity (TDS) and the presence of aquatic plants ( plant cover) were considered in the matrix involving species dry weight biomass at each of 117 stations. TWINSPAN classification of the samples yielded a dendrogram with 18 indicator species. Successive dichotomies divided these indicator species into four main lake groups based on salinity, i.e., Group I: 3–10 (Gammarus, Glyptotendipes I, Chironomus cf. plumosus), Group II: 10–38%. (Hyalella, Enallagma,Bezzia), Group III: 38–63 (Hygrotus salinarius, Cricotopus ornatus), Group IV: >63 (Dolichopodidae, Ephydra hians). Each of these main groups was subdivided into smaller groups of lakes based on factors such as pH, seasonality (spring or summer species dominance), organic matter and plant cover. Depth of samples played no apparent role.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Es wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluß kurzfristige und langfristige Salzgehaltsveränderungen auf verschiedene Standortformen der RotalgeDelesseria sanguinea und der BraunalgeFucus serratus haben. Als Kriterium des Lebenszustandes wurde die photosynthetische Leistung gewählt. Die Algen wurden folgenden Salzgehaltskonzentrationen ausgesetzt: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 S.2. Die Versuche ergaben, daß kurzfristige Konzentrationsveränderungen (30 min) — sowohl Erniedrigung als auch Erhöhung des Salzgehaltes — die photosynthetische Leistung stimulieren. Ein langfristiger Aufenthalt (24 Std) unter den veränderten Bedingungen bewirkt, sofern diese innerhalb der Toleranzgrenzen der Algen liegen, einen Ausgleich der anfänglichen Stimulation. Außerhalb der Toleranzgrenzen liegende Konzentrationen rufen nach der Stimulation eine Leistungsdepression hervor. Bei Rückübertragung in den Ausgangssalzgehalt sind die Depressionen teilweise reversibel.3. Im hypotonischen Milieu verhalten sich die Delesserien der verschiedenen Standorte (Helgoland, Kattegat, Kieler Bucht) gleich: in 5 S treten starke Depressionen auf. Nordsee-Delesserien sind im hypertonischen Milieu weniger empfindlich, sie zeigen noch bei 50 S eine gesteigerte photosynthetische Leistung. In diesem Bereich sind die Ostseeformen schon schwer geschädigt. Am empfindlichsten gegenüber allen Konzentrationsänderungen ist die BrackwasserformDelesseria sanguinea formalanceolata aus der Kieler Bucht.4.Fucus serratus aus dem Litoral von Helgoland zeichnet sich im Gegensatz zu der submers lebenden Form der Ostsee, die sich ähnlich wieDelesseria verhält, in allen untersuchten Konzentrationsbereichen durch eine unveränderte photosynthetische Leistung aus. Die beiden Standortformen vonFucus entsprechen gemäß der Einteilung vonMontfort (1931) dem resistenten Typ und dem Stimulations-Depressionstyp.
On the influence of salinity on photosynthetic performance of various ecotypes ofDelesseria sanguinea andFucus serratus
The phaeophyceanF. serratus and the rhodophyceanD. sanguinea came from the North Sea (30 S) and the Baltic Sea (15 S). The activity of photosynthesis was taken as a criterion of algae vitality. Experiments were made in salinity concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 S. Thirty-minute exposures to sub- or supranormal salinities stimulate photosynthesis. Within their physiological salinity ranges the algae assume normal photosynthetic rates within 24 hours. Extreme salinities cause a reduction in photosynthetic activity; this reduction mostly disappears, however, after re-transfer into normal salinity conditions. At 5 S all test individuals ofDelesseria from different locations exhibit a reduction of photosynthetic rates. At 50 SDelesseria from the North Sea still show increased activity, whileDelesseria from the Baltic are already severely damaged. The brackish-water formD. sanguinea (formalanceolata) is most sensitive to salinity variations. The photosynthetic activity ofF. serratus from Helgoland does not vary in all salinities employed. The range of test salinities corresponds to that of the habitat in the littoral zone, where high salinities occur during air exposure, and low salinities, during rainfall. By contrast, inF. serratus from the Baltic Sea occurring only in the sublittoral zone, photosynthetic rates are similarly affected by salinity as inDelesseria.

