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利用基因工程技术,体外重组小分子类泛素修饰蛋白酶1(Ulp1)的活性片段,获得高表达、高特异性重组蛋白酶。从酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisia中提取Ulp1编码第403到621个氨基酸残基之间的DNA片段(Ulp1p),在其C端加入6×His并连接到大肠杆菌表达载体pGEX中,构建重组表达质粒pGEX-Ulp1p-his6。将重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3)中,氨苄青霉素抗性筛选转化子。表达、纯化后,以SUMO融合蛋白检测其活性。经过优化,该蛋白可溶性表达,表达量占菌体总蛋白的40.12%。可通过谷胱甘肽琼脂糖凝胶柱或Ni-NTA凝胶亲和层析纯化得到纯度98%的蛋白。经酶切分析,比活力为1.375×104U/mg。融合蛋白GST-Ulp1p-His6无需切除谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)标签,具有很高的活性,制备简易;6×His标签,有利于底物蛋白切割后纯化,减少蛋白损失。本研究为制备高活力的SUMO蛋白酶提供了一个新方法。  相似文献   

SCF is a ubiquitin ligase and is composed of Skp1, Cul1, F-box protein, and Roc1. The catalytic site of the SCF is the Cul1/Roc1 complex and RING-finger protein Roc1. It was shown earlier that when Cul1 was co-expressed with Roc1 in Sf-9 cells in a baculovirus protein expression system, Cul1 was highly neddylated in the cell, suggesting that Roc1 may function as a Nedd8-E3 ligase. However, there is no direct evidence that Roc1 is a Nedd8-E3 in an in vitro enzyme system. Here we have shown that Roc1 binds to Ubc12, E2 for Nedd8, but not to Ubc9, E2 for SUMO-1 and Roc1 RING-finger mutant, H77A, did not bind to Ubc12. In in vitro neddylation system using purified Cul1/Roc1 complex expressed in bacteria, Roc1 promotes neddylation of Cul1. These results demonstrate that Roc1 functions as a Nedd8-E3 ligase toward Cul1. Furthermore, Roc1 and Cul1 were ubiquitinylated in a manner dependent on the neddylation of Cul1 in vitro. In addition, Cul1 was degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and a non-neddylated mutant Cul1, K720R, was more stable than wild-type in intact cells. Thus, neddylation of Cul1 might regulate SCF function negatively via degradation of Cul1/Roc1 complex.  相似文献   

Like their human hosts, Plasmodium falciparum parasites rely on the ubiquitin-proteasome system for survival. We previously identified PfUCHL3, a deubiquitinating enzyme, and here we characterize its activity and changes in active site architecture upon binding to ubiquitin. We find strong evidence that PfUCHL3 is essential to parasite survival. The crystal structures of both PfUCHL3 alone and in complex with the ubiquitin-based suicide substrate UbVME suggest a rather rigid active site crossover loop that likely plays a role in restricting the size of ubiquitin adduct substrates. Molecular dynamics simulations of the structures and a model of the PfUCHL3-PfNedd8 complex allowed the identification of shared key interactions of ubiquitin and PfNedd8 with PfUCHL3, explaining the dual specificity of this enzyme. Distinct differences observed in ubiquitin binding between PfUCHL3 and its human counterpart make it likely that the parasitic DUB can be selectively targeted while leaving the human enzyme unaffected.  相似文献   

The Nedd4 family E3 ligases are key regulators of cell growth and proliferation and are often misregulated in human cancers and other diseases. The ligase activities of Nedd4 E3s are tightly controlled via auto‐inhibition. However, the molecular mechanism underlying Nedd4 E3 auto‐inhibition and activation is poorly understood. Here, we show that the WW domains proceeding the catalytic HECT domain play an inhibitory role by binding directly to HECT in the Nedd4 E3 family member Itch. Our structural and biochemical analyses of Itch reveal that the WW2 domain and a following linker allosterically lock HECT in an inactive state inhibiting E2‐E3 transthiolation. Binding of the Ndfip1 adaptor or JNK1‐mediated phosphorylation relieves the auto‐inhibition of Itch in a WW2‐dependent manner. Aberrant activation of Itch leads to migration defects of cortical neurons during development. Our study provides a new mechanism governing the regulation of Itch.  相似文献   

