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Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) has a wide distributional range in Europe and inhabits a broad range of habitats and environmental conditions. Thus, populations of roe deer show substantial variation in demographic parameters. We aimed to determine whether body mass and population density—which influence the reproductive potential of roe deer at a local scale—affect their reproductive potential at a biogeographical scale as well. We reviewed the literature (covering years 1948–2015) on in utero litter size in roe deer from 59 locations in 14 countries in Europe. Across study sites, mean litter size varied from 1.0 to 2.4 embryo or corpora lutea per female, and population density ranged from 4.5 to 73.5 individuals/km2. Mean body mass varied from 11.2 to 20.8 kg in subadult females and from 12.1 to 22.4 kg in adult females. Between 46° and 56° N, body mass of females did not show a significant trend of increase, whereas between 56° and 63° N, it increased with latitude (Bergmann’s rule). We used linear mixed-effects models (LMMs) to analyse the influence of body mass and population density (analysed separately) on litter size. Females with larger body mass produced larger litters, and this pattern was pronounced at both higher and lower latitudes. Higher population densities negatively affected litter size in a sample of all females. This macroecological analysis showed that factors influencing the reproductive potential of roe deer females at local scales produce similar effects at the biogeographical scale.  相似文献   

Body mass is a key determinant of fitness components in many organisms, and adult mass varies considerably among individuals within populations. These variations have several causes, involve temporal and spatial factors, and are not yet well understood. We use long-term data from 20 roe deer cohorts (1977-96) in a 2600 ha study area (Chizé, western France) with two habitats contrasting in quality (rich oak forest in the North versus poor beech forest in the South) to analyse the effects of both cohort and habitat quality on adult mass (i.e. median body mass between 4 and 10 years of age) of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Cohort strongly influenced the adult body mass of roe deer in both sexes: males born in 1994 were 5.2 kg heavier when aged between 4 and 10 years old than males born in 1986, while females born in 1995 were 4.7 kg heavier between 4 and 10 years old than females born in 1982. For a given cohort, adult males were, on average, 0.9 kg heavier in the rich oak forest than in the poor beech forest. A similar trend occurred for adult females (0.5 kg heavier in the oak forest). The effects of cohort and habitat were additive and accounted for ca. 40% of the variation observed in the adult mass of roe deer at Chizé (males: 41.2%; females: 40.2%). Population density during the spring of the birth accounted for about 35% of cohort variation, whereas rainfall in May-June had no effect. Such delayed effects of density at birth on adult body mass probably affect population dynamics, and might constitute a mechanism by which delayed density-dependence occurs in ungulate populations.  相似文献   

Predation by red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the most important mortality cause for neonatal roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Scandinavia. With the objective of investigating how the fox finds fawns and how antipredatory behaviour of roe deer females influences choice of hunting method, I analysed observations of interactions between red fox and roe deer females. The observations were collected over 14 years in a mixed forest/agricultural landscape in Sweden. Of 49 fox–doe encounters, the doe attacked the fox in 59%. In 90% of these attacks the fox was successfully deterred. In two observations a doe saved a fawn attacked by a fox. Two hunting methods used by the fox were discerned. In 28 cases foxes searched the ground, and in 18 cases they surveyed open areas, often from a forest edge. The latter behaviour seemed more directed at fawns and was seen leading to a capture attempt. Searching seemed less efficient and also difficult to conduct due to the aggressiveness of does. A surveying sit-and-wait type of hunting method thus appeared as the most successful. The possibility to use this method could explain why roe deer fawns are more vulnerable to fox predation in open habitats.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have pointed out that, when resources are limited, the potential for competition should be high among sympatric species that display overlaps in habitat and nutritional niches. However, reliable evidence of competition between red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) has not been yet reported for life history traits directly measuring performance such as body mass, reproduction, or survival. From long-term monitoring of deer populations in the reserve of La Petite Pierre (France), we measured the sex-specific responses of roe deer fawn body mass to changes in red deer density after accounting for possible confounding effects of date of shooting, climatic conditions, and roe deer density. As expected under the hypothesis of competition, red deer density in a given year had a marked negative influence on body mass of roe deer fawns born the same year and the following year. Fawn mass of roe deer males and females responded in similar ways to changes in red deer density. Our study provides the first evidence of a negative response of roe deer performance to high red deer density.  相似文献   

