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Several flagellar dynein ATPase and radial spokehead genes have been isolated from a Chlamydomonas genomic expression library in lambda gt11. The library was probed with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies raised against purified flagellar polypeptides, and recombinant phage giving positive signals were cloned. In vitro translation of mRNAs hybrid-selected by the cloned sequences from whole cell RNA provided confirmation of identity for three of the four clones. Evidence supporting the identification of the fourth, which encodes a dynein heavy chain, was provided by antibody selection; the fusion protein produced by this clone selected heavy chain-specific antibodies from a complex polyclonal antiserum recognizing many dynein determinants. One of the radial spoke sequences isolated here is of particular interest because it encodes the wild-type allele of a locus which was defined previously by temperature-sensitive paralyzed flagella mutation pf-26ts (Huang, B., G. Piperno, Z. Ramanis, and D. J. L. Luck, 1981, J. Cell Biol., 88:80-88). The cloned sequence was used to hybrid-select mRNA from mutant pf-26ts cells, and when translated in vitro, the selected mRNA produced a mutant spokehead polypeptide with an altered electrophoretic mobility. This confirms that the pf-26ts mutation alters the primary structure of a radial spokehead polypeptide. To quantify spokehead and dynein mRNAs during flagellar regeneration, all of the cloned sequences were used as hybridization probes in RNA dot experiments. Levels increased rapidly and coordinately after deflagellation, peaked 3-10-fold above nondeflagellated controls, and then returned to control values within 2 h. This accumulation pattern was similar to that of flagellar alpha-tubulin mRNA.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) contain an amphipathic helix (AH) that binds the dimerization and docking (D/D) domain, RIIa, in cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). Many AKAPs were discovered solely based on the AH–RIIa interaction in vitro. An RIIa or a similar Dpy-30 domain is also present in numerous diverged molecules that are implicated in critical processes as diverse as flagellar beating, membrane trafficking, histone methylation, and stem cell differentiation, yet these molecules remain poorly characterized. Here we demonstrate that an AKAP, RSP3, forms a dimeric structural scaffold in the flagellar radial spoke complex, anchoring through two distinct AHs, the RIIa and Dpy-30 domains, in four non-PKA spoke proteins involved in the assembly and modulation of the complex. Interestingly, one AH can bind both RIIa and Dpy-30 domains in vitro. Thus, AHs and D/D domains constitute a versatile yet potentially promiscuous system for localizing various effector mechanisms. These results greatly expand the current concept about anchoring mechanisms and AKAPs.  相似文献   

Radial spokes of the eukaryotic flagellum extend from the A tubule of each outer doublet microtubule toward the central pair microtubules. In the paralyzed flagella mutant of Chlamydomonas pf14, a mutation in the gene for one of 17 polypeptides that comprise the radial spokes results in flagella that lack all 17 spoke components. The defective gene product, radial spoke protein 3 (RSP3), is, therefore, pivotal to the assembly of the entire spoke and may attach the spoke to the axoneme. We have synthesized RSP3 in vitro and assayed its binding to axonemes from pf14 cells to determine if RSP3 can attach to spokeless axonemes. In vitro, RSP3 binds to pf14 axonemes, but not to wild-type axonemes or microtubules polymerized from purified chick brain tubulin. The sole axoneme binding domain of RSP3 is located within amino acids 1-85 of the 516 amino acid protein; deletion of these amino acids abolishes binding by RSP3. Fusion of amino acids 1-85 or 42-85 to an unrelated protein confers complete or partial binding activity, respectively, to the fusion protein. Transformation of pf14 cells with mutagenized RSP3 genes indicates that amino acids 18-87 of RSP3 are important to its function, but that the carboxy-terminal 140 amino acids can be deleted with little effect on radial spoke assembly or flagellar motility.  相似文献   

Radial spokes are conserved macromolecular complexes that are essential for ciliary motility. A triplet of three radial spokes, RS1, RS2, and RS3, repeats every 96 nm along the doublet microtubules. Each spoke has a distinct base that docks to the doublet and is linked to different inner dynein arms. Little is known about the assembly and functions of individual radial spokes. A knockout of the conserved ciliary protein FAP206 in the ciliate Tetrahymena resulted in slow cell motility. Cryo–electron tomography showed that in the absence of FAP206, the 96-nm repeats lacked RS2 and dynein c. Occasionally, RS2 assembled but lacked both the front prong of its microtubule base and dynein c, whose tail is attached to the front prong. Overexpressed GFP-FAP206 decorated nonciliary microtubules in vivo. Thus FAP206 is likely part of the front prong and docks RS2 and dynein c to the microtubule.  相似文献   

