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Over 100 bacteria from pulp and slime samples in a Canadian paper mill were identified by partial sequencing of their 16S rDNAs. Seventy-one percent of the isolates could be assigned to a bacterial genus with a high level of confidence. Another 12% exhibited at least 95% similarity within their 16S rDNA sequence with unidentified organisms that originate from warm or wet environments. Pseudomonas, Bacillus, and Pseudoxanthomonas isolates were represented at a relatively high proportion in both pulp and slime samples. This is the first time that Pseudoxanthomonas strains have been isolated from pulp and slime samples on a paper machine. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

To get insight into the microbial community of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor treating paper mill wastewater, conventional microbiological methods were combined with 16S rRNA gene analyses. Particular attention was paid to microorganisms able to degrade propionate or butyrate in the presence or absence of sulphate. Serial enrichment dilutions allowed estimating the number of microorganisms per ml sludge that could use butyrate with or without sulphate (10(5)), propionate without sulphate (10(6)), or propionate and sulphate (10(8)). Quantitative RNA dot-blot hybridisation indicated that Archaea were two-times more abundant in the microbial community of anaerobic sludge than Bacteria. The microbial community composition was further characterised by 16S rRNA-gene-targeted Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting, and via cloning and sequencing of dominant amplicons from the bacterial and archaeal patterns. Most of the nearly full length (approximately 1.45 kb) bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences showed less than 97% similarity to sequences present in public databases, in contrast to the archaeal clones (approximately. 1.3 kb) that were highly similar to known sequences. While Methanosaeta was found as the most abundant genus, also Crenarchaeote-relatives were identified. The microbial community was relatively stable over a period of 3 years (samples taken in July 1999, May 2001, March 2002 and June 2002) as indicated by the high similarity index calculated from DGGE profiles (81.9+/-2.7% for Bacteria and 75.1+/-3.1% for Archaea). 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated the presence of unknown and yet uncultured microorganisms, but also showed that known sulphate-reducing bacteria and syntrophic fatty acid-oxidising microorganisms dominated the enrichments.  相似文献   

During the process of papermaking by pulp and paper plants, a thick and viscous deposits, termed slime, is quickly formed around the paper machines, which can affect the papermaking process. In this study, we explored the composition of the bacterial biota in slime that developed on shower pipes from 2 machines at a Canadian paper mill. Firstly, the composition was assessed for 12 months by DNA profiling with polymerase chain reaction coupled with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Except for short periods (2-3 months), clustered analyses showed that the bacterial composition of the slime varied substantially over the year, with less than 50% similarity between the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles. Secondly, the screening of 16S rRNA gene libraries derived from 2 slime samples showed that the most abundant bacteria were related to 6 lineages, including Chloroflexi, candidate division OP10, Clostridiales, Bacillales, Burkholderiales, and the genus Deinococcus. Finally, the proportion of 8 bacterial lineages, such as Deinococcus sp., Meiothermus sp., and Chloroflexi, was determined by the Catalyzed Reporter Deposition-Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in 2 slime samples. The results showed a high proportion of Chloroflexi, Tepidimonas spp., and Schlegelella spp. in the slime samples.  相似文献   

The cold-adapted bacterial communities in petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated and non-impacted soils from two northern Canadian environments, Kuujjuaq, Que., and Alert, Nunavut, were analyzed using a polyphasic approach. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) separation of 16S rDNA PCR fragments from soil total community DNA revealed a high level of bacterial diversity, as estimated by the total number of bands visualized. Dendrogram analysis clustered the sample sites on the basis of geographical location. Comparison of the overall microbial molecular diversity suggested that in the Kuujjuaq sites, contamination negatively impacted diversity whereas in the Alert samples, diversity was maintained or increased as compared to uncontaminated controls. Extraction and sequencing analysis of selected 16S rDNA bands demonstrated a range of similarity of 86-100% to reference organisms, with 63.6% of the bands representing high G+C Gram-positive organisms in the order Actinomycetales and 36.4% in the class Proteobacteria. Community level physiological profiles generated using Biolog GN plates were analyzed by cluster analysis. Based on substrate oxidation rates, the samples clustered into groups similar to those of the DGGE dendrograms, i.e. separation based upon geographic origin. The coinciding results reached using culture-independent and -dependent analyses reinforces the conclusion that geographical origin of the samples, rather than petroleum contamination level, was more important in determining species diversity within these cold-adapted bacterial communities.  相似文献   