It is well established that the dynamics of mammalian populations vary in time, in relation to density and weather, and often in interaction with phenotypic differences (sex, age and social status). Habitat quality has recently been identified as another significant source of individual variability in vital rates of deer, including roe deer where spatial variations in fawn body mass were found to be only about a tenth of temporal variations. The approach used was to classify the habitat into blocks a priori, and to analyse variation in animal performance among the predefined areas. In a fine-grained approach, here we use data collected over 24 years on 1,235 roe deer fawns captured at known locations and the plant species composition sampled in 2001 at 578 sites in the Chizé forest to determine the spatial structure at a fine scale of both vegetation and winter body mass of fawns, and then to determine links between the two. Space and time played a nearly equal role in determining fawn body masses of both sexes, each accounting for about 20% of variance and without any interaction between them. The spatial distribution of fawn body mass was perennial over the 24 years considered and predicted values showed a 2 kg range according to location in the reserve, which is much greater than suggested in previous work and is enough to have strong effects on fawn survival. The spatial distribution and the range of predicted body masses were closely similar in males and females. The result of this study is therefore consistent with the view that the life history traits of roe deer are only weakly influenced by sexual selection. The occurrence of three plant species that are known to be important food items in spring/summer roe deer diets, hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), bluebell (Hyacinthoides sp.) and Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum sp.) was positively related to winter fawn body mass. The occurrence of species known to be avoided in spring/summer roe deer diets [e.g. butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus) and beech (Fagus sylvatica)], was negatively related to fawn body mass. We conclude that the spatial variation in the body mass of fawns in winter in this forest is as important as the temporal variation, and that the distribution of plant species that are actively selected during spring and summer is an important determinant of spatial variation in winter fawn body mass. The availability of these plants is therefore likely to be a key factor in the dynamics of roe deer populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of population density on juvenile body mass in two contrasting roe deer populations, in Sweden (Bogesund) and France (Chizé), in which density was monitored for ≥15 years. We investigated the effect of population density and climatic conditions on cohort performance. We predicted that: (1) body mass of growing fawns should be sensitive to environmental changes, showing marked between-year variation (i.e., cohort effects), (2) fawns in the less productive (weakly seasonal, weakly predictable summer weather) habitat of Chizé should show stronger density-dependent responses due to more severe food competition during summer than fawns in the more productive (markedly seasonal, moderately predictable summer weather) habitat of Bogesund, and (3) fawns at Bogesund should be heavier both in absolute terms and relative to their size than their conspecifics in Chizé due to a higher degree of fat accumulation in northern environments. In both study sites we found marked cohort variation and clear effects of density, with body mass varying by as much as 29% over years. While neither summer nor winter climate influenced fawn body mass at Bogesund, fawns tended to be lighter after summers with high temperatures at Chizé. In addition, fawns were heavier after acorn mast years experienced in utero at Bogesund. As expected, the strength of the density-dependent response of fawn body mass was greater at Chizé than at Bogesund. For a given density, male fawns were consistently heavier than females in both sites. Lastly, both sexes at Bogesund had higher absolute body mass and were larger for a given body size than in Chizé. Our results clearly demonstrate that absolute density is a poor predictor of roe deer performance and supports the view that habitat quality has an overwhelming importance for determining fawn body mass in roe deer populations.  相似文献   

Overwinter fawn mortality associated with hair loss syndrome (HLS) is anecdotally thought to be important in declines of Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) populations in Washington and Oregon (USA). We determined prevalence of HLS in black-tailed deer, September and April fawn:doe ratios, and minimum overwinter survival rates of fawns for selected game management units (GMUs) in western Washington from 1999 to 2001. Prevalence of HLS ranged from 6% to 74% in fawns and 4% to 33% in does. Minimum fawn survival ranged from 0.56 to 0.83 and was unrelated to prevalence of HLS in either does (r=0.005, P=0.991) or fawns (r=-0.215, P=0.608). The prevalence of HLS in either does or fawns was also unrelated to either fall fawn:doe ratios (HLS does: r=-0.132, P=0.779; HLS fawns: r=0.130, P=0.760) or spring fawn:doe ratios (HLS does: r=-0.173, P=0.711; HLS fawns: r=-0.020, P=0.963). However, the prevalence of HLS in does and fawns was strongly related (r=0.942, P=0.002), and GMUs with high prevalence of HLS had lower deer population densities (fawns: r=-0.752, P=0.031; does: r=-0.813, P=0.026). Increased overwinter mortality of fawns because of HLS was not supported by our data. Decreased production of fawns, increased summer mortality of fawns, or both were seen in six of eight study GMU-year combinations. Observed rates of productivity and minimum fawn survival were inadequate to maintain population size in five of eight study GMU-year combinations, assuming an annual doe survival rate of 0.75. The influence of deer condition and population health on adult survival, fawn production, preweaning fawn survival, parasitism, and prevalence of HLS in both fawns and adults need to be clarified to identify what factors are limiting black-tailed deer productivity.  相似文献   