Biochemical studies of Chlamydomonas flagellar axonemes revealed that radial spoke protein (RSP) 3 is an A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP). To determine the physiological role of PKA anchoring in the axoneme, an RSP3 mutant, pf14, was transformed with an RSP3 gene containing a mutation in the PKA-binding domain. Analysis of several independent transformants revealed that the transformed cells exhibit an unusual phenotype: a fraction of the cells swim normally; the remainder of the cells twitch feebly or are paralyzed. The abnormal/paralyzed motility is not due to an obvious deficiency of radial spoke assembly, and the phenotype cosegregates with the mutant RSP3. We postulated that paralysis was due to failure in targeting and regulation of axonemal cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). To test this, reactivation experiments of demembranated cells were performed in the absence or presence of PKA inhibitors. Importantly, motility in reactivated cell models mimicked the live cell phenotype with nearly equal fractions of motile and paralyzed cells. PKA inhibitors resulted in a twofold increase in the number of motile cells, rescuing paralysis. These results confirm that flagellar RSP3 is an AKAP and reveal that a mutation in the PKA binding domain results in unregulated axonemal PKA activity and inhibition of normal motility.  相似文献   

Genetic and in vitro analyses have revealed that radial spokes play a crucial role in regulation of ciliary and flagellar motility, including control of waveform. However, the mechanisms of regulation are not understood. Here, we developed a novel procedure to isolate intact radial spokes as a step toward understanding the mechanism by which these complexes regulate dynein activity. The isolated radial spokes sediment as 20S complexes that are the size and shape of radial spokes. Extracted radial spokes rescue radial spoke structure when reconstituted with isolated axonemes derived from the radial spoke mutant pf14. Isolated radial spokes are composed of the 17 previously defined spoke proteins as well as at least five additional proteins including calmodulin and the ubiquitous dynein light chain LC8. Analyses of flagellar mutants and chemical cross-linking studies demonstrated calmodulin and LC8 form a complex located in the radial spoke stalk. We postulate that calmodulin, located in the radial spoke stalk, plays a role in calcium control of flagellar bending.  相似文献   

Ectopic expression of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) has been proposed to play an important role in cancer. dnmt1 mRNA is undetectable in growth-arrested cells but is induced upon entrance into the S phase of the cell cycle, and until now, the mechanisms responsible for this regulation were unknown. In this report, we demonstrate that the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of the dnmt1 mRNA can confer a growth-dependent regulation on its own message as well as a heterologous beta-globin mRNA. Our results indicate that a 54-nucleotide highly conserved element within the 3'-UTR is necessary and sufficient to mediate this regulation. Cell-free mRNA decay experiments demonstrate that this element increases mRNA turnover rates and does so to a greater extent in the presence of extracts prepared from arrested cells. A specific RNA-protein complex is formed with the 3'-UTR only in growth-arrested cells, and a UV cross-linking analysis revealed a 40-kDa protein (p40), the binding of which is dramatically increased in growth-arrested cells and is inversely correlated with dnmt1 mRNA levels as cells are induced into the cell cycle. Although ectopic expression of human DNMT1 lacking the 3'-UTR can transform NIH-3T3 cells, inclusion of the 3'-UTR prevents transformation. These results support the hypothesis that deregulated expression of DNMT1 with the cell cycle is important for cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Ciliary beating requires the coordinated activity of numerous axonemal complexes. The protein composition and role of radial spokes (RS), nexin links (N-DRC) and dyneins (ODAs and IDAs) is well established. However, how information is transmitted from the central apparatus to the RS and across other ciliary structures remains unclear. Here, we identify a complex comprising the evolutionarily conserved proteins Ccdc96 and Ccdc113, positioned parallel to N-DRC and forming a connection between RS3, dynein g, and N-DRC. Although Ccdc96 and Ccdc113 can be transported to cilia independently, their stable docking and function requires the presence of both proteins. Deletion of either CCDC113 or CCDC96 alters cilia beating frequency, amplitude and waveform. We propose that the Ccdc113/Ccdc96 complex transmits signals from RS3 and N-DRC to dynein g and thus regulates its activity and the ciliary beat pattern.  相似文献   

Among the major challenges in understanding ciliary and flagellar motility is to determine how the dynein motors are assembled and localized and how dynein-driven outer doublet microtubule sliding is controlled. Diverse studies, particularly in Chlamydomonas, have determined that the inner arm dynein I1 is targeted to a unique structural position and is critical for regulating the microtubule sliding required for normal ciliary/flagellar bending. As described in this review, I1 dynein offers additional opportunities to determine the principles of assembly and targeting of dyneins to cellular locations and for studying the mechanisms that regulate dynein activity and control of motility by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

