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AIMS: To characterize a minimal bacteriocin operon of Prevotella nigrescens ATCC 25261. METHODS AND RESULTS: A genomic DNA library of Pr. nigrescens ATCC 25261 was constructed and screened for bacteriocin production by an agar overlay assay. Sequence analysis of the bacteriocin-producing recombinant plasmid, pGP2, has shown that the insert DNA consists of 4868 base pairs, termed nig locus. There is a cluster of four genes within the nig locus, respectively designated nigA, B, C and D. Deleting 160 nucleotides at the 3'-end of nigAB resulted in loss of bacteriocin production, indicating that nigAB may belong to a bacteriocin operon. nigA is thought to be the bacteriocin gene, while nigB may encode an immunity protein. Escherichia coli containing pGP2 expressed the bacteriocin, which is similar in size, antimicrobial activity, and biochemical properties to that purified from Pr. nigrescens ATCC 25261. CONCLUSION: nig Locus is a chromosomal fragment of Pr. nigrescens ATCC 25261, consisting of 4868 base pairs, and has been proved to be important for bacteriocin production. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report of the successful cloning and expression of the bacteriocin from Pr. nigrescens ATCC 25261 into E. coli. This will facilitate the construction of bacteriocin analogues and permit investigation of their structure/function relationships.  相似文献   

Aim:  To identify the gene that encodes nigrescin, a bacteriocin produced by Prevotella nigrescens ATCC 25261.
Methods and Results:  Each open reading frame (ORF) of the nig gene cluster ( nigA, nigB, nigC and nigD ) was transferred into an expression vector. The recombinant proteins encoded by nigA, nigB, nigC and nigD were purified and assayed for bacteriocin activity against Porphyromonas gingivalis . The ORFs of the nig gene cluster in Pr. nigrescens ATCC 25261 were re-analysed. It revealed that the position of nig ORFs was similar to previously designated locations, except that the start codon of nigC was reassigned. The new nigC gene started at the nucleotide base position 2454 and stopped at position 3608 (the position designated is relative to the first nucleotide base of the nig locus) and putatively encoded a protein with a predicted molecular mass of 41·9 kDa. The N-terminal 6xHistidine-tag recombinant proteins of NigA, NigB, NigC and NigD were overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 star (DE3) and were purified using Ni-NTA resins. Only recombinant NigC showed inhibitory activity against P. gingivalis A244 with minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of 40 μg ml−1.
Conclusion:  These results indicate that nigC is the gene that encodes nigrescin.
Significance and Impact of the study:  This is the first report that indicates that the gene nigC codes for nigrescin, a bacteriocin produced by Pr. nigrescens ATCC 25261.  相似文献   

A total of 91 isolates of Prevotella intermedia or Prevotella nigrescens from subgingival sites were identified by PCR using primers specific for sequences of 16S rRNA. The hemolytic and hemagglutinating activities of the P. intermedia isolates exhibited significantly higher levels compared to those of the P. nigrescens isolates by quantitative analysis. The hemagglutinin gene (phg) was found in 23 of 26 P. intermedia isolates (88.5%), whereas it was found in only two of 44 isolates (4.5%) of P. nigrescens. The high hemolytic and hemagglutinating activities of P. intermedia may be involved in the pathogenicity of P. intermedia in the progression of periodontal disease.  相似文献   

Abstract Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens are not easily distinguished, making it difficult to assess their roles in disease. This study examined the specificity of three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for these species. Differentiation between P. intermedia (13 isolates) and P. nigrescens (24 isolates) was by the electrophoretic mobility of their malate and glutamate dehydrogenase enzymes or by DNA homology grouping. All P. intermedia reacted strongly with mAb 40BI3.2.2 whereas P. nigrescens strains did not. Monoclonal antibodies 37BI6.1 and 39BI1.1.2 recognised all strains of both species but most P. nigrescens reacted weakly with mAb 39BI1.1.2. Monoclonal antibody 40BI3.2.2 therefore recognises an antigen specific for P. intermedia but not P. nigrescens and provides an easy and reliable means of distinguishing between these species. Three vaginal isolates identified biochemically as P. intermedia had enzymes with mobilities corresponding to neither P. intermedia nor P. nigrescens . These isolates were not recognised by mAbs 39BI1.1.2 or 40BI3.2.2 and may represent an undescribed taxon within this group of organisms.  相似文献   

