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Germination and carbohydrate concentrations were determined in excised dormant and afterripened wild oat (Avena fatua L. line M73) embryos cultured on N6 medium with and without 88 mM fructose (Fru). Without Fru dormant embryos began to germinate after approximately 2 weeks, and the germination rate was greater at 12 than 16°C. With addition of Fru 80% of dormant embryos germinated in 3 days. More than 80% of afterripened embryos germinated within 1 day on N6 with or without additional sugars. Therefore, relative to afterripened embryos, true embryo dormancy exists in line M73. Concentrations of starch and soluble sugars were initially similar in dormant and afterripened embryos. Culturing dormant and afterripened embryos on medium with Fru resulted in concentrations of glucose (Glu), sucrose (Sue), Fru and maltose (Mal) that were the same or higher than the initial levels. The concentration of starch in embryos initially increased slightly then remained constant or declined, except in dormant embryos on Fru-amended medium, where starch accumulated to 34 μg Glu equivalents (mg fresh weight)-1 at 52 h. Raffinose (Raf) and stachyose (Stach) concentrations declined over time in all embryos. Carbohydrate concentrations in afterripened embryos on medium without Fru decreased to nearly undetectable levels by 52 h. Soluble sugar concentrations in dormant embryos on medium without Fru also declined by 52 h, but changes were not as extensive as those in afterripened embryos without Fru. In 52 h Raf and Stach were nearly depleted in all afterripened embryos, and in dormant embryos cultured on Fru-containing medium but not in dormant embryos without Fru. The concentration of Stach in dormant embryos without Fru declined 60% at 12 to 18 days coinciding with the potential for germination. The results demonstrate that a decline in Stach concentration is associated with the potential for germination of dormant (D) excised embryos. The mechanism of dormancy-breaking associated with the Raf family oligosaccharides remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The dormancy-breaking effect of several known germination promoters was studied in 9 genetically pure lines of Avena fatua L. during a period of controlled after-ripening. Changes in the germination response show at least two dormancy states in the caryopses of these lines. The first state is overcome by a short period of after-ripening and is insensitive to nitrate and azide, while the second state is more persistent and is sensitive to nitrate and azide. Both states are sensitive to gibberellic acid (OA,) and ethanol. In the most dormant lines a third ethanol-insensitive dormancy state is present. The duration of both major dormancy states was related to several environmental factors influencing plant growth and seed storage. Duration was increased in caryopses produced from plants matured under low temperatures (15°C) and decreased in caryopses produced from plants matured under high temperatures (25°C). Duration was increased in caryopses after-ripened under low temperatures (4°C) and decreased in caryopses after-ripened under high temperatures (45°C). Dehulling the seeds prior to after-ripening reduced the duration of both major dormancy states. The multiple state dormancy system and its environmentally induced plasticity are discussed with reference to previous explanations of the dormancy mechanism in wild oats.  相似文献   

The effects of a short exposure to red, far-red or alternate red/far-red light on the germination of seeds after-ripened for different periods of time were studied in dormant lines of wild oat ( Avena fatua L.). Three stages were distinguishable in the after-ripening period in the response of germination to light. Seeds stayed dormant and showed no response to light during stage I. Phytochrome-mediated germination was observed in seeds during stage II. The phytochrome action disappeared during stage III, i.e. seeds fully germinated following treatments of all light qualities. When the seeds were imbibed in polyethylene glycol solutions, dark germination was reduced and phytochrome again had an effect, which suggested the involvement of phytochrome in water uptake of the seed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms controlling seed dormancy maintenance and release are not understood. To characterize the molecular events accompanying dormancy release, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to monitor changes in soluble proteins and in vitro translation products of embryonic mRNA populations during imbibition of dormant and nondormant (after-ripened) Avena fatua L. caryopses. No differences were observed between in vitro translation products of mRNA extracted from dry dormant and nondormant embryos. However, the expression patterns of several imbibition- and germination-associated mRNAs were temporally modulated during the first 24 h of imbibition. Two dormancy-associated mRNAs, represented by polypeptides D1 and D2, were differentially overexpressed in dormant embryos after 3 h of imbibition. mRNA levels for D1 and D2 were about 8- and 3-fold higher, respectively, in dormant embryos than in nondormant embryos after 3 h of imbibition. Overexpression of D1 continued through 12 h of imbibition, while expression of both mRNAs fell to low and equivalent amounts in dormant and nondormant embryos after 24 h. Similar dormancy-associated changes in two soluble proteins were observed during imbibition. The results demonstrate that steady-state levels of specific mRNAs and proteins change during early imbibition of dormant and nondormant A. fatua embryos and indicate that these changes may be associated with differential gene expression responsible for the maintenance of dormancy.  相似文献   