Most roe deer females produce twins and more rarely singletons and triplets. Some very rare reported cases of litters above three offspring refer to quadruplets which are, however, very much an exception in roe deer reproduction (only some tens of documented cases can be found in the scientific literature). In this paper, we present the first firm evidence that roe deer females are able to produce even five offspring. By examination of large sample set (n = 4690) of roe deer uteri and ovaries in two neighbouring countries in southern/central Europe (Italy and Slovenia), we found ten females that either carried or had potential to produce quadruplets, and in three does the (potential) litter size was even five. While one doe from Slovenia had five corpora lutea, two does from Tuscany, Italy, carried five foetuses. In both cases, all foetuses were normally and equally developed, indicating that none of them had predominant exposure to resorption/abortion. Six out of 13 females with exceptionally large potential litters (>3 offspring) had significantly higher body mass in comparison with mean body mass of all does harvested in the same hunting management district and in the same period, while five of them were significantly lighter. This indicates that some roe deer females can produce exceptionally large litters even when their phenotypic quality is not higher than the average in the population, and that such large litters are a stochastic episode rather than a reproductive performance of a very vital individual(s).  相似文献   

In March 2002, ten roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) were released in a partly wooded 14.2-ha enclosure to investigate the effect of high population density on vegetation cover and demographic parameters. However, in mid 2003, five animals died after rapid emaciation. Two other deer were killed to carry out further post-mortem examination. In addition to a general loss of body mass and injuries in males caused by the healthiest of them, we found a high level of parasitism. The remaining animals received anti-parasite treatment, and four other treated roe deer were added into the enclosure. All the deer were then captured and treated against parasites twice a year, the fawns being removed when first captured. Four years after the crash, the population seemed healthy: deaths no longer occurred; mean adult body mass reached 27.6 kg in March; females produced on average 1.6 fawns per year, with a mean body mass of 13.8 kg in October and 16.7 kg in March. Furthermore, undergrowth cover changed little since March 2004. These results suggest that outbursts of parasites may cause population crashes in high-density situations before the onset of nutritive stress and may explain certain cases of ‘abnormal’ (massive) mortality recorded in roe deer.  相似文献   

Time- and sex-specific summer survival of roe deer fawns was estimated using capture-mark-recapture methods in two enclosed populations living in contrasting conditions. The population of Trois Fontaines (eastern France) was roughly constant in size throughout the study period, while in Chizé (western France), the population experienced frequent summer droughts and numbers decreased continuously during the study. Early survival of fawns was low and highly variable over the years at both Chizé and Trois Fontaines, and demonstrated marked variations between cohorts that need to be taken into account when modelling roe deer population dynamics. In Trois Fontaines, fawn survival was positively correlated with early body growth and total rainfall in May and June. In Chizé, fawn survival decreased with increasing density and tended to increase with increasing rainfall in May and June and adult female body mass. These factors explained more than 75% of the variability in early survival observed in both populations. Variation between cohorts had different consequences for the two populations. At Trois Fontaines, cohort variation was limited to a numerical effect on early survival. However at Chizé, cohort variation was long-lasting and affected the phenotypic quality of survivors at later ages, and thereby future survival and breeding abilities (both numerical and quality effects). Male and female fawns had similar survival over their first summer in both populations. This result contrasts with the lower survival of young males often observed in ungulates. Two ultimate causes can be proposed to account for the low and variable survival of roe deer fawns over the first summer: the high energy expenditures incurred by does during each breeding attempt and/or the low absolute body size of newborn roe deer fawns. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

