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Between March and December 1999, five free-ranging lynx (Lynx lynx) affected by mange were found dead or shot by game wardens in the Swiss Alps. In the first two cases, Notoedres cati was isolated from the skin; in the third and fourth case, Sarcoptes scabiei was the cause of the infection; and in the fifth case, a mixed infection was diagnosed. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) affected with sarcoptic mange and domestic cats infested with N. cati are likely to be the sources of infection. It seems improbable that mange will occur as an epidemic in lynx in Switzerland, but losses due to infections with N. cati and/or S. scabiei may have an impact on this small, geographically limited lynx population. This is the first report of notoedric mange in a free-ranging lynx and the first report of mange in lynx from Switzerland. 相似文献
Understanding the relationship between disease transmission and host density is essential for predicting disease spread and control. Using long-term data on sarcoptic mange in a red fox Vulpes vulpes population, we tested long-held assumptions of density- and frequency-dependent direct disease transmission. We also assessed the role of indirect transmission. Contrary to assumptions typical of epidemiological models, mange dynamics are better explained by frequency-dependent disease transmission than by density-dependent transmission in this canid. We found no support for indirect transmission. We present the first estimates of R0 and age-specific transmission coefficients for mange in foxes. These parameters are important for managing this poorly understood but highly contagious and economically damaging disease. 相似文献
鉴于野生大熊猫种群的濒危现状,已经不允许对其生境进行破坏性或干扰其行为活动较多的调查活动。例如,野生大熊猫个体数量稀少、其栖息地地形复杂或植被茂密,野外直接观察和调查野生大熊猫极为困难。自动感应照相系统是一种非损伤性野生动物调查工具,在很大程度上弥补了传统调查方法的不足,为野生动物的调查和研究提供了新的有效途径。本研究利用自行研究和开发的自动感应照相系统,获得了野生大熊猫及与其同域分布的其它物种的重要生态信息,显示了自动感应照相系统在物种鉴定、区系调查、个体识别、种群监测、性别确定和行为生态学研究等多方面的应用价值[动物学报51(3):495—500,2005]。 相似文献
An outbreak of combined Sarcoptes and Malassezia spp. infection was diagnosed in a rabbitry. About 20 (4%) of 500 rabbits were affected. Two 6- to 8-month-old female Holland Lops rabbits were submitted to the Tifton Diagnostic & Investigational Laboratory at The University of Georgia for complete necropsy. Gross lesions consisted of marked multifocal areas of alopecia, crusting, and dermatitis around the eye and on ears, nose, lips, neck, abdomen, feet, and external genitalia. Histologic examination of the skin revealed epidermal acanthosis with marked parakeratotic hyperkeratosis and cross sections of embedded mites consistent with Sarcoptes sp. and budding yeasts consistent with Malassezia sp. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first case report of combined Sarcoptes and Malassezia spp. infection in rabbits. 相似文献
The dietary composition and partitioning of food resources between five sympatric species of Platycephalidae inhabiting the coastal waters of New South Wales, Australia was investigated. Samples were collected monthly between March and November 2007 onboard commercial ocean prawn trawlers based in the ports of Yamba and Newcastle. Monthly percentage weight contribution of 12 prey categories was analysed to determine if diet was influenced by the variables: species, location, depth, size and maturity. Of the 959 stomachs from the five species examined, 28–54% contained prey. All Platycephalid species primarily consumed teleosts, however the diversity of prey and the proportion each prey type contributed to the overall diet varied substantially between species. Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus, P. longispinis, P. richardsoni and Ambiserrula jugosa were generalist carnivores and consumed prey from a wide variety of phyla including teleosts, crustaceans, polychaetes, molluscs and echinoderms. In contrast, Ratabulus diversidens were primarily piscivorous. Partitioning of prey resources between species was more evident in waters at Yamba than at Newcastle. Differences in diet between locations were considered a result of differential prey exploitation rather than shifts in the suite of prey consumed. Dietary composition was observed to be influenced by size, maturity status and depth however these differences were not observed for all species. 相似文献