Zusammenfassung Enchytraeus albidus aus dem Anwurf mariner Algen an der Kieler Förde (Ostsee) erträgt als Nahrung die folgenden dort vorkommenden Pflanzen (Reihenfolge mit abnehmender Verträglichkeit): Fucus — Grünalgen —Seegras (Zostera) — Rotalgen (Delesseria). Diese Reihenfolge gilt für Nahrungsaufnahme, Fortpflanzungsrate und Überlebensdauer.Mit zunehmender Fäulnis des Nahrungssubstrates steigt die Zahl der Tiere, die aus ihm fliehen. Ihre Anzahl wird außerdem bestimmt durch den Salzgehalt des Substrates: Von 15–45 ist sie proportional der Substratsalinität. Bei 60 ist die Aktivität der Tiere bereits stark eingeschränkt.Bei Fucus-Nahrung ertragen auf Sand gehaltene Tiere eine Salinität von 60–70 länger als 4 Wochen, auf Filtrierpapier dagegen nur 50 für durchschnittlich 1 Woche. Die obere Fortpflanzungsgrenze liegt bei 40 Salzgehalt im Substrat. Bei 5 werden die meisten Kokons abgelegt. Die Sterblichkeit im Kokon ist bei 15 am geringsten. Auf den Substratsalinitäten 0–15 ist die Entwicklungsdauer im Kokon signifikant kürzer als auf Substraten von 30 und 40. Enchytraeus hat sich als Rückwanderer zum Meer mit einer sekundär erweiterten Poikilosmotie an den neuen Lebensraum angepaßt. Er kann eine Binnenkonzentration entsprechend etwa 72 längere Zeit ertragen. Auf niedrigen Salzgehalten besitzt er eine ausgeprägte Hypertonieregulation.
Summary Enchytraeus albidus was fed with Fucus, green algae, Zostera marina and Delesseria. Judging from absorption of food, rate of reproduction and duration of life, the animals preferred the plants in the sequence given above.As the putrefaction of a Fucus substrate advances, more and more enchytraeids leave it. A changing salinity of the substrate also influences the number of emigrating worms, increasing it from 15–45, but decreasing it towards 60. Fed with Fucus E. albidus tolerates a salinity of 60–70 on sand for more than 4 weeks, on filter paper only 50 for about one week.Reproduction is possible at salinities up to 40. Cocoon production is most frequent at 5. The mortality of young worms within the cocoons is lowest at 15. The incubation period is significantly shorter at salinities of 0–15 than at 30 and 40.As a terrestrial immigrant to the seashore Enchytraeus albidus secondarily enlarged its range of poikilosmosis, tolerating a concentration of 72 in its coelomic fluid for some time. At low salinities it maintains a remarkable degree of hyperosmosis.

