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Summary The possibility that the somatostatin cells are derived from the neurectoderm has been questioned in avian embryos. Isotopic and isochronic transplantations of the neural primordium from quail into chick embryos were made at the vagal level (somites 1 to 7). Quail and chick cells can be distinguished by the structure of their nucleus. The somatostatin cells were characterized immunocytochemically. In no case did quail cells showing the immunological reaction originate from the neural crest.  相似文献   

Cell migration is critical for proper development of the embryo and is also used by many cell types to perform their physiological function. For instance, cell migration is essential for immune cells to monitor the body and for epithelial cells to heal a wound whereas, in cancer cells, acquisition of migratory capabilities is a critical step toward malignancy. Migratory cells are often categorized into two groups: (1) mesenchymal cells, produced by an epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition, that undergo solitary migration and (2) epithelial-like cells which migrate collectively. However, on some occasions, mesenchymal cells may travel in large, dense groups and exhibit key features of collectively migrating cells such as coordination and cooperation. Here, using data published on neural crest cells, a highly invasive mesenchymal cell population that extensively migrate throughout the embryo, we explore the idea that mesenchymal cells, including cancer cells, might be able to undergo collective cell migration under certain conditions and discuss how they could do so.Key words: collective cell migration, epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition, neural crest cells, contact-inhibition of locomotion, cancer, metastasis  相似文献   

Cell migration is critical for proper development of the embryo and is also used by many cell types to perform their physiological function. For instance, cell migration is essential for immune cells to monitor the body and for epithelial cells to heal a wound whereas, in cancer cells, acquisition of migratory capabilities is a critical step towards malignancy. Migratory cells are often categorized into two groups: mesenchymal cells, produced by an epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition, that undergo solitary migration and epithelial-like cells which migrate collectively. However, on some occasions, mesenchymal cells may travel in large, dense groups and exhibit key features of collectively migrating cells such as coordination and cooperation. Here, using data published on Neural Crest cells, a highly invasive mesenchymal cell population that extensively migrate throughout the embryo, we explore the idea that other mesenchymal cells, including cancer cells, might be able to undergo collective cell migration under certain conditions and discuss how they could do so.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA), the active derivative of vitamin A (retinol), is an essential morphogen signaling molecule and major regulator of embryonic development. The dysregulation of RA levels during embryogenesis has been associated with numerous congenital anomalies, including craniofacial, auditory, and ocular defects. These anomalies result from disruptions in the cranial neural crest, a vertebrate‐specific transient population of stem cells that contribute to the formation of diverse cell lineages and embryonic structures during development. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of the RA‐mediated regulation of cranial neural crest induction at the edge of the neural tube and the migration of these cells into the craniofacial region. Further, we discuss the role of RA in the regulation of cranial neural crest cells found within the frontonasal process, periocular mesenchyme, and pharyngeal arches, which eventually form the bones and connective tissues of the head and neck and contribute to structures in the anterior segment of the eye. We then review our understanding of the mechanisms underlying congenital craniofacial and ocular diseases caused by either the genetic or toxic disruption of RA signaling. Finally, we discuss the role of RA in maintaining neural crest‐derived structures in postembryonic tissues and the implications of these studies in creating new treatments for degenerative craniofacial and ocular diseases.  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) acts to regulate blood volume and arterial pressure, and has direct effects on the heart. Renin, released by the kidney, circulates and acts-in the rate-limiting step of angiotensin II (Ang II) production-to convert angiotensinogen to inactive angiotensin I (Ang I). Ang II constricts vessels, leading to increased arterial pressure, among other effects. Components of the RAS have been found in a number of extra-renal tissues. Recent research indicates that mast cells in the heart may produce renin, creating a cardiac-specific RAS that acts locally to produce Ang II. These results, however, are not without controversy. Others have searched for sites of renin production and have found no other significant source that was physiologically important or that could not be completely ruled out as a possible contaminant. How important is mast cell-synthesized renin for direct cardiac-related effects?  相似文献   

