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Summary In a further study of the zoosporic fungi of Oceania three new species of Rhizophydium, R. rarotonganensis, R. angulosum, and R. condylosum were isolated on various substrata from soil. Rhizophydium rarotonganensis is a parasite of Nowakowskiella profusa and causes marked local hypertrophy of the rhizomycelium. Rhizophydium angulosum occured on bleached corn leaves and pollen grains and is characterized by predominantly angular sporangia with bush-like, finely branched rhizoids, and small zoospores. It differs from R. subangulosum by its saprophytic nature, inability to infect blue-green and green algae, and its ability to grow in axenic culture on synthetic media. Rhizophydium condylosum is keratinophilic and develops in great abundance on human hair, snake skin and other keratinic substrata. It is characterized primarily by spherical to ovoid sporangia with 1 to 30 exit pepillae which give them a knobby appearance.This study has been supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Plants of the Cerrado have shown some potential for restoration and/or phytoremediation projects due to their ability to grow in and tolerate acidic soils rich in metals. The aim of this study is to evaluate the tolerance and accumulation of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in five native tree species of the Brazilian Cerrado (Copaifera langsdorffii, Eugenia dysenterica, Inga laurina, Cedrela fissilis, Handroanthus impetiginosus) subjected to three experiments with contaminated soils obtained from a zinc processing industry (S1, S2, S3) and control soil (S0). The experimental design was completely randomized (factorial 5 × 4 × 3) and conducted in a greenhouse environment during a 90-day experimentation time. The plant species behavior was assessed by visual symptoms of toxicity, tolerance index (TI), translocation factor (TF), and bioaccumulation factor (BF). C. fissilis has performed as a Zn accumulator by the higher BFs obtained in the experiments, equal to 3.72, 0.88, and 0.41 for S1, S2, and S3 respectively. This species had some ability of uptake control as a defense mechanism in high stress conditions with the best behavior for phytoremediation and high tolerance to contamination. With economical and technical benefits, this study may support a preliminary analysis necessary for using native tree species in environmental projects.  相似文献   

The choice of surrogates of biodiversity is an important aspect in conservation biology. The quantification of the coincidence in the spatial patterns of species richness and rarity between different groups and the vulnerability of groups are different approaches frequently considered to accomplish this task. However, a more appropriate approach is to verify the efficiency of priority networks selected using information from one group of organisms to capture the biodiversity of other groups. Using a deconstructive approach, the main purposes of this study were to evaluate the performance of some orders and families of birds in the Cerrado biome (a savanna-like biome) as surrogates of other bird groups, in a pairwise analysis, and to investigate the characteristics of these groups that predict the efficiency in representation of other groups. We used biogeographical data on bird orders or families with more than 10 species that occur in the Brazilian Cerrado. The best surrogate group was the Thamnophilidae. Moreover, this group is not the most specious, favouring further survey efforts that are necessary to verify the conservation value of areas at suitable scales. The majority of the species from this family are dependent on forest habitats, one of the characteristics that most influenced representativeness level, probably due to the spatial distribution of these habitats throughout the Brazilian Cerrado. Beta diversity patterns of the different groups also affected representativeness, and our analyses showed that the networks selected by a surrogate group will be more effective in the representation of other groups of species if their patterns of beta diversity (not richness) are correlated.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the distribution pattern of bat species and select priority areas for the conservation of the Cerrado based on a systematic planning approach. We estimated species richness and calculated the total beta diversity based on Sørensen’s dissimilarity index (βsor). We estimated the species turnover using Simpson’s dissimilarity index (βsim). We then evaluated the nesting (βsne) by the difference between the dissimilarity indices (βsor and βsim). Based on this analysis, we identified the priority areas for the conservation of bats in the Cerrado based on the zonation approach. We found that the species richness and beta diversity of bats in the Cerrado are concentrated primarily in the central and northern portions of the biome. We also discovered that the conservation units of the Cerrado are ineffective for the protection of species with a restricted distribution (≤ 150 grid cells), such as Vampyrum spectrum, for which we propose the creation of new conservation units that better cover the diversity patterns observed in the present study. By conserving this diversity, we will also be protecting local habitats, which will in turn enable the survival of a wide range of species, and provide the ecosystems with the capacity to respond adequately to future changes in the environment.  相似文献   

