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Economic weights of production and functional traits were estimated for the dual-purpose sheep breeds Romney (RY), Merinolandschaf (ML), Romanov (RV) and Sumavska (SA). A bio-economic computer model simulating the profit function for production systems with one lambing per year was used for the calculations. First, marginal economic values were calculated which were defined as partial derivatives of the profit function with respect to the average level for each trait. Applying gene-flow methodology, absolute and relative economic weights for direct and maternal components of the traits were then estimated for pure-bred production systems and systems which included partial terminal cross-breeding. The following traits were evaluated: birth weight, daily gain till weaning and during rearing, mature weight, dressing percentage, fleece weight, conception rate of ewe lambs and ewes, litter size at lambing (total number of lambs born per ewe lambing), survival rate of lambs at birth and till weaning and productive lifetime of ewes. Standardized economic weights were calculated as the product of the economic weight and the genetic standard deviation of each trait or trait component. The total economic importance was defined as the sum of the absolute (not taking into account the sign) standardized economic weights over all traits and trait components, and relative economic weights were then computed as the standardized economic weights expressed as percentages of total economic importance. The direct components of survival rate at birth and till weaning, the direct component of daily gain till weaning and litter size had the highest relative economic weights (greater than 10%) in pure-bred systems in all four breeds. In ML and RV, the maternal component of lamb survival rate till weaning also had a relative economic weight exceeding 10%. In systems with partial terminal cross-breeding for all four breeds, relative economic weights of maternal traits and trait components were slightly larger than in pure-bred production systems, particularly for litter size. Based upon comparison of relative economic weights of traits among breeds, separate breeding goals for RY and RV are recommended, whereas a common breeding goal is deemed appropriate for ML and SA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to define breeding objectives and consequently determine optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Profits and economic values (EVs) were estimated for four genotypes namely (a) original stock or local goat breeds with 0% German Alpine blood level (OS), (b) F1 with 50% German Alpine blood level (F1), (c) first backcross with 75% German Alpine blood level (B1) and (d) second backcross with 87.5% German Alpine blood level (B2). The EVs were estimated for average daily milk yield (DMY, kg), average post-weaning daily gain (ADG, kg), number of kids weaned (NKW), mature weight (MW, kg) and 12-month live weight (LW, kg). Profitability in Kenyan Shilling (KES) without risk was optimal (KES 6038.02) for the B1 genotype. Economic values without risk for most traits were highest for the F1 genotype, i.e., KES 64.85 (ADG), 24.02 (NKW), −27.55 (MW) and 84.51 (LW). There was, however, a 23% reduction in profits in the F1 genotype. It was evident that crossbreeding would improve the profitability of the smallholder farms, but not beyond the 75% grade level. A similar trend was observed when risk was incorporated. Differences in profitability with and without risk were less than 0.005% for all the genotypes. However, differences in EVs were large, ranging from −28% to +19%; DMY had the largest differences. Therefore, incorporation of risk in estimation of EVs for traits of importance is necessary. This study has also demonstrated that crossbreeding to a higher grade level is not necessarily compensated for by a high performance in most traits. Therefore, a crossbreeding program targeting B1 (75%) crossbreds would be desirable for implementation in the smallholder production systems.  相似文献   

The adoption of intensive production systems, such as compost bedded pack (CB) and freestall (FS), has increased recently in tropical regions, mainly replacing the drylot system (DL). Thus, our objectives were to compare production costs, economic outcomes, and risk of dairy operations in CB, FS, and DL systems. We collected data from 2 181 Brazilian farms over 120 consecutive months; 960 farms (144 CB, 133 FS, and 683 DL) met our selection criteria. All costs were modeled for two animal production categories: milking cows and non-milking animals. We used a regression model that included linear and quadratic parameters, and we added the production system as a fixed variable for all parameters tested with this model. Consultant, year, herd, and herd × system interaction were included in the model as random variables. Further, we simulated annual technical and economic indexes per farm. In addition, we developed a risk analysis to measure the probability of negative profit of the farms based on a 14-year historical series of milk prices. All production costs were affected by the system. Feed, medicine, sundry, and labor costs per farm per year were greater in DL farms when milk yield (MY) was greater than 3 500 L/day. The variables such as milk yield, assets per liter, asset turnover rate, return on assets, operational profit, profit per cow, and per liter of milk variables were greater in CB and FS with high MY (>3 000 L/day). Nonetheless, DL had the greatest economic indexes with a lower MY (<3 000 L/day), lower operating costs, and greater economic outcomes. The risk analysis indicated that the probability of negative profit (risk) was reduced for CB and FS as MY increased, but DL had the lowest risk with low MY levels. In conclusion, we suggest DL as the most attractive system for farms with MY between 150 and 3 000 L of milk/day as the DL had the lowest risk and the greatest profit in this production scale. Despite similar outcomes for CB and FS in most of the farms, the profit per cow ($/year), assets turnover rate (%), risk (%) and expected profit ($/L) analysis indicated that CB could be recommended for farms with MY greater than 3 200 L of milk/day, whereas based on risk (%) and expected profit ($/L), FS would be the most profitable system in dairies producing more than 8 000 L of milk/day per farm.  相似文献   

