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Summary We tested the hypothesis that herbivorous insects on desert shrubs contribute to short-term nitrogen cycling, and increase rates of nitrogen flux from nutrient rich plants. Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) shrubs were treated with different combinations of fertilizer and water augmentations, resulting in different levels of foliage production and foliar nitrogen contents. Foliage arthropod populations, and nitrogen in canopy dry throughfall, wet throughfall and stemflow were measured to assess nitrogen flux rates relative to arthropod abundances on manipulated and unmanipulated shrubs over a one-month period during peak productivity. Numbers and biomass of foliage arthropods were significantly higher on fertilized shrubs. Sap-sucking phytophagous insects accounted for the greatest numbers of foliage arthropods, but leaf-chewing phytophagous insects represented the greatest biomass of foliage arthropods. Measured amounts of bulk frass (from leaf-chewing insects) were not significantly different among the various treatments. Amounts of nitrogen from dry and wet throughfall and stemflow were significantly greater under fertilized shrubs due to fine frass input from sap-sucking insects. Increased numbers and biomass of phytophagous insects on fertilized shrubs increased canopy to soil nitrogen flux due to increased levels of herbivory and excrement. Nitrogen excreted by foliage arthropods accounted for about 20% of the total one month canopy to soil nitrogen flux, while leaf litter accounted for about 80%.  相似文献   

Larrea tridentata is a xerophytic evergreen shrub, dominant in the arid regions of the southwestern United States. We examined relationships between gasexchange characteristics, plant and soil water relations, and growth responses of large versus small shrubs of L. tridentata over the course of a summer growing season in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, USA. The soil wetting front did not reach 0.6 m, and soils at depths of 0.6 and 0.9 m remained dry throughout the summer, suggesting that L. tridentata extracts water largely from soil near the surface. Surface soil layers (<0.3 m) were drier under large plants, but predawn xylem water potentials were similar for both plant sizes suggesting some access to deeper soil moisture reserves by large plants. Stem elongation rates were about 40% less in large, reproductively active shrubs than in small, reproductively inactive shrubs. Maximal net photosynthetic rates (Pmax) occurred in early summer (21.3 mol m-2 s-1), when pre-dawn xylem water potential (XWP) reached ca. -1 MPa. Although both shrub sizes exhibited similar responses to environmental factors, small shrubs recovered faster from short-term drought, when pre-dawn XWP reached about -4.5 MPa and Pmax decreased to only ca. 20% of unstressed levels. Gas exchange measurements yielded a strong relationship between stomatal conductance and photosynthesis, and the relationship between leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit and stomatal conductance was found to be influenced by pre-dawn XWP. Our results indicate that stomatal responses to water stress and vapor pressure deficit are important in determining rates of carbon gain and water loss in L. tridentata.  相似文献   

Topographic control of vegetation in a mountain big sagebrush steppe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mountain big sagebrush steppes in Wyoming have strong spatial patterning associated with topography. We describe the spatial variability of vegetation in a sagebrush steppe, and test the relationship between topography and vegetation using canonical correlation. Results of the analysis suggest that the main control over vegetation distribution in this system is wind exposure. Exposed sites are characterized by cushion plant communities and Artemisia nova, and less exposed sites by the taller sagebrush species Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana. Topographic depressions and leeward slopes are characterized by aspen stands and nivation hollows. Measurements of soil microclimate suggest that a major influence of topographic position on vegetation is snow redistribution and its effect on soil moisture and temperature.Abbreviations ARNO Artemisia nova - ARTRW Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis - ARTRV Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana - PUTR Purshia tridentata - RIP riparian community - POTR Populus tremuloides - NIV nivation hollow community  相似文献   

Summary At sites in the United States, creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata (DC.) Cov.) orient foliage clusters predominantly toward the southeast. Foliage of bushes at the southernmost distribution extreme in Mexico shows no predominant orientation. Clusters at all sites are inclined between 33° and 71° from the horizontal. Inclinations are steeper in the drier and hotter Mojave Desert than in the Chihuahuan Desert. Individual leaflets, though not measured, appear more randomly oriented than foliage clusters. In several populations studied, branches were shorter in the southeastern sectors of the crown, reducing self-shading early in the morning. Measurements of direct beam radiation interception by detached branches, using digital image processing, indicated that foliage clusters oriented toward the southeast exhibited less self-shading during spring mornings than clusters oriented northeast. This effect was not apparent at the summer solstice. This type of canopy architecture may tend to minimize self-shading during the morning hours when conditions are more favorable for photosynthesis, resulting in an improved daily water use efficiency.  相似文献   

McCalley CK  Sparks JP 《Oecologia》2008,156(4):871-881
Emissions of reactive N compounds produced during terrestrial N cycling can be an important N loss pathway from ecosystems. Most measurements of this process focus on NO and N(2)O efflux; however, in alkaline soils such as those in the Mojave Desert, NH(3) production can be an important component of N gas loss. We investigated patterns of NO and NH(3) emissions in the Mojave Desert and identified seasonal changes in temperature, precipitation and spatial heterogeneity in soil nutrients as primary controllers of soil efflux. Across all seasons, NH(3) dominated reactive N gas emissions with fluxes ranging from 0.9 to 10 ng N m(-2) s(-1) as compared to NO fluxes of 0.08-1.9 ng N m(-2) s(-1). Fluxes were higher in April and July than in October; however, a fall precipitation event yielded large increases in both NO and NH(3) efflux. To explore the mechanisms driving field observations, we combined NO and NH(3) soil flux measurements with laboratory manipulations of temperature, water and nutrient conditions. These experiments showed a large transient NH(3) pulse (~70-100 ng N m(-2) s(-1)) following water addition, presumably driven by an increase in soil NH(4) (+) concentrations. This was followed by an increase in NO production, with maximum NO flux rates of 34 ng N m(-2) s(-1). Our study suggests that immediately following water addition NH(3) volatilization proceeds at high rates due to the absence of microbial competition for NH(4) (+); during this period N gas loss is insensitive to changes in temperature and soil nutrients. Subsequently, NO emission increases and rates of both NO and NH(3) emission are sensitive to temperature and nutrient constraints on microbial activity. Addition of labile C reduces gaseous N losses, presumably by increasing microbial immobilization, whereas addition of NO(3) (-) stimulates NO and NH(3) efflux.  相似文献   

Summary The creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) is a common desert perennial with bifoliate, amphistomatic, divaricate leaves. The leaves can vertically close their folioles and vary their profile with respect to direct solar radiation. Field data from different Mexican deserts showed a significant correlation between foliole aperture and mean foliole inclination: in plants in which folioles were more open, the foliole surfaces were less vertical. In a series of field experiments in the Chihuahuan Desert, foliole aperture varied significantly with the water-status of the plant and the hour of the day. In moist plants, folioles opened in the early morning and closed in the afternoon. Water-stressed plants showed significantly lower foliole apertures. A simulation of the light interception patterns of the plants showed that foliole closure in water-stressed individuals reduces direct radiation interception by around 24%. Most (64%) of the reduction in interception was due to the vertical inclination of the photosynthetic surfaces induced by foliole closure in the water-stressed plants. The rest (36%) of the reduction in interception was due to differential self-shading between foliole pairs, which was higher in the closed folioles of the water-stressed plants, but operated more towards the early hours of the day.  相似文献   

Summary Water and nitrogen regimes of Larrea tridentata shrubs growing in the field were manipulated during an annual cycle. Patterns of leaf water status, leaf water relations characteristics, and stomatal behavior were followed concurrently. Large variations in leaf water status in both irrigated and nonirrigated individuals were observed. Predawn and midday leaf water potentials of nonirrigated shrubs were lowest except when measurements had been preceded by significant rainfall. Despite the large seasonal variation in leaf water status, reasonably constant, high levels of turgor were maintained. Pressure-volume curve analysis suggested that changes in the bulk leaf osmotic potential at full turgor were small and that nearly all of the turgor adjustment was due to tissue elastic adjustment. The increase in tissue elasticity with increasing water deficit manifested itself as a decrease in the relative water content at zero turgor and as a decrease in the tissue bulk elastic modulus. Because of large hydration-induced displacement in the osmotic potential and relative water content at zero turgor, it was necessary to use shoots in their natural state of hydration for pressure-volume curve determinations. Large diurnal and seasonal differences in maximum stomatal conductance were observed, but could not easily be attributed to variations in leaf water potential or leaf water relations characteristics such as the turgor loss point. The single factor which seemed to account for most of the diurnal and seasonal differences in maximum stomatal conductance between individual shrubs was an index of soil/root/ shoot hydraulic resistance. Daily maximum stomatal conductance was found to decrease with increasing soil/root/ shoot hydraulic resistance. This pattern was most consistent if the hydraulic resistance calculation was based on an estimate of total canopy transpiration rather than the more commonly used transpiration per unit leaf area. The reasons for this are discussed. It is suggested that while stomatal aperture necessarily represents a major physical resistance controlling transpiration, plant hydraulic resistance may represent the functional resistance through its effects on stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the Enemy Impact Hypothesis, which predicts that communities of one tropic level are organized by the tropic level above. In the case of gallforming insect communities, the hypothesis predicts that gall morphology will diverge, minimizing the number of parasitoids shared among species. We used the monophyletic group of gallforming cecidomyiids (Asphondylia spp.) on creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) to test this hypothesis, predicting that species with thicker gall walls should exclude species of parasitoids with shorter ovipositors and have lower levels of parasitism. Of 17 parasitoid species reared from Asphondylia galls on creosote bush, 9 accounted for over 98% of parasitism. Seven of these 9 species had ovipositors long enough to penetrate 10 of 13 gall morphs measured. There was no significant relationship between gall wall thickness and number of associated parasitoid species (r 2=0.01, P>0.05, n=13). There was no relationship between gall wall thickness and types of parasitoid species colonizing galls: parasitoids with the shortest ovipositors colonized all types of gall morphs and were dominant members of the parasitoid assemblages in galls with the thickest walls. Ultimately, there were no significant differences in percent parasitism among Asphondylia species, regardless of gall wall thickness. We found no difference in numbers of associated parasitoids or percent parasitism in galls with different textures (e.g. hairy versus smooth), different locations on the plant or different phenologies. Our results suggest that enemy impact has not influenced the diversity of this gall community. Gall wall thickness, phenology, location on the plant and surface structure do not appear to influence the distribution of parasitoid species. Other explanations are offered to account for diversity in gall morphology among these species.  相似文献   

Summary We conducted a field study to test the hypothesis that creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) shrubs growing in naturally nutrient-rich sites had better quality foliage and supported greater populations of foliage arthropods than shrubs growing in nutrient-poor sites. Nutrient-rich sites had significantly higher concentrations of soil nitrogen than nutrient-poor sites. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant differences between high nutrient and low nutrient shrubs based on a number of structural and chemical characteristics measured. High nutrient shrubs were larger, had denser foliage, greater foliage production, higher concentrations of foliar nitrogen and water, and lower concentrations of foliar resin than low nutrient shurbs. Numbers of foliage arthropods, particularly herbivores and predators, were significantly higher on high nutrient shrubs. Shrub characteristics and foliage arthropod abundances varied considerably from shrub to shrub. Shrub characteristics representing shrub size, foliage density, foliage growth, and foliar nitrogen and water concentrations were positively correlated with arthropod abundances. Foliar resin concentrations were negatively correlated with foliage arthropod abundances. The positive relationship between creosotebush productivity and foliage arthropods is contradictory to the tenet that physiologically stressed plants provide better quality foliage to insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary In a phytotron study of the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply ratio on nutrient uptake and use by Larrea tridentata, seedlings responded to increases in N and P availability with increases in leaf size, total biomass, and leaf nutrient concentration, and with decreases in root: shoot ratio. N and P use efficiency decreased with increasing N and P availability, respectively, but increased with increasing availability of the other nutrient, suggesting that Larrea responds both to the absolute and to the relative availability of limiting nutrients. Absolute amounts of N and P resorption, as well as N and P resorption efficiencies did not demonstrate a significant trend with nutrient availability, and there was no evidence of significant interactions between the two nutrients. More studies of the effects of nutrient interactions in the cycling and use of nutrients by different plant species are needed before more general conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

Summary Soils derived from hydrothermally altered andesite support unique communities of Sierran conifers (Pinus ponderosa Laws. and P. jeffreyi Grev. and Balf.) amongst sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) vegetation in the western Great Basin. Plants grown in soil derived from hydrothermally altered bedrock had lower growth rates, total biomass, and net photosynthetic rates than plants grown in soil derived from unaltered andesite of the same formation. Total dry mass was 10 to 28% lower for conifers grown in altered soil whereas dry mass of Artemisia tridentata and Bromus tectorum L. was reduced by over 90%. Results from a nutrient amendment experiment indicated that low phosphorus was the dominant limitation in altered soil, and phosphorus-deficiency affected growth primarily by limiting leaf area development rather than direct inhibition of photosynthesis. The proportionately greater reduction of biomass for Artemisia and Bromus grown in altered soil supports our hypothesis that Great Basin vegetation is excluded from altered soil by intolerance to nutrient deficiency. The Sierran conifers growing on this rock type are therefore free of competition for water with Great Basin vegetation and are able to persist in an exceptionally dry climate.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to investigate the influence of urbanization on the richness, abundance and composition of arthropod communities associated with creosote bush, Larrea tridentata [DC] Cov., in Phoenix, Arizona. Arthropod communities were sampled in two desert types varying in degree of urbanization including fringe deserts (relatively undisturbed expanses of desert outside of Phoenix) and urban deserts (patches of desert within the urban core of Phoenix). Two studies were conducted including (1) a seasonal study (conducted at two fringe desert and two urban desert sites over a nine-month period), and (2) a snapshot study (conducted at multiple fringe desert and urban desert sites over an eight-day period). Results from both studies demonstrated that overall richness and abundance of creosote bush arthropod communities were lower in urban deserts than in fringe deserts. Additionally, creosote bush arthropod community composition varied greatly, both temporally and spatially. These differences in richness and abundance between fringe deserts and urban deserts suggest that the creosote bush arthropod community may be a useful focal biotic community to monitor when assaying for environmental change due to urbanization in arid habitats.  相似文献   

Reinhard Bornkamm 《Flora》2006,201(4):249-267
Fifty years ago on the south-facing slope of a limestone hill 4 km NE of Göttingen (Germany) a small plot of 4 m2 size was chosen in a xerothermic calcareous grassland (Mesobromion alliance) for investigation. The formerly grazed slope was abandoned a few years prior to the study, but in 1987 intermittent grazing started again. The mean annual temperature in Göttingen (1953–2003) was 8.8 °C on the average; the annual mean increased by 1.1 °C during the study period. Mean annual precipitation amounted to 642 mm (393–1093 mm). The mean monthly precipitation during summer (April–August) varied in the range between 29 and 101 mm. In the years 1953–2003 the presence of species was recorded annually in 400 subplots (100 cm2 each). In part of this time also the amount of bare soil within the plot was recorded, and standing crop and the nitrogen contents in leaves of Bromus erectus were measured in the immediate surrounding of the plot.In fall 1953 the vegetation was removed completely in half of the plot, in the other half the two dominant grasses Bromus erectus and Brachypodium pinnatum were left. The differences between the two halves vanished already after 2 years (starting phase 1953–1955). Thus, only results concerning the plot as a whole are reported here. During the investigation three periods could be distinguished. After the starting phase in period I (1955–1986) total presence, presence of the most important species, species richness, number of endangered species, diversity and evenness increased. In this way the grassland regenerated after the heavy disturbance, and a dense, species-rich vegetation formed. Only a few species showed maximum values already within the first 10 years and faded out later.Period II (1987–1997) spanned 10 years of grazing. During this time total presence, presence of many important species, species richness, number of endangered species, diversity and evenness decreased, whereas areas with bare soil increased. Only two species showed maximum values during this phase, and just one new species invaded (Lolium perenne). During this period a more open type of grassland was formed. Period III (1998–2003) spanned 5 years without grazing and only one grazing year (2002). Here, a partial regeneration of a more closed grassland took place with traits similar to period I.Several phenomena occurred continuously through all three periods. Bromus erectus always was the dominating species. Nevertheless, proportions of graminoids (in % total presence) were lowered, and the proportion of herbs increased. The ratio Bromus erectus/Brachypodium pinnatum was determined mainly by Brachypodium. Seedlings of woody plants were always present, but in most cases survived only one summer. Shrubs did not settle inside the plot, although small bushes developed in the immediate surrounding. In summary the 50-year process can be described as a slow recovery of a calcareous grassland after very heavy disturbance, modified by intermittent grazing, without formation of shrub vegetation.  相似文献   

Productive tundra plant communities composed of a variety of fast growing herbaceous and woody plants are likely to attract mammalian herbivores. Such vegetation is likely to respond to different-sized herbivores more rapidly than currently acknowledged from the tundra. Accentuated by currently changing populations of arctic mammals there is a need to understand impacts of different-sized herbivores on the dynamics of productive tundra plant communities. Here we assess the differential effects of ungulate (reindeer) and small rodent herbivores (voles and lemmings) on high productive tundra vegetation. A spatially extensive exclosure experiment was run for three years on river sediment plains along two river catchments in low-arctic Norway. The river catchments were similar in species pools but differed in species abundance composition of both plants and vertebrate herbivores. Biomass of forbs, deciduous shrubs and silica-poor grasses increased by 40–50% in response to release from herbivory, whereas biomass of silica-rich grasses decreased by 50–75%. Hence both additive and compensatory effects of small rodents and reindeer exclusion caused these significant changes in abundance composition of the plant communities. Changes were also rapid, evident after only one growing season, and are among the fastest and strongest ever documented in Arctic vegetation. The rate of changes indicates a tight link between the dynamics of productive tundra vegetation and both small and large herbivores. Responses were however not spatially consistent, being highly different between the catchments. We conclude that despite similar species pools, variation in plant species abundance and herbivore species dynamics give different prerequisites for change.  相似文献   

Summary In the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, both water and nitrogen limit the primary productivity of Larrea tridentata, a xerophytic evergreen shrub. Net photosynthesis was positively correlated to leaf N, but only in plants that received supplemental water. Nutrient-use efficiency, defined as photosynthetic carbon gain per unit N invested in leaf tissue, declined with increasing leaf N. However, water-use efficiency, defined as the ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration, increased with increasing leaf N, and thus these two measures of resource-use efficiency were inversely correlated. Resorption efficiency was not significantly altered over the nutrient gradient, nor was it affected by irrigation treatments. Leaf longevity decreased significantly with fertilization although the absolute magnitude of this decrease was fairly small, in part due to a large background of insect-induced mortality. Age-specific gas exchange measurements support the hypothesis that leaf aging represents a redistribution of resources, rather than actual deterioration or declining resource-use efficiency.  相似文献   

Antioxidant lignans from Larrea tridentata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three lignans, (7S,8S,7'S,8'S)-3,3',4'-trihydroxy-4-methoxy-7,7'-epoxylignan, meso-(rel 7S,8S,7'R,8'R)-3,4,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-7,7'-epoxylignan, and (E)-4,4'-dihydroxy-7,7'-dioxolign-8(8')-ene, together with 10 known compounds, were isolated from the leaves of Larrea tridentata. The structures of the new compounds were determined primarily from 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis. Their antioxidant activities against intracellular reactive oxygen species were evaluated in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

A field fertilization experiment demonstrated that growth ofLarrea tridentata was not limited by phosphorus, even though soils contained high levels of pedogenic carbonates that can potentially fix high amounts of phosphorus. Nutrient reabsorption efficiencies in unfertilized shrubs ranged from 72–86% for P, making nutrient reabsorption a very effective nutrient conservation mechanism. Absolute amounts of N and P reabsorption increased with N and P concentrations in leaves, with reabsorption being greater during drought stress than during rapid leaf growth. However, only N reabsorption efficiency increased with increasing plant N status. A model was developed to explain patterns of nutrient reabsorption efficiencies over large gradients in nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Productivity of aridland plants is predicted to increase substantially with rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations due to enhancement in plant water-use efficiency (WUE). However, to date, there are few detailed analyses of how intact desert vegetation responds to elevated CO2. From 1998 to 2001, we examined aboveground production, photosynthesis, and water relations within three species exposed to ambient (around 38 Pa) or elevated (55 Pa) CO2 concentrations at the Nevada Desert Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Facility in southern Nevada, USA. The functional types sampled—evergreen (Larrea tridentata), drought-deciduous (Ambrosia dumosa), and winter-deciduous shrubs (Krameria erecta)—represent potentially different responses to elevated CO2 in this ecosystem. We found elevated CO2 significantly increased aboveground production in all three species during an anomalously wet year (1998), with relative production ratios (elevated:ambient CO2) ranging from 1.59 (Krameria) to 2.31 (Larrea). In three below-average rainfall years (1999–2001), growth was much reduced in all species, with only Ambrosia in 2001 having significantly higher production under elevated CO2. Integrated photosynthesis (mol CO2 m−2 y−1) in the three species was 1.26–2.03-fold higher under elevated CO2 in the wet year (1998) and 1.32–1.43-fold higher after the third year of reduced rainfall (2001). Instantaneous WUE was also higher in shrubs grown under elevated CO2. The timing of peak canopy development did not change under elevated CO2; for example, there was no observed extension of leaf longevity into the dry season in the deciduous species. Similarly, seasonal patterns in CO2 assimilation did not change, except for Larrea. Therefore, phenological and physiological patterns that characterize Mojave Desert perennials—early-season lags in canopy development behind peak photosynthetic capacity, coupled with reductions in late-season photosynthetic capacity prior to reductions in leaf area—were not significantly affected by elevated CO2. Together, these findings suggest that elevated CO2 can enhance the productivity of Mojave Desert shrubs, but this effect is most pronounced during years with abundant rainfall when soil resources are most available.  相似文献   

