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We give a review of current theories of morphogenesis of both the general coiling and the ornamentation of molluscan shells. These two aspects of shell growth are closely connected, as ornamentation is primarily due to local perturbations of the general apertural growth field controlling coiling. Also, a new, generalized, free-form apertural growth map model is presented in this paper, illustrating some aspects of the regulation of logarithmic spiral growth. This model is used to simulate the formation of megastriae in ammonoids. We emphasize the importance of damaged specimens and how they regenerated, as illustrated with examples from ammonoids. The phenomenon of ornamental compensation can be explained by a mechanism involving a pre-pattern in the mantle. However, simple reaction-diffusion models for ornamental pattern formation should be regarded only as useful abstractions.  相似文献   

Acidic macromolecules, as a nucleation factor for mollusc shell formation, are a major focus of research. It remains unclear, however, whether acidic macromolecules are present only in calcified shell organic matrices, and which acidic macromolecules are crucial for the nucleation process by binding to chitin as structural components. To clarify these questions, we applied 2D gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis to soluble shell organic matrices from nacre shell, non-nacre aragonitic shell and non-calcified squid shells. The 2D gel electrophoresis results showed that the acidity of soluble proteins differs even between nacre shells, and some nacre (Haliotis gigantea) showed a basic protein migration pattern. Non-calcified shells also contained some moderately acidic proteins. The results did not support the correlation between the acidity of soluble shell proteins and shell structure.  相似文献   

The numerous proteins occluded within the molluscan shell play a key role in the control of the mineralization process. Although extensively studied, these proteins are still poorly known, mainly because they are difficult to fractionate. In the present paper, we present, for the first time, a simple combined strategy for separating successfully large amounts of molluscan shell proteins. Since shell proteins do not absorb at 280 nm, our approach is based on the "blind" separation of these proteins by a preparative denaturing electrophoresis. They are subsequently detected on dot-blot with polyclonal antibodies raised against the unfractionated soluble matrix. In the present case, this approach allows one to collect enough purified proteins to obtain amino-acid composition as well as N-terminal sequences, and to perform in vitro tests and glycosylation studies. Furthermore, this method permits one to raise polyclonal antibodies against the isolated proteins.  相似文献   

D'Arcy Thompson was a biologist, a mathematician and a classicist. His writing was great literature as well as great science. He is primarily known for a single book--On Growth and Form--and indeed for a single chapter within it, on his 'theory of transformations', which shows how the differences between the forms of related species can be represented geometrically. This theory cries out for causal explanation, which is something the great man eschewed. Perhaps the time is close when comparative developmental genetics will be able to provide such an explanation.  相似文献   



The Mollusca constitute one of the most morphologically and ecologically diverse metazoan phyla, occupying a wide range of marine, terrestrial and freshwater habitats. The evolutionary success of the molluscs can in part be attributed to the evolvability of the external shell. Typically, the shell first forms during embryonic and larval development, changing dramatically in shape, colour and mineralogical composition as development and maturation proceeds. Major developmental transitions in shell morphology often correlate with ecological transitions (e.g. from a planktonic to benthic existence at metamorphosis). While the genes involved in molluscan biomineralisation are beginning to be identified, there is little understanding of how these are developmentally regulated, or if the same genes are operational at different stages of the mollusc's life.  相似文献   

1. Somatic action potentials of Lymnaea neurons are modified by excitatory or inhibitory synaptic inputs and have been studied using phase-plane techniques and an action potential duration monitor. 2. Excitatory synaptic inputs increase the rate of neuronal discharge, cause action potential broadening, a decrease in the maximum rate of depolarization (Vd) and a decrease in the maximum rate of repolarization (Vr). 3. Inhibitory synaptic inputs decrease the discharge rate and cause narrowing of action potentials, an increase in Vd and an increase in Vr. 4. The effects reported above outlast the original synaptic inputs by many seconds and, if the somatic action potentials are similar to those in the axon terminals, they may have far-reaching effects on transmitter release.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence in geographically isolated populations is a prerequisite for allopatric speciation, one of the most common modes of speciation. In ecologically equivalent populations existing within a small, environmentally homogeneous area, an important role for environmentally neutral divergence is often found or inferred. We studied a species complex of conspicuously shaped Opisthostoma land snails on scattered limestone outcrops within a small area of lowland rainforest in Borneo. We used shell morphometrics, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, and marks of predation to study the factors involved in allopatric divergence. We found that a striking geographic divergence exists in shell morphology, which is partly associated with neutral genetic divergence. We also found geographic differentiation in the behavior of the snails' invertebrate predator and evidence of an evolutionary interaction between aspects of shell shape and predator behavior. Our study shows that adaptation to biotic aspects of the environment may play a more important role in allopatric speciation than previously suspected, even on a geographically very small scale.  相似文献   

