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Increasingly programmes are being set up to monitor rocky-shore communities in order to provide baseline data which will indicate changes resulting from subsequent pollution. However, these efforts are complicated by several factors. Firstly, there are overall changes in the composition of communities both within and between years. Secondly, there is variation within certain communities due to a mosaic distribution of components, the mosaic format changing continuously with a cycle of several years. This paper reports on studies of a medium-exposed rocky shore in the Isle of Man (U. K.). It describes patterns of spatial and temporal variation, and looks at certain implications for monitoring programmes: (a) the frequency of sampling, and the duration of the sampling programme, in the light of seasonal and long-term variation; (b) the efficiency, in terms of the minimisation of variability, of sampling the same area by different strategies — belt transects, small random quadrats, single large quadrat; (c) the effect of the distribution patterns of some commoner species on the variation between samples.  相似文献   

After a seven-century lull in Christian scholarship about dreams, the mid-Twentieth Century saw the beginning of a growing effort to convince Christians dreams are a significant means of communication with God. This essay summarizes and criticizes Morton Kelsey's central argument concerning the Christian significance of dreams in his God, dreams, and revelation (1991). Kelsey's is a thoughtful version of the argument common to his colleagues. As such, it displays both the strengths and the weaknesses of the general position. It correctly reminds Christians of dreams' significance in their past. But if Kelsey means to offer a fully supported logical argument, that argument is not clear and even the most sympathetic restatement of it leaves it unsound. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Monocultures have been the preferred production route in the bio-industry, where contamination has been a major bottleneck. In nature, microorganisms usually exist as part of organized communities and consortia, gaining benefits from co-habitation, keeping invaders at bay. There is increasing interest in the use of co-cultures to tackle contamination issues, and simultaneously increase productivity and product diversity. The feasibility of extending the natural phenomenon of co-habitation to the biomanufacturing industry in the form of co-cultures requires careful and systematic consideration of several aspects. This article will critically examine and review current work on microbial co-cultures, with the intent of examining the concept and proposing a design pipeline that can be developed in a biomanufacturing context.  相似文献   

Remission is key to prevent progression of rheumatoid arthritis, but it is still rarely seen in clinical practice, not to speak of sustained remission, which is the best possible disease outcome of rheumatoid arthritis. New strategies and recommendations focus on achievement of remission, but it is unclear how long remission can actually be maintained in clinical practice. A study by Prince and colleagues gives insights into this question, and raises some other questions for the future.Remission of rheumatoid arthritis (RA): not so long ago this concept was illusory and far out of reach for rheumatologists. In fact, there was also little scientific interest, as the main focus of RA therapy was to prevent severe disability, which was evident in a good portion of patients until even the 1990s. It can easily be appreciated that things have changed by looking at the trend over time in the scientific interest in remission of RA: if one simply pulls publications on ''rheumatoid arthritis'' and compares those including the term ''remission'' with those including the term ''therapy'', it is striking that when comparing the number of publications in the year 1980 with the respective number in 2010, the indexed articles increased 4.4-fold when the term ''therapy'' was used, and 15-fold with the term ''remission'' (Figure (Figure1).1). The current article on sustainment of remission by Prince and colleagues [1] thus hits a very timely topic.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Studies on remission in rheumatoid arthritis. The graph shows the disproportional increase of studies on remission of rheumatoid arthritis (light bars) when compared to studies of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (dark bars) over the years.In recent years, particularly the treat to target concept has engaged therapy towards reaching the goal of remission in patients with RA [2], and this has also been reflected in recent management recommendations for RA by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) [3], and finally culminated in the publication of new remission criteria by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and EULAR [4]. Throughout the years, a central question in the definition of remission has been whether it should be at a single point in time or should include a time perspective. The most recent decision on this in the aforementioned ACR/EULAR remission criteria was the former.This single time point definition of remission may sound contradictory to the concept of RA being a progressive and destructive disease, and disease activity over time being the most robust predictor of such progression. On a closer look, and considering the treat to target approach, it begins to make more sense: as long as remission at a single point in time is not reached, treatment needs to be adapted. There is no doubt, however, that achieving remission is just the beginning of therapeutic success in RA: years ago, for example, in their definition of remission, the US Food and Drug Administration had adopted the concept of reaching a good state without radiographic progression [5], and this concept can similarly be found in some of the most recent clinical trials.Still, little definite is known about how often sustained remission can be achieved, and what then the minimum time requirements would be. The current paper by Prince and colleagues provides insights into the question of maintenance of remission, troubling insights in fact, as they conclude that only about half of individuals in remission at a single time point (by any instrument) remain in remission at a subsequent measurement a year later. Among those losing the remission status, only one in four patients was able to regain the remission status subsequently.Another aspect of the data, as can be deduced from the Kaplan-Meier plots in the pulication of Prince and colleagues [1], is the fact that the greatest loss of remission status occurred after a single remission visit, and once remission was seen on two subsequent visits, the chance of remaining in remission became much higher. This matches other reports on the fact that frequency of remission in patients in a typical outpatient setting drops from approximately 40% if a single random visit is looked at to about 20% if two subsequent visits in remission are required [6]. Van der Kooij and colleagues [7] used the data from the BeST trial and further showed that the longer and the better a good clinical state is maintained, the greater the likelihood of remaining in that state.One limitation in the present study remains the fact that the remission status has been determined only on an annual basis. RA is a fluctuating disease, and the fluctuating disease activity over time, even when overall levels were low, had been shown to be a risk factor for radiographic progression, the prevention of which is a core structural target of RA treatment [8]. Since no data are available about the time points between the annual assessments, nor radiographic data, not all the final questions can be answered by Prince and colleagues.In fact, there are many other questions around this topic, some of which may even sound a bit heretical, such as: ''Why remission?'' Particularly when biological drugs are used, reaching remission may not always be necessary: it has been shown for tumour necrosis factor-α inhibitors that structural progression is abrogated even if some levels of disease activity remain [9,10]. Recently, this has also been shown for interleukin-6 receptor blockade [11] and it remains to be seen if this is the case also for other biologic modes of action, such as inhibition of co-stimulation or B-cell-directed therapy. This supports the single point in time approach to remission as discussed above, which for some patients in some circumstances may even only need to be low disease activity [3].In summary, we can conclude that we have come a long way, and the road remains ahead of us. Sustained remission is an ambitious goal for patients with RA, and with the current article we have learned that it is only infrequently seen. At the same time we have also noticed the developments in therapies and therapeutic strategies in the past decades, and extrapolating this to the future, it may be more than timely to start thinking about sustainment of remission, its definition as an outcome measure of successful treatment, and eventually also its definition in regards to the right timing of a therapeutic withdrawal.  相似文献   

