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Abstract: An aqueous extract derived from selected intraocular tissues of 15-day chick embryos contains a soluble macromolecular agent which is capable of ensuring the survival of 8-day chick embryonic ciliary ganglionic neurons in monolayer culture. When this ciliary neuronotrophic factor (CNTF) was concentrated using ultrafiltration and subjected to Sephadex G100 and G200 chromatography, activity was detected in most of the eluted fractions. A peak of the most active fractions was eluted in a region corresponding to a molecular weight of 35–40 ± 103 and contained about 20-30% of the applied protein. CNTF activity bound readily to DE-52 cellulose resin at neutral pH and was eluted with NaCl in a narrow region containing about 20-40% of the applied protein. Gel electrophoretic staining profiles of the active DE52 fraction indicated considerable (but still only partial) simplification in protein composition. While significant CNTF activity losses were incurred in response to each of the above treatments, an active material could be conveniently generated in one working day in milligram amounts having a specific activity of 60,000 trophic units/mg protein. This trophic activity is in the same range as that of the only other known neuronotrophic factor, Nerve Growth Factor.  相似文献   

Various experimental approaches have been used in mouse to induce muscle injury with the aim to study muscle regeneration, including myotoxin injections (bupivacaine, cardiotoxin or notexin), muscle transplantations (denervation-devascularization induced regeneration), intensive exercise, but also murine muscular dystrophy models such as the mdx mouse (for a review of these approaches see 1). In zebrafish, genetic approaches include mutants that exhibit muscular dystrophy phenotypes (such as runzel2 or sapje3) and antisense oligonucleotide morpholinos that block the expression of dystrophy-associated genes4. Besides, chemical approaches are also possible, e.g. with Galanthamine, a chemical compound inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, thereby resulting in hypercontraction, which eventually leads to muscular dystrophy5. However, genetic and pharmacological approaches generally affect all muscles within an individual, whereas the extent of physically inflicted injuries are more easily controlled spatially and temporally1. Localized physical injury allows the assessment of contralateral muscle as an internal control. Indeed, we recently used laser-mediated cell ablation to study skeletal muscle regeneration in the zebrafish embryo6, while another group recently reported the use of a two-photon laser (822 nm) to damage very locally the plasma membrane of individual embryonic zebrafish muscle cells7.Here, we report a method for using the micropoint laser (Andor Technology) for skeletal muscle cell injury in the zebrafish embryo. The micropoint laser is a high energy laser which is suitable for targeted cell ablation at a wavelength of 435 nm. The laser is connected to a microscope (in our setup, an optical microscope from Zeiss) in such a way that the microscope can be used at the same time for focusing the laser light onto the sample and for visualizing the effects of the wounding (brightfield or fluorescence). The parameters for controlling laser pulses include wavelength, intensity, and number of pulses.Due to its transparency and external embryonic development, the zebrafish embryo is highly amenable for both laser-induced injury and for studying the subsequent recovery. Between 1 and 2 days post-fertilization, somitic skeletal muscle cells progressively undergo maturation from anterior to posterior due to the progression of somitogenesis from the trunk to the tail8, 9. At these stages, embryos spontaneously twitch and initiate swimming. The zebrafish has recently been recognized as an important vertebrate model organism for the study of tissue regeneration, as many types of tissues (cardiac, neuronal, vascular etc.) can be regenerated after injury in the adult zebrafish10, 11.  相似文献   

动物受精时,精子主要是将雄原核释放到卵子中,形成的合子中雌、雄原核融合为合子核,但受精卵基因组在前几次有丝分裂过程中不转录,合理的逻辑性推测是其早期发育完全依赖于卵质中储存的RNA和蛋白质,即母源因子.上世纪80年代对无脊椎动物的正向遗传研究发现,母源因子在卵子和胚胎极性的决定、早期胚胎的图式形成等方面发挥了决定性作用.过去10多年来,通过对斑马鱼和小鼠突变体的研究,也证明母源因子在脊椎动物胚胎早期发育中起着重要作用.本文主要综述斑马鱼母源因子在卵母细胞的极性、卵子的激活、早期细胞分裂、母源mRNA的清除、合子基因转录激活以及胚层的形成和分化、体轴的建立等方面的作用,相关知识对于研究人类生育障碍和先天性疾病的发生机制和诊治有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨温度对斑马鱼胚胎发育速度及器官分化的影响。方法将带绿色荧光的转基因斑马鱼胚胎分配至3个培养皿中,各放160个胚胎,分别放置于28.5℃(标准发育温度)、31℃(高温)和25℃(低温)3个不同温度中进行孵育,孵育至3 h、6 h、10 h、24 h和48 h时进行观察拍照,并在36 h、48 h和72 h时用荧光显微镜观察胚胎的心脏和血管,比较不同温度对胚胎发育进程及各器官发育的影响。结果 3种温度下,胚胎存活率分别为92.5%、89.4%和91.25%,没有显著性差异。相同发育时间内,与标准温度中发育的胚胎相比,31℃中的胚胎发育较快,而25℃的胚胎发育所处的时期较早。发育到相同分期,31℃所需时间比标准温度短,而25℃所需时间长。3个不同温度下,胚胎心脏和血管的发育均不受影响。结论高温促进胚胎发育,低温延迟发育,但高温或低温均不影响胚胎器官正常发育。结合实际科研需要,可通过调控温度来调节斑马鱼胚胎的发育进程。  相似文献   