Fusicoccin induced germination in dormant and partially afterripened dormant caryopses of Avena fatua L. The rate of caryopsis germination was slower and final percentage germination lower in the highly dormant inbred line M73 at a given concentration of fusicoccin than in the dormant caryopses of line AN265. Gibberellic acid was more effective than fusicoccin in breaking dormancy in both lines. Promotion of germination of dormant caryopses by fusicoccin was inhibited by a 6-day pretreatment with (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride.
The basal rate of proton efflux from embryos isolated from dormant and fully afterripened line AN265 caryopses was similar. Addition of fusicoccin increased the rate of proton efflux from the isolated embryos of dormant and afterripened caryopses by nearly 400%. Gibberellic acid had no effect on the rate of proton extrusion. The uptake of 86Rb+ in dormant and afterripened A. fatua embryos was similar after a 2 h uptake period. The addition of fusicoccin to the medium doubled the uptake of 86Rb4 by dormant and afterripened embryos. Gibberelleic acid had no effect on the uptake of 86Rb+ by isolated embryos from either dormant or afterripened caryopses. The experimental results indicate that gibberellic acid is more versatile in its action than fusicoccin, and gibberellic acid may facilitate dormant A. fatua caryopsis germination by stimulating mechanisms other than the direct H+ efflux and K+ uptake at the membrane level.  相似文献   

In experiments conducted under controlled conditions. KNO3 (50 or 100 m M ) promoted germination of a dormant strain (AN 474) of Avena fatua when either one or two holes were pierced in the lower (adaxial) surface of the caryopsis in contact with the nitrate solution. Germination was increased by increasing either the KNO3 concentration or the number of holes in the seed coat. The germination response induced by the application of water to a hole pierced in the upper surface of the caryopsis was. increased by pre-treatment of the intact caryopsis with KNO3. Treatment with either 50 or 100 m M KNO3 caused a transient reduction in embryo water content of intact cary-opses, but increased the nitrate and amino- N content of pierced caryopses prior to germination. Supplying a 100 m M solution of KNO3 to pierced caryopses reduced the total water potential and osmotic potential of the embryo, and increased its pressure potential by the same amount as an equimolar solution of KC1; however, while both treatments promoted germination, the KNO3 induced more rapid germination than the KCI. Both treatments also increased the K+ content of the embryo, the KNO3 again having the greater effect. These results are consistent with the hypothesis, based on our previous investigations, that KNO3 promotes germination of dormant caryopses by accumulating in the embryo where it acts osmotically to increase water uptake. It is also postulated, that, in contrast to KCI, KNG3 may combine an osmotic effect on water uptake with a nutritional effect on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) caryopses were germinated on moist filter paper and under water in the presence and absence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The sequential growth and development of embryo parts were studied. Germination, as indicated by radicle emergence, was least and slowest in caryopses submerged in deoxygenated water. The coleorhiza in such caryopses elongated much earlier than the root, in contrast to the other treatments where the coleorhiza and the root emerged at about the same time. In caryopses incubated on moist filter paper all embryo parts showed considerable growth. In H2O2 treated caryopses only the epicotyl showed substantial growth over the experimental period. In all treatments the first mitotic peaks were noticed at the same period. The occurrence of these early nuclear divisions may be due to release of 4 C nuclei from inhibition by the uptake of water during caryopsis imbibition. The mitosis continued in the radicle of the embryo in those caryopses germinating on moist filter paper, indicating occurrence of DNA synthesis. In the other two treatments, however, few divisions were detected. Here the early growth of the root, causing caryopsis germination, was due to cell elongation, especially in the proximal part of the root.  相似文献   