Bivariate analyses of functional longevity in dairy cattle measured as survival to next lactation (SURV) with milk yield and fertility traits were carried out. A sequential threshold-linear censored model was implemented for the analyses of SURV. Records on 96 642 lactations from 41 170 cows were used to estimate genetic parameters, using animal models, for longevity, 305 d-standardized milk production (MY305), days open (DO) and number of inseminations to conception (INS) in the Spanish Holstein population; 31% and 30% of lactations were censored for DO and INS, respectively. Heritability estimates for SURV and MY305 were 0.11 and 0.27 respectively; while heritability estimates for fertility traits were lower (0.07 for DO and 0.03 for INS). Antagonist genetic correlations were estimated between SURV and fertility (-0.78 and -0.54 for DO and INS, respectively) or production (-0.53 for MY305), suggesting reduced functional longevity with impaired fertility and increased milk production. Longer days open seems to affect survival more than increased INS. Also, high productive cows were more problematic, less functional and more liable to being culled. The results suggest that the sequential threshold model is a method that might be considered at evaluating genetic relationship between discrete-time survival and other traits, due to its flexibility.  相似文献   

Type traits (TTs) can contribute to breeding animals with good economic traits such as production, longevity, fertility, and profitability. Dairy buffaloes are the second largest source of milk supply in the world, and their TTs should be taken into consideration in future dairy buffalo breeding programmes. However, the relationship between TTs and milk production traits in buffalo remains largely unknown. The study aimed to establish an early selection method for buffaloes with desirable milk performance by TTs. Using 1 908 records from 678 buffaloes, the relationship between TTs and milk production traits was analysed and the optimal growth curves of TTs related to milk production traits were constructed. We examined the correlations between 45 TTs (33 body structural, 12 udder and teat morphological traits) and three milk production traits (milk yield (MY), milk fat percentage (MF), and milk protein percentage (MP)). The results showed that the highest correlation was found between MY and udder circumference (r = 0.438), teat length (r = ?0.380) or heart girth (r = ?0.341). The teat distance and teat circumference exhibited a significant negative correlation with MF and MP. Rump length was the only trait that had a significant positive correlation with milk production traits, suggesting that milk performance could be comprehensively improved by including rump length in the selection procedure. Notably, we found that high milk production traits was obtained from the buffaloes with short teats (<6 cm), small heart girth (<200 cm), large udder circumference (>104 cm), long rump (>39 cm), and small distance between teats. Moreover, an early selection method for buffaloes with excellent milk performance was developed based on the non-linear models. Brody model exhibited the best fitting effect for heart girth and rump length, while the Logistic model displayed the best fitting effect for teat length. Our findings provide theoretical basis for the early selection of buffaloes with desirable milk performance.  相似文献   

