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Only one species of Shigella, Shigella dysenteriae 1, has been demonstrated to produce Shiga toxin (Stx). Stx is closely related to the toxins produced by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). In STEC, these toxins are often encoded on lambdoid bacteriophages and are major virulence factors for these organisms. Although the bacteriophage-encoded stx genes of STEC are highly mobile, the stx genes in S. dysenteriae 1 have been believed to be chromosomally encoded and not transmissible. We have located the toxin genes of S. dysenteriae 1 to a region homologous to minute 30 of the E. coli chromosome, within a 22.4 kbp putative composite transposon bracketed by IS600 insertion sequences. This region is present in all the S. dysenteriae 1 strains examined. Tandem amplification occurs via the flanking insertion sequences, leading to increased toxin production. The global regulatory gene, fnr, is located within the stx region, allowing deletions of the toxin genes to be created by anaerobic growth on chlorate-containing medium. Deletions occur by recombination between the flanking IS600 elements. Lambdoid bacteriophage genes are found both upstream and within the region, and we demonstrate the lysogeny of Shigella species with STEC bacteriophages. These observations suggest that S. dysenteriae 1 originally carried a Stx-encoding lambdoid prophage, which became defective due to loss of bacteriophage sequences after IS element insertions and rearrangements. These insertion sequences have subsequently allowed the amplification and deletion of the stx region.  相似文献   

Nucleotide(nt) sequences were determined for the toxin (SHT) operon present in the chromosome of Shigella dysenteriae 1 and for the shiga-like toxin (SLT) operon found in the lambdoid phage H30 genome. The coding sequences of the sht and slt genes differ in 4 nt with 1 nt change responsible for an amino acid replacement. The deduced amino acid sequence in the A chain of the toxins is highly homologous to that of the A chain of ricin, a plant toxin. SHT-coding mRNAs were detected by mapping the 5' termini and using blot-hybridisation; one of them was more abundant and coded only for the B subunit of SHT while the other (bi-cistronic mRNA) encoded both subunits. An IS element related to the IS3 element of Escherichia coli was found in the chromosome of S. dysenteriae near the sht operon.  相似文献   

To determine the active site of exfoliative toxin B (sETB) of Staphylococcus aureus, the etb gene was cloned from an S. aureus SU strain obtained from a patient with impetigo. We prepared a frame shift mutant protein from a recombinant plasmid with a BglII linker inserted into the Tyr-155 codon of the ETB gene (pETB/BglIIL). The recombinant mutant protein (ETB/BglIIL) obtained from Escherichia coli containing pETB/BgIIIL showed no toxicity in neonatal mice and no agglutination activity. The 20-kDa ETB/BglIIL contained 185 amino acid residues. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce mutations at either Tyr-155, Tyr-157, Tyr-159, or Tyr-162. Substitution of any of the Tyr residues decreased exfoliative activity compared with that of native sETB (4,000 EU/ml). Substitution of Tyr-155 with a Phe (ETBYN155) decreased activity 5-fold (800 EU/ml). Substitution of Tyr-157 with Leu (ETB/Y157) decreased activity 80-fold (50 EU/ml) and decreased agglutination titer 5-fold compared with that of native sETB (400,000). Substitution of Tyr-159 with Leu (ETB/Y159)decreased activity 4-fold (1,000 EU/ml). When both Tyr-157 and Tyr-159 were mutated (ETB/Y157-159), both toxicity and antigenicity were completely lost. On an immunodiffusion test, ETBNY157 showed a faint precipitation line, but ETB/BglIIL and ETB/Y157-159 had no activity, showing that the Tyr-157 and Tyr-159 residues are essential for the toxicity and antigenicity of ETB.  相似文献   

I-CeuI fragments of four Shigella species were analyzed to investigate their taxonomic distance from Escherichia coli and to collect substantiated evidence of their genetic relatedness because their ribosomal RNA sequences and similarity values of their chromosomal DNA/DNA hybridization had proved their taxonomic identity. I-CeuI digestion of genomic DNAs yielded seven fragments in every species, indicating that all the Shigella species contained seven sets of ribosome RNA operons. To determine the fragment identities, seven genes were selected from each I-CeuI fragment of E. coli strain K-12 and used as hybridization probes. Among the four Shigella species, S. boydii and S. sonnei showed hybridization patterns similar to those observed for E. coli strains; each gene probe hybridized to the I-CeuI fragments with sizes similar to that of the corresponding E. coli fragment. In contrast, S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri showed distinct patterns; rcsF and rbsR genes that located on different I-CeuI fragments in E. coli, fragments D and E, were found to co-locate on a fragment. Further analysis using an additional three genes that located on fragment D in K-12 revealed that some chromosome rearrangements involving the fragments corresponding to fragments D and E of K-12 took place in S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri.  相似文献   