Adkins, S. W., Symons, S. J. and Simpson, G. M. 1988. The physiological basis of seed dormancy in Avena fatua . VIII. Action of malonic acid - Physiol. Plant, 72: 477–482.
A low concentration of malonic acid (50 m M ) induced germination in four genetically pure dormant lines of Avena fatua L. Sensitivity to this treatment was poor immediately after harvest but increased markedly during after-ripening, indicating that the mode of action of malonic acid (50 m M ) was similar to that of another organic acid, citric acid. Over the concentration range (10–50 m M ) where malonic acid promoted germination, oxygen uptake was also stimulated, and this was before the first visible signs of germination. At higher concentrations (100–300 m M ) where there was no promotion of germination, malonic acid strongly inhibited oxygen uptake. These results show that malonic acid has a dual effect on oxygen uptake and subsequent germination. Low concentrations (10–50 m M ) act by stimulating the Krebs cycle and germination through an acidification reaction like citric acid, and high concentrations (100–300 m M ) act by inhibiting germination through enzymatic restraint of the Krebs cycle.
The stimulation of both oxygen uptake and germination by three established germination promoters (sodium nitrate, citric acid and ethanol) was inhibited by a high concentration of malonic acid (200 m M ) but unaffected by a low concentration (50 m M ). These results show that oxygen uptake, and hence the activity of the Krebs cycle, are important processes involved in the dormancy breaking mechanism of these three promotors.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy allows weed seeds to persist in agricultural soils. Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) is a major weed of cereal grains and expresses a range of seed dormancy phenotypes. Genetic analysis of wild oat dormancy has been complicated by the difficulty of phenotypic classification in segregating populations. Therefore, little is known about the nature of the genes that regulate dormancy in wild oat. The objectives of our studies were to develop methods to classify the germination responses of segregating wild oat populations and to find molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) that regulate seed dormancy in wild oat. RAPD markers OPX-06 and OPT-04 explained 12.6% and 6.8% respectively, of the F2 phenotypic variance. OPF-17 was not significant in a simple regression model, but it was linked in repulsion to OPT-04. A three-locus model of seed dormancy in wild oat is presented based on the 41-day germination profiles of F1, F2, F3, BC1P1F1, BC1P1F2, and BC1P2F1 generations, and the 113 day germination profile of 126 F7 recombinant inbred lines. Loci G 1 and G 2 promote early germination, and the D locus promotes late germination. If at least one copy of the dominant G 1 or G 2 alleles are present regardless of the genotype at D locus, then the individual will be nondormant. If the genotype is g 1 g 1 g 2 g 2 D_, then the phenotype will be dormant. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Abstract Growth of the second leaf of susceptible wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was inhibited within 2 days after treatment with the herbicide, diclofop-methyl, in the 1-1/2 leaf stage. Leaf growth of resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was unaffected by diclofop-methyl. In wild oat. chlorosis developed 1 day after leaf growth was inhibited. Foliar absorption of diclofop-methyl was similar between wild oat and wheat with 67 and 61% of the recovered radioactivity from [14C]diclofop-methyl being absorbed by wild oat and wheat, respectively, after 4 days. Wild oal was equally sensitive to the methyl ester and acid forms of the herbicide when the compounds were injected into the stem. Wheat was unaffected by both forms when treated similarly. Very little diclofop-methyl and diclofop (combined total of 10 to 12% in wild oat and 5 to 7% in wheat) remained in plant tissues 2 days after leaf treatment in both susceptible and resistant plants. Therefore, the active form of the herbicide must inhibit growth of susceptible plants very rapidly and at relatively low concentrations. Diclofop-methyl was rapidly hydrolyzed to diclofop by wild oat and wheat. Wild oat predominantly conjugated diclofop to an ester conjugate but wheat hydroxylated the 2,4-dichlorophenyl ring and formed a phenolic conjugate. The formation of the different conjugates between wild oat and wheat was the most significant difference in metabolism between the two species. Nearly 60 and 70% of the methanol-soluble radioactivity was present as water-soluble conjugates in wild oat and wheat, respectively, 4 days after treatment.  相似文献   

Induction of vivipary in Avena fatua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was conducted under controlled conditions to determine whether treatments designed to maximize the availability of water during seed development could induce viviparous germination in wild oats ( Avena fatua L.). Panicles of three genetic lines, which differed in their degree of dormancy, were kept in darkness at ca 100% RH and 20±1°C and were either supplied with water through the cut end of the rachis or left attached to the plant which was exposed to light. In the non-dormant line, germination of both primary and secondary caryopses on excised panicles increased with their stage of development when treated, i.e., 0, 5 and 10 days after anthesis. Germination of primary caryopses varied between 70 and 80% and was similar on both isolated and attached panicles treated at 10 and 5 days after anthesis, respectively. The percentage germination was considerably lower in all treatments of the two dormant lines and was inversely related to the genetically determined difference in their degree of dormancy. In these dormant lines germination was significantly lower on the intact plant than on the detached panicles. Water potential measurements suggested that this difference may be due partly to the transpiration-induced negative ψxyin the stem which may contribute to the inhibition of embryo growth and thus to the prevention of viparous germination.  相似文献   