Salinity of Pyramid Lake increased from 3.7 to 5.5 between 1933 and 1980. Concern over future reductions in overall species richness prompted experiments to assess responses of dominant lake organisms to elevated salinity. Salinity tolerances of three important benthic invertebrates, Hyalella aztecta, Chironomus utahensis, and Heterocypris sp., were tested in controlled laboratory bioassays and also in a semi-natural environment consisting of large (47 m3) mesocosms.Densities of H. azteca in mesocosms were significantly lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 compared with 5.6 controls in year one, but not in 8.5 salinity mesocosms in year two. The 96-h LC50 for H. azteca was high at 19.5. Short-term mortalities of C. utahensis were 100% at salinities of 13.3 and greater. Fifty-seven percent fewer larvae matured from third to fourth instar at 8.9 than at 5.5 salinity in 17 day subacute bioassays. Furthermore, larval chironomid densities and emergence of adults from mesocosms were significantly reduced at salinities of 8.0 and higher compared with controls. Mortality of Heterocypris sp. was 50% at a salinity of 18.6 in laboratory bioassays and populations in mesocosms ranged between 40 and 100% lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 than in controls.Multiple generation mesocosm experiments indicated all three invertebrates were more sensitive to elevated salinity than results of short-term bioassays. Our studies suggest populations of these invertebrates may be reduced from present levels if Pyramid Lake's salinity were to double, although none are expected to be extirpated. Food habit shifts and reduced production of lake fishes are likely consequences of salinity-induced disruption in the benthic invertebrate forage base.  相似文献   

Apostichopus (= Stichopus) japonicus blastulae and gastrulae were acclimated for 18 h to salinities of 32 (control), 24 and 22 (the lower limit of the range of tolerance), and 20 (below the range of tolerance). Acclimation to 20 resulted in the appearance of teratic larvae, most of which subsequently died. Acclimation to 24, 22, and 20 led to a shift in the range of tolerance of the larvae at further stages of development. With a decrease in salinity, acclimated larvae developed more successfully than unacclimated larvae. Acclimated larvae attained the pentactula stage and settled at a salinity range of 32–20; unacclimated larvae, at 32–22. At different stages of development, acclimated larvae survived greater decreases in salinity than unacclimated larvae. The acclimation effects could be traced up to metamorphosis and settling, i.e., two weeks after the end of the acclimation process.  相似文献   

Three species of microalgae commonly used in mariculture —Isochrysis sp. (clone T.ISO) Parke,Pavlova lutheri (Droop) Green andNannochloropsis oculata (Droop) Green — were grown in batch and semicontinuous modes to compare their biochemical composition and production rates.In batch mode, logarithmic-phase cultures of all species had high levels of protein (25.2 to 41.1) and low levels of carbohydrate (7.1 to 10.3) and lipid (8.8 to 14.9). At stationary phase, cultures ofIsochrysis sp. (clone T.ISO) andN. oculata contained significantly less protein (21.8 and 20.3, respectively), all species contained more carbohydrate (14.8 to 30.6), andP. lutheri contained more lipid (16.6). In semi-continuous mode, cultures maintained at late logarithmic-phase contained more carbohydrate,Isochrysis sp. (clone T.ISO) contained less protein, andP. lutheri more lipid than logarithmic-phase batch cultures of the same species. Neither growth phase nor harvest regime affected the amino acid composition of the microalgae significantly. However, the concentration of proline inN. oculata was higher in batch cultures in logarithmic phase (9.4), than in either semi-continuous cultures in logarithmic phase (5.8 to 7.9) or batch cultures in stationary phase (5.6 to 5.9).The production rates from batch and semi-continuous logarithmic-phase cultures were not significantly different for any of the species, and there were only minor differences in the production rates of the species (range 12.4 to 17.1 mg algae dry weight 1–1 d–1). The different culture and harvest regimes produced significant differences in the proportions of protein and carbohydrate in the microalgae. Which regime is chosen for culturing these microalgae as food will depend on the nutritional requirements of the animal species being fed.  相似文献   