The SUMO E2 Ubc9 serves as a lynchpin in the SUMO conjugation pathway, interacting with the SUMO E1 during activation, with thioester linked SUMO after E1 transfer and with the substrate and SUMO E3 ligases during conjugation. Here, we describe the structure determination of a non-covalent complex between human Ubc9 and SUMO-1 at 2.4 A resolution. Non-covalent interactions between Ubc9 and SUMO are conserved in human and yeast insomuch as human Ubc9 interacts with each of the human SUMO isoforms, and yeast Ubc9 interacts with Smt3, the yeast SUMO ortholog. Structural comparisons reveal similarities to several other non-covalent complexes in the ubiquitin pathway, suggesting that the non-covalent Ubc9-SUMO interface may be important for poly-SUMO chain formation, for E2 recruitment to SUMO conjugated substrates, or for mediating E2 interactions with either E1 or E3 ligases. Biochemical analysis suggests that this surface is less important for E1 activation or di-SUMO-2 formation, but more important for E3 interactions and for poly-SUMO chain formation when the chain exceeds more than two SUMO proteins.  相似文献   

Subtilisin-like proteases have been grouped into six families based on a sequence of the catalytic domain. One of the six is the kexin family, of which furin is a representative protease. All members of the kexin family, except one, are from eukaryotes. The one prokaryotic protease is a serine protease of Aeromonas sorbria (ASP). Here, we examined the substrate specificity of ASP based on the cleavage of short peptides. The results showed that ASP preferentially cleaves the peptide bond following two basic residues, one of which is Lys, but not the bond following a single basic residue. This indicates that the tertiary structure around the catalytic domain of ASP resembles, but is not identical to that of furin. Prekallikrein was cleaved into four fragments by ASP, indicating that the protein must be cleaved at specific sequences.  相似文献   

Secreted aspartic proteases (Saps) are extracellular proteolytic enzymes that enhance the virulence of Candida pathogens. These enzymes therefore represent possible targets for therapeutic drug design. Saps are inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of the classical inhibitor of aspartic proteases pepstatin A and also by the inhibitors of the HIV protease, but with the Ki of micromolar values or higher. To contribute to the discussion regarding whether HIV protease inhibitors can act against opportunistic mycoses by the inhibition of Saps, we determined the structure of Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with ritonavir (RTV), a clinically used inhibitor of the HIV protease. The crystal structure refined at resolution 2.4 Å proved binding of RTV into the active site of Sapp1p and provided the structural information necessary to evaluate the stability and specificity of the protein-inhibitor interaction.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 1696, elicited by HIV-1 protease, inhibits the activity of both HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases with inhibition constants in the low nanomolar range. The antibody cross-reacts with peptides derived from the N-terminal region of both proteases. The crystal structure of the recombinant single-chain Fv fragment of 1696 complexed with an N-terminal peptide from the HIV-2 protease has been determined at 1.88A resolution. Interactions of the peptide with scFv1696 are compared with the previously reported structure of scFv1696 in complex with the corresponding peptide from HIV-1 protease. The origin of cross-reactivity of mAb1696 with HIV proteases is discussed.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved pathway in which the cytoplasm and organelles are engulfed within double-membrane vesicles, termed autophagosomes, for the turnover and recycling of these cellular constituents. The yeast Atg8 and its human orthologs, such as LC3 and GABARAP, have a unique feature as they conjugate covalently to phospholipids, differing from ubiquitin and other ubiquitin-like modifiers that attach only to protein substrates. The lipidated Atg8 and LC3 localize to autophagosomal membranes and play indispensable roles for maturation of autophagosomes. Upon completion of autophagosome formation, some populations of lipidated Atg8 and LC3 are delipidated for recycling. Atg4b, a specific protease for LC3 and GABARAP, catalyzes the processing reaction of LC3 and GABARAP precursors to mature forms and de-conjugating reaction of the modifiers from phospholipids. Atg4b is a unique enzyme whose primary structure differs from that of any other proteases that function as processing and/or de-conjugating enzymes of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers. However, the tertiary structures of the substrates considerably resemble that of ubiquitin except for the N-terminal additional domain. Here we determined the crystal structure of human Atg4b by X-ray crystallography at 2.0 A resolution, and show that Atg4b is a cysteine protease whose active catalytic triad site consists of Cys74, His280 and Asp278. The structure is comprised of a left lobe and a small right lobe, designated the "protease domain" and the "auxiliary domain", respectively. Whereas the protease domain structure of Atg4b matches that of papain superfamily cysteine proteinases, the auxiliary domain contains a unique structure with yet-unknown function. We propose that the R229 and W142 residues in Atg4b are specifically essential for recognition of substrates and catalysis of both precursor processing and de-conjugation of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Nedd-4-like proteins are E3 ubiquitin-ligase molecules which regulate key trafficking decisions, including targeting of proteins to proteosomes or lysosomes. Here we show that a human Nedd4 family gene, WWP1, is localized on 8q21 and generates at least six isoforms through alternative splicing. We show that alternative splicing affects the domain structure of WWP1, with forms that contain or lack an N-terminal C2 domain. Interestingly, the relative ratio of these forms varies in a tissue-specific manner. Other splice forms were also identified which may disrupt the structure of the C2 domain by removing its predicted C-terminal beta-strands. One splice form generates, through the introduction of a reading frame shift, a C2 domain-only form of WWP1. We discuss the hypothesis that regulation of splice site usage may modulate the activity of WWP1 and possibly other Nedd4 family proteins.  相似文献   

