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Recruitment, early survival and growth rates of the precious Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum (L 1758) are poorly known. We examined these life history traits by means of artificial long-term settlement plates. Eighteen marble tiles placed off the coast of Leghorn (Tuscany, Italy) at two depths (25 and 35 m) were photographed monthly over the 4-year period from 1998 to 2002. Overall, 864 transparencies were examined to follow the individual life histories of red coral colonies belonging to four successive cohorts. Red coral planulae settled on tiles each year between July and September. Overall, 388 settlers colonized the tiles (244 at 25 m and 144 at 35 m), and their respective densities varied between 12.37±6.1 and 2.75±2.4 dm−2. Heavy mortality affected these colonies (−24.35±9.12 colonies % y−1), but, after 4 years, the tiles still harboured a persistent population (19±4.97 and 9.75±2.87 colonies dm−2, respectively, at 25 and 35 m) with positive net recruitment rates. Only in 1999 did the net recruitment rate show a negative trend, although only at the shallower depth. At the same time (late summer 1999), a thermal anomaly affected several epibenthic communities in the Ligurian Sea. After 4 years, the tiles were removed, and the colonies that settled on them were measured. The average annual growth rate of colonies was low (0.62±0.19 mm y−1 in diameter), and a marked reduction in growth with age was observed. Our findings suggest that the populations of this slow-growing long-lived octocoral exhibit a high capacity for colonization and seem to be quite resilient to environmental variability.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs provide shelter and can be an important source of food for fish depending on the epibenthic community on the structure. The growth and diversity of this community is influenced by the substratum material and the surface orientation of the reef. Settlement plates of four materials (Perspex, sandstone, wood and steel) were deployed in three orientations (upwards, downwards and vertical) at a depth of 33 m on a designed artificial reef (DAR) off the coast of Sydney, Australia. After three months, the steel surfaces had lower invertebrate species richness, total abundance and diversity compared to other surfaces. Steel was not an ideal material for the initial recruitment and growth of epibenthic invertebrates. A longer duration would be required to develop a mature epibenthic community. Surface orientation had species-specific impacts. Surface material and orientation are important factors for developing epibenthic assemblages, and are thus likely to affect the broader artificial reef assemblage, including fish.  相似文献   

Age and growth estimates for sand tiger sharks, Carcharias taurus, in the western North Atlantic were derived from 96 vertebral centra collected from sharks ranging from 94 to 277 cm total length (TL), and compared to previously published age and growth data. The oldest female and male sand tiger sharks aged in this study were 17 and 15 years of age, respectively. von Bertalanffy growth parameters derived from vertebral length-at-age data are L = 295.8 cm TL, k = 0.11 year−1, and t 0 = −4.2 years for females, and L = 249.5 cm TL, k = 0.16 year−1, and t 0 = −3.4 years for males. Sexual maturity is estimated to be 9–10 years for females and 6–7 years for males. Weight-to-length relationships determined for female and male sand tiger sharks in the western North Atlantic are; W = 1.3 × 10−4 × L 2.4 (r 2 = 0.84, n = 55) and W = 9.0 × 10−5 × L 2.5 (r 2 = 0.84, n = 47), respectively, and 7.9 × 10−5 × L 2.5 (r 2 = 0.84) for the sexes combined. Our results show sand tigers possess a slower rate of growth than previously thought. This information is crucial for accurately assessing this population’s ability to recover, and further justifies the need for this species to be fully protected.  相似文献   

