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嗜盐菌耐盐机制相关基因的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
嗜盐微生物能够在高盐环境中生存,其耐盐机制一直是微生物学家研究的热点。目前嗜盐微生物耐盐机制的研究主要集中在细胞吸K+排Na+作用、胞内积累小分子相容性溶质及嗜盐酶的氨基酸组成特性三个方面。文章从基因水平综述了嗜盐菌的耐盐机制,并对其在高盐废水处理上的应用进行讨论与展望。  相似文献   

A highly enriched halophilic culture was established with benzene as the sole carbon source by using a brine soil obtained from an oil production facility in Oklahoma. The enrichment completely degraded benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes within 1 to 2 weeks. Also, [14C]benzene was converted to 14CO2, suggesting the culture's ability to mineralize benzene. Community structure analysis revealed that Marinobacter spp. were the dominant members of the enrichment.  相似文献   

Metabolism of halophilic archaea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In spite of their common hypersaline environment, halophilic archaea are surprisingly different in their nutritional demands and metabolic pathways. The metabolic diversity of halophilic archaea was investigated at the genomic level through systematic metabolic reconstruction and comparative analysis of four completely sequenced species: Halobacterium salinarum, Haloarcula marismortui, Haloquadratum walsbyi, and the haloalkaliphile Natronomonas pharaonis. The comparative study reveals different sets of enzyme genes amongst halophilic archaea, e.g. in glycerol degradation, pentose metabolism, and folate synthesis. The carefully assessed metabolic data represent a reliable resource for future system biology approaches as it also links to current experimental data on (halo)archaea from the literature. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two extreme halophilic Haloferax strains and one strain each of Halobacterium and Halococcus were isolated from a hypersaline coastal area of the Arabian Gulf on a mineral salt medium with crude oil vapor as a sole source of carbon and energy. These archaea needed at least 1 M NaCl for growth in culture, and grew best in the presence of 4 M NaCl or more. Optimum growth temperatures lied between 40 and 45oC. The four archaea were resistant to the antibiotics chloramphenicol, cycloheximide, nalidixic acid, penicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline. The strains could grow on a wide scope of aliphatic and aromatic (both mono-and polynuclear) hydrocarbons, as sole sources of carbon and energy. Quantitative measurements revealed that these extreme halophilic prokaryotes could biodegrade crude oil (13–47%, depending on the strain and medium salinity), n-octadecane (28–67%) and phenanthrene (13–30%) in culture after 3 weeks of incubation. The rates of biodegradation by all strains were enhanced with increasing NaCl concentration in the medium. Optimal concentration was 3 M NaCl, but even with 4 M NaCl the hydrocarbon-biodegradation rates were higher than with 1 and 2 M NaCl. It was concluded that these archaea could contribute to self-cleaning and bioremediation of oil-polluted hypersaline environments.  相似文献   

嗜热菌对有机污染物的降解及其应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机污染物造成的环境问题日趋严重,嗜热菌具有高效降解环境有机污染物的潜力.嗜热菌在高温条件下降解有机污染物,代谢速度快,嗜温杂菌的竞争减少,同时高温环境下一些难降解有机物的溶解度和生物可利用性大大提高,有机污染物可得到快速、彻底降解.因此,嗜热菌对有机废水生物处理及有机物污染场地生物修复等意义重大.本文从嗜热菌降解有机污染物的特点、温度的影响、降解途径、降解酶及其编码基因及工程应用等角度,介绍了嗜热菌降解有机污染物的研究进展,并对嗜热菌降解有机污染物的机理、菌种资源储备、技术策略及应用研发等研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Organic solvent tolerance was tested in type strains of type species of the sixteen genera of Halobacteriaceae, the halophilic archaea. Most of the strains were observed to grow in the presence of hexylether (log Pow=5.1), but none grew in the presence of n-octane (log Pow=4.9) except Halogeometricum borinquense JCM 10706T and Halorubrum saccharovorum JCM 8865T. On the other hand, two strains, Haloarcula spp. OHF-1 and 2 isolated from a French solar salt were found to show stronger tolerance even to isooctane (log Pow=4.8). Growth of some strains was retarded by the presence of n-decane but reached to the same cell densities at late stationary phase. Final cell densities of some strains were greatly repressed by the presence of the solvent.  相似文献   

Summary A model system is used to study the reaction engineering fundamentals of the biological waste gas scrubbing process, and some kinetic measurements of the biodegradation of pollutants dissolved in the absorbent are presented.  相似文献   

