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Regardless of the mode of reproduction, three things must occur at birth or hatching in amniote vertebrates: initiation of breathing, pulmonary fluid elimination and reabsorption, and adequate perfusion of pulmonary circulation. Although data on these events are few, there appears to be no fundamental difference in them that can be associated with the oviparity to viviparity transition. There are, however, differences in the timing of these events in oviparous and viviparous amniotes. The transition to neonatal respiration tends to be very quick in viviparous species because the vascular support for oxygen uptake provided by the mother is rapidly disassociated from the mechanism for uptake by the embryo. By contrast, hatching often is a slow process, taking 24 h or more in some species, as chorioallantoic blood flow slowly gives way to clearing of the lungs and pulmonary gas exchange. Little is known of the mechanisms of pulmonary fluid elimination and reabsorption or lung inflation in reptiles, but the cellular structures and surfactant systems are similar in all amniote vertebrates. Nevertheless, there are differences, particularly of timing and maturation of various systems, but there has been no exploration of the functional (or phylogenetic) bases of these differences. Perfusion of the neonatal pulmonary system to support respiration in reptiles remains to be investigated. In mammals and birds, closure of the ductus arteriosus is important, but the role played by the ductus arterioisus in reptilian hatching or birth is not known.  相似文献   

The lizard Lacerta vivipara has allopatric oviparous and viviparous populations. The cold hardiness strategy of L. vivipara has previously been studied in viviparous populations, but never in oviparous ones. The present study reveals that both the oviparous and viviparous individuals of this species are able to survive in a supercooled state at -3 degrees C for at least one week when kept on dry substrates. The mean crystallisation temperatures of the body, around -4 degrees C on dry substrata and -2 degrees C on wet substrata, do not differ between oviparous and viviparous individuals. All the individuals are able to tolerate up to 48-50% of their body fluid converted into ice, but only viviparous individuals were able to stabilize their body ice content at 48%, and hence were able to survive even when frozen at -3 degrees C for times of up 24 hours. Ice contents higher than 51% have been constantly found lethal for oviparous individuals. This suggests that, in L. vivipara, the evolution towards a higher degree of freezing tolerance could parallel the evolution of the viviparous reproductive mode, a feature believed to be strongly selected under cold climatic conditions. This is the first report, among reptiles, of an intraspecific variation regarding the freeze tolerance capacities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to collate the compositional data for the lipids of the eggs and neonates of ten species of lizards displaying a range of parity modes, to highlight emergent trends and to identify some of the physiological changes central to the evolution of viviparity. The eggs of oviparous species and of viviparous species with a simple (type I) placenta are characterised by very high proportions of triacylglycerol which forms over 80% (wt. /wt.) of the total yolk lipid. The eggs of viviparous species with complex (types II and III) placentae contain lower proportions of triacylglycerol (about 70% of total yolk lipid) and commensurately greater proportions of phospholipid, cholesteryl ester and free cholesterol. The fatty acid compositions of the yolk lipids are very similar for all the lizard species, irrespective of parity mode; in particular, the proportions of docosahexaenoic acid are consistently low. For all the species, the proportions of both docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids are higher in the phospholipid of the neonate compared with the egg. The difference between the lipid contents of the eggs and the neonates indicates that, in species of Pseudemoia which have a complex (type III) placenta, more than 50% of the total lipid supplied to the embryo is derived from placental transport.  相似文献   

The femoral microanatomy of 155 species of extant amniotes (57 species of mammals, 15 species of turtles, 56 species of lepidosaurs, and 27 species of birds) of known lifestyle is studied to demonstrate a possible link between some basic parameters of bone structure and specific lifestyles, as well as phylogenetic relationships between taxa. Squared change parsimony with random taxon reshuffling and pairwise comparisons reveal that most compactness and size parameters exhibit both phylogenetic and ecological signals. A discriminant analysis produces several inference models, including a ternary model (aquatic, amphibious, terrestrial) that yield the correct lifestyle in 88% of the cases. These models are used to infer the lifestyle of three extinct Permian temnospondyls: Eryops megacephalus, Acheloma dunni, and Trimerorhachis insignis. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 644–655.  相似文献   

