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Uptake of [3H]-glycine by sections of Mimosa pudica L. pulvini is pH dependent (maximum at pH 5.5) and exhibits biphasic saturation kinetics in the range of concentrations tested (1–75 m M ). Effects of compounds which increase [fusicoccin (FC)] or decrease (uncouplers, ATPase inhibitors) the proton-motive force were tested both on the pH variations induced in the incubation medium and on glycine uptake by the pulvinar tissues: there is a close relationship between the time required for the effect of these compounds on the acidification (for FC) and the pH rise (for the inhibitors) of the medium and that needed respectively for promotion and inhibition of glycine uptake. Experiments with sulfhydryl-reacting compounds show that N-ethylmaleimide induces a large rise in pH in the incubation medium and strongly inhibits glycine uptake, whereas p -chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid has less effect on these processes. These results argue for a proton-glycine symport mechanism in the pulvinar tissue and thus support the previously postulated involvement of a proton pump in the regulation of pulvinar movement.  相似文献   

Biologically closed electrical circuits operate over large distances in biological tissues. The activation of such circuits can lead to various physiological and biophysical responses. Here, we analyse the biologically closed electrical circuits of the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica Linn. using electrostimulation of a petiole or pulvinus by the charged capacitor method, and evaluate the equivalent electrical scheme of electrical signal transduction inside the plant. The discharge of a 100 µF capacitor in the pulvinus resulted in the downward fall of the petiole in a few seconds, if the capacitor was charged beforehand by a 1.5 V power supply. Upon disconnection of the capacitor from Ag/AgCl electrodes, the petiole slowly relaxed to the initial position. The electrical properties of the M. pudica were investigated, and an equivalent electrical circuit was proposed that explains the experimental data.  相似文献   

The fourth basic circuit element, a memristor, is a resistor with memory that was postulated by Chua in 1971. Here we found that memristors exist in vivo. The electrostimulation of the Mimosa pudica by bipolar sinusoidal or triangle periodic waves induce electrical responses with fingerprints of memristors. Uncouplers carbonylcyanide-3-chlorophenylhydrazone and carbonylcyanide-4-trifluoromethoxy-phenyl hydrazone decrease the amplitude of electrical responses at low and high frequencies of bipolar sinusoidal or triangle periodic electrostimulating waves. Memristive behavior of an electrical network in the Mimosa pudica is linked to the properties of voltage gated ion channels: the channel blocker TEACl reduces the electric response to a conventional resistor. Our results demonstrate that a voltage gated K+ channel in the excitable tissue of plants has properties of a memristor. The discovery of memristors in plants creates a new direction in the modeling and understanding of electrical phenomena in plants.  相似文献   

Precursors of mimosine in Mimosa pudica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The morphological structure (pulvinus P1, P2 and P3) directly involved in the seismonastic movements of the Mimosa pudica leaf have been used to isolate: 1) "soluble" ATPase, loosely bound to pulvinus structures; 2) Ca, Mg-dependent ATPase, which is tightly bound to pulvinus structures and is extracted by a saline solution of high ionic strength, used to isolate actomyosin from muscles and non-muscle motile cells; 3) ATPase bound to the pulvinus membrane structures, which is solubilized by the detergents, e. g. Triton X-100 and Tween-80, and is similar to membrane ATPase. Physico-chemical and kinetic studies of the APSases have shown that Ca,Mg-ATPase is similar to the ATPases from muscle and non-muscle motile cells in a number of characteristics, e. g. solubility in saline solution of high ionic strength, aggregability in a solution of lower ionic strength, activation by bivalent metal ions, pH-optimum, specificity for substrates, etc. The protein composition of the ATPases has been determined by gel-electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The molecular weight of purified Ca,Mg-ATPase from Mimosa pudica pulvinus is found to be 139 000. The role of ATPases in seismonastic movements of the Mimosa pudica leaf is discussed.  相似文献   

Bioelectrochemical circuits operate in all plants including the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica Linn. The activation of biologically closed circuits with voltage gated ion channels can lead to various mechanical, hydrodynamical, physiological, biochemical and biophysical responses. Here the biologically closed electrochemical circuit in pinnae of Mimosa pudica is analyzed using the charged capacitor method for electrostimulation at different voltages. Also the equivalent electrical scheme of electrical signal transduction inside the plant''s pinna is evaluated. These circuits remain linear at small potentials not exceeding 0.5 V. At higher potentials the circuits become strongly non-linear pointing to the opening of ion channels in plant tissues. Changing the polarity of electrodes leads to a strong rectification effect and to different kinetics of a capacitor. These effects can be caused by a redistribution of K+, Cl, Ca2+ and H+ ions through voltage gated ion channels. The electrical properties of Mimosa pudica were investigated and equivalent electrical circuits within the pinnae were proposed to explain the experimental data.Key words: electrophysiology, plant cell electrostimulation, charged capacitor method, electrical circuits, electrical signaling, Mimosa pudica  相似文献   