A wildlife species’ selection of bedding sites is often characterised by strong trade-offs, as habitat quality, predator avoidance and foraging needs should be achieved simultaneously. Human activities often represent major threats in addition. In areas of intensive agriculture, e.g. mowing is one of the main causes of mortality of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns due their hiding strategy. For a species’ offspring, the selection of bedding sites is particularly crucial and thus, identifying how and when animals use such habitats is important for management. We used a long-term dataset of marked roe deer fawns in Switzerland (1971–2015) to reveal the characteristics of optimal bedding sites within the first two weeks of a fawn’s life in three contrasting landscapes and the potential trade-offs that may occur. We hypothesised that roe deer adjust the selection of bedding sites to current environmental conditions and available habitat to achieve sufficient levels of predator avoidance and thermoregulation necessary for the fawn’s survival, as well as the availability of sufficient food resources for the mother doe. We found that, in general, grassland habitats with medium vegetation height (20–50 cm) and habitats in close proximity to the edge of the forest were favoured to achieve those basic requirements. However, the use of bed site habitats differed between the three contrasting landscapes in dependence of elevation and hence vegetation phenology. Our results provide essential information to reduce mortality rates caused by mowing and improve the reproductive success of this species.  相似文献   

The impact of parasites on population dynamics is well documented, but less is known on how host population density affects parasite spread. This relationship is difficult to assess because of confounding effects of social structure, population density, and environmental conditions that lead to biased among-population comparisons. Here, we analyzed the infestation by two groups of nematodes (gastro-intestinal (GI) strongyles and Trichuris) in the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population of Trois Fontaines (France) between 1997 and 2007. During this period, we experimentally manipulated population density through changes in removals. Using measures collected on 297 individuals, we quantified the impact of density on parasite spread after taking into account possible influences of date, age, sex, body mass, and weather conditions. The prevalence and abundance of eggs of both parasites in females were positively related to roe deer density, except Trichuris in adult females. We also found a negative relationship between parasitism and body mass, and strong age and sex-dependent patterns of parasitism. Prime-age adults were less often parasitized and had lower fecal egg counts than fawns or old individuals, and males were more heavily and more often infected than females. Trichuris parasites were not affected by weather, whereas GI strongyles were less present after dry and hot summers. In the range of observed densities, the observed effect of density likely involves a variation of the exposure rate, as opposed to variation in host susceptibility.  相似文献   

Recently there has been considerable interest in determining the relative roles of endogenous (density-dependent) and exogenous (density-independent) factors in driving the population dynamics of free-ranging ungulates. We used time-series analysis to estimate the relative contributions of density-dependent forage competition, climatic fluctuation, and harvesting on the population dynamics of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Nova Scotia, Canada, from 1983 to 2000. A model incorporating the population density 2 years previous, an interaction term for the harvest of females and population density 2 years previous, and the total snowfall during the previous 2 winters explained 80% of the variation in inter-annual population growth rate. Natality of adult females was negatively related to deer density during the present winter, whereas that of yearlings may have been correlated with the snowfall of three winters previous. Natality of fawns was related to deer density and total snowfall during the previous winter. Coyotes (Canis latrans) prey extensively on deer fawns in northeastern North America and the annual harvest of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), the major alternate prey of coyotes, explained 48% of the inter-annual variation in fawn recruitment. The proportions of fawn, yearling, and adult deer suffering from severe malnutrition during late winter were all correlated with deer density during the present winter. We conclude that the limiting effects of winter weather on over-winter survival of deer may be cumulative over two consecutive winters. During the late 1980s, density dependence and winter severity acted in concert to effect substantial declines in deer population growth both by effecting winter losses directly and by exacerbating predation by coyotes. During this period liberal harvesting did not relieve density-dependent forage competition and probably accelerated the decline.  相似文献   

