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A non-Jewish family is presented in which the genes for Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease are segregating. Individuals heterozygous for both alleles have low serum and white cell total hexosaminidase levels together with a proportion of heat-labile hexosaminidase A (HEX A) which falls in the normal range. The individuals would not be detected as carriers of Tay-Sachs disease or Sandhoff disease in a population screening program.  相似文献   

The method of hybridization was used to obtain homokaryons of normal fibroblasts, of fibroblasts from children with Tay-Sach's and Sandhoff's diseases (TSD and SD) and heterokaryons of fibroblasts from children with the same diseases. Hexosaminidase A was detected in heterokaryons of fibroblasts from children with TSD and SD by isoelectric focusing. The data pertaining to the heterogeneity of different forms of hexoaminidase are discussed as are the reconstructions of the isozymes depending on the time and index of hybridization. It is stressed that the method of genetic complementation may be used for confirming the diagnoses of TSD and SD and further study of their heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Carrier frequencies for the allele(s) causing Sandhoff disease have been estimated for the U.S. Jewish and non-Jewish populations. The estimates have been made directly, with data from 22,043 Jewish and 32,342 non-Jewish individuals measured for total serum hexosaminidase activity and the heat-labile fraction. These values have been shown to identify potential carriers of the Sandhoff allele(s) with 95% sensitivity. Subsequent leukocyte assays of total hexosaminidase activity and the heat-labile fraction in those identified in serum tests have been shown to provide a much finer discrimination between those who carry the allele(s) and those who do not. Results from such assays were used to generate these carrier frequency estimates. Carrier frequency estimates have also been made indirectly from Sandhoff disease incidence data collected during the period 1979-84. These estimates are in agreement with data for the Jewish population under analysis, but in the non-Jewish population the estimate derived from data on screened individuals is greater than the estimate derived from incidence figures. The possible causes for such a difference are discussed. In a study of non-Jewish individuals each of whose grandparents derives from a single country of origin, the distribution of countries among Sandhoff disease carriers differs significantly from that in the non-Jewish sample under analysis, indicating possible ethnic groups with increased or decreased carrier frequencies. These analyses suggest an increased Sandhoff disease carrier frequency among Mexican and Central-American populations and a decreased carrier frequency among non-Jewish German populations.  相似文献   

Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff diseases are lysosomal storage disorders that result from an inherited deficiency of beta-hexosaminidase A (alphabeta). Whereas the acute forms are associated with a total absence of hexosaminidase A and early death, the chronic adult forms exist with activity and protein levels of approximately 5%, and unaffected individuals have been found with only 10% of normal levels. Surprisingly, almost all disease-associated missense mutations do not affect the active site of the enzyme but, rather, inhibit its ability to obtain and/or retain its native fold in the endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in its retention and accelerated degradation. By growing adult Tay-Sachs fibroblasts in culture medium containing known inhibitors of hexosaminidase we have raised the residual protein and activity levels of intralysosomal hexosaminidase A well above the critical 10% of normal levels. A similar effect was observed in fibroblasts from an adult Sandhoff patient. We propose that these hexosaminidase inhibitors function as pharmacological chaperones, enhancing the stability of the native conformation of the enzyme, increasing the amount of hexosaminidase A capable of exiting the endoplasmic reticulum for transport to the lysosome. Therefore, pharmacological chaperones could provide a novel approach to the treatment of adult Tay-Sachs and possibly Sandhoff diseases.  相似文献   

Human beta-hexosaminidase A (HexA) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein composed of alpha- and beta-subunits that degrades GM2 gangliosides in lysosomes. GM2 gangliosidosis is a lysosomal storage disease in which an inherited deficiency of HexA causes the accumulation of GM2 gangliosides. In order to prepare a large amount of HexA for a treatment based on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), recombinant HexA was produced in the methylotrophic yeast Ogataea minuta instead of in mammalian cells, which are commonly used to produce recombinant enzymes for ERT. The problem of antigenicity due to differences in N-glycan structures between mammalian and yeast glycoproteins was potentially resolved by using alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase-deficient (och1Delta) yeast as the host. Genes encoding the alpha- and beta-subunits of HexA were integrated into the yeast cell, and the heterodimer was expressed together with its isozymes HexS (alphaalpha) and HexB (betabeta). A total of 57 mg of beta-hexosaminidase isozymes, of which 13 mg was HexA (alphabeta), was produced per liter of medium. HexA was purified with immobilized metal affinity column for the His tag attached to the beta-subunit. The purified HexA was treated with alpha-mannosidase to expose mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) residues on the N-glycans. The specific activities of HexA and M6P-exposed HexA (M6PHexA) for the artificial substrate 4MU-GlcNAc were 1.2 +/- 0.1 and 1.7 +/- 0.3 mmol/h/mg, respectively. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis pattern suggested a C-terminal truncation in the beta-subunit of the recombinant protein. M6PHexA was incorporated dose dependently into GM2 gangliosidosis patient-derived fibroblasts via M6P receptors on the cell surface, and degradation of accumulated GM2 ganglioside was observed.  相似文献   



Family history and African-American race are important risk factors for both prostate cancer (CaP) incidence and aggressiveness. When studying complex diseases such as CaP that have a heritable component, chances of finding true disease susceptibility alleles can be increased by accounting for genetic ancestry within the population investigated. Race, ethnicity and ancestry were studied in a geographically diverse cohort of men with newly diagnosed CaP.


Individual ancestry (IA) was estimated in the population-based North Carolina and Louisiana Prostate Cancer Project (PCaP), a cohort of 2,106 incident CaP cases (2063 with complete ethnicity information) comprising roughly equal numbers of research subjects reporting as Black/African American (AA) or European American/Caucasian/Caucasian American/White (EA) from North Carolina or Louisiana. Mean genome wide individual ancestry estimates of percent African, European and Asian were obtained and tested for differences by state and ethnicity (Cajun and/or Creole and Hispanic/Latino) using multivariate analysis of variance models. Principal components (PC) were compared to assess differences in genetic composition by self-reported race and ethnicity between and within states.


Mean individual ancestries differed by state for self-reporting AA (p = 0.03) and EA (p = 0.001). This geographic difference attenuated for AAs who answered “no” to all ethnicity membership questions (non-ethnic research subjects; p = 0.78) but not EA research subjects, p = 0.002. Mean ancestry estimates of self-identified AA Louisiana research subjects for each ethnic group; Cajun only, Creole only and both Cajun and Creole differed significantly from self-identified non-ethnic AA Louisiana research subjects. These ethnicity differences were not seen in those who self-identified as EA.


Mean IA differed by race between states, elucidating a potential contributing factor to these differences in AA research participants: self-reported ethnicity. Accurately accounting for genetic admixture in this cohort is essential for future analyses of the genetic and environmental contributions to CaP.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr Virus transformed cell lines (LCL) were established from blood B-lymphocytes of patients affected with GM2-gangliosidoses variant O (Sandhoff disease, SD) and variant B (Tay-Sachs disease, TSD). LCL from SD showed a severe deficiency of activity of the major lysosomal beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase isoenzymes, Hex A and B; the residual activity was due to Hex S and Hex C. In LCL from TSD, the whole Hex activity was not deficient but isoenzyme composition was completely abnormal. Ultrastructural investigations showed the presence of pleiomorphic enlarged lysosomes appearing as clear vacuoles containing a finely fibrillo-granular material characteristic of the visceral lysosomal storage of gangliosidoses.  相似文献   

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