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Many host-adapted bacterial pathogens contain DNA methyltransferases (mod genes) that are subject to phase-variable expression (high-frequency reversible ON/OFF switching of gene expression). In Haemophilus influenzae and pathogenic Neisseria, the random switching of the modA gene, associated with a phase-variable type III restriction modification (R-M) system, controls expression of a phase-variable regulon of genes (a "phasevarion"), via differential methylation of the genome in the modA ON and OFF states. Phase-variable type III R-M systems are also found in Helicobacter pylori, suggesting that phasevarions may also exist in this key human pathogen. Phylogenetic studies on the phase-variable type III modH gene revealed that there are 17 distinct alleles in H. pylori, which differ only in their DNA recognition domain. One of the most commonly found alleles was modH5 (16% of isolates). Microarray analysis comparing the wild-type P12modH5 ON strain to a P12ΔmodH5 mutant revealed that six genes were either up- or down-regulated, and some were virulence-associated. These included flaA, which encodes a flagella protein important in motility and hopG, an outer membrane protein essential for colonization and associated with gastric cancer. This study provides the first evidence of this epigenetic mechanism of gene expression in H. pylori. Characterisation of H. pylori modH phasevarions to define stable immunological targets will be essential for vaccine development and may also contribute to understanding H. pylori pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The genome of Helicobacter pylori is remarkable for its large number of restriction-modification (R-M) systems, and strain-specific diversity in R-M systems has been suggested to limit natural transformation, the major driving force of genetic diversification in H. pylori. We have determined the comprehensive methylomes of two H. pylori strains at single base resolution, using Single Molecule Real-Time (SMRT®) sequencing. For strains 26695 and J99-R3, 17 and 22 methylated sequence motifs were identified, respectively. For most motifs, almost all sites occurring in the genome were detected as methylated. Twelve novel methylation patterns corresponding to nine recognition sequences were detected (26695, 3; J99-R3, 6). Functional inactivation, correction of frameshifts as well as cloning and expression of candidate methyltransferases (MTases) permitted not only the functional characterization of multiple, yet undescribed, MTases, but also revealed novel features of both Type I and Type II R-M systems, including frameshift-mediated changes of sequence specificity and the interaction of one MTase with two alternative specificity subunits resulting in different methylation patterns. The methylomes of these well-characterized H. pylori strains will provide a valuable resource for future studies investigating the role of H. pylori R-M systems in limiting transformation as well as in gene regulation and host interaction.  相似文献   

Gene exchange between individuals can lead to profound evolutionary effects at both the genomic and population levels. These effects have sparked widespread interest in examining the specific adaptive benefits of recombination. Although this work has primarily focused on the benefits of sex in eukaryotes, it is assumed that similar benefits of genetic exchange apply across eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Here we report a direct test of this assumption using the naturally transformable human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori as a model organism. We show that genetic exchange accelerates adaptation to a novel laboratory environment within bacterial populations and that a general adaptive advantage exists for naturally transformable strains when transfer occurs among conspecific backgrounds. This finding demonstrates that there are generalized benefits to adaptation in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes even though the underlying processes are mechanistically different.  相似文献   

Availability of genome sequences of pathogens has provided a tremendous amount of information that can be useful in drug target and vaccine target identification. One of the recently adopted strategies is based on a subtractive genomics approach, in which the subtraction dataset between the host and pathogen genome provides information for a set of genes that are likely to be essential to the pathogen but absent in the host. This approach has been used successfully in recent times to identify essential genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We have used the same methodology to analyse the whole genome sequence of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Our analysis revealed that out of the 1590 coding sequences of the pathogen, 40 represent essential genes that have no human homolog. We have further analysed these 40 genes by the protein sequence databases to list some 10 genes whose products are possibly exposed on the pathogen surface. This preliminary work reported here identifies a small subset of the Helicobacter proteome that might be investigated further for identifying potential drug and vaccine targets in this pathogen.  相似文献   

Determinants of non-toxicity in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin gene, vacA, is naturally polymorphic, the two most diverse regions being the signal region (which can be type s1 or s2) and the mid region (m1 or m2). Previous work has shown which features of vacA make peptic ulcer and gastric cancer-associated type s1/m1 and s1/m2 strains toxic. vacA s2/m2 strains are associated with lower peptic ulcer and gastric cancer risk and are non-toxic. We now define the features of vacA that determine the non-toxicity of these strains. To do this, we deleted parts of vacA and constructed isogenic hybrid strains in which regions of vacA were exchanged between toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains. We showed that a naturally occurring 12-amino acid hydrophilic N-terminal extension found on s2 VacA blocks vacuolating activity as its removal (to make the strain s1-like) confers activity. The mid region of s2/m2 vacA does not cause the non-vacuolating phenotype, but if VacA is unblocked, it confers cell line specificity of vacuolation as in natural s1/m2 strains. Chromosomal replacement of vacA in a non-toxigenic strain with vacA from a toxigenic strain confers full vacuolating activity proving that this activity is entirely controlled by elements within vacA. This work defines why H. pylori strains with different vacA allelic structures have differing toxicity and provides a rational basis for vacA typing schemes.  相似文献   

