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 Carbohydrate antigens such as GM2, GD2 and GD3 (gangliosides), Lewisy and globo-H (neutral glycolipids and glycoproteins), and Tn, TF and sTn (glycoproteins) are overexpressed in a variety of cancers. Antibodies against several of these carbohydrate antigens have been detected in sera from patients treated with cancer vaccines, and have been associated with a more favorable prognosis. Clinical responses have been reported after treatment with monoclonal antibodies against some of these antigens. Hence cell-surface carbohydrate antigens have been identified as suitable targets for immune attack by both active and passive immunotherapies. Different approaches have been adopted to induce immune responses against these carbohydrate antigens. These includes vaccination with whole or lysed tumor cells, purified or synthetic carbohydrates, immunogenic carbohydrate derivatives, or carbohydrates conjugated with immunogenic carriers and administered with immunological adjuvants. In the case of gangliosides, immunization with either whole tumor cells or cell lysates has only occasionally induced responses against carbohydrate antigens, and the antibodies were generally IgM antibodies of low titer. Compared with other methods of vaccination, conjugate vaccines have consistently induced the highest titer of IgM and IgG antibodies against gangliosides and other carbohydrate antigens. Preclinical and clinical studies with conjugate carbohydrate vaccines have induced IgM and IgG antibody responses capable of inducing complement-mediated cytotoxicity of tumor cells in vitro and associated with prolonged disease-free and overall survival in patients. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are important antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that can prime naive T cells and control adaptive immune responses with respect to magnitude, memory and self-tolerance. Understanding the biology of these cells is central to the development of new generation immunotherapies for cancer and chronic infections. This review presents a brief overview of DC biology and of the preparation and use of DC-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Cytokine combinations in immunotherapy for solid tumors: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of cytokines alone or in combination with other cytokines or cytotoxic drugs has had a profound effect upon widely metastatic disease in many cases. However, despite the encouraging results in early trials, there is much room for improvement. Few responses to these combinations are complete, and toxicity has in some cases been quite severe. Changes in dose, route, or schedule of administration of the drugs, or the development of cytokine analogs may lead to more efficacious and less toxic regimens. In addition, new cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-7 and IL-12 are currently under investigation for potential use in future immunotherapy trials. These prospects and the use of cytokine combinations are promising advances in the treatment of human cancer.  相似文献   

Experimental vaccine strategies for cancer immunotherapy   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Recently, cancer immunotherapy has emerged as a therapeutic option for the management of cancer patients. This is based on the fact that our immune system, once activated, is capable of developing specific immunity against neoplastic but not normal cells. Increasing evidence suggests that cell-mediated immunity, particularly T-cell-mediated immunity, is important for the control of tumor cells. Several experimental vaccine strategies have been developed to enhance cell-mediated immunity against tumors. Some of these tumor vaccines have generated promising results in murine tumor systems. In addition, several phase I/II clinical trials using these vaccine strategies have shown extremely encouraging results in patients. In this review, we will discuss many of these promising cancer vaccine strategies. We will pay particular attention to the strategies employing dendritic cells, the central player for tumor vaccine development.  相似文献   

Successful treatment of cancer patients with a combination of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and chemotherapeutic drugs has spawned various other forms of additional combination therapies, including vaccines or adoptive lymphocyte transfer combined with chemotherapeutics. These therapies were effective against established tumors in animal models and showed promising results in initial clinical trials in cancer patients, awaiting testing in larger randomized controlled studies. Although combination between immunotherapy and chemotherapy has long been viewed as incompatible as chemotherapy, especially in high doses meant to increase anti-tumor efficacy, has induced immunosuppression, various mechanisms may explain the reported synergistic effects of the two types of therapies. Thus direct effects of chemotherapy on tumor or host environment, such as induction of tumor cell death, elimination of regulatory T cells, and/or enhancement of tumor cell sensitivity to lysis by CTL may account for enhancement of immunotherapy by chemotherapy. Furthermore, induction of lymphopenia by chemotherapy has increased the efficacy of adoptive lymphocyte transfer in cancer patients. On the other hand, immunotherapy may directly modulate the tumor’s sensitivity to chemotherapy. Thus, anti-tumor mAb can increase the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and patients treated first with immunotherapy followed by chemotherapy showed higher clinical response rates than patients that had received chemotherapy alone. In conclusion, combination of active specific immunotherapy or adoptive mAb or lymphocyte immunotherapy with chemotherapy has great potential for the treatment of cancer patients which needs to be confirmed in larger controlled and randomized Phase III trials.  相似文献   