When 21S dynein ATPase [EC] from sea urchin sperm flagellar axonemes was mixed with the salt-extracted axonemes, the ATPase activity was much higher than the sum of ATPase activities in the two fractions, as reported previously (Gibbons, I.R. & Fronk, E. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 187-196). This high ATPase level was for the first time demonstrated to be due to the activation of the 21S dynein ATPase activity by the axonemes. The mode of the activation was studied to get an insight into the mechanism of dynein-microtubule interaction. The salt-extracted axonemes caused a 7- to 8-fold activation of the 21S dynein ATPase activity at an axoneme : dynein weight ratio of about 14 : 1. The activation was maximal at a low ionic strength (no KCl) at pH 7.9-8.3. Under these conditions, 21S dynein rebound to the salt-extracted axonemes. The maximal binding ratio of 21S dynein to the axonemes was the same as that observed in the maximal activation of 21S dynein ATPase. The sliding between the outer doublet microtubules in the trypsin-treated 21S dynein-rebound axonemes took place upon the addition of 0.05-0.1 mM ATP in the absence of KCl. During the sliding, the rate of ATP hydrolysis was at the same level as that of the 21S dynein activated by the salt-extracted axonemes. However, it decreased to the level of 21S dynein alone after the sliding. These results suggested that an interaction of the axoneme-rebound 21S dynein with B-subfibers of the adjacent outer doublet microtubules in the axoneme causes the activation of the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

G Mocz  I R Gibbons 《Biochemistry》1990,29(20):4839-4843
The circular dichroic spectra of outer arm dynein from sea urchin sperm flagella, of its separated alpha and beta heavy-chain complexes, and of the two major fragments produced by tryptic digestion of the beta heavy chain have been measured over the range 190-240 nm. Although the spectra show significant individuality, in all cases they qualitatively resemble those of typical globular proteins with mixed regions of alpha-helix and beta-sheet (alpha/beta-type structure) or with separate alpha-helix- and beta-sheet-rich regions (alpha+beta-type structure). Quantitative analyses of the spectra by both constrained and unconstrained least-squares curve-fitting procedures indicate that the intact dynein contains approximately 26% alpha-helix. The separated beta heavy-chain complex and its ATPase-containing amino-terminal domain (fragment A) both have spectra resembling that of intact dynein, and they appear to contain 32% and 23% alpha-helix, respectively. The carboxy-terminal domain of the beta heavy chain (fragment B) and the separated alpha heavy chain have significantly different spectra; however, they each appear to contain 26-36% alpha-helix. These data suggest that dynein does not contain an extensive alpha-helical domain, such as is found in the carboxy-terminal rod region of the other motor proteins myosin and kinesin.  相似文献   

Axonemes are highly organized microtubule-based structures conserved in many eukaryotes. In an attempt to study axonemes by a proteomics approach, we selectively cloned cDNAs of axonemal proteins by immunoscreening the testis cDNA library from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis by using an antiserum against whole axonemes. We report here a 37-kDa protein of which cDNA occurred most frequently among total positive clones. This protein, named LRR37, belongs to the class of SDS22+ leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family. LRR37 is different from the LRR outer arm dynein light chain reported in Chlamydomonas and sea urchin flagella, and thus represents a novel axonemal LRR protein. Immunoelectron microscopy by using a polyclonal antibody against LRR37 showed that it is localized on the tip of the radial spoke, most likely on the spoke head. The LRR37 protein in fact seems to form a complex together with radial spoke protein 3 in a KI extract of the axonemes. These results suggest that LRR37 is a component of the radial spoke head and is involved in the interaction with other radial spoke components or proteins in the central pair projection.  相似文献   

Cilia/flagella are conserved organelles that generate fluid flow in eukaryotes. The bending motion of flagella requires concerted activity of dynein motors. Although it has been reported that the central pair apparatus (CP) and radial spokes (RSs) are important for flagellar motility, the molecular mechanism underlying CP- and RS-mediated dynein regulation has not been identified. In this paper, we identified nonspecific intermolecular collision between CP and RS as one of the regulatory mechanisms for flagellar motility. By combining cryoelectron tomography and motility analyses of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella, we show that binding of streptavidin to RS heads paralyzed flagella. Moreover, the motility defect in a CP projection mutant could be rescued by the addition of exogenous protein tags on RS heads. Genetic experiments demonstrated that outer dynein arms are the major downstream effectors of CP- and RS-mediated regulation of flagellar motility. These results suggest that mechanosignaling between CP and RS regulates dynein activity in eukaryotic flagella.  相似文献   