The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a keystone species in the Iberian Mediterranean ecosystems being the staple prey of protected and endangered predators. Wild rabbits were once widespread, but the introduction of two viral diseases, myxomatosis in the 1950s and the rabbit hemorrhagic disease in 1989, resulted into a dramatic decline of its populations. Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious parasitic infection caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. The first cases of sarcoptic mange in a wild rabbit population are recorded from a hunting area in Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Five of 32 inspected rabbits (14.7%) were affected, with similar prevalences in summer and autumn. Sarcoptes scabiei were obtained from the edge of the lesions of two of the rabbits. The most frequently observed lesions were small areas of alopecia and crusts in the limbs. Affected limbs presented also a marked hypertrichosis and an apparent abnormal growth of the nails. One rabbit also presented lesions around mouth and nostrils. Parasitized rabbits were in significant lower body condition than healthy ones. According to previous reports of mange epizooties in other naïve wild species that caused marked short-term effects in their populations, this disease may pose a risk for the conservation of wild rabbit and their predators. Whether mange is endemic in rabbits from Majorca or it has been introduced is unknown. Game managers are encouraged to be aware of introducing sarcoptic mange during rabbit translocations. 相似文献
报道了中国5种棺头蟋的核型:石首棺头蟋 Loxoblemmus equestris, 2n=17, XO( ♂);小棺头蟋 L. aomoriensis, 2n=11, XO( ♂); 哈尼棺头蟋 L. haani, 2n=11, XO( ♂);多伊棺头蟋 L. doenitzi, 2n=11, XO( ♂)和窃棺头蟋 L. detectus, 2n=11,XO( ♂)。并应用核型似近系数及进化距离对这5种蟋蟀作了聚类分析,得出5种蟋蟀的演化方向为石首棺头蟋→小棺头蟋→哈尼棺头蟋→多伊棺头蟋→窃棺头蟋。 相似文献
We studied a community of Agave species that coexist in the Metztitlán Canyon in Central Mexico. During 2001, 2002, and 2003, we analyzed floral traits and rosette allometry in five species belonging to the subgenus Littaea: A. celsii albicans, A. xylonacantha, A. difformis, A. striata, and Agave sp.; and observed floral visitors for each species. We report the first evidence of bat visitation in the subgenus Littaea and find that bats (Leptonycteris curasoae, Choeronycteris mexicana, and Glossophaga sp.) are the primary pollinators in four species. Honeybees, hummingbirds, bumblebees and hawkmoths were also common visitors. We propose that the presence of diurnal pollinators may increase the reproductive success of the plant when offering pollinator services additional to the coadapted pollinator. We also found evidence of selection pressures toward semelparity because pollinators are selecting for taller inflorescences in three of the five species. There is phenological complementarity in this community because the flowering periods of the five species span the entire year, although there are some periods when pairs of species overlap. Additionally, we found evidence for character displacement in rosette sizes and separation of spatial and temporal resource use in pollinator composition among species. 相似文献
ABSTRACT On the breeding grounds, migratory birds have limited time to breed and molt before autumn migration. However, few studies of long‐distance migrants have examined the phenology of these events to determine what life‐history trade‐offs might result if these activities overlap. From 2000 to 2007, I used banding data to determine the timing of migration, breeding, and primary molt for Yellow Warblers ( Dendroica petechia), Yellow‐rumped Warblers ( D. coronata coronata), American Redstarts ( Setophaga ruticilla), Ovenbirds ( Seiurus aurocapilla), and Canada Warblers ( Wilsonia canadensis) at a study site in Alberta, Canada. Hatching date did not differ among species ( P= 0.63), with means ranging from 27 June to 3 July. All species began primary molt between 12 July and 18 July, near the expected fledging date of offspring, and therefore all species exhibited overlap between postfledging parental care and molt. The duration of primary molt ranged from 28 d for Canada Warblers to 69 d for Yellow‐rumped Warblers. Yellow Warblers, Yellow‐rumped Warblers, and American Redstarts began autumn migration having completed about 50% of their primary molt. However, Ovenbirds departed when 21% of molt was complete, and Canada Warblers departed 2 d after completing molt. For all five species of warblers, molt did not overlap with nest‐bound breeding activities. However, molt did overlap with both postfledging care and migration. This suggests that initiating migration as soon as possible is important, possibly because earlier arrival on the wintering grounds may improve access to high quality winter habitat. Overall, warblers may maximize individual fitness by combining life‐history events that result in overlapping portions of the breeding cycle, molt, and migration. 相似文献
Ivermectin was used to treat sarcoptic mange in Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica). Its therapeutic effectiveness was analyzed when it was administered through subcutaneous injection, to sick animals in the consolidation stage of mange (third phase) and, with double injections to chronically affected animals (fourth phase) at a dosage of 0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg body weight (bw). Three wk after treatment, the animals in the third phase of mange treated with a high dose (0.4 mg/kg bw) of ivermectin were completely cured. The same result was achieved after 4 wk of treatment in those animals in phase 3 of mange when 0.2 mg/kg body weight was used. Double injection with ivermectin, even at high doses, did not guarantee the complete cure of all cases of sarcoptic