为分析不同饲料喂养对黄牛胃中微生物群落结构的影响,分别用芒草单一喂养和农家混合饲料喂养两年的黄牛为实验组和对照组。以瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃和皱胃四个胃中的微生物为研究对象,采用原位包埋裂解法和脉冲场电泳(pulsed field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)提取微生物总 DNA,脉冲场电泳(pulsed field gel elec-trophoresis,PFGE)。使用细菌16S rRNA 引物341F /534R 及真菌18S rDNA 引物 NS1/GCFungi 进行降落 PCR 扩增。变性梯度凝胶电泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)对扩增产物进行区分,使用硝酸银染色。电泳扫描结果通过 Quantity one 软件进行分析,SPSS 软件进行数据统计。针对实验组和对照组瘤胃样品共性条带和特性条带测序并比对。结果表明:实验组与对照组细菌群落结构变化较大,UPGAM聚类图上被分为两支,相似性只有0.35。且香农多样性指数及条带丰度都明显少于对照组。真菌 DGGE 图谱条带差别不大,聚类图上显示实验组四个样品与对照组四个样品相似性在0.43~0.68之间。多样性及条带丰度在实验组与对照组之间差异0.0027~0.5999。测序结果,细菌与数据库中未培养细菌种类较为接近,而真菌中部分与已知菌种接近。芒草单一饲养对牛胃中的微生物群落结构具有极大的影响,对细菌的影响尤为明显。  相似文献   

Aims:  To identify the yeast and bacteria present in the mezcal fermentation from Agave salmiana .
Methods and Results:  The restriction and sequence analysis of the amplified region, between 18S and 28S rDNA and 16S rDNA genes, were used for the identification of yeast and bacteria, respectively. Eleven different micro-organisms were identified in the mezcal fermentation. Three of them were the following yeast: Clavispora lusitaniae , Pichia fermentans and Kluyveromyces marxianus. The bacteria found were Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis and Zymomonas mobilis subsp. pomaceae, Weissella cibaria , Weissella paramesenteroides , Lactobacillus pontis , Lactobacillus kefiri , Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus farraginis .
Conclusions:  The phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA and ITS sequences showed that microbial diversity present in mezcal is dominated by bacteria, mainly lactic acid bacteria species and Zymomonas mobilis . Pichia fermentans and K. marxianus could be micro-organisms with high potential for the production of some volatile compounds in mezcal.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  We identified the community of bacteria and yeast present in mezcal fermentation from Agave salmiana.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in coastal subsurface sediments play an important role in biogeochemical cycles. In this study microbial communities in tidal subsurface sediments of Balramgari in the state of Orissa, India were investigated using a culture independent approach. Two 16S rDNA cloned libraries were prepared from the closely located (100 m along the coast) subsurface sediment samples. Library I sediment samples had higher organic carbon content but lower sand percentage in comparison to Library II. A total of 310 clone sequences were used for DOTUR analysis which revealed 51 unique phylotypes or operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for both libraries. The OTUs were affiliated with 13 major lineages of domain bacteria including Proteobacteria (α, β, δ and λ), Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes and TM7. We encountered few pathogenic bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila and Ochrobactrum intermedium, in sediment from Library I. ∫-LIBSHUFF comparison depicts that the two libraries were significantly different communities. Most of the OTUs from both libraries possessed ≥85% to <97% similarity to RDP database sequences depicting the putative presence of new species, genera and phylum. This work revealed the complex and unique bacterial diversity from coastal habitat of Balramgari and shows that, in coastal habitat a variability of physical and chemical parameter has a prominent impact on the microbial community structure.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize the composition of microbial populations in a distribution system simulator (DSS) by direct sequence analysis of 16S rDNA clone libraries. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial populations were examined in chlorinated distribution water and chloraminated DSS feed and discharge water. Bacterial strains isolated from DSS discharge water on R2A medium were identified using 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The majority of the bacteria identified were alpha-proteobacteria, ranging from approx. 34% in the DSS discharge water to 94% of the DSS isolates. Species richness estimators Chao1 and ACE (abundance-based coverage estimators) indicated that the chlorinated distribution water sample was representative of the total population diversity, while the chloraminated DSS feed water sample was dominated by Hyphomicrobium sp. sequences. The DSS discharge water contained the greatest diversity of alpha-, beta-, gamma-proteobacteria, with 36% of the sequences being operational taxonomic units (OTUs, sequences with >97.0% homology). CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrated the dominance of alpha-proteobacteria in distribution system water under two different disinfectant residuals. The shift from chlorine to monochloramine residual may have played a role in bacterial population dynamics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Accurate identification of bacteria present in treated drinking water is needed in order to better determine the risk of regrowth of potentially pathogenic organisms within distribution systems.  相似文献   

