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Complexes of D-type cyclins and cdk4 or 6 are thought to govern progression through the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. In DROSOPHILA:, single genes for Cyclin D and Cdk4 have been identified, simplifying genetic analysis. Here, we show that DROSOPHILA: Cdk4 interacts with Cyclin D and the Rb homolog RBF as expected, but is not absolutely essential. Flies homozygous for null mutations develop to the adult stage and are fertile, although only to a very limited degree. Overexpression of inactive mutant Cdk4, which is able to bind Cyclin D, does not enhance the Cdk4 mutant phenotype, confirming the absence of additional Cyclin D-dependent cdks. Our results indicate, therefore, that progression into and through the cell cycle can occur in the absence of Cdk4. However, the growth of cells and of the organism is reduced in Cdk4 mutants, indicating a role of D-type cyclin-dependent protein kinases in the modulation of growth rates.  相似文献   

Salz HK  Mancebo RS  Nagengast AA  Speck O  Psotka M  Mount SM 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2059-2065
The conserved spliceosomal U1-70K protein is thought to play a key role in RNA splicing by linking the U1 snRNP particle to regulatory RNA-binding proteins. Although these protein interactions are mediated by repeating units rich in arginines and serines (RS domains) in vitro, tests of this domain's importance in intact multicellular organisms have not been carried out. Here we report a comprehensive genetic analysis of U1-70K function in Drosophila. Consistent with the idea that U1-70K is an essential splicing factor, we find that loss of U1-70K function results in lethality during embryogenesis. Surprisingly, and contrary to the current view of U1-70K function, animals carrying a mutant U1-70K protein lacking the arginine-rich domain, which includes two embedded sets of RS dipeptide repeats, have no discernible mutant phenotype. Through double-mutant studies, however, we show that the U1-70K RS domain deletion no longer supports viability when combined with a viable mutation in another U1 snRNP component. Together our studies demonstrate that while the protein interactions mediated by the U1-70K RS domain are not essential for viability, they nevertheless contribute to an essential U1 snRNP function.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Chen RH 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(17):1764-1769
The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes have achieved bipolar attachment to the spindle microtubules. Unattached kinetochores activate the spindle checkpoint by recruiting several spindle-checkpoint proteins, including Mps1, Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, Bub3, and BubR1 (Mad3 in yeast). In vertebrate cells, active MAP kinase (MAPK) is also enriched at unattached kinetochores and is required for the spindle checkpoint. It has been shown that the kinase activity of Mps1 is required for the spindle checkpoint and for kinetochore localization of Bub1, Bub3, Mad1, and Mad2 . We herein demonstrate that MAPK phosphorylates Mps1 at S844 in Xenopus egg extracts. Interestingly, changing S844 to unphosphorylatable alanine (S844A) has no effect on the kinase activity of Mps1, although it abolishes the checkpoint function of Mps1. Biochemical and immunofluorescence studies show that S844A mutation perturbs kinetochore localization of Mps1 and other spindle-checkpoint proteins, whereas the phosphorylation-mimicking S844D mutant restores their functions. Our studies suggest that Mps1 phosphorylation by MAPK at S844 might create a phosphoepitope that allows Mps1 to interact with kinetochores. In addition, our results indicate that active Mps1 must localize to kinetochores in order to execute its checkpoint function.  相似文献   

In response to inflammation stimuli, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induces expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in endothelial cells (ECs). Studies have suggested that the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and the p38 MAP kinase (p38) signaling pathways play central roles in this process, but conflicting results have been reported. The objective of this study is to determine the relative contributions of the two pathways to the effect of TNF-alpha. Our initial data indicated that blockade of p38 activity by chemical inhibitor SB203580 (SB) at 10 microM moderately inhibited TNF-alpha-induced expression of three types of CAMs; ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin, indicating that p38 may be involved in the process. However, subsequent analysis revealed that neither 1 microM SB that could completely inhibit p38 nor specific knockdown of p38alpha and p38beta with small interference RNA (siRNA) had an apparent effect, indicating that p38 activity is not essential for TNF-alpha-induced CAMs. The most definitive evidence to support this conclusion was from the experiments using cells differentiated from p38alpha knockout embryonic stem cells. We could show that deletion of p38alpha gene did not affect TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression when compared with wild-type cells. We further demonstrated that inhibition of NF-kappaB completely blocked TNF-alpha-induced expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin. Taken together, our results clearly demonstrate that NF-kappaB, but not p38, is critical for TNF-alpha-induced CAM expression. The inhibition of SB at 10 microM on TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin is likely due to the nonspecific effect of SB.  相似文献   