Some studies showed that anesthetics reduce the response of physical stimuli in Mimosa pudica and in Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), peculiar plants that have the ability to respond to touch stimuli. In this research we tested the effects of ketamine, lidocaine, diethyl ether, and amlodipine on the movements of Mimosa pudica and Venus Flytrap. With a literature review, we tried to bring elements to theorize about the interaction of these substances with these plants. The angular displacement in Mimosa´s petiole and in Dionaea leaves is what was measured to compare the drugs group with control groups.  相似文献   

In Mimosa pudica L., heat stimulation triggers leaflet folding in local, neighbouring and distant leaves. Stomatal movements were observed microscopically during this folding reaction and electrical potentials, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf CO(2)/H(2)O-gas exchange were measured simultaneously. Upon heat stimulation of a neighbouring pinna, epidermal cells depolarized and the stomata began a rapid and pronounced transient opening response, leading to an approximately 2-fold increase of stomatal aperture within 60 s. At the same time, net CO(2) exchange showed a pronounced transient decrease, which was followed by a similar drop in photochemical quantum yield at photosystem (PS) II. Subsequently, CO(2)-gas exchange and photochemical quantum yield recovered and stomata closed partly or completely. The transient and fast stomatal opening response is interpreted as a hydropassive stomatal movement caused by a sudden loss of epidermal turgor. Thus, epidermal cells appear to respond in a similar manner to heat-induced signals as the pulvinar extensor cells. The subsequent closing of the stomata confirms earlier reports that stomatal movements can be induced by electrical signals. The substantial delay (several minutes) of guard cell turgor loss compared with the immediate response of the extensor and epidermal cells suggests a different, less direct mechanism for transmission of the propagating signal to the guard cells.  相似文献   

The force-velocity characteristics of the primary pulvinus of Mimosa pudica have been determined using a new polytonic measurement technique. The contractile characteristics were determined from a modified form of Hill's equation (Hill, A. V. 1938. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B126: 136-195) describing the physiological contractile behavior of animal muscle. The values of the resulting Hill's constants were found to be remarkably similar to those of intact animal muscle and reconstituted contractile collagen.  相似文献   

Mechanism of the Seismonastic Reaction in Mimosa pudica   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Allen RD 《Plant physiology》1969,44(8):1101-1107
The efflux of K+ from the pulvinar cells of Mimosa pudica was shown to increase substantially during the seismonastic reaction. This result is shown to indicate a decrease in σ (reflection coefficient) of pulvinar cell membrane for potassium salts which could account for the pulvinar cell turgor decrease during the seismonastic reaction.  相似文献   

Seismonastic or thigmonastic movements of Mimosa pudica L. is mostly because of the fast loss of water from swollen motor cells, resulting in temporary collapse of cells and quick curvature in the parts where these cells are located. Because of this, the plant has been much studied since the 18th century, leading us to think about the classical binomial stimulus-response (action-reaction) when compared to animals. Mechanic and electrical stimuli were used to investigate the analogy of mimosa branch with an artificial neuron model and to observe the action potential propagation through the mimosa branch. Boolean function applied to the mimosa branch in analogy with an artificial neuron model is one of the peculiarities of our hypothesis.Key words: Mimosa pudica, pulvinus movement, boolean function  相似文献   

Summary Using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, the concentrations of ions, especially potassium and chlorine, were determined in different tissues of primary and tertiary pulvini of Mimosa pudica. It was shown that stimulating the leaf was followed by ion displacements which were most striking in the outer extensor cells, resulting in turgor loss. Since Ca concentration remains relatively constant in cell walls of collapsed cells, the changes of K concentration are best described by the K:Ca ratio. After stimulation the K:Ca ratio dropped in the outer extensor of the primary pulvinus from 775.3 to 2.37 in the cytoplasm, and from 542.2 to 9.25 in the cell wall. Changes in chlorine content were less striking in the primary pulvinus. The KCl ratios in some cases were lower than 1.0, which indicates that Cl content can increase, while K content is diminished. In the non-stimulated tertiary pulvini the outer extensor cells show high concentrations of Cl, but much lower Cl concentrations were found after stimulation. In contrast to the primary pulvinus the K content of the tertiary pulvini is very low. In the vascular tissues of both primary and tertiary pulvini stimulation is followed by a release of K and Cl out of the sieve element cytoplasm into the apoplast. K then appears accumulated in the cell walls of the collenchymatous tissue. These displacements lead to the assumption that the collenchymatous apoplast temporarily functions as a reservoir for K and to a lesser extent for Cl. With regard to the mechanism of leaf movement after stimulation, the accumulation of ions in the apoplast seems to be initiated by the decrease of water potential triggered by an apoplastic accumulation of unloaded sucrose (Fromm and Eschrich 1988a). The resulting turgor release in the outer extensor is accompanied by an efflux of ions.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

