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A variety of human activities have detrimental impacts on populations of species the park is designed to protect. These impacts range from direct hunting for trophy or subsistence needs, through vehicular collisions, to the direct loss of habitat due to forestry and agricultural activity. These impacts reduce the effective size of the parks and require changes in management policy that deal both with the direct cause of the problem and the underlying social conflicts that the presence of parks can place on humans in the surrounding communities. Recent studies from the Serengeti illustrate that increases in anti-poaching patrols increase the risk of poacher detection and lead to dramatic declines in levels of poaching. The economic arguments that support investment in anti-poaching patrols, rather than increased sentences for poachers who are caught, can be generalized to examine the costs and benefits of other changes in natural resource management that arise when attempting to manage the impact of anthropogenic activities in and around national parks.  相似文献   

Ravenna grass, Tripidium ravennae (L.) H. Scholz, is known to produce an abundance of biomass, but how plant density affects its biomass potential remains unknown. The objectives were to determine the effects of plant density on biomass yield; plant growth traits; biomass?carbon, nitrogen, and ash concentrations; heating value; nitrogen removal; and sucrose concentration in leaves and culms. The treatments consisted of five plant densities (1,250; 2,500; 5,000; 10,000; and 20,000 plants per hectare) in a randomized complete block design with four blocks. Plots were nonirrigated, unfertilized, and harvested once during the dormant season each year. Data were collected from 2015?2019. Dependent variables that varied with plant population density (p < .05) were biomass yield, number of reproductive culms per plant, reproductive culm diameter, reproductive culm sucrose concentration, and nitrogen removal with biomass. Biomass yield ranged from 5.6 to 16.3 Mg/ha for plant densities of 1,250–20,000 plants per hectare, respectively. Combined over years, nonlinear regression of the data showed the equation for biomass yield to plateau at 16.2 Mg/ha at a plant density of 10,640 plants per hectare. As plant density increased, the number of reproductive culms per plant, culm diameter, and culm sucrose concentration significantly decreased. At 1,250 plants per hectare, the number of reproductive culms per plant, culm diameter, and culm sucrose averaged 70, 10.2 mm, and 63.2 g/kg, respectively. Nitrogen removed with biomass significantly increased as biomass yield increased with plant density. At a density of 10,000 and 20,000 plants per hectare, the amount of nitrogen removed annually in the harvested biomass averaged 88 kg/ha. The data suggest that 10,000 plants per hectare would produce the greatest annual biomass yields; however, research is needed to determine the nutrient requirement for Ravenna grass to sustain biomass production at that density.  相似文献   

A key problem in developmental biology is understanding the origin of morphological innovations. Comparative studies in plants with different leaf morphologies indicate that the developmental pathway defined by KNOTTED1-type homeodomain proteins could be involved in generating different leaf forms. The differential expression of regulatory proteins has emerged as an important factor in driving morphological innovations in the plant kingdom--an idea that is well supported by quantitative trait locus analyses.  相似文献   

Very little is known about how the size of an organism, or a specific tissue in an organism, is regulated. Coordinating and regulating the size of tissues is necessary for proper development, wound healing, and regeneration. Defects in a tissue-size regulation mechanism could lead to birth defects or cancer. In addition, there is a strong psychological aspect to some areas of tissue size regulation, as many cosmetic surgery procedures involve enlarging or reducing the size of some body parts. This review addresses the little bit that we know about size regulation. A key concept is that the size of a tissue is the size of the component cells multiplied by the number of those cells. This breaks the size regulation problem down to two parts. The size of cells can be regulated by nutrient sensing and secreted factors, and may have an upper limit due to an upper limit of a genome's ability to produce mRNA's and thus proteins. To regulate the number of cells in a tissue, there are several simple theoretical models involving secreted factors. In one case, the cells can secrete a characteristic factor and the concentration of the factor will increase with the number of cells secreting it, allowing the tissue to sense its own size. In another scenario, a specific cell secretes a limited amount of a factor necessary for the survival of a target population, and this then limits the size of the target population. There are currently several examples of secreted factors that regulate tissue size, including myostatin, which regulates the amount of muscles, leptin, which regulates adipose tissue, and growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors which regulate total mass. In addition, there are factors such as the found in Dictyostelium that regulate the breakup of a tissue into sub-groups. A better understanding of how these factors regulate size will hopefully allow us to develop new therapeutic procedures to treat birth defects or diseases that affect tissue size.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi inhabit living plant tissues without causing disease symptoms. Although abundant, the extent of their contribution to fungal biodiversity remains unclear. Since endophytic fungi are poorly known, especially in the tropics, current estimates of fungal species are probably conservative. Here we tested strategies for sampling endophytic fungi in tropical plants. We compared the number of fungi isolated from 400 mm2 leaf pieces that were divided into increasingly small fragments. Leaf pieces were surface-sterilized, cut into fragments and plated on culture media. For a given area, cutting leaf pieces into smaller fragments significantly increased the number of fungal morphospecies recovered. There was a strong linear relationship between size of fragments and number of fungi isolated. By extrapolation, an estimated 16 +/- 3 fungi could be recovered from a 2 x 2 cm leaf piece, using infinitely small fragments. This represents a large part of the fungal diversity estimated to exist in leaf endophytes in a population. We conclude that reducing the size and increasing the number of leaf fragments will increase the number of fungal species isolated. This strategy will help to estimate real values of endophytic fungal diversity.  相似文献   