Grass-based diets are of increasing social-economic importance in dairy cattle farming, but their low supply of glucogenic nutrients may limit the production of milk. Current evaluation systems that assess the energy supply and requirements are based on metabolisable energy (ME) or net energy (NE). These systems do not consider the characteristics of the energy delivering nutrients. In contrast, mechanistic models take into account the site of digestion, the type of nutrient absorbed and the type of nutrient required for production of milk constituents, and may therefore give a better prediction of supply and requirement of nutrients. The objective of the present study is to compare the ability of three energy evaluation systems, viz. the Dutch NE system, the agricultural and food research council (AFRC) ME system, and the feed into milk (FIM) ME system, and of a mechanistic model based on Dijkstra et al. [Simulation of digestion in cattle fed sugar cane: prediction of nutrient supply for milk production with locally available supplements. J. Agric. Sci., Cambridge 127, 247–60] and Mills et al. [A mechanistic model of whole-tract digestion and methanogenesis in the lactating dairy cow: model development, evaluation and application. J. Anim. Sci. 79, 1584–97] to predict the feed value of grass-based diets for milk production. The dataset for evaluation consists of 41 treatments of grass-based diets (at least 0.75 g ryegrass/g diet on DM basis). For each model, the predicted energy or nutrient supply, based on observed intake, was compared with predicted requirement based on observed performance. Assessment of the error of energy or nutrient supply relative to requirement is made by calculation of mean square prediction error (MSPE) and by concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). All energy evaluation systems predicted energy requirement to be lower (6–11%) than energy supply. The root MSPE (expressed as a proportion of the supply) was lowest for the mechanistic model (0.061), followed by the Dutch NE system (0.082), FIM ME system (0.097) and AFRC ME system (0.118). For the energy evaluation systems, the error due to overall bias of prediction dominated the MSPE, whereas for the mechanistic model, proportionally 0.76 of MSPE was due to random variation. CCC analysis confirmed the higher accuracy and precision of the mechanistic model compared with energy evaluation systems. The error of prediction was positively related to grass protein content for the Dutch NE system, and was also positively related to grass DMI level for all models. In conclusion, current energy evaluation systems overestimate energy supply relative to energy requirement on grass-based diets for dairy cattle. The mechanistic model predicted glucogenic nutrients to limit performance of dairy cattle on grass-based diets, and proved to be more accurate and precise than the energy systems. The mechanistic model could be improved by allowing glucose maintenance and utilization requirements parameters to be variable.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect is reported of artificially controlled levels of infestation with adults of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus on the milk yield of twenty commercial Bos taurus dairy cattle on a high plane of nutrition and eighteen crossbed B.taurus × Sanga cattle on a lower plane of nutrition in the highveld of Zimbabwe. The results showed no significant effect on milk yield of infestations averaging twenty engorging ticks per animal per day, despite severe ear damage in some animals. They indicate that milk production of dairy cattle under commercial management is not sensitive to infestation with R.appendiculatus. The results have important implications for management of ticks in Africa, but need to be interpreted within the context of the control of tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Thirty-four student volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three feedback sensitivity conditions: high sensitivity, medium sensitivity, or low sensitivity. Each subject received four sessions of biofeedback training with instructions to accelerate heart rate. In each condition, analogue feedback was provided during heart-rate acceleration trials. In addition to heart rate, frontal EMG and digital skin temperature were also recorded. Results replicated and extended the findings of a previous study in that medium and low sensitivity feedback was found to be superior to high sensitivity feedback during the final training session. These results confirm previous findings that a high sensitivity feedback produces very poor control of heart-rate acceleration. These data were discussed in terms of motor skills theory and in terms of possible effects of feedback sensitivity upon the motivation of subjects.  相似文献   

In agrarian economy of developing nations like India, smallholder dairy production is an important enterprise and its sustainability is vital for ensuring livelihood and nutritional security to the masses. Studies on methodological aspects of farm sustainability at micro-level are limited, either confined to a particular dimension of sustainability or based on complex data requirement which is not feasible to obtain in the context of smallholder dairy farms. This study has developed a multi-attribute farm level sustainability assessment method encompassing economic, social and ecological dimensions of sustainability and has applied it to assess the sustainability of dairy farming in north-western part of India. Based on data from 120 dairy farms located in rural area of Jaipur district from the state of Rajasthan, the study computed the composite Sustainable Dairy Farming Index (SDFI). The overall substantiality status of the smallholder dairy farms in the study area was not encouraging, implying that it may not be viable for future generation to take up the enterprise. Among the three dimensions of sustainability, the average scores of ecological dimension were highest followed by the economic and social sustainability scores. Some of the core attributes like feed productivity, management of animal genetic potential and gender equality are particularly weak aspects of the dairy production system in India. The direct relationship of economic sustainability with herd size suggests for farmers with very small herds (one to two) animals, increasing the number of dairy animals to about five to six, would be a good strategy to economize on input costs and generate more marketed surplus of milk.  相似文献   

