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Neuropeptides, acting on structures within the central nervous system influence body temperature. Non-opioid peptides induce hypothermia usually, while opioid peptides are mostly hyperthermic. Neuropeptides exert their effect only when injected into specific brain areas.

Hypo- Or hyperthermic effect of neuropeptides may be either due to changes in threshold body temperatures for induction of thermoregulatory effectors or due to changes in hypothalamic thermosensitivity.

At the cellular level the opioid peptides also act differently than the non-opioid peptides. The opioid peptides mostly inhibit spontaneous neuronal firing, while the non-opioid peptides usually stimulate it. Neuropeptides exert their influence on all neurones in the hypothalamus, independently on their temperature characteristics.

Neuropeptides may play a role in the regulation of body temperature under stressful conditions and during fever or hibernation, in particular. Some neuropeptides, namely AVP, -MSH and ACTH, act as natural antipyretic substances by lowering the threshold for cold thermogenesis.

Neuropeptides also modulate food intake, reproduction and many other functions which are substantially changed during hibernation. There appears to be a correlation between the effect of peptides on the control of food intake and on the control of body temperature. Opioid peptides, which increase food intake, induce hyperthermia, while non-opioid peptides, which are appetite inhibiting, induce hypothermia. The exact role o neuropeptides in the regulation of body temperature, food intake and gonadal activity of hibernators remains unclear, however.  相似文献   

The pea leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis, is one of the most important economic insect pests around the world. Its population fluctuates greatly with seasonal change in China, and temperature was thought to be one of the important reasons. In attempt to further explore the impact of disadvantageous temperature on L. huidobrensis, 1-day-old adults were shocked at various temperatures (10, 25, 32, and 35 degrees C, respectively) for 4h, and the effects on thermotolerance, feeding, and fecundity were studied. Meanwhile the expression of five heat shock genes (hsp90, 70, 60, 40, and 20) was examined by real-time quantitative PCR. Our results showed that both 32 and 35 degrees C hardenings remarkably increased adult heat resistance, whereas cold tolerance was not improved accordingly. No cross resistance in response to cold and heat stresses was observed. Both adult feeding and fecundity were dramatically reduced, but no effect was observed on egg hatching, larval survival, pupal eclosion, or sex ratio. The results indicate that the deleterious effect on fecundity is the result of direct cessation of oviposition during the period of stress. Simultaneously, the mRNA levels of hsp70 and hsp20 significantly increased upon thermal hardening. Taken together, our results suggest that mild heat hardening improves thermotolerance of L. huidobrensis at the cost of impairment on fecundity, and the induced expression of hsp70 and hsp20 may play an important role in balancing the functional tradeoff.  相似文献   

Temperature loggers were implanted to record core body temperature (Tcore) and rumen temperature (Trumen) in sheep. The relationship between Tcore and Trumen was compared for fleeced and shorn Merino sheep over a range of environmental temperatures and during stressors involved with shearing. Fleeced sheep maintained higher Tcore and Trumen than shorn sheep in all environmental conditions tested (from thermoneutral up to 33 °C and 55% relative humidity). Shearing of the fleeced sheep resulted in those sheep having a lower Tcore when exposed to hot conditions, compared to the previously shorn sheep. Respiratory rates of fleeced sheep followed similar patterns and were higher than shorn sheep under all environmental conditions. After the fleeced sheep were shorn, their respiratory rates decreased to rates similar to the previously shorn sheep when under heat load, suggesting heat loss other than respiratory evaporative heat loss was augmented.  相似文献   

