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Recently acquired tissue makes possible a first molecular assessment of the taxonomic position of the Soccoro Island endemic mimid Mimodes graysoni . Mitochondrial DNA sequence data from the ND-2 gene was analyzed using parsimony, maximum likelihood and bayesian methods of inference. These methods all placed Mimodes graysoni within a strongly supported clade containing four representatives of the genus Mimus . Retention of the monotypic Mimodes would make Mimus paraphyletic, therefore Mimodes graysoni is more properly placed in the genus Mimus .  相似文献   

Understanding space-use patterns of highly mobile animals, such as woodland caribou, is required for ecosystem conservation. We tested for seasonal differences in migration habitat used by woodland caribou while travelling from winter to summer and summer to winter range in northwest Ontario, using radio-telemetry locations of 33 caribou collected from 1995 to 2000. Forest management guidelines in Ontario presume that woodland caribou select specific habitats during the migrating seasons including conifer dominated forests and waterways (rivers and lakes). Results showed few differences between real travel routes and straight-line routes during both high movement periods (post-calving to late winter and late winter to calving). Caribou selected less deciduous forest than available during early winter and spring but contrary to expectations they did not use more open areas and waterways than available. Possible migration corridors, or habitat used during early winter and spring, were not distinguished by one particular habitat type, although caribou were more likely to avoid water and open areas, while using more conifer forests. They did not avoid disturbed habitat such as recently burnt or cut areas. There were some sex-specific differences with males using deciduous forest more than females. Caribou did not choose more than expected of waterways such as chains of lakes or large rivers which, to some extent, run counter to management recommendations. Our findings should be considered when developing local forest management plans and designing harvest patterns with the intent to mitigate negative impacts on woodland caribou habitat.


Das Verständnis der Raumnutzungsmuster von sehr mobilen Tieren, wie den Waldkaribus, ist für den Ökosystemschutz notwendig. Wir untersuchten die saisonalen Unterschiede in der Habitatnutzung von Waldkaribus während der Wanderung (frühe Winter- und Frühjahrsrouten) im nordwestlichen Ontario, indem wir von 1995–2000 die Standorte von 33 Karibus per Radiotelemetrie bestimmten. Richtlinien für Waldmanagement in Ontario setzen vorraus, dass Waldkaribus während der Wanderungszeit spezifische Habitate wählen, die nadelbaumdominierte Wälder und Wasserwege (Flüsse und Seen) einschließen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einige Unterschiede zwischen den realen Wanderrouten und geradlinigen Routen während der beiden Wanderperioden (nach dem Kalben bis zum späten Winter und später Winter bis nach dem Kalben). Die Karibus wählten weniger als den verfügbaren Laubwald im frühen Winter und Frühjahr, aber sie nutzten entgegen den Erwartungen offenere Areale und Wasserwege nicht mehr als verfügbar. Mögliche Wanderkorridore oder Habitate, die während des frühen Winters und Frühjahrs genutzt wurden, unterschieden sich nicht durch einen bestimmten Habitattyp, auch wenn die Karibus mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit Wasser und offene Areale mieden, während sie Nadelwälder nutzten. Sie mieden gestörte Areale nicht, wie kürzlich abgebrannte oder abgeholzte. Es gab einige geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede, da die Männchen Laubwälder mehr als Weibchen nutzten. Die Karibus wählten Wasserwege, wie Ketten von Seen oder große Flüsse, nicht mehr als erwartet, was in gewissem Ausmaß den Managementempfehlungen zuwiderläuft. Unsere Ergebnisse sollten berücksichtigt werden, wenn örtliche Waldmanagementpläne entwickelt und die Einschlagsmuster entworfen werden, mit der Absicht die negativen Auswirkungen auf das Habitat der Waldkaribus zu mildern.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the Corsican nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi , a passerine endemic to the island of Corsica and Corsican pine Pinus nigra laricio forest, its virtually exclusive habitat, currently restricted to inland mountains. The Corsican nuthatch prefers older Corsican pine stands with tall, large trees, and avoids younger stands, both in the breeding and wintering seasons. This preference is explained by the greater availability of pine seeds from older trees. Territorial adults are almost completely sedentary, a trait that is influenced by seed hoarding behaviour. From late autumn to early spring (i.e., when cones are mature), and during sunny weather (i.e., when cones are open), nuthatches remove pine seeds from cones and cache them on branches and under the bark of trunks. The birds retrieve the cached seeds in cold and wet weather. The presence of old Corsican pine stands appears to be a key-factor in the survival of the Corsican nuthatch, whose habitat is currently threatened by logging and fires.  相似文献   

