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We have adapted a multiparameter cell sorter to measure the distribution of fluorescence polarization in cell populations. Measurements carried out on EL4 cells show that the percent polarization of fluorescein fluorescence decreases with increasing fluorescence intensity. This inverse relationship between polarization and intensity is shown both within the cell population and by the average values of the two quantities during both the increase and decrease of fluorescence intensity. The quantitative relation between intensity and polarization is different in hypertonic than in isotonic media. These results suggest that polarization measurements carried out at a fixed time after incubation of cells with fluorescein diacetate, which is converted to fluorescein within the cells, may depend in part on the rate of fluorescein accumulation, and that agents that have been reported to change the polarization of fluorescein in living cells may do so by changing the kinetics of fluorescein accumulation.  相似文献   

An investigation on the photobleaching behavior of fluorescein in microscopy was carried out through a systematic analysis of photobleaching mechanisms. The individual photochemical reactions of fluorescein were incorporated into a theoretical analysis and mathematical simulation to study the photochemical processes leading to photobleaching of fluorescein in microscopy. The photobleaching behavior of free and bound fluorescein has also been investigated by experimental means. Both the theoretical simulation and experimental data show that photobleaching of fluorescein in microscopy is, in general, not a single-exponential process. The simulation suggests that the non-single-exponential behavior is caused by the oxygen-independent, proximity-induced triplet-triplet or triplet-ground state dye reactions of bound fluorescein in microscopy. The single-exponential process is a special case of photobleaching behavior when the reactions between the triplet dye and molecular oxygen are dominant.  相似文献   

Small-molecule fluorescent sensors that allow specific measurement of nuclear pH in living cells will be valuable for biological research. Here we report that Hoechst-tagged fluorescein (hoeFL), which we previously developed as a green fluorescent DNA-staining probe, can be used for this purpose. Upon excitation at 405 nm, the hoeFL–DNA complex displayed two fluorescence bands around 460 nm and 520 nm corresponding to the Hoechst and fluorescein fluorescence, respectively. When pH was changed from 8.3 to 5.5, the fluorescence intensity ratio (F520/F460) significantly decreased, which allowed reliable pH measurement. Moreover, because hoeFL binds specifically to the genomic DNA in cells, it was applicable to visualize the intranuclear pH of nigericin-treated and intact living human cells by ratiometric fluorescence imaging.  相似文献   

Julian Borejdo  Susan Putnam 《BBA》1977,459(3):578-595
Single skinned glycerinated muscle fibers were labelled with the fluorescent dye N-(iodoacetylamino)-1-naphthylamine-5-sulfonic acid (1,5-IAEDANS). The heavy chain of myosin (EC was labelled predominantly when the reaction was carried out in relaxation at 0 °C. Mechanical properties of skinned fibers were little affected by labelling with the fluorophore. Rigor tension developed upon transferring native or labelled skinned fibers from relaxing to rigor solutions lacking Ca2+ was very small but could be enhanced by progressively increasing Ca2+ concentration; the rigor tension decreased with increasing sarcomere length.Polarization of fluorescence of skinned fibers reacted with 1,5-IAEDANS was measured along the line of excitation as well as at 90° to it. The mean values of parallel and perpendicular components of polarization of labelled fibers measured at 0° were close to the values obtained for native fibers irrigated with 1,5-IAEDANS-labelled heavy meromyosin, fiber “ghosts” irrigated with labelled heavy meromyosin, and oriented bundles of myofibrils reacted with the same fluorophore. Skinned fibers stretched above the rest length and then irrigated with 1,5-IAEDANS-labelled heavy meromyosin gave rise to polarized fluorescence close to the values theoretically predicted for an assembly of helically arranged fluorophores. Using 90° detection system a satisfactory fit to the theory could be obtained from single fibers labelled with 1,5-IAEDANS and measured in rigor. The angle between the fiber axis and the direction of the emission dipole of 1,5-IAEDANS attached to subfragment-1 was estimated to be near 40°.  相似文献   

A new mechanism has been developed for achieving fast ratiometric voltage-sensitive fluorescence changes in single cells using fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The mechanism is based on hydrophobic fluorescent anions that rapidly redistribute from one face of the plasma membrane to the other according to the Nernst equation. A voltage-sensitive fluorescent readout is created by labeling the extracellular surface of the cell with a second fluorophore, here a fluorescently labeled lectin, that can undergo energy transfer with the membrane-bound sensor. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the two fluorophores is disrupted when the membrane potential is depolarized, because the anion is pulled to the intracellular surface of the plasma membrane far from the lectin. Bis-(1,3-dialkyl-2-thiobarbiturate)-trimethineoxonols, where alkyl is n-hexyl and n-decyl (DiSBA-C6-(3) and DiSBA-C10-(3), respectively) can function as donors to Texas Red labeled wheat germ agglutinin (TR-WGA) and acceptors from fluorescein-labeled lectin (FI-WGA). In voltage-clamped fibroblasts, the translocation of these oxonols is measured as a displacement current with a time constant of approximately 2 ms for 100 mV depolarization at 20 degrees C, which equals the speed of the fluorescence changes. Fluorescence ratio changes of between 4% and 34% were observed for a 100-mV depolarization in fibroblasts, astrocytoma cells, beating cardiac myocytes, and B104 neuroblastoma cells. The large fluorescence changes allow high-speed confocal imaging.  相似文献   