mange in the chronic stage (phase 4); only three of six animals were free of Sarcoptes scabiei. The second experiment consisted on the application of a sanitation program in order to obtain a population of Spanish ibex free from S. scabiei, starting with free-ranging animals, some of them healthy and others sick. After capture the animals were classified as chronically ill, in which case they were excluded from the program, mite carriers and healthy specimens. All the animals were treated first topically with foxim (500 mg/l) and subcutaneously with ivermectin (0.4 mg/kg bw). The infected animals were housed in the treatment pen, and received two doses of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg bw) at an interval of 15 days, then spent 15 days in the quarantine pen, where they received a further dose before they were included in the pool of healthy animals, and immediately were placed in the quarantine phase. The sanitation we implemented was fully effective in curing the affliction of Spanish ibex affected by S. scabiei. 相似文献
Summary During a severe outbreak of sarcoptic mange ( Sarcoptes scabiei vulpes) starting among red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes) in Sweden in the 1970s, we studied: 1) the establishment and spread of the disease in northernmost Sweden (by inquiries), and 2) the 1970–84 bag records for foxes and mountain hares ( Lepus timidus) (an alternative prey to the fox's main prey, voles). Since the first case of sarcoptic mange in 1975 the disease spread rapidly, with >50% of the hunting organizations having reported the disease in 1981 and >75% in 1983. Also the disease became more abundant within the areas affected. In areas with a low mange infection rate (index) the number of foxes killed in the 1980s did not deviate markedly from the average level in the 1970s. However, there was a slight tendency towards a decline in areas with a medium index and numbers declined markedly where the index was high. Hare harvests initially were low (after a tularemia epidemic) in the 1970s. In that decade harvests increased dramatically and stabilized, increased gradually or changed little, respectively, where mange infection rates were low, medium or high in the early 1980s. In areas with a low mange index hare harvests remained cyclical and at the same level in the 1980s as in most of the 1970s. However, in areas with a medium index harvests increased and seemed to begin to lose their cyclicity, and where the index was high the low and relatively stable hare harvests increased annually. A predator-prey hypothesis, assuming predators to synchronize alternative prey declines to those of the cyclic main prey, predicts that a predator reduction would cause a gradual disappearance of the cyclicity and increasing numbers among alternative prey. Our hare data are partially consistent with this prediction. 相似文献
The chromosomal localization of ribosomal DNA, and a 180 bp satellite DNA isolated from Spanish Eyprepocnemis plorans specimens, has been analysed in five Eyprepocnemidinae species collected in Russia and Central Asia. Caucasian E. plorans individuals carried each of the two DNAs, but the rDNA was limited to only two chromosomes (S(9) and S(11)) in sharp contrast to Spanish specimens that show 4-8 rDNA clusters and to Moroccan specimens which carry rDNA in almost all chromosomes. The four remaining species, however, lacked the 180 bp tandem repeat, and showed rDNA clusters in one (S(9) in Thisoicetrinus pterostichus), two (S(9) and S(10) in Eyprepocnemis unicolor; M(8) and S(11) in Heteracris adspersa), or three (S(9), S(10), and S(11) in Shirakiacris shirakii) chromosome pairs. The implications of these findings for the evolution of these two chromosome markers in this group of species are discussed. 相似文献
Dietary characteristics and the degree of dietary partitioning by five species of sympatric stingray were assessed using stomach content and sediment analyses within a coral reef lagoon at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia (the cowtail Pastinachus atrus, blue‐spotted fantail Taeniura lymma, blue‐spotted mask Neotrygon kuhlii, porcupine Urogymnus asperrimus rays and the reticulate whipray Himantura uarnak). A total of 2804 items were recovered from the stomachs of 170 rays and 3215 individual taxa from the environment, which were used in selectivity analyses. Twenty‐four prey taxa were identified from stomach contents and pooled into 10 taxonomic categories for analysis, of which annelids, prawns, brachyurans and bivalves were the most abundant, together accounting for 96% of the diet. Himantura uarnak had the greatest interspecific dissimilarity in diet, consuming a larger proportion of crustaceans, notably penaeids (41% of total diet) than the other four species of rays, all of which had diets dominated by annelids (71–82% of total diet). Crustacean specialization by H. uarnak may exist to maximize resources and reduce competition among sympatric species. The remaining species may partition resources on the basis of space, rather than diet. 相似文献
