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The unpredictability of the occurrence of epileptic seizures makes it difficult to detect and treat this condition effectively. An automatic system that characterizes epileptic activities in EEG signals would allow patients or the people near them to take appropriate precautions, would allow clinicians to better manage the condition, and could provide more insight into these phenomena thereby revealing important clinical information. Various methods have been proposed to detect epileptic activity in EEG recordings. Because of the nonlinear and dynamic nature of EEG signals, the use of nonlinear Higher Order Spectra (HOS) features is a seemingly promising approach. This paper presents the methodology employed to extract HOS features (specifically, cumulants) from normal, interictal, and epileptic EEG segments and to use significant features in classifiers for the detection of these three classes. In this work, 300 sets of EEG data belonging to the three classes were used for feature extraction and classifier development and evaluation. The results show that the HOS based measures have unique ranges for the different classes with high confidence level (p-value < 0.0001). On evaluating several classifiers with the significant features, it was observed that the Support Vector Machine (SVM) presented a high detection accuracy of 98.5% thereby establishing the possibility of effective EEG segment classification using the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Several new methods of malaria diagnosis have recently been developed, but these all rely on clinical suspicion and, consequently, an explicit clinical request. Although some methods lend themselves to automation (eg. PCR), no technique can yet be used for routine clinical automated screening. Detection of birefringent haemozoin has been used to diagnose malaria since the turn of the 20th century. A new generation of full blood count analysers, used widely in clinical laboratories, have the potential to detect haemozoin in white blood cells and probably erythrocytes. Thomas H?nscheid, Emilia Valadas and Martin Grobusch here describe this novel technique for malaria diagnosis and discuss its potential applications.  相似文献   

Electroencephalogram shortly termed as EEG is considered as the fundamental segment for the assessment of the neural activities in the brain. In cognitive neuroscience domain, EEG-based assessment method is found to be superior due to its non-invasive ability to detect deep brain structure while exhibiting superior spatial resolutions. Especially for studying the neurodynamic behavior of epileptic seizures, EEG recordings reflect the neuronal activity of the brain and thus provide required clinical diagnostic information for the neurologist. This specific proposed study makes use of wavelet packet based log and norm entropies with a recurrent Elman neural network (REN) for the automated detection of epileptic seizures. Three conditions, normal, pre-ictal and epileptic EEG recordings were considered for the proposed study. An adaptive Weiner filter was initially applied to remove the power line noise of 50 Hz from raw EEG recordings. Raw EEGs were segmented into 1 s patterns to ensure stationarity of the signal. Then wavelet packet using Haar wavelet with a five level decomposition was introduced and two entropies, log and norm were estimated and were applied to REN classifier to perform binary classification. The non-linear Wilcoxon statistical test was applied to observe the variation in the features under these conditions. The effect of log energy entropy (without wavelets) was also studied. It was found from the simulation results that the wavelet packet log entropy with REN classifier yielded a classification accuracy of 99.70 % for normal-pre-ictal, 99.70 % for normal-epileptic and 99.85 % for pre-ictal-epileptic.  相似文献   

Electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis remains problematic due to limited understanding of the signal origin, which leads to the difficulty of designing evaluation methods. In spite of these shortcomings, the EEG is a valuable tool in the evaluation of some neurological disorders as well as in the evaluation of overall cerebral activity. In most studies, which use quantitative EEG analysis, the properties of measured EEG are computed by applying power spectral density (PSD) estimation for selected representative EEG samples. The sample for which the PSD is calculated is assumed to be stationary. This work deals with a comparative study of the PSD obtained from normal, epileptic and alcoholic EEG signals. The power density spectra were calculated using fast Fourier transform (FFT) by Welch's method, auto regressive (AR) method by Yule–Walker and Burg's method. The results are tabulated for these different classes of EEG signals.  相似文献   

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder in which patients suffer from recurring seizures, affects approximately 1% of the world population. In spite of available drug and surgical treatment options, more than 25% of individuals with epilepsy have seizures that are uncontrollable. For these patients with intractable epilepsy, the unpredictability of seizure occurrence underlies an enhanced risk of sudden unexpected death or morbidity. A system that could warn the patient of the impending event or trigger an antiepileptic device would dramatically increase the quality of life for those patients. Here, we proposed a patient-specific algorithm for possible seizure warning using machine learning classification of 34 algorithmic features derived from EEG–ECG recordings. We evaluated our algorithm on unselected and continuous recordings of 12 patients (total of 108 seizures and 3178-h). Good out-of-sample performances were observed around 25% of the patients with an average preictal period around 30 min and independently of the EEG type (scalp or intracranial). Inspection of the most discriminative EEG–ECG features revealed that good classification rates reflected specific physiological precursors, particularly related to certain stages of sleep. From these observations, we conclude that our algorithmic strategy enables a quantitative way to identify “pro-ictal” states with a high risk of seizure generation.  相似文献   