The soil seed bank is a dynamic biotic component of plant communities that represents the population’s memory in relation to selective events. Few studies have investigated the natural stock of germinable seeds in the gallery forests to evaluate their regeneration potential, although they are target of anthropogenic action. Thus, seasonal, horizontal, and vertical qualitative and quantitative variations of the seed bank of a gallery forest in the Brazilian Cerrado were studied to test the influence of the climatic seasonality, the influence of the physical structure, and depth of the soil in different microhabitats of the forest in this natural seed store. It was also compared the richness and abundance of species in the germinable seed bank with the above-ground vegetation. Three hundred and seventy-five soil samples were collected at the beginning (April 1998 and 1999) and at the end of the dry season (September 1998). These samples were collected in three microhabitats distributed transversally in relation to drainage line of a large stream, at five depths. The density of germinable seeds decreases with depth, and is similar among microhabitats and seasons. In 24,690 cm3 of soil and 4.05 m2 of litter, 1390 seedlings emerged, being 743 dicotyledons and 647 monocotyledons. From 761 survivors, 263 were Cyperaceae, 206 Melastomataceae, 153 Poaceae, and 82 Onagraceae, the most abundant families. This study suggests that the diversity of the germinable soil seed bank is lower than that of the above-ground vegetation of the forest, and that the soil seed bank is not the principal regeneration form of this environment.  相似文献   



To isolate putative lipase enzymes by screening a Cerrado soil metagenomic library with novel features.


Of 6720 clones evaluated, Clone W (10,000 bp) presented lipolytic activity and four predicted coding sequences, one of them LipW. Characterization of a predicted esterase/lipase, LipW, showed 28% sequence identity with an arylesterase from Pseudomonas fluorescens (pdb|3HEA) from protein database (PDB). Phylogenetic analysis showed LipW clustered with family V lipases; however, LipW was clustered in different subclade belonged to family V, suggesting a different subgroup of family V. In addition, LipW presented a difference in family V GH motif, a glycine replaced by a serine in GH motif. Estimated molecular weight and stokes radius values of LipW were 29,338.67–29,411.98 Da and 2.58–2.83 nm, respectively. Optimal enzyme activity was observed at pH 9.0–9.5 and at 40 °C. Circular dichroism analysis estimated secondary structures percentages as approximately 45% α-helix and 15% β-sheet, consistent with the 3D structure predicted by homology.


Our results demonstrate the isolation of novel family V lipolytic enzyme with biotechnological applications from a metagenomic library.

Five Streptomyces spp. isolated from a Brazilian forest soil showed endochitinase activity in the alkaline range with optima between 40 and 50°C. Three were highly active against three phytopathogenic fungi by in vitro experiments. Preliminary experiments suggested that the isolates may belong to a new taxon.  相似文献   

The composition of nine samples of essential oil of individual plants in fruiting stage of Hyptis suaveolens from Brazilian Cerrado was investigated by GC–MS. Spathulenol, 1,8-cineole and (E)-caryophyllene were the principal constituents. The results were submitted to Principal Component and Chemometric Cluster Analysis which allowed three groups of essential oils to be distinguished with respect to the content of 1,8-cineole/sabinene, β-bourbonene and α-bulnesene. Latitude seems to be the most important environmental factor influencing the oil contents. Pattern of geographic-variation in essential oil composition indicated that sesquiterpenes are mainly produced in the samples grown at lower latitudes and altitudes.  相似文献   

Twenty-two zoosporic fungi were recovered from soil samples collected in Tunisia and in the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. One, Phlyctochytrium chandlerii is described as new. Most of the others are referred, sometimes tentatively, to existing species or genera.  相似文献   

The increased amount of melanin leads to skin disorders such as age spots, freckles, melasma and malignant melanoma. Tyrosinase is known to be the key enzyme in melanin production. Plants and their extracts are inexpensive and rich resources of active compounds that can be utilized to inhibit tyrosinase as well as can be used for the treatment of dermatological disorders associated with melanin hyperpigmentation. Using in vitro tyrosinase inhibitory activity assay, extracts from 13 plant species from Brazilian Cerrado were evaluated. The results showed that Pouteria torta and Eugenia dysenterica extracts presented potent in vitro tyrosinase inhibition compared to positive control kojic acid. Ethanol extract of Eugenia dysenterica leaves showed significant (p<0.05) tyrosinase inhibitory activity exhibiting the IC50 value of 11.88 µg/mL, compared to kojic acid (IC50 value of 13.14 µg/mL). Pouteria torta aqueous extract leaves also showed significant inhibitory activity with IC50 value of 30.01 µg/mL. These results indicate that Pouteria torta and Eugenia dysenterica extracts and their isolated constituents are promising agents for skin-whitening or antimelanogenesis formulations.  相似文献   