In the general euphoria over the many views in the Merrison Report that the profession welcomed too little attention has been paid to what has been said about specialist registration. The report contains several basic confusions and a serious misunderstanding of the nature of specialist medical training and practice. It makes several cardinal errors in thinking that some notorious problems related to NHS staffing are also related to a lack of an effective specialist register, and it shows how the creation of such a register would largely destroy the authority of the colleges and faculties. Nowhere in the report is there any convincing argument to show that specialist registration would confer advantages sufficient to outweigh the disadvantages. To let specialist registration in the UK slip in on the irrelevant coat tails of EEC requirements would be a grave dereliction of the long-term interests of medical practice and patient care. The General Medical Council is holding a conference in which this topic is to be discussed on 24 February 1976 and it is still not too late for the profession to think again on this topic.  相似文献   

Tree planting in the tropics is conducted for a number of reasons including carbon sequestration, but often competes with increasingly scarce water resources. The basics of forest and water relations are frequently said to be well understood but there is a pressing need to better understand and predict the hydrological effects of land‐use and climate change in the complex and dynamic landscapes of the tropics. This will remain elusive without the empirical data required to feed hydrological process models. It is argued that the current state of knowledge is confused by too broad a use of the terms ‘forest’ and ‘(af)forestation’, as well as by a bias towards using data generated mostly outside the tropics and for nondegraded soil conditions. Definitions of forest, afforestation and reforestation as used in the climate change community and their application by land and water managers need to be reconciled.  相似文献   

Aimone JB  Deng W  Gage FH 《Neuron》2011,70(4):589-596
Recently, investigation of new neurons in memory formation has focused on a specific function-pattern separation. However, it has been difficult to reconcile the form of separation tested in behavioral tasks with how it is conceptualized according to computational and electrophysiology perspectives. Here, we propose a memory resolution hypothesis that considers the unique information contributions of broadly tuned young neurons and highly specific mature neurons and describe how the fidelity of memories can relate to spatial and contextual discrimination. See the related Perspective from Sahay, Wilson, and Hen, "Pattern Separation: A?Common Function for New Neurons in Hippocampus and Olfactory Bulb," in this issue of Neuron.  相似文献   