The methods of automatic evaluation of epileptic EEG are reviewed. The aims of the computer analysis of seizure activity and different approaches to this problem are presented.  相似文献   

The computer-aided detection of artefacts became an essential task with increasing automation of quantitative electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis during anaesthesiological applications. The different algorithms published so far required individual manual adjustment or have been based on limited decision criteria. In this study, we developed an artificial neural networks-(ANN-)aided method for automated detection of artefacts and EEG suppression periods. 72 hr EEG recorded before, during and after anaesthesia with propofol have been evaluated. Selected parameterized patterns of 0.25 s length were used to train the ANN (22 input, 8 hidden and 4 output neurons) with error back propagation. The detection performance of the ANN-aided method was tested with processing epochs between 1 to10 s. Related to examiner EEG evaluation, the average detection performance of the method was 72% sensitivity and 80% specificity for artefacts and 90% sensitivity and 92% specificity for EEG suppression. The improvement in signal-to-noise ratio with automated artefact processing was 1.39 times for the spectral edge frequency 95 (SEF95) and 1.89 times for the approximate entropy (ApEn). We conclude that ANN-aided preprocessing provide an useful tool for automated EEG evaluation in anaesthesiological applications.  相似文献   

Driver fatigue is increasingly a contributing factor for traffic accidents, so an effective method to automatically detect driver fatigue is urgently needed. In this study, in order to catch the main characteristics of the EEG signals, four types of entropies (based on the EEG signal of a single channel) were calculated as the feature sets, including sample entropy, fuzzy entropy, approximate entropy and spectral entropy. All feature sets were used as the input of a gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT), a fast and highly accurate boosting ensemble method. The output of GBDT determined whether a driver was in a fatigue state or not based on their EEG signals. Three state-of-the-art classifiers, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine and neural network were also employed. To assess our method, several experiments including parameter setting and classification performance comparison were performed on 22 subjects. The results indicated that it is possible to use only one EEG channel to detect a driver fatigue state. The average highest recognition rate in this work was up to 94.0%, which could meet the needs of daily applications. Our GBDT-based method may assist in the detection of driver fatigue.  相似文献   



Epilepsy is a neurological disease characterized by unprovoked seizures in the brain. The recent advances in sensor technologies allow researchers to analyze the collected biological records to improve the treatment of epilepsy. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most commonly used biological measurement to effectively capture the abnormalities of different brain areas during the EEG seizures. To avoid manual visual inspection from long-term EEG readings, automatic epileptic EEG seizure detection has become an important research issue in bioinformatics.


We present a multi-context learning approach to automatically detect EEG seizures by incorporating a feature fusion strategy. We generate EEG scalogram sequences from the EEG records by utilizing waveform transform to describe the frequency content over time. We propose a multi-stage unsupervised model that integrates the features extracted from the global handcrafted engineering, channel-wise deep learning, and EEG embeddings, respectively. The learned multi-context features are subsequently merged to train a seizure detector.


To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, extensive experiments against several baseline methods are carried out on two benchmark biological datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the representative context features from multiple perspectives can be learned by the proposed model, and further improve the performance for the task of EEG seizure detection.

Schizophrenia (SZ) is a mental disorder, which affects the ability of human thinking, memory, and way of living. Manual screening of SZ patients is tedious, laborious and prone to human errors. Hence, we developed a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to diagnose SZ patients accurately using single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The EEG signals are nonlinear and non-stationary. Hence, we have used wavelet-based features to capture the hidden non-stationary nature present in the signal. First, the EEG signals are subjected to the the wavelet decomposition through six iterations, which yields seven sub-bands. The l1 norm is computed for each sub-band. The extracted norm features are disseminated to various classification algorithms. We have obtained the highest accuracy of 99.21% and 97.2% using K-nearest neighbor classifiers with ten-fold and leave-one-subject-out cross-validations. The developed single-channel EEG wavelet-based CAD model can help the clinicians to confirm the outcome of their manual screening and obtain an accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

In diagnosis of brain death for human organ transplant, EEG (electroencephalogram) must be flat to conclude the patient’s brain death but it has been reported that the flat EEG test is sometimes difficult due to artifacts such as the contamination from the power supply and ECG (electrocardiogram, the signal from the heartbeat). ICA (independent component analysis) is an effective signal processing method that can separate such artifacts from the EEG signals. Applying ICA to EEG channels, we obtain several separated components among which some correspond to the brain activities while others contain artifacts. This paper aims at automatic selection of the separated components based on time series analysis. In the flat EEG test in brain death diagnosis, such automatic component selection is helpful.  相似文献   