Migration-Directing Liquid Properties of Embryonic Amphibian Tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deep ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm excised from gastrulatingamphibian embryos spontaneously undergo liquid-like movementsin organ culture. Cell populations of these tissues on nonadhesivesubstrata will round up into spheres, spread over one anotherand segregate (sort out) from one another just as immiscibleliquid droplets do. In ordinary liquids, movements like theseare controlled by surface tensions; perhaps surface tensionsalso control the similar movements of liquid-like tissues. Onenecessary condition for tissue surface tension analysis is thatthe tissue must be able (just as ordinary liquids are able)to spontaneously relax internal stretching forces (shear stresses).When cellular aggregates of the germ layers were deformed bygentle compression between parallel glass plates, cells withinthe aggregates were initially stretched. However, the cellssoon returned to their original undistorted shapes. Thus, cellstretching forces were gradually relaxed by cell rearrangements.The in vitro spreading movements of the deep germ layers implythat the surface tension of ectoderm should be greater thanthe surface tension of mesoderm which should be greater thanthe surface tension of endoderm. Quantitative measurements oftissue surface tensions made by parallel plate compression confirmprecisely that relationship. Furthermore, the surface tensionsof these tissues remain constant regardless of the amount ofaggregate flattening—another necessary condition for validsurface tension measurements. These results demonstrate thatamphibian deep germ layers possess fundamental liquid propertieswhich are sufficient to direct their liquid-like rearrangementsin organ culture. Furthermore, I also report that one of theseproperties, surface tension, displays a preliminary correlationwith density of cell surface charge (assessed by electrophoreticmobility) and with the onset of in vivo mesodermal involution.  相似文献   

Mauthner cells (M-cells) are large reticulospinal neurons located in the hindbrain of teleost fish. They are key neurons involved in a characteristic behavior known as the C-start or escape response that occurs when the organism perceives a threat. The M-cell has been extensively studied in adult goldfish where it has been shown to receive a wide range of excitatory, inhibitory and neuromodulatory signals1. We have been examining M-cell activity in embryonic zebrafish in order to study aspects of synaptic development in a vertebrate preparation. In the late 1990s Ali and colleagues developed a preparation for patch clamp recording from M-cells in zebrafish embryos, in which the CNS was largely intact2,3,4. The objective at that time was to record synaptic activity from hindbrain neurons, spinal cord neurons and trunk skeletal muscle while maintaining functional synaptic connections within an intact brain-spinal cord preparation. This preparation is still used in our laboratory today. To examine the mechanisms underlying developmental synaptic plasticity, we record excitatory (AMPA and NMDA-mediated)5,6 and inhibitory (GABA and glycine) synaptic currents from developing M-cells. Importantly, this unique preparation allows us to return to the same cell (M-cell) from preparation to preparation to carefully examine synaptic plasticity and neuro-development in an embryonic organism. The benefits provided by this preparation include 1) intact, functional synaptic connections onto the M-cell, 2) relatively inexpensive preparations, 3) a large supply of readily available embryos 4) the ability to return to the same cell type (i.e. M-cell) in every preparation, so that synaptic development at the level of an individual cell can be examined from fish to fish, and 5) imaging of whole preparations due to the transparent nature of the embryos.  相似文献   