Although animals can be immunized against the growth of some tumor implants, most of the attempts to use immunotherapy to cause the regression of animal and human tumors once they have become established have been disappointing even when strongly immunogenic tumors were used as target. In this paper, we demonstrate that the failure to achieve an efficient immunological treatment against an established strongly immunogenic murine fibrosarcoma was paralleled with the emergence of a state of immunological unresponsiveness (immunological eclipse) against tumor antigens observed when the tumor surpassed the critical size of 500 mm3. In turn, the onset of the immunological eclipse was coincidental with the onset of a systemic inflammatory condition characterized by a high number of circulating and splenic polymorphonucleated neutrophils (PMN) displaying activation and Gr1+Mac1+ phenotype and an increasing serum concentration of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum A amyloid (SAA) phase acute proteins. Treatment of tumor-bearing mice with a single low dose (0.75 mg/kg) of the synthetic corticoid dexamethasone (DX) significantly reduced all the systemic inflammatory parameters and simultaneously reversed the immunological eclipse, as evidenced by the restoration of specific T-cell-dependent concomitant immunity, ability of spleen cells to transfer anti-tumor activity and recovery of T-cell signal transduction molecules. Two other anti-inflammatory treatments by using indomethacin or dimeric TNF-α receptor, also partially reversed the immunological eclipse although the effect was not as striking as that observed with DX. The reversion of the immunological eclipse was not enough on its own to inhibit the primary growing tumor. However, when we used the two-step strategy of inoculating DX to reverse the eclipse and then dendritic cells loaded with tumor antigens (DC) as an immunization booster, a significant inhibition of the growth of both established tumors and remnant tumor cells after excision of large established tumors was observed, despite the fact that the vaccination alone (DC) had no effect or even enhanced tumor growth in certain circumstances. The two-step strategy of tumor immunotherapy that we present is based on the rationale that it is necessary to eliminate or ameliorate the immunological eclipse as a precondition to allow an otherwise ineffective anti-tumor immunological therapy to have a chance to be successful.  相似文献   

We develop and analyze a mathematical model, in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), governing cancer growth on a cell population level with combination immune, vaccine and chemotherapy treatments. We characterize the ODE system dynamics by locating equilibrium points, determining stability properties, performing a bifurcation analysis, and identifying basins of attraction. These system characteristics are useful not only to gain a broad understanding of the specific system dynamics, but also to help guide the development of combination therapies. Numerical simulations of mixed chemo-immuno and vaccine therapy using both mouse and human parameters are presented. We illustrate situations for which neither chemotherapy nor immunotherapy alone are sufficient to control tumor growth, but in combination the therapies are able to eliminate the entire tumor.  相似文献   

Recent reports on the impressive efficacy of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells against hematologic malignancies have inspired oncologists to extend these efforts for the treatment of solid tumors. Clinical trials of CAR-T-based cancer immunotherapy for solid tumors showed that the efficacies are not as remarkable as in the case of hematologic malignancies. There are several challenges that researchers must face when treating solid cancers with CAR-T cells, these include choosing an ideal target, promoting efficient trafficking and infiltration, overcoming the immunosuppressive microenvironment, and avoiding associated toxicity. In this review, we discuss the obstacles imposed by solid tumors on CAR-T cell-based immunotherapy and strategies adopted to improve the therapeutic potential of this approach. Continued investigations are necessary to improve therapeutic outcomes and decrease the adverse effects of CAR-T cell therapy in patients with solid malignancies in the future.  相似文献   

MYCN is a potential target for cancer immunotherapy by virtue of its overexpression in numerous human malignancies and its functional role in tumour progression. Here we show limited expression of MYCN in normal human tissues indicating that anti-MYCN immune responses are unlikely to cross react with self tissues. An HLA-A2 restricted ten amino acid peptide epitope from MYCN, VILKKATEYV, was used to stimulate cytotoxic T cell lines from the peripheral blood of normal blood donors, and from a patient with MYCN amplified neuroblastoma. Strong and specific activity was seen against each MYCN overexpressing cell line and against autologous tumour cells. We generated two CTL clones capable of killing cells pulsed with as low as 0.5 nM of VIL peptide. Therefore strong and specific immune responses against MYCN expressing tumours are possible in patients with the most common HLA class 1 type in the Caucasian population.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the breakthroughs in understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for immune activation and the advent of recombinant DNA technologies have changed the view on immunotherapy from a dream scenario to becoming a clinical reality. It is now clear that both cellular immunity comprising T and NK cells, as well as strategies based on antibodies, can provide strong antitumoral effects, and evidence is emerging that these strategies may also cure patients with previously incurable cancers. However, there are still a number of issues that remain unresolved. Progress in immunotherapy against cancer requires a combination of new, improved clinical protocols and strategies for overcoming mechanisms of immune escape and tumor-induced immune suppression. This review discusses some of the salient issues that still need to be resolved, focusing on the role of oxidative stress and the use of antioxidants to alleviate the immune hyporesponsiveness induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS).Abbreviations HLA Human leukocyte antigen - KIR Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor - NKR Natural killer cell receptor - ROS Reactive oxygen species - TAA Tumor-associated antigenThis work is part of the Symposium in Writing Tumor escape from the immune response, published in vol 53.  相似文献   