Enumeration and phenotypic characterization of aerobic cellulolytic bacteria were performed on fresh, 1 year old and 5 years old refuse samples of a French landfill site. Numbers of cellulolytic bacteria ranged from 1.1x10(6) to 2.3x10(8) c.f.u. (g dry wt.)(-1) and were lower in 5 years old refuse samples. A numerical analysis of phenotypic data based on 80 biochemical tests and performed on 321 Gram-positive isolates from refuse, revealed a high phenotypic diversity of cellulolytic bacteria which were distributed into 21 clusters. Based on the phenotypic analysis and the sequencing of 16S rDNA of five representative strains of major clusters, the predominant cellulolytic groups could be assigned to the family of Bacillaceae and to the genera Cellulomonas, Microbacterium and Lactobacillus. Furthermore, chemical parameters such as pH, carbohydrates and volatile solid contents influenced the composition of the cellulolytic bacterial groups which were reduced essentially to the family of Bacillaceae in the oldest refuse samples.  相似文献   

In the rumen, plant particles are colonised and degraded by the rumen micro-organisms. Although numerous important findings about fibre-associated bacterial community were obtained using traditional or molecular techniques, little information is available on the dynamics of bacteria associated with feed particles during incubation in the rumen. In the present study, ryegrass leaf, ryegrass stem and rice straw, representing different carbohydrate compositions, were used as substrates and placed in the rumen of goats by using nylon bags, and PCR/DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) with subsequent sequence analysis were used to monitor the dynamics of and identify bacteria associated with the substrates during 24 h of incubation. DGGE results showed that substrate samples collected from 10 min to 6 h had similar DGGE patterns, with up to 24 predominant bands to each sample, including 14 common bands to all samples, suggesting a rapid and stable colonisation by a highly diverse bacterial community. Substrate samples collected at 12 and 24 h showed similar DGGE patterns but had great difference in DGGE patterns from those collected at 10 min to 6 h, suggesting an apparent shift in bacterial community. Sequence analysis indicated that most substrate-associated bacteria were closely related to fibrolytic bacteria. In conclusion, a highly diverse and similar rumen bacterial community could immediately colonise to different substrates and remained stable during the initial 6 h of incubation, but experienced a marked change after 12 h of incubation. Italian ryegrass leaf, Italian ryegrass stem and rice straw were colonised with a similar bacterial community.  相似文献   

一株毒死蜱降解细菌的分离鉴定及其在土壤修复中的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从蔬菜大棚土壤中分离到一株能以毒死蜱为唯一碳源和能源生长的菌株DSP3,该菌在含毒死蜱(100mg/L)的酵母膏和蛋白胨与同样毒死蜱含量而无酵母膏蛋白胨的无机盐培养基中,18d对毒死蜱的降解率分别为986%和762%;在土壤实验中20d对毒死蜱(100mg/kg)的降解率接近100%,加入DSP3菌在蔬菜大棚新鲜土壤中能有效促进毒死蜱在土壤中的降解。根据生理生化特征、16S rDNA序列分析、(G+C)mol%测定和DNA同源性分析,将菌株DSP3鉴定为粪产碱杆菌(Alcaligenes faecalis)。  相似文献   