Streissl  Franz  Hödl  Walter 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):195-199
The attractiveness of shelters and the relationship between crayfish size and refuge size were investigated in the stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium. Shelter suitability was mainly determined by water velocity, stone surface area and stone width. Water depth and stone height had no influence on crayfish occupancy of stones. Austropotamobius torrentium avoided shelters in areas of water velocities exceeding 25 cm s–1. They preferred large stones with a bearing surface greater than 300 cm2. The probability of crayfish occupation rose quickly as stones' bearing surface increased up to 900 cm2. Crayfish were exclusively caught underneath stones at least 3.19 times longer and 1.25 times wider than the carapace length of the refuge occupant. Large males occupied larger stones, where no relationship was detected between female size and stone refuge size.  相似文献   

Aim  To explore the causal factors leading to a significant Small Island Effect (SIE), that is, the absence of the commonly found species–area relationships below an island size, on the terrestrial isopod communities from a large number of islands.
Location  Ninety islands of the Aegean Sea (Greece).
Methods  The detection of a significant SIE is assessed through the application of all three methods available in the literature. Species are divided into generalists and specialists. We tested if the minimum area and the area range of each species' occurrences differ between generalists and specialists. Next, we searched for differences in the ratios of specialists to generalists above and below the SIE threshold, and tested their cumulative ratios when islands are arranged according to increasing area, altitude or habitat diversity in order to identify the threshold where they become statistically indistinguishable from the ratio of the total set of islands.
Results  Our results indicate a strong effect of habitat availability on the SIE. Communities of islands within the SIE range, host a higher percentage of generalists. An analysis of the specific habitat requirements shows that, for isopods, the crucial factor is the lack of habitats related to inland waters from small islands.
Main conclusions  The distribution of habitats on islands of different size is of major importance for the occurrence of a SIE. The relative representation of specialist and generalist species on islands of different size plays an important role in shaping SIE-related patterns. Conservation efforts should pay special attention on freshwater habitats, especially on small Aegean islands. Identifying the causal factors of SIE, combined with a thorough knowledge of the ecological requirements of species can offer insights into identifying habitat types and groups of species that are more vulnerable to alterations of the environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the habitat requirements and host specificity of three root parasites in the genus Thesium (T. linophyllon, T. bavarum and T. ebracteatum). We conducted a vegetation survey and tested whether some plant species occur significantly more often in plots with Thesium spp. than expected, thereby representing potential hosts of the parasites. To test if the potential hosts are the species to which Thesium is physically attached, we also conducted an excavating and sowing experiment. We found a positive association with surrounding species for T. linophyllon, but not for the other two species. The number of haustoria of T. linophyllon attached to roots of host species was significantly affected by the number of roots of the surrounding species and by their identity (species, family and plant group). Thesium was, however, attached to 94% of all species occurring in the plots. We suggest that Thesium spp. do not specifically select hosts, but rather occur in microhabitats with specific conditions. This conclusion is also supported by the fact that there were differences in the microhabitats with and without Thesium and that germination of Thesium in the sowing experiment was higher in pots without any host. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 394–408.  相似文献   

Capsule Birds favoured woody vegetation for foraging and tall herbage and bramble for nesting.  相似文献   

The long-tailed ground squirrels Spermophilus undulatus represent the most abundant burrowing herbivorous species in the southern Altai grasslands and are suggested to play an important role in the maintenance of this mountain ecosystem. The aim of this study was to identify the key features that influence their habitat use in the southern part of the Altai Republic (south-west Siberia, Russia). The research area represents a complete sequence of altitudinal vegetation zones from steppe, forest-steppe, forest, sub-alpine and alpine tundra. Our results suggest that S. undulatus prefers short-grass steppes, near the water source and with a thin layer of a chernozem soil containing a large amount of coarse clastics. The species strictly avoids forests and tolerates only a low density of bush cover. Altitude and exposure to sun do not represent significant factors in the habitat choice of S. undulatus . Neither the presence of pikas nor the presence of marmots influences habitat selection of the ground squirrels. Strong preferences for habitats near a water source may limit the distribution of the species to mountain areas. Degree of human disturbance was not a significant factor affecting distribution and the species even displays slight preferences for heavily grazed habitat near human settlements and roads. Intensive grazing prevents shrubs and forest invasion, keeps vegetation low and thus provides appropriate conditions for the ground squirrels, favouring an open habitat where predators can be easily detected by sight. Our results suggest that the habitat selection of ground squirrels may be determined rather by a protection from predators and burrowing conditions than by food availability.  相似文献   

This paper reports on studies of the habitat requirements of Lycaena dispar batavus in its largest remaining site, the Weerribben National Park in the Netherlands. Observations and experiments were carried out to assess requirements for male territories, egg-laying sites and larval survival. The management of the fenland was also assessed on a landscape scale. Male territories were all situated in summer cut fen meadow. Eggs were laid on Rumex hydrolapathum in a range of habitat situations, although a preference was shown for plants on fen edges. Larval survival was highest on plants on watersides and fen edges, with no survival on plants in summer cut fen meadow. The findings are discussed in relation to whether the Broadland area in eastern England is suitable as a re-establishment site. Although many elements of the habitat mosaic are present, at the landscape scale there is insufficient open fenland and areas suitable for male territories are probably too isolated; however, a fen restoration strategy is in place which may restore suitable habitat and make re-establishment feasible in the future.  相似文献   

