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This research aimed to evaluate two concentrations of egg yolk inclusion rates (20 and 2.5%) in the semen extender of goat semen cryopreserved during two seasons of the year. The study was conducted during a light-induced breeding season (Experiment 1), and during the natural breeding season (Experiment 2), in the southern hemisphere. Four ejaculates from each buck (n = 2) were collected in each experiment. After collection, semen was divided, with each sample being diluted in the semen extender – according to the treatments (T1 – 20% egg yolk or T2 – 2.5% egg yolk, using a glucose–EDTA extender). For T1 treatment in Experiment 2, the semen was also washed before the semen cryopreservation process. The semen samples were frozen, and after thawing evaluated for seminal characteristics i.e. sperm motility, vigor, morphology and membrane integrity. The fertilising capacity of the frozen-thawed semen was evaluated following a single artificial insemination 12 h after the onset of estrus in 50 (Experiment 1) and 60 does (Experiment 2). In Experiments 1 and 2, the mean values for sperm motility and membrane integrity of the frozen-thawed semen did not differ between the T1 and T2 treatments. However, the mean sperm vigor and morphological normal sperm were greater (P < 0.05) in T2 than T1 treatment. The fertility rates recorded did not differ between T1 and T2 treatments in Experiment 1, however, it was greater (P < 0.05) in the T2 than in the T1 treatment, in Experiment 2. According to obtained results, it can be recommended to use a glucose–EDTA extender with a low egg yolk concentration (2.5%) inclusion, for superior fertility results in goats.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominate land cover nationally and globally, and their composition, structure and habitat value are strongly influenced by the actions of domestic and wild grazing animals that feed on them. Different pastures are characterised by varying opportunities for selective feeding by livestock; agronomically improved, sown swards generally consist of a limited range of plant species whereas longer-term leys and semi-natural grasslands are characterised by a more diverse mixture of plants. In the case of botanically diverse permanent pastures/grazing lands, the dietary preferences of different grazers have a more pronounced effect on the botanical composition of the sward in the longer term. Selection of a dominant species within the sward can give less abundant components a chance to compete, increasing community evenness and species richness. Conversely, the selection of minor components reduces sward compositional heterogeneity and hence plant species richness and evenness. Body size, gut type (foregut vs hindgut fermentation), physiological status (growing, pregnant, lactating), metabolic status (extent of body reserves) and environmental conditions all influence the nutrient requirements of a given animal and related foraging priorities. The diet selected is also strongly influenced by the availability of preferred food items, and their vertical and horizontal distribution within the sward. In general, larger animals, such as cattle and horses, are less selective grazers than smaller animals, such as sheep and goats. They are quicker to switch to consuming less-preferred sward components as the availability of preferred resources declines due to their greater forage demands, and as a result can be very effective in controlling competitive plant species consistently avoided by more selective grazers. As a result, low-intensity mixed grazing of cattle and sheep has been shown to improve the diversity and abundance of a range of taxa within grazed ecosystems. Mixed/co-species grazing with different animals exploiting different grassland resources is also associated with increased pasture use efficiency in terms of the use of different sward components and related improvements in nutritional value. In situations where cattle are not available, for example if they are not considered commercially viable, alternative species such as goats, ponies or South American camelids may offer an opportunity to diversify income streams and maintain productive and biodiverse pastures/grazing lands. Stocking rate and timing of grazing also have a considerable role in determining the impact of grazing. Regardless of the species grazing or the pasture grazed, grazing systems are dynamic since selective grazing impacts the future availability of sward components and subsequently dietary choices. New technologies under development provide opportunities to monitor plant/animal interactions more closely and in real time, which will in future support active management to deliver targeted biodiversity gains from specific sites.  相似文献   