State space methods have proven indispensable in neural data analysis. However, common methods for performing inference in state-space models with non-Gaussian observations rely on certain approximations which are not always accurate. Here we review direct optimization methods that avoid these approximations, but that nonetheless retain the computational efficiency of the approximate methods. We discuss a variety of examples, applying these direct optimization techniques to problems in spike train smoothing, stimulus decoding, parameter estimation, and inference of synaptic properties. Along the way, we point out connections to some related standard statistical methods, including spline smoothing and isotonic regression. Finally, we note that the computational methods reviewed here do not in fact depend on the state-space setting at all; instead, the key property we are exploiting involves the bandedness of certain matrices. We close by discussing some applications of this more general point of view, including Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for neural decoding and efficient estimation of spatially-varying firing rates.  相似文献   



Male-factor infertility presents a vexing problem for many reproductively active couples. Many studies have focused on abnormal sperm parameters. Recent advances in proteomic techniques, especially in mass spectrometry, have aided in the study of sperm and more specifically, sperm proteins. The aim of this study was to review the current literature on the various proteomic techniques, and their usefulness in diagnosing sperm dysfunction and potential applications in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Much study of ritual has focused on demarcated spaces and times of performance, and the often spectacular features of such collective behaviour provide rich resources for analysis of formal, symbolically dense action. This article shifts attention to dimensions of ritual events that entail zones of ambiguous, diffuse, or limited engagement where the boundaries between participant and non-participant, viewer and viewed, may be unclear. Focusing on visits to the English pilgrimage site of Walsingham, I examine multiple modalities of participation through analysing the relationships among observing, engaging in, and narrating ritual action. In doing so, I develop a lexicon for the study of performances whose ethnographic profile does not stand out in sharp relief. Key terms for my analysis are ‘laterality’ (as opposed to liminality) and ‘penumbra’ (as opposed to centre).  相似文献   

Evolution is a fundamentally population level process in which variation, drift and selection produce both temporal and spatial patterns of change. Statistical model fitting is now commonly used to estimate which kind of evolutionary process best explains patterns of change through time using models like Brownian motion, stabilizing selection (Ornstein–Uhlenbeck) and directional selection on traits measured from stratigraphic sequences or on phylogenetic trees. But these models assume that the traits possessed by a species are homogeneous. Spatial processes such as dispersal, gene flow and geographical range changes can produce patterns of trait evolution that do not fit the expectations of standard models, even when evolution at the local‐population level is governed by drift or a typical OU model of selection. The basic properties of population level processes (variation, drift, selection and population size) are reviewed and the relationship between their spatial and temporal dynamics is discussed. Typical evolutionary models used in palaeontology incorporate the temporal component of these dynamics, but not the spatial. Range expansions and contractions introduce rate variability into drift processes, range expansion under a drift model can drive directional change in trait evolution, and spatial selection gradients can create spatial variation in traits that can produce long‐term directional trends and punctuation events depending on the balance between selection strength, gene flow, extirpation probability and model of speciation. Using computational modelling that spatial processes can create evolutionary outcomes that depart from basic population‐level notions from these standard macroevolutionary models.  相似文献   

Quasi-stationarity and time to extinction are studied for the classic endemic model. Attention is restricted to the transition region in parameter space where the quasi-stationary distribution is non-normal. A new approximation of the marginal distribution of infected individuals in quasi-stationarity is presented. It leads to a simple explicit expression for an approximation of the critical community size in terms of model parameters.  相似文献   

1. For many species and circumstances, mark-resighting procedures constitute valid alternatives to capture-recapture methods. Indeed, resightings are generally cheaper to acquire than physically recapturing and rehandling the animals, especially when radiotelemetry or other tracking devices are available. 2. In order to estimate population abundance, the joint hypergeometric maximum likelihood estimator, the Minta-Mangel estimator and the Bowden estimator are implemented in noremark, software which has become very popular with biologists in the past decade. 3. In this paper, the basic assumptions regarding these widely applied procedures are delineated and discussed. A simulation study is performed in order to investigate the robustness of the estimators under failure of the assumptions. 4. Theoretical considerations and simulation results motivate the use of the Bowden estimator which, when marks are distributed quite evenly among groups, constitutes the sole reliable method, offering computational simplicity and robustness. On the other hand, if the marks are distributed unevenly, no mark-resighting procedure seems reliable. An application to a case study is considered.  相似文献   

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