We investigated the cytotoxic, neurotoxic, apoptotic and antiproliferative effects of extracts from Petalonia fascia, Jania longifurca and Halimeda tuna on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. J. longifurca extracts were more toxic than those of P. fascia and H. tuna. The algal extracts showed significant toxic effects at different dilutions. The toxic effects were due to increased oxidative stress and resulted in apoptosis. Algal toxicity may exert negative effects through the food chain or by direct interaction. Algal toxicity also has potential for cancer therapy. The toxic effects that we observed may be especially important for therapy for breast tumors.  相似文献   

Subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB) is the prototype of a new family of AB5 cytotoxins produced by Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli . Its cytotoxic activity is due to its capacity to enter cells and specifically cleave the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone BiP. However, its trafficking within target cells has not been investigated previously. In Vero cells, fluorescence colocalization with subcellular markers established that SubAB is trafficked from the cell surface to the ER via a retrograde pathway similar, but not identical, to those of Shiga toxin (Stx) and cholera toxin (Ctx), with their pathways converging at the Golgi. The clathrin inhibitor phenylarsine oxide prevented SubAB entry and BiP cleavage in SubAB-treated Vero, HeLa and N2A cells, while cholesterol depletion did not, demonstrating that, unlike either Stx or Ctx, SubAB internalization is exclusively clathrin-dependent.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) are a good source of cholesterol, which is important in cellular homeostasis and production of steroids. Apolipoprotein B-100 (ApoB-100), the sole protein component of LDL, is known to bind to cell surface LDL receptor (LDLR) or cell surface-bound proteoglycans and to be internalized into cells. We found that APCs, consisting of macrophages and dendritic cells, upregulate LDLR on culture in vitro without obvious stimulation. In contrast, T cell populations only upregulate LDLR on activation. Thus, we strategized that tagging immunogens to ApoB-100 might be a useful means to target Ag to APCs. We generated fusion proteins consisting of receptor binding sites in ApoB-100, coupled to OVA peptide (ApoB-OVA), as Ag delivery vehicles and demonstrated that this novel delivery method successfully cross-presented OVA peptides in eliciting CTL responses. Surprisingly, internalization of ApoB-OVA peptide occurred via cell surface proteoglycans rather than LDLRs, consistent with evidence that structural elements of ApoB-100 indicate it to have cell-penetrating peptide properties. Finally, we used this strategy to assess therapeutic vaccination in a tumor setting. OVA-expressing EL-4 tumors grew progressively in mice immunized with ApoB-100 alone but regressed in mice immunized with ApoB-OVA fusion protein, coinciding with development of OVA-specific CTLs. Thus, to our knowledge, this is the first article to describe the cell-penetrating properties of a conserved human origin cell penetrating peptide that may be harnessed as a novel vaccination strategy as well as a therapeutics delivery device.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of Serratia marcescens trpG and the corresponding regions of Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhimurium trpD have been determined. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence divergence suggests the following evolutionary relationships: Serratia-[Salmonella, (Escherichia, Shigella)]. Partial reconstruction of ancestral nucleotide sequences and subsequent analysis of nucleotide substitutions show that the majority of nucleotide substitutions in the evolution of trp(G)D are transitions that result in a reduction of G + C content. Since most of the nucleotide substitutions are in the third position of codons, bias in synonymous codon usage also reflects G + C content. The trpE-trp(G)D junction in the four organisms is characterized by overlapping translation termination and initiation codons. The relative positions of trpE and trp(G)D thus became fixed in evolution before the fusion of trpG and trpD. Nucleotide sequences representing the fusion of trpG and trpD in Escherichia, Shigella and Salmonella are not more nor less divergent than other portions of the trp(G)D coding sequences.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple method was developed for purifying Shiga toxin and Shiga-like toxin from the culture supernatants and cell lysates of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and Escherichia coli O157 : H7 grown in modified syncase media. Two steps, DEAE cellulose column chromatography and immunoaffinity column chromatography, were sufficient for obtaining purified toxin. By this procedure, about 0.32–0.75 mg of purified toxin was obtained from 5 1 of culture with high recovery rate (53–62%). The toxins purified by this method from the culture supernatants and cell lysates of S. dysenteriae and E. coli O15 : H7 were immunologically, biologically and structurally indistinguishable.  相似文献   