Animal production and health (APH) is an important sector in the world economy, representing a large proportion of the budget of all member states in the European Union and in other continents. APH is a highly competitive sector with a strong emphasis on innovation and, albeit with country to country variations, on scientific research. Proteomics (the study of all proteins present in a given tissue or fluid – i.e. the proteome) has an enormous potential when applied to APH. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons and in contrast to disciplines such as plant sciences or human biomedicine, such potential is only now being tapped. To counter such limited usage, 6 years ago we created a consortium dedicated to the applications of Proteomics to APH, specifically in the form of a Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action, termed FA1002 – Proteomics in Farm Animals: www.cost-faproteomics.org. In 4 years, the consortium quickly enlarged to a total of 31 countries in Europe, as well as Israel, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. This article has a triple purpose. First, we aim to provide clear examples on the applications and benefits of the use of proteomics in all aspects related to APH. Second, we provide insights and possibilities on the new trends and objectives for APH proteomics applications and technologies for the years to come. Finally, we provide an overview and balance of the major activities and accomplishments of the COST Action on Farm Animal Proteomics. These include activities such as the organization of seminars, workshops and major scientific conferences, organization of summer schools, financing Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) and the generation of scientific literature. Overall, the Action has attained all of the proposed objectives and has made considerable difference by putting proteomics on the global map for animal and veterinary researchers in general and by contributing significantly to reduce the East–West and North–South gaps existing in the European farm animal research. Future activities of significance in the field of scientific research, involving members of the action, as well as others, will likely be established in the future.  相似文献   

Aquaculture production comprises a diverse range of species, geographies, and farming systems. The application of genetics and breeding technologies towards improved production is highly variable, ranging from the use of wild-sourced seed through to advanced family breeding programmes augmented by genomic techniques. This technical variation exists across some of the most highly produced species globally, with several of the top ten global species by volume generally lacking well-managed breeding programmes. Given the well-documented incremental and cumulative benefits of genetic improvement on production, this is a major missed opportunity. This short review focusses on (i) the status of application of selective breeding in the world’s most produced aquaculture species, (ii) the range of genetic technologies available and the opportunities they present, and (iii) a future outlook towards realising the potential contribution of genetic technologies to aquaculture sustainability and global food security.  相似文献   

Dairy cows are high value farm animals requiring careful management to achieve the best results. Since the advent of robotic and high throughput milking, the traditional few minutes available for individual human attention daily has disappeared and new automated technologies have been applied to improve monitoring of dairy cow production, nutrition, fertility, health and welfare. Cows milked by robots must meet legal requirements to detect healthy milk. This review focuses on emerging technical approaches in those areas of high cost to the farmer (fertility, metabolic disorders, mastitis, lameness and calving). The availability of low cost tri-axial accelerometers and wireless telemetry has allowed accurate models of behaviour to be developed and sometimes combined with rumination activity detected by acoustic sensors to detect oestrus; other measures (milk and skin temperature, electronic noses, milk yield) have been abandoned. In-line biosensors have been developed to detect markers for ovulation, pregnancy, lactose, mastitis and metabolic changes. Wireless telemetry has been applied to develop boluses for monitoring the rumen pH and temperature to detect metabolic disorders. Udder health requires a multisensing approach due to the varying inflammatory responses collectively described as mastitis. Lameness can be detected by walk over weigh cells, but also by various types of video image analysis and speed measurement. Prediction and detection of calving time is an area of active research mostly focused on behavioural change.  相似文献   

Measuring and mitigating methane (CH4) emissions from livestock is of increasing importance for the environment and for policy making. Potentially, the most sustainable way of reducing enteric CH4 emission from ruminants is through the estimation of genomic breeding values to facilitate genetic selection. There is potential for adopting genetic selection and in the future genomic selection, for reduced CH4 emissions from ruminants. From this review it has been observed that both CH4 emissions and production (g/day) are a heritable and repeatable trait. CH4 emissions are strongly related to feed intake both in the short term (minutes to several hours) and over the medium term (days). When measured over the medium term, CH4 yield (MY, g CH4/kg dry matter intake) is a heritable and repeatable trait albeit with less genetic variation than for CH4 emissions. CH4 emissions of individual animals are moderately repeatable across diets, and across feeding levels, when measured in respiration chambers. Repeatability is lower when short term measurements are used, possibly due to variation in time and amount of feed ingested prior to the measurement. However, while repeated measurements add value; it is preferable the measures be separated by at least 3 to 14 days. This temporal separation of measurements needs to be investigated further. Given the above issue can be resolved, short term (over minutes to hours) measurements of CH4 emissions show promise, especially on systems where animals are fed ad libitum and frequency of meals is high. However, we believe that for short-term measurements to be useful for genetic evaluation, a number (between 3 and 20) of measurements will be required over an extended period of time (weeks to months). There are opportunities for using short-term measurements in standardised feeding situations such as breath ‘sniffers’ attached to milking parlours or total mixed ration feeding bins, to measure CH4. Genomic selection has the potential to reduce both CH4 emissions and MY, but measurements on thousands of individuals will be required. This includes the need for combined resources across countries in an international effort, emphasising the need to acknowledge the impact of animal and production systems on measurement of the CH4 trait during design of experiments.  相似文献   