Zebrafish tgfβ3 is strongly expressed in a subpopulation of the migrating neural crest cells, developing pharyngeal arches and neurocranial cartilages. To study the regulatory role of tgfβ3 in head skeletal formation, we knocked down tgfβ3 in zebrafish and found impaired craniofacial chondrogenesis, evident by malformations in selected neurocranial and pharyngeal arch cartilages. Over-expressing tgfβ3 in embryos resulted in smaller craniofacial cartilages without any gross malformations. These defects suggest that tgfβ3 is required for normal chondrogenesis. To address the cellular mechanisms that lead to the observed malformations, we analyzed cranial neural crest development in morphant and tgfβ3 over-expressing fish. We observed reduced pre-migratory and migratory cranial neural crest, the precursors of the neurocranial cartilage and pharyngeal arches, in tgfβ3 knockdown embryos. In contrast, only the migratory neural crest was reduced in embryos over-expressing tgfβ3. This raised the possibility that the reduced number of cranial neural crest cells is a result of increased apoptosis. Consistent with this, markedly elevated TUNEL staining in the midbrain and hindbrain, and developing pharyngeal arch region was observed in morphants, while tgfβ3 over-expressing embryos showed marginally increased apoptosis in the developing pharyngeal arch region. We propose that both Tgfβ3 suppression and over-expression result in reduced chondrocyte and osteocyte formation, but to different degrees and through different mechanisms. In Tgfβ3 suppressed embryos, this is due to impaired formation and survival of a subpopulation of cranial neural crest cells through markedly increased apoptosis in regions containing the cranial neural crest cells, while in Tgfβ3 over-expressing embryos, the milder phenotype is also due to a slightly elevated apoptosis in these regions. Therefore, proper cranial neural crest formation and survival, and ultimately craniofacial chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, are dependent on tight regulation of Tgfβ3 protein levels in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles are formed from two cell lineages, myogenic and fibroblastic. Mesoderm-derived myogenic progenitors form muscle cells whereas fibroblastic cells give rise to the supportive connective tissue of skeletal muscles, such as the tendons and perimysium. It remains unknown how myogenic and fibroblastic cell-cell interactions affect cell fate determination and the organization of skeletal muscle. In the present study, we investigated the functional significance of cell-cell interactions in regulating skeletal muscle development. Our study shows that cranial neural crest (CNC) cells give rise to the fibroblastic cells of the tongue skeletal muscle in mice. Loss of Tgfbr2 in CNC cells (Wnt1-Cre;Tgfbr2flox/flox) results in microglossia with reduced Scleraxis and Fgf10 expression as well as decreased myogenic cell proliferation, reduced cell number and disorganized tongue muscles. Furthermore, TGF-β2 beads induced the expression of Scleraxis in tongue explant cultures. The addition of FGF10 rescued the muscle cell number in Wnt1-Cre;Tgfbr2flox/flox mice. Thus, TGF-β induced FGF10 signaling has a critical function in regulating tissue-tissue interaction during tongue skeletal muscle development.  相似文献   

Many neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and others often occur as a result of progressive loss of structure or function of neurons. Recently, many groups were able to generate neural cells, either differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or converted from somatic cells. Advances in converted neural cells have opened a new era to ease applications for modeling diseases and screening drugs. In addition, the converted neural cells also hold the promise for cell replacement therapy (Kikuchi et al., 2011; Krencik et al., 2011; Kriks et al., 2011; Nori et al., 2011; Rhee et al., 2011; Schwartz et al., 2012). Here we will mainly discuss most recent progress on using converted functional neural cells to treat neurological diseases and highlight potential clinical challenges and future perspectives.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are believed to act as “cellular plumbers”, allowing plants to rapidly alter their membrane water permeability in response to environmental cues. This study of AQP regulation at both the RNA and protein levels has revealed a large number of possible mechanisms. Currently, modulation of AQP expression in planta is considered the strategy of choice for elucidating the role of AQPs in plant physiology. This review highlights the fact that this strategy is complicated by many factors, such as the incomplete characterization of transport selectivity of the targeted AQP, the fact that AQPs might act as multifunctional channels with multiple physiological roles, and the number of post-translational regulation mechanisms. The classification of AQPs as constitutive or stress-responsive isoforms is also proposed.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are believed to act as "cellular plumbers", allowing plants to rapidly alter their membrane water permeability in response to environmental cues. This study of AQP regulation at both the RNA and protein levels has revealed a large number of possible mechanisms. Currently, modulation of AQP expression in planta is considered the strategy of choice for elucidating the role of AQPs in plant physiology. This review highlights the fact that this strategy is complicated by many factors, such as the incomplete characterization of transport selectivity of the targeted AQP, the fact that AQPs might act as multifunctional channels with multiple physiological roles, and the number of post-translational regulation mechanisms. The classification of AQPs as constitutive or stress-responsive isoforms is also proposed.  相似文献   

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the developed world. Abnormalities of heart muscle (cardiomyopathies) and/or electrical conduction (arrhythmias) are frequent causes of heart failure and sudden death. During the past twelve years, identification of genetic mutations that cause familial cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias has fueled a massive increase in molecular investigation into these diseases. Today, studies of zebrafish mutants with defective heart function are providing insight into the genes required to generate a normal heartbeat.  相似文献   

Larval development in Cnidaria: A connection to bilateria?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the basal animal phyla, the Cnidaria display many characteristics similar to the Bilateria (the higher Metazoa). However, the relation of that outgroup phyla to the Bilateria is still equivocal. Additionally to morphological and genetic data, studies on cnidarian embryogenesis are essential to clarify the Cnidaria-Bilateria relationship. We analyzed cellular differentiation during planula larvae development of the jellyfish Podocoryne carnea. Within 24 to 30 h postfertilization, the diploblastic body structure and all cell types found in polyps have already differentiated in the larva. Whereas the differentiating smooth muscles, RFamide-positive nerve cells, or nematocytes (stinging cells) express no axial polarity, a newly discovered tyrosine-tubulin-positive nervous system develops gradually in repetitive patterns from anterior to posterior. These data demonstrate that part of the cnidarian nervous system develops from anterior to posterior in serially repeated patterns. This developmental mechanism seems to follow the bilaterian pattern and would have antedated the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