The induction of secondary dormancy in caryopses of genetically pure dormant lines of Avena fatua L. is described. Seeds harvested from mature plants were after-ripened under controlled conditions (26°C, 25% relative humidity) until fully non-dormant. Secondary dormancy was then induced into these caryopses by incubation on moist filter papers in an aspirated nitrogen atmosphere at 20°C over periods from 3 h to 14 days. These caryopses failed to germinate when returned to an aerobic environment. The dose-response curves for gibberellic acid, sodium azide, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate and ethanol show that all of these treatments can overcome the induced secondary dormancy. Drying increased the sensitivity of secondary dormant caryopses to these treatments. These treatments overcame secondary dormancy at all times, indicating the presence of only one of the two known blocks to germination that exist during primary dormancy. Similarities between primary and secondary dormancy in A. fatua are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of seed coat modification and light quality onwater uptake and distribution in caryopses of dormant and non-dormantlines of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was determined using NMRmicroimaging. Non-dormant seeds absorbed water more rapidlythan dormant seeds during imbibition on distilled water. Thiseffect was detected first in the embryo-scutellar region (8h) and later in the proximal endosperm (12 h). Cutting the testaand pericarp close to the embryo or scarification with KOH promotedrapid embryo/scutellum hydration and germination. Cutting atthe middle part of the caryopsis did not enhance embryo hydrationnor did it greatly improve germination. The sensitivity of waterdistribution to the phytochrome germination effect was examined.Significant differences in imbibitional water uptake by embryos-scutellumtissue were detected by 18 h following red-light (germinationpromoter) compared with far-red (germination inhibitor) treatment.The results indicated that both the rate and the sequence ofembryo/scutellum hydration were important in initiating germinationin dormant seeds. A refinement of the model that describes waterimbibition in wild oat seeds during the early stages of germinationis discussed. Key words: Water uptake, water distribution, Avena fatua, seed coat modification, light quality, dormant and non-dormant seeds  相似文献   

The molecular regulation of seed dormancy was investigated using differential display to visualize and isolate cDNAs representing differentially expressed genes during early imbibition of dormant and nondormant Avena fatua L. embryos. Of about 3000 cDNA bands examined, 5 cDNAs hybridized with mRNAs exhibiting dormancy-associated expression patterns during the first 48 h of imbibition, while many more nondormancy-associated cDNAs were observed. Dormancy-associated clone AFD1 hybridized with a 1.5 kb mRNA barely detectable in dry dormant and nondormant embryos that became more abundant in dormant embryos after 24 h of imbibition. Clone AFD2 hybridized with two mRNAs, a 1.3 kb message constitutively expressed in dormant and nondormant embryos and a 0.9 kb message present at higher levels in dormant embryos after 3 h of imbibition. Nondormancy-associated clones AFN1, AFN2 and AFN3 hybridized with 1.5 kb, 1.7 kb and 1.1 kb mRNAs, respectively, that were more abundant in nondormant embryos during imbibition. Expression patterns of some mRNAs in dormant embryos induced to germinate by GA3 treatment were different than water controls, but were not identical to those observed in nondormant embryos. DNA sequence analysis revealed 76% sequence identity between clone AFN3 and a Citrus sinensis glutathione peroxidase-like cDNA, while significant sequence similarities with known genes were not found for other clones. Southern hybridization analyses showed that all clones represent low (1 to 4) copy number genes.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes can be isolated from a variety of plant tissues by first preparing a post-mitochondrial membrane fraction enriched in plasma membranes, by differential centrifugation, and partitioning this on a dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase system. With wild oat aleurone, however, we observed that differential centrifugation could not be used to produce a microsomal fraction enriched in plasma membrane. Approximately 70% of the plasma membrane in aleurone homogenates was pelleted by sequential centrifugation at 100 g× 10 min and 1000 g× 10 min. The remainder sedimented at 112 000 g× 1 h. All the material that was pelletable by centrifugation was, therefore, subjected to dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase partitioning. The plasma membrane marker enzymes glucan synthase II (GSII, EC 2. 4. 1. 34) and UDP-glucose:sterol glucosyltransferase (SGT, EC 2. 4. 1.) were enriched in the upper phase, whereas cytochrome c oxidase activity (EC 1. 9. 3. 1), a mitochondrial marker enzyme, was depleted. The presence of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and protein body membranes in the phase system was assessed by probing western blots, of SDS-PAGE separated proteins, with polyclonal antiserum either to binding protein (BiP, an ER marker) or to tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP, a protein body membrane marker). BiP and TIP were present in the lower phase, but were not detected in the upper phase. In addition, the polypeptide patterns of material in the upper and lower phases were very different. These observations suggested that high purity aleurone plasma membrane had been isolated. Although the procedure for isolating plasma membranes was applicable to both aleurone protoplasts and layers, the polypeptide patterns of plasma membranes prepared from these sources were very different. The major protein components of wild oat aleurone were 7 S and 12 S storage globulins. These proteins were present in the lower phase, but not in the plasma membrane enriched upper phase, after aqueous two-phase partitioning. Differential centrifugation studies showed that it was necessary to homogenise aleurone in a buffer of pH 6. 0 or less if a soluble protein fraction, essentially devoid of storage globulins, was to be obtained. The use of these fractionation techniques is discussed in relation to photoaffinity labelling of gibberellin (GA)-binding proteins in aleurone.  相似文献   