In southeast Australia, fire regimes are changing. Conserving species into the future under these changing fire regimes will require understanding their recruitment and growth dynamics following historical fires. Where monitoring is absent, dendroecology provides a tool for reconstructing and quantifying these dynamics. The use of dendroecology in southeast Australia has been limited due to presumptions that many of the species do not produce annual growth rings. In this study, we determined the dendroecological potential of a fire-sensitive understorey tree species, Pomaderris aspera, as a case study species, to explore the potential to use of understorey species to provide insights into past fire history. We used growth patterns of this species to understand the role of resource limitation on growth and senescence. We found that P. aspera had distinct growth rings and high within tree correlation when cross-dated.Recruitment events of this species aligned with three known fire events. We found that the impacts of historical fire on tree canopy cover could be estimated. P. aspera grew rapidly post fire and then become suppressed within 9–15 years. Cycles of growth release and suppression were found with increasing incidence of suppression occurring over time. Increased suppression and reduced growth rates aligned with patterns of recorded senescence over time in the understories of a maturing.Eucalyptus canopy. Our results highlight the potential to use dendroecology to confirm past fire extents and amount of canopy disturbances and the impacts that these events have on the recruitment and growth dynamics of understorey species in southeast Australia.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of growth and competitive interaction of microorganisms in the chemostat is analyzed. The growth-limiting nutrient is not in a form that can be directly assimilated by the microorganisms, and must first be transformed into an intermediate product by cell-bound extracellular enzymes. General monotone functions, including Michaelis-Menten and sigmoidal response functions, are used to describe nutrient conversion and growth due to consumption of the intermediate product. It is shown that the initial concentration of the species is an important determining factor for survival or washout. When there are two species whose growth is limited by the same nutrient, three different modes of competition are described. Competitive coexistence steady states are shown to be possible in two of them, but they are always unstable. In all of our numerical simulations, the system approaches a steady state corresponding to the washout of one or both of the species from the chemostat.Research supported by NSF grant DMS-90-96279Research supported by NSERC grant A-9358  相似文献   

Abstract. Both size structure and variability (spatial heterogeneity, disturbance, stochasticity, variation in species attributes, etc.) are regarded as regulatory mechanisms of species coexistence. However, none of the models so far proposed consider both size structure and variability simultaneously. A size-structured variation model for plant-community dynamics is proposed, which is based on the diffusion model for growth dynamics of plant populations. This model has four functions: (1) mean growth rate of individuals of size x at time t, G(t, x) (species-specific mean traits, e.g. competitive ability); (2) variance in growth rate of individuals of size x at time t, D(t, x) (stochastic factors due to genetic variation, environmental heterogeneity, spatial variation of individuals, etc.); (3) mortality rate of individuals of size x at time t, M(t, x); and (4) recruitment rate at time t, R(t), as a boundary condition. The interference function for individuals of size x at time t, C(t, x), is introduced, which expresses the degree of interactions between individuals and hence averaged effects of local neighbourhood competition; the G(t, x), D(t, x), M(t, x) and R(t) functions are given in terms of C(t, x). These four functions describe the growth dynamics of individuals of each species in the plant community. Effects of the G(t, x), D(t, x), M(t, x) and R(t) functions on species coexistence in plant communities were evaluated by simulation and the relative importance of the D(t, x) function as well as size structure was shown for species coexistence especially in plant communities where competition among species is non-transitive or niche limitation does not work.  相似文献   

Summary How do organisms adapt to the differences in temperature and length of the growing season that occur with latitude? Among Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) along the east coast of North America, the length of the first growing season declines by a factor of about 2.5 with increasing latitude. Yet body size at the end of the first growing season does not decline. High-latitude fish must, therefore, grow faster within the growing season than do low-latitude fish. This geographical pattern has a genetic basis. Laboratory experiments on fish from six different locations revealed a latitudinal gradient in the capacity for growth (i.e., maximum growth potential). In two subsequent experiments using fish from Nova Scotia (NS), New York (NY) and South Carolina (SC) that had been separately reared in a common environment for several generations, differences in growth rate among populations were highly significant. The rank order was NS>NY>SC, but the difference among populations depended on temperature. High-latitude fish outperformed those from low latitudes primarily at the high temperatures that low-latitude fish would be expected to experience most often in nature. These results suggest that instead of being adapted for growth at low temperatures, fish from high latitudes are adapted for rapid elevation of growth rate during the brief interval of the year when high temperatures occur. Selection on growth rate results from sizedependent winter mortality: the importance to winter survival of being large increases with latitude but the length of the growing season simultaneously decreases. The end result is countergradient variation in growth rate, a phenomenon that may be much more widespread than currently recognized.  相似文献   

