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Summary Soil was collected from pots that had grown 1,3 or 6 soybean (Glycine max) or Siratro (Macroptillium atropurpureum) crops that had received organic residue returns from each crop.15N-labelled residues were added to half the pots in the experiment and the other half left unamended. Half of each group was then sown to Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) which was grown, under glasshouse conditions, for 12 weeks.Ten grams of organic matter residues were added to each pot (1.5 kg soil) and the pots subjected to two wetting and drying cycles. At the end of the second wet cycle, soil mineral N values ranged from 6 to 64 ppm in unamended soils and from 19 to 177 ppm in amended soils. These levels generally declined over a 12 week period both in the presence and absence of sown grass.Nitrogen uptake by the grass increased with the number of previous cycles and was higher in Siratro than soybean soils. Recovery of15N by plant growth from the incorporated soybean residues was little effected by previous crop history and averaged 15.4%. On the other hand, Siratro recoveries were 13.7, 42.4 and 55.5% from soils that had grown 1, 3 and 6 previous Siratro crops, respectively.The addition of organic residues stimulated the release of native organic N (positive priming effect) on all soils.These results show that the turnover rate of nitrogen from organic residues can be high and the net result of these additions depends on the nature of the organic residues and the soil system to which they are added. These data emphasise the need to consider the rate of nutrient turnover from organic sources rather than concentrate on the nature and size of the resident nutrient pools.  相似文献   