Summary Intra-abdominal temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were used to collect more than 350 sets of body temperature (T b ) data from 23 captive adult hedgehogs over a 3-year period. Each data set comprised measurements made every 1/2 h for 24-h periods. Between 20 and 60 such data sets were recorded every calendar month, and a total of 17400 measurements of T b were collected. The hedgehogs were exposed to natural environmental conditions at 57°N in NE Scotland. Hedgehogs showed seasonal changes in mean daily euthermic T b ,with a July maximum of 35.9±0.2°C, a September minimum of 34.7±0.9°C, and a marked circadian T b cycle that correlates closely with photoperiod. Maximal T b occurred within 2 h of midnight and this pattern of nocturnal maximum and diurnal minimum T b was most marked between April and September. The circadian T b cycle was least correlated with photoperiod during winter. Hibernal T b during winter correlated with ambient temperature (T a ),it was maximal in September (17.7±1.0°C) and minimal in December (5.2±0.9°C). Apart from the tracking of T a and T b during hibernal bouts, with a time-lag of 4–6 h, circadian rhythmicity of hibernal T b was not evident. However, the T b of hibernating hedgehogs rose significantly when T a fell below — 5°C, although the animals did not neccessarily arouse. Although hibernal bouts occurred between September and April, 89.5% of such bouts were recorded between November and February. The mean time of entry into hibernation was 01:45±5.1 h GMT while the mean time of the start of spontaneous arousal from hibernation was 11:53±4.8 h GMT. Therefore, during hibernation hedgehogs were either fully aroused at night, when euthermic hedgehogs have maximalT b ,or in deep hibernation around midday, when euthermic hedgehogs have minimal T b .Since wild hedgehogs will feed during spontaneous arousal from hibernation, these timings are probably adaptive, and suggest that entry into, and arousal from, hibernation may be extensions of circadian cyclicity. Spontaneous bouts of transient shallow torpor (TST) were recorded throughout the year, with nearly 80% of observations occurring during August and September, at the start of the hibernal period. TST bouts lasted for 4.9±2.9 h, with T b falling to 25.8±3.1 °C. Only 20% of TST bouts immediately preceded hibernation and their duration did not correlate with T a or body mass. TST bouts started at 06:51±4.7 h GMT, significantly later than entry into hibernation, and ended at 13:04±5.4 h GMT. The function of TST bouts is unclear, but they may be preparation for the hibernation season or a further energy conservation strategy. When arousing from hibernation hedgehogs warmed at a rate of 1.9±0.4°C·h-1, and when entering hibernation cooled at 7.9±1.9°C·h-1. Warming rates were slightly higher during mid-winter when T b and body mass were minimal, but cooling rates were 44% higher at the end of the hibernal period compared to the start. Cooling and warming rates were strikingly similar to those measured in hedgehogs at 31°N. These results demonstrate that thermoregulation in the hedgehog is closely regulated and changes on a seasonal basis, in meeting with requirements of surviving food shortages and low temperature during winter.Abbreviations T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - CSD circular standard deviation - SWS slow wave sleep - TST transient shallow torpor  相似文献   



This study investigated the effect of hydration differences on body fluid and temperature regulation between tropical and temperate indigenes exercising in the heat.


Ten Japanese and ten Malaysian males with matched physical characteristics (height, body weight, and peak oxygen consumption) participated in this study. Participants performed exercise for 60 min at 55% peak oxygen uptake followed by a 30-min recovery at 32°C and 70% relative air humidity with hydration (4 times each, 3 mL per kg body weight, 37°C) or without hydration. Rectal temperature, skin temperature, heart rate, skin blood flow, and blood pressure were measured continuously. The percentage of body weight loss and total sweat loss were calculated from body weight measurements. The percentage change in plasma volume was estimated from hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit.


Malaysian participants had a significantly lower rectal temperature, a smaller reduction in plasma volume, and a lower heart rate in the hydrated condition than in the non-hydrated condition at the end of exercise (P <0.05), whereas Japanese participants showed no difference between the two hydration conditions. Hydration induced a greater total sweat loss in both groups (P <0.05), and the percentage of body weight loss in hydrated Malaysians was significantly less than in hydrated Japanese (P <0.05). A significant interaction between groups and hydration conditions was observed for the percentage of mean cutaneous vascular conductance during exercise relative to baseline (P <0.05).


The smaller reduction in plasma volume and percentage body weight loss in hydrated Malaysians indicated an advantage in body fluid regulation. This may enable Malaysians to reserve more blood for circulation and heat dissipation and thereby maintain lower rectal temperatures in a hydrated condition.  相似文献   

Despite being ectotherms, reptiles have an ability to thermoregulate which is enhanced by adopting a variety of behavioural mechanisms. Different behavioural postures, the use of retreat sites and selection of microhabitats enable reptiles to maintain their core body temperatures (Tb) above that of ambient temperatures (Ta) in winter or below Ta maximum in summer. This study describes the daily activity patterns of leopard tortoises (Stigmochelys pardalis) in relation to Tb and Ta, and the extent to which leopard tortoises can manipulate their Tb in response to seasonal changes in Ta. Ten and nine leopard tortoises were radio-tracked in 2002 and 2003, respectively and cloacal Tb and behaviours observed. Core Tbs were measured using Thermocron iButtons surgically implanted into the body cavities of 4 and 5 adult telemetered tortoises for summer and winter 2003, respectively. There were seasonal differences in the extent to which certain behaviours were practiced and the time of day that these occurred. Leopard tortoises generally had unimodal activity patterns in winter and bimodal ones in summer. In winter tortoises were active at lower Tbs, and at lower Ta, than in summer. Tortoises maintained their core Tb well below Ta minimum profiles in summer and well above these in winter. Core Tb closely followed the increase in Ta minimum profiles in the mornings, however tortoises exhibited an extended thermal lag when Ta minimum profiles cooled overnight. By using different behavioural mechanisms in summer and winter, leopard tortoises maintained their core Tb at different levels compared with Ta minimum and maximum profiles. Consequently although they are ectotherms, they maintained their core Tb independent of Ta.  相似文献   

