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The carboxyl-terminal region of theras oncogene-encoded p21 protein is critical to the protein's function, since membrane binding through the C-terminus is necessary for its cellular activity. X-ray crystal structures for truncated p21 proteins are available, but none of these include the C-terminal region of the protein (from residues 172–189). Using conformational energy analysis, we determined the preferred three-dimensional structures for this C-terminal octadecapeptide of the H-ras oncogene p21 protein and generated these structures onto the crystal structure of the remainder of the protein. The results indicate that, like other membrane-associated proteins, the membrane-binding C-terminus of p21 assumes a helical hairpin conformation. In several low-energy orientations, the C-terminal structure is in close proximity to other critical locales of p21. These include the central transforming region (around Gln 61) and the amino terminal transforming region (around Gly 12), indicating that extracellular signals can be transduced through the C-terminal helical hairpin to the effector regions of the protein. This finding is consistent with the results of recent genetic experiments.  相似文献   

Summary The transforming protein coded for by the Ki-ras oncogene, v-p21, localizes at the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. A method is presented whereby the appearance of v-p21 in Kirsten murine sarcoma virustransformed cells can be detected by flow cytometry, using a monoclonal antibody to v-p21 and methods modified from immunofluorescence microscopy. The method is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate between cellular and viral p21 levels, to detect small subpopulations of virus-transformed cells, and to monitor changes in p21 expression in response to physiologic variables. The method provides a rapid, quantitative means to investigate the expression of an intracellular transforming protein in heterogeneous cell populations. Supported by studentships to D. F. from the B. C. Cancer Foundation, by a grant and a research associateship to N. A. from the National Cancer Institute of Canada, and by MRC grants ME 8456 and #68-7824 to the FACS committee at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

Various S=3/2 EPR signals elicited from wild-type and variant Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase MoFe proteins appear to reflect different conformations assumed by the FeMo-cofactor with different protonation states. To determine whether these presumed changes in protonation and conformation reflect catalytic capacity, the responses (particularly to changes in electron flux) of the alphaH195Q, alphaH195N, and alphaQ191K variant MoFe proteins (where His at position 195 in the alpha subunit is replaced by Gln/Asn or Gln at position alpha-191 by Lys), which have strikingly different substrate-reduction properties, were studied by stopped-flow or rapid-freeze techniques. Rapid-freeze EPR at low electron flux (at 3-fold molar excess of wild-type Fe protein) elicited two transient FeMo-cofactor-based EPR signals within 1 s of initiating turnover under N(2) with the alphaH195Q and alphaH195N variants, but not with the alphaQ191K variant. No EPR signals attributable to P cluster oxidation were observed for any of the variants under these conditions. Furthermore, during turnover at low electron flux with the wild-type, alphaH195Q or alphaH195N MoFe protein, the longer-time 430-nm absorbance increase, which likely reflects P cluster oxidation, was also not observed (by stopped-flow spectrophotometry); it did, however, occur for all three MoFe proteins under higher electron flux. No 430-nm absorbance increase occurred with the alphaQ191K variant, not even at higher electron flux. This putative lack of involvement of the P cluster in electron transfer at low electron flux was confirmed by rapid-freeze (57)Fe M?ssbauer spectroscopy, which clearly showed FeMo-factor reduction without P cluster oxidation. Because the wild-type, alphaH195Q and alphaH195N MoFe proteins can bind N(2), but alphaQ195K cannot, these results suggest that P cluster oxidation occurs only under high electron flux as required for N(2) reduction.  相似文献   

Kuo A  Zhong C  Lane WS  Derynck R 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(23):6427-6439
Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) and related proteins represent a family of transmembrane growth factors with representatives in flies and worms. Little is known about the transport of TGF-alpha and other transmembrane growth factors to the cell surface and its regulation. p59 was purified as a cytoplasmic protein, which at endogenous levels associates with transmembrane TGF-alpha. cDNA cloning of p59 revealed a 452 amino acid sequence with two PDZ domains. p59 is myristoylated and palmitoylated, and associates with the Golgi system, where it co-localizes with TGF-alpha. Its first PDZ domain interacts with the C-terminus of transmembrane TGF-alpha and select transmembrane proteins. p59 is the human homolog of GRASP55, which is structurally related to GRASP65. GRASP55 and GRASP65 have been shown to play a role in stacking of the Golgi cisternae in vitro. C-terminal mutations of transmembrane TGF-alpha, which decrease or abolish the interaction with p59, also strongly impair cell surface expression of TGF-alpha. Our observations suggest a role for membrane tethering of p59/GRASP55 to select transmembrane proteins, including TGF-alpha, in maturation and transport to the cell surface.  相似文献   

