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In animals and yeasts, the DEAH-box RNA-dependent ATPase Prp16 facilitates pre-mRNA splicing. However, in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Caenorhabditis elegans, Prp16 orthologs are not important for general pre-mRNA splicing, but are required for gene silencing and sex determination, respectively. The CLUMSY VEIN (CUV) gene, which encodes a unique Prp16 ortholog in Arabidopsis thaliana, influences auxin-mediated development. A loss-of-function cuv-1 mutation tells us that CUV does not facilitate splicing of pre-mRNA substrates indiscriminately, but differentially effects splicing and expression of genes. Here we show that CUV influences root-meristem maintenance and planar polarity of root-hair positioning, both of which are processes regulated by auxin. We propose that Arabidopsis PRP16/CUV differentially facilitates the expression of genes, including genes involved in auxin biosynthesis, transport, perception and signaling, and that in this way it influences auxin-mediated development.  相似文献   

Local efflux-dependent auxin gradients and maxima mediate organ and tissue development in plants. Auxin efflux is regulated by dynamic expression and subcellular localization of the PIN auxin-efflux proteins, which appears to be established not only through a self-organizing auxin-mediated polarization mechanism, but also through other means, such as cell fate determination and auxin-independent mechanisms. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana NO VEIN (NOV) gene, encoding a novel, plant-specific nuclear factor, is required for leaf vascular development, cellular patterning and stem cell maintenance in the root meristem, as well as for cotyledon outgrowth and separation. nov mutations affect many aspects of auxin-dependent development without directly affecting auxin perception. NOV is required for provascular PIN1 expression and region-specific expression of PIN7 in leaf primordia, cell type–specific expression of PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7 in the root, and PIN2 polarity in the root cortex. NOV is specifically expressed in developing embryos, leaf primordia, and shoot and root apical meristems. Our data suggest that NOV function underlies cell fate decisions associated with auxin gradients and maxima, thus establishing cell type–specific PIN expression and polarity. We propose that NOV mediates the acquisition of competence to undergo auxin-dependent coordinated cell specification and patterning, thereby eliciting context-dependent auxin-mediated developmental responses.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin controls many aspects of plant development. Membrane trafficking processes, such as secretion, endocytosis and recycling, regulate the polar localization of auxin transporters in order to establish an auxin concentration gradient. Here, we investigate the function of the Arabidopsis thaliana R-SNAREs VESICLE-ASSOCIATED MEMBRANE PROTEIN 721 (VAMP721) and VAMP722 in the post-Golgi trafficking required for proper auxin distribution and seedling growth. We show that multiple growth phenotypes, such as cotyledon development, vein patterning and lateral root growth, were defective in the double homozygous vamp721 vamp722 mutant. Abnormal auxin distribution and root patterning were also observed in the mutant seedlings. Fluorescence imaging revealed that three auxin transporters, PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1), PIN2 and AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AUX1), aberrantly accumulate within the cytoplasm of the double mutant, impairing the polar localization at the plasma membrane (PM). Analysis of intracellular trafficking demonstrated the involvement of VAMP721 and VAMP722 in the endocytosis of FM4-64 and the secretion and recycling of the PIN2 transporter protein to the PM, but not its trafficking to the vacuole. Furthermore, vamp721 vamp722 mutant roots display enlarged trans-Golgi network (TGN) structures, as indicated by the subcellular localization of a variety of marker proteins and the ultrastructure observed using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, our results suggest that the R-SNAREs VAMP721 and VAMP722 mediate the post-Golgi trafficking of auxin transporters to the PM from the TGN subdomains, substantially contributing to plant growth.  相似文献   

Control of organ size by cell expansion and cell proliferation is a fundamental process during development, but the importance of BIG in this process is still poorly understood. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of a new allele mutant of BIG in Arabidopsis: big-j588. The mutant displayed small aerial organs that were characterized by reduced cell size in the epidermis and short roots with decreased cell numbers. The big-j588 axr1 double and big-j588 arf7 arf19 triple mutants displayed more severe defects in leaf expansion and root elongation than their parents, implying BIG is involved in auxin-dependent organ growth. Genetic analysis suggests that BIG may act synergistically with PIN1 to affect leaf growth. The PIN1 protein level decreased in both the root cells and the tips of leaf pavement cell lobes of big-j588. Further analysis showed that the auxin maxima in the roots and the leaves of big-j588 decreased. Therefore, we concluded that the small leaves and the short roots of big-j588 were associated with reduction of auxin maxima. Overall, our study suggested that BIG is required for Arabidopsis organ growth via auxin action.  相似文献   