The interstitial green sheets in abalone shell nacre are shown to be bifacially differentiated trilaminate polymeric complexes, with glycoprotein layers sandwiching a central core containing chitin. They share some common feature with the organic matrix layers between the aragonite tablets in the nacre and the periostracum, and show similarities to the myostracum. Thus, although the green sheet is reported to be unique to the abalone shell, it represents an interesting model for the study of molluscan shell biomineralization processes. Indeed, during shell formation, prismatic and spherulitic aragonite precedes and follows the deposition of the interstitial green polymeric composite sheets, and there is evidence to suggest that these sheets demark the interruption of nacre synthesis and serve to nucleate the resumption of calcium carbonate crystal growth. The green polymeric interstitial sheet purified from the abalone shell was investigated by spectroscopic and imaging techniques: FTIR, confocal microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and by pyrolysis combined with GC–MS. Structural and compositional differences are observed between the surfaces of the two sides of the interstitial polymeric composite sheets. Moreover, comparative crystallization experiments on the green sheet sides also reveal asymmetry with respect to the nucleation of calcium carbonate. These findings suggest that these bifacially differentiated interstitial composites may play an active role in the mineral assembly processes, with one of the surfaces acting as a crystal nucleator.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions induce phenotypic responses (behavioural, morphological and physiological) in many marine species. The boring mytilid Leiosolenus patagonicus inhabits different types of substrata, such as sandstone intertidal and hard subtidal substrata (here called ‘lifeless-substratum’) and shells of bivalve species (here called ‘live-substratum’), where they are exposed to different restrictions in their growth. We used geometric morphometric methods to compare the contour shell shapes from each type of substratum (live and lifeless) since we expected the body shape to differ between individuals from these different substrata. The results showed that the shell shape depends on the type of substratum where the larvae recruit. The mean shell shapes of individuals from the live-substratum are more slender than those of the individuals growing inside the lifeless-substratum. Individuals from live-substratum can adapt their phenotype depending on the oyster’s anti-parasitism responses, while in lifeless-substratum they are able to build their own refuges.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the existence of variation in the shell shape of the pod razor shell (Ensis siliqua) throughout its distributional range in the north-eastern Atlantic. Shells of E. siliqua caught at seven collecting sites (three in Portugal, three in Spain and one in Ireland) were studied by geometric morphometric methods, using both landmark- and contour-based methods. Both approaches (landmarks inside the valves and shell outline) discriminated the shells from Aveiro (centre of Portugal) and Strangford Lough (Ireland) from those caught in the nearby localities (remaining Portuguese and Spanish sites, maximum distance of 550 km by sea). Landmark analysis revealed that shells from Aveiro were more similar to shells from Ireland (~1,500 km far away). Contour analysis revealed that shells from Aveiro had a shape with a comparatively larger height-to-width ratio, whereas shells from Ireland showed a slightly more curved outline than in the remaining sites. Landmark- and contour-based methods provided coherent complementary information, confirming the usefulness of geometric morphometric analyses for discerning differences in shell shape among populations of E. siliqua. A brief review of previous applications of geometric morphometric methods to modern bivalve species is also provided.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism of body size and shell shape in European tortoises   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult body size and shape were examined in almost 1400 individuals of the tortoises Testudo graeca , T. hermanni and T. marginata from Greece. The size at maturity was greater in females than in males in all three species. Maximum and mean adult sizes were also greater in females than in males in T. graeca and T. hermanni . Males grew to a larger size than females in T. marginata , and mean adult size was similar in the sexes in this species. Sexual dimorphism of shape (adjusted for size covariate) was shown in most of the characters examined, and the degree of this dimorphism differed significantly among the three species. Differences were related to their contrasting courtship behaviours: horizontal head movements and severe biting in T. marginata , vertical head bobs and carapace butting in T. graeca , and mounting and tail thrusting in T. hermanni . There was no difference in the frequency of observations of courtship or fighting among the three species, but courtship was about 10 times more common than combat in males. All species showed greatest courtship activity in autumn; copulation was rarely observed in T. hermanni (only 0.36% of courting males) and not seen in the other species in the field. Observations made throughout the activity season indicated that feeding was equally common in males and females in all three species. Differences in shape were more likely to be the result of sexual selection than of natural selection for fecundity. Detailed predictions are made for sexual dimorphism of other characters in these species.  相似文献   