A 55 kDa nuclear localization signal binding protein (p55) is involved in the transport of the goat uterine estrogen receptor from the cytoplasm to the nuclear pore complex (NPC). p55 forms a complex with a 12 kDa protein (p12) which in turn becomes 'docked' at the NPC. The present study reports on the purification and functional characterization of p12. Both p55 and p12 are Mg2+-dependent ATPases. The protein-protein interactions that take place between these two molecules at the NPC cause an enhancement in the net ATPase activity associated with the protein complex. Presumably, this enhanced ATPase function helps in the final nuclear entry of the estrogen receptor; p55 remains associated with p12 at the nuclear entry site under these conditions.  相似文献   

Singly modified soybean trypsin inhibitors (STIs), Tia* [Tia cleaved at Arg(63)-Ile(64)] and Tib* [Tib cleaved at Arg(63)-Ile(64)], were prepared by limited proteolysis with trypsin at pH 3.0. These singly modified inhibitors were further modified to yield doubly modified inhibitors, Tia** and Tib**, by limited proteolysis with subtilisin BPN', which cleaved the Met(84)-Leu(85) bonds of Tia* and Tib*, respectively. The doubly modified inhibitors could be separated into two parts: protein moiety A and peptide moiety a (IRFIAEGHPLSLKFDS-FAVIM) for Tia**, and protein moiety B and peptide moiety b (IRFIAEGNPLRLKFDS-FAVIM) for Tib**. These protein and peptide moieties showed no trypsin inhibitory activities alone. However, the inhibitors can be reconstituted through the mutual exchange of the protein and peptide moieties isolated from STIs. The reconstituted inhibitor which has tyrosine at position 62 and histidine at position 71 shows the highest inhibitory activity. Its Ki value for bovine trypsin is around 10(-10) M, which is almost the same as that of Tia for bovine trypsin. The inhibitor possessing either tyrosine at position 62 or histidine at position 71 exhibits a Ki value of around 10(-9) M, which is between those of Tia and Tib. The inhibitor having phenylalanine and asparagine at positions 62 and 71, respectively, shows the weakest inhibitory activity of around 10(-8) M similar to that of Tib for bovine trypsin.  相似文献   

p40(phox) of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase forms a complex with p67(phox) in cytosol, and coincidentally decreases in patients who lack p67(phox). Here we investigated the mode of translocation of p40(phox) to the membrane, its cytoskeletal localization on activation of the NADPH oxidase, and the dependency of its expression relative to that of p67(phox). When human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) were stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), p40(phox) was translocated to the membrane along with p67(phox), and not was released into the cytosol. Studies with resting PMNs using Triton X-100 revealed the exclusive localization of p67(phox) in the cytoskeletal fraction. Unexpectedly, however, about half of p40(phox), which is deemed to be fully associated with p67(phox), was recovered in the non-cytoskeletal fraction. Unlike p47(phox), the association of p40(phox) with cytoskeleton was not induced by the PMA-stimulation. These results indicate not only that p40(phox) associates with cytoskeleton via a molecule of p67(phox), but also that there are distinct states of p40(phox) that can be manipulated with Triton X-100. Lastly, Western-blot analysis of hematopoietic cells revealed no correlation between p40(phox) and p67(phox) in their protein expressions during cell differentiation, and also that p40(phox) can be stably present alone in cells, unless in the case of mature PMNs. In this regard, definitive proof was obtained with Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells of a p67(phox)-deficient patient, in which p40(phox) was normally expressed.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis with trypsin of smg p21B, a ras p21-like small GTP-binding protein having the same putative effector domain as ras p21s, produced the N-terminal fragment and the C-terminal tail of Lys-Lys-Ser-Ser-geranylgeranyl-Cys methyl ester. The Mr values of the intact smg p21B, the N-terminal fragment, and the C-terminal tail were estimated to be about 22,000, 20,500, and less than 1,000, respectively, by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both the GDP- and GTP-bound forms of the intact smg p21B bound to various membranes and phosphatidylserine-linked Affi-Gel. However, both the GDP- and GTP-bound forms of the N-terminal fragment failed to bind to membranes and phosphatidylserine-linked Affi-Gel. In contrast, the C-terminal tail bound to membranes and phosphatidylserine-linked Affi-Gel. The N-terminal fragment contained a GDP/GTP-binding and GTPase domain and exhibited these two activities, but the C-terminal tail did not show any such activity. A GTPase-activating protein for smg p21 stimulated the GTPase activity of both the intact smg p21B and the N-terminal fragment. In contrast, a GDP/GTP exchange protein for smg p21, named GDP dissociation stimulator, stimulated the GDP/GTP exchange reaction of the intact smg p21B but not that of the N-terminal fragment. These results indicate 1) that smg p21B is composed of at least two functionally different domains, the N-terminal GDP/GTP-binding and GTPase domain and the C-terminal membrane-binding domain, 2) that smg p21B binds to membranes through its C-terminal hydrophobic and basic domain, and 3) that this C-terminal domain is also essential for the smg p21 GDP dissociation stimulator action but not for the smg p21 GTPase-activating protein action.  相似文献   