鸭儿芹种子具有休眠特性,且休眠期长,不经任何处理的种子很难萌发,影响其人工种植。研究了鸭儿芹种子的休眠特性和解除休眠的最佳方法,为我国人工种植野生鸭儿芹提供理论依据。结果表明:TTC法对种子活力的测定表明有活力的种子为(55.33±3.71)%;切破种皮种子与完整种子吸水率在前12 h相差较大,但最终吸水率相差不大,分别达到(70.00±1)%和(68.32±0.32)%,表明种皮并不阻碍种子吸水;种子中存在内源抑制物,其粗提液在较低浓度下即可抑制芹菜种子的萌发;鸭儿芹种子成熟时胚未分化完全,胚率为(28.65±2.488)%,经过低温处理后完成后熟,胚率达到(65.93±3.86)%,萌发率达到100%,因此鸭儿芹种子具有形态生理休眠特性。清水浸种和低温冷藏共同处理可有效解除其休眠,浸种和低温冷藏具有交互效应,浸种36 h、5℃冷藏30d即可解除其休眠,萌发率达到100%,发芽势达到(91.11±0.91)%。已破除休眠的种子适宜其萌发的温度范围扩大(15.0—27.5℃),而且在土壤中也可较好地萌发,萌发率达到(96.67±3.33)%,发芽势达到(71.11±1.93)%。  相似文献   

Possible mechanisms of afterripening in Xanthium seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Breaking dormancy in some seeds requires a period of dry storage. In the seeds of Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr., the process of afterripening proceeds optimally at water contents between 7 and 14%: this range of dehydration can be identified with water binding region 2, in which water is bound with low enthalpy. At water contents below 7%. Seeds remained primarily dormant over 3 years. Attempts to alter the afterripening with atmospheres of elevated nitrogen showed no effect. and with oxygen there was no consistent effect. There were no changes is osmotic value of the seed sap, or in its sugar or amino acid contents. We speculate that afterripening in Xanthium may involve some nonenxymatic reactions which remove substances which inhibit germination. Candidates for these reactions include the Amadori and Maillard reactions.  相似文献   

Soil seed banks act as a gene pool for local plant species and, as such, can buffer local populations, especially those experiencing challenging environmental conditions. Seed dormancy has important implications to dynamics of soil seed banks. Therefore, estimating the seed dormancy of transgenic crop–wild hybrids could shed light on the persistence of transgenes in wild‐plant soil seed banks. Individuals from eight populations of wild rice Oryza rufipogon were crossed with those of three insect‐resistant transgenic rice lines. Selfed (F2–F4) and backcrossed populations (BC1, BC1F2 and BC1F3) were then made from the hybrids. Seed germination was tested under three treatments: (a) normal; (b) overwintering in soil; and (c) one‐week heat‐shocking. The effects of transgene, wild parent and hybrid generation on hybrid seed germination were examined. No significant effect of insect‐resistant transgenes (Bt and CpTI) was detected on the seed dormancy of crop–wild hybrids, while a significant wild parent effect was found. The seeds of advanced generation hybrids have higher germination percentages and lower dormancy than do those of F1 and BC1 generations. The study showed that the dormancy of hybrid seeds was determined mainly by their genetic backgrounds. All hybrid seeds have higher germination percentages and lower dormancy (and, consequently, a poorer overwintering ability), compared with wild seeds, and reduce dormancy would contribute to a fitness disadvantage, compared with wild types. Therefore, such seeds might form part of naturally occurring soil seed banks, through which crop genes would persist in wild populations.  相似文献   

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