Representatives of 5 amphibian species (313 individuals), including eastern American toads (Bufo americanus), wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer), blue-spotted salamanders (Ambystoma laterale), and central newts (Notophthalmus viridescens louisianensis), were collected from 3 ephemeral ponds during spring 1994, and they were inspected for helminth parasites. The component communities of anurans were more diverse than those of caudates. Infracommunities of all host species were isolationist and depauperate, due mostly to host ectothermy and low vagility. Toad infracommunities were dominated by skin-penetrating nematodes, and they had the highest values of mean total parasite abundance, mean species richness, and overall prevalence. This was likely due to their greater vagility compared with other host species. Infracommunities of wood frogs and blue-spotted salamanders had intermediate values for these measures of parasitism, whereas spring peeper and newt infracommunities had the lowest values. In addition to relative vagility, feeding habits and habitat preference were likely important in helminth community structure. Body size also seemed to play a role because mean wet weight of host species followed the same general trend as values of parasitism. However, effects of size were variable within host species and difficult to separate from other aspects of host ecology. 相似文献
Ateles spp. and Alouatta spp. are often sympatric, and although they are mainly frugivorous and folivorous, respectively, they consume some of the same fruit species. However, they differ in terms of color vision, which is thought to be important for fruit detection. Alouatta spp. have routine trichromatic color vision, while Ateles spp. presents the classic polymorphism of platyrrhines: heterozygous females have trichromatic color vision, and males and homozygous females have dichromatic vision. Given these perceptual differences, one might expect Alouatta spp. to consume more reddish fruits than Ateles spp., since trichromats have an advantage for detecting fruits of that hue. Furthermore, since Ateles spp. have up to six different color vision phenotypes, as do most other platyrrhines, they might be expected to include fruits with a wider variety of hues in their diet than Alouatta spp. To test these hypotheses we studied the fruit foraging behavior of sympatric Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi in Costa Rica, and modeled the detectability of fruit via the various color vision phenotypes in these primates. We found little similarity in fruit diet between these two species (Morisita = 0.086). Furthermore, despite its polymorphism, A. geoffroyi consumed more reddish fruits than A. palliata, which consumed more greenish fruits. Our modeling results suggest that most fruit species included in the diet of A. geoffroyi can be discriminated by most color vision phenotypes present in the population. These findings show that the effect of polymorphism in platyrrhines on fruit detection may not be a disadvantage for frugivory. We suggest that routine trichromacy may be advantageous for other foraging tasks, such as feeding on young leaves. 相似文献
Aim To determine biogeographical patterns in five closely related species in the fish genus Hypseleotris, and to investigate the relative roles of drainage divide crossings and movement during lowered sea levels between drainage basins and biogeographical provinces based on the phylogeographical patterns within the group. The high degree of overlap in the distributions and ecology of these species makes them ideal candidates for comparative phylogeographical study. Location Eastern, central and south‐eastern Australia. Methods A total of 179 Hypseleotris individuals were sequenced from 45 localities for the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the first 30 base pairs of the threonine transfer RNA for a total of 1170 bp. Phylogenetic relationships were hypothesized using parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Results Phylogenetic analysis resolves the five species into three clades. The first corresponds to the species Hypseleotris klunzingeri ( Ogilby, 1898 ); within it two clades are resolved, one consisting of individuals from the Eastern Province (EP), plus two eastern Murray‐Darling Province (MDP) localities, and the other including the remainder of the MDP localities, along with the Lake Eyre Basin (Central Australian Province, CAP) individuals. The other two clades include a mixed Hypseleotris galii ( Ogilby, 1898 )/ Hypseleotris sp. 3 Murray‐Darling clade, with EP and MDP lineages mostly segregated and differentiations in populations spread along the EP, and a mixed Hypseleotris sp. 4 Lake's and Hypseleotris sp. 5 Midgley's clade, with two groups of MDP localities and two CAP lineages indicated, interspersed with EP lineages as well as those from the Northern Province. Main conclusions This study is broadly congruent with a previous analysis of Hypseleotris phylogeny, but the previously