Polarization of tryptophan fluorescence in muscle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
J F Aronson  M F Morales 《Biochemistry》1969,8(11):4517-4522

The use of the antibiotic drug mithramycin for cytoflurometric assessment of deoxyribonucleic acid in single cells has been studied in smears of a standard cell population of rat thymocytes. The optimal staining conditions have been determined including the influence of fixation (freeze-drying, formalin and ethanol). The drug equilibration time has been estimated in relation to the concentration of the mithramycin and to Mg++ was found to enhance the fluorescence intensity produced by the mithramycin-deoxyribonucleic acid interaction. The stability and the reproducibility of the fluorescence reaction are discussed.  相似文献   

Flux measurement in single cells by fluorescence microphotolysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fluorescence microphotolysis — widely employed for diffusion studies — can be used to measure transfer (flux) of fluorescent solutes through membranes in single cells and organelles. This article analyses the methodological basis of flux measurements, provides experimental tests, and discusses potential applications. The principle of the method is to equilibrate cells, organelles or vesicles with a fluorescent solute, to deplete the interior of individual cells etc. of fluorescene by the pulse of a high-intensity microbeam, and to monitor influx of solute by microfluorometry. Simple equations are given and a computer curve fitting program is described by which rate constants of influx and membrane permeability coefficients can be derived from fluorescence measurements. The permeability of individual leaky human erythrocyte ghosts to fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labelled bovine serum albumin has been measured under various conditions. Multiple exposure to the high-intensity microbeam had no effect on permeability within experimental error. Flux measurements have been also performed on individual vesicles of 1–2 m radius which had been derived from ghosts. The potential application of the method to sub-lightmicroscopic vesicles and to organelles within living cells is discussed.Abbreviation FITC-BSA fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin  相似文献   

We have built a flow system in which we can analyze and sort individual viable cells on the basis of their cytoplasmic microviscosity. The average cytoplasmic microviscosity (or cytoplasmic structuredness) of a cell can be quantitated by exciting fluorescein molecules in the cytoplasm of the cell with a polarized light source and measuring the extent of depolarization of the fluorescent signal. Changes in the state of a cell (e.g., the reception of a signal inducing the cell to differentiate) often appear to be associated with changes in cytoplasmic microviscosity, these changes being detectable within hours of the inducing signal. An example of one such change is presented.  相似文献   

The degree of polarization of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of glycerinated single muscle fibres or fibre bundles (rabbit psoas or dorsal longitudinal muscle of Lethocerus maximus) was measured:
  1. With sufficiently high (15 mM) ATP concentration or when an ATP regenerating system was used no difference in the degree of polarization of a contracting and a relaxed muscle was detected, whereas a distinct difference was detected between the relaxed and the rigor state. In contrast a distinct difference between the relaxed and contracting state was obtained at low ATP concentrations (5 mM). This difference is interpreted to be caused by an ATP-free core (rigor core) in the centre of the fibre.
  2. No change in the polarization degree was detected after a rapid release of the contracting muscle.
  3. In rigor state no difference in the degree of polarization of the tryptophan fluorescence was observed in the presence or absence of AMPPNP (concentration 0.5 mM).
These findings and the lack of difference between the polarization degree of the contracting and the relaxed muscle is interpreted to indicate that the polarization degree of the tryptophan fluorescence is not sensitive to the orientation of the cross bridges, or that the cross bridges do not rotate.  相似文献   

Suspensions rich in pancreatic beta-cells were prepared from non-inbred ob/ob-mice, incubated with 10 micrometer-chlorotetracycline, and analysed for fluorescence polarization in a microscope. Throughout the temperature range 16--38 degrees C, fluorescence was enhanced by 5 mM-Ca2+ in the incubation medium; 20 mM-D-glucose decreased the fluorescence measured in the presence of Ca2+. Fluorescence showed a curvilinear negative regression on temperature. The curves were rectified to a virtually ideal degree by Arrhenius transformations of data. Non-parametric testing of differences between linearized regression lines forms the basis for the following conclusions. The temperature-dependence of fluorescence intensity appeared to be smaller for Ca2+-specific signals than for the background fluorescence of chlorotetracycline in Ca2+-deficient cells. D-Glucose significantly diminished the polarization of fluorescence in cells incubated with Ca2+. It is suggested that D-glucose increases the mobility of Ca2+ in beta-cell plasma membranes; this mobility increase may help to explain previously reported effects of D-glucose on 45Ca2+ fluxes and membrane electric potential.  相似文献   