Despite their production potential and ability to survive on marginal resources in extreme conditions, dromedaries have not been exploited as an important food source. Camels have not been specifically selected for milk production, and genetic improvement has been negligible. High individual variation in milk production both within the population and within breeds provides a good base for selection and genetic progress. In this paper, we discuss the possibilities and constraints of selective breeding for milk production in camels, and include a summary of the use of embryo transfer at the world's first camel dairy farm. Embryo transfer is an integral part of the breeding strategy at the camel dairy farm because it increases selection intensity and decreases the generation interval. Using high milk-producing camels as donors and low producing camels as recipients, 146 embryos were recovered (6.1 ± 1.0 embryos/donor; range: 0–18). Embryos were transferred non-surgically into 111 recipients (83 single and 28 twin embryo transfers). Pregnancy rate at 21 days and 5 months was 55% (61/111) and 45% (50/111), respectively. Finally, a total of 46 recipients delivered a live calf. These results document the utility of embryo transfer using high milk producing dromedaries as donors.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of three milkability traits from two commercial dairy farms in Germany were used to estimate heritabilities and breeding values (BVs). Overall, 6352 cows in first, second and third lactations supplied 2 188 810 records based on daily values recorded from 1998 to 2003. Only the records between day 8 and day 305 after calving were considered. The estimated genetic correlations between different parities within the three milkability traits ranged from rg = 0.88 to 0.98, i.e. they were sufficiently high to warrant a repeatability model. The resulting estimated heritability coefficients were h2 = 0.42 for average milk flow, h2 = 0.56 for maximum milk flow and h2 = 0.38 for milking time. We analysed the genetic correlation between milkability and somatic cell score (SCS) and between milkability and the liability to mastitis, respectively, as the optimum milk flow for udder health is not well defined. There were 66 146 records with information on somatic cell count. Furthermore, 23 488 days of medical treatment for udder diseases were available, resulting in 2 600 302 days of observation in total. Heritabilities for the liability to mastitis, estimated with a test-day threshold model, were h2 = 0.19 and h2 = 0.13, depending on the data-recording period (first 50 days of lactation and first 305 days of lactation, respectively). With respect to the relationship between milkability and udder health, the results indicated a slight and linear correlation insofar as one can assume: the higher the milk flow, the worse the udder health. For this reason, bulls and cows with high BVs for milk flow should be excluded from breeding to avoid a deterioration of udder health. The establishment of a special data-recording scheme for functional traits such as milkability and mastitis on commercial dairy farms may be possible according to these results.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(8):3368-3389
Enteric methane (CH4) production from cattle contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions. Measurement of enteric CH4 is complex, expensive, and impractical at large scales; therefore, models are commonly used to predict CH4 production. However, building robust prediction models requires extensive data from animals under different management systems worldwide. The objectives of this study were to (1) collate a global database of enteric CH4 production from individual lactating dairy cattle; (2) determine the availability of key variables for predicting enteric CH4 production (g/day per cow), yield [g/kg dry matter intake (DMI)], and intensity (g/kg energy corrected milk) and their respective relationships; (3) develop intercontinental and regional models and cross‐validate their performance; and (4) assess the trade‐off between availability of on‐farm inputs and CH4 prediction accuracy. The intercontinental database covered Europe (EU), the United States (US), and Australia (AU). A sequential approach was taken by incrementally adding key variables to develop models with increasing complexity. Methane emissions were predicted by fitting linear mixed models. Within model categories, an intercontinental model with the most available independent variables performed best with root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) as a percentage of mean observed value of 16.6%, 14.7%, and 19.8% for intercontinental, EU, and United States regions, respectively. Less complex models requiring only DMI had predictive ability comparable to complex models. Enteric CH4 production, yield, and intensity prediction models developed on an intercontinental basis had similar performance across regions, however, intercepts and slopes were different with implications for prediction. Revised CH4 emission conversion factors for specific regions are required to improve CH4 production estimates in national inventories. In conclusion, information on DMI is required for good prediction, and other factors such as dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentration, improve the prediction. For enteric CH4 yield and intensity prediction, information on milk yield and composition is required for better estimation.  相似文献   