Identification of a lactoferrin-binding protein in Prevotella nigrescens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 40-kDa lactoferrin-binding protein was identified in a strain of Prevotella nigrescens isolated from a patient with periodontitis. The protein was purified by affinity column chromatography using a Sepharose–lactoferrin column and detergent-solubilized membranes. The N-terminal sequence revealed no apparent similarities with any other sequenced bacterial protein. The native conformation of the 40-kDa protein was a condition to bind either iron-free or iron-saturated lactoferrin. A possible function of this Lf-binding protein could be related with an iron acquisition mechanism in P. nigrescens.  相似文献   

Abstract The ability of laboratory and clinical strains of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens to bind and to degrade lactoferrin (Lf) has been assessed. Lf bound readily to whole cells of each species apparently via a high-affinity site and one or more low-affinity sites. P. gingivalis showed a lower affinity for Lf than the other two species ( P < 0.001). Virtually all strains of P. gingivalis completely degraded Lf under the conditions employed, whereas P. intermedia and P. nigrescens showed only partial degradation. These data suggest that Lf binds to a high-affinity receptor on all these bacteria and, particularly in the case of P. gingivalis , is then degraded by cell-associated proteases. This property may provide protection to the cell against the effects of Lf in periodontal sites and so is a possible virulence factor in disease. There was no association between the ability to degrade Lf and whether the strains had orginated from healthy or diseased oral sites.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the inhibitory activity and the influence of culture condition on the growth and bacteriocin, Thermophilin 1277, production by Streptococcus thermophilus SBT1277. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thermophilin 1277, which was produced by S. thermophilus SBT1277, showed an antimicrobial activity against several lactic acid bacteria and food spoilage bacteria including Clostridium butylicum, C. sprogenes and Bacillus cereus. Thermophilin 1277 was inactivated by proteinase K. Heating treatment did not affect the antimicrobial activity. The partially purified Thermophilin 1277 had an apparent molecular mass of 3.7 kDa. N-terminal sequence analysis revealed 15 amino acid residues that correspond with amino acid sequence of the lantibiotics bovicin HJ50 produced by Streptococcus bovis HJ50. The effects of culture condition for the bacteriocin production by S. thermophilus SBT1277 were studied. During the batch fermentation, Thermophilin 1277 was produced in M17 broth, but no bacteriocin production occurred in the sucrose-tryptone (ST) broth. Bacteriocin production was detected in pH controlled ST broth at pH values of 5.5-6.5. CONCLUSIONS: Thermophilin 1277 production from S. thermophilus strain depended on the culture conditions. Some characters and N-terminal amino acid sequence of Thermophilin 1277 differed from bacteriocins produced by S. thermophilus reported previously. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Streptococcus thermophilus SBT1277 or its bacteriocin which has a wide inhibitory spectrum has a potential use as a biopreservative in dairy products.  相似文献   