The link between climate-driven river runoff and sole fishery yields observed in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) was analysed using carbon- and nitrogen stable isotopes along the flatfish food webs. Off the Rhone River, the main terrestrial (river POM) and marine (seawater POM) sources of carbon differed in 13C (–26.11 and –22.36, respectively). Surface sediment and suspended POM in plume water exhibited low 13C (–24.38 and –24.70, respectively) that differed more from the seawater POM than from river POM, demonstrating the dominance of terrestrial material in those carbon pools. Benthic invertebrates showed a wide range in 15N (mean 4.30 to 9.77) and 13C (mean –23.81 to –18.47), suggesting different trophic levels, diets and organic sources. Among the macroinvertebrates, the surface (mean 13C –23.71) and subsurface (mean 13C –23.81) deposit-feeding polychaetes were particularly 13C depleted, indicating that their carbon was mainly derived from terrestrial material. In flatfish, 15N (mean 9.42 to 10.93) and 13C (mean –19.95 to –17.69) varied among species, indicating differences in food source and terrestrial POM use. A significant negative correlation was observed between the percentage by weight of polychaetes in the diet and the 13C of flatfish white muscle. Solea solea (the main polychaete feeder) had the lowest mean 13C, Arnoglossus laterna and Buglossidium luteum (crustacean, mollusc and polychaete feeders) had intermediate values, and Solea impar (mollusc feeder) and Citharus linguatula (crustacean and fish feeder) exhibited the highest 13C. Two different benthic food webs were thus identified off the Rhone River, one based on marine planktonic carbon and the other on the terrestrial POM carried by the river. Deposit-feeding polychaetes were responsible for the main transfer of terrestrial POM to upper trophic levels, linking sole population dynamics to river runoff fluctuations.  相似文献   

B. V. Timms 《Hydrobiologia》1981,79(3):233-238
Lakes Purrembete, Bullenmerri and Gnotuk are relatively deep lakes with salinities of 0.4, 8 and 58 respectively. From Carbon-14 experiments conducted monthly over a year annual primary production was 96.2, 182.1 and 90.1 gCm-2. These values correlate well with chlorophyll-a in Purrumbete and Bullenmerri, but not in Gnotuk. There is considerable dark fixation in both the saline lakes.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes (13C, D) and radiocarbon weremeasured in methane bubbles emitted from rice paddies and swamps in southernThailand. Methane emitted from the Thai rice paddies was enriched in13C (mean 13C; –51.5 ±7.1 and–56.5 ± 4.6 for mineral soil and peat soil paddies,respectively)relative to the reported mean value of methane from temperate rice paddies(– 63 ± 5). Large seasonal variation was observed in13C(32) in the rice paddies, whereas variationinD was much more smaller (20), indicating that variation in13C is due mainly to changes in methane production pathways.Values of 13C were lower in swamps (–66.1 ±5.1)than in rice paddies. The calculated contribution of acetate fermentation from13C value was greater in rice paddies (mineral soils:62–81%, peat soils: 57–73%) than in swamps (27–42%). Din methane from Thai rice paddies (–324± 7 (n=46)) isrelativelyhigher than those from 14 stations in Japanese rice paddies ranging from–362 ± 5 (Mito: n=2) to –322 ± 8(Okinawa: n=3), due tohigher D in floodwaters. 14C content in methane produced fromThai rice paddies (127±1 pMC) show higher 14Cactivity compared with previous work in paddy fields and those from Thai swamps(110±2 pMC).  相似文献   

Stable carbon (13C) and nitrogen (15N) isotopes were used to elucidate primary food sources and trophic relationships of organisms in Khung Krabaen Bay and adjacent offshore waters. The three separate sampling sites were mangroves, inner bay and offshore. The 13C values of mangrove leaves were –28.2 to –29.4, seagrass –10.5, macroalgae –14.9 to –18.2, plankton –20.0 to –21.8, benthic detritus –15.1 to –26.3, invertebrates –16.5 to –26.0, and fishes –13.4 to –26.3. The 15N values of mangrove leaves were 4.3 to 5.7, seagrass 4.3, macroalgae 2.2 to 4.4, plankton 5.7 to 6.4 , benthic detritus 5.1 to 5.3, invertebrates 7.2 to 12.2 , and fishes 6.3 to 15.9. The primary producers had distinct 13C values. The 13C values of animals collected from mangroves were more negative than those of animals collected far from shore. The primary carbon sources that support food webs clearly depended on location. The contribution of mangroves to food webs was confined only to mangroves, but a mixture of macroalgae and plankton was a major carbon source for organisms in the inner bay area. Offshore organisms clearly derived their carbon through the planktonic food web. The 15N values of consumers were enriched by 3–4 relative to their diets. The 15N data suggests that some of aquatic animals had capacity to change their feeding habits according to places and availability of foods and as a result, individuals of the same species could be assigned to different trophic levels at different places.  相似文献   