In birds and oviparous reptiles, hatching is often a lengthy and exhausting process, which commences with pipping followed by lung clearance and pulmonary ventilation. We examined the composition of pulmonary surfactant in the developing lungs of the chicken, Gallus gallus, and of the bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps. Lung tissue was collected from chicken embryos at days 14, 16, 18 (prepipped), and 20 (postpipped) of incubation and from 1 day and 3 wk posthatch and adult animals. In chickens, surfactant protein A mRNA was detected using Northern blot analysis in lung tissue at all stages sampled, appearing relatively earlier in development compared with placental mammals. Chickens were lavaged at days 16, 18, and 20 of incubation and 1 day posthatch, whereas bearded dragons were lavaged at day 55, days 57-60 (postpipped), and days 58-61 (posthatched). In both species, total phospholipid (PL) from the lavage increased throughout incubation. Disaturated PL (DSP) was not measurable before 16 days of incubation in the chick embryo nor before 55 days in bearded dragons. However, the percentage of DSP/PL increased markedly throughout late development in both species. Because cholesterol (Chol) remained unchanged, the Chol/PL and Chol/DSP ratios decreased in both species. Thus the Chol and PL components are differentially regulated. The lizard surfactant system develops and matures over a relatively shorter time than that of birds and mammals. This probably reflects the highly precocial nature of hatchling reptiles.  相似文献   

In five species of the genus Oreina Chevrolat (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) we compared the size of offspring, the fecundity of the females, the timing of offspring production and female investment over the season. Two of the species, O. elongata and O. luctuosa, laid eggs, while O. cacaliae, O. gloriosa and O. variabilis gave birth to larvae. Offspring size corrected for female size was similar in the two oviparous species and in the viviparous O. cacaliae. In the two other viviparous species the larvae were two to three times bigger in relation to the female. The greater size of the offspring was not traded off for lower fecundity in these latter two species, yet the production of bigger larvae was associated with a longer laying period and thereby a spreading of reproductive investment over the season. The prediction of life history theory that higher investment in individual offspring should be traded off for lower fecundity could not be confirmed. The investigation of egg and larval development showed that in one of the oviparous species, O. luctuosa, the length of the egg stage was more variable. This corroborates the view that in this species the eggs can be retained for varying times before being laid. Greater size at birth does not necessarily lead to shortened developmental times: the larval periods of O. cacaliae, O. elongata, O. gloriosa and O. variabilis were all comparable although the larvae of the first two species were relatively smaller when laid; only the small larvae of O. luctuosa needed significantly longer for their development. For all growth parameters examined the differences between species were larger than the differences between populations. A comparison of larval growth of the oligophagous species O. cacaliae on three plant genera showed that larval growth rate is influenced by the food plant. However, the plant on which the larvae grew worst is apparently not chosen for oviposition in the field. A comparison with a phylogeny of the species based on allozymes suggests that species with similar reproductive parameters are closely related, yet that viviparity evolved independently in O. cacaliae on one hand and O. variabilis and O. gloriosa on the other.  相似文献   

Reproduction entails costs, and disentangling the relative importance of each stage of the reproductive cycle may be important to assess the costs and benefits of different reproductive strategies. We studied the early costs of reproduction in oviparous and viviparous lizard females of the bimodal reproductive species Zootoca vivipara. Egg retention time in oviparous females is approximately one-third of the time in viviparous females. We compared the vitellogenesis and egg retention stages that are common to both reproductive modes. Precisely, we monitored the thermoregulatory behaviour, the weight gain and the immunocompetence of the females. Moreover, we injected an antigen in half of the females (immune challenge) to study the trade-offs between reproductive mode and immune performance and between different components of the immune system. Finally, we experimentally induced parturition in viviparous females at the time of egg laying in oviparous females. Oviparous and viviparous females did not show strong differences in response to the immune challenge. However, viviparous females spent more time thermoregulating while partially hidden and gained more weight than oviparous females. The greater weight gain indicates that the initial period of egg retention is less costly for viviparous than for oviparous females or that viviparous females are able to save and accumulate energy at this period. This energy may be used by viviparous females to cope with the subsequent costs of the last two-third of the gestation. Such an ability to compensate the higher costs of a longer egg retention period may account for the frequent evolution of viviparity in squamate reptiles.  相似文献   

