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RNA transcription and translation in sea urchin oocytes and eggs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The steady-state concentrations and absolute rates of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules were measured in oocytes, eggs, embryos, and larvae of the Hawaiian sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. The steady-state concentration per genome of the RNA precursor sequences measured by hybridization to a cloned rDNA fragment was approximately 100- to 300-fold greater in the RNA obtained from oocytes and eggs than in the RNA extracted from embryos and larvae. Since the rate of processing of the rRNA precursor at different stages is not greatly different, the rates of rRNA synthesis must be considerably greater in oocytes than in embryo cells. The absolute rate of RNA synthesis in oocytes and embryos was determined from the incorporation of [3H]guanosine into cellular GTP pools and into both precursor and mature rRNA species. The data indicate an approximately 40-fold higher rate of rRNA synthesis in oocytes than that measured in embryos or previously in larvae (J. Griffith and T. Humphreys, 1979, Biochemistry18, 2178–2185). Together these results indicate that the ribosomal genes are transcribed much more rapidly during sea urchin oogenesis than during embryogenesis or larval stages.  相似文献   

Tipula iridescent virus (TIV) is infective to all four larval instars, pupae, and adults of both sexes of Tipula oleracea, and iridescence has been observed in infected insects at all these stages. Third- and fourth-instar larvae were more resistant to ingested TIV than first and second instars. When TIV was injected into the hemocoel, the results suggested a possible decrease in resistance from the third larval instar to the pupa. Incubation periods (times from injection of TIV to appearance of iridescence) were significantly shorter in older fourth-instar larvae than in younger fourth-instar or thirdinstar larvae, but variability in incubation period was significantly greater in younger fourth-instar larvae than in the other two stages. Many insects which were inoculated with TIV in one stage developed iridescence and died in later stages. The amounts of infective TIV in two infected adults were estimated.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid assessments and especially the RNA/DNA ratio are used widely as indices of growth rate or nutritional condition of larval fish. Methodological aspects are considered with the aim of defining a most reliable analytical procedure. Laboratory calibrations can give conflicting results, but general and common features may be drawn from a global examination. A high variability of RNA content, and thus RNA/DNA ratio, was revealed by estimates at the individual level and seems to be more related to feeding condition in late larval or juvenile stages than in yolk-sac and first-feeding larvae. An alternative is suggested, based on the relative DNA content which appears more stable and sensitive to starvation during these early stages. The consistency of such a pattern is strongly supported by findings about regulation of ribosomal RNA content of tissues, and especially white muscle, by nutrition. Determination of a threshold founded on a simple observation of morphological development stages is proposed as a base to define the best way to assess the larval nutritional condition. Some field applications are reviewed briefly. Finally an appraisal of the advantages and drawbacks of the different nucleic acid-based indices is attempted, which permits delineation of some prospects for future research.  相似文献   

During the spawning season of the estuarine prawn Metapenaeus bennettae (Racek & Dall), laboratory and field experiments were conducted to examine the combined effects of temperature and salinity on hatching success of eggs and the survival, growth and development of larvae. Response surface analysis showed that optimal levels of temperature and salinity for maximum hatching success varied depending on conditions during spawning. Similarly, temperature and salinity conditions that produced maximum survival and growth of larvae depended on conditions during rearing prior to experimental temperature/salinity treatments. At the onset of feeding, larvae showed the lowest tolerance to changes in temperature and salinity. Supplementary feeding experiments in the laboratory, and survival rates in field experiments indicated that starvation was a more potent factor than the effects of temperature and salinity in determining survival through the protozoeal larval stages. Late larval stages were relatively indifferent to the effects of temperature and salinity. It is suggested that, during early development, adaptive response to the prevailing physical conditions enhances survival in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of temperature on the growth and development of embryonic and early larval stages of a western North American amphibian, the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa). We assigned newt eggs to different temperatures (7, 14, or 21 °C); after hatching, we re-assigned the newt larvae into the three different temperatures. Over the course of three to four weeks, we measured total length and developmental stage of the larvae. Our results indicated a strong positive relationship over time between temperature and both length and developmental stage. Importantly, individuals assigned to cooler embryonic temperatures did not achieve the larval sizes of individuals from the warmer embryonic treatments, regardless of larval temperature. Our investigation of growth and development at different temperatures demonstrates carry-over effects and provides a more comprehensive understanding of how organisms respond to temperature changes during early development.  相似文献   

