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Summary Unstable mutations were generated at the cut locus by the MR-h12 factor which induces male recombination. The unstable allele ct MR2, containing the MR-transposon in the cut locus is a very powerful mutator producing a number of different viable and lethal mutations both in the cut locus and outside it.I describe several types of mutations: stable reversion to wild type, which were sometimes associated with the appearance of unstable mutations in other loci; of stable deficiencies at the cut locus (lethals); new unstable mutations at different loci with the ct MR2 allele conserved; new unstable cut alleles with a phenotype other than that of ct MR2. The possible mechanisms of these mutational events are discussed. The genetic system constructed in the present work affords an opportunity for molecular studies of the cut locus and the MR-transposon, as a sequence from the cut locus has recently been cloned (Tchurikov et al. 1981).  相似文献   

Summary The Drosophila melanogaster mobile DNA sequences P factors and P elements transpose at elevated rates when P strain males are mated to M strain females in a hybrid dysgenic cross (Engels 1983). Isofemale lines derived from such a cross were analysed by in situ hybridisation using cloned copies of the transposable elements copia, 412 and F. It was found that lines derived from dysgenic crosses showed a statistically significant number of new sites for these elements when compared to a non-dysgenic control cross. This result suggests a functional coupling of copia, 412 and F transposition and some component present in the P-M dysgenic system.  相似文献   

The hobo transposon is responsible for one of the three hybrid dysgenic systems that have been described in Drosophila melanogaster. Most studies on the hobo dysgenic system have been carried out using the PM system as a reference. However, these two systems differ significantly. In particular, several studies have failed to find any correlation between the molecular structures of hobo elements, the instability of the transposon and the incidence of gonadal dysgenic (GD) sterility. On the other hand, no study of the ability of females to permit hobo activity in their progeny when they are crossed with males harboring active hobo elements (permissivity) has yet been reported. In order to investigate the parameters involved in hobo permissivity, four E strains were studied with regard to the molecular nature of their hobo sequences and the GD sterility induced by a controlled source of hobo transposase. We show that hobo permissivity varies both within and between E strains. Moreover, permissivity decreases with age in E females. Our results are discussed with respect to similar phenomena that have been described in relation to the reactivity of the IR dysgenic system. Received: 17 August 1998 / Accepted: 17 December 1998  相似文献   

Summary When Drosophila melanogaster males coming from a class of strains known as inducer are crossed with females from the complementary class (reactive), a quite specific kind of sterility is observed in the F1 female progeny (denoted SF). The inducer chromosomes differ from the reactive chromosomes by the presence of a transposable element (called the I factor) that is responsible for the induction of this dysgenic symptom. In the germ line of dysgenic females, up to 100% of the reactive chromosomes may be contaminated, i.e. they acquire I factor(s) owing to very frequent replicative transpositions. A contaminated reactive stock was obtained by reconstructing the reactive genotype in the offspring of SF females and its kinetics of invasion by I elements was followed in the successive inbred dysgenic generations. The results show that the mean copy number of I elements increased very quickly up to the level of inducer strains and then stayed in equilibrium even though the dysgenic state was perpetuated by selection for SF sterility at every generation. The possible mechanisms of this copy number limitation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of P element excision and the structure of the resulting excision products were determined in three drosophilid species, Drosophila melanogaster, D. virilis, and Chymomyza procnemis. A transient P element mobility assay was conducted in the cells of developing insect embryos, but unlike previous assays, this mobility assay permitted the recovery of excision products from plasmids regardless of whether the excision event was precise or imprecise. Both quantitative and qualitative differences between the products of excision in the various species studied were observed. The frequency with which P element excision products were recovered from D. melanogaster was 10-fold greater than from D. virilis and C. procnemis; however, the proportion of all excision events resulting in the reversion of a P-induced mutant phenotype was the same. Virtually all excision products recovered, including those resulting in a reversion of the mutant phenotype, did not result in the exact restoration of the original target sequence. Sequence analysis suggested that duplex cleavage at the 3 and 5 termini of the P element, or their subsequent modification, occurred asymmetrically and interdependently. P element-encoded transposase was not absolutely required for P element excision.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the genetic and cytological analysis of 144 sex-linked recessive lethals, plus 1 non-lethal. All of them were induced by IR hybrid dysgenesis. This collection of mutants was pooled from experiments involving inducer chromosomes that differ in the chrosomal position of their I elements. Our results show that 30% of the recessive lethals are associated with chromosomal rearrangements which depend on the strength of the IR interaction. These lethals are induced on both inducer- and reactive-origin chromosomes, and their frequency is dependent on the structure of the inducer chromosome used. The IR-induced lethals occur along the entire length of the X chromosome. These sites probably correspond to specific loci which are more or less homologous with I. The complementation relationshups showed that some specific loci were more frequently involved in all the lethal mutations tested. The most sensitive loci are, in order of observation: l(1)J1, ct, f, ma1 and m. Among induced recessive lethals considered to be point mutation, complementation tests showed that many of them are in fact multilocius deficiencies which can be detected only at the molecular level.