The anaerobic treatment of saline effluents using halophilic and halotolerant microbial consortia is of major interest. Inhibition of anaerobic digestion is known to occur at high salt content. However, it seems that the suitable adaptation of an anaerobic sludge makes possible the treatment of saline wastewater. In this study, a non-saline anaerobic sludge was inoculated in two anaerobic batch reactors operating with a different substrate (distillery vinasse and ethanol) and subjected to increasing NaCl concentrations. The performance of the digesters appeared to be highly dependent on the nature of the substrate, and a similar level of inhibition (i.e. around 90% of the specific loading rate and specific methanogenic activity) was stated at 10 g l−1 of NaCl with distillery vinasse and 60 g l−1 of NaCl with ethanol. The characterization of the microflora and its adaptation to increasing NaCl conditions were also investigated using molecular tools based on the analysis of genomic 16S rDNA. The microbial communities revealed a high diversity that could be maintained in both reactors despite the increase in NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

The oral bacterial flora in the saliva from two patients with periodontitis and from a periodontally healthy subject were compared using a sequence analysis of 16S rDNA libraries without cultivation. 16S rDNAs were amplified from salivary DNA by PCR and cloned. Randomly selected clones were partially sequenced. On the basis of sequence similarities, the clones were classified into several clusters corresponding to the major phylum of the domain Bacteria. The major phylum in the libraries was the low G+C Gram-positive bacteria. There was no clonal sequence affiliated with periodontopathic bacteria in the salivary sample from the healthy subject, while a number of periodontal pathogens such as Campylobacter rectus, Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema socranskii were detected in the salivary samples from the patients with periodontitis. In addition, a number of previously uncharacterized and uncultured microorganisms were recognized. These organisms may have some role in periodontal disease. This study reveals some potential for a molecular-biological technique to analyze the oral microflora associated with periodontal disease, including previously uncharacterized and uncultured microorganisms, without cultivation.  相似文献   

We analyzed bacterioplankton community structure in Tillamook Bay, Oregon and its tributaries to evaluate phylogenetic variability and its relation to changes in environmental conditions along an estuarine gradient. Using eubacterial primers, we amplified 16S rRNA genes from environmental DNA and analyzed the PCR products by length heterogeneity polymerase chain reaction (LH-PCR), which discriminates products based on naturally occurring length differences. Analysis of LH-PCR profiles by multivariate ordination methods revealed differences in community composition along the estuarine gradient that were correlated with changes in environmental variables. Microbial community differences were also detected among different rivers. Using partial 16S rRNA sequences, we identified members of dominant or unique gene fragment size classes distributed along the estuarine gradient. Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria and members of the Bacteroidetes dominated in freshwater samples, while Alphaproteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and chloroplast genes dominated in marine samples. Changes in the microbial communities correlated most strongly with salinity and dissolved silicon, but were also strongly correlated with precipitation. We also identified specific gene fragments that were correlated with inorganic nutrients. Our data suggest that there is a significant and predictable change in microbial species composition along an estuarine gradient, shifting from a more complex community structure in freshwater habitats to a community more typical of open ocean samples in the marine-influenced sites. We also demonstrate the resolution and power of LH-PCR and multivariate analyses to provide a rapid assessment of major community shifts, and show how these shifts correlate with environmental variables.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of bryophyte-associated microorganisms in various ecological aspects including their crucial roles in the soil-enrichment of organic mass and N2 fixation, nonetheless, little is known about the microbial diversity of the bryophyte phyllospheres (epi-/endophytes). To get insights into bacterial community structures and their dynamics on the bryophyte habitats in different ecosystems and their potential biological roles, we utilized the 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE and subsequent phylogenetic analyses to investigate the bacterial community of eight bryophyte species collected from three distinct ecosystems from western Japan. Forty-two bacterial species belonging to γ-proteobacteria and Firmicutes with 71.4% and 28.6%, respectively, were identified among 90 DGGE gel band population. These DGGE-bands were assigned to 13 different genera with obvious predomination the genus Clostridium with 21.4% from the total bacterial community. These analyses provide new insights into bryophyte-associated bacteria and their relations to the ecosystems.  相似文献   