The influence of salinity on the performance of the sibling species Tisbe holothuriae and T. battagliai in pure and mixed cultures was studied, using laboratory stocks adapted to 32 for over 175 generations. Cohort studies show that T. holothuriae has higher growth rates (Ro and r) at 32, T. battagliai at 20 The latter's life cycle is much less affected by the difference in salinity. De Wit replacement series were used to study competitive interactions. Without water renewal, T. holothuriae eliminates its sibling species in less than 2 generations, apparently through chemical interference. With water renewal, i.e. when exploitation competition becomes relatively more important, T. holothuriae still proves superior at 27 but the two species are competitively almost equal at 20. The two species cooccur in situ during autumn, but their differential predominance at different sites is not explained by the effect of salinity.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea area, the cladoceran Daphnia magna is commonly found in brackish water rockpools and it has been suggested that salinity is one of the niche dimensions that affects the distribution of the species. The salinity tolerance of D. magna was studied both in physiological and life history experiments. The experimental salinities were freshwater, 4S and 8S. The highest respiration and ammonium excretion rates were measured in the freshwater treatment with decreasing respiration and ammonium excretion rates at higher salinities. The lowest O/N ratio (oxygen consumption to ammonium excretion), describing the metabolic status of an organism, was obtained at 8S, although the only significant differences were detected when comparing to 4S treatments. Individual growth rate, reproductive output and population growth rate were highest at 4S. At 8S growth and reproduction were reduced as compared to freshwater and 4S. The life history parameters in the performed experiments indicated higher fitness (expressed as r) as well as more favourable conditions for growth and reproduction at 4S, whereas the O/N ratio was more difficult to interpret and, in this case, gave a less clear picture of the salinity influence.  相似文献   

Summary The mean stable-carbon isotope ratios (13C) for polar bear (Ursus maritimus) tissues (bone collagen –15.7, muscle –17.7, fat –24.7) were close to those of the same tissues from ringed seals (Phoca hispida) (–16.2, –18.1, and –26.1, respectively), which feed exclusively from the marine food chain. The 13C values for 4 species of fruits to which polar bears have access when on land in summer ranged from –27.8 to –26.2, typical of terrestrial plants in the Arctic. An animal's 13C signature reflects closely the 13C signature of it's food. Accordingly, the amount of food that polar bears consume from terrestrial food webs appears negligible, even though some bears spend 1/3 or more of each year on land during the seasons of greatest primary productivity.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Rates of growth (length increase of stolons) and of asexual reproduction (increase in number of polyps) were determined in secondaryClava multicornis colonies of a clone exposed to 12 different combinations of water temperature and salinity (12°, 17°, 22° C; 16 , 24 , 32 , 40 S). Sexual reproduction (via gonophores) has been observed only at 12° and 17° C; temperature and salinity ranges are narrower for sexual than for asexual reproduction.2. The data obtained are insufficient for a detailed analysis; they provide, however, interesting insights into the variability of growth and reproduction ofC. multicornis caused by different intensities of temperature and salinity.3. It appears that temperature requirements for maximum colony increase are reduced as the colony grows older.4. One feeding period per 24 hours seems insufficient for maximum growth and reproduction at the higher temperature levels, especially at 22° C.5. The different degrees of environmental stress endured during the initial period of transfer into the test combinations of temperature and salinity have affected the resulting colony size at least up to an age of 39 days. More appropriate criteria for assessment of rates of growth and reproduction are therefore the doubling times (number of days within which stolon length and polyp numbers taken 20 days after initiation of experiments have doubled).6. On the basis of doubling time values, increase in stolon length is progressively reduced with increasing water temperature (12°, 17°, 22° C). At 12° and 17° C stolons grow fastest in 32 , followed by 24 , 16 and 40 S; at 22° C stolon growth rates are identical in 32 and 24 S.7. Doubling times of polyp numbers per colony show a less obvious trend. In 56-day-old colonies, however, stolon length and polyp number are modified to similar degrees by the various temperatures and salinities offered. The sequence of temperatures causing fastest increase in polyp number is 12°>17°>22° C; the respective sequence of salinities reads: 24 , 32 , 16 , 40 S.8. Stolon length and polyp number per colony increase exponentially; most curves obtained exhibit undulations indicating endogenous growth rhythms.9. During the initial period of transfer into the final test media, asexual reproduction via budding seems to have been stimulated by a reduction in salinity.10. The doubling times obtained forC. multicornis are considerably longer than those found forCordylophora caspia and indicate that our culture conditions may have been suboptimal.