It seems that the production of IR rearrangements (cytologically visible or not) may be the most important mechanism leading to lethal mutations. These mutations probably occur during the transposition of I elements, hence their importance from an evolutionary standpoint.  相似文献   

In the ‘doubling-dose’ method currently used in genetic risk evaluation, two principle assumptions are made and these are: (1) there is proportionality between spontaneous and induced mutations and (2) the lesions that lead to spontaneous and induced mutations are essentially similar. The studies reported in this paper were directed at examining the validity of these two assumptions in Drosophila. An analysis was made of the distribution of sex-linked recessive lethals induced by MR, one of the well-studied mutator systems in Drosophila.Appropriate genetic complementation tests with 15 defined X-chromosome duplications showed that MR-induced lethals occurred at many sites along the X-chromosome (in contrast to the known locus specificity of MR-induced visible-mutations); some, but not all these sites at which recessive lethals arose in the MR-system are the same as those known to be hot-spots for X-ray-induced lethals. With in situ hybridization we were able to demonstrate that a majority of MR-induced lethals is associated with a particular mobile DNA sequence, the P-element, i.e. they arose as a result of transposition.The differences between the profiles of MR-induced and X-ray-induced recessive lethals, and the nature of MR-induced and X-ray-induced mutations, thus raise questions about the validity of the assumptions involved in the use of the ‘doubling-dose’ method.  相似文献   

Summary Dominant suppressor mutations for position-effect variegation have been isolated by using a strongly variegated line carrying the w m4 chromosome (w m4h) and the dominant enhancer mutant En(var)c 101. The use of an effective genetic test system made it possible to isolate more than 100 strongly dominant suppressor mutations for position-effect variegation. This suggests that the phenomenon of position-effect variegation is characterised by a complex genetic basis. The significance of the isolated mutants to genetic dissection of structural and regulatory functions of the eukaryotic chromosome is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrid dysgenesis inDrosophila melanogaster is a syndrome of germline abnormalities including temperature-dependent gonadal dysgenesis (GD sterility), high rates of mutation and male recombination. In theP-M system, hybrid dysgenesis results from interaction between chromosomally-linked factors (P factors) and a particular extrachromosomal state refered to as theM cytotype. TheT007/Cy strain, shown by other authors to induce a high level of mutation and male recombination, is presently studied with respect to gonadal dysgenesis. TheP activity appears mainly linked with theT007 second chromosome and has been essentially mapped to a 0.6 centimorgan long interval, i.e. betweenhk andpr. On the other hand, 14 strains balanced for deficiencies on the left arm of the second chromosome are studied for their relative level ofM cytotype activity.In F1 females, inheriting the same maternal cytotype and the same paternalT007 chromosome, significant differences inGD sterility are found between flies receiving the maternal deficiency and those receiving the alternate non-deleted chromosome. This effect appears only when the chromosomes are deleted for a common region (37F5-38A7), suggesting the presence of elements intervening in the determinism ofGD sterility in this zone. As this region is included in the correspondinghk-pr interval (37C1-38B6), these results state the problem of the nature of the elements located in this interval and two hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