In our study we assessed the tick burden on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in relation to age, physical condition, sex, deer density and season. The main objective was to find predictive parameters for tick burden. In September 2007, May, July, and September 2008, and in May and July 2009 we collected ticks on 142 culled roe deer from nine forest departments in Southern Hesse, Germany. To correlate tick burden and deer density we estimated deer density using line transect sampling that accounts for different detectability in March 2008 and 2009, respectively. We collected more than 8,600 ticks from roe deer heads and necks, 92.6% of which were Ixodes spp., 7.4% Dermacentor spp. Among Ixodes, 3.3% were larvae, 50.5% nymphs, 34.8% females and 11.4% males, with significant seasonal deviation. Total tick infestation was high, with considerable individual variation (from 0 to 270 ticks/deer). Adult tick burden was positively correlated with roe deer body indices (body mass, age, hind foot length). Significantly more nymphs were found on deer from forest departments with high roe deer density indices, indicating a positive correlation with deer abundance. Overall, tick burden was highly variable. Seasonality and large scale spatial characteristics appeared to be the most important factors affecting tick burden on roe deer.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of roe deer as a host for Ixodes ticks in central Europe, estimates of total tick burden on roe deer are not available to date. We aimed at providing (1) estimates of life stage and sex specific (larvae, nymphs, males and females, hereafter referred to as tick life stages) total Ixodes burden and (2) equations which can be used to predict the total life stage burden by counting the life stage on a selected body area. Within a period of 1½ years, we conducted whole body counts of ticks from 80 hunter-killed roe deer originating from a beech dominated forest area in central Germany. Averaged over the entire study period (winter 2007–summer 2009), the mean tick burden per roe deer was 64.5 (SE ± 10.6). Nymphs were the most numerous tick life stage per roe deer (23.9 ± 3.2), followed by females (21.4 ± 3.5), larvae (10.8 ± 4.2) and males (8.4 ± 1.5). The individual tick burden was highly aggregated (k = 0.46); levels of aggregation were highest in larvae (k = 0.08), followed by males (k = 0.40), females (k = 0.49) and nymphs (k = 0.71). To predict total life stage specific burdens based on counts on selected body parts, we provide linear equations. For estimating larvae abundance on the entire roe deer, counts can be restricted to the front legs. Tick counts restricted to the head are sufficient to estimate total nymph burden and counts on the neck are appropriate for estimating adult ticks (females and males). In order to estimate the combined tick burden, tick counts on the head can be used for extrapolation. The presented linear models are highly significant and explain 84.1, 77.3, 90.5, 91.3, and 65.3% (adjusted R 2) of the observed variance, respectively. Thus, these models offer a robust basis for rapid tick abundance assessment. This can be useful for studies aiming at estimating effects of abiotic and biotic factors on tick abundance, modelling tick population dynamics, modelling tick-borne pathogen transmission dynamics or assessing the efficacy of acaricides.  相似文献   

The effects of predation on ungulate populations depend on several factors. One of the most important factors is the proportion of predation that is additive or compensatory respectively to other mortality in the prey, i.e., the relative effect of top-down and bottom-up processes. We estimated Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) kill rate on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) using radio-collared lynx. Kill rate was strongly affected by lynx social status. For males it was 4.85 ± 1.30 S.E. roe deer per 30 days, for females with kittens 6.23 ± 0.83 S.E. and for solitary females 2.71 ± 0.47 S.E. We found very weak support for effects of prey density (both for Type I (linear) and Type II (non-linear) functional responses) and of season (winter, summer) on lynx kill rate. Additionally, we analysed the growth rate in a roe deer population from 1985 to 2005 in an area, which lynx naturally re-colonized in 1996. The annual roe deer growth rate was lower after lynx re-colonized the study area, but it was also negatively influenced by roe deer density. Before lynx colonized the area roe deer growth rate was λ = 1.079 (± 0.061 S.E.), while after lynx re-colonization it was λ = 0.94 (± 0.051 S.E.). Thus, the growth rate in the roe deer population decreased by Δλ = 0.14 (± 0.080 S.E.) after lynx re-colonized the study area, which corresponded to the estimated lynx predation rate on roe deer (0.11 ± 0.042 S.E.), suggesting that lynx predation was mainly additive to other mortality in roe deer. To conclude, this study suggests that lynx predation together with density dependent factors both influence the roe deer population dynamics. Thus, both top-down and bottom-up processes operated at the same time in this predator-prey system.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal attachment site patterns of ticks feeding on their hosts can be of significance if co-feeding transmission (i.e. from tick to tick without a systemic infection of the host) of pathogens affects the persistence of a given disease. Using tick infestation data on roe deer, we analysed preferred attachment sites and niche width of Ixodes ticks (larvae, nymphs, males, females) and investigated the degree of inter- and intrastadial aggregation. The different development stages showed rather consistent attachment site patterns and relative narrow feeding site niches. Larvae were mostly found on the head and on the front legs of roe deer, nymphs reached highest densities on the head and highest adult densities were found on the neck of roe deer. The tick stages feeding (larvae, nymphs, females) on roe deer showed high degrees of intrastadial spatial aggregation, whereas males did not. Male ticks showed large feeding site overlap with female ticks. Feeding site overlap between larval-female and larval-nymphal ticks did occur especially during the months May–August on the head and front legs of roe deer and might allow pathogen transmission via co-feeding. Tick density, niche width and niche overlap on roe deer are mainly affected by seasonality, reflecting seasonal activity and abundance patterns of ticks. Since different tick development stages occur spatially and temporally clustered on roe deer, transmission experiments of tick-borne pathogens are urgently needed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of increasing population density on the skeletal development of roe deer as indexed by variation in the size of the mandible. We tested for density-dependence in total jaw length and minimum diastema height among cohorts in a single, intensively studied population in France. A strong relationship of average adult jaw length of both males and females with deer density in the year of birth of a given cohort was observed, and presumably reflects inadequate nutrition of juveniles at high population density. No such relationship was observed for the minimum diastema height which remained constant over the range of densities studied. This relationship was exploited to investigate population trends of roe deer in Britain. In nine populations, where equivalent data were available for between 16 and 28 separate cohorts, a consistent pattern of variation in cohort jaw size was observed, with a decrease in average total length, but not diastema height, towards the present. This trend is discussed in relation to changes in habitat structure in the coniferous forests of Britain. The utility of cohort jaw length as a management tool to index population trends of roe deer is highlighted.  相似文献   