Five new Meliola species, collected in the Brazilian Cerrado on five fabaceous hosts, Albizia polyantha, Andira humilis, Eriosema congestrum, Sweetia fruticosa, and Vigna sp. were described, illustrated, and are here designated as Meliola albiziae-polyanthae, M. andirae-humilis, M. eriosemae, M. sweetiae, and M. bodoquensis, respectively.  相似文献   

The side effects and the emerging resistance to the available drugs against leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis led to the urgent need for new therapeutic agents against these diseases. Thirty one extracts of thirteen medicinal plants from the Brazilian Cerrado were therefore evaluated in vitro for their antiprotozoal activity against promastigotes of Leishmania donovani, and amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Among the selected plants, Casearia sylvestris var. lingua was the most active against both L. donovani and T. cruzi. Fifteen extracts were active against promastigotes of L. donovani with concentrations inhibiting 50% of parasite growth (IC50) between 0.1-10 microg/ml, particularly those of Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae), Himatanthus obovatus (Apocynaceae), Guarea kunthiana (Meliaceae), Cupania vernalis (Sapindaceae), and Serjania lethalis (Sapindaceae). With regard to amastigotes of T. cruzi, extracts of A. crassiflora, Duguetia furfuracea (Annonaceae), and C. sylvestris var. lingua were active with IC50 values between 0.3-10 microg/ml. Bioassay fractionations of the more active extracts are under progress to identify the active antiparasite compounds.  相似文献   

A new ascomycete genus placed in family Capnodiaceae found in the Brazilian Cerrado is described and designated Plurispermiopsis, type species P. cerradensis.  相似文献   

Summary Several monocentric chytrid species of the generaPhlyctochytrium,Rhizidium,Chytridium,Chytriomyces andKarlingia were isolated on various substrata from soils of Oceania. Among these are two new species,Phlyctochytrium megastomum andRhizidium endosporangiatum. The former species is characterized chiefly by sporangia with an usually large apical, subapical, or a lateral exit orifice, the persistence of remnants of the pailla wall at the edge of the exit orifice, and by small zoospores. Rhizidium endosporangiatum is characterized at first primarily by predominantly spherical sporangia which develop 1 to 8 broad papillae. At maturity these papillae give them an angular shape. The exit papillae deliquesce at the tip, and through them protrude prominent arms of an endosporangium which expands and in which the zoospores usually swarm briefly. Willoughby's Chytridium parasiticum occurred abundantly as a parasite ofNowakowskiella sp.,Pythium sp., andPhytophthora sp. and developed epibiotic resting spores like those ofChytriomyces. Accordingly, this parasite is transferred to this genus and renamedChytriomyces willoughbyii because the nameparasiticum is preempted by the author's previously describedChytriomyces parasiticus.This study has been supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Zoosporic organisms are commonly found in different aquatic ecosystems; however little is known about the influence of environmental factors and seasonal fluctuations on their occurrence and distribution. This study investigated patterns of abundance, frequency and diversity of these organisms and their relationship with some abiotic factors and seasonality in a cerrado remnant in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Water samples were collected at four dates in two areas of this remnant during the rainy and dry seasons, and 13 abiotic factors were analyzed. From 48 samples collected, 32 taxa were isolated with the multiple baiting technique. The community structure of the zoosporic organisms showed some changes in response to different spatial distribution and seasonal fluctuations, probably influenced by distinct abiotic characteristics of each area or climatic period. Still, the similarity between areas and seasons indicated by S?rensen index and diversity (richness, evenness, Shannon and Simpson indices) were high.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to assess whether free-ranging wild canids are exposed to heavy metals in one of the most developed and populated regions of Brazil. Hair of 26 wild canids (maned wolves Chrysocyon brachyurus, crab-eating foxes Cerdocyon thous, and hoary foxes Lycalopex vetulus) from the Cerrado biome in Southeast Brazil were analyzed by spectrophotometry to detect cadmium, chromium, and lead, and also the essential copper, iron, manganese, and zinc traces. All samples showed traces of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc. Non-essential lead was detected in 57% (2.35 ± 0.99 mg/kg), and chromium in 88% (2.98 ± 1.56 mg/kg) of samples. Cadmium traces (detection limit 0.8 mg/kg) were not found. Crab-eating foxes had more copper, iron, and manganese in hair than maned wolves. Correlations among element levels differed between maned wolves and crab-eating foxes. Concentrations of chromium and lead were outstandingly higher than in wild canids from other areas. Addressing the causes of such levels and the impacts of the heavy metal pollution in Neotropical ecosystems is urgent for animal health and conservation purposes. We argue that heavy metal pollution should be considered as dangerous threats to wildlife health in Brazil and recommend hair sampling as a biomonitoring tool for heavy metals in Neotropical terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   