Summary The marriage rate of epileptic patients was 62% in males und 78% in females. Compared with the rates in the general population, the male patients had a 15% lower rate, but there was no difference in females. There were 263 patients with at least one offspring selected for the study. There were 243 sons and 272 daughters (506 total, 1.9 per patient). Distribution by types of seizure was awakening grand mal, absence or myoclonic petit mal in 24%, grand mal with no aura in 21%, grand mal during sleep in 23%, diffuse grand mal in 7%, grand mal with aura in 13%, psychomotor seizure in 9%, and focal seizure in 3%. The probands were composed of 79% idiopathic and 21% symptomatic in pathogenetic classification. An epileptic EEG abnormality was demonstrated in 22% of male and 44% of female probands.The incidence of seizures among offspring was 2.4% (4.2% age-corrected) in a narrow sense (epilepsy) and 9.1% in a broad sense including febrile convulsions. The latter morbidity was 11.0% for the idiopathic and 3.2% for the symptomatic group; 11.0% for female and 6.9% for male probands; 10.2% for sons and 8.1% for daughters. The figure was higher for the probands with the age range at onset of seizure of 0–4 years (20.6%) and 20–29 years (12.6%) than for those with other age ranges; higher for those with awakening grand mal, absence, myoclonic petit mal, or grand mal with no aura than for those with other types of seizure; and higher for those with family history of epilepsy than those without it.Possible correlation of types of seizure between probands and offspring was demonstrated. Thirty-seven percent of offspring exhibited epileptic EEG abnormalities, and the ratio of epileptic EEG abnormalities to clinical manifestation is about 4:1.Possible existence of familial aggregation of EEG abnormalities and of two kinds of families with large or small epileptic predisposition was indicated.The importance of the role of hereditary and environmental factors in epileptic pathogenesis is proved, and the results of an investigation of congenital malformation among offspring of epileptic mothers are presented. These results were considered to be useful for genetic counseling of epileptic patients.  相似文献   

The aims and merits of the syntactical decomposition of the epileptic EEG are discussed in some detail. General assumptions in the design of segmenting algorithm - an essential part of the reduction of data program - are considered and a working example of segmenting routine os presented. This routine is designed as a finite state automaton, equivalent to a formal regular grammar. The performance of the routine on two sets of experimental data is presented and its intrinsic stability is shown in terms of cluster analysis of the segments produced. Means of extension of the proposed scheme to other cases of potential interest as well as possible applications in the higher level syntactical analysis are pointed out.  相似文献   

Electroencephalography (EEG) signals collected from human brains have generally been used to diagnose diseases. Moreover, EEG signals can be used in several areas such as emotion recognition, driving fatigue detection. This work presents a new emotion recognition model by using EEG signals. The primary aim of this model is to present a highly accurate emotion recognition framework by using both a hand-crafted feature generation and a deep classifier. The presented framework uses a multilevel fused feature generation network. This network has three primary phases, which are tunable Q-factor wavelet transform (TQWT), statistical feature generation, and nonlinear textural feature generation phases. TQWT is applied to the EEG data for decomposing signals into different sub-bands and create a multilevel feature generation network. In the nonlinear feature generation, an S-box of the LED block cipher is utilized to create a pattern, which is named as Led-Pattern. Moreover, statistical feature extraction is processed using the widely used statistical moments. The proposed LED pattern and statistical feature extraction functions are applied to 18 TQWT sub-bands and an original EEG signal. Therefore, the proposed hand-crafted learning model is named LEDPatNet19. To select the most informative features, ReliefF and iterative Chi2 (RFIChi2) feature selector is deployed. The proposed model has been developed on the two EEG emotion datasets, which are GAMEEMO and DREAMER datasets. Our proposed hand-crafted learning network achieved 94.58%, 92.86%, and 94.44% classification accuracies for arousal, dominance, and valance cases of the DREAMER dataset. Furthermore, the best classification accuracy of the proposed model for the GAMEEMO dataset is equal to 99.29%. These results clearly illustrate the success of the proposed LEDPatNet19.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder that is characterized by the recurrence of seizures. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are widely used to diagnose seizures. Because of the non-linear and dynamic nature of the EEG signals, it is difficult to effectively decipher the subtle changes in these signals by visual inspection and by using linear techniques. Therefore, non-linear methods are being researched to analyze the EEG signals. In this work, we use the recorded EEG signals in Recurrence Plots (RP), and extract Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) parameters from the RP in order to classify the EEG signals into normal, ictal, and interictal classes. Recurrence Plot (RP) is a graph that shows all the times at which a state of the dynamical system recurs. Studies have reported significantly different RQA parameters for the three classes. However, more studies are needed to develop classifiers that use these promising features and present good classification accuracy in differentiating the three types of EEG segments. Therefore, in this work, we have used ten RQA parameters to quantify the important features in the EEG signals.These features were fed to seven different classifiers: Support vector machine (SVM), Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Fuzzy Sugeno Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), Decision Tree (DT), and Radial Basis Probabilistic Neural Network (RBPNN). Our results show that the SVM classifier was able to identify the EEG class with an average efficiency of 95.6%, sensitivity and specificity of 98.9% and 97.8%, respectively.  相似文献   

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