Wachstum und Reproduktion als Funktion von Temperatur und Salzgehalt beiClava multicornis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
Kurzfassung Einzelpolypen eines Klons vonC. multicornis Forskål wurden schrittweise in 12 verschiedene Temperatur-Salzgehalts-Kombinationen überführt und — während sie zu neuen Kolonien heranwuchsen — das Längenwachstum ihrer Stolonen, die Geschwindigkeit ihrer asexuellen Vermehrung durch Knospung neuer Hydranthen sowie die Gonophorenausbildung (sexuelle Fortpflanzung) registriert. Die erhaltenen Daten sind unzureichend für eine detaillierte Analyse, gewähren jedoch interessante Einblicke in die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Temperatur- und Salzgehaltsbedingungen für Wachstum und Vermehrung. Die anfängliche, schrittweise Überführung in die Testmedien verursacht per se Leistungsunterschiede, deren Auswirkungen sich mindestens bis zu einem Alter von 39 Tagen verfolgen lassen. Doubling times stellen daher objektivere Kriterien dar als absolute Zuwachswerte. Die doubling times von Kolonien, welche länger als 20 Tage in den Testmedien gewachsen waren, zeigen eine Verringerung der Stolonenzuwachsrate mit steigender Temperatur (12°, 17°, 22° C). Die Reihenfolge der fördernden Wirkung der einzelnen Salzgehaltsstufen ergibt sich zu 32 , 24 , 16 , 40 S. Im Prinzip ähnliche Verhältnisse liegen hinsichtlich der asexuellen Vermehrungsrate vor. Bemessen an den getesteten Kriterien scheinen die Temperaturansprüche mit zunehmendem Koloniealter abzunehmen. Die errechneten doubling times sind wesentlich länger als beiCordylophora; möglicherweise deutet dieser Unterschied auf inadäquate Kulturbedingungen (Fütterung, Wasserbewegung) hin.