Lameness is one of the most costly dairy cow diseases, yet adoption of lameness prevention strategies remains low. Low lameness prevention adoption might be attributable to a lack of understanding regarding total lameness costs. In this review, we evaluated the contribution of different expenditures and losses to total lameness costs. Evaluated expenditures included labor for treatment, therapeutic supplies, lameness detection and lameness control and prevention. Evaluated losses included non-saleable milk, reduced milk production, reduced reproductive performance, increased animal death, increased animal culling, disease interrelationships, lameness recurrence and reduced animal welfare. The previous literature on total lameness cost estimates was also summarized. The reviewed studies indicated that previous estimates of total lameness costs are variable and inconsistent in the expenditures and losses they include. Many of the identified expenditure and loss categories require further research to accurately include in total lameness cost estimates. Future research should focus on identifying costs associated with specific lameness conditions, differing lameness severity levels, and differing stages of lactation at onset of lameness to provide better total lameness cost estimates that can be useful for decision making at both the herd and individual cow level.  相似文献   

Climate change brings challenges to cattle production, such as the need to adapt to new climates and pressure to reduce greenhouse emissions (GHG). In general, the improvement of traits in current breeding goals is favourably correlated with the reduction of GHG. Current breeding goals and tools for increasing cattle production efficiency have reduced GHG. The same amount of production can be achieved by a much smaller number of animals. Genomic selection (GS) may offer a cost-effective way of using an efficient breeding approach, even in low- and middle-income countries. As climate change increases the intensity of heatwaves, adaptation to heat stress leads to lower efficiency of production and, thus, is unfavourable to the goal of reducing GHG. Furthermore, there is evidence that heat stress during cow pregnancy can have many generation-long lowering effects on milk production. Both adaptation and reduction of GHG are among the difficult-to-measure traits for which GS is more efficient and suitable than the traditional non-genomic breeding evaluation approach. Nevertheless, the commonly used within-breed selection may be insufficient to meet the new challenges; thus, cross-breeding based on selecting highly efficient and highly adaptive breeds may be needed. Genomic introgression offers an efficient approach for cross-breeding that is expected to provide high genetic progress with a low rate of inbreeding. However, well-adapted breeds may have a small number of animals, which is a source of concern from a genetic biodiversity point of view. Furthermore, low animal numbers also limit the efficiency of genomic introgression. Sustainable cattle production in countries that have already intensified production is likely to emphasise better health, reproduction, feed efficiency, heat stress and other adaptation traits instead of higher production. This may require the application of innovative technologies for phenotyping and further use of new big data techniques to extract information for breeding.  相似文献   

A reliable method is reported for the long-term preservation of ovaries and spermatozoa of the silkworm (Bombyx mori). Three studies are presented. In the first, ovaries were removed from larvae at either 3rd, 4th, or 5th instar, cryopreserved, and stored in liquid nitrogen. Thawed ovaries were transplanted to surgically castrated female larvae at the same or a different developmental stage. The highest percentage of recipient females producing eggs resulted into either 3rd or 4th instar larvae (respectively, 22.1 and 8.7%). Similarly, the highest levels of other measurements of successful cryopreservation and transplanted ovary, and number of eggs laid, occurred with the same combination of donor and recipient developmental stages. Other combinations of ovary/recipient developmental stages yielded lower results. In the second experiment, semen was collected from male moths, cryopreserved, and then thawed semen was diluted with trypsin solution and artificially inseminated into females obtained from the best conditions of first experiment. A small percentage of inseminated moths laid eggs (8-10.3%) compared to that of controls (100%). In addition, the fertility of eggs from experimental moths was lower than that of control females (respectively, 40.3-88% and 97.5%). In the third experiment, eggs were surgically removed from ovarian tubules of moth following transplantation of thawed ovaries and subjected to parthenogenetic activation and artificial hatching. As expected, all resulting moths were female and, following natural mating or artificial insemination with thawed semen, yielded normal offspring at high rates.  相似文献   