Despite their potential vulnerability to contaminants from exposure at multiple life stages, amphibians are one of the least studied groups of vertebrates in ecotoxicology, and research on radiation effects in amphibians is scarce. We used multiple endpoints to assess the radiosensitivity of the southern toad (Anaxyrus [Bufo] terrestris) during its pre-terrestrial stages of development –embryonic, larval, and metamorphic. Toads were exposed, from several hours after oviposition through metamorphosis (up to 77 days later), to four low dose rates of 137Cs at 0.13, 2.4, 21, and 222 mGy d-1, resulting in total doses up to 15.8 Gy. Radiation treatments did not affect hatching success of embryos, larval survival, or the length of the larval period. The individual family variation in hatching success of embryos was larger than the radiation response. In contrast, newly metamorphosed individuals from the higher dose-rate treatments had higher mass and mass/length body indices, a measure which may relate to higher post-metamorphic survival. The increased mass and index at higher dose rates may indicate that the chronic, low dose rate radiation exposures triggered secondary responses. Additionally, the increases in growth were linked to a decrease in DNA damage (as measured by the Comet Assay) in red blood cells at a dose rate of 21 mGy d-1 and a total dose of 1.1 Gy. In conclusion, the complex effects of low dose rates of ionizing radiation may trigger growth and cellular repair mechanisms in amphibian larvae.  相似文献   

Changes in biomass and elemental composition (dry mass, W; carbon, C; nitrogen, N; hydrogen, H) were studied in the laboratory during complete larval and early juvenile development of the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla (Molina), formerly known as Lithodes antarcticus (Jacquinot). At 6±0.5 °C, total larval development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted about 10 weeks, comprising three demersal zoeal stages and a benthic megalopa, with mean stage durations of 4, 7, 11 and 47 days, respectively. No differences in development duration or mortality were observed in larvae either fed with Artemia sp. nauplii or unfed, indicating that all larval stages of L. santolla are lecithotrophic. First feeding and growth were consistently observed immediately after metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab stage. Regardless of the presence or absence of food, W, C, N and H decreased throughout larval development. Also the C:N mass ratio decreased significantly, from 7.7 at hatching to 4.1 at metamorphosis, indicating that a large initial lipid store remaining from the egg yolk was gradually utilized as an internal energy source, while proteins played a minor role as a metabolic substrate. In total, 56-58% of the initial quantities of C and H present at hatching, and 20% of N were lost during nonfeeding larval development to metamorphosis. Nine to ten percent of the initially present C, N and H were lost with larval exuviae, half of these losses occurring in the three zoeal stages combined and another half in the megalopa stage alone. Metabolic biomass degradation accounted for losses of about 47-50% in C and H but for only 10% in N. Hence, most of the losses in C and H reflected metabolic energy consumption (primarily lipid degradation), while about half of the losses in N and two thirds of those in W were due to larval exuviation. Complete independence from food throughout larval development is based on an enhanced maternal energy investment per offspring and on energy-saving mechanisms such as low larval locomotory activity and low exuvial losses. These traits are interpreted as bioenergetic adaptations to food-limited conditions in Subantarctic regions, where a pronounced seasonality of day length limits the period of primary production, while low temperatures enforce a long duration of pelagic development.  相似文献   

Growth and respiration of larval rabbitfish from Guam were examined. Larvae were reared from eggs in 2- to 10-ton tanks and were fed rotifers, Anemia , and artificial feed in succession as development proceeded through metamorphosis. Growth in length was rapid during the 12 h after hatching, then slowed until the larvae began to feed. The yolk sac was usually absorbed by 36 h after hatching. Rates of respiration of larvae and eggs were determined with a dissolved oxygen electrode at various times through development. Larval metabolism increased steadily during the embryonic stages culminating in a metabolic burst immediately after hatching. Respiration rates remained relatively stable from shortly after hatching until the onset of exogenous feeding, after which respiration rates increased with larval size. The respiration rates of post-yolk-sac larvae scaled isometrically with larval dry mass. Daily growth of feeding larvae was 27 to 28% of larval dry mass.  相似文献   