It has long been a problem in neuroscience to known how the brain controls its own activity, how it is able to control the level of CNS excitability and how it is able to select and act on some information as opposed to some other information. In this paper I propose a new theory in which the basal ganglia play a role in selecting information ("selective attention") and in controlling the general level of excitability of the CNS ("state control"), the two processes being to some extent interdependent. The basal ganglia achieve these functions by actions on the thalamic-frontal cortical axis and on the brainstem mesencephalic reticular formation.  相似文献   

《Trends in microbiology》2023,31(9):894-902
Plant microbiota can greatly impact plant growth, defense, and health in different environments. Thus, it might be evolutionarily beneficial for plants to be able to control processes related to microbiota assembly. Dioecious plant species display sexual dimorphism in morphology, physiology, and immunity. These differences imply that male and female individuals might differently regulate their microbiota, but the role of sex in microbiota assembly has been largely neglected so far. Here, we introduce the mechanism of how sex controls microbiota in plants analogically to the sex regulation of gut microbiota in animals, in particular in humans. We argue that plant sex imposes selective pressure on filtering and constructing microbiota in the rhizosphere, phyllosphere, and endosphere along the soil–plant continuum. Since male plants are more resistant than female plants to environmental stresses, we suggest that a male host forms more stable and resistant plant microbiota that cooperate more effectively with the host to resist stresses. Male and female plants can distinguish whether a plant is of the same or different sex, and males can alleviate stress-caused damage in females. The impact of a male host on microbiota would protect female plants from unfavorable environments.  相似文献   

Phenological mismatch has been proposed as a key mechanism by which climate change can increase the severity of insect outbreaks. Spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) is a serious defoliator of North American conifers that feeds on buds in the early spring. Black spruce (Picea mariana) has traditionally been considered a poor-quality host plant since its buds open later than those of the preferred host, balsam fir (Abies balsamea). We hypothesize that advancing black spruce budbreak phenology under a warmer climate would improve its phenological synchrony with budworm and hence increase both its suitability as a host plant and resulting defoliation damage. We evaluated the relationship between tree phenology and both budworm performance and tree defoliation by placing seven cohorts of budworm larvae on black spruce and balsam fir branches at different lags with tree budburst. Our results show that on both host plants, spruce budworm survival and pupal mass decrease sharply when budbreak occurs prior to larval emergence. By contrast, emergence before budbreak decreases survival, but does not negatively impact growth or reproductive output. We also document phytochemical changes that occur as needles mature and define a window of opportunity for the budworm. Finally, larvae that emerged in synchrony with budbreak had the greatest defoliating effect on black spruce. Our results suggest that in the event of advanced black spruce phenology due to climate warming, this host species will support better budworm survival and suffer increased defoliation.  相似文献   