Insights into the molecular basis for natural killer (NK) cell recognition of human cancer have been obtained in recent years. Here, we review current knowledge on the molecular specificity and function of human NK cells. Evidence for NK cell targeting of human tumors is provided and new strategies for NK cell-based immunotherapy against human cancer are discussed. Based on current knowledge, we foresee a development where more cancers may be subject to treatment with drugs or other immunomodulatory agents affecting NK cells, either directly or indirectly. We also envisage a possibility that certain forms of cancers may be subject to treatment with adoptively transferred NK cells, either alone or in combination with other therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) remains one of the most commonly contracted sexually transmitted diseases around the world. There are a multitude of HPV types, some of which may never present any symptoms. Others, however, are considered high-risk types, which increase the chance of the person infected to develop cancer. In recent years, the utilization of nanotechnology has allowed researchers to employ and explore the use of nanoparticles in immunotherapies.The new nanoparticle frontier has opened many doors in this area of research as a form of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in cancers resulting from HPV. This review will provide a brief background of HPV, its relationship to head and neck cancer (HNC) and present some insight into the field of immunotherapeutic nanoparticles.  相似文献   

目的观察自体细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(CIK)过继免疫疗法治疗中晚期恶性实体肿瘤的临床疗效及肿瘤标志物变化,初步对该疗法作出评价。方法取中晚期恶性实体肿瘤患者自体外周血50ml,根据文献报道方法体外诱导扩增CIK细胞。培养约14d后,一次性回输入患者体内,观察患者CIK细胞回输前2周及回输后4周左右外周血免疫指标变化、肿瘤标志物变化、生活质量及Karnofsky评分变化,随访1年观察1年生存率。采用t检验及寿命表法进行统计分析。结果在21例接受CIK回输治疗的患者中,治疗前出现有代表意义的肿瘤标志物异常升高的患者有14例,1次回输后有8名患者出现肿瘤标志物下降,其中1名患者降至正常范围;免疫指标在CIK细胞回输后4周较回输前2周均无有统计学意义,其中CD3由70.81﹪±10.52﹪升至71.91﹪±11.09﹪,t=0.762,P=0.455;CD4由39.06﹪±11.03﹪升至39.21﹪±8.74﹪,t=0.093,P=0.927;CD8由28.75﹪±8.22﹪升至29.88﹪±10.13﹪,t=0.895,P=0.382;CD16^+CD56^+(即NK细胞)由15.73﹪±9.52﹪升至15.37﹪±6.66﹪,t=-0.173,P=0.865;EORTCQLQ-C30(vertion3.0)评分中总体健康状况(globalhealth)由(41.67±17.28)分上升至(46.43±17.19)分,P=0.076;以上各指标治疗前后差异均无统计学意义。但功能子量表中的躯体功能(physicalfunctioning)单项[由(62.94±17.48)分上升至(66.67±17.37)分,P=0.012]和症状子量表中的疲倦(fatigue)[由(51.33±20.03)分下降至(43.38±16.81)分,P=0.012]、疼痛(pain)[由44.44﹪±19.24﹪下降至(36.51±14.55)分,P=0.038]及食欲丧失(appetiteloss)[由(52.38±19.92)分下降至(38.09±21.82)分,P=0.016]单项差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);卡氏评分由[(61.42±3.59)分上升至(62.38±4.36)分,t=1.000,P〉0.05];随访1年内有3名患者死亡,生存率约85.7﹪。结论自体CIK细胞回输治疗后肿瘤标志物有明显改变,同时对缓解晚期恶?  相似文献   