More than 190 taxa, belonging to 33 genera, were observed on mosses collected on Ile de la Possession, Crozet Archipelago, Antarctica. Six assemblages could be identified. Habitat type and moisture content of the samples appeared to be the major factors in separating the communities. It was clear that diatom communities growing on mosses found in rivers and brooks are different from assemblages on rocks and in stagnant pools. The Diadesmis contenta assemblage was bound to dry mosses growing on rocks whereas the Eunotia paludosa var. paludosa community preferred acid stagnant pools, situated in the larger valleys. The other four assemblages are typical for circumneutral waterbodies, with the Fragilaria maillardii and the Fragilaria vaucheriae-Fragilaria germainii assemblages found in running water and the Fragilaria pinnata var. pinnata and the Achnanthes confusa-Achnanthes aueri assemblages in more stagnant water. Weighted averaging and calibration were used to develop a statistical transfer function to infer the moisture content of moss samples from the diatom assemblages. Accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

We have localized p55, a thyroid hormone-binding protein found in the endoplasmic reticulum in cultured cells, in samples of normal human and monkey tissues, using a monoclonal antibody with cryostat sections and immunoperoxidase histochemistry. Large amounts of p55 were found in many tissues, generally corresponding to the amount of endoplasmic reticulum contained in each cell type. Intense localization of p55 was found in cells of the anterior and intermediate pituitary lobes, in epithelial cells of thyroid follicles, in the glandular epithelium of mammary gland, in hepatocytes, in Paneth cells and Brunner's glands in duodenum, in acinar cells of pancreas, in adrenal cortical cells, and in scattered interstitial fibroblastic cells in many tissues. These results suggest a potential role for thyroid hormone and p55 in regulating protein synthesis or secretion in multiple organs.  相似文献   

Proteolysis by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway regulates the intracellular level of several proteins, some of which control cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. To determine what kinds of signaling cascades are activated or inhibited by proteasome inhibition, we treated PC12 cells with specific proteasome inhibitors and subsequently performed in-gel kinase assays. N-Acetyl-Leu-Leu-norleucinal and lactacystin, which inhibit the activity of the proteasome, induced the activation of p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases [extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) 1 and 2]. In contrast, N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-methional, which inhibits the activity of calpains, but not of the proteasome, failed to induce ERK activation. Uniquely, the kinetics of MAP kinase activation induced by proteasome inhibitors are very slow compared with those resulting from activation by nerve growth factor; ERK activation is detectable only after a 5-h treatment with the inhibitors, and its activity remained unchanged for at least until 27 h. Proteasome inhibitor-initiated ERK activation is inhibited by pretreatment with the ERK kinase inhibitor PD 98059, as well as by overexpression of a dominant-negative form of Ras. Thus, proteasome inhibitors induce sustained ERK activation in a Ras-dependent manner. Proteasome inhibitor-induced neurite outgrowth, however, is not inhibited by PD 98059, indicating that sustained activation of ERKs is not the factor responsible for proteasome inhibitor-induced morphological differentiation. Our data suggest the presence of a novel mechanism for activation of the MAP kinase cascade that involves proteasome activity.  相似文献   