Flagellar dynein activity is regulated by phosphorylation. One critical phosphoprotein substrate in Chlamydomonas is the 138-kDa intermediate chain (IC138) of the inner arm dyneins (Habermacher, G., and Sale, W. S. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 136, 167-176). In this study, several approaches were used to determine that casein kinase I (CKI) is physically anchored in the flagellar axoneme and regulates IC138 phosphorylation and dynein activity. First, using a videomicroscopic motility assay, selective CKI inhibitors rescued dynein-driven microtubule sliding in axonemes isolated from paralyzed flagellar mutants lacking radial spokes. Rescue of dynein activity failed in axonemes isolated from these mutant cells lacking IC138. Second, CKI was unequivocally identified in salt extracts from isolated axonemes, whereas casein kinase II was excluded from the flagellar compartment. Third, Western blots indicate that within flagella, CKI is anchored exclusively to the axoneme. Analysis of multiple Chlamydomonas motility mutants suggests that the axonemal CKI is located on the outer doublet microtubules. Finally, CKI inhibitors that rescued dynein activity blocked phosphorylation of IC138. We propose that CKI is anchored on the outer doublet microtubules in position to regulate flagellar dynein.  相似文献   

Increased phosphorylation of dynein IC IC138 correlates with decreases in flagellar microtubule sliding and phototaxis defects. To test the hypothesis that regulation of IC138 phosphorylation controls flagellar bending, we cloned the IC138 gene. IC138 encodes a novel protein with a calculated mass of 111 kDa and is predicted to form seven WD-repeats at the C terminus. IC138 maps near the BOP5 locus, and bop5-1 contains a point mutation resulting in a truncated IC138 lacking the C terminus, including the seventh WD-repeat. bop5-1 cells display wild-type flagellar beat frequency but swim slower than wild-type cells, suggesting that bop5-1 is altered in its ability to control flagellar waveform. Swimming speed is rescued in bop5-1 transformants containing the wild-type IC138, confirming that BOP5 encodes IC138. With the exception of the roadblock-related light chain, LC7b, all the other known components of the I1 complex, including the truncated IC138, are assembled in bop5-1 axonemes. Thus, the bop5-1 motility phenotype reveals a role for IC138 and LC7b in the control of flagellar bending. IC138 is hyperphosphorylated in paralyzed flagellar mutants lacking radial spoke and central pair components, further indicating a role for the radial spokes and central pair apparatus in control of IC138 phosphorylation and regulation of flagellar waveform.  相似文献   

Yamamoto R  Yanagisawa HA  Yagi T  Kamiya R 《FEBS letters》2006,580(27):6357-6360
To elucidate the subunit composition of axonemal inner-arm dynein, we examined a 38 kDa protein (p38) co-purified with a Chlamydomonas inner arm subspecies, dynein d. We found it is a novel protein conserved among a variety of organisms with motile cilia and flagella. Immunoprecipitation using specific antibody verified its association with a heavy chain, actin and a previously identified light chain (p28). Unexpectedly, mutant axonemes lacking dynein d and other dyneins retained reduced amounts of p38. This finding suggests that p38 is involved in the docking of dynein d to specific loci.  相似文献   

The role of the dynein stalk in cytoplasmic and flagellar motility   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have recently identified a microtubule binding domain within the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein. This domain is situated at the end of a slender 10–12 nm projection which corresponds to the stalks previously observed extending from the heads of both axonemal and cytoplasmic dyneins. The stalks also correspond to the B-links observed to connect outer arm axonemal dyneins to the B-microtubules in flagella and constitute the microtubule attachment sites during dynein motility. The stalks contrast strikingly with the polymer attachment domains of the kinesins and myosins which are found on the surface of the motor head. The difference in dynein's structural design raises intriguing questions as to how the stalk functions in force production along microtubules. In this article, we attempt to integrate the myriad of biochemical and EM structural data that has been previously collected regarding dynein with recent molecular findings, in an effort to begin to understand the mechanism of dynein motility. Received: 13 March 1998 / Revised version: 17 April 1998 / Accepted: 17 April 1998  相似文献   

Members of the heat-shock protein (HSP)40 regulate the protein folding activity of HSP70 proteins and help the functional specialization of this molecular chaperone system in various types of cellular events. We have recently identified Hsp40 as a component of flagellar axoneme in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, suggesting a correlation between Hsp40 related chaperone system and flagellar function. In this study, we have found that Ciona 37-kDa Hsp40 is extracted from KCl-treated axonemes with 0.5 M KI solution and comigrates with radial spoke protein (RSP)3 along with several proteins as a complex through gel filtration and ion exchange columns. Peptide mass fingerprinting with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time of flight/mass spectrometry revealed that other proteins in the complex include a homolog of sea urchin spokehead protein (homolog of RSP4/6), a membrane occupation and recognition nexus repeat protein with sequence similarity with meichroacidin, and a functionally unknown 33-kDa protein. A spoke head protein, LRR37, is not included in the complex, suggesting that the complex constructs the stalk of radial spoke. Immunoelectron microscopy indicates that Hsp40 is localized in the distal portion of spoke stalk, possibly at the junction between spoke head and the stalk.  相似文献   

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