AIM: To partially characterize the bacteriocin produced by the GM-1 strain of Enterococcus faecium, isolated from the faeces of a newborn human infant. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bacteriocin produced by E. faecium GM-1 showed a broad spectrum of activity against indicator strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio spp., Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Treatment of the GM-1 bacteriocin with proteolytic enzymes reduced its inhibitory activities. The bacteriocin was stable at 100 degrees C for 20 min and displayed inhibitory activity at neutral pH. The optimal production of bacteriocin from E. faecium GM-1 was obtained when the culture conditions were pH 6.0-6.5 and 35-40 degrees C. The inhibitory activity of the bacteriocin was not substantially changed by the use of different carbon sources in the media, except when galactose was substituted for glucose. The use of a sole nitrogen source caused a decrease in inhibitory activity. A bacteriocin gene similar to enterocin P was identified from the total DNA of E. faecium GM-1 by PCR and direct sequencing methods. CONCLUSION: E. faecium GM-1, which was isolated from the faeces of a newborn baby, produces an enterocin P-like bacteriocin with inhibitory activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including food-borne pathogens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: E. faecium GM-1, isolated from infant faeces, produces a new bacteriocin that is similar to enterocin P. This bacteriocin is heat stable and has a broad antibacterial spectrum that includes both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize and to purify a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus strain with its activity restricted to Gram-positive bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: Native acidocin CH5, a bacteriocin produced by L. acidophilus CH5 an isolate from a dairy starter culture forms in MRS (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) broth high-molecular weight aggregates which can dissociate into smaller units (retained by 5 kDa membrane) with higher activity. Acidocin CH5 was purified using combinations of chromatographic methods based on hydrophobic and cation exchange principles and the N-terminal region was sequenced. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our results it is evident that acidocin CH5 belongs, according to bacteriocin classification, to the class II bacteriocins with identical N-terminal amino acid sequence described in the literature previously. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study has provided further data on bacteriocin acidocin CH5 from class II with wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity atypical for bacteriocins produced by L. acidophilus sharing the same homology.  相似文献   

Aims: The purpose of this study was to purify and characterize a bacteriocin produced by Eikenella corrodens A32E2. Methods and Results: Peptostreptococcus anaerobius ATCC27337 was used as indicator strain in antagonistic assays for bacteriocin‐producing E. corrodens A32E2. Protein extraction was influenced by pH and buffer composition. The protein was active in the pH range 6–8. Inhibitory activity was lost by both heating and treatment with proteolytic enzymes and decreased with organic solvents. The substance is rather unstable but maintains 100% of its activity after being exposed to acetone and when stored at ?70°C. The antagonistic substance was first precipitated by ammonium sulfate and further partially purified by Mono‐Q FPLC and C‐18 HPLC. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that the molecular mass was 23 625 Da, and the sequence obtained for the N‐terminus was: Met‐Asn‐Phe‐Asp‐Glu‐Lys‐Val‐Gly‐Lys‐Val‐X‐Phe‐Lys‐Val‐Gly‐Asp. Conclusions: The evidence presented in this study supports the idea that an antagonistic substance produced by E. corrodens A32E2 isolated from a periodontal diseased site is a novel bacteriocin, which we designate corrodecin. Significance and Impact of the Study:  We anticipated that corrodecin might play an important role at the periodontal site. This compound could also be attractive in biotechnological applications as an interesting tool for oral ecosystem control.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp tochigiensis HD868 was identified as a bacteriocin producer which exhibited a bactericidal effect against closely related species. This bacteriocin designated as tochicin, was partially purified by 75% ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by subsequent dialysis. This partially purified tochicin showed a narrow antibacterial spectrum of activity against most of 20 typical B. thuringiensis strains and a strain of B. cereus, but not against other bacteria and yeasts tested. The antibacterial activity of tochicin on sensitive indicator cells disappeared completely by proteinase K treatment (1 mg ml−1), which indicates its proteinaceous nature. Tochicin was very stable throughout the range of pH 3.0–9.0 and was relatively heat-stable at 90°C, but bacteriocin activity was not detected after boiling for 30 min. The relationship between cell growth and bacteriocin production was studied in a semi-defined medium. Tochicin activity was detected at the mid-log growth phase, reached the maximum at the early stationary phase, but decreased after the stationary phase. Direct detection of tochicin activity on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel suggested it has an apparent molecular mass of about 10.5 kDa. Tochicin exhibited a bactericidal activity against B. thuringiensis subsp thompsoni HD522 in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Received 02 December 1996/ Accepted in revised form 25 August 1997  相似文献   



To purify and primarily characterize an anti‐Alicyclobacillus bacteriocin produced by Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis CICC 6165, suggested to be named bificin C6165.