RNA silencing is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism triggered by double-stranded RNA that is processed into 21- to 24-nt small interfering (si)RNA or micro (mi)RNA by RNaseIII-like enzymes called Dicers. Gene regulations by RNA silencing have fundamental implications in a large number of biological processes that include antiviral defense, maintenance of genome integrity and the orchestration of cell fates. Although most generic or core components of the various plant small RNA pathways have been likely identified over the past 15 years, factors involved in RNAi regulation through post-translational modifications are just starting to emerge, mostly through forward genetic studies. A genetic screen designed to identify factors required for RNAi in Arabidopsis identified the serine/threonine protein kinase, TOUSLED (TSL). Mutations in TSL affect exogenous and virus-derived siRNA activity in a manner dependent upon its kinase activity. By contrast, despite their pleiotropic developmental phenotype, tsl mutants show no defect in biogenesis or activity of miRNA or endogenous trans-acting siRNA. These data suggest a possible role for TSL phosphorylation in the specific regulation of exogenous and antiviral RNA silencing in Arabidopsis and identify TSL as an intrinsic regulator of RNA interference.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, mitochondrial-localized heat-shock cognate protein 70-1 (mtHSC70-1) plays an important role in vegetativegrowth. However, whether mtHSC70-1 affects reproductive growth remains unknown. Here, we found that the mtHSC70-1 gene was expressed in the provascular cells of the embryo proper from the early heart stage onward during embryogenesis. Phenotypic analyses of mthsc70-1 mutants revealed that mtHSC70 deficiency leads to defective embryo development and that this effect is mediated by auxin. In addition to a dwarf phenotype, the mthsc70-1 mutant displayed defects in flower morphology, anther development, and embryogenesis. At early developmental stages, the mthsc70-1 embryos exhibited abnormal cell divisions in both embryo proper and suspensor cells. From heart stage onward, they displayed an abnormal shape such as with no or very small cotyledon protrusions, had aberrant number of cotyledons, or were twisted. These embryo defects were associated with reduced or ectopic expression of auxin responsive reporter DR5rev:GFP. Consistently, the expression of auxin biosynthesis and polar auxin transport genes were markedly altered in mthsc70-1. On the other hand, mitochondrial retrograde regulation (MRR) was enhanced in mthsc70-1. Treatment of wild-type plants with an inhibitor that activates mitochondrial retrograde signaling reduced the expression level of auxin biosynthesis and polar auxin transport genes and induced phenotypes similar to those of mthsc70-1. Taken together, our data reveal that loss of function of mtHSC70-1 induces MRR, which inhibits auxin biosynthesis and polar auxin transport, leading to abnormal auxin gradients and defective embryo development.

mtHSC70-1 dysfunction induces mitochondrial retrograde regulation, which inhibits auxin biosynthesis and polar auxin transport, leading to abnormal auxin gradients and defective embryo development.  相似文献   

Previous investigations suggested that specific auxin spatial distribution due to auxin movements to particular embryonic regions was important for normal embryonic pattern formation. To gain information on the molecular mechanism(s) by which auxin acts to direct pattern formation in specific embryonic regions, the role of a plasma membrane (PM) ATPase was evaluated as downstream target of auxin in the present study. Western-blot analysis revealed that the PM H(+)-ATPase expression level was significantly increased by auxin in wheat (Triticum aestivum) embryos (two-three times increase). In bilaterally symmetrical embryos, the spatial expression pattern of the PM H(+)-ATPase correlates with the distribution pattern of the auxin analog, tritiated 5-azidoindole-3-acetic acid. A strong immunosignal was observed in the abaxial epidermis of the scutellum and in the epidermal cells at the distal tip of this organ. Pseudoratiometric analysis using a fluorescent pH indicator showed that the pH in the apoplast of the cells expressing the PM H(+)-ATPase was in average more acidic than the apoplastic pH of nonexpressing cells. Cellulose staining of living embryos revealed that cells of the scutellum abaxial epidermis expressing the ATPase were longer than the scutellum adaxial epidermal cells, where the protein was not expressed. Our data indicate that auxin activates the proton pump resulting in apoplastic acidification, a process contributing to cell wall loosening and elongation of the scutellum. Therefore, we suggest that the PM H(+)-ATPase is a component of the auxin-signaling cascade that may direct pattern formation in embryos.  相似文献   