Apoptosis as an early event in the development of multiple organ failure?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have recently developed a simple method of plasma free DNA detection, which enables us to distinguish between apoptotic and genomic (necrotic) DNA. After applying this method to the critically ill, we revealed apoptotic DNA on the day of admission to be higher than later when multiple-organ failure developed. Moreover, apoptotic DNA contributed to total plasma DNA much more than DNA from necrotic cells and its increase predicted future development of multiple-organ failure and death.  相似文献   

Resident populations of stem and precursor cells drive the production of new neurons in the adult hippocampus. Recent discoveries have highlighted that a large proportion of these precursor cells are in fact quiescent and can be activated by distinct neuronal activity under both normal physiological and pathological conditions. As growing evidence indicates that newborn neurons play a critical role in cognitive functions such as learning and memory and in mood regulation, it is paramount that we obtain a better understanding of how the reservoirs of stem and precursor cells are maintained and activated. In this review, we critically examine the roles of key molecular mechanisms that have been shown to regulate hippocampal precursor cells, especially their activation. We believe that understanding the mechanistic details of the activity-driven regulation of precursor cells will equip us with the ability to develop tailored strategies to trigger the generation of new neurons, thereby improving the functional outcomes in various neurological and psychiatric conditions.  相似文献   

Boldness is defined as the tendency of an individual to take risks when exposed to novel objects or situations. The main aim of this work was to dilucidate if boldness was related to the development of the secondary sexual traits (SSTs) in the male of the fiver blenny Salariafluviatilis, a freshwater fish which takes care of eggs. As a second objective SSTs effect on pa rental status adoption was also be explored. Wild young fish were caught in the Segre River (Ebro basin) in November 2010. Fish were kept in five aquaria in groups of eight males and eight females with artificial nests. Boldness (boldness score and hesitancy) of males (initially with little SSTs development) was tested as the time required to exit a refuge when exposed to a new environ ment. Fish were mantained in the same aquaria for several months, and males' SSTs development and reproductive behaviour were monitored. Boldness score was negatively associated to cephalic crest development. Hesitancy was negatively related to male length and was also influenced by the interaction between male length and cephalic crest. Parental status acquisition was positively related to the male's length, marginally related to anal gland development, and nonrelated to cephalic crest. These re sults suggest an intrasexual role of the crest as an informative trait of boldness (honest signal) which might not necessarily be chosen by the females. It is also discussed that correlational selection could be responsible for linking boldness and growth rate in this species. Sexual selection, in addition to having directed the evolution of secondary sexual traits, might have favored certain personality traits (e.g. boldness) associated with the achievement of a larger body length .  相似文献   

The lack of therapies fostering remyelination and regeneration of the neural network deranged by the autoimmune attack occurring in multiple sclerosis (MS), is raising great expectations about stem cells therapies for tissue repair. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been proposed as a possible treatment for MS due to the reported capacity of transdifferentiation into neural cells and their ability at modulating immune responses. However, recent studies have demonstrated that many other functional properties are likely to play a role in the therapeutic plasticity of MSCs, including anti-apoptotic, trophic and anti-oxidant effects. These features are mostly based on the paracrine release of soluble molecules, often dictated by local environmental cues. Based on the modest evidence of long-term engraftment and the striking clinical effects that are observed immediately after MSCs administration in the experimental model of MS, we do not favor a major role for transdifferentiation as an important mechanism involved in the therapeutic effect of MSCs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we elucidated that nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) participates in the gliogenic specification of mouse mesencephalic neural crest cells. Whereas transfection of the NF-κB expression vector stimulated gliogenesis, treatment with the dominant negative NF-κB expression vector or NF-κB small interfering RNA suppressed the promotion of gliogenic specification by FGF treatment or Notch activation. This suppression was recovered by the treatment with the Deltex-1 expression vector or mammalian hairy and enhancer of split homologs expression vectors. Furthermore, transfection of the inhibitor of κB (IκB) expression vector inhibited gliogenesis. In addition, treatment with the NF-κB expression vector promoted the expression of Deltex-1. These data suggest that NF-κB signaling is implicated in the gliogenesis through the interaction with Notch signaling. Moreover, cells that contain Sox10 expressed NF-κB and Deltex-1 in the presumptive trigeminal ganglia of embryonic day 9.0-9.5 mouse embryos. This observation supports our notion that the interaction between NF-κB signaling and Notch signaling plays an important role in the gliogenic specification of mouse mesencephalic neural crest cells.  相似文献   

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