The brain ventricular system is conserved among vertebrates and is composed of a series of interconnected cavities called brain ventricles, which form during the earliest stages of brain development and are maintained throughout the animal''s life. The brain ventricular system is found in vertebrates, and the ventricles develop after neural tube formation, when the central lumen fills with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 1,2. CSF is a protein rich fluid that is essential for normal brain development and function3-6.In zebrafish, brain ventricle inflation begins at approximately 18 hr post fertilization (hpf), after the neural tube is closed. Multiple processes are associated with brain ventricle formation, including formation of a neuroepithelium, tight junction formation that regulates permeability and CSF production. We showed that the Na,K-ATPase is required for brain ventricle inflation, impacting all these processes 7,8, while claudin 5a is necessary for tight junction formation 9. Additionally, we showed that "relaxation" of the embryonic neuroepithelium, via inhibition of myosin, is associated with brain ventricle inflation.To investigate the regulation of permeability during zebrafish brain ventricle inflation, we developed a ventricular dye retention assay. This method uses brain ventricle injection in a living zebrafish embryo, a technique previously developed in our lab10, to fluorescently label the cerebrospinal fluid. Embryos are then imaged over time as the fluorescent dye moves through the brain ventricles and neuroepithelium. The distance the dye front moves away from the basal (non-luminal) side of the neuroepithelium over time is quantified and is a measure of neuroepithelial permeability (Figure 1). We observe that dyes 70 kDa and smaller will move through the neuroepithelium and can be detected outside the embryonic zebrafish brain at 24 hpf (Figure 2).This dye retention assay can be used to analyze neuroepithelial permeability in a variety of different genetic backgrounds, at different times during development, and after environmental perturbations. It may also be useful in examining pathological accumulation of CSF. Overall, this technique allows investigators to analyze the role and regulation of permeability during development and disease.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones are required for vertebrate development, and disruption of the thyroid system in developing embryos can result in a large range of morphologic and physiologic changes, including in the eye and retina. In this study, our anatomic analyses following low‐dose, chronic thyroid inhibition reveal that both methimazole (MMI) exposure and rearing temperature affect eye development in a time‐ and temperature‐dependent fashion. Maximal sensitivity to MMI for external eye development occurred at 65 hr postfertilization (hpf) for zebrafish reared at 28°C, and at 69 hpf for those reared at 31°C. Changes in eye diameter corresponded to changes in thickness of two inner retinal layers: the ganglion cell layer and the inner plexiform layer, with irreversible MMI‐induced decreases in layer thickness observed in larvae treated with MMI until 66 hpf at 28°C. We infer that maximal sensitivity to MMI between 65 and 66 hpf at 28°C indicates a critical period of thyroid‐dependent eye and retinal development. Furthermore, our results support previous work that shows spontaneous escape from MMI‐induced effects potentially due to embryonic compensatory actions, as our data show that embryos treated beyond the critical period generally resemble controls  相似文献   

为了解斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中FGF3基因的时空性表达情况,并探讨其对胚胎发育的调控作用,该研究分别提取2,4,8,12,24,36,48,72hpf斑马鱼胚胎的总RNA,经逆转录成cDNA,实时荧光定量PcR检测FGF3基因mRNA表达量;扩增FGF3基因特异片段,构建pGEM-T/FGF3基因片段重组质粒,经克隆及测序验证后,合成地高辛标记的反义RNA探针,以整体原位杂交法检测斑马鱼胚胎FGF3基因的空间性表达。结果显示:FGF3P基因在2hp胚胎就有表达,并持续至胚胎孵化,12hpf胚胎FGF3表达量达到高峰(P〈0.01);胚胎发育过程中心表达部位以头、尾、咽弓为主。由此得出结论,FGF3主要在胚胎发育早期表达,其表达可能与胚胎脑、眼、耳、咽弓及尾部器官的发育调控有关。  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate Proteoglycans (HSPG) are ubiquitous molecules with indispensable functions in various biological processes. Glypicans are a family of HSPG’s, characterized by a Gpi-anchor which directs them to the cell surface and/or extracellular matrix where they regulate growth factor signaling during development and disease. We report the identification and expression pattern of glypican genes from zebrafish. The zebrafish genome contains 10 glypican homologs, as opposed to six in mammals, which are highly conserved and are phylogenetically related to the mammalian genes. Some of the fish glypicans like Gpc1a, Gpc3, Gpc4, Gpc6a and Gpc6b show conserved synteny with their mammalian cognate genes. Many glypicans are expressed during the gastrulation stage, but their expression becomes more tissue specific and defined during somitogenesis stages, particularly in the developing central nervous system. Existence of multiple glypican orthologs in fish with diverse expression pattern suggests highly specialized and/or redundant function of these genes during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Temperature affects almost all aspects of the fish life. To cope with low temperature, fish have evolved the ability of cold acclimation for survival. However, intracellular signaling events underlying cold acclimation in fish remain largely unknown. Here, the formation of cold acclimation in zebrafish embryonic fibroblasts (ZF4) is monitored and the phosphorylation events during the process are investigated through a large‐scale quantitative phosphoproteomic approach. In total, 11 474 phosphorylation sites are identified on 4066 proteins and quantified 5772 phosphosites on 2519 proteins. Serine, threonine, and tyrosine (Ser/Thr/Tyr) phosphorylation accounted for 85.5%, 13.3%, and 1.2% of total phosphosites, respectively. Among all phosphosites, 702 phosphosites on 510 proteins show differential regulation during cold acclimation of ZF4 cells. These phosphosites are divided into six clusters according to their dynamic changes during cold exposure. Kinase–substrate prediction reveals that mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) among the kinase groups is predominantly responsible for phosphorylation of these phosphosites. The differentially regulated phosphoproteins are functionally associated with various cellular processes such as regulation of actin cytoskeleton and MAPK signaling pathway. These data enrich the database of protein phosphorylation sites in zebrafish and provide key clues for the elucidation of intracellular signaling networks during cold acclimation of fish.  相似文献   