observed overall relationship of south‐eastern Australian provinces [EP(MDP+CAP)] was not confirmed and is more complicated than hitherto thought. This highlights the necessity of obtaining a sufficient number of sampling localities to identify potential connectivity between populations in order to demonstrate congruent biogeographical patterns. We identified many instances of drainage divide crossings, which were the major means of movement between provinces. Despite the commonness of movement across drainage divides, very few of these were found to be exactly congruent among the species. Most occurred in different places, or if in the same location, apparently at different times, or in at least one case, in opposite directions. Patterns of movement between adjacent coastal drainages were also found to be largely incongruent; when congruence was found the populations involved had quite different genetic divergences. 相似文献
Frequent outbreaks of Sarcoptes scabiei infestation in raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) have been reported in Japan. Although many raccoon dogs are brought to Kanazawa Zoological Garden (Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan) because of S. scabiei infestation and debilitation, some of them die of asthenia. The clinical status of severely debilitated raccoon dogs must be determined to save their lives. In this study, we compared hematological and serum biochemical values between severely debilitated and nondebilitated raccoon dogs infested with S. scabiei. The total protein, albumin, glucose, and calcium values of debilitated raccoon dogs were significantly lower than those of nondebilitated raccoon dogs. On the other hand, debilitated raccoon dogs had significantly higher aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, sodium, chloride, and phosphorus values than did nondebilitated raccoon dogs. The increase in the blood urea nitrogen value was particularly dramatic. The present study revealed that debilitated raccoon dogs infested with S. scabiei exhibited abnormal hematological values compared with nondebilitated raccoon dogs infested with S. scabiei. Clinically, the raccoon dogs developed malnutrition and sepsis if the mange infestation was untreated. Moreover, dehydration associated with appetite loss may have resulted in insufficient renal perfusion. These findings suggest that chronic S. scabiei infestations debilitated the raccoon dogs and resulted in physiological changes that were detected with hematological and serum biochemical tests. 相似文献
An electron microscopic comparison was made of five species of Candida, namely: C. guilliermondii, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. stellatoidea and C. tropicalis. The cell wall, plasma membrane and the cytoplasm with its organelles were described. The cell wall of C. tropicalis was twice as thick as the cell wall in the other species. C. krusei appeared with distinct, rather elaborate wall sculpturing, a feature not pronounced in the other four species. A single nucleus with nucleolus appeared only in micrographs of C. guilliermondii and C. krusei. At the same time, large central electron-luscent area (vacuole) appeared in the cells of C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis and C. stellatoidea. The cytoplasm of C. tropicalis was characterized by a granular appearance. Budding cells and pseudohyphae appeared similar to single cells in their general organelles. Such organelles in species studied were similar to these reported for other yeasts. These include: mitochondria, lipid granules, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and vacuoles.Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, San Antonio, Texas.In partial fulfillment of the requirement of course work for Master of Science, Incarnate Word College, San Antonio. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to evaluate the natural durability of five lesser-utilized wood species from Mozambique. Both laboratory methods and field tests were applied for assessing wood decay of muanga ( Pericopsis angolensis), metil ( Sterculia appendiculata), namuno ( Acacia nigrescens), ncurri ( Icuria dunensis), and ntholo ( Pseudolachnostylis maprounaefolia). Laboratory tests involved soft-, brown-, and white-rot fungi and termites. Heart- and sapwood of ncurri and ntholo were exposed in above-ground field tests; additionally, all species were exposed to in-ground contact tests. The results indicated that namuno, muanga, ncurri, and ntholo are resistant to soft-, brown- and white-rot fungi and the termite species Reticulitermes grassea and Mastotermes darwiniensis. Comparatively, soft-rot caused more severe decay on the studied wood species than did basidiomycete fungi. The brown-rot fungi Coniophora puteana, Gloeophiyllum trabeum, and Postia placenta caused less decay on the tested species than did the white-rot Trametes versicolor. Metil was not resistant to any of the mentioned hazards. Therefore, this species is not recommendable for exterior use if untreated. 相似文献