Although the use of local breeds is recommended by organic regulations, breed comparisons performed under organic production conditions with similar production intensities are scarce. Therefore, we compared data of local and widely used Holstein dairy cattle breeds from 2011 to 2015 regarding production, fertility and health from German and Swedish organic farms with similar management intensities within country. In Germany, the energy-corrected total milk yield tended to be lower in the local breed Original Angler Cattle (AAZ, 5193 kg) compared to the modern German Holstein Friesian breed (HO, 5620 kg), but AAZ showed higher milk fat and protein contents (AAZ v. HO: 5.09% v. 4.18% and 3.61% v. 3.31%, respectively). In Sweden, the widely used modern Swedish Holstein (SH) breed had the highest milk yield (9209 kg, fat: 4.10%, protein: 3.31%), while the local Swedish Polled (SKB) showed highest milk yield, fat and protein contents (6169 kg, 4.47%, 3.50%, respectively), followed by the local breed Swedish Red (SRB, 8283 kg, 4.33%, 3.46%, respectively). With regard to fertility characteristics, the German breeds showed no differences, but AAZ tended to have less days open compared to HO (−17 days). In Sweden, breeds did not differ with regard to calving interval, but both local breeds showed a lower number of days open (−10.4 in SRB and −24.1 in SKB compared to SH), and SKB needed fewer inseminations until conception (−0.5 inseminations) compared to SH. Proportion of test day records with a somatic cell count content of ≥100 000 cells per ml milk did not reveal breed differences in any of the two countries. German breeds did not differ regarding the proportion of cows with veterinary treatments. In Sweden, SRB showed the lowest proportion of cows with general veterinary treatment as well as specific treatment due to udder problems (22.8 ± 6.42 and 8.05 ± 2.18, respectively), but the local breed SKB did not differ from SH in either of the two traits. In Sweden, we found no breed differences regarding veterinary treatments due to fertility problems or diagnosis of claw or leg problems during claw trimming. Our results indicate a stronger expression of the antagonism between production and functional traits with increasing production intensity. Future breed comparisons, therefore, need to consider different production intensities within organic farming in order to derive practical recommendations as to how to implement European organic regulations with regard to a suitable choice of breeds.  相似文献   

A potential bias in estimation of inbreeding depression when using pedigree relationships to assess the degree of homozygosity for loci under selection is indicated. A comparison of inbreeding coefficients based on either pedigree or genotypic frequencies indicated that, as a result of selection, the inbreeding coefficient based on pedigree might not correspond with the random drift of allelic frequencies. Apparent differences in average levels of both inbreeding coefficients were obtained depending on the genetic model (additive versus dominance, initial allelic frequencies, heritability) and the selection system assumed (no versus mass selection). In the absence of selection, allelic frequencies within a small population change over generations due to random drift, and the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient gives a proper assessment of the accompanying probability of increased homozygosity within a replicate by indicating the variance of allelic frequencies over replicates. With selection, in addition to random drift, directional change in allelic frequencies is not accounted for by the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient. This result implies that estimation of inbreeding depression for traits under either direct or indirect selection, estimated by a regression of performance on pedigree-based coefficients, should be carefully interpreted.Deceased  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of two way selection for plasma alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was investigated in order to determine its influences on growth traits through thirteen generations. The responses of the two lines selected for high (HP) and low (LP) ALP at 45 days of age were compared to that of the mice selected for large (L) and small (SM) body size. The selection responses of plasma ALP were very effective for both HP and LP lines, with average responses per generation calculated from linear regressions of 0.227±0.037 and –0.088±0.022 respectively. The final levels of ALP in HP and LP were 5.54±0.71 and 1.27±0.20 in the thirtheenth generation, while the SM, L and base population had levels of 3.49±0.08, 0.86±0.55 and 2.77±0.56 respectively. The body weight at 45 days of age in LP (31.4±1.4 g) as a correlated response was significantly higher than HP (23.4±1.8 g) at generation 10. The correlated response of milk yield, measured by weight gain up to 12 days of age, was significantly greater in the LP line than in HP, but the correlated response of gains after weaning was not so different as the response of milk yield. The response of litter size and weight in LP showed significant higher levels than that of HP, but pups' birth weight did not differ between LP and HP. It is suggested that the correlated response of milk yield contributed more to the divergence of body size between HP and LP than the gain after weaning.Realized heritabilities of ALP were 0.335±0.059 (HP) and 0.279±0.051 (LP). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and 45 days' body weight were –0.27±0.13 (HP with SM) and –0.52±0.19 (LP with L). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and milk yield were –0.95±0.03 (HP) and –0.37±0.29 (LP). Correlations between ALP and postweaning gains were fairly low.  相似文献   