Summary The ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (expressed as D) in hydrogen released as water during the combustion of dried plant material was examined. The D value (metabolic hydrogen) determined on plant materials grown under controlled conditions is correlated with pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism. C3 plants show mean D values of-132 for shoots and -117 for roots; C4 plants show mean D values of -91 for shoots and-77 for roots and CAM plants a D value of-75 for roots and shoots. The difference between the D value of shoot material from C3 and C4 plants was confirmed in species growing under a range of glasshouse conditions. This difference in D value between C3 and C4 species does not appear to be due to differences in the D value (tissue water) in the plants as a result of physical fractionation of hydrogen isotopes during transpiration. In C3 and C4 plants the hydrogen isotope discrimination is in the same direction as the carbon isotope discrimination and factors contributing to the difference in D values are discussed. In CAM plants grown in the laboratory or collected from the field D values range from-75 to +50 and are correlated with 13C values. When deprived of water, the D value (metabolic hydrogen) in both soluble and insoluble material in leaves of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perr., becomes less negative. These changes may reflect the deuterium enrichment of tissue water during transpiration, or in field conditions, may reflect the different D value of available water in areas of increasing aridity. Whatever the origin of the variable D value in CAM plants, this parameter may be a useful index of the water relations of these plants under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The reactions of the starfish Asterias amurensis and Patiria pectinifera that live in Vostok Bay at the salinity of 32–33 to a salinity decrease were studied under laboratory conditions. The lower limits of the desalination tolerance range of A. amurensis and P. pectinifera were, respectively, 24 and 20. A. amurensis proved to be less resistant to desalination. Under experimental conditions, all specimens of this species survived the salinity of 22, while those of P. pectinifera tolerated 18. At the same time, A. amurensis responded more actively than P. pectinifera to unfavorable changes in the environment. Turned to their dorsal side and exposed to a salinity of 16 to 32, the former reverted to the normal position within a shorter time than the latter. Being a more euryhaline species, P. pectinifera endured a salinity decrease to 6 or 8 over, respectively, 21 or 28 h. However, only 30–40% of all specimens could recover locomotory activity 12 or 8.5 h after being placed into water of normal salinity.  相似文献   

Summary During high salinity stress, -alanine accumulates to high levels in the sea anemone,Bunodosoma cavernata. Following a salinity increase from 26 to 40 -alanine increased 28-fold from 1.5 to 41.9 moles/g dry weight. Both whole animal studies and experiments with cell free homogenates indicate that under high salinity conditions an increase in the rate of -alanine synthesis from aspartic acid as well as a decrease in the rate of -alanine oxidation are responsible for the observed accumulation of -alanine. The rate of aspartic acid decarboxylation to -alanine is about 3 times greater in anemones acclimated to 40 than for those in normal salinity water (26). -alanine oxidation to CO2 and acetyl-CoA proceeds 2.5 to 3 times slower in high salinity adaptedB. cavernata than in those acclimated to normal salinity. There is always a rapid degradation of uracil to -alanine, but this does not change with salinity.Abbreviations CASF cold acid soluble fraction - FAA free amino acids - MES 2(N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid - NPS ninhydrin positive substances - PCA perchloric acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

A method is described whereby arrays of samples ofClupea pallasi eggs may be stored during their preparation. The high fertilization potential retained by the eggs during short-term storage allows them to be fertilized synchronously when sample preparation is complete. A variation of the dry method of storage retained maximum fertilization potential (80–85%) of the eggs for about 1 hr, and of milt dilution (18 with 17 S sea water), about 7 hr. Following dry storage, eggs fertilized in salinities of 0–45 showed maximum rates of fertilization in salinities of 10–20, and fertilization rates 50% in salinities of 4.5–42. Salinities of fertilization influenced egg diameter, median hatching time, and larval length at hatching in egg samples transferred 21/2 hr after fertilization to an incubation salinity of 17 at 7°C. Fertilization rates were higher (90–95%) for eggs stored in 17 S at 7°C prior to fertilization. Under such wet storage conditions, maximum fertilization pontential was retained for about 2 hr. Highest fertilization rates (95–96%) were obtained for eggs stored and fertilized in salinities of 12–15. For the species and the area of origin considered (British Columbia), wet storage of eggs should result in maximum fertilization when the eggs are stored at 4°C for a period not greater than 2 hr prior to fertilization in the 12–15 S storage medium.Prepared under the auspices of the Canadian-German Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement.  相似文献   