The southern king crab, Lithodes santolla Molina, is distributed in cold-temperate and subantarctic waters ranging from the southeastern Pacific island of Chiloé (Chile) and the deep Atlantic waters off Uruguay, south to the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina/Chile). Recent investigations have shown that its complete larval development from hatching to metamorphosis, comprising three zoeal stages and a megalopa, is fully lecithotrophic, i.e. independent of food. In the present study, larvae were individually reared in the laboratory at seven constant temperatures ranging from 1 to 18 °C, and rates of survival and development through successive larval and early juvenile stages were monitored throughout a period of 1 year. The highest temperature (18 °C) caused complete mortality within 1 week; only a single individual moulted under this condition, 2 days after hatching, to the second zoeal stage, while all other larvae died later in the zoea I stage. At the coldest condition (1 °C), 71% of the larvae reached the zoea III stage, but none of these moulted successfully to a megalopa. A temperature of 3 °C allowed for some survival to the megalopa stage (17-33% in larvae obtained from two different females), but only a single individual passed successfully, 129 days after hatching, through metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab instar. At all other experimental conditions (6, 9, 12 and 15 °C), survival through metamorphosis varied among temperatures and two hatches from 29% to 90% without showing a consistent trend. The time of nonfeeding development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted, on average, from 19 days at 15 °C to 65 days at 6 °C. The relationship between the time of development through individual larval or juvenile stages (D) and temperature (T) was described as a power function (D=aTb, or log[D]=log[a]blog[T]). The same model was also used to describe the temperature dependence of cumulative periods of development from hatching to later larval or juvenile stages. One year after hatching, the 7th (6 °C) to 9th (15 °C) crab instar was reached. Under natural temperature conditions in the region of origin of our material (Beagle Channel, Argentina), L. santolla should reach metamorphosis in October-December, i.e. ca. 2 months after hatching (taking place in winter and early spring). Within 1 year from hatching, the crabs should grow approximately to juvenile instars VII-VIII. Our results indicate that the early life-history stages of L. santolla tolerate moderate cold stress as well as planktonic food-limitation in winter, implying that this species is well adapted to subantarctic environments with low temperatures and a short seasonal plankton production.  相似文献   

The development of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) infection in gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) was studied before, during, and after host metamorphosis, and in larvae and pupae in the subsequent generation, to determine whether NPV ingested by late instars can replicate in host tissues through metamorphosis and whether it can be vertically transmitted to progeny. Individuals that survived sublethal dosages of NPV did not differ from undosed insects in pupal weight, fecundity, larval and pupal weight of progeny, or response of progeny to NPV challenge. No evidence of NPV infection or of abnormal histology was found in adult tissues examined by light microscopy and no virus was detected on the surface of eggs produced by NPV-treated moths. No NPV-caused mortality was recorded among undosed progeny of dosed or undosed parents. The progeny of dosed parents were neither more resistant nor more susceptible to LdMNPV than were progeny of undosed parents and lethal times did not differ between groups. Examination of larval, pupal, and adult tissues by DNA hybridization revealed that insects in which NPV DNA was detected died prior to adult eclosion. NPV was not detected in any hosts surviving to the adult stage. These results suggest that survivors of sublethal dosages of NPV avoid infection and are therefore incapable of vertically transmitting infectious virus to progeny.  相似文献   

Nervous system development in echinoderms has been well documented, especially for sea urchins and starfish. However, that of crinoids, the most basal group of extant echinoderms, has been poorly studied due to difficulties in obtaining their larvae. In this paper, we report nervous system development from two species of crinoids, from hatching to late doliolaria larvae in the sea lily Metacrinus rotundus and from hatching to cystidean stages after settlement in the feather star Oxycomanthus japonicus. The two species showed a similar larval nervous system pattern with an extensive anterior larval ganglion. The ganglion was similar to that in sea urchins which is generally regarded as derived. In contrast with other echinoderm and hemichordate larvae, synaptotagmin antibody 1E11 failed to reveal ciliary band nerve tracts. Basiepithelial nerve cells formed a net-like structure in the M. rotundus doliolaria larvae. In O. japonicus, the larval ganglion was still present 1 day after settlement when the adult nervous system began to appear inside the crown. Stalk nerves originated from the crown and extended down the stalk, but had no connections with the remaining larval ganglion at the base of the stalk. The larval nervous system was not incorporated into the adult nervous system, and the larval ganglion later disappeared. The aboral nerve center, the dominant nervous system in adult crinoids, was formed at the early cystidean stage, considerably earlier than previously suggested. Through comparisons with nervous system development in other ambulacraria, we suggest the possible nervous system development pattern of the echinoderm ancestor and provide new implications on the evolutionary history of echinoderm life cycles.  相似文献   