The detection of surface and internal temperatures is achieved by axons terminating at lamina I of the spinal dorsal horn, otherwise approached only by nociceptive afferents. Recent advances in thermal physiology research have disclosed that temperature-sensitive ion channels belonging to the transient receptor potential family exist in the peripheral sensory neurons and in the brain. Thermosensory, nociceptive and polymodal afferents project to different thalamic nuclei, and specific pathways to the insular cortex evoke the conscious experience of thermal sensation. The posterior insular region represents discriminative thermal sensation, while the largest correlation with subjective ratings of temperature is located in the orbitofrontal and anterior insular cortex. The insular cortex forms an integrative part of the limbic system and is closely tied with the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the anterior cingulate cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex and emerges as the main coordinator of behavioral, autonomic and endocrine responses to both non-noxious and noxious thermal stimuli. The firing rate of warm and cold receptors is not altered by pyrogens. A strong correlation between the onset of fever and production of superoxide by macrophages following the injection of pyrogens implicates reactive oxygen species as elicitors of fever, a hypothesis strengthened by the observation that oxygen radical scavengers or thiol reductants act as antipyretics. Oxidative stress appears to be sensed by the brain and a likely structure for its detection may be the redox-sensitive site of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor for glutamate, in that oxidation of this site causes fever while its reduction lowers body temperature, effects which are abrogated by specific NMDA receptor blockers.  相似文献   

It has been speculated that the control of core temperature is modulated by physiological demands. We could not prove the modulation because we did not have a good method to evaluate the control. In the present study, the control of core temperature in mice was assessed by exposing them to various ambient temperatures (Ta), and the influence of circadian rhythm and feeding condition was evaluated. Male ICR mice (n=20) were placed in a box where Ta was increased or decreased from 27 °C to 40 °C or to −4 °C (0.15 °C/min) at 0800 and 2000 (daytime and nighttime, respectively). Intra-abdominal temperature (Tcore) was monitored by telemetry. The relationship between Tcore and Ta was assessed. The range of Ta where Tcore was relatively stable (range of normothermia, RNT) and Tcore corresponding to the RNT median (regulated Tcore) were estimated by model analysis. In fed mice, the regression slope within the RNT was smaller in the nighttime than in the daytime (0.02 and 0.06, respectively), and the regulated Tcore was higher in the nighttime than in the daytime (37.5 °C and 36.0 °C, respectively). In the fasted mice, the slope remained unchanged, and the regulated Tcore decreased in the nighttime (0.05 and 35.9 °C, respectively), while the slopes in the daytime became greater (0.13). Without the estimating individual thermoregulatory response such as metabolic heat production and skin vasodilation, the analysis of the TaTcore relationship could describe the character of the core temperature control. The present results show that the character of the system changes depending on time of day and feeding conditions.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study assessed the influence of High (H, 4.13%), Medium (M, 2.0%) and Low (L, 0.1%) doses of menthol on temperature perception and regulation, compared to a Placebo Condition (P).MethodSixteen participants underwent the aforementioned conditions on four separate days. During each test participants rested supine (Environmental conditions: 30 °C, 50% rh) for 30-min before 40 mL of L, M, H or P gel was applied to the anterior upper body, then rested 30-min thereafter. Primary measures included thermal sensation (TS), thermal comfort (TC), irritation (IRR), rectal temperature (Tre), and skin temperature (chest, forearm, thigh, calf), and EMG (trapezius, pectoralis major, sternocleidomastoid). The area under the curve (AUC) from minute 30 to 60 was compared between conditions using relevant non/parametric tests (alpha level = 0.05).ResultsA cooling trend in Tre was observed following Placebo gel application, but this significantly (p < 0.05) reversed into a heat storage response in M and H. Both TS and TC significantly differed by condition (p < 0.001) in a dose-dependent manner, with L, M, and H doses eliciting significantly cooler sensations and more discomfort than P (p < 0.05). Irritation significantly differed by condition (p < 0.01) in a dose-dependent manner, with L and M eliciting significantly greater irritation than P (p < 0.01). No other differences were observed.ConclusionsMenthol exerts perceptual and thermoregulatory effects independent of skin temperature. A menthol dose-dependent perceptual cooling effect was evident with possible saturation at the moderate dose. A dose-dependent alteration in deep body temperature was also evident.  相似文献   

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