 Increasing the ability of tumor-reactive T cells to mediate tumor regression in vivo has been a major goal of tumor immunologists. Progress toward this goal has been aided by the identification of tumor-associated antigens on both experimental mouse tumors and human tumors. However, the self-like nature and low immunogenicity of these antigens has made it clear that other measures to enhance the effectiveness of the T cells reactive to these antigens are essential if immunotherapy is to be clinically effective. An increased understanding of antigen processing and presentation is an important step in this process, as is the use of cytokines to increase immune responsiveness. Despite recent advances, there is still much to be learned before the specificity of the immune system is safely harnessed to halt malignant cell growth effectively. Received: 10 October 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Immunotherapy treatments harnessing the immune system herald a new era of personalized medicine, offering considerable benefits for cancer patients. Over the past years, tumor neoantigens emerged as a rising star in immunotherapy. Neoantigens are tumor-specific antigens arising from somatic mutations, which are proceeded and presented by the major histocompatibility complex on the cell surface. With the advancement of sequencing technology and bioinformatics engineering, the recognition of neoantigens has accelerated and is expected to be incorporated into the clinical routine. Currently, tumor vaccines against neoantigens mainly encompass peptides, DNA, RNA, and dendritic cells, which are extremely specific to individual patients. Due to the high immunogenicity of neoantigens, tumor vaccines could activate and expand antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to intensify anti-tumor immunity. Herein, we introduce the origin and prediction of neoantigens and compare the advantages and disadvantages of multiple types of neoantigen vaccines. Besides, we review the immunizations and the current clinical research status in neoantigen vaccines, and outline strategies for enhancing the efficacy of neoantigen vaccines. Finally, we present the challenges facing the application of neoantigens.  相似文献   

Determination of the optimal therapeutic protocols in cancer immunotherapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cancer immunotherapy aims at eliciting an immune system response against the tumor. However, it is often characterized by toxic side-effects. Limiting the tumor growth and, concurrently, avoiding the toxicity of a drug, is the problem of protocol design. We formulate this question as an optimization problem and derive an algorithm for its solution. Unlike the standard optimal control approach, the algorithm simulates impulse-like drug administrations. It relies on an exact computation of the gradient of the cost function with respect to any protocol by means of the variational equations, that can be solved in parallel with the system. In comparison with previous versions of this method [F. Castiglione, B. Piccoli, Optimal control in a model of dendritic cell transfection cancer immunotherapy, Bull. Math. Biol. 68 (2006) 255-274; B. Piccoli, F. Castiglione, Optimal vaccine scheduling in cancer immunotherapy, Physica A. 370 (2) (2007) 672-680], we optimize both the timing and the dosage of each administration and introduce a penalty term to avoid clustering of subsequent injections, a requirement consistent with the clinical practice. In addition, we implement the optimization scheme to simulate the case of multi-therapies. The procedure works for any ODE system describing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of an arbitrary number of therapeutic agents. In this work, it was tested for a well known model of the tumor-immune system interaction [D. Kirschner, J.C. Panetta, Modeling immunotherapy of tumor-immune interaction, J. Math. Biol. 37 (1998) 235-252]. Exploring three immunotherapeutic scenarios (CTL therapy, IL-2 therapy and combined therapy), we display the stability and efficacy of the optimization method, obtaining protocols that are successful compromises between various clinical requirements.  相似文献   

Using a combination of database screening and polymerase chain reaction analyses we have determined the sequence and structure of the human sperm tail associated gene SPAG4. SPAG4 is a 12-exon gene spanning approximately 5.2 kb on chromosome 20q11.23. It is expressed in a limited number of normal tissues, notably the pancreas and testis, but is switched on and greatly upregulated in a wide range of neoplastic tissues. The data therefore strongly suggests that SPAG4 expression is a potential clinically relevant cancer marker.This work was supported by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC, #973218) of Australia. M.K.OB. is the recipient of an R.D. Wright Fellowship from the NH & MRC (#143781). C.K. is the recipient of an A.P.A. scholarship from the Commonwealth of Australia  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is an important pathway which helps to maintain genomic stability. Mutations in DNA MMR genes are found to promote cancer initiation and foster tumor progression. Deficiency or inactivation of MMR results in microsatellite instability (MSI) which triggers neoantigen generation and impairs tumor growth. Immunotherapies targeting MMR can increase the burden of neoantigens in tumor cells. While MSI has been regarded as an important predictor of sensitivity and drug resistance for immunotherapy-based strategies. Different approaches targeting genomic instability have been demonstrated to be promising in malignancies derived from different tissues. Underlying MMR deficiency-associated immunogenicity is important for improving the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapies. In this review we provide an overview of the MMR systems, their role in tumorigenesis, drug resistance, prognostic significance and potential targets for therapeutic treatment in human cancers, especially in hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

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