The ongoing coronavirus disease 19s pandemic has yet again demonstrated the importance of the human-animal interface in the emergence of zoonotic diseases, and in particular the role of wildlife and livestock species as potential hosts and virus reservoirs. As most diseases emerge out of the human-animal interface, a better understanding of the specific drivers and mechanisms involved is crucial to prepare for future disease outbreaks. Interactions between wildlife and livestock systems contribute to the emergence of zoonotic diseases, especially in the face of globalization, habitat fragmentation and destruction and climate change. As several groups of viruses and bacteria are more likely to emerge, we focus on pathogenic viruses of the Bunyavirales, Coronaviridae, Flaviviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, and Paramyxoviridae, as well as bacterial species including Mycobacterium sp., Brucella sp., Bacillus anthracis and Coxiella burnetii. Noteworthy, it was difficult to predict the drivers of disease emergence in the past, even for well-known pathogens. Thus, an improved surveillance in hotspot areas and the availability of fast, effective, and adaptable control measures would definitely contribute to preparedness. We here propose strategies to mitigate the risk of emergence and/or re-emergence of prioritized pathogens to prevent future epidemics.  相似文献   

Progeny born to primiparous sows farrowing their first litter, often called gilt progeny (GP), are typically characterised by their poorer overall production performance than progeny from multiparous sows (sow progeny; SP). Gilt progeny consistently grow slower, are born and weaned lighter, and have higher postweaning illness and mortality rates than SP. Collectively, their poorer performance culminates in a long time to reach market weight and, ultimately, reduced revenue. Due to the high replacement rates of sows, the primiparous sow and her progeny represent a large proportion of the herd resulting in a significant loss for the pig industry. While the reasons for poorer performance are complex and multifaceted, they may largely be attributed to the immature age at which gilts are often mated and the significant impact of this on their metabolism during gestation and lactation. As a result, this can have negative consequences on the piglet itself. To improve GP performance, it is crucial to understand the biological basis for differences between GP and SP. The purpose of this review is to summarise published literature investigating differences in growth performance and health status between GP and SP. It also examines the primiparous sow during gestation and lactation and how the young sow must support her own growth while supporting the metabolic demands of her pregnancy and the growth and development of her litter. Finally, the underlying physiology of GP is discussed in terms of growth and development in utero, the neonatal period, and the early development of the gastrointestinal tract. The present review concludes that there are a number of interplaying factors relating to the anatomy and physiology of the primiparous sow and of GP themselves. The studies presented herein strongly suggest that poor support of piglet growth in utero and reduced colostrum and milk production and consumption are largely responsible for the underperformance of GP. It is therefore recommended that future management strategies focus on supporting the primiparous sow during gestation and lactation, increasing the preweaning growth of GP to improve their ability to cope with the stressors of weaning, selection of reproductive traits such as uterine capacity to improve birth weights and ultimately GP performance, and finally, increase the longevity of sows to reduce the proportion of GP entering the herd.  相似文献   