Esa Koskela 《Oecologia》1998,115(3):379-384
To estimate the optimality of brood size, it is essential to study the effects of brood size manipulation on offspring survival and reproductive success. Moreover, testing the generality of the hypothesis of reproductive costs requires experimental data from a diversity of organisms. Here I present data on the growth, survival and reproductive success of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus individuals from manipulated litters. Furthermore, the survival of mothers whose litter size was manipulated was studied. At weaning, the mean weight of pups from enlarged litters was lower and from reduced litters higher compared to control litters. After winter, at the start of the breeding season, individuals from enlarged litters, especially males, were still lighter than individuals from the other two treatments. Litter enlargements did not increase the number of reproducing female offspring per mother, nor did the litter sizes of female offspring differ between treatments. There were no differences between treatments in winter survival of offspring after weaning, but among female offspring, weaning weight explained the survival probabilities over winter. A higher weight of females at winter determined the probability of starting to reproduce in spring. The survival of mothers did not seem to be influenced by litter manipulation performed the previous year. According to the results, mothers nursing enlarged or reduced litters do not gain any fitness benefits in terms of number of offspring surviving to breeding. The results are consistent with the majority of experiments conducted in birds, which have found costs of enlarged brood appearing as offspring trade-offs rather than parent trade-offs. Received: 14 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the physiological, behavioral, and genetic contributions to growth rate, we studied the thermal sensitivity of growth rate in hatchlings of the iguanid lizards Sceloporus occidentalis and S. graciosus in the laboratory. We used a cycling thermal regime patterned after thermal environments found in nature. Growth rates increased with duration of access to radiant heat. Thus, variation in the thermal environment can cause phenotypic variation in growth rate and hence body size. The two species differed in both the magnitude and thermal sensitivity of growth rate, and these differences were associated with differences in behavioral thermoregulation. Thus, growth is determined interactively by both behavior and physiology. We found evidence of among-family variation in the growth rates of S. occidentalis, suggesting that growth rate has the genetic potential to evolve. In S. occidentalis, both growth rate and egg size affected body size of hatchlings at several weeks of age. In turn, hatchling size may affect fitness: for example, larger S. occidentalis hatchlings had higher sprint speeds and may therefore be more adept at capturing prey or evading predators. Our results demonstrate that growth rate has genetic, behavioral, and physiological components, and that the resulting effects on body size may have important consequences for ecological performance e.g., sprint speed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the interactions between organisms within trophic groups is important for an understanding of the role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning. We hypothesised that interactions between bacterivorous nematodes of different life history strategies would affect nematode population development, bacterial community composition and activity, resulting in increased N mineralization. A microcosm experiment was conducted using three nematode species (Bursilla monhystera, Acrobeloides nanus and Plectus parvus). All the nematode species interacted with each other, but the nature and effects of these interactions depended on the specific species combination. The interaction between B. monhystera and A. nanus was asymmetrically competitive (0,–), whereas that between B. monhystera and P. parvus, and also A. nanus and P. parvus was contramensal (+, –). The interaction that affected microcosm properties the most was the interaction between B. monhystera and P. parvus. This interaction affected the bacterial community composition, increased the bacterial biomass and increased soil N mineralization. B. monhystera and P. parvus have the most different life history strategies, whereas A. nanus has a life history strategy intermediate to those of B. monhystera and P. parvus. We suggest that the difference in life history strategies between species of the same trophic group is of importance for their communal effect on soil ecosystem processes. Our results support the idiosyncrasy hypothesis on the role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

We examined the manner in which animals adjust the proportion of energy allocated to growth and storage in response to food availability. We compared univariate growth and length-mass relationships between juvenile adders (Vipera berus) reared under two different feeding regimes. Animals in the low- and high-food experimental groups were fed suckling mice once and twice weekly, respectively. Snout-vent length, body mass, and body condition (residual scores from log-log regression of body mass on snout-vent length) were measured shortly after birth, and at 4, 9, and 14 weeks. We found that growth in length and mass, as well as changes in length-mass relationships, differed between treatments; snakes with access to more food not only increased faster in length but were also heavier at the completion of the experiment than were similar sized less frequently fed snakes. There was no association between body condition of individuals measured at birth and at the end of the experiment, whereas size at birth was a good predictor of final size. Our results provide evidence for resource-dependent allocation strategies in V. berus, and suggest that somatic growth is less sensitive to environmental fluctuations than body condition, presumably because body size is of greater importance for fitness.  相似文献   

M. Gebhardt  G. Ribi 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):209-214
Summary We compared two populations of Viviparus ater from Lake Zürich and Lake Maggiore with respect to the reproductive investment of individual females throughout their lives. Based on field observations of the bumber and size of offspring and from measurements of the differences between growth rings on the shells we constructed a probabilistic model for the life history of the females. A simulation showed that the overall productivity of females was higher in Lake Zürich than in Lake Maggiore. The higher productivity of females in Lake Zürich was due to faster growth before maturity and higher fecundity after maturity. The reproductive effort, as measured by the percentage of assimulated energy used for reproduction, remained constant throughout the life of the females in Lake Zürich, whereas it declined with age in Lake Maggiore. We interpret this as the outcome of a reproductive strategy that avoids risks due to reckless reproduction, rather than as two different strategies which have been selected in response to different habitat types.  相似文献   