The sea water temperature off the Norwegian coast was lower in 1994 than in 1992 and 1993. RNA/DNA ratios of Norwegian spring spawning herring increased with increasing larval dry weight all years, except for larvae sampled south of 62°N in 1994. The RNA/DNA ratios indicated that each year, only a small portion ( 0.7%) of the larvae were starving. RNA/DNA ratios and temperature were negatively correlated in 1992, but in other years no significant correlations were found. Residuals of In RNA v . In DNA and In W v. L s were poorly correlated in all years, but residuals of In RNA v. In DNA and In DNA v. In W were negatively correlated in all years. Principal component analysis showed that the RNA/DNA ratio and DNA (% of weight) were correlated with different axes. Abundance data for herring at the early larval and 0-group stages in 1992–1994 indicated higher mortality in 1994 compared with the other years. The data do not indicate that average larval condition was poorer in 1994 than in other years. However, the variability in larval condition was higher in 1994 than in other years, and the condition of later larval stages was relatively lower in 1994 than in other years.  相似文献   

Evolutionarily stable seasonal timing of larval feeding stages is studied theoretically for univoltine insects. In the evolutionarily stable (or ESS) population, each individual maximizes its own lifetime reproductive success by choosing the hatching and pupation dates, given the resource availability curve with a peak in the middle of a year, a higher daily mortality in the feeding stages, and the growth rate decreasing with the larval biomass in the population. If growth rate is proportional to the body size, the population at the ESS is composed of a mixture of phenotypes differing in hatching and pupation, but pupation interval over which some popation occur every day is much longer than hatching interval. If growth rate increases with the body size at a speed slower than linearly, large sized larvae should pupate earlier than small ones.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in biomass and chemical composition were studied in the laboratory during the abbreviated larval and early juvenile development of the caridean shrimp Campylonotus vagans from the subantarctic Beagle Channel, Argentina. At 7±0.5 °C, development from hatching to metamorphosis took about 44 days. The larvae started feeding on Artemia nauplii immediately after hatching, although larval resistance to starvation was high (average 18 days, maximum 29 days). Dry mass (DM), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) contents increased about a fourfold from hatching to metamorphosis, while the C:N mass ratio increased from about 3.7 to 4.3. The protein and total lipid contents increased gradually from hatching to the first juvenile stage, the former from 190 to 640 μg/individual, the latter from 37 to 95 μg/individual. The lipid mass fraction was low throughout larval development (3-9% of DM), while the protein content was much higher and almost constant (30-40%). The dominating fatty acids were 18:1(n-9), 16:0, 20:5(n-3), 18:1(n-7), 18:3(n-3), 18:0, 16:1(n-7). Except for 20:5(n-3), these resulted mainly from food uptake (Artemia nauplii). Exuvial losses of C, H and N (all larval stages combined) accounted for only 7%, 1% and 1% of the initial values at hatching. In contrast, 37% of initial DM was lost. Partially food-independent (endotrophic) larval development is discussed as an adaptation to food scarcity at high latitudes, while the abbreviated planktotrophic larval development appears to be synchronised with seasonal peaks in primary production, allowing for an optimal resource exploitation in a food-limited environment.  相似文献   