The increasing rates of declines in anuran populations worldwide are creating demands for urgent strategies to maximize conservation efforts. This may be critical in regions for which few detailed data on diversity, abundance and distribution are available, such as in the Cerrado of Central Brazil. In this paper, we used a macroecological approach based on the extent of occurrence of 131 species of Anura (Amphibia) in the Cerrado region to design a regional network of potential areas that preserves all anuran species. The final network, obtained using a simulation annealing algorithm based on complementarity, has a total of 17 cells, widely distributed throughout the biome. Minimum costs solutions were obtained in respect to total human population size, soybean production and bovine density, because these are the factors associated with human occupation that historically are more likely to cause broad scale habitat losses. The macro-scale approach used here can provide overall guidelines for conservation and define the focus for more local and effective conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Summary Several species of the Plasmodiophoraceae, Olpidiopsidaceae and Lagenidiaceae were isolated on various substrata from the soils of Oceania. Among these were two parasites of rotifer eggs,Lagenidium septatum andMyzocytium fijiensis. The former species is characterized primarily by septation of the thallus into segments which develop into resting spores without sexual fusions.Mycozytium fijiensis resembles somewhatM. zophthorium but differs from it by smaller zoospores which are delimited outside of the sporangium.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of the zoosporic fungi in the vicinity of the Friday Harbor Laboratory, San Juan Is., Washington, revealed the presence of great numbers of fungi. With one exception (Olpidium sp.) these were all biflagellate organisms. Predominating were species (11) of Thraustochytriaceae which abounded in water, in association with seaweeds, intertidal sands, and particularly on the surface of bottom samples down to depths of 298 m. A twelfth species of this group has several peculiarities and needs further investigation. Of the algal parasites, one on Polysiphonia and Pterosiphonia is considered new and termed Eurychasma joycei n. sp.The assistance of Drs. R. E. Norris and G. J. Hollenberg in calling my attention to certain algal parasites is gratefully acknowledged. I am also indebted to my colleague Dr. H. C. Whisler, and to Dr. C. Anastasiou for assistance in photographic work.  相似文献   

Strong anthropogenic pressure, mainly mineral extraction, is one of the main factors leading to degradation of the Brazilian coastal environment. Strategies to recover these areas include replanting native plant species, and symbiotic fungi from the neighboring area might be important for the establishment of the new vegetation. Species richness, diversity and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were investigated in NE Brazil in two natural areas, ‘restinga’ forest and seaside ‘restinga’, and in two areas of revegetated dunes after mining activity 20 and 8?years ago. Soil samples were collected during the dry (March) and wet (September) seasons of 2009 in Mataraca, Paraíba State, Brazil. Based on glomerospore morphology, 34 species of AMF were recorded, of which 29 were identified in field samples and five after trap culturing, with the greatest diversity and richness found in the dune revegetated 8?years ago. The sampling effort allowed an assessment of between 70 and 80?% of the species estimated for the areas by the first-order Jackknife index. Among the generalist species Gigaspora margarita was the only one found in all areas and during both collection periods. The similarity of AMF species between the revegetated areas and the seaside ‘restinga’ was >60?%, supporting the hypothesis that this area represents a source of propagules, but the substrate used for seedling production may also bring other species, enabling the recovery of the AMF community in the mined and revegetated dunes.  相似文献   

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