Animals living in colonies or collectives composed of highly-related individuals often produce morphs that are physically and behaviourally specialised to perform specific tasks. Because such morphs are often sterile, their production represents a fitness cost for the colony and there should be an optimal ratio of the numbers of sterile specialists and reproductive members that may be adjustable to environmental conditions. Trematode parasites undergo asexual multiplication within their snail intermediate host, resulting in large numbers of clonal stages known as rediae or sporocysts, depending on the trematode species. In areas with high prevalences of infection, the host can be infected by multiple species, which can lead to intense competition for limited resources. Here, we describe the existence of specialised ‘mini-rediae’ in the trematode Philophthalmus sp. that are morphologically and functionally specialised for interspecific competition. Mini-rediae were observed feeding on the sporocysts of a co-occurring trematode species - Maritrema novaezealandensis. In addition, in larger snails - which are less likely to have M. novaezealandensis infections - Philophthalmus sp. produces relatively fewer mini-rediae than expected. Our findings support results from a prior study which demonstrated the existence of morphs that perform specialised functions in antagonistic interspecific interactions in trematodes, and additionally shows that the number of these morphs in each host is associated with the likelihood of encountering other species within the same host. Trematodes may thus provide interesting models for studying morphological specialisation in colonial organisms.  相似文献   

Light competition and interspecific differences in shade tolerance are considered key determinants of forest stand structure and dynamics. Specifically two main stand diameter distribution types as a function of shade tolerance have been proposed based on empirical observations. All-aged stands of shade tolerant species tend to have steeply descending, monotonic diameter distributions (inverse J-shaped curves). Shade intolerant species in contrast typically exhibit normal (unimodal) tree diameter distributions due to high mortality rates of smaller suppressed trees. In this study we explore the generality of this hypothesis which implies a causal relationship between light competition or shade tolerance and stand structure. For this purpose we formulate a partial differential equation system of stand dynamics as a function of individual tree growth, recruitment and mortality which allows us to explore possible individual-based mechanisms--e.g. light competition-underlying observed patterns of stand structure--e.g. unimodal or inverse J-shaped equilibrium diameter curves. We find that contrary to expectations interspecific differences in growth patterns can result alone in any of the two diameter distributions types observed in the field. In particular, slow growing species can present unimodal equilibrium curves even in the absence of light competition. Moreover, light competition and shade intolerance evaluated both at the tree growth and mortality stages did not have a significant impact on stand structure that tended to converge systematically towards an inverse J-shaped curves for most tree growth scenarios. Realistic transient stand dynamics for even aged stands of shade intolerant species (unimodal curves) were only obtained when recruitment was completely suppressed, providing further evidence on the critical role played by juvenile stages of tree development (e.g. the sampling stage) on final forest structure and composition. The results also point out the relevance of partial differential equations systems as a tool for exploring the individual-level mechanisms underpinning forest structure, particularly in relation to more complex forest simulation models that are more difficult to analyze and to interpret from a biological point of view.  相似文献   

The red coral Corallium rubrum (L 1758) is a long-lived, slow-growing gorgonian, endemic to Mediterranean rocky bottoms. Because of its high economic value, red coral has long been harvested, and most populations have been depleted. In the present study, 54 marble tiles were placed in June 2003 within red coral populations over 3 different geographic areas (Calafuria–Livorno and Elba MPA in Italy and Medes Islets MPA, in Spain), on vertical cliffs between 25 and 35 m. In each area 2 different sites were randomly selected. Tiles were subsequently sampled photographically. Between July and August 2003 red coral recruits settled on tiles in all the geographic areas and sites, exhibiting wide variability in their density. On the basis of a 2-factors nested ANOVA a significant variability between different sites at a few hundred metres distance occurred, indicating high variations in the recruitment process within the same red coral population. Mortality, measured in June 2004, widely varied between different geographic areas.  相似文献   