Transformation of coppices to high forests has caused fundamental changes in site conditions and a decline of many species across Central Europe. Nevertheless, some formerly coppiced forests still harbour a number of the declining species and have become biodiversity hotspots in the changing landscape. We focused on the best-preserved remnant of formerly grazed and coppiced subcontinental oak forest in the Czech Republic – the Dúbrava forest near the town of Hodonín. To improve our understanding of the ecology of declining species, we studied local habitat requirements of vascular plants most endangered at the national level. We recorded vegetation composition and sampled important site variables in plots with the largest populations of endangered species and in additional plots placed randomly across all major forest habitats. We demonstrated that sites with endangered species have a highly uneven distribution in ecological space and that their species composition is often similar to open-canopy oak forests. Within this habitat, the endangered species are concentrated in places with a high light availability and high soil pH. Light-demanding species characteristic of subcontinental oak forests are the best indicators of these sites, while broadly distributed shade-tolerant and nutrient-demanding species avoid them. These results support the view that the occurrence of many endangered species in the Dúbrava forest is a legacy of the long history of traditional management that kept the canopies open. Light-demanding species are now threatened by ongoing successional changes. Therefore, active conservation measures are recommended, including opening up the canopies, early thinning of young stands, control of expansive and invasive species and understorey grazing or mowing.  相似文献   

The critically endangered Seychelles Black Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone corvina was once found on at least five of the inner (granitic) islands in the Seychelles archipelago, western Indian Ocean. Currently, it is only found on two islands, with c. 98% of the world population (c. 150–200 individuals) occurring on the 10‐km2 island of La Digue. Creation of additional island populations is therefore considered crucial in improving its conservation status. The presence of native broad‐leaved plateau forest in proximity to wetland areas is proposed as an important selection criterion when considering the suitability of other islands for translocation, due to the presumed importance of insect prey (dependent on water) in the diet. We quantified habitat use, territory composition, the effect of water on invertebrate abundance, and foraging and breeding success to determine the importance of native broad‐leaved woodland and wetland areas for Flycatchers. Flycatcher territories contained significantly more native broad‐leaved woodland (88%) than its availability on the plateau (43%); Flycatchers used native tree species significantly more for both foraging (81%) and nesting (95%) than their availability within territories (71%); and territory size varied inversely with the density of native broad‐leaved tree species. Native broad‐leaved forest was associated with semipermanent and permanent water bodies and availability of native forest habitat was a good predictor of territory distribution. The number of aerial insects trapped was higher close to water, but there was no effect of the proximity to water on the number of insects counted on foliage. The majority of identified prey species in adult diet were not dependent on water: Orthoptera and Lepidoptera were the most common prey groups, comprising 66% of identified prey items. There was no effect of proximity to water on foraging or breeding success (c. 35%): depredation was the major factor determining breeding success, and accounted for the majority of nest failures. The importance of wetland areas to Flycatchers therefore appears to have been over‐emphasized. The implications for translocation and conservation of the Flycatcher are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat requirements and population persistence were investigated in three damselfly species, all coastal plain pond specialists: Enallagma recurvatum, E. laterale, and E. pictum. Because of geographic restriction, two are of special concern to conservation, E. recurvatum and E. laterale. We surveyed more than 70 ponds on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and collected adult presence-absence data during the summers of 1999 and 2000. We achieved a detection rate approaching 100% for each species by visiting each pond up to three times. We looked for relationships between the presence of each damselfly species and presence of specific aquatic vegetation, the presence of the other Enallagma species, and the number of ponds within various distances of the 72 surveyed ponds. Using stepwise logistic regression, we found the following significant associations: E. recurvatum with the rush Juncus militaris; E. laterale with water lilies (Nuphar variegatum and Brasenia schreberi) the damselfly E. pictum, and the number of ponds within 2 km; and E. pictum with the water lily Nymphaea odorata, the damselfly E. laterale, and the number of ponds within 1.5 km and 2.5 km. Presence-absence data were used to calculate turnover and local extinction rates for each species between the two years. E. recurvatum's turnover and local extinction rates (33.3% and 41% respectively) were much higher than either E. laterale (9.8%, 11.5%) or E. pictum (7.7%, 10%). These results suggest that E. recurvatum occurs in a metapopulation, and that patch colonization rates might be important to local population persistence.  相似文献   