We evaluated the biological and socio-economic effects of statewide limitation of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) hunting licenses, which began in Colorado in 1999. We implemented a before-after-control-impact (BACI) analysis of annual helicopter sex and age class surveys, collected as part of the Colorado Division of Wildlife's routine monitoring, to assess changes in adult male/adult female ratios and fawn/adult female ratios in response to this change in harvest management. Following statewide limitation and reduction of license sales (1999–2006), we observed increases in adult male/adult female ratios of 7.39 (SE = 2.36) to 15.23 (SE = 1.22) adult males per 100 adult females in moderately limited areas and of 17.55 (SE = 3.27) to 21.86 (SE = 2.31) adult males per 100 adult females in highly limited areas. We simultaneously observed reductions in fawn/adult female ratios in newly limited areas by as much as 6.96 (SE = 2.19) fawns per 100 females, whereas in areas that had previously been limited we observed stabilization of fawn/adult female ratios at levels lower than levels observed under the unlimited harvest management structure. An immediate decline of $7.86 million in annual revenue stemmed from the change in harvest management, but revenue subsequently rebounded. This study provides preliminary evidence of potential effects that other state and provincial wildlife management agencies may face as they consider shifting mule deer harvest management towards limited license scenarios. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The alternative prey hypothesis predicts that predators respond both functionally and numerically (with a time lag) to fluctuations in the main prey abundance, which affects the survival of alternative prey. This pattern was found in northern Europe in the community formed by voles (Microtidae), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). We studied the same predator—prey community in a temperate latitude where, according to the predation hypothesis, only the functional response of predators to changes in main prey availability should occur. In the years 1997–2007, in western Poland, we estimated the index of common vole (Microtus arvalis) abundance (burrow counts), the density of foxes (spotlight counts), the young production in foxes (young/adult ratio), the index of fox predation on fawns (prey remains near dens) as well as the reproduction index (fawn/female ratio) and density of roe deer (total counts). The vole abundance fluctuated considerably, the young production in foxes did not correlate with the main prey availability, but the density of foxes showed direct numerical response. The index of fox predation on fawns decreased with the vole abundance and negatively affected the fawn/female ratio in roe deer. Thus, the relationships between voles and foxes were not fully consistent with the predation hypothesis. The direct numerical response of foxes should tend to stabilize this predator—prey community. It is suggested, however, that responses showed by vole-eating predators in temperate latitudes may sometimes affect their alternative prey, including animals with unfavourable conservation status.  相似文献   

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