1. The appearance of larval fat body as seen under the light or electron microscope depends on the nutritional state of the larva and on the stage of larval development at which the fat body is observed. 2. Early in the last larval instar the cells usually possess a well-developed endo-plasmic reticulum rich in ribosomes, numerous mitochondria, glycogen granules, a Golgi complex and fat droplets, while later in the instar the endoplasmic reticulum is much reduced and mitochondria are few, but glycogen and fat droplets are present in greater amount together with the appearance of large numbers of proteinaceous spheres. 3. Early in the last instar the fat body synthesizes proteins and exports them into the blood, while later in the instar proteins are sequestered from the blood into the fat body. 4. The rate of protein synthesis by the fat body is high in the early to mid part of the last instar, but then falls off rapidly to a low level, at which it remains until the larva pupates. In diapausing pupae, protein synthesis remains at this low level. 5. The similarity between the electrophoretic patterns of proteins from the fat body and those from the blood provides strong evidence that the fat body is the site of synthesis of many of the blood proteins. 6. Some of the blood proteins have been shown to possess enzymic properties, while others are thought to play a role in the transportation of various types of compounds. 7. Ecdysone and juvenile hormone both stimulate the rate of protein synthesis by larval fat body. Protein synthesis in fat body from diapausing pupae is stimulated after injury to the pupae. 8. The appearance of adult fat body and the amount of protein it contains is often closely linked with the nutritional and reproductive states of the insect. 9. An important role of the fat body in the adult female insect is the synthesis of yolk proteins, which are released into the blood and then taken up by the developing oocytes. This synthesis and uptake are under the control of hormones secreted by the corpora allata and by the median neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis. 10. The RNA content of fat body in final-instar larvae is not constant throughout the instar. In some larvae it is at its highest level early in the instar, falling to a low level as the instar progresses, while in other larvae (e.g. Calliphora) the level of RNA in fat body does not decrease as the instar progresses. 11. In some dipterous insects the base composition of total RNA is DNA-like in that the guanine + cytosine content is low, accounting for 40 % of the bases. A similar composition is seen in rapidly labelled RNA isolated from insects of other orders (Coleoptera and Lepidoptera), but the base content of total RNA from these latter insects resembles ribosomal RNA from vertebrate tissues in that it has a high (ca. 60 %) guanine + cytosine content. 12. The RNA/DNA ratios in blowfly larval tissues are high compared with those found in any vertebrate tissue. 13. In larval fat body, RNA synthesis is low at the time of a moult, increases during the early and mid-instar period and subsequently falls during the latter part of the instar. During the pupal period, especially during pupal diapause, the rate of RNA synthesis is very low and then increases during the subsequent development of the pharate adult. Injury to diapausing pupae results in an increased rate of RNA synthesis in most of their tissues. 14. Ecdysone and juvenile hormone both stimulate RNA and DNA synthesis in larval and adult fat body and in other tissues, although there is evidence that in some tissues these two hormones may act antagonistically to each other. The insecticide DDT also has been shown to stimulate RNA synthesis in tissues of adult insects.  相似文献   

Inoda T 《Zoological science》2003,20(3):377-382
Mating season and embryonic development of the predaceous diving beetles, Dytiscus sharpi, (Coleoptera; Dytiscidae) were observed under artificial breeding conditions. Female and male adult insects started mating from November to March and gave first instar larvae mainly in April. When the mating was artificially delayed until February, first instar larvae appeared from the end of March to the middle of May. I also investigated the effects of temperature on larval development. Apparent hatchability of eggs was not affected by high temperature, however, their normal development after hatching was significantly interfered. Most of the first instar larvae kept at 20-25 degrees C from before hatching died within one day after hatching. By contrast, juveniles kept outdoors (7.0-20.9 degrees C) could develop at least until second instar larvae. Temperature >23 degrees C after hatching had no effects on larval development. From these observations, it was concluded that the reproduction strategy of Dytiscus sharpi, i.e. mating in late autumn and hatching in early spring would be the reasonable results of adaptation to the warm habitats where they are collected.  相似文献   

We investigated a change in tissue fluid osmolality and developmental sequences of mitochondria-rich (MR) cells during embryonic and larval stages of Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, developing in freshwater. Tissue osmolality, representing body fluid osmolality, ranged from 300 to 370 mOsm/kg during embryonic and larval stages. This suggests that tilapia embryos and larvae are also able to regulate body fluid osmolality to some extent, although the levels are somewhat higher and fluctuate more greatly in embryos and larvae than in adults. Na+/K+-ATPase-immunoreactive MR cells were first detected in the yolk-sac membrane 3 days before hatching (day − 3), followed by their appearance in the body skin on day − 2. Subsequently, MR cells in both the yolk-sac membrane and body skin increased in number, and most densely observed on days − 1 and 0. Whereas yolk-sac and skin MR cells decreased after hatching, MR cells in turn started developing in the gills after hatching. Thus, the principal site for MR cell distribution shifted from the yolk-sac membrane and body skin during embryonic stages to the gills during larval stages, and tilapia could maintain continuously their ion balance through those MR cells during early life stages.  相似文献   

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