Prokaryotes in the superficial sediments are ecologically important microorganisms that are responsible for the decomposition, mineralization and subsequent recycling of organic matter. The aim of this study was to explore the phylogenetic and functional diversity of halophilic archaea and bacteria isolated from the superficial sediments of solar salterns at Sfax, Tunisia. Sixty four strains were isolated from crystallizer (TS18) and non-crystallizer (M1) ponds and submitted to genotypic characterization and evaluation by amplified ribosomal RNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) techniques. Our findings revealed that the archaeal diversity observed for 29 isolates generated five distinct patterns from the non-crystallizer M1 pond, with Halorubrum chaoviator as the most prevalent cultivable species. However, in the TS18 crystallizer pond, ten restriction patterns were observed, with the prevalence of haloarchaea EB27K, a not yet identified genotype. The construction of a neighbour-joining tree of 16S rRNA gene sequences resulted in the division of the potential new species into two major groups, with four strains closely related to the sequence of the unculturable haloarchaeon EB27K and one strain to the recently described Halovenus aranensis strain. The 35 bacterial strains observed in this work were present only in the non-crystallizer pond (M1) and presented two distinct ARDRA patterns. These strains belonged to the γ-proteobacteria subdivision, with members of Salicola marasensis (83 %) being the most predominant species among the isolates. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that Salicola strains displayed different degrees of homogeneity. The results from pulsed field gel electrophoresis assays showed that the Salicola isolates could be clustered in two distinct groups with different genome sizes.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of hydrocarbons by an extremely halophilic archaebacterium   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
An archaebacterium (strain EH4) able to biodegrade saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons has been isolated from a sail-marsh. Maximum growth on eicosane (62% of biodegradation, 10 h generation time) was reached in a medium prepared with a natural hypersaline water collected from a salt-marsh (3.5 mol/1 NaCl concentration). No growth on hydrocarbons was observed for NaCl concentration lower than 1.8 mol/1.  相似文献   

Nine halophilic archaea viz., Halobacterium salinarum, Halobacterium sp.1, Halobacterium sp.2, Halobaculum sp., Halococcus saccharolyticus, Halorubrum saccharovorum, Haloterrigena turkmenica, Halogeometricum sp. and Natrialba sp. isolated from marine salterns around Bhavnagar coast were screened for siderophore production. Five isolates viz., Halococcus saccharolyticus, Halorubrum saccharovorum, Haloterrigena turkmenica, Halogeometricum sp. and Natrialba sp. produced siderophores as evidenced by positive reaction in FeCl3 test, CAS assay and CAS agar plate test. Determination of chemical nature of siderophores by chemical assays and bioassays identified them as carboxylates. Quantification of siderophores indicated Halorubrum saccharovorum to be the maximum siderophore producer (2.62 RE mg/ml) and Halococcus saccharolyticus to be the least (1.33 RE mg/ml). The present study is the first report on siderophore production in Indian haloarchaeal strains. Mechanism of iron assimilation in four non-siderophore isolates still needs to be investigated further.  相似文献   

Denitrification by extremely halophilic bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Extremely halophilic bacteria were isolated from widely separated sites by anaerobic enrichment in the presence of nitrate. The anaerobic growth of several of these isolates was accompanied by the production of nitrite, nitrous oxide, and dinitrogen. These results are a direct confirmation of the existence of extremely halophilic denitrifying bacteria, and suggest that such bacteria may be common inhabitants of hypersaline environments.  相似文献   

The ecology of the extremely halophilic archaea   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract: The extremely halophilic archaea (family Halobacteriaceae) are the dominant heterotrophic organisms in hypersaline environments in which salt concentrations exceed 250–300 g l−1. During the last decades our knowledge on the taxonomy, physiology and biochemistry of the Halobacterium group has greatly increased. However, our understanding of the ecology of the halophilic archaea lags far behind the progess made in the study of other aspects of their biology. A few hypersaline environments, such as the Dead Sea and solar salterns, have been studied more in depth, using techniques such as lipid analysis to obtain information on the types of organisms present and measurement of uptake of labeled substrates to quantify the dynamics of bacterial processes. The results of these studies, in combination with the information obtained from laboratory studies of representative isolates of the Halobacteriaceae, enable the beginning of an understanding of the functioning of the halophilic archaea in nature.  相似文献   

嗜盐古菌分类学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔恒林 《微生物学通报》2016,43(5):1113-1122
嗜盐古菌是一类需要高盐维持生长的古菌。到目前为止,已发现的嗜盐古菌都属于古菌域的广古菌门,主要包括:嗜盐甲烷古菌类群、嗜盐古菌纲的全部成员以及尚不能培养的纳米嗜盐古菌类群。嗜盐古菌是盐环境的土著类群,驱动着盐环境生态系统的生物地球化学循环。作为极端微生物,嗜盐古菌在理论研究和应用领域具有重要的研究价值。本文从嗜盐古菌分类学地位的变迁、分类学方法、分类学研究现状及我国的嗜盐古菌分类学研究等方面综述了嗜盐古菌分类学的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