LINE-like retrotransposons, the so-called I elements, control the system of I-R (inducer-reactive) hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. I elements are present in many Drosophila species. It has been suggested that active, complete I elements, located at different sites on the chromosomes, invaded natural populations of D. melanogaster recently (1920–1970). But old strains lacking active I elements have only defective I elements located in the chromocenter. We have cloned I elements from D. melanogaster and the melanogaster subgroup. In D. melanogaster, the nucleotide sequences of chromocentral I elements differed from those on chromosome arms by as much as 7%. All the I elements of D. mauritiana and D. sechellia are more closely related to the chromosomal I elements of D. melanogaster than to the chromocentral I elements in any species. No sequence difference was observed in the surveyed region between two chromosomal I elements isolated from D. melanogaster and one from D. simulans. These findings strongly support the idea that the defective chromocentral I elements of D. melanogaster originated before the species diverged and the chromosomal I elements were eliminated. The chromosomal I elements reinvaded natural populations of D. melanogaster recently, and were possibly introduced from D. simulans by horizontal transmission.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster are being used increasingly for studying different biological mechanisms. However, most attempts to identify new mutations have been restricted to the X-chromosome. It has been very difficult to identify new loci on the autosomes, as recessive mutations have to be made homozygous by setting up independent cultures for each mutagenized chromosome. We introduce a mutagenesis scheme which does not require setting up independent cultures. It uses meiotic recombination in compound autosomes to make recessive mutations homozygous and allows the screening of tens of thousands of mutagenized chromosomes with relatively little effort. In a pilot experiment, we tested about 33,300 chromosomes for temperature-sensitive paralytic mutations. We obtained 62 independent paralytic mutations and a large number of other mutations. Eight out of 25 of the paralytic mutations are on the autosomes. This method makes autosomes, which constitute about 80% of the Drosophila genome, more accessible for mutational analysis of various biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Chromium picolinate, [Cr(pic)3], is a popular nutritional supplement found in a variety of consumer products. Despite its popularity, safety concerns over its use have arisen. The supplement has been shown to generate clastogenic damage, mitochondrial damage, oxidative damage, and mutagenic effects in cultured cells and oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in rats. Recently [Cr(pic)3] has been demonstrated to generate heritable genetic change and delays in progeny development in Drosophila melanogaster. Based on the damage to chromosomes of cultured cells and of animal models, similar chromosome damage appeared to be a likely source of the mutagenic effects of the supplement in Drosophila. The current three-part study examines the effects of several chromium-containing supplements and their components on hatching and eclosion rates and success of development of first generation progeny of adult Drosophila fed food containing these compounds. It further examines the effects of the compounds on longevity of virgin male and female adults. Finally, the chromosomes in the salivary glands of Drosophila late in the third instar larval stage, which were the progeny of Drosophila whose diets were supplemented with nutritional levels of [Cr(pic)3], are shown to contain on average over one chromosomal aberration per two identifiable chromosomal arms. No aberrations were observed in chromosomes of progeny of untreated flies. The results suggest that human consumption of the supplement should be a matter of concern and continued investigation to provide insight into the requirements of chromium-containing supplements to give rise to genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Summary T(Y;2) translocations were used to cytologically localise the wingless locus of Drosophila melanogaster. We found that an existing T(Y;2), which is an insertion of a segment of 2L into the Y chromosome, has wg + within this insert. This Y chromosome was used to generate an attached XY chromosome containing wg +. The mutation claret-nondisjunctional (ca nd) was used to induce the loss of this XY chromosome and thus generate gynandromorphs with wg 1/wg 1 male tissue and wg +/wg 1/wg 1 female tissue. Analysis of these gynanders demonstrated that a genotypically wingless mutant hemithorax is usually also phenotypically mutant in these half body mosaics; thus wg 1 is discautonomous. This observation is of interest as it is known that wg is not cell autonomous.  相似文献   

A novel retrotransposon, aurora, containing 324 by long terminal repeats (LTRs) was detected in Drosophila melanogaster as a 5 kb insertion in the heterochromatic Stellate gene. This insertion causes a 5 bp duplication of the integration site. Southern analysis and in situ hybridization data show that all detectable copies of aurora are immobilized in the D. melanogaster heterochromatin. However, mobile copies of aurora were revealed in the cuchromatin of D. simulans. The element was also found in various species of the melanogaster subgroup and in the D. virilis genome.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession numbers X70361 and X70362  相似文献   

Summary Transformed areas derived from mature imaginal eye discs of the tumorous-head (tuh) mutant of Drosophila melanogaster were transplanted either into larval hosts (metamorphosis test) or into adult females (long-term in vivo culture). These disc fragments showed characteristic morphologic and enzymatic (aldehyde oxidase (aldox) positive) differences in comparison to a similar region in wildtype eye discs.The tissues derived from the central portion of the tuh eye disc which would normally give rise to eye facets transformed predominantly into homoeotic structures of the abdominal region of the fly. Posterior abdominal tergites arose in 88% of the transplants, of which 7% also possessed genital tissue. In addition, 10% showed duplicated vibrissae with no accompanying homoeotic alteration and 2% differentiated into unidentifiable structures.Our preliminary results from long-term cultures have shown the capacity of the tuh transformed area to grow in vivo and to maintain its differentiation potential. This kind of approach therefore provides an opportunity to follow transdetermination properties of a homoeotically altered tissue.In the present study we demonstrate that during larval life, the presumptive region of the tuh transformed area can be removed from the surrounding unaffected eye disc tissue. From the autonomous differentiation of the tuh phenotype we conclude that the homoeotic change is cell-intrinsically expressed and that the aldox positive areas in the tuh eye discs signal an altered state of determination. Leave of absence: Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Technological University, Orlando, Florida 32816, USA  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the Notch8 deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster affects a number of enzyme activities localized in the mitochondria, such as NADH oxidase (activity of the complete respiratory chain), NADH dehydrogenase (the first step in the respiratory chain before transfer to ubiquinone), Succinate dehydrogenase and -Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. The experiments reported here do not exclude the possibility of involvement of other genes in the deficiency. The effect of duplications of the Notch locus on NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase suggest that this locus determines the enzyme activities.The dosage effects of the Notch locus on activity suggest that this locus contains the structural genes for these enzymes.  相似文献   

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