Cattle are the world’s largest consumers of plant biomass. Digestion of this biomass by ruminants generates high methane emissions that affect global warming. In the last decades, the specialisation of cattle breeds and livestock systems towards either milk or meat has increased the milk production of dairy cows and the carcass weight of slaughtered cattle. At the animal level and farm level, improved animal performance decreases feed use and greenhouse gas emissions per kg of milk or carcass weight, mainly through a dilution of maintenance requirements per unit of product. However, increasing milk production per dairy cow reduces meat production from the dairy sector, as there are fewer dairy cows. More beef cows are then required if one wants to maintain the same meat production level at country scale. Meat produced from the dairy herd has a better feed efficiency (less feed required per kg of carcass weight) and emits less methane than the meat produced by the cow-calf systems, because the intake of lactating cows is largely for milk production and marginally for meat, whereas the intake of beef cows is entirely for meat. Consequently, the benefits of breed specialisation assessed at the animal level and farm level may not hold when milk and meat productions are considered together. Any change in the milk-to-meat production ratio at the country level affects the numbers of beef cows required to produce meat. At the world scale, a broad diversity in feed efficiencies of cattle products is observed. Where both productions of milk per dairy cow and meat per head of cattle are low, the relationship between milk and meat efficiencies is positive. Improved management practices (feed, reproduction, health) increase the feed efficiency of both products. Where milk and meat productivities are high, a trade-off between feed efficiencies of milk and meat can be observed in relation to the share of meat produced in either the dairy sector or the beef sector. As a result, in developing countries, increasing productivities of both dairy and beef cattle herds will increase milk and meat efficiencies, reduce land use and decrease methane emissions. In other regions of the world, increasing meat production from young animals produced by dairy cows is probably a better option to reduce feed use for an unchanged milk-to-meat production ratio.  相似文献   

Background aimsNon-revascularizable critical limb ischemia (CLI) is the most severe stage of peripheral arterial disease, with no therapeutic option. Extensive preclinical studies have demonstrated that adipose-derived stroma cell (ASC) transplantation strongly improves revascularization and tissue perfusion in ischemic limbs. This study, named ACellDREAM, is the first phase I trial to evaluate the feasibility and safety of intramuscular injections of autologous ASC in non-revascularizable CLI patients.MethodsSeven patients were consecutively enrolled, on the basis of the following criteria: (i) lower-limb rest pain or ulcer; (ii) ankle systolic oxygen pressure <50 or 70 mm Hg for non-diabetic and diabetic patients, respectively, or first-toe systolic oxygen pressure <30 mm Hg or 50 mm Hg for non-diabetic and diabetic patients, respectively; (iii) not suitable for revascularization. ASCs from abdominal fat were grown for 2 weeks and were then characterized.ResultsMore than 200 million cells were obtained, with almost total homogeneity and no karyotype abnormality. The expressions of stemness markers Oct4 and Nanog were very low, whereas expression of telomerase was undetectable in human ASCs compared with human embryonic stem cells. ASCs (108) were then intramuscularly injected into the ischemic leg of patients, with no complication, as judged by an independent committee. Trans-cutaneous oxygen pressure tended to increase in most patients. Ulcer evolution and wound healing showed improvement.ConclusionsThese data demonstrate the feasibility and safety of autologous ASC transplantation in patients with objectively proven CLI not suitable for revascularization. The improved wound healing also supports a putative functional efficiency.  相似文献   

  1. Worldwide, the addition of treated wastewater (i.e. effluent) to streams is becoming more common as urban populations grow and developing countries increase their use of wastewater treatment plants. Release of treated effluent can impair water quality and ecological communities, but also could help restore flow and maintain aquatic habitat in water-stressed regions. To assess this range of potential outcomes, we conducted a global review of studies from effluent-fed streams to examine the impacts of effluent on water quality and aquatic and riparian biota.
  2. We identified 147 quantitative studies of effluent-fed streams, most of which were from the U.S.A. and Europe. Over 85% of the studies identified water quality as a primary study focus, including basic physical and chemical parameters, as well as trace organic contaminants. Nearly 60% of the studies had at least some focus on aquatic or riparian biota, primarily fish, aquatic invertebrates, and basal resources (e.g. algae).
  3. Effluent inputs generally impaired water quality near discharge points, mainly through increased water temperature, nutrients, and concentrations of trace organic contaminants, but also via decreased dissolved oxygen levels. The majority of ecological studies found that basal resources, aquatic invertebrates, and fish were negatively affected in a variety of ways (e.g. biodiversity losses, replacement of sensitive with tolerant species). However, several studies showed the importance of effluent in providing environmental flows to streams that had been dewatered by anthropogenic water withdrawals, especially in semi-arid and arid regions.
  4. Knowledge gaps identified include the abiotic impacts of effluent, such as changes in channel morphology and hydrology (e.g. how nutrient-rich and warmer effluent affects infiltration rates or interactions with groundwater), the effects of effluent on plants and vertebrates (e.g. amphibians, birds), and the impact of effluent-induced perennialisation on naturally intermittent or ephemeral streams.
  5. Although effluent-fed streams often exhibit signs of ecological impairment, there is great potential for these systems to serve as refuges of aquatic biodiversity and corridors of ecological connectivity when wastewater treatment standards are high, especially in semi-arid and arid regions where natural streams have been dewatered.