Scott MT  Ingram A  Ball KL 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(24):6771-6780
p21(WAF1/CIP1) Contributes to positive and negative growth control on multiple levels. We previously mapped phosphorylation sites within the C-terminal domain of p21 that regulate proliferating cell nuclear antigen binding. In the current study, a kinase has been fractionated from mammalian cells that stoichiometrically phosphorylates p21 at the Ser146 site, and the enzyme has been identified as an insulin-responsive atypical protein kinase C (aPKC). Expression of PKCzeta or activation of the endogenous kinase by 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) decreased the half-life of p21. Conversely, dnPKCzeta or dnPDK1 increased p21 protein half-life, and a PDK1-dependent increase in the rate of p21 degradation was mediated by aPKC. Insulin stimulation gave a biphasic response with a rapid transient decrease in p21 protein levels during the initial signalling phase that was dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3- kinase, PKC and proteasome activity. Thus, aPKC provides a physiological signal for the degradation of p21. The rapid degradation of p21 protein during the signalling phase of insulin stimulation identifies a novel link between energy metabolism and a key modulator of cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Ruiz A  Nadal M  Puig S  Estivill X 《Gene》1999,239(1):155-161
Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is a common skin cancer. About 50% of CMM sporadic tumours have lost one copy of the chromosome 9p21 region. To identify genes involved in the initiation and/or progression of CMM we have characterised the 9p21 melanoma deleted region and screened the human expressed sequence tag (EST) databases (dbEST) to search for expressed genes. We have identified the gene that encodes the human orthologue of the rat phospholipase A2 activating protein (PLAP). PLAP was considered a potential candidate to be involved in malignant melanoma because it maps to the critical region for CMM and because the PLA2 gene has been identified as a modifier of the APC gene, responsible for the adenomatous polyposis phenotype in the mouse. PLAP encodes a protein of 738 amino acids and has a high DNA (90%) and protein (97%) sequence similarity with the rat and mouse PLAP protein. PLAP has a region of WD40 repeats in the amino-terminus, which allows us to include this protein in the superfamily of beta-transducin proteins. Northern blot hybridisation gave a fragment of 4.5 kb, with higher expression in heart compared to other tissues. PLAP was localised at chromosome 9p21, between marker AFM218xg11 and TEK. SSCP analysis of the coding region of PLAP revealed no variants in the studied samples, but one of six CMM samples analysed by RT-PCR showed specific inactivation of PLAP. Despite PLAP's important role in mediating several cellular responses and its localisation to the chromosome 9p21 region deleted in CMM, it is unlikely that point mutations or deletions in the coding region of PLAP are responsible for the initiation or progression of CMM. Further studies on PLAP inactivation should be performed to clarify its potential involvement in CMM.  相似文献   

The 67 k calcimedin is a Ca2+-binding protein present in both muscle cells and peritoneal macrophages. Many tissues, including lymphoid tissues, liver and lymphocytes, have been shown to contain Ca2+-binding proteins of similar molecular size, such as the p67(67 kDa) calelectrin or the 68 kDa lymphocyte protein. We have tested affinity-purified antibodies raised to the smooth-muscle 67 k calcimedin in these several tissues and here report that the 67 k calcimedin is not detectable in liver, thymus, spleen or thymic lymphocytes. These findings support recent biochemical evidence, discussed here, suggesting that the 67 k calcimedin is a protein different from calelectrin and the 68 kDa lymphocyte protein. The more limited tissue distribution of the 67 k calcimedin, which includes muscle and macrophages, suggests that the 67 k calcimedin may function in Ca2+-mediated events special to these cell types. The affinity-purified antibodies to the 67 k calcimedin will be useful in obtaining information concerning the special roles of this Ca2+-binding protein in these cells.  相似文献   

A woman balanced carrier of a X/15 translocation gave birth to a balanced infertile son and three unbalanced Xp--fertile daughters. This family and the other eleven cases of Xp--fertile women found in the literature demonstrate that loss of the p21 leads to pter region of the X chromosome is compatible with fertility, probably because it leaves on Xp the region which is never inactivated.  相似文献   

The p21 transforming protein coded for by the v-ras gene of Harvey murine sarcoma virus (Ha-MuSV) migrates as a doublet band between 21,000 and 23,000 daltons during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The lower band of the doublet is designated p21, and the upper band is designated pp21 since it comigrates with the phosphorylated form of p21. By pulse-labeling with [35S] methionine, we detected a p21 precursor, pro-p21, which migrated as if it was approximately 1,000 daltons larger than p21. The precursor-product relationship was established by pulse-chase experiments with [25S] methionine in the presence of 100 micrograms of cycloheximide per ml, which inhibited all de novo protein biosynthesis. Within 4 h, pro-p21 was completely chased into p21, and during the next 24 h pp21 accumulated. Thus, formation of pp21 from p21 did not require de novo protein synthesis. By subcellular fractionation into cytosol amd membrane fractions, we found that pro-p21 was synthesized in a non-membrane-bound state and that shortly after its complete synthesis, the p21 product was associated with the membrane fraction. By selective cleavage of p21 at a unique aspartic acid-proline residue with 70% formic acid or with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, we found that the intramolecular site of pro-p21 processing was located in the C-terminal portion of the pro-p21 molecule. The possibilities that the precursor was involved in the assembly of p21 into the plasma membrane and, alternatively, that the processing was a step in the activation of p21 biochemical activities are discussed.  相似文献   

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