The wide range of plant responses to ammonium nutrition can be used to study the way ammonium interferes with plant metabolism and to assess some characteristics related with ammonium tolerance by plants. In this work we investigated the hypothesis of plant tolerance to ammonium being related with the plants’ capacity to maintain high levels of inorganic nitrogen assimilation in the roots. Plants of several species (Spinacia oleracea L., Lycopersicon esculentum L., Lactuca sativa L., Pisum sativum L. and Lupinus albus L.) were grown in the presence of distinct concentrations (0.5, 1.5, 3 and 6 mM) of nitrate and ammonium. The relative contributions of the activity of the key enzymes glutamine synthetase (GS; under light and dark conditions) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were determined. The main plant organs of nitrogen assimilation (root or shoot) to plant tolerance to ammonium were assessed. The results show that only plants that are able to maintain high levels of GS activity in the dark (either in leaves or in roots) and high root GDH activities accumulate equal amounts of biomass independently of the nitrogen source available to the root medium and thus are ammonium tolerant. Plant species with high GS activities in the dark coincide with those displaying a high capacity for nitrogen metabolism in the roots. Therefore, the main location of nitrogen metabolism (shoots or roots) and the levels of GS activity in the dark are an important strategy for plant ammonium tolerance. The relative contribution of each of these parameters to species tolerance to ammonium is assessed. The efficient sequestration of ammonium in roots, presumably in the vacuoles, is considered as an additional mechanism contributing to plant tolerance to ammonium nutrition.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities in urban ecosystems induce a myriad of environmental changes compared with adjacent rural areas. These environmental changes can be seen as series of abiotic and biotic selection filters affecting the distribution of plant species. What are the attributes of plant species that compose urban communities, compared with rural communities, as related to their ecological affinities (e.g., to temperature, humidity), and reproductive traits (e.g., entomophily, autogamy, floral morphology)? Using a floristic dataset from a citizen science project recording plant species growing spontaneously in the streets, we analyzed the distribution of species according to their ecological requirements and reproductive traits along an urbanization gradient in the Parisian region. We developed an original floral and pollinator typology composed of five floral and four pollinator morphotypes. The proportion of impervious areas, used as a proxy of urbanization, was measured at different spatial scales, to reveal at which spatial scales urbanization is selecting plant traits. We found significant differences in plant communities along the urbanization gradient. As expected with the warmer and drier conditions of urban areas, species with higher affinities to higher temperature, light and nutrient soil content, and lower atmospheric moisture were over‐represented in urban plant communities. Interestingly, all of the significant changes in plant abiotical affinities were the most pronounced at the largest scale of analysis (1,000 m buffer radius), probably because the specific urban conditions are more pronounced when they occur on a large surface. The proportion of autogamous, self‐compatible, and nonentomophilous species was significantly higher in urban plant communities, strongly suggesting a lower abundance or efficiency of the pollinating fauna in urban environments. Last, among insect‐pollinated species, those with relatively long and narrow tubular corollas were disadvantaged in urban areas, possibly resulting from a reduction in pollinator abundance particularly affecting specialized plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of bacteraemia, which frequently leads to infective endocarditis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and metastatic abscess formation. The development of these secondary infections is due to bacterial dissemination from the blood into surrounding tissues and is associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality. Despite the importance of S. aureus extravasation in disease progression, there is relatively little understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which this pathogen crosses the endothelial barrier and establishes new sites of infection. Recent work has identified a number of putative routes by which S. aureus can escape the bloodstream. In this article we review these new developments and set them in the context of strategies used by other established pathogens to traverse cellular barriers.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence on the role of the cell cycle in plant growth regulation does not exclusively fit the cellular (division drives growth) or the organismal perspective (division merely accompanies growth). Here we present a broader, integrated concept of plant growth regulatory interactions, which accommodates experimental results gathered to date. This model can serve as a basis for future research, and prompts experimental approaches to encompass both measurements of cell growth and division parameters.  相似文献   

How does tmRNA move through the ribosome?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To test the structure of tmRNA in solution, cross-linking experiments were performed which showed two sets of cross-links in two different domains of tmRNA. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to search for tmRNA nucleotide bases that might form a functional analogue of a codon-anticodon duplex to be recognized by the ribosomal A-site. We demonstrate that nucleotide residues U85 and A86 from tmRNA are significant for tmRNA function and propose that they are involved in formation of a tmRNA element playing a central role in A-site recognition. These data are discussed in the frame of a hypothetical model that suggests a general scheme for the interaction of tmRNA with the ribosome and explains how it moves through the ribosome.  相似文献   

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