Characterization of soil properties is a key step in understanding the source of spatial variability in the productivity across agricultural fields. A study on a 16 ha field located in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia was undertaken to investigate the spatial variability of selected soil properties, such as soil compaction ‘SC’, electrical conductivity ‘EC’, pH (acidity or alkalinity of soil) and soil texture and its impact on the productivity of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana L.). The productivity of Rhodes grass was investigated using the Cumulative Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (CNDVI), which was determined from Landsat-8 (OLI) images. The statistical analysis showed high spatial variability across the experimental field based on SC, clay and silt; indicated by values of the coefficient of variation (CV) of 22.08%, 21.89% and 21.02%, respectively. However, low to very low variability was observed for soil EC, sand and pH; with CV values of 13.94%, 7.20% and 0.53%, respectively. Results of the CNDVI of two successive harvests showed a relatively similar trend of Rhodes grass productivity across the experimental area (r = 0.74, p = 0.0001). Soil physicochemical layers of a considerable spatial variability (SC, clay, silt and EC) were utilized to delineate the experimental field into three management zones (MZ-1, MZ-2 and MZ-3); which covered 30.23%, 33.85% and 35.92% of the total area, respectively. The results of CNDVI indicated that the MZ-1 was the most productive zone, as its major areas of 50.28% and 45.09% were occupied by the highest CNDVI classes of 0.97–1.08 and 4.26–4.72, for the first and second harvests, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen (N) dynamics were studied in conventional and no-tillage agroecosystems on the Georgia Piedmont. Nitrogen inputs in the form of ammonium nitrate (95 kg-N/ha) and winter legume (crimson clover) residues were compared. The legume provided adequate N for summer crop (grain sorghum) production, but water use by the legume reduced the ability of sorghum to utilize the N. Legume N inputs became availabe to plants more gradually than fertilizer inputs. Weed growth and potential denitrification activity were higher in legume-N treatments than in fertilizer-N treatments. Tillage affected the timing of N avaialbility more than the total amount of available N. Summer crops took up more N under conventional tillage while winter crops took up more N under no-tillage. Denitrification activity was higher under no-tillage but was not a significant output from the agroecosystems. Leaching losses of N differed seasonally between treatments but were not significant in any of the agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment was conducted under a simulated tropical environment to examine the effect of legume cropping on the infiltration rate and aggregate stability of a sandy granite soil. The stability of aggregates >2 mm increased from 47.3% in soil on which one siratro crop had been grown to 61.6% where six crops had been grown. In a soil on which soybeans had been grown this increase was from 39.4 to 77.1%. Infiltration rate (IR) was measured over a 30 min. period using a constant 2.5 cm head. IR in the 0 to 5 min. time period was related to soil total nitrogen by the relationship y=158.5x−0.738, (R=0.87**) where y=infiltration rate and x=soil total N(%). Beyond 5 minutes IR was determined by the sub-soil permeability. These results demonstrate the beneficial effects of legume cropping on infiltration rate and structural stability and the difficulty of improving soil water relations in soils with impermeable sub-soils.  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降对杂草生长和氮吸收的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
以杂草早熟禾、黑麦草、野燕麦、天蓝苜蓿、白车轴草、北美车前、婆婆纳、无芒稗、牛筋草和刺苋为试验材料,以4.0g·m-2·yr-1的N输入为模拟氮沉降浓度,研究了不同杂草功能类群对模拟氮沉降的响应.结果表明,模拟氮沉降处理下,杂草的生物量(总生物量、地上部分生物量、根生物量)呈增加趋势,但不同功能类群对氮增加的响应明显不同,C4禾本科、C3豆科及C3禾本科植物的生物量受到氮沉降的显著促进,但C3非禾本科和C4非禾本科植物的生物量则受氮沉降的影响不显著;不同功能类群的根冠比、植株含氮及植株吸收氮的总量对模拟氮沉降的响应无明显规律,但物种间差异显著.氮沉降提高野燕麦和北美车前的生物量的根冠比,但对其他生物种类没有显著影响.没有发现氮沉降对植物体内的含氮量有显著的影响,但氮沉降却显著地提高了除刺苋、早熟禾及婆婆纳之外的所有杂草物种对N的摄收.由于物种对氮沉降的响应不同,未来氮沉降的增加将加速杂草群落组成的变化.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of perennial and annuals grass species on nitrogen cycling in a Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso. We also analysed how the local context in terms of grazing and soil properties modifies these impacts. We selected four plots differing both by the intensity of grazing by cattle and soil depth, and used soil and grass biomass 15N as integrative indicators of N cycle. If perennials are able to foster a more efficient nitrogen cycling there should be lower 15N abundances in their biomass and soil. If soil depth and cattle pressure significantly modify nitrogen fluxes, soil depth and cattle pressure should influence 15N signatures. Our results suggest that perennial grasses are more conservative for nitrogen (inhibition of nitrification, less leaching via a perennial root system, slower cycling). The increase in leaf δ15N with N concentration is steeper in Loudetia togoensis than in the three other grasses. No significant difference was found between the 15N signatures of the four plots. Our results on 15N signatures and the fact that perennial grasses are much more abundant in the plots that are less grazed and have deeper soils, confirm that the switch from perennial to annual grasses is linked to a degradation in soil fertility and pasture quality. This suggests that 15N signatures can be used as indicators of fertility.  相似文献   

Summary The combination of using15N for determining the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop in field experiments and the labelling of only one treatment at a time in each treatment combination is shown to be conceptually and experimentally valid for determining the effect of cultural practices on the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop.  相似文献   

Summary Fertilizer/soil N balance of cropped and fallow soil has been studied in a pot experiment carried out with grey forest soil (southern part of Moscow region) at increasing rates of15N labelled ammonium sulfate (0; 8; 16; 32 mg N/100 g of soil). The fertilizer15N balance has been shown to depend upon its application rate and the presence of growing plants. Fertilizer N uptake efficiency was maximum (72.5%) and gaseous losses-minimum (12.5%) at the application rate of 16 mg N/100 g of soil. Fertilizer N losses from the fallow soil were 130–220% versus those from the cropped soil. At the application of fertilizer N the plant uptake of soil N was 170–240% and the amount of soil N as N–NH4 exchangeable + N–NO3 in fallow was 350–440% as compared to the control treatment without nitrogen (PK).After cropping without or with N fertilizer application at the rates of 8 and 32 mg N/100 g of soil, a positive nitrogen balance has been found which is likely due to nonsymbiotic (associative) N-fixation. It has been shown that biologically fixed nitrogen contributes to plant nutrition.  相似文献   