Serine proteases are an abundant class of enzymes that are involved in a wide range of physiological processes and are classified into clans sharing structural homology. The active site of the subtilisin-like clan contains a catalytic triad in the order Asp, His, Ser (S8 family) or a catalytic tetrad in the order Glu, Asp and Ser (S53 family). The core structure and active site geometry of these proteases is of interest for many applications. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural properties of different S8 family serine proteases from a diverse range of taxa using molecular modeling techniques. In conjunction with 12 experimentally determined three-dimensional structures of S8 family members, our predicted structures from an archaeon, protozoan and a plant were used for analysis of the catalytic core. Amino acid sequences were obtained from the MEROPS database and submitted to the LOOPP server for threading based structure prediction. The predicted structures were refined and validated using PROCHECK, SCRWL and MODELYN. Investigation of secondary structures and electrostatic surface potential was performed using MOLMOL. Encompassing a wide range of taxa, our structural analysis provides an evolutionary perspective on S8 family serine proteases. Focusing on the common core containing the catalytic site of the enzyme, the analysis presented here is beneficial for future molecular modeling strategies and structure-based rational drug design.  相似文献   

The structure of cruzain, an essential protease from the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, was determined by X-ray crystallography bound to two different covalent inhibitors. The cruzain S2 specificity pocket is able to productively bind both arginine and phenylalanine residues. The structures of cruzain bound to benzoyl-Arg-Ala-fluoromethyl ketone and benzoyl-Tyr-Ala-fluoromethyl ketone at 2.2 and 2.1 A, respectively, show a pH-dependent specificity switch. Glu 205 adjusts to restructure the S2 specificity pocket, conferring right binding to both hydrophobic and basic residues. Kinetic analysis of activated peptide substrates shows that substrates placing hydrophobic residues in the specificity pocket are cleaved at a broader pH range than hydrophilic substrates. These results demonstrate how cruzain binds both basic and hydrophobic residues and could be important for in vivo regulation of cruzain activity.  相似文献   

COP9 signalosome (CSN) mediates deconjugation of the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 from the cullin subunits of SCF and other cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs). This process is essential to maintain the proper activity of CRLs in cells. Here, we report a detailed kinetic characterization of CSN-mediated deconjugation of Nedd8 from SCF. CSN is an efficient enzyme, with a k(cat) of ~1 s(-1) and K(m)for neddylated Cul1-Rbx1 of ~200 nm, yielding a k(cat)/K(m) near the anticipated diffusion-controlled limit. Assembly with an F-box-Skp1 complex markedly inhibited deneddylation, although the magnitude varied considerably, with Fbw7-Skp1 inhibiting by ~5-fold but Skp2-Cks1-Skp1 by only ~15%. Deneddylation of both SCF(Fbw7) and SCF(Skp2-Cks1) was further inhibited ~2.5-fold by the addition of substrate. Combined, the inhibition by Fbw7-Skp1 plus its substrate cyclin E was greater than 10-fold. Unexpectedly, our results also uncover significant product inhibition by deconjugated Cul1, which results from the ability of Cul1 to bind tightly to CSN. Reciprocally, CSN inhibits the ubiquitin ligase activity of deneddylated Cul1. We propose a model in which assembled CRL complexes engaged with substrate are normally refractory to deneddylation. Upon consumption of substrate and subsequent deneddylation, CSN can remain stably bound to the CRL and hold it in low state of reduced activity.  相似文献   

Recent studies have defined several virulence factors as vaccine candidates against Vibrio vulnificus. However, most of these factors have the potential to cause pathogenic effects in the vaccinees or induce incomplete protection. To overcome these drawbacks, a catalytically inactive form, CPDVv(C3725S), of the well‐conserved cysteine protease domain (CPD) of V. vulnificus multifunctional autoprocessing repeats‐in‐toxin (MARTXVv/RtxA1) was recombinantly generated and characterized. Notably, active and passive immunization with CPDVv(C3725S) conferred protective immunity against V. vulnificus strains. These results may provide a novel framework for developing safe and efficient subunit vaccines and/or therapeutics against V. vulnificus that target the CPD of MARTX toxins.  相似文献   