Methods and Results

During purification of the bificin C6165, optimal recovery was achieved with ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by two chromatographic steps. Mass spectrometry analyses revealed a distinctive peak corresponding to a molecular mass of 3395·1 Da. This bacteriocin was heat stable, effective after refrigerated storage and freeze–thaw cycles. The primary mode of action of bificin C6165 is most probably due to pore formation, as indicated by the efflux of K+ from metabolically active cells of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. In the presence of 10 mmol l?1 gadolinium, bificin C6165 did not affect cells of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. This suggests that the mode of action of bificin C6165 relies on a net negatively charged cell surface.


Bificin C6165 is indeed a novel bacteriocin and it exhibited remarkable potency for Alicyclobacillus control.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Application of bacteriocins in preservation of fruit juices has seldom been studied. Bificin C6165 may be an alternative method to control juice spoilage by this Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris and meet increasing consumer demand for nature and artificial chemical additive‐free food products.  相似文献   

Thuricin 17 is a recently discovered bacteriocin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis NEB17. The objective of this work was to conduct a proteomic analysis of this bacteriocin. The partial N- and C-terminal amino-acid sequences of thuricin 17 have now been determined using the Edman degradation and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-quadrapole time of flight mass spectrometry (MS)/MS. A hydrophobic cluster analysis indicates that thuricin 17 contains a hydrophobic region, potentially corresponding to a membrane associated domain. Based on time of production, this bacteriocin may be produced as a secondary metabolite. Interestingly, thuricin 17 shares the same N-terminal sequence, DWTXWSXL, with a previously reported bacteriocin, Bacthuricin F4, produced by B. thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki strain BUPM4. This is the first time two bacteriocins from different Bacillus species have been shown to share similar N-terminal sequences.  相似文献   

Aims:  Characterization and purification of a new bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum LP 31 strain, isolated from Argentinian dry-fermented sausage.
Methods and Results:  Lactobacillus plantarum LP 31 strain produces an antimicrobial compound that inhibits the growth of food-borne pathogenic bacteria. It was inactivated by proteolytic enzymes, was stable to heat and catalase and exhibited maximum activity in the pH range from 5·0 to 6·0. Consequently, it was characterized as a bacteriocin. It was purified by RP (reverse-phase) solid-phase extraction, gel filtration chromatography and RP-HPLC. Plantaricin produced by Lact. plantarum LP 31 is a peptide with a molecular weight of 1558·85 Da as determined by Maldi-Tof mass spectrometry and contains 14 amino acid residues. It was shown to have a bactericidal effect against Pseudomonas sp., Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes.
Conclusions:  The bacteriocin produced by Lact. plantarum LP 31 may be considered as a new plantaricin according to its low molecular weight and particular amino acid composition.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  In view of the interesting inhibitory spectrum of this bacteriocin and because of its good technological properties (resistance to heat and activity at acidic pH), this bacteriocin has potential applications as a biopreservative to prevent the growth of food-borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteria in certain food products.  相似文献   

Cerein 7B is a new bacteriocin produced simultaneously with cerein 7A by Bacillus cereus Bc7 in liquid brain heart infusion cultures. Both bacteriocins are not synergistic. The two peptides have been purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic interaction, cation exchange and reverse-phase liquid chromatography. They can be distinguished by their N-terminal amino acid sequences N-Gly-Trp-Gly-Asp-Val-Leu (7A) and N-Gly-Trp-Trp-Asn-Ser-Trp-Gly-Lys (7B). Pre-cerein 7B is 74 amino acids long and contains an 18 aminoacid double-glycine type leader sequence that is removed to produce the mature bacteriocin. The leader peptide sequence is related to that of sec-independent secretion signals suggesting that cerein 7B belongs to class II sec-independent bacteriocins.  相似文献   

A pH-dependent adsorption/desorption technique was used to screen Streptococcus thermophilus strains for the production of bacteriocins. Agar-diffusion tests with S. thermophilus strains as targets identified 13 out of 41 strains as producers of antibacterial activity. Thermophilin A, the bacteriocin-like substance present in the culture supernatant of S.thermophilus ST134 was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography, followed by ultrafiltration. Thermophilin A is a relatively heat-stable and apparently glycosylated bacteriocin with a bactericidal mode of action against sensitive cells.  相似文献   

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