Plant uptake and phytotoxicity of boron in Australian fly ashes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Redland Pioneer) and Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer) were grown in glasshouse experiments to examine the potential for phytotoxicity of B in a range of Australian fly ashes. In each experiment, the ashes used were either untreated, leached or adjusted to pH 6.5 and subsequently leached.In the first eperiment, the yield and B status of plants grown on five fly ashes mixed (5 and 10% by weight) with an acid-washed sand were measured and, with the exception of one ash, yield differences among ash sources and among ash treatments were attributed to differences in the degree of B toxicity. In a subsequent experiment, a fly ash with properties representative of most Australian ashes was mixed (0, 15, 30, 70 and 100% by weight) with a sandy loam, and the yield and mineral composition of plants grown on these mixtures determined. Although the available water capacity of the soil was substantially increased by fly ash addition, incorporating large proportions of untreated fly ash resulted in poor plant growth primarily due to B toxicity. In both experiments, leaching the ash reduced the potential for B toxicity, whereas adjustment of the pH to 6.5 and subsequent leaching of the fly ash resulted in plants with normal levels of B.There were marked differences in both the tissue levels of B and the extent of B toxicity symptoms between the two species. Rhodes grass appeared to be able to tolerate higher B contents in the growing medium by taking up much less of the element than French bean. The results indicate that phytotoxicity of B would be a major problem in establishing vegetation on ash dams and in the agronomic utilization of unweathered fly ashes in Australia.  相似文献   

Summary When a leguminous crop like cowpea was included in a crop rotation of Ganga 5 maize, CO 7 ragi and CO 2 cowpea, the total nitrogen content in the soil was considerably increased even in the unfertilized plots. The leguminous crop fixed atmospheric nitrogen at the rate of 205 kg N/hectare/year. Potassium did not influence the status whereas phosphorus, over a background of N, improved it. Considerable quantity of N fixed was observed to have been redistributed in the soil which depended on the fertilization pattern.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of Zn, P, N and CaCO3 on tryptophan concentration in rice grain were studied in greenhouse at Haryana Agricultural University. Zinc application upto 20 ppm increased tryptophan concentration in rice grain. Zn-EDTA gave highest increase followed by ZnSO4 and then ZnO. Liming at the rate of 4 and 8 per cent decreased tryptophan concentration significantly. Phosphorus application upto 100 ppm also decreased tryptophan significantly but Zn in combination with P increased tryptophan and overcame negative effect of P. Nitrogen application upto 120 ppm increased tryptophan concentration. There was positive interaction between Zn and N. Ammonium sulphate gave highest tryptophan followed by ammonium nitrate and then urea. The tryptophan concentration ranged between 766 ppm and 2011 ppm in paddy grain. The lowest tryptophan concentration was in the plants treated with 8 per cent lime in absence of added Zn and highest with 10 ppm Zn through Zn-EDTA. Department of Soils.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity, temperature, and N-fertilization on growth and yield of Rhodes grass were investigated. High levels of all three factors had a negative effect on tillering and consequently on the total yield. Though high salt-stress lowered the yields, it also lowered the content of free-NO3 in the shoots, thus, raising the quality of the crops obtained.In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.Sc. at The Tel Aviv University.In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.Sc. at The Tel Aviv University.  相似文献   