Comparative scanning electron microscope studies have been performed on the skin of two oviparous and two viviparous freshwater fish embryos and larvae in order to investigate eventual morphological differences. In the early larval stages, temporary microvilli-like structures (MVLS) were detected in oviparous fish larvae which were later replaced by raicroridge formations. In viviparous fish larvae, only'fingerprint-like'pattern microridge formations were observed. Light microscope slides showed that the disappearance of these MVLS were found to be chronologically related with the development of functional gill lamellae and yolk sac resorption.  相似文献   

In previous reports, we have shown that interleukin 1 (IL1), a cytokine associated with implantation in mice, is also expressed in reproductive tissues of viviparous squamate reptiles and cartilaginous fishes. In the present study, we investigated the expression of IL1B and its functional membrane receptor type I (IL1R1) in amphibians, a class of vertebrates that is characterized by different reproductive modes, including internal and external fertilization. In particular, we investigated the oviductal tissues of the aplacental viviparous Salamandra lanzai, the oviparous Triturus carnifex, and the ovuliparous Bufo bufo. In immunohistochemistry with anti-human IL1B and IL1R1 polyclonal antibodies we found that in S. lanzai, most cells in the uterine mucosa were immunoreactive for IL1B and IL1R1. In T. carnifex, IL1B and IL1R1 were present in ciliated luminal cells, and there was evidence of IL1B in glandular cells. In B. bufo, the expression of IL1B and IL1R1 was limited to the apical cytoplasm of the ciliated oviductal cells. Western blot analysis showed that a putative mature form of IL1B, similar to that seen in mammals, was present in the oviductal tissues of S. lanzai, whereas different forms, which probably correspond to an inactive pro-IL1B protein, were found in T. carnifex and B. bufo. A band that corresponded to the predicted 80-kDa human IL1R1 was found in S. lanzai and T. carnifex. Although the present study shows that IL1B and IL1R1 expression occurs in all reproductive modes, the differential expression patterns noted between ovuliparity and oviparity and viviparity may reflect the different roles of IL1 in the various reproductive modes.  相似文献   

Caecilians have a unique dual jaw-closing system in that jaw closure is driven by the ancestral jaw-closing muscles (mm. levatores mandibulae) plus a secondarily recruited hyobranchial muscle (m. interhyoideus posterior). There is a variety of feeding habits (suction feeding, skin feeding, intrauterine scraping, and biting) during ontogeny that relate to reproductive modes in different caecilian species. This study examines the cranial biomechanics of caecilians in the suction-feeding larva of Ichthyophis cf. kohtaoensis, in the embryo and juvenile of the skin-feeding Boulengerula taitana, and in a newborn of the intrauterine feeder Typhlonectes natans. A lever arm model was applied to calculate effective mechanical advantages of jaw-closing muscles over gape angles and to predict total bite force in developing caecilians. In I. cf. kohtaoensis, Notable differences were found in the larval jaw-closing system compared to that of the adult. The suction-feeding larva of I. cf. kohtaoensis has comparatively large mm. levatores mandibulae that insert with an acute muscle fiber angle to the lower jaw and a m. interhyoideus posterior that has its optimal leverage at small gape angles. Conversely, the skin-feeding juvenile of B. taitana and the neonate T. natans are very similar in the feeding parameters considered herein compared to adult caecilians. Some ontogenetic variation in the feeding system of B. taitana before the onset of feeding was present. This study contributes to our understanding of the functional demands that feeding habits put on the development of cranial structures.  相似文献   