An adhesin protein with an approximate subunit molecular weight of 19,600 has been purified from the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. The protein was loosely associated with the cell surface and was removed by gentle stirring or shearing. Released aggregates of the 19.6-kDa protein were removed from suspension by ultracentrifugation and separated from contaminating membranes by washing in 1.0% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The SDS-insoluble protein was purified further by Mono Q anion-exchange column chromatography. Electron microscopy of the purified adhesin demonstrated that it formed amorphous aggregates similar to the material attached to the bacterial cells and that the aggregates were morphologically distinct from typical fimbriae. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis with antiserum raised against the purified protein from one strain reacted with a protein with a similar subunit molecular weight present in all nine strains of H. pylori examined, but the protein was not present in other Helicobacter species examined. The N-terminal sequences of the 19.6-kDa protein purified from three different strains of H. pylori were identical for the first 28 amino acids, with the 10 amino-terminal residues showing limited sequence homology with the TcpA pilus protein of Vibrio cholerae. The H. pylori 19.6-kDa protein associated both with human and rabbit erythrocytes and with human buccal epithelial cells. Polystyrene microspheres coated with the protein agglutinated human, horse, and rabbit erythrocytes, suggesting that this protein species could mediate adhesion between H. pylori and eucaryotic cells. This ability to act as an adhesin may make this protein an important virulence factor for H. pylori and hence a potential target for a vaccine and therapy.  相似文献   

HP1454 is a protein of 303 amino acids found in the extracellular milieu of Helicobacter pylori. The protein structure, crystallized in the orthorhombic C2221 space group with one molecule per asymmetric unit, has been determined using the single‐wavelength anomalous dispersion method. HP1454 exhibits an elongated bent shape, composed of three distinct domains. Each domain possesses a fold already present in other structures: Domain I contains a three‐strand antiparallel β‐barrel flanked by a long α‐helix, Domain II is an anti‐parallel three‐helix bundle, and Domain III a β‐sheet flanked by two α‐helices. The overall assembly of the protein does not bear any similarity with known structures. Proteins 2014; 82:2868–2873. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To facilitate gene expression analysis in the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori, we constructed the plasmids pHPLAC-KAN and pHPLAC-CAT containing a promoterless Escherichia coli lacZ gene located upstream from the antibiotic resistance genes aphA-3 or cat, respectively. The suitability of the plasmids for H. pylori mutagenesis and gene expression analysis was evaluated by plasmid integration into the genome of H. pylori strain 1061 by single homologous recombination, using the rpl9 gene encoding ribosomal protein L9 as target. By monitoring beta-galactosidase production from the resulting rpl9::lacZ fusion, it was demonstrated that H. pylori rpl9 displays the classical growth phase-dependent regulation of components of the protein synthesis machinery, as beta-galactosidase production dropped fivefold in the stationary growth phase. The plasmids described in this study extend our methodological repertoire for genetic modification and molecular analysis of H. pylori, and may also be of use for other bacteria, as the resistance cassettes and the lacZ gene are active in the related Campylobacter species.  相似文献   

The human bacterial pathogen Helicobacter pylori has been suggested to be the causative agent of the most common chronic infection of man. Since its first isolation in 1982, H. pylori has been associated with gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, and more recently, gastric cancer. The proteolytic digestion of gastric mucus by this microorganism has been suggested as an important mechanism by which its pathogenicity is at least partly exerted. Here we report the detection of protease activity in H. pylori total-cell and supernatant extracts. On the basis that zinc metalloproteases are common microbial pathogenicity factors, we identified a single protein in H. pylori protein extracts with antibodies to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase (a secreted zinc metallo-protease). This same protein was identified by pooled serum from patients infected with H. pylori. We used the functional and immunological relationship between the P. aeruginosa elastase and the Vibrio cholerae haemagglutinin/protease (HAP) to clone the H. pylori hap gene, which was over 99% similar to the V. cholerae hap gene in the coding region. A 4 kb DNA fragment containing the entire cloned gene was highly unstable in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis cloning vectors. We also demonstrated that a hap-like gene sequence is present in ail nine Helicobacter species so far discovered. The V. cholerae HAP was first classified on the basis of its mucinase activity.  相似文献   