The use of the sex-determining region Y gene in terminal sire beef cattle breeding was investigated, assuming that fertile transgenic bulls carrying this gene on an autosome can be created. The benefit of these transgenic bulls arises from having an increased proportion of calves with a male phenotype. Two mating strategies utilising the transgenic bulls were devised and compared; the Quota scheme whereby a quota of normal bulls is used alongside the transgenic bulls in a breeding nucleus, and the Bonus scheme in which a phenotypic bonus is assigned to transgenic bulls indicating the added value of their offspring. Bonus and Quota breeding schemes were comparable, in terms of the value of offspring of the bulls, for the first 6 years of selection, after which time the Quota breeding scheme was superior. For time horizons less than 10 years, and large assumed phenotypic superiorities of male calves, breeding schemes with transgenic bulls were superior to traditional breeding schemes without transgenic bulls. If the time horizon was longer, or if the assumed superiority of male calves was small, then traditional breeding schemes were generally superior to those utilising transgenic bulls. Scenarios were observed, however, where transgenic bulls were always superior to normal bulls, in terms of their value as sires. Equations were derived to predict genetic gain and the equilibrium genetic lag between normal and transgenic bulls in Quota breeding schemes.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of various factors on the reproductive performance of approximately 1700 cows in 12 seasonally calving dairy herds in North Western Tasmania. Submission rate (percent of cows submitted for service for the first time in the first 24 days of the mating season) rose from 60% to 97% as cow condition score improved from 3 to 5.5. There was no effect on non-return rates (percent of cows submitted for service for the first time in the first 24 days of mating which did not return to service in the subsequent 21 days), provided condition score was 3.5 or over. Milk fat yield was positively correlated to both submission and non-return rate until milk fat yield exceeded 1.0 kg/day when both fell (from 79% to 71% and from 73% to 38%, respectively). Non-return rate was 46% when the calving-to-first-service interval was less than 40 days after which it rose to a more normal 65%. Submission rates were unaffected by calving-to-first-service interval. There was a significant positive correlation between age and non-return rate, but not between age and submission rate, although submission rate also tended to be higher in older cattle. The proportion of cows having short cycles (less than 18 days) was 18%. In contrast to reports in other species, the presence of the male did not improve oestrous detection or non-return rate of cows in the immediate post-partum period.  相似文献   

Feed represents a substantial proportion of production costs in the dairy industry and is a useful target for improving overall system efficiency and sustainability. The objective of this study was to develop methodology to estimate the economic value for a feed efficiency trait and the associated methane production relevant to Canada. The approach quantifies the level of economic savings achieved by selecting animals that convert consumed feed into product while minimizing the feed energy used for inefficient metabolism, maintenance and digestion. We define a selection criterion trait called Feed Performance (FP) as a 1 kg increase in more efficiently used feed in a first parity lactating cow. The impact of a change in this trait on the total lifetime value of more efficiently used feed via correlated selection responses in other life stages is then quantified. The resulting improved conversion of feed was also applied to determine the resulting reduction in output of emissions (and their relative value based on a national emissions value) under an assumption of constant methane yield, where methane yield is defined as kg methane/kg dry matter intake (DMI). Overall, increasing the FP estimated breeding value by one unit (i.e. 1 kg of more efficiently converted DMI during the cow’s first lactation) translates to a total lifetime saving of 3.23 kg in DMI and 0.055 kg in methane with the economic values of CAD $0.82 and CAD $0.07, respectively. Therefore, the estimated total economic value for FP is CAD $0.89/unit. The proposed model is robust and could also be applied to determine the economic value for feed efficiency traits within a selection index in other production systems and countries.  相似文献   

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