In this video, we demonstrate the method our lab has developed to analyze the cell shape changes and rearrangements required to bend and fold the developing zebrafish brain (Gutzman et al, 2008). Such analysis affords a new understanding of the underlying cell biology required for development of the 3D structure of the vertebrate brain, and significantly increases our ability to study neural tube morphogenesis. The embryonic zebrafish brain is shaped beginning at 18 hours post fertilization (hpf) as the ventricles within the neuroepithelium inflate. By 24 hpf, the initial steps of neural tube morphogenesis are complete. Using the method described here, embryos at the one cell stage are injected with mRNA encoding membrane-targeted green fluorescent protein (memGFP). After injection and incubation, the embryo, now between 18 and 24 hpf, is mounted, inverted, in agarose and imaged by confocal microscopy. Notably, the zebrafish embryo is transparent making it an ideal system for fluorescent imaging. While our analyses have focused on the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and the hindbrain, this method could be extended for analysis of any region in the zebrafish to a depth of 80-100 μm.Open in a separate windowClick here to view.(44M, flv)  相似文献   

The zebrafish has proven to be a valuable model system for exploring skeletal muscle function and for studying human muscle diseases. Despite the many advantages offered by in vivo analysis of skeletal muscle in the zebrafish, visualizing the complex and finely structured protein milieu responsible for muscle function, especially in whole embryos, can be problematic. This hindrance stems from the small size of zebrafish skeletal muscle (60 μm) and the even smaller size of the sarcomere. Here we describe and demonstrate a simple and rapid method for isolating skeletal myofibers from zebrafish embryos and larvae. We also include protocols that illustrate post preparation techniques useful for analyzing muscle structure and function. Specifically, we detail the subsequent immunocytochemical localization of skeletal muscle proteins and the qualitative analysis of stimulated calcium release via live cell calcium imaging. Overall, this video article provides a straight-forward and efficient method for the isolation and characterization of zebrafish skeletal myofibers, a technique which provides a conduit for myriad subsequent studies of muscle structure and function.  相似文献   

c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is one of the mitogen-activated protein kinases. Previous studies showed that the JNK is involved in signaling pathways initiating cell cycle, and eventually, causing apoptosis through persistent activation in mammals. In this article, it is further revealed that the jnk1 gene is closely related with the embryonic development and organogenesis in zebrafish. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis show that there were distinct expression patterns of JNK at the different developmental stages as well as in the various tissues in zebrafish. Knockdown of jnk1 by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in high lethal, serious retardation and malformations of embryos in zebrafish. SP600125, a JNK-specific inhibitor, gives rise to high mortality in zebrafish, similar to that caused by the jnk1 RNA interference. SP600125 is also responsible for the severe abnormality of organs, especially the skeletal system, such as skull, mandible deficiency, and cyrtosis heterauxesis. The results also indicate that the inhibition of JNK by SP600125 suppresses the ovarian differentiation during the embryo development in zebrafish. Overall, our study demonstrates that the jnk1 gene is required for ovary differentiation and development in the zebrafish, and down-regulated JNK directly inhibits ovary differentiation during early ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   

斑马鱼已成为研究脊椎动物胚胎发育的理想模式生物,它具有体外受精、发育周期快、胚体透明等优点,此外其胚胎发育过程中的信号通路与哺乳动物有很高的同源性。该文阐述了斑马鱼早期内胚层发育的过程及其分子调控机制。  相似文献   

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