Both in Drosophila and vertebrate epithelial cells, the establishment of apicobasal polarity requires the apically localized, membrane-associated Par-3-Par-6-aPKC protein complex. In Drosophila, this complex colocalizes with the Crumbs-Stardust (Sdt)-Pals1-associated TJ protein (Patj) complex. Genetic and molecular analyses suggest a functional relationship between them. We show, by overexpression of a kinase-dead Drosophila atypical PKC (DaPKC), the requirement for the kinase activity of DaPKC to maintain the position of apical determinants and to restrict the localization of basolateral ones. We demonstrate a novel physical interaction between the apical complexes, via direct binding of DaPKC to both Crb and Patj, and identify Crumbs as a phosphorylation target of DaPKC. This phosphorylation of Crumbs is functionally significant. Thus, a nonphosphorylatable Crumbs protein behaves in vivo as a dominant negative. Moreover, the phenotypic effect of overexpressing wild-type Crumbs is suppressed by reducing DaPKC activity. These results provide a mechanistic framework for the functional interaction between the Par-3-Par-6-aPKC and Crumbs-Sdt-Patj complexes based in the posttranslational modification of Crb by DaPKC.  相似文献   

During asymmetric cell division in Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells, the Numb protein localizes asymmetrically and segregates into one daughter cell, where it influences cell fate by repressing signal transduction via the Notch receptor. We show here that Numb acts by polarizing the distribution of alpha-Adaptin, a protein involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis. alpha-Adaptin binds to Numb and localizes asymmetrically in a Numb-dependent fashion. Mutant forms of alpha-Adaptin that no longer bind to Numb fail to localize asymmetrically and cause numb-like defects in asymmetric cell division. Our results suggest a model in which Numb influences cell fate by downregulating Notch through polarized receptor-mediated endocytosis, since Numb also binds to the intracellular domain of Notch.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced down-regulation controls the signaling potency of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB1). Overexpression studies have identified Cbl-mediated ubiquitinylation of EGFR as a mechanism of ligand-induced EGFR down-regulation. However, the role of endogenous Cbl in EGFR down-regulation and the precise step in the endocytic pathway regulated by Cbl remain unclear. Using Cbl-/- mouse embryonic fibroblast cell lines, we demonstrate that endogenous Cbl is essential for ligand-induced ubiquitinylation and efficient degradation of EGFR. Further analyses using Chinese hamster ovary cells with a temperature-sensitive defect in ubiquitinylation confirm a crucial role of the ubiquitin machinery in Cbl-mediated EGFR degradation. However, internalization into early endosomes did not require Cbl function or an intact ubiquitin pathway. Confocal immunolocalization studies indicated that Cbl-dependent ubiquitinylation plays a critical role at the early endosome to late endosome/lysosome sorting step of EGFR down-regulation. These findings establish Cbl as the major endogenous ubiquitin ligase responsible for EGFR degradation, and show that the critical role of Cbl-mediated ubiquitinylation is at the level of endosomal sorting, rather than at the level of internalization.  相似文献   

We have isolated lethal mutations in the Drosophila lkb1 gene (dlkb1), the homolog of C. elegans par-4 and human LKB1 (STK11), which is mutated in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. We show that these mutations disrupt spindle formation, resulting in frequent polyploid cells in larval brains. In addition, dlkb1 mutations affect asymmetric division of larval neuroblasts (NBs); they suppress unequal cytokinesis, abrogate proper localization of Bazooka, Par-6, DaPKC and Miranda, but affect neither Pins/Galphai localization nor spindle rotation. Most aspects of the dlkb1 phenotype are exacerbated in dlkb1 pins double mutants, which exhibit more severe defects than those observed in either single mutant. This suggests that Dlkb1 and Pins act in partially redundant pathways to control the asymmetry of NB divisions. Our results also indicate that Dlkb1 and Pins function in parallel pathways controlling the stability of spindle microtubules. The finding that Dlkb1 mediates both the geometry of stem cell division and chromosome segregation provides novel insight into the mechanisms underlying tumor formation in Peutz-Jeghers patients.  相似文献   