This study evaluated the extent of differentiation and cartilage biosynthetic capacity of human adult adipose‐derived stem cells relative to human fetal chondrocytes. Both types of cell were seeded into nonwoven‐mesh polyglycolic acid (PGA) scaffolds and cultured under dynamic conditions with and without addition of TGF‐β1 and insulin. Gene expression for aggrecan and collagen type II was upregulated in the stem cells in the presence of growth factors, and key components of articular cartilage such as glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen type II were synthesized in cultured tissue constructs. However, on a per cell basis and in the presence of growth factors, accumulation of GAG and collagen type II were, respectively, 3.4‐ and 6.1‐fold lower in the stem cell cultures than in the chondrocyte cultures. Although the stem cells synthesized significantly higher levels of total collagen than the chondrocytes, only about 2.4% of this collagen was collagen type II. Relative to cultures without added growth factors, treatment of the stem cells with TGF‐β1 and insulin resulted in a 59% increase in GAG synthesis, but there was no significant change in collagen production even though collagen type II gene expression was upregulated 530‐fold. In contrast, in the chondrocyte cultures, synthesis of collagen type II and levels of collagen type II as a percentage of total collagen more than doubled after growth factors were applied. Although considerable progress has been achieved to develop differentiation strategies and scaffold‐based culture techniques for adult mesenchymal stem cells, the extent of differentiation of human adipose‐derived stem cells in this study and their capacity for cartilage synthesis fell considerably short of those of fetal chondrocytes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 393–401. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

When performing CT examinations on pregnant patients, great effort should be dedicated towards optimising the exposure of the mother and the conceptus. For this purpose, many radiology departments use high-Z garments to be wrapped around the patient's lower abdomen for out-of-plane organ shielding to protect the fetus. To assess their current protection efficiency, we performed a literature review and compared the efficiencies mentioned in the literature to Monte-Carlo calculations of CT protocols for which the overall scan length was reduced. We found 11 relevant articles, all of them reporting uterus exposure due to CT imaging performed for exclusion of pulmonary embolism, one of the leading causes of peripartum deaths in western countries. Uterus doses ranged between 60 and 660 µGy per examination, and relative dose reductions to the uterus due to high-Z garments were between 20 and 56%. Calculations showed that reducing the scan length by one to three centimetres could potentially reduce uterus dose up to 24% for chest imaging, and even 47% for upper abdominal imaging. These dose reductions were in the order of those achieved by high-Z garments. However, using the latter may negatively influence the diagnostic image quality and even interfere with the automatic exposure control system thus increasing patient dose if positioned in the primary beam, for example in the overranging length in helical acquisition. We conclude that efforts should be concentrated on positioning the patient correctly in the gantry and optimising protocol parameters, rather than using high-Z garments for out-of-plane uterus shielding.  相似文献   

Evidence is mounting for a relationship between human semen quality and environmental/lifestyle/socioeconomic factors including long term health outcomes such as mortality. The relationship between pre-freeze and post-thaw semen quality in cancer patients and these factors are unknown. Frozen semen from 217 cancer patients was thawed and analysed using a validated CASA method. Post-thaw quality was matched and compared with WHO semen analysis performed prior to storage. The English Indices of Deprivation 2010 were matched with patients and then examined for relationships with pre-freeze and post-thaw semen quality. There is a relationship between semen quality and deprivation in cancer patients. Compared with pre-freeze semen quality, post-thaw semen quality has a stronger relationship with deprivation. Sperm cryopreservation may have potential as a systemic health diagnostic test and is predictive of cancer patient mortality.  相似文献   

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