The developing ovaries of S. quercus contain a limited number of oogonial cells which undergo a series of incomplete mitotic divisions resulting in the formation of clusters of cystocytes. Ovaries of viviparous generations contain 6 to 9 clusters, containing 32 cystocytes each, whereas ovaries of oviparous generations contain 5 clusters containing 45-60 cystocytes. During further development, clusters become surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells, and within each cluster the cystocytes differentiate into oocytes and trophocytes (nurse cells). Concurrently, cysts transform into ovarioles. The anterior part of the ovariole containing the trophocytes becomes the tropharium, whereas its posterior part containing oocytes transforms into the vitellarium. The vitellaria of viviparous females are composed of one or two oocytes, which develop until previtellogenesis. The nuclei of previtellogenic oocytes enter cycles of mitotic divisions which lead to the formation of the embryo. Ovarioles of oviparous females contain a single oocyte which develops through three stages: previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis and choriogenesis. The ovaries are accompanied by large cells termed bacteriocytes which harbor endosymbiotic microorganisms.  相似文献   

The European common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) is a widely distributed species across Europe and Asia exhibiting two reproductive modes (oviparity/viviparity), six major lineages and several sublineages. It has been used to tackle a large variety of research questions, nevertheless, few nuclear DNA sequence markers have been developed for this species. Here we developed 79 new nuclear DNA sequence markers using a clonation protocol. These markers were amplified in several oviparous and viviparous specimens including samples of all extant clades, to test the amplification success and their diversity. 49.4% of the markers were polymorphic and of those, 51.3% amplified in all and 94.9% amplified in 5–7 of the extant Z. vivipara clades. These new markers will be very useful for the study of the population structure, population dynamics, and micro/macro evolution of Z. vivipara. Cross-species amplification in four lizard species (Psammodromus edwardsianus, Podarcis muralis, Lacerta bilineata, and Takydromus sexlineatus) was positive in several of the markers, and six makers amplified in all five species. The large genetic distance between P. edwardsianus and Z. vivipara further suggests that these markers may as well be employed in many other species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of sequences of the 18S rDNA and MT‐CO2 gene fragments indicated that the oviparous and viviparous gyrodactylid‐like monogenoids formed independent monophyletic clades within the Order Gyrodactylidea, supporting the reinstatement of the Oogyrodactylidae and limiting the Gyrodactylidae to the viviparous species. Analyses further indicated that the clade comprising the two families shared a common ancestor with the Udonellidae. Two clades, that of Aglaiogyrodactylus and that of Phanerothecium, were identified within the Oogyrodactylidae, while Onychogyrodactylus was shown to be polyphyletic and Oogyrodactylus basal within the family. One putative synapomorphy was identified for the Oogyrodactylidae, that is presence of a massive Mehlis’ gland. The Gyrodactylidae was limited to species having a viviparous mode of reproduction, although relationships within the family were generally poorly resolved. Several putative synapomorphies were found for the Gyrodactylidae, including viviparity and protogyny, a bulbous and armed MCO, absence of a vitellarium, and presence of a knob‐like deep anchor root (Fig. 3e). Ultrametric analyses suggested that the initial divergence of the clade of the gyrodactylid‐like monogenoids and Udonellidae occurred about 335 mya (based on the 18S rDNA fragment) and about 400 mya (based on the MT‐CO2 gene fragment). Using the 18S rDNA fragment and three calibration points, ultrametric analyses indicated that the Gyrodactylidae and Oogyrodactylidae diverged at approximately 278 mya, with initial diversification within the Gyrodactylidae (about 211 mya) occurring earlier than that of the Oogyrodactylidae (about 133 mya), the latter coinciding with the breakup of Gondwana and the initial diversification of the armoured catfishes (Loricariidae). Finally, diagnoses were provided for the Gyrodactylidae and Oogyrodactylidae along with a list of genera assigned to each family.  相似文献   

The evolutionary process leading to the emergence of viviparity in Squamata consists of lengthening the period of egg retention in utero coupled with marked reduction in the thickness of the eggshell. We used light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to study uterine structure during the reproductive cycle of oviparous and viviparous females of the reproductively bimodal Lacerta vivipara. We compared the structure of the uterine shell glands, which secrete components of the eggshell, during preovulatory and early gestation phases of the reproductive cycle and also compared histochemistry of the eggshells. The uterine glands of both reproductive forms undergo considerable growth within a period of a few weeks during folliculogenesis and vitellogenesis preceding ovulation. The majority of the proteinaceous fibers of the shell membrane are secreted early in embryonic development and the uterine glands regress shortly thereafter. This supports previous observations indicating that, in Squamata, secretion of the shell membrane occurs very rapidly after ovulation. The most striking differences between reproductive modes were larger uterine glands at late vitellogenesis in oviparous females, 101 microm compared to 60 microm in viviparous females, and greater thickness of the shell membrane during early gestation in oviparous females (52-73 microm) compared to viviparous females (4-8 microm). Our intraspecific comparison supports the conclusions of previous studies that, prior to ovulation, the uterine glandular layer is less developed in viviparous than in oviparous species, and that this is the main factor accounting for differences in the thickness of the shell membrane of the two reproductive forms of squamates.  相似文献   