The pre- and post-natal ontogeny of Sprague-Dawley rat liver aldehyde dehydrogenase [aldehyde-NAD(P)(+) oxidoreductase, EC] is described. At no time in its ontogenetic development does normal liver aldehyde dehydrogenase exhibit any of the characteristics of a series of unique aldehyde dehydrogenases that can be isolated from 2-acetamidofluorene-induced rat hepatomas. Enzyme activity is first detectable in 15-day foetal liver and gradually increases throughout pre- and post-natal development until adult activities are attained by day 49 after birth. Electrophoretically, normal aldehyde dehydrogenase, throughout its ontogeny, exists as the same single isoenzyme found in normal adult liver. Isoelectric points for two normal liver isoenzymes demonstrable by isoelectric focusing are pH5.9 and 6.0. The immunochemical properties of aldehyde dehydrogenase during its ontogeny are identical with those of normal adult liver aldehyde dehydrogenase when tested against anti-(hepatoma aldehyde dehydrogenase) serum in Ouchterlony double-diffusion tests. The results indicate that the hepatoma-specific aldehyde dehydrogenases are not the result of the de-repression of genes normally repressed in adult rat liver or in some other adult tissue.  相似文献   

A total of 2753 strains of shigella belonging to subgroups A, B, and C that were isolated from patients in England and Wales during the period from 1979 to mid-1983 were studied. Of these, 1690 (61%) were from patients recently returned from abroad or in contact with recent travellers, and 760 (45%) of these affected travellers from the Indian subcontinent. The number of strains resistant to sulphonamides and streptomycin remained at a high level throughout (average 76% and 72% respectively). Resistance to tetracyclines, ampicillin, and chloramphenicol rose, reaching 63%, 51%, and 48%, respectively, in 1982. Strains resistant to trimethoprim were seen in substantial numbers for the first time and increased from 1.3% of all strains in 1979 to 9.9% in 1982 and 16.8% in the first half of 1983. The proportion of patients with recent foreign contact was notably smaller among those with strains resistant to trimethoprim than among those with strains sensitive to trimethoprim. The increase in resistance to trimethoprim might partly result from the use in Britain of compounds containing trimethoprim for the treatment of shigellosis.  相似文献   

The influence of various carbon and nitrogen sources on fusarin C synthesis was examined in submerged cultures of Fusarium moniliforme NRRL 13616. Using a zinc-deficient, synthetic medium, highest levels of fusarin C were produced by cultures grown with urea or ammonium sulfate as the nitrogen source and fructose, sucrose, or glucose as the carbon source. In media supplemented with various concentrations of glucose and ammonium sulfate, glucose concentrations which provided excess carbohydrate significantly increased fusarin C synthesis, regardless of the ammonium sulfate concentration.  相似文献   

Chains and fragments of tetanus toxin, and their contribution to toxicity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Single-chain toxin is enzymatically converted into two-chain isotoxins which differ from the precursor by their higher pharmacological activity, acidity and hydrophilicity. The interchain disulfide bridge and the disulfide loop within fragment C have been located at the amino acid level. 2. Independent of the enzymes used, the nicking sites are positioned within a region spanning no more than 17 amino acids. The N- and C-termini of the primary gene product are preserved in the two-chain toxin. The chains have been separated by isoelectric focussing and can be reconstituted to functionally intact toxin. 3. Light chain inhibits neurotransmitter release on different systems. First, permeabilized bovine adrenal chromaffin cells and rat pheochromocytoma (PC 12) cells release catecholamines when exposed to micromolar [Ca2+]. Inhibition is achieved with light chain or reduced two-chain toxin, but not with single-chain toxin or heavy chain. Washing away the light chain does not restitute the Ca2(+)-evoked release. The light chains of tetanus and botulinum A toxin act in a apparently similar, however not identical manner. Second, light but not heavy chain inhibits the release of acetylcholine when injected into Aplysia neurones. 4. The pharmacology of heavy chain is quite different. Ganglioside binding is mediated by its fragment C moiety, and modulated by the adjoining beta 2 piece and by light chain. Heavy chain and to a lesser degree its N-terminal beta 2-fragment promote the loss of calcein from liposomes indicating pore formation. Its C-terminal fragment C is inactive in this respect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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