Structures of the prokaryotic homologue of rhomboid proteases reveal a core of six transmembrane helices, with the active-site residues residing in a hydrophilic cavity. The native environment of rhomboid protease is a lipid bilayer, yet all the structures determined thus far are in a nonnative detergent environment. There remains a possibility of structural artefacts arising from the use of detergents. In an attempt to address the effect of detergents on the structure of rhomboid protease, crystals of GlpG, an Escherichia coli rhomboid protease in a lipid environment, were obtained using two alternative approaches. The structure of GlpG refined to 1. 7-Å resolution was obtained from crystals grown in the presence of lipid bicelles. This structure reveals well-ordered and partly ordered lipid molecules forming an annulus around the protein. Lipid molecules adapt to the surface features of protein and arrange such that they match the hydrophobic thickness of GlpG. Virtually identical two-dimensional crystals were also obtained after detergent removal by dialysis. A comparison of an equivalent structure determined in a completely delipidated detergent environment provides insights on how detergent substitutes for lipid. A detergent molecule is also observed close to the active site, helping to postulate a model for substrate binding and hydrolysis in rhomboids.  相似文献   

The catalytic domain of cellulase CelA, a family 8 glycohydrolase from C. thermocellum, has been crystallized in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions a = 50.12 Å, b = 63.52 Å, c = 104.97 Å. The diffraction pattern extends beyond 1.5 Å resolution. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and a comparative characterisation of the kinetic parameters, pH dependency of activity and thermal stability of mutant and wild-type enzymes have been used in association with crystallographic analysis to delineate the functions of several active site residues in a novel glycoside hydrolase family 8 xylanase. Each of the residues investigated plays an essential role in this enzyme: E78 as the general acid, D281 as the general base and in orientating the nucleophilic water molecule, Y203 in maintaining the position of the nucleophilic water molecule and in structural integrity and D144 in sugar ring distortion and transition state stabilization. Interestingly, although crystal structure analyses and the pH-activity profiles clearly identify the functions of E78 and D281, substitution of these residues with their amide derivatives results in only a 250-fold and 700-fold reduction in their apparent k(cat) values, respectively. This, in addition to the observation that the proposed general base is not conserved in all glycoside hydrolase family 8 enzymes, indicates that the mechanistic architecture in this family of inverting enzymes is more complex than is conventionally believed and points to a diversity in the identity of the mechanistically important residues as well as in the arrangement of the intricate microenvironment of the active site among members of this family.  相似文献   

Previous studies have characterized interactions between the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-1 and the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Such interactions control the channel cell surface expression and activity. Recently, evidence has been provided that a related protein, termed Nedd4-2, is likely to be the true physiological regulator of the channel. Unlike Nedd4-1, Nedd4-2 also interacts with the aldosterone-induced channel activating kinase sgk-1. The current study uses surface plasmon resonance to quantify the binding of the four WW domains of Nedd4-2 to synthetic peptides corresponding to the PY motifs of ENaC and sgk-1. The measurements demonstrate that WW3 and WW4 are the only Nedd4-2 domains interacting with both ENaC and sgk-1 and that their binding constants are in the 1-6 μM range.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis monovalent cation:proton antiporter-1 (CPA1) family includes eight members, AtNHX1-8. AtNHX1 and AtNHX7/SOS1 have been well characterized as tonoplast and plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporters, respectively. The proteins AtNHX2-6 have been phylogenetically linked to AtNHX1, while AtNHX8 appears to be related to AtNHX7/SOS1. Here we report functional characterization of AtNHX8. AtNHX8 T-DNA insertion mutants are hypersensitive to lithium ions (Li+) relative to wild-type plants, but not to the other metal ions such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and caesium (Cs+). AtNHX8 overexpression in a triple-deletion yeast mutant AXT3 that exhibits defective Na+/Li+ transport specifically suppresses sensitivity to Li+, but does not affect Na+ sensitivity. Likewise, AtNHX8 overexpression complemented sensitivity to Li+, but not Na+, in sos1-1 mutant seedlings, and increased Li+ tolerance of both the sos1-1 mutant and wild-type seedlings. Results of Li+ and K+ measurement of loss-of-function and gain-of-function mutants indicate that AtNHX8 may be responsible for Li+ extrusion, and may be able to maintain K+ acquisition and intracellular ion homeostasis. Subcellular localization of the AtNHX8-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusion protein suggested that AtNHX8 protein is targeted to the plasma membrane. Taken together, our findings suggest that AtNHX8 encodes a putative plasma membrane Li+/H+ antiporter that functions in Li detoxification and ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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