Imaging protein phosphorylation by fluorescence in single living cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Protein phosphorylation by intracellular kinases plays one of the most pivotal roles in signaling pathways within cells. To reveal the biological issues related to the kinase proteins, electrophoresis, immunocytochemistry, and in vitro kinase assay have been used. However, these conventional methods do not provide enough information about spatial and temporal dynamics of the signal transduction based on protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in living cells. To overcome the limitation for investigating the kinase signaling, we developed genetically encoded fluorescent indicators for visualizing the protein phosphorylation in living cells. Using these indicators, we visualized under a fluorescence microscope when, where, and how the protein kinases are activated in single living cells.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis with collinear laser-induced fluorescence detection was used for the analysis of steroids in single R2C cells. Progesterone secretion was monitored from cultured cells and subsequently detected in single cells. Mass detection limit of 10(-18) mol for dansylated steroids was achieved with the 325-nm line of a helium-cadmium laser. Dansylhydrazine proved to be an effective fluorescent tag for derivatization of steroids outside and inside the biological cell. Fluorescence microscopy indicates that a dimethyl sulfoxide-containing physiological buffer was sufficient to incorporate the tag inside the cell for subsequent steroid derivatization.  相似文献   

Z J Huang 《Biochemistry》1991,30(35):8535-8540
Kinetic fluorescence measurements were employed to quantitative to stepwise hydrolysis of fluorescein di-beta-D-galactoside (FDG) by beta-galactosidase and the intermediate fluorescein mono-beta-D-galactoside (FMG) channeling. The kinetic parameters, Michaelis-Menten constant Km and enzymatic catalysis rate k2, for FDG hydrolysis to FMG by beta-galactosidase were obtained as 18.0 microM and 1.9 mumol.(min-mg)-1, respectively. The FMG intermediate is hydrolyzed via two modes: (1) FMG that is in free solution binding to the enzyme substrate binding site in competition with FDG and then being hydrolyzed (binding mode); (2) FMG being directly hydrolyzed into the final products of fluorescein and galactose before the FMG can diffuse away from the enzyme active site (channeling mode). The extent of the FMG channeling mode was found to depend on the FDG hydrolysis rate but to be independent of the free enzyme concentration. A channeling factor, defined as the ratio of the real FMG hydrolysis rate with both binding and channeling modes over that which would be observed with an exclusive binding mode, was used to quantitate the effect of the intermediate channeling. The FMG channeling factor was determined to be close to 1 at low FDG concentration (about 5.1 microM), where the slow FDG hydrolysis rate gives an ineffective channeling and where the FMG is then hydrolyzed mainly via the binding mode. However, the channeling factor dramatically increases at higher FDG concentrations (greater than Km), strongly indicating that the effective FMG channeling mode, resulting from the considerable FDG hydrolysis rate at high FDG concentrations, becomes a primary pathway to channel a steady system hydrolysis with a high rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fluorescence microphotolysis was employed to measure in single living cells the kinetics of nucleocytoplasmic transport and the coefficients of intracellular diffusional mobility for the nuclear non-chromosomal protein nucleoplasmin. Nucleoplasmin was isolated from Xenopus ovary and labeled fluorescently. By injection into Xenopus oocytes it was ascertained that fluorescent labeling did not interfere with normal nuclear accumulation. Upon injection into the cytoplasm of various mammalian cell types nucleoplasmin was rapidly taken up by the nucleus. In rat hepatoma cells the half-time of nuclear uptake was approx. 5 min at 37 degrees C; the nucleocytoplasmic equilibrium concentration ratio had a maximum of 6.5 +/- 1.4 and depended on the injected amount. Upon co-injection of ATPases or reduction of temperature to 10 degrees C a nucleocytoplasmic equilization but no nuclear accumulation was observed. Equilization was fast (time constant 65 s at 23 degrees C), similar to that of 10-kDa dextran permeating the nuclear envelope by simple diffusion through functional pores. Nucleoplasmin (160 kDa), however, is too large to permeate passively the nuclear envelope, which is apparent from the fact that its tryptic 'core' fragment (100 kDa) could not permeate the nuclear envelope. On the other hand, a large fluorescent protein, phycoerythrin (240 kDa), was targeted to the nucleus by conjugation with nucleoplasmin. In the nucleus-to-cytoplasm direction the nuclear envelope was completely impermeable to nucleoplasmin, independently of temperature or ATP depletion. Nucleoplasmin, its core fragment, phycoerythrin and the phycoerythrin-nucleoplasmin conjugate were mobile in both cytoplasm and nucleus.  相似文献   

Excitation intensities used for standard microspectrofluorometric observations of natural cell fluorescence, i.e. NAD(P)H, lead to fading of hydrocarbon (polycyclic aromatic, heterocyclic) fluorescence in EL2 cells incubated with such compounds. The disappearance of hydrocarbon fluorescence under excitation at 366 nm seems to be an exponential function of time. The fading prevents studies on hydrocarbon metabolization in correlation with intracellular microelectrophoretic injection of substrate, e.g. glucose-6-P. A return to 8-10 times less intense excitation conditions used in an earlier prototype microspectrofluorometer, has allowed the observation of sequential changes in the difference spectra (after glucose-6-P minus before) of hydrocarbon-treated cells (e.g. benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzocarbazols). The possible relative contributions of NAD(P)H and hydrocarbon metabolites (or alterations) to such sequential spectra are still under consideration, but the main obstacle to their observation, fading, is removed by less intense excitation.  相似文献   

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