An in vitro system, consisting of simulated gastrointestinal digestion and Caco-2 cell culture, was used to estimate the uptake of calcium, iron and zinc from white beans, chickpeas and lentils, and the effect of cooking upon uptake, with the ultimate aim of evaluating legumes as a dietary source of the aforementioned minerals. In raw products, differences were observed in the uptake percentages by Caco-2 cells of a same mineral from different legumes, although these were not related to the total mineral content. In the three elements studied, the highest uptake values corresponded to chickpeas. Traditional cooking significantly (p<0.05) increased the uptake (%) of calcium, iron and zinc from white beans, and of calcium from lentils. This effect can be partially ascribed to the conversion of inositol hexaphosphate to its lower phosphate forms. When mineral uptakes from raw, traditionally cooked, and ready-to-eat lentils were compared, the highest uptake values corresponded to the ready-to-eat product, which could be attributed to the combined effect of EDTA soaking, the cooking under pressure process, and citric and ascorbic acid addition.  相似文献   

C. A. Atkins 《Plant and Soil》1987,100(1-3):157-169
Summary Nitrogen (N2) fixed by Rhizobium bacteroids in the legume nodule is excreted as ammonia to the surrounding host cell where it is efficiently assimilated into the amide group of glutamine. Generally glutamine is a minor exported solute of nitrogen, being further metabolised to asparagine in temperate species and to the ureides, allantoin and allantoic acid in tropical species. These solutes serve as the principal translocated forms of nitrogen in xylem. Compartmentalisation of the pathways of nitrogen metabolism and the role of ammonia in regulation of their activity is examined in nodules of both asparagine-forming (Lupinus albus L.) and ureide-forming (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) symbioses.  相似文献   

Summary Symbiotic N2 fixation, NO 3 assimilation and protein accumulation in the shoots were measured simultaneously in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) grown in the field or in pots, in order to study how the balance between the two modes of nitrogen nutrition could be influenced by agronomic factors, such as harvest, mineral nitrogen supply and drought stress. During periods of rapid growth, fixation and assimilation may function simultaneously; they are antagonistic at the beginning and at the end of the growth cycle, when the nitrogen requirement of the plant is lower. When nitrogen nutrition does not limit growth, mineral nitrogen supply favours assimilation at the expense of fixation, but does not modify the amount of nitrogen accumulated, which is adjusted to the growth capacity of the plant. After cutting, nitrate assimilation compensated for the decrease in fixation and supplied the plant with the nitrogen required by the regrowth, the proliferation of which determined the fixation recovery. Drought stress decreased N2 fixation much more than NO 3 assimilation. The latter made growth recovery possible when water supply conditions became normal again. These results suggested the existence of an optimum level of nitrate assimilation, which differed depending on the age of the plants and allowed both maximum growth and fixing activity.  相似文献   

Mustard is cultivated throughout the world for oil in its seeds. Itrequires high nitrogen input for improved productivity but the nitrogen appliedto the soil is not fully utilised by the crops due to various constraints. Theobjective of the reported research was to determine if foliar- appliedgibberellic acid (GA3) could enhance crop growth and increasenitrogen-use efficiency. A field experiment was conducted during 1997–98in which GA3 (10–5 M) was applied tofoliage at 40d after sowing (pre-flowering) to mustard grown with 0, 40(sub-optimal), 80 (optimal) and 120 (supra-optimal) kgN ha–1. Foliar spray of GA3 was effectiveonly when plants received sufficient N (80 kgN ha–1). GA3 sprays significantly enhancedplant dry mass, leaf area, carbon dioxide exchange rate, plant growth rate,cropgrowth rate and relative growth rate. GA3 -treated plants showedenhanced nitrogen-use efficiency through redistribution of N to seeds.  相似文献   

Alan Olness 《Plant and Soil》1984,76(1-3):67-73
Summary Nitrogen (N) accumulation data from a replicated field study were fitted to a tanh (time) function and the derivate obtained to determine relative maximum rates of accumulation by maize. Both positive and negative effects of tillage on N accumulation rates were observed. Most of the N accumulation occurred over a 30-day period and time of N accumulation was not affected by tillage. Tilled profiles tend to contain greater NO3–N, greater aeration, and lower moisture contents than untilled profiles, and these characteristics interact to affect plant N accumulation.  相似文献   

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