Abstract Although forested habitats in eastern Australia have attracted significant conservation‐related research, this work has focused strongly on endothermic vertebrates. Threatened reptile taxa have received less attention, but information on their habitat requirements should be central to management planning. The arboreal elapid snake Hoplocephalus stephensii is largely restricted to remnant forests in eastern Australia, and is listed as a threatened species under wildlife legislation. We collated 84 records of the current New South Wales geographical distribution of H. stephensii, and compared attributes of these locations to those of randomly chosen points within the same forests, in adjacent forests, in timber plantations and on freehold land across the geographical range of the taxon. Data on climatic and topographic characteristics of these sites were obtained from Geographic Information Systems databases and entered into a principal components analysis. Unsurprisingly, locations where snakes were recorded differed from the random sites in several respects (e.g. rainfall, elevation, seasonality of precipitation). Within a given forest, H. stephensii was generally found in areas similar to randomly chosen points. Comparison of vegetation communities used with those available within forests provided no evidence for active habitat selection. Comparisons of Geographic Information Systems‐derived data for snake‐collection localities along roads versus those within the forest revealed significant biases, and we warn that such methodological errors could generate spurious conclusions about non‐random habitat use by threatened species. In combination with previous data from radio‐tracking, we conclude that although H. stephensii is highly specialized in its arboreality and dependence upon hollow trees, its broad tolerance with respect to other factors (climatic conditions, vegetation communities, food types, etc.) allows populations to persist so long as large areas of forest with high numbers of hollow‐bearing trees are available. These requirements are similar to those of many other components of the Australian forest fauna. Thus, the findings of this study support the idea that the same kinds of management programmes can effectively conserve a wide range of taxa, if such programmes protect critical habitat components at suitable spatial scales.  相似文献   

The sea lavender Limonium girardianum (Guss.) Fourr. is endemic to the Mediterranean salt marshes of the French and Spanish coasts. Most of the salt marshes where L. girardianum occurs are exposed to human disturbance, in particular due to industrial expansion. To determine the ecological conditions favorable to the development of L. girardianum, we used a set of permanent plots distributed along a topographical gradient in eleven French salt marshes. We monitored intensity of flooding, water table depth, soil moisture, soil salinity and granulometry. We investigated (i) the abiotic and biotic requirements for L. girardianum and (ii) the effects of environmental conditions on the population structure of L. girardianum. We found a unimodal response of L. girardianum species to flooding, salt and soil moisture gradients. Soil texture modulated the effects of flooding and drought on the presence of the species. Furthermore, flooding induced population renewal, i.e. the highest seedling emergence and adult mortality. We recorded low seedling emergence in higher topographical positions. Proportions of seedlings were lowest on saltier soils and highest in flooded areas and on coarse sand. Prolonged flooding is likely to induce population renewal as long as remaining individuals are capable of reconstituting viable populations. To suggest efficient intermediate and long-term conservation strategies for L. girardianum, it will be necessary to consider the role of human-driven changes in salt marshes with regard to hydrology and control of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Decapod community inhabiting the rocky littoral of eight bays from Socorro island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, was studied during March 1992. Samples were collected from one-square meter plots placed following transects drawn perpendicularly to the shoreline along the intertidal zone. Species richness and abundance were determined in each bay, as well as the similarity between bays using Morisita's index. Organisms collected belong to six families, 20 genera and 26 species of the Brachyura and Anomura infraorders. Xanthidae was the family with the highest number of species, and the highest species richness was recorded at the V. Lozano bay. Pachygrapsus transversus, Xanthodius cooksoni and Calcinus explorator were the most abundant species in nearly all localities. Dendrogram obtained define two groups of bays at a similarity level above 0.67, given the similarity in the crab's species richness and their abundance between bays in the island.  相似文献   

The adaptation of translocated organisms to a new environment in the first years after their release is crucial in translocation programs because it may affect survival and reproductive success. Therefore, identifying the factors determining resource selection by the relocated animals is essential to improve the planning and the outcome of such programs. Using data collected in 2006–2009 in the framework of a restocking program, we studied the temporal variation of habitat selection in 14 translocated Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) during the year of their release and the following 3 years. We hypothesized a progressive adaptation of the translocated individuals, highlighted by a gradual decrease in the dissimilarities between translocated and resident individuals in ecological characteristics and social behavior. We tested the differences in habitat selection and home range size between the translocated and resident individuals and compared the spatial overlap between the groups. As expected, the dissimilarities decreased annually. The translocated and resident ibex almost immediately selected the same habitat resources, but the translocated individuals required 3 years to become fully socially assimilated. Our results indicated that habitat selection by gregarious species in a new environment is primarily driven by specific ecological requirements and that sociality plays a significant role. The translocated individuals tended to colonize areas already occupied by residents, either to fulfill social requirements and/or because the location of resident individuals may indicate high-quality habitat. This pattern of behavior must be considered in the planning of translocation programs because habitat selection can affect the outcomes of the programs. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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