On the Phloem of Mimosa pudica L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ESAU  KATHERINE 《Annals of botany》1970,34(3):505-514
The phloem of Mimosa pudica L. was examined in view of somereports that the sieve elements in this plant show featuresnot previously described for these cells in Leguminosae. Inthe present study only a usual dicotyledonous type of sieveelement was recognized. The sieve elements pass through stagesof differentiation involving development and dispersal of P-proteinbodies, disintegration of nuclei, and appearance of plastidsstoring a starch staining red with iodine. Callose occurs onthe transverse or moderately oblique sieve plates. The phloemcontains secretory cells. They are wide and long and have transverseor more or less inclined end walls. In younger cells the endwall bears in the centre a conspicuous pit to which the protoplastsof the superimposed cells are firmly attached. In many oldercells the pit region is replaced by a perforation so that thecontents of superimposed cells may be completely merged. Itremains to be determined whether the perforation is presentin an intact plant or results from a rupture during sampling.The secretory cells accumulate material that gives a positivetest for carbohydrates and a negative test for proteins.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - In the cysteine and mimosine biosynthesis process, O-acetyl-l-serine (OAS) is the common substrate. In the presence of O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase (OASTL, cysteine...  相似文献   

Leaflet pairs from detached pinnae of Mimosa pudica opened afterthe pinnae had been irradiated with light (2 W·m–2)of 726 or 403 nm, whereas they remained almost closed with lightof 585 or 656 nm. Light-induced leaflet opening was observedonly in the daytime, from 6:00 to 16:00. Application of IAAat more than 30 µg/ml to the cut end of the pinna rachisesmade the leaflets open even in darkness with almost constantlag times of about 100 min which were independent of the concentration.NAA and 2,4-D also made the leaflet open at lower concentrationsthan IAA. Auxin-induced leaflet opening showed diurnal variation.Application of IAA for 2 to 6 min, depending on the concentration,was enough to open the leaflets. Autoradiography showed thatIAA was transferred from the cut end of a rachis throughouta pinna within 4 min. 1Present address: Biological Institute, Faculty of Science,Kobe University, Kobe 657, Japan. (Received September 24, 1982; Accepted March 4, 1983)  相似文献   

The correlation between electrical excitation and turgor changesin plants has been investigated with a novel combination ofan electrometer and a laser-interferometer. With a resolutionof about 10 nm, no significant correlation could be detectedbetween the passage of action potentials and physical movementin the excitation conducting stem of Mimosa pudica. Apart frommarginal observations, the results render an hydraulic conductanceof excitation unlikely; they rather confirm the primary roleof electrical events in rapid conductance of excitation in higherplants. Key words: Laser-interferometer, turgor movement, action potential, osmotic relations  相似文献   

In Mexico, aqueous extracts from dried leaves of Mimosa puolica are employed to alleviate depression. In this study, the behavioral actions of aqueous extracts of M. pudica at various concentrations were tested. Rats having received saline (0.9%; 0.30 ml; I.P.), clomipramine, desipramine or several dosages of aqueous extracts from M. pudica (ml = 2.0 mg/kg; m2 = 4.0 mg/kg; m3 = 6.0 mg/kg; m4 = 8.0 mg/kg) during a 30-day period were submitted to the forced swimming test and to the test for differential reinforcement of low rates of response at 72 sec (DRL-72s). Any possible anxiolytic action resulting from several doses (ml = 2.0 mg/kg; m2 = 4.0 mg/kg; m3 = 6.0 mg/kg; m4 = 8.0 mg/kg) of extracts of M. pudica were compared with those caused by diazepam (1.3 mg/kg, I.P.) in the elevated plus-maze test. Results showed that clomipramine (1.25 mg/kg, I.P.), desipramine (2.14 mg/kg, I.P.) and M. pudica (6.0 mg/kg and 8.0 mg/kg, I.P.) reduced immobility in the forced swimming test and increased the rate of reinforcers received in the DRL-72s test; these data suggest that M. pudica produces antidepressant effects in the rat. Diazepam increased the open-arms exploration time in the elevated plus-maze test, but M. pudica did not show any comparable action at any tested dose. M. pudica therefore produced an antide-pressant-like profile similar to two tricyclic antidepressants.  相似文献   

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