Ursula Seelemann 《Oecologia》1968,1(1-2):130-154
Zusammenfassung Die Überwindung der biologischen Grenze zwischen Meer und Land durch Mollusken ist bisher nur wenig im Hinblick auf physiologische Umstellungen untersucht worden. Unter diesem Aspekt wurden Experimente durchgeführt an Alderia modesta, einem amphibisch lebenden Opisthobranchier des unteren Supralitorals, und an Ovatella myosotis, einer Pulmonate, die im oberen Supralitoral vorkommt. Alderia zeigt eine relativ enge Salinitätstoleranz. Zu hohe und zu niedrige Salzgehalte hemmen die Entwicklung, führen zu Mißbildungen bei der Embryonalentwicklung und lassen adulte tiere rasch eingehen. In Beziehung zu der Salinität der angrenzenden Gewässer (Brackwasser der Ostsee und der Ästuare, Meerwasser der Nordsee) existieren verschiedene Biotypen, die auf Aussüßung und hohe Salzkonzentration unterschiedlich reagieren.Die weiter ins Supralitoral vorgedrungene Ovatella myositis hat eine wesentlich breitere Salinitätstoleranz. Schädigungen der Adulten treten auf Süßwasser nicht, auf Salzwasser erst oberhalb von 55 auf. Durch schrittweise Adaptation können höhere Konzentrationen ertragen werden. Der Toleranzunterschied zwischen den untersuchten Populationen ist genetisch bedingt. Eiablage, Embryonalentwicklung und Wachstum erfolgen im Bereich zwischen 5 und mindestens 50 Substratsalinität.Physiologisch wird diese große Salinitätstoleranz durch ein fast durchgehendes poikilosmotisches Verhalten ermöglicht. Auf sehr ausgesüßtem Substrat sind die Schnecken stark hypertonisch (auf Süßwasser hat das Binnenmedium auf 7), im ganzen übrigen Bereich weniger stark (3–4 über der Substratsalinität). Im oberen Extrembereich vermögen die Tiere diese Hypertonie offenbar nur schwer aufrechtzuerhalten (vgl. S. 149).Die Veränderungen von Gastropoden auf dem Wege vom Meer über das Supralitoral zum Land werden diskutiert; im Gebiet der Salzwiesen läßt sich ein günstigeres Schema zu dieser Frage aufstellen als bei den bisher meist zitierten Littorinen.
On the emigration of gastropodes from the sea: Studies on Alderia modesta and Ovatella myosotis
Summary Up to now little attention has been paid to the phylogenetic emigration of gastropods from the sea: almost nothing is known about the physiological changes which enable snails to live in terrestrial habitats. To help solve this question, experiments were carried out on Alderia modesta, an opisthobranch slug of the lower supralittoral, and Ovatella myositis, a primitive pulmonate snail of the upper supralittoral. In each case two subspecies were studied.North Sea Alderias differ from their Baltic counterparts in size and salinitytolerance. The difference in size between Ovatella of the Mediterranean and of the Baltic is very slight. There is a marked difference, however, in the salinity-tolerance. Alderia modesta survives in a comparatively narrow range of different salinities. The optimum is between 10 and 20 for Baltic specimens and between 15 and 35 for those of the North Sea. The results are the same in and out of water. Ovatella can live on a freshwater substratum as well as on 55. Specimens of the Mediterranean can even become adapted to 90. Flooded with water of differrent salinities the tolerated range becomes markedly smaller. Eggs are produced between 5 and 50 (Baltic specimens) or 5 and 65 (Mediterranean specimens). All eggs develop without being damaged between 5 and 40 and 10 and 45 respectively. The optimal salinity-concentration for growth and egg-production is 10. Salinity-concentrations below and above these marks disturb the development. In one spawn-mass some eggs cleave normally, others become deformed, and again others do not cleave at all. This heterogeneous reaction points to the existence of something like a physiological polymorphism in regard to salinity-tolerance. The salinity-concentration of the blood of Ovatella was measured after a long-term acclimatisation. Ovatella is poikilosmotic and slightly hypertonic (3–4) throughout almost the whole range of salinities it tolerates. On extremely low concentrations it becomes more hypertonie; on extremely high concentrations it becomes nearly isotonic.

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