Given the central role of cell division in meristems, one might expect meristem growth to be regulated by mitotic checkpoints, including checkpoints for correct microtubule function. Here, we studied the role of two close Phosducin-Like Protein 3 homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana (PLP3a and PLP3b) in the microtubule assembly pathway and determined the consequences of inhibiting PLP3a and PLP3b expression in the meristem. PLP3 function is essential in Arabidopsis: impairing PLP3a and PLP3b expression disrupted microtubule arrays and caused polyploidy, aneuploidy, defective cytokinesis, and disoriented cell growth. Consistent with a role in microtubule formation, PLP3a interacted with beta-tubulin in the yeast two-hybrid assay and, when overexpressed, increased resistance to drugs that inhibit tubulin polymerization. Inhibition of PLP3 function targeted to the meristem caused severe mitotic defects, but the cells carried on cycling through DNA replication and abortive cytokinesis. Thus, we showed that PLP3 is involved in microtubule formation in Arabidopsis and provided genetic evidence that cell viability and growth in the meristem are not subordinate to successful completion of microtubule-dependent steps of cell division.  相似文献   

Among expressed sequence tag libraries of Mycosphaerella graminicola isolate IPO323, we identified a full-length cDNA clone with high homology to the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase Slt2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This MAP kinase consists of a 1242-bp open reading frame, and encodes a 414-amino-acid protein. We designated this homolog MgSlt2, generated MgSlt2 knockout strains in M. graminicola isolate IPO323, and found several altered phenotypes in vitro as well as in planta. In yeast glucose broth, MgSlt2 disruptants showed a defective polarized growth in the tip cells upon aging, causing substantial local enlargements culminating in large swollen cells containing two to four nuclei. The MgSlt2 disruptants showed a significantly increased sensitivity to several fungicides, including miconazole (2x), bifonazole (>4x), imazalil (5x), and cyproconazole (10x), and were hypersensitive to glucanase. Unlike the wild type, MgSlt2 disruptants did not produce aerial mycelia and did not melanize on potato dextrose agar. Although cytological analysis in planta showed normal penetration of wheat stomata by the germ tubes of the MgSlt2 disruptants, subsequently formed hyphal filaments frequently were unable to branch out and establish invasive growth resulting in highly reduced virulence, and prevented pycnidia formation. Therefore, we conclude that MgSlt2 is a new pathogenicity factor in M. graminicola.  相似文献   

Although the Myc oncogene has long been known to play a role in many human cancers, the mechanisms that mediate its effects in both normal cells and cancer cells are not fully understood. We have initiated a genetic analysis of the Drosophila homolog of the Myc oncoprotein (dMyc), which is encoded by the dm locus. We carried out mosaic analysis to elucidate the functions of dMyc in the germline and somatic cells of the ovary during oogenesis, a process that involves cell proliferation, differentiation and growth. Germline and somatic follicle cells mutant for dm exhibit a profound decrease in their ability to grow and to carry out endoreplication, a modified cell cycle in which DNA replication occurs in the absence of cell division. In contrast to its dramatic effects on growth and endoreplication, dMyc is dispensable for the mitotic division cycles of both germline and somatic components of the ovary. Surprisingly, despite their impaired ability to endoreplicate, dm mutant follicle cells appeared to carry out chorion gene amplification normally. Furthermore, in germline cysts in which the dm mutant cells comprised only a subset of the 16-cell cluster, we observed strictly cell-autonomous growth defects. However, in cases in which the entire germline cyst or the whole follicular epithelium was mutant for dm, the growth of the entire follicle, including the wild-type cells, was delayed. This observation indicates the existence of a signaling mechanism that acts to coordinate the growth rates of the germline and somatic components of the follicle. In summary, dMyc plays an essential role in promoting the rapid growth that must occur in both the germline and the surrounding follicle cells for oogenesis to proceed.  相似文献   