嗜盐古菌是一类生活于极端高盐环境的化能异养型原核微生物,其所分泌的胞外酶(外泌酶)具有在高盐条件下仍能保持活性的特点,在制革工业、高盐有机废水处理和泡菜加工等腌制食品方面发挥重要用途.本文对嗜盐古菌的胞外蛋白酶、淀粉酶、酯酶等几种常见胞外酶的来源和基本酶学性质的最新研究进展进行综述,为更好地开发利用嗜盐古菌胞外酶资源提...  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of small plasmids from halophilic archaea.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Small multicopy plasmids in three strains of halophilic archaea, SB3, GRB, and GN101, were found to be present in a cell as a population of related but not identical sequences. Two types of heterogeneity were observed: macroheterogeneity, represented by two major plasmid sequence versions homologous to each other by 80%, and microheterogeneity, in which individual plasmids differ by one or a few nucleotide substitutions.  相似文献   

Halophilic (literally salt-loving) archaea are a highly evolved group of organisms that are uniquely able to survive in and exploit hypersaline environments. In this review, we examine the potential interplay between fluctuations in environmental salinity and the primary sequence and tertiary structure of halophilic proteins. The proteins of halophilic archaea are highly adapted and magnificently engineered to function in an intracellular milieu that is in ionic balance with an external environment containing between 2 and 5 M inorganic salt. To understand the nature of halophilic adaptation and to visualize this interplay, the sequences of genes encoding the L11, L1, L10, and L12 proteins of the large ribosome subunit and Mn/Fe superoxide dismutase proteins from three genera of halophilic archaea have been aligned and analyzed for the presence of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions. Compared to homologous eubacterial genes, these halophilic genes exhibit an inordinately high proportion of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions that result in amino acid replacement in the encoded proteins. More than one-third of the replacements involve acidic amino acid residues. We suggest that fluctuations in environmental salinity provide the driving force for fixation of the excessive number of nonsynonymous substitutions. Tinkering with the number, location, and arrangement of acidic and other amino acid residues influences the fitness (i.e., hydrophobicity, surface hydration, and structural stability) of the halophilic protein. Tinkering is also evident at halophilic protein positions monomorphic or polymorphic for serine; more than one-third of these positions use both the TCN and the AGY serine codons, indicating that there have been multiple nonsynonymous substitutions at these positions. Our model suggests that fluctuating environmental salinity prevents optimization of fitness for many halophilic proteins and helps to explain the unusual evolutionary divergence of their encoding genes.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the phenanthrene degradation by a halophilic consortium obtained from a saline soil sample. This consortium, named Qphe, could efficiently utilize phenanthrene in a wide range of NaCl concentrations, from 1% to 17% (w/v). Since none of the purified isolates could degrade phenanthrene, serial dilutions were performed and resulted in a simple polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading culture named Qphe-SubIV which was shown to contain one culturable Halomonas strain and one unculturable strain belonging to the genus Marinobacter. Qphe-SubIV was shown to grow on phenanthrene at salinities as high as 15% NaCl (w/v) and similarly to Qphe, at the optimal NaCl concentration of 5% (w/v), could degrade more than 90% of the amended phenanthrene in 6 days. The comparison of the substrate range of the two consortiums showed that the simplified culture had lost the ability to degrade chrysene but still could grow on other polyaromatic substrates utilized by Qphe. Metabolite analysis by HPLC and GC–MS showed that 2-hydroxy 1-naphthoic acid and 2-naphthol were among the major metabolites accumulated in the Qphe-SubIV culture media, indicating that an initial dioxygenation step might proceed at C1 and C2 positions. By investigating the growth ability on various substrates along with the detection of catechol dioxygenase gene, it was postulated that the uncultured Marinobacter strain had the central role in phenanthrene degradation and the Halomonas strain played an auxiliary role in the culture by utilizing phenanthrene metabolites whose accumulation in the media could be toxic.  相似文献   

Box-shaped halophilic bacteria   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Three morphologically similar strains of halophilic, box-shaped procaryotes have been isolated from brines collected in the Sinai, Baja California (Mexico), and southern California (United States). Although the isolates in their morphology resemble Walsby's square bacteria, which are a dominant morphological type in the Red Sea and Baja California brines, they are probably not identical to them. The cells show the general characteristics of extreme halophiles and archaebacteria. They contain pigments similar to bacteriorhodopsin which apparently mediate light-driven ion translocation and photophosphorylation.  相似文献   

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