Reproductive modes in marine invertebrates can be generally grouped into two types: those brooding larvae and those broadcast-spawning gametes into the water. We asked if these different life-history strategies differ based on how contribution to fitness is partitioned between growth, stasis, and reproduction. To investigate this question, we used published demographic data on ten diverse species of marine bivalves. We parameterized simple matrix-population models and calculated the sums of elasticities to growth, stasis, and reproduction parameters and plotted the results on triangular axes. We also assessed whether contribution patterns were correlated with reproductive mode and tropical, temperate, or polar environments. We found that some of the broadcast spawners fell in the region of the plot with high elasticities for stasis and that some of the brooders fell in the region of the plot with higher growth and reproduction elasticities than stasis ones. However, instead of a sharp dichotomy, we found a continuum in contributions of stasis parameters with long-lived brooders and short-lived broadcast spawners in the same region of the plot. There was no clear pattern of reproductive mode associated with any particular environment, but we think these preliminary results are intriguing and that further work on comparative demography of marine invertebrates is warranted. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Walter Geller 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):242-250
Summary Two Daphnia species, D. hyalina and D. galeata, are living in Lake Constance. Both populations show logistic growth, with the phase of exponential increase in May and the phase of steady state during the summer. In spring, food is not limited and both daphnids reveal an exploitative strategy: females mature early, primiparae are small, egg weights are small, but clutch sizes are large. From June on, when food limiting conditions prevail, D. hyalina starts to migrate vertically with a diurnal rhythm whereas D. galeata keeps on living in the epilimnion over the whole season. The differing thermal environments of the populations lead to short generation times (age of first reproduction) of 11 days for D. galeata in mid-summer, and to 47 days (July) for D. hyalina. The annual production (P) of D. hyalina and D. galeata were 18 and 24 g DW/m2, respectively. The average standing stocks (B) were 1.6 and 0.9 g DW/m2. This corresponds to turnover rates of 11 x and 27 x per season (200 days), and to turnover times of 18 days and 7.5 days, respectively. From 1980 to 1982 the cumulative annual primary production (PPR) varied between 260 and 330 g C/m2. The common productivity (P) of the functional component Daphnia (=sum of both Daphnia species) followed the PPR, but the Daphnia stading stock was constant at 2.5 g DW/m2. The increase of secondary production (P) was a consequence of a shift in abundance between the two Daphnia species: at low PPR, D. hyalina was 4 x more abundant, but at high PPR, the two species were equally abundant. Such internal regulatory mechanism within a system component is in accordance with the hypothesis of Cheslak and Lamarra (1981): increase of energy residence time (B/R) with declining nutrients and increasing strength of competitive interrelationships within a given functional component of an ecosystem.This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within Sonderforschungsbereich Stoffhaushalt des Bodensees (SFB 248)  相似文献   

An increasing number of deep-sea studies have highlighted the importance of deep-sea biofouling, especially in relation to the protection of deep-sea instruments. In this study, the microbial communities developed on different substrata (titanium, aluminum, limestone, shale and neutrino telescope glass) exposed for 155 days at different depths (1500 m, 2500 m, 3500 m and 4500 m) and positions (vertical and horizontal) in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Sea were compared. Replicated biofilm samples were analyzed using a Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (T-RFLP) method. The restriction enzymes CfoI and RsaI produced similar total numbers (94, 93) of different T-RFLP peaks (T-RFs) along the vertical transect. In contrast, the mean total T-RF number between each sample according to substratum type and depth was higher in more samples when CfoI was used. The total species richness (S) of the bacterial communities differed significantly between the substrata, and depended on the orientation of each substratum within one depth and throughout the water column (ANOVA). T-RFLP analyses using the Jaccard similarity index showed that within one depth layer, the composition of microbial communities on different substrata was different and highly altered among communities developed on the same substratum but exposed to fouling at different depths. Based on Multidimensional Scaling Analyses (MDS), the study suggests that depth plays an important role in the composition of deep-sea biofouling communities, while substratum type and orientation of substrata throughout the water column are less important. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study of biofilm development in deep waters, in relation to the effects of substratum type, orientation and depth.  相似文献   

There is little extant empirical literature examining the associations between life history strategies and symptoms of psychopathology. The current study (N = 138) investigated the associations between life history strategies, symptoms of psychopathology, aggression, incidence of self-harm behaviour, and attachment (perceived parental support) in sample drawn from the general population and community mental health service providers. The results from the study indicate those with a faster life strategy report greater levels of aggression and symptoms of psychopathology. Further, perceptions of poorer parental support were associated with a faster life history strategy. Implications for life history theory, conceptualising psychopathology, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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