Several studies have revealed that the Helicobacter pylori genome differs markedly from strain to strain, perhaps as a result of mutations arising during persistent infection and/or related to the observed variation in virulence. The development of a detection system for mutations in H. pylori genes might therefore help us to develop a better understanding of its mutability, and in this way help us to develop plans for investigating the relationship between its genomic variability and the pathogenesis of various gastric and duodenal diseases associated with the long-term H. pylori infections. We have therefore begun a study of H. pylori mutability using the endogenous rpsL gene as a marker. Spontaneous mutant frequencies were measured and compared among H. pylori strains, after incubation on plates containing 50 microg/ml of streptomycin for 10 days as a selection procedure. The rpsL gene of each streptomycin-resistant (Str(r)) mutant was amplified by polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) and sequenced. All of the mutations we characterized were localized at codons 43 or 88 of the rpsL gene and were base transitions from A to G, replacing lysine with arginine. This is in contrast to the spontaneous Str(r) mutants isolated from Escherichia coli, which resulted from either A to G transitions at lysine codons 42 and 87, or A to T or C transversions at lysine codon 42. The spontaneous mutant frequencies of the rpsL gene in H. pylori were of the order of 10(-9), and there were significant differences in spontaneous mutant frequencies among the strains tested. This mutation detection system might be of value in screening clinical isolates for H. pylori mutator phenotypes.  相似文献   

WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX), a tumor suppressor gene, was reported to be downregulated in gastric cancer and other tumors. However, the mechanism by which WWOX is inactivated remains unclear. In our study, methylation status of WWOX was determined by MSP and sequencing. Our results showed that WWOX hypermethylation was frequently detected in gastric cancer, and also significantly correlated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Promoter methylation of WWOX was induced in BCG823 and AGS cells co-cultured with H. pylori. Finally, we found that expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3A were enhanced when cells were co-cultured with H. pylori. Our study indicated that H. pylori infection promoted methylation of WWOX gene in gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Nickel is the cofactor of the Helicobacter pylori urease enzyme, a factor essential for the chronic colonization of the acidic hostile environment in the human stomach. The NikR regulatory protein directly controls urease expression and regulates the uptake of nickel, and is also able to regulate the expression of other regulatory proteins including the iron-responsive regulator Fur. Through regulatory crosstalk and overlapping regulons, the NikR protein controls the expression of many systems important for colonization and acid adaptation. Despite the paucity of regulatory proteins, this enables H. pylori to optimally adapt to conditions in the stomach, making it one of the most successful human pathogens.  相似文献   

Despite extensive annotation by two independent teams, the Helicobacter pylori genome appeared to lack a complete secretion machinery. The use of clinical isolates to substantiate in silico annotation is used here to identify the missing secE component of the major secretion machinery of Helicobacter pylori.  相似文献   

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili, has been implicated as both a cytoprotective and a detrimental agent to the gastric mucosa. The effect of capsaicin on Helicobacter pylori has not been investigated previously. Therefore, we performed in vitro time- and concentration-dependent studies to examine the growth of H. pylori in the presence of capsaicin. Capsaicin specifically inhibited growth of H. pylori dose-dependently at concentrations greater than 10 μg ml−1 (P<0.05) but did not inhibit the growth of a human fecal commensal Escherichia coli strain. Bactericidal activity was observed within 4 h. Capsaicin continued to exhibit bactericidal activity when incubated at pH values as low as 5.4. Ingestion of chili, therefore, could have a protective effect against H. pylori-associated gastroduodenal disease. This effect deserves further study in animal models.  相似文献   

Nobusato A  Uchiyama I  Kobayashi I 《Gene》2000,259(1-2):89-98
The complete genome sequences of two Helicobacter pylori strains have recently become available. We have searched them for homologues of restriction-modification genes. One strain (26695) carried 52 such homologues, and the other (J99) carried 53. Their sequence alignments were arranged in the form of a phylogenetic tree and compared with the tree based on rRNA. The trees showed that the homologues are scattered among diverse groups of bacteria. They also revealed high polymorphism within the species--there are 42 pairs with high homology, 10 specific to 26695, and 11 specific to J99. Many of the restriction-modification homologues were characterized by a GC content lower than that of the average gene in the genome. Some of the restriction-modification homologues showed a different codon use bias from the average genes. These observations are interpreted in terms of horizontal transfer of the restriction-modification genes.  相似文献   

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