Previous data have suggested an involvement of MDR/PGP-like ABC transporters in transport of the plant hormone auxin and, recently, AtPGP1 has been demonstrated to catalyze the primary active export of auxin. Here we show that related isoform AtPGP4 is expressed predominantly during early root development. AtPGP4 loss-of-function plants reveal enhanced lateral root initiation and root hair lengths both known to be under the control of auxin. Further, atpgp4 plants show altered sensitivities toward auxin and the auxin transport inhibitor, NPA. Finally, mutant roots reveal elevated free auxin levels and reduced auxin transport capacities. These results together with yeast growth assays suggest a direct involvement of AtPGP4 in auxin transport processes controlling lateral root and root hair development.  相似文献   

Pre‐messenger RNA (pre‐mRNA) splicing is essential in eukaryotic cells. In animals and yeasts, the DEAH‐box RNA‐dependent ATPase Prp16 mediates conformational change of the spliceosome, thereby facilitating pre‐mRNA splicing. In yeasts, Prp16 also plays an important role in splicing fidelity. Conversely, PRP16 orthologs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and nematode do not have an important role in general pre‐mRNA splicing, but are required for gene silencing and sex determination, respectively. Functions of PRP16 orthologs in higher plants have not been described until now. Here we show that the CLUMSY VEIN (CUV) gene encoding the unique Prp16 ortholog in Arabidopsis thaliana facilitates auxin‐mediated development including male‐gametophyte transmission, apical–basal patterning of embryonic and gynoecium development, stamen development, phyllotactic flower positioning, and vascular development. cuv‐1 mutation differentially affects splicing and expression of genes involved in auxin biosynthesis, polar auxin transport, auxin perception and auxin signaling. The cuv‐1 mutation does not have an equal influence on pre‐mRNA substrates. We propose that Arabidopsis PRP16/CUV differentially facilitates expression of genes, which include genes involved in auxin biosynthesis, transport, perception and signaling, thereby collectively influencing auxin‐mediated development.  相似文献   

Summary Aspects of megasporogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana have been investigated using a variety of histochemical techniques to visualize general cell organization, DNA and callose in whole ovules and sections by bright field, fluorescence, differential interference contrast and scanning electron microscopy. The microtubular cytoskeleton has been studied using immunofluorescence localization of tubulin in sections and whole cells. The observations deviate from reports of preceding studies in that the megasporocyte was found to undergo both meiotic divisions followed by simultaneous cytokinesis (i.e. without an intermediate dyad stage) to give a multiplanar tetrad of megaspores. This represents a variation of monosporic development not previously described. Polarized distribution of organelles prior to meiosis ensures that the functional megaspore receives the largest share. Aberrant wall formation is common between degenerating megaspores. Localized callose deposition in the tetrad separates these cells from the active megaspore. Their pattern of degeneration and displacement is extremely flexible within the embryo sac space. The microtubular cytoskeleton is extensive and largely cytoplasmic, as distinct from cortical, throughout megasporogenesis. In the megasporocyte, megaspores and one-nucleate embryo sac, randomly oriented microtubules throughout the cells may serve to maintain cytoplasmic integrity and position organelles. Numerous microtubules (MTs) associate closely with the nucleus and some radiate from it, perhaps functioning in nuclear positioning. During meiosis MTs are restricted to the spindle configurations and later to the phragmoplasts which form between daughter nuclei. The lack of interphase cortical arrays suggests that the role of internal influences on cell shape is small.  相似文献   

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