Variations in subunit composition and modification have been proposed to regulate the multiple functions of cytoplasmic dynein. Here, we examine the role of the Drosophila ortholog of tctex-1, the 14-kDa dynein light chain. We show that the 14-kDa light chain is a bona fide component of Drosophila cytoplasmic dynein and use P element excision to generate flies that completely lack this dynein subunit. Remarkably, the null mutant is viable and the only observed defect is complete male sterility. During spermatid differentiation, the 14-kDa light chain is required for the localization of a nuclear "cap" of cytoplasmic dynein and for proper attachment between the sperm nucleus and flagellar basal body. Our results provide evidence that the function of the 14-kDa light chain in Drosophila is distinct from other dynein subunits and is not required for any essential functions in early development or in the adult organism.  相似文献   

The conserved rodA and ftsW genes encode polytopic membrane proteins that are essential for bacterial cell elongation and division, respectively, and each gene is invariably linked with a cognate class B high-molecular-weight penicillin-binding protein (HMW PBP) gene. Filamentous differentiating Streptomyces coelicolor possesses four such gene pairs. Whereas rodA, although not its cognate HMW PBP gene, is essential in these bacteria, mutation of SCO5302 or SCO2607 (sfr) caused no gross changes to growth and septation. In contrast, disruption of either ftsW or the cognate ftsI gene blocked the formation of sporulation septa in aerial hyphae. The inability of spiral polymers of FtsZ to reorganize into rings in aerial hyphae of these mutants indicates an early pivotal role of an FtsW-FtsI complex in cell division. Concerted assembly of the complete divisome was unnecessary for Z-ring stabilization in aerial hyphae as ftsQ mutants were found to be blocked at a later stage in cell division, during septum closure. Complete cross wall formation occurred in vegetative hyphae in all three fts mutants, indicating that the typical bacterial divisome functions specifically during nonessential sporulation septation, providing a unique opportunity to interrogate the function and dependencies of individual components of the divisome in vivo.  相似文献   

A Campylobacter jejuni two-component signal transduction system (TCSTS), designated dccR-dccS (diminished capacity to colonize; Cj1223c-Cj1222c), has been found to be important for in vivo colonization but dispensable for in vitro growth. A DeltadccR response regulator mutant generated using the virulent strain 81-176 background exhibited significantly reduced colonization of immunocompetent limited flora (I-LF) mice, severe combined immunodeficient limited flora (SCID-LF) mice, and 1-day-old chicks. A DeltadccS sensor kinase mutant was likewise defective for colonization in the I-LF mouse model. DeltadccR-infected SCID-LF mice also exhibited dramatically reduced inflammation relative to wild type-infected SCID-LF mice. Despite this diminished colonization capacity, the DeltadccRS mutants were indistinguishable from wild type for growth under numerous in vitro conditions as well as for various phenotypes. Microarray analysis identified several genes encoding putative periplasmic and membrane proteins as being regulated by this two-component system; binding of purified His-tagged DccR to the promoter region of two of these genes supports a direct protein-DNA interaction. A conserved repeat sequence was identified in the promoter regions of these genes and in three other promoter regions in the genome, including that of an operon encoding a putative type I secretion system. Two of the regulated target genes were found to be essential for optimal colonization. Both the two-component system and the putative regulated genes have uncharacterized homologues in other Campylobacter and Helicobacter spp., suggesting that they may perform an important function in colonization among a variety of related pathogenic species.  相似文献   

Internalization of activated receptors from the plasma membrane has been implicated in the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. However, the mechanism whereby membrane trafficking may regulate mitogenic signaling remains unclear. Here we report that dominant-negative dynamin (K44A), an inhibitor of endocytic vesicle formation, abrogates MAP kinase activation in response to epidermal growth factor, lysophosphatidic acid, and protein kinase C-activating phorbol ester. In contrast, dynamin-K44A does not affect the activation of Ras, Raf, and MAP kinase kinase (MEK) by either agonist. Through immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation studies, we find that activated MEK is present both at the plasma membrane and in intracellular vesicles but not in the cytosol. Our findings suggest that dynamin-regulated endocytosis of activated MEK, rather than activated receptors, is a critical event in the MAP kinase activation cascade.  相似文献   

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