石油污染地土壤微生物群落的碳源利用特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用Biolog微平板技术,研究了大庆油田开采36年的石油污染土壤不同土层(0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm)土壤微生物群落对碳源的利用特性.结果表明: 石油污染明显提高了土壤微生物群落的代谢活性,3个土层的微生物代谢强度均高于无污染土壤(CK),不同土层之间的微生物代谢强度存在显著差异,其中20~30 cm土层的碳源代谢能力最强,其次为10~20 cm土层,0~10 cm土层最弱.石油污染使10~20 cm和20~30 cm土层土壤微生物群落对底物碳源利用种类增多,代谢功能的多样性增强,而0~10 cm土层则无明显变化.10~20 cm土层土壤微生物对底物碳源的利用由对照土壤的羧酸类居多转为石油污染土壤的碳水化合物最多,而20~30 cm土层土壤微生物对底物碳源的利用以羧酸类居多.说明石油污染土壤的微生物群落具有独特的群落结构和特点.  相似文献   

Marine bacteria from the hull of a ship in the form of biofilms or microfouling were isolated, cultured, and identified by phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences. With an average length of 946 bp, all the 16 sequences were classified using the Ribosomal database project (RDP) and were submitted to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences indicated that the 16 strains belonged to the Firmicutes (IK-MB6 Exiguobacterium aurantiacum, IK-MB7 Exiguobacterium arabatum, IK-MB8 Exiguobacterium arabatum, IK-MB9 Jeotgalibacillus alimentarius, IK-MB10 Bacillus megaterium, IK-MB11 Bacillus pumilus, IK-MB12 Bacillus pumilus, IK-MB13 Bacillus pumilus, IK-MB14 Bacillus megaterium), High GC, Gram-positive bacteria (IK-MB2 Micrococcus luteus, IK-MB5 Micrococcus luteus, IK-MB16 Arthrobacter mysorens), G-Proteobacteria (IK-MB3 Halomonas aquamarina, IK-MB15 Halotalea alkalilenta), CFB group bacteria (IK-MB1 Myroides odoratimimus), and Enterobacteria (IK-MB4 Proteus mirabilis). Among the 16 strains, representatives of the Firmicutes were dominant (56.25%) compared to the high GC, Gram-positive bacteria (18.75%), G-Proteobacteria (12.5%), CFB group bacteria (6.25%), and Enterobacteria (6.25%). Analysis revealed that majority of marine species found in marine biofilm are of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Microbial communities play a vital role in maintaining soil health. A multiphasic approach to assess the effect of pulp and paper mill effluent on both the structure and function of microbial soil communities is taken. Bacterial communities from agricultural soils irrigated with pulp and paper mill effluent were compared to communities form soils irrigated with well water. Samples were taken from fields in the state of Uttarakhand, India, where pulp and paper mill effluent has been used for irrigation for over 25 years. Comparisons of bacterial community structure were conducted using sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from both isolates and clone libraries attained from the soil. Community-level physiological profiling was used to characterize the functional diversity and catabolic profile of the bacterial communities. The multiphasic approach using both physiological and molecular techniques proved to be a powerful tool in evaluating the soil bacterial community population and population differences therein. A significant and consistent difference in the population structure and function was found for the bacterial communities from soil irrigated with effluent in comparison to fields irrigated with well water. The diversity index parameters indicated that the microbial community in pulp and paper mill effluent irrigated fields were more diverse in both structure and function. This suggests that the pulp and paper mill effluent is not having a negative effect on the soil microbial community, but in fact may have a positive influence. In terms of soil health, this finding supports the continued use of pulp and paper mill effluent for irrigation. This is however only one aspect of soil health which was evaluated. Further studies on soil resistance and robustness could be undertaken to holistically evaluate soil health in this situation.  相似文献   

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