Plastic changes occur in the morphology of the uterus at various stages of the reproductive cycle in both oviparous and viviparous lizards and these may be influenced by estrogen. Estrogen driven phosphorylation of effector proteins on tyrosine residues plays a major role in the plastic modulation of uterine anatomy and physiology in vertebrates. We used electrophoresis and Western blotting to characterize the phosphotyrosine protein profiles at various stages of the reproductive pathway in an oviparous lizard Lampropholis guichenoti and a viviparous lizard Eulamprus tympanum. L. guichenoti displayed major bands in the 200-35 kDa range and a triplet of bands of molecular masses 61 kDa, 52 kDa and 48 kDa in 50% of specimens and a 38 kDa band in all specimens. In contrast, E. tympanum samples all displayed a single major band at 40 kDa, which was significantly elevated at the early pregnancy stage. Somewhat paradoxically, the viviparous species, which has the more complex uterine epithelial changes during pregnancy, has the fewest phosphotyrosine bands, so how tyrosine phosphorylation is affected during the evolution of viviparity is not clear.  相似文献   

To investigate causes of anomalous development of embryos facultatively fertilized in the ovary of a non-copulatory oviparous fish Hemilepidotus gilberti (Scorpaeniformes: Cottdae), dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations were measured in ovaries of copulatory oviparous (Alcichthys alcicornis, Bero elegans), non-copulatory oviparous (H. gilberti, Hexagrammus otakii), and viviparous (Sebastes taczanowskii, Zoarces elongatus) fishes. DO concentrations changed during vitellogenesis and ovulation cycles, and also before and after ovulation. DO concentrations in the ovary of H. gilberti and H. otakii at ovulation were 0.27±0.03 and 0.15±0.03 mg O2 l−1, respectively, whereas in A. alcicornis and B. elegans, the concentrations were 0.47±0.08 and 0.20±0.06 mg O2 l−1, respectively. In the ovaries of intralumenal gestation viviparous fishes, S. taczanowskii and Z. elongatus, DO concentration was from 0.01 to 0.11 mg O2 l−1. The average DO concentration during the artificial pregnancy of A. alcicornis was 0.97±0.19 mg O2 l−1, but all embryos showed deformity. DO concentrations recorded in oviparous fishes in this study were lower than the oxygen level at which most oviparous fish embryos exhibit retardation or death, and it probably caused the anomalous embryonic development. In contrast, the normal development of viviparous fish embryos at low oxygen level was attributed to the specialized structure of ovary, e.g. the dual arterial system to supply the developing embryos with the respiratory demands in Sebastes.  相似文献   

Contact zones between two evolutionary lineages are often useful for understanding the process of speciation because the observed genetic pattern reflects the history of differentiation. The Eurasian lacertid lizard Zootoca vivipara is a potentially interesting model for studying the role of reproductive mode in the speciation of squamate reptiles because it has both oviparous (Zootoca vivipara carniolica) and viviparous (Zootoca vivipara vivipara) populations that have recently been shown to be genetically distinct. We studied a newly‐discovered syntopic area of these two Zootoca subspecies in the central Italian Alps using genetic markers to investigate the level of introgression between them. Patterns of genetic differentiation in a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytb gene and a set of nuclear microsatellites show that the speciation process is complete in this area, with no evidence of recent introgression. Phylogenetic and genotypic divergence suggests that the two subspecies have experienced long independent evolutionary histories, during which genetic and phenotypic differences evolved. The possible roles of biogeography, reproductive mode, and cytogenetic differentiation in this speciation process are discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 566–573.  相似文献   

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