Losses of dissolved nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na,Cl, and SO4) in runoff were measured on grasslandand shrubland plots in the Chihuahuan desert ofsouthern New Mexico. Runoff began at a lowerthreshold of rainfall in shrublands than ingrasslands, and the runoff coefficient averaged 18.6%in shrubland plots over a 7-year period. In contrast,grassland plots lost 5.0 to 6.3% of incidentprecipitation in runoff during a 5.5-year period. Nutrient losses from shrubland plots were greater thanfrom grassland plots, with nitrogen losses averaging0.33 kg ha–1 yr–1 vs0.15 kg ha–1 yr–1, respectively, during a 3-year period. Thegreater nutrient losses in shrublands were due tohigher runoff, rather than higher nutrientconcentrations in runoff. In spite of these nutrientlosses in runoff, all plots showed net accumulationsof most elements due to inputs from atmosphericdeposition. Therefore, loss of soil nutrients byhillslope runoff cannot, by itself, account for thedepletion of soil fertility associated withdesertification in the Chihuahuan desert.  相似文献   

Reynolds  James F.  Kemp  Paul R.  Tenhunen  John D. 《Plant Ecology》2000,150(1-2):145-159
We used the patch arid land simulator (PALS-FT) – a simple, mechanistic ecosystem model – to explore long-term variation in evapotranspiration (ET) as a function of variability in rainfall and plant functional type (FT) at a warm desert site in southern New Mexico. PALS-FT predicts soil evaporation and plant transpiration of a canopy composed of five principal plant FTs: annuals, perennial forbs, C4 grasses, sub-shrubs, and evergreen shrubs. For each FT, the fractional contribution to transpiration depends upon phenological activity and cover as well as daily leaf stomatal conductance, which is a function of plant water potential, calculated from root-weighted soil water potential in six soil layers. Simulations of water loss from two plant community types (grass- vs. shrub-dominated) were carried out for the Jornada Basin, New Mexico, using 100 years of daily precipitation data (1891–1990). In order to emphasize variability associated with rainfall and fundamental differences in FT composition between communities, the seasonal patterns cover of perennials were held constant from year to year. Because the relative amount of year to year cover of winter and summer annual species is highly variable in this ecosystem, we examined their influence on model predictions of ET by allowing their cover to be variable, fixed, or absent.Over the entire 100-yr period, total annual ET is highly correlated with total annual rainfall in both community types, although T and E alone are less strongly correlated with rainfall, and variation in transpiration is nearly 3 times greater than evaporation and 2 times greater than variation in rainfall (CV of rainfall = 35%). Water use shows a relatively high similarity between the grass- and shrub-dominated communities, with a 100-yr average T/ET of 34% for both communities. However, based on a year-by-year comparison between communities, T/ET was significantly greater in the grass-dominated community, reflecting the fact that over the long term more than half of the rain occurs in the summer and is used slightly more efficiently (T¿E) by the C4-grass community than the shrub community, although we found some rainfall patterns that resulted in much greater T/ET in the shrub community in a given year. Percent of water lost as transpiration (T/ET) suggests that while there is a general trend toward increased T/ET with rainfall in both community types, T/ET is extremely variable over the 100-yr simulation, especially for normal and below normal amounts of rainfall (T/ET values range from 1 to 58% for the grass-dominated site and 6 to 60% for the shrub-dominated site).These predictions suggest that because of the relatively shallow distribution of soil water, there is little opportunity for vertical partitioning of the soil water resource by differential rooting depths of the plant FTs, in contrast to the two-layer hypothesis of Walter (1971). However, functional types may avoid competition by keying on particular `windows' of moisture availability via differences in phenologies. We found very little differences in average, long-term model predictions of T, E, and ET when annual plant cover was variable, fixed, or absent. The results of our simulations help reconcile some of the disparate conclusions drawn from experimental studies about the relative contribution of transpiration vs. evaporation to total evapotranspiration, primarily by revealing the great year-to-year variability that is possible.  相似文献   

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