Biominerals, especially molluscan shells, generally contain unusually acidic proteins. These proteins are believed to function in crystal nucleation and inhibition. We previously identified an unusually acidic protein Aspein from the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Here we show that Aspein can control the CaCO(3) polymorph (calcite/aragonite) in vitro. While aragonite is preferentially formed in Mg(2+) -rich solutions imitating the extrapallial fluids of marine molluscs, Aspein exclusively induced calcite precipitation. Our results suggest that Aspein is involved in the specific calcite formation in the prismatic layer. Experiments using truncated Aspein demonstrated that the aspartic acid rich domain is crucial for the calcite precipitation.  相似文献   

Analogs of the molluscan neuropeptide FMRFamide were tested on four different molluscan muscle preparations which show qualitatively different responses to the peptide; the structure-activity relations are basically similar, but not identical. The C-terminal amide and the Arg3 residue are critical for FMRFamide-like activity on all four preparations. In contrast, analogs extended at the N-terminal or with conservative substitutions for the Phe1 or Met2 residue are approximately equipotent to FMRFamide. These structural requirements parallel those for the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide of gastrin.  相似文献   

This paper considers the patterns of shell shape variation shown by Nucella canalicuata, N. emarginata and N. lamellosa from two areas of the Pacific Northwest: the shores near Friday Harbour on San Juan Island and near Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island. No clear pattern of variation in association with changes in exposure was seen in either N. canaliculata or N. lamellosa . It appears that genetic influences are more important controls of shell shape than environmental selection in both these species. Nucella emarginata shows the nearest approximation to the pattern shown by the Atlantic species, N. lapillus , but only at the exposed end of the wave-action gradient. On those shores, enclaves from the most surf-washed open coast headlands have shells with proportionally larger apertures (and thus a shorter, squatter form) than their equivalents in local shelter. But, unlike in N. lapillus , the trend does not continue onto genuinely sheltered shores. Under these circumstances the species is generally rare and, where enclaves do occur, their shells are of much the same shape (although of a much larger size) as in more exposed situations.  相似文献   

A geographically-based study of shell shape in small rough periwinkles   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A study using principal component analysis and discriminant analysis was carried out on shell shape variation in 3093 specimens of rough periwinkles, 2500 of which were below 5.5 mm in columella length, from around the North Atlantic. Using a combination of colour plus sculpture, and life history trait, the snails were classified by inspection and examination into Littorina nigrolineata, L. arcana, L. saxatilis and L. neglecta. Principal component analyses indicated that similar aspects of variation were important in the different taxa, but these were sometimes of differing levels of importance between L. saxatilis and L. neglecta. Crossvalidation in a discriminant analysis showed classification of shells larger than 5.5 mm to have at least an 88% accuracy. That of shells below 5.5 mm showed an accuracy of 49% in L. arcana, increasing to 54% in L. saxatilis and 63% in L. neglecta, with 76% accuracy for small L. nigrolineata. This last was a special case as only one site was sampled, therefore comparative data are not available. This geographically-based study reveals that L. neglecta is more homogeneous over its range than recently reported by other workers and shows greater differences from L. saxatilis than the latter does from either L. nigrolineata or L. arcana. Size effects do not account for these differences because L. neglecta is morphometrically distinct from both large and small L. saxatilis. Furthermore, small, mid-shore L. saxatilis classify with large high-shore L. saxatilis in discriminant analysis, not with L. neglecta. These results provide evidence